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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vidinės organizacijos komunikacijos, darbuotojų motyvacijos ir darbo atlikimo ryšys / Relationships of internal organizational communication, work motivation and performance

Žiūraitė, Jurgita 01 September 2008 (has links)
Komunikacija neabejotinai yra vienas iš sėkmingo organizacijos funkcionavimo veiksnių. Lietuvos kompanijose susidomėjimas vidine organizacijos komunikacija sparčiai auga. Daugelis organizacijų vadovų pajuto, kad efektyviai komunikuojanti organizacija gali pasiekti daugiau per trumpesnį laiką. Šiame darbe siekta nustatyti vidinės organizacijos komunikacijos, motyvacijos ir darbo atlikimo sąsajų ypatumus bei pateikti jas atvaizduojantį modelį (subjektyviam ir objektyviam darbo atlikimui). Tyrime dalyvavo organizacijos privačiame sektoriuje tos pačios specialybės darbuotojai. Šimtas dvidešimt du tiriamieji užpildė internetinį klausimyno, kurį sudarė Pasitenkinimo komunikacija klausimynas (Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire), Darbo charakteristikų vertingumo klausimynas (Work Preference Inventory) vidinei ir išorinei motyvacijai nustatyti bei Prailginto Delft matavimo rinkinio (Extended Delft Measurement Kit) bendro darbo atlikimo subskalė, variantą. Taip pat buvo įtraukti demografiniai klausimai ir klausimas apie priedo prie atlyginimo dažnį. Atlikus rezultatų analizę, nustatyta, kad pasitenkinimas grįžtamuoju ryšiu bei komunikacijos priemonių kokybe skiriasi pagal regionus, kuriuose dirba tiriamieji. Kuo ilgiau tiriamasis yra išdirbęs organizacijoje, tuo jo pasitenkinimas grįžtamuoju ryšiu, organizacijos perspektyva, komunikacijos klimatu ir komunikacijos priemonių kokybe mažesnis. Didesnis pasitenkinimas organizacijos integracija, organizacijos perspektyva bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Communication is one of successful functioning organization‘s elements. In Lithuania interest in internal organizational communication increases rapidly. Many companies‘ managers comprehended that when communicating effectively, organization can achieve more during a shorter period of time. Current study aimed to determine internal organizational communication, motivation and performance relationships as well as present a model reflecting them (for subjective as well as objective performance indicator). Employees of the same job position in the same organization participated in the research. 122 employees filled in on-line questionnaire which included Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire, Work Preference Inventory to measure intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, Extended Delft Measurement Kit General Performance subscale. Demographic questions as well as the question about the amount of additions to a fixed salary during half a year period were included. After performing data analysis, the study found that satisfaction with personal feedback and media quality differs in groups according to regions to which employees belong according to their working place. The longer study participant has worked in the company; the lower is his/her satisfaction with personal feedback, organizational perspective, communication climate and media quality. The higher is employee’s satisfaction with organizational integration, organizational perspective and media quality, the better he/she tends... [to full text]

Digital communication can support compassionate leaders and compassionate workplaces

Bradshaw, Jeannine 25 June 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how digital communication can support compassionate leaders and compassionate workplaces. Through grounded theory methods, exploration and understanding emerged from compassionate leader semi-structured interviews. Emergent themes maintain digital communication can support the evolution of compassionate workplace connectedness and collaboration leading to a compassionate workplace experience. Compassionate leaders stimulating workplace compassion build an atmosphere of trust culminating in increased productivity and a joyful culture where one-on-one to multi-way interaction is supported by digital communication tools.

