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Um campo de concentração brasileiro : marcas enunciativas do mal-estar e da violência nas instâncias formal e diegética de Cidade de DeusDias, Ana Paula Penkala 20 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A violência é um dos aspectos mais apontados quando se trata do cinema brasileiro atual. Cidade de Deus é, dentro desse universo de discursos violentos e sobre a violência, um dos filmes nacionais mais desconfortáveis da atualidade, não apenas porque fala de um mundo de criminalidade, pobreza e exclusão, mas por mostrar histórias reais. Se não reais no sentido estrito, daquilo que de fato aconteceu; reais porque acontecem todos os dias nas grandes cidades deste País. Esta investigação aponta, já de início, dois tipos de enunciação em Cidade de Deus, permeadas pela violência e pela representação da alteridade: a estética publicitária e o discurso documental. A pesquisa apresentada aqui é o resultado de um trabalho que pretendeu lançar um filete de entendimento a respeito de como esse filme é construído de modo a causar-nos tanto desconforto; como pode a diegese e a forma desse filme, articuladas, provocar a sensação de mal-estar que pairou sobre as platéias do Brasil e do mundo quando Cidade de Deus foi exibid / The violence is one of the most remarkable aspects about contemporary brazilian cinema. Cidade de Deus (City of God) is, in this universe of violence and of violent discourses, one of the most uncomfortable national movies of nowadays, not only because it tell us about a world of criminality, poverty and exclusion, but because it shows real stories. If they are not real in the strict sense, of the facts that really happened; they're real because they happen all
the time in big cities of this country. This investigation points to, already on a first moment,two types of enunciation in City of God, permeated by violence and by the otherness representation: the advertising aesthetics and the documentary discourse. The research presented here is the result of a work that intended to bring a ray of understanding concerning to how this film is constructed in order to discontents us; how could the diegesis and the form
of this film, articulated, provoke the sensation of uneasiness (discontent) that hovers over the
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Deconstructing otherness: social studies teachers' classroom discursive representations of African and Middle Eastern populationsOsborn, Daniel Joseph 13 September 2018 (has links)
This Critical Discourse Analysis examined the classroom discourse of six secondary social studies teachers during lessons dedicated to the study of Africa and the Middle East. The study focused on the phenomenon of otherness and the ways in which teachers contribute to or challenge the depiction of various African and Middle Eastern populations as the other. The study found that no normative discourse existed within or across classrooms whereby teachers consistently portrayed African or Middle Eastern populations as the other. Teacher employed multiple contending discourses that both promoted perceptions of otherness while also explicitly challenging and deconstructing such notions. The study found that teachers tend to frame the study of Africa and the Middle East around narratives of conflict. These narratives restrict the classifications available for understanding certain communities and reinforce associations of violence, radicalism, and terrorism with Africa and the Middle East.
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O eu e o outro : alteridade e identidade na construção do processo artísticoBecker, Jéssica Araújo January 2017 (has links)
O tema central desta tese refere-se à alteridade no processo de construção de uma identidade individual, buscando uma concepção original do termo a partir de um fazer artístico. Dividida em duas partes, a pesquisa recorre à arte de ação e ao vídeo como linguagens propulsoras, na junção prático-teórica. A primeira parte desenvolve e problematiza as proposições realizadas em espaços públicos da cidade de Bogotá/Colômbia, que se centram na escuta e no serviço, direcionados ao Outro. A segunda parte se detêm sobre as proposições realizadas em âmbito privado, em abordagem autobiográfica e intimista do Eu. Sob a hipótese de que a identidade individual possa ser resultado de um coletivo de influências e aspectos apreendidos com o Outro, a alteridade é investigada pela fusão entre socialização e individualização. O desenvolvimento da tese se apóia em Bartolomè Ferrando, Clèment Rosset e Axel Honneth como referenciais teóricos, bem como o estudo comparado com proposições de artistas contemporâneos, como Esther Ferrer, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina e Tracey Emin, entre outros. / This thesis studies otherness in the process of construction of an individual identity, looking for an original understanding of the term through the artistic work. Divided in two parts, this study makes use of action art and videos as its propellant languages to bring together theory and practice. The first part develops and discusses the premises performed in public spaces in the city of Bogota, Colombia, that focused on listening and serving the Other. The second part focuses on premises performed in a private setting, in an autobiographical and intimate approach of the Self. Under the hypothesis that the individual identity is a result of a set of influences and aspects learned from the Other, otherness is studied through the merge of socialization and individualization. The development of the thesis leans on Bartolomè Ferrando, Clèment Rosset and Axel Honneth as theoretical references, as well as on comparative studies in relation to premises performed by contemporary artists, such as Esther Ferrer, IsidoroValcárcel Medina and Tracey Emin, among others.
