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Doctoral thesis recital (lecture recital)Benavides, Mario M. 18 June 2012 (has links)
Josef Gabriel Rheinberger: Pioneer founder of the romantic period solo organ concerto -- Concerto no. 1 in F, op. 137 / J. G. Rheinberger. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (organ)Kim, Jung Jin 03 July 2012 (has links)
Entrada de clarines, antes de tocar canciones / Anonymous -- Toccata in d minor BuxWV 155 / D. Buxtehude -- Trio sonata no. 5 in C major BWV 529; Prelude and fugue in a minor BWV 543 / J. S. Bach -- Impromptu from Pieces de fantaisie / L. Vierne -- Symphony romane, op. 73 / C. M. Widor -- Prelude et danse fuguee / G. Litaize. / text
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Master's thesis recital (organ)Hunter, Glenn M. 05 July 2012 (has links)
The young person's guide to the organ: variations on a theme by Henry Purcell / B. Britten -- Voluntary in D / H. Purcell -- Prelude and fugue in a minor / J. S. Bach --Fantasy and fuge over B-A-C-H / M. Reger. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (organ)Patterson, Linda 11 July 2012 (has links)
Duet for organ / S. Wesley -- Bible songs, op. 113 / C. V. Stanford -- Seis conciertos para dos organos, Concerto III in G / P. A. Soler -- 15 versets sur les vepres de la Vierge, op. 18, book III Magnificat / M. Dupre. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (organ)Scott, Patrick 25 July 2012 (has links)
Trois paraphrases gregoriennes op. 5 / Jean Langlais -- Fugue in G major (a la gigue) BWV 577 / J. S. Bach -- Toccata et fugue in D, op. 59, nos. 5 & 6 / Max Reger -- Trois chorals / Cesar Franck -- Troisieme suite , op. 54 / Louis Vierne -- Dix pieces pour grand orgue / E. Gigout -- Improvisation sur le Te Deum / G. Tournemire. / text
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Master's thesis recital (organ)Wiley, Helen 25 July 2012 (has links)
Fugue sur le theme du carillon des heures de la Cathedrale de Soissons, op. 12 / Maurice Durufle -- Missa degli apolstoli / Girolamo Frescobaldi -- Prelude and fugue in C major, BWV 547 / J. S. Bach -- Adagio and allegro in F minor / W. A. Mozart -- L'ascension / Olivier Messiaen -- Psalm-prelude !, op. 32, no. 1 / Herbert Howells -- Litanies / Jehan Alain. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (organ)Benavides, Mario M. 23 January 2013 (has links)
A solis ortus / Nicolas de Grigny -- Suite, op. 5 / Maurice Durufle -- Prelude and fugue in E minor, BWV 548 / J. S. Bach -- Fantasy in A / Cesar Franck -- Prelude and fugue on B-A-C-H / Franz Liszt. / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (organ)Garcia, Aaron M. 30 January 2013 (has links)
Prelude and fugue in B major, opus 7 / Marcel Dupre -- Benedictus, opus 59 / Max Reger -- Prelude in F sharp minor / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Three chorale preludes / J. S. Bach -- Sonata IV / Felix Mendelssohn -- Introduction, passacaglia and fugue / Healey Willan. / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (organ)Peek, Jordan 11 February 2013 (has links)
Improvisation sur le "Te Deum" / C. Tournemire -- Ballo del granduca / J. P. Sweelinck -- Passacaglia, BWV 582 / J. S. Bach -- Prelude on "Malabar" / L. Sowerby -- Allegro, chorale and fugue / F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy -- Messe pour les Paroisses / L. Couperin -- A meditation on "Draw us in the spirit's tether" / Gerre Hancock -- Choral varie sur le theme du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / M. Durufle. / text
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Doctoral Thesis Recital (organ)Hunter, Glenn M. 15 February 2013 (has links)
L'ascencion, Book IV Dieu parmi nous / Olivier Messiaen -- Nun komm der Heiden Heiland / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Magnificat primi toni BuxWV 203 / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Prelude and fugue in D major BWV 532 / J. S. Bach -- Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam BWV 684 / J. S. Bach -- Vater unser BWV 685 / J. S. Bach -- Prelude on Were you there? / Leo Sowerby -- Pieces de fantasie suite II op.53, Toccata in B flat minor / Louis Vierne -- Sarabande for the morning of Easter / Herbert Howells -- Prelude, Fugue, and Ciaconne BuxWV 137 / Dietrich Buxtehude. / text
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