Att leda i förändring : – En fallstudie av intern styrning under en större förändringsprocess / To lead through change : – A case study of the internal management during a major organizational change

Nordman, Tomas, Olsson, Hannah January 2013 (has links)
I samband med avregleringen av den svenska postmarknaden är PostNord AB ett företag som de senaste decennierna stått inför många utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie är att studera PostNords interna styrning under en större omorganisation. Detta sker i dagsläget inom PostNords verksamhet i samband med omstruktureringen av enheterna för distribution av paket och pallgods i Stockholmsområdet och vi har därför valt att basera vår studie på denna process. För att uppfylla syftet har vi genomfört ett flertal kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka även har underbyggts av företagets offentliga och interna dokument. Genom att använda oss av en teoretisk referensram med utgångspunkt i nyinstitutionell teori och organisationskommunikation framträder en bild av fallföretagets interna styrning. Med utgångspunkt i vår tolkning blir slutsatsen att PostNord är ett företag som genom rationella förändringar klarar av att anpassa sig till en föränderlig omvärld. Därmed kommer de troligtvis även i fortsättningen att behålla sin starka position på den svenska postmarknaden. / PostNord AB is a company that in recent decades has faced many challenges becuase of the changes in market demands evolving from the reformation of the Swedish Postal Service. The purpose of this study is to investigate an organization’s internal management during a major reorganization. The focus of this paper is the current process in which PostNord is reconstructing their facilities of distribution for parcels and goods in the Stockholm area. To reach our aims for this paper we conducted a number of interviews, which in turn has been supported by the company's public and internal documents. Through the use of a theoretical framework based on new institutionalism and organizational communication emerges an understanding of the company's internal management. Based on our interpretations we draw the conclusion that PostNord is an organisation that will continue to thrive with their abillity to adapt and make rational decisions in a continously changing environment.


Yang, Chi-Shou Justin 01 January 2011 (has links)
With the rise of new technologies, geographical and political boundaries between companies are disappearing. Managers within multinational organizations are faced with the challenge of adapting to new paradigms of leadership while leading employees who may share different backgrounds. With businesses becoming more globalized, it is important to know and understand how to lead and interact with people from other cultures. The purpose of the study is to explore and describe similarities or differences with managers from the United States and managers from Taiwan in relation to the 29 leadership traits overall as well as at individual management levels. As a result, this study also offers practical recommendations for managers of all levels and backgrounds to grow their international business opportunities through deeper knowledge of themselves and their international business partners.

Tensions and Metaphors in Higher Education Fundraising Profession

Carver, Jessica Martin 01 May 2014 (has links)
This research examined the language used by higher education development professionals, specifically similar and dissimilar tropes and how they shape the perception of those development professionals. By studying these linguistic devices, insight is provided into this particular occupation and the effects these devices have on perceptions and interpretation. The findings in this study could help to produce more skilled communicators in the field and could be used as a framework to study other professional positions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather data from twelve participants, and the data was then analyzed through thematic analysis. Findings revealed the types of metaphors used by higher education fundraisers and if and how they shaped their perceptions of the profession. Findings also showed what contradictions, paradoxes, and ironies are found in the field and if and how they shaped perceptions of the profession. This study applies theoretical aspects of organizational communication to the field of higher education development presenting new data. This study also provides practical implications for those currently in the field to consider.

Hundra som mig : En studie i formandet av organisationsidentitet hos konsulter i bemanningsbranschen / A hundred like me : A study of organizational identity among temporary workers