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Alteridade e jornalismo : a outridade na editoria Mundo da Folha de S. PauloSiqueira, Camila Freitas January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo geral compreender se e como a outridade é construída na editoria Mundo da Folha de S. Paulo. Nosso ponto de partida foi o entendimento de que o jornalismo, além de estar centrado na contemporaneidade, deveria evidenciar as relações intersubjetivas baseadas tanto na diferença quanto na semelhança. Identificamos três eixos centrais para a discussão proposta: alteridade, outridade e jornalismo. Nas seções teóricas, trabalhamos com a alteridade e a outridade pela perspectiva fenomenológica e o jornalismo pelo paradigma construtivista, compreendendo que a participação ativa dos sujeitos sociais se reflete nas distintas percepções e interpretações que se pode ter do mundo. As abordagens metodológicas utilizadas foram Análise de Conteúdo e Análise de Narrativa. Na investigação empírica, analisamos 214 textos informativos publicados na versão impressa do jornal, em 2015. Como resultados, organizamos um mapeamento quantitativo da editoria estudada e, em uma análise qualitativa de 32 textos, identificamos os tipos de sujeitos narrados e construídos pela Folha: 1) o outro como sujeito transgressor e inconformado com sua condição particular; 2) o outro como sujeito desamparado ou à margem, 3) o outro como sujeito ameaçador, violento ou radical, 4) o outro como fenômeno da natureza, 5) o outro como sujeito sobrevivente, 6) o outro como sujeito ligado ao passado histórico. / This study aims mainly to understand if and how otherness is constructed in Folha de S. Paulo’s World section. We considered that journalism, in addition to being centered on contemporaneity, should highlight intersubjective relations based on both difference and similarity. Here, we identified three central axes: alterity, otherness and journalism. In the theoretical sections, we worked with alterity and otherness through the phenomenological perspective, and journalism through the constructivist paradigm, understanding that the social subject’s active participation is reflected at different perceptions and interpretations that one can have of the world. The methodologies employed were Content Analysis and Narrative Analysis. In the empirical investigation we analyzed 214 informative texts published in Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, in 2015. As a result, we organized a quantitative mapping and, a qualitative text analysis, in which we identified the subject’s types narrated and constructed by Folha: 1) the other as a transgressor and recusant subject; 2) the other as a helpless or marginalized subject, 3) the other as a threatening, violent or radical subject, 4) the other as natural phenomenon, 5) the other as a survivor, 6) the other as a subject related to historical past.
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Imagining China in contemporary Latin American literatureMontt Strabucchi, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Since the late 1980s, there has been a steady production of Latin American narrative fiction in Spanish concerning China and the Chinese. Despite the work written about China and its relation to Latin America, no comprehensive examination of the representation of China in literature has been produced thus far. This thesis analyses nine novels in which China is the main theme, exploring how China has been represented in Latin American narrative fiction in recent decades. Using 'China' as a multidimensional term informed by Sara Ahmed's understanding of 'strangerness' (2000), this thesis first explores how the novels studied here both highlight and undermine assumptions about China that have long shaped Latin America's understanding of 'China'. Secondly, using theories of the fetish, it shows 'China' to be a kind of literary/imaginary 'third' term which reframes Latin American discourses of alterity. On one level, it is argued that these texts play with the way that 'China' stands in as a wandering signifier and as a metonym for Asia, a gesture that essentialises it as an unchanging other. On another level, it argues that the novels' employment of 'China' resists essentialist constructions of Latin American identity. 'China' is thus shown here to be a symbolic figure in Latin America, serving as a concept through which criticism of the construction of fetishised otherness becomes possible, as well as criticism of the exclusion inherent in essentialist discourses of identity, such as those contained in mestizaje. These discourses of mestizaje have traditionally emphasised racial and cultural mixture, and have excluded the Chinese from discourses of Latin American identity. As a result, 'China' is used here to deconstruct bound identities, interrupting discourses of otherness within Latin America. From this perspective, it is argued that these novels tend to gesture towards an understanding of identity as 'being-with', and community as inoperative, as developed by Jean-Luc Nancy (1991, 2000), whilst taking a cosmopolitan stance, as developed by Berthold Schoene (2011). The novels have been divided between those that set their stories in China, such as Cesar Aira's 'Una novela china' (1987); those that explore Chinese communities in Latin America, such as Ariel Magnus' 'Un chino en bicicleta' (2007); and those that focus on Latin American travel to China, such as Ximena Sanchez Echenique's 'El ombligo del dragon' (2007). Indebted to Ahmed's, Nancy's and Schoene's theoretical perspectives, Chapter 1 explores how 'China', as both a physical space and a discursive context, foregrounds negotiations of power in the histories of both China and Latin America. Chapter 