Hellmark, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Begreppet organisationsidentitet har vuxit i popularitet, både som teori för forskare och som strategi för företagsledning. Samtidigt ser vi en trend på den svenska arbetsmarknaden där det blir allt vanligare att hyra in arbetskraft istället för att anställa direkt i organisationen. Men vad händer med organisationsidentiteten när de anställda är tillfälligt där och dessutom har en dubbel organisationstillhörighet, både till konsultföretag och till kundföretag? Den här studien riktar in sig på konsulternas upplevelser av organisationsidentitet. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap till det teoretiska begreppet organisationsidentitet som tidigare inte har inkluderat tillfälliga medlemmar i en organisation, som till exempel konsulter i bemanningsbranschen. Detta kan förhoppningsvis ge uppslag och väcka intresse för vidare forskning på ämnet. Fem intervjuer med konsulter genomfördes för att undersöka deras upplevelser av rollen samt relationen till både konsult- och kundföretag. Resultatet analyserades i relation till social identity approach och forskning om organisationsidentitet. Slutsatsen blev att alla fem respondenter upplevde en svag identifikation med sina arbetsgivarorganisationer till följd av tillfällighet och en känsla av utbytbarhet. Respondenternas egna reflektioner av vad de tyckte var viktigt för att kunna identifiera sig kretsade nästan uteslutande kring ett behov av att bli sedd av arbetsgivarna, till exempel genom att få uppskattning, stimulans, möjlighet till att utvecklas och samhörighet med kollegor. Dock menade respondenterna att detta inte är något de förväntar sig ska uppfyllas i rollen som konsulter. Istället uppgav alla att de strävade efter en fast tillsvidareanställning där organisationsidentitet skulle spela större roll. / The aim of this stdy is to gain a greater understanding of the situation of temporary workers when it comes to organizational identity, since the research is limited in this field. Five interviews were made with young temporary workers. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed with the theoretical framework of social identity approach and research on organizational identity. The interviews showed that all respondents felt disidentification or ambivalent identification towards both consulting agencies and the hiring companies, because of the interchangeability and temporal circumstances. They all expressed a need to be seen as individuals, but in different ways they also said that they did not expect that need to be met as long as they were temporary workers. All respondents expressed an aspiration for a permanent post where they thought their needs would be better fulfilled.

Förstår du vad vi menar? : En kvalitativ textanalys av Länsstyrelsen i Jönköpings externkommunikation före och efter  Klarspråksprojektets införande

Isaksson, Sofia, Amrén, Ida January 2015 (has links)
År 2009 införde Justitiedepartementet Klarspråk i Jönköping. Klarspråk är ett projekt med ett självkontrollstest och riktlinjer för hur myndigheter ska kommunicera till allmänheten med ett enkelt och tydligt språk.  Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra om Länsstyrelsen i Jönköpings skriftliga ex-ternkommunikation har förändrats sedan Klarspråksprojektet infördes år 2009 i Jönkö-ping. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys och ett strategiskt urval kommer sex handlingar från Länsstyrelsen i Jönköping analyseras. Tre handlingar före och tre handlingar efter år 2009. Handlingarna är reella dokument som avser beslut om djurhållning i Jönköpings län.  Texterna analyseras och jämförs med hjälp av Klarspråksprojektets självkontrollstest och riktlinjer samt genom en stilistisk analys tillsammans med den linjära kommunika-tionsmodellen. Resultatet kommer därefter förklaras med hjälp av teorin organisationskul-tur och Jacobsen och Thorsviks organisationsmodell i kapitlet resultatdiskussion.  Resultatet visar att det inte har skett någon märkbar förändring i Länsstyrelsens ex-ternkommunikation. Det som går att utläsa är att det har gjorts försök men att det ännu inte följer Klarspråksprojektets riktlinjer för ett mer mottagaranpassat språk. Ur ett stilis-tiskt perspektiv går det att se en förändring i hur mottagaren tilltalas samt hur sändaren benämner sig själv i handlingarna. Analysen bekräftar även att Länsstyrelsen i Jönköping har haft mottagaren i åtanke när de har förmedlat sitt beslut vilket är en bra utgångspunkt för en konstruktiv kommunikation. / In 2009 the Swedish Justice Department introduced project "Klarspråk", in translation “easy lan-guage”, consisting of a set of informative tools and guidelines meant to improve communication between government agencies and the public. Its core message was to use clear and simple lan-guage that all recipients comprehend.  Purpose of study is to compare if a government entity in the county of Jönköping called Länsstyrelsen, changed written external communication since Klarspråk was implemented. Through a qualitative text analysis and strategic selection, six documents originating from Länsstyrelsen in Jönköping's agricultural division, is analyzed. Three documents before the turn of the year 2009, and three after.  The documents used for this study are correspondence relating to decisions made in regards to animal treatment in the county boundaries of Jönköping. By comparison analysis the documents are evaluated against Klarspråk guidelines, and through a stylistic examination, assessed against the linear communication model. In conclusion, the result is explained through the theory of organiza-tional culture and Jacobsen and Thorsvik's (2008) pertaining model.  Results show there has not been any significant change in the format of Länsstyrelsen's external communication. Documents show attempts were made to simplify language, yet Klarspråk's pro-consumer guidelines were not consistently followed. From a stylistic aspect there was improvement to how the recipient is titled in documents and originator promotes itself. In conclusion, Länsstyrelsen in Jönköping county indeed makes effort in their attempts to improve its external communication, and even with its flaws it is the beginning of constructive communication.

The Role of Communication in Enhancing Employees’ Organizational Commitment : Exploring the Relationship between Social-emotional-oriented Communication, Work-oriented Communication and Organizational Commitment in China

Wang, Yan January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the roles of social-emotional-oriented communication and work-oriented communication in enhancing organizational commitment in the context of the People’s Republic of China. Literature regarding the functions of different types of communication was reviewed and the human relations theory was applied as the main guidance of the current research. The study utilized the statistical method to analyze the data collected from questionnaires. A total of 69 employees working in a Chinese local governmental organization participated in the research. Horizontal and vertical social-emotional-oriented communication were examined separately by four indicators: employee’s perceived quantity of social interaction with peers (superiors) within the department, quantity of social interaction with peers (superiors) outside the department, quality of these interactions, and emotional coloring of the interactions. Work-oriented communication was measured by three indicators: employee’s perceived quantity of the organization’s strategic information regarding the policies and development, the employee’s perceived quantity of vertical interaction with management (downward and upward), and the employee’s satisfaction with management’s responsiveness to the upward feedback. Organizational commitment was tested by the three components model: affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. The findings from regression analyses revealed that social-emotional-oriented communication between subordinates and superiors is a positive predictor of affective commitment, and the perceived quantity of organizational strategic information and vertical interaction with management; and that work-oriented communication is a strong positive predictor of affective commitment and normative commitment. However, the results failed to prove the effects of horizontal social-emotional-oriented communication. The conclusion is that in Chinese governmental organizations, vertical communication and communication regarding work-related topics help to make employees want to stay with and contribute to the employing organization; and the better social-emotional-oriented communication the employees have with superiors, the better work-oriented communication they have at work.

The Constitution of Highly Reliable Practices: Materializing Communication as Constitutive of Organizing

Spradley, Robert Tyler 2012 August 1900 (has links)
National and international crises in the early 21st Century, whether natural, technological or man-made, emphasize the need for highly reliable organizations (HROs) to conduct emergency response in a relatively error-free way. Urban search and rescue units provide a pivotal intermittent role in these high-risk environments. Traditional HRO research focuses on a concept known as "collective mind" -- heedful interactions of responders that accomplish reliability. Rather than focusing on collective mind, this study uses a practice-based communication approach to examine the material interplay of bodies, objects, and sites using ethnography and grounded theory. In-depth interviews, participant observations, and organizational documents were coded and contrasted to find patterns in material interplay. More specifically, this study examines how these material features interact to orchestrate reliable practices through ecological coherence, a bonding of multiple forces to construct meaning and improvisation. The study has implication for HRO theory through focusing on the role of the body rather than emphasizing cognitive judgment in collective action. Collective body shifts the discussion of mindful processes to embodied practices and offers insights into the ways responders enact safety and perform responses in dynamic, high-risk environments.

A comunicação enquanto competência essencial: um olhar para o protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações / The communication as an essential competency: a look at communicational protagonism in organizations

Calonego, Renata 17 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Calonego (rcalonego@gmail.com) on 2018-10-16T22:07:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO RENATA CALONEGO_UNESP FAAC.pdf: 1700163 bytes, checksum: b10a265fa05eb741ec45d036557a7fce (MD5) / Rejected by Lucilene Cordeiro da Silva Messias null (lubiblio@bauru.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1- O arquivo em pdf deve ser desprotegido para que possamos copiar algumas informações para deixar o registro mais completo. Agradecemos a compreensão on 2018-10-17T14:08:12Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Calonego (rcalonego@gmail.com) on 2018-10-17T15:31:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO RENATA CALONEGO_UNESP FAAC.pdf: 2394780 bytes, checksum: 94a54dee3c1fe8b42eb27ed440abae37 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lucilene Cordeiro da Silva Messias null (lubiblio@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-10-17T16:24:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 calonego_r_me_bauru.pdf: 2394780 bytes, checksum: 94a54dee3c1fe8b42eb27ed440abae37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-17T16:24:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 calonego_r_me_bauru.pdf: 2394780 bytes, checksum: 94a54dee3c1fe8b42eb27ed440abae37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Enquadrado no âmbito da perspectiva relacional, elege-se como tema o estudo da comunicação enquanto competência essencial, que perpassa pelo entendimento do protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações. Compreende-se esse vínculo e o grau de prática desse olhar, a partir da percepção de quatro comunicólogos que atuam em multinacionais do segmento de ferramenta, alimentício, telecomunicações e bebida. Identifica-se e descreve os saberes que estruturam a comunicação enquanto competência essencial e as dimensões que permeiam o entendimento do protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações. Analisa-se comparativamente esses objetos de estudo frente às associações do saber dialogar, saber criar senso coletivo, saber reconhecer o protagonismo dos públicos, saber dinamizar discursos e saber gerar benefícios mútuos com as noções de interdependência, comunicação enquanto relação, contexto em movimento e cultura. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo multicaso, cuja coleta de dados é feita por meio de entrevistas com roteiro de perguntas semiestruturado, tendo os dados tratados mediante análise de conteúdo. Evidencia-se que a percepção dos comunicólogos entrevistados sobre o grau da prática da comunicação enquanto competência essencial se difere em cada organização investigada. No entanto, todas as quatro contemplaram fatores que indicaram um direcionamento para praticar os saberes considerados neste trabalho. As organizações do ramo de telecomunicações e de bebida foram as que menos apresentaram possuir um olhar direcionado para o protagonismo comunicacional, tendo a dimensão da cultura e a categoria do saber criar senso coletivo ausentes em suas análises. De modo contrário, os outros dois objetos de estudo demonstraram de modo mais claro os traços que indicam a prática da comunicação como competência essencial, sendo alto o grau de prática do saber dinamizar discursos em todas as organizações analisadas. / Within the context of relational perspective, the study of communication as an essential competence is chosen as the theme, which permeates the understanding of communicational protagonism in organizations. The link and degree of practice of this look are understood based on the perception of four communicologists who work in multinational companies in tool, food, telecommunications and beverage segments. The knowledge that structures communication as an essential competence, as well as the dimensions that permeate the understanding of communicational protagonism in organizations, are identified and described. These objects of study are analysed comparatively to dialogue, creation of collective, recognition of audiences protagonism, dynamism of discourses and generation of mutual benefits with the ideas of interdependence, communication as a relation, context in movement and culture knowledge associations. It relates to a qualitative multicase study, whose data collection is made through interviews with semi-structured questionnaire, with the data processed through content analysis. It is evident that the perception of communicologists interviewed about the degree of communication practice as an essential competency differs in each investigated organization. However, all four considered factors that indicated a direction to practice the knowledge considered in this work. The organizations of telecommunications and beverage sectors were the ones that less presented to have a directed look at communicational protagonism, having the dimension of culture and the knowledge to create collective sense category absent in their analysis. On the contrary, the other two objects of study have demonstrated more clearly the traces that indicate the practice of communication as essential competence, being high the degree of practice of knowing how to dynamize discourses in all the analysed organizations. / CAPES: 88887.201354/2018-00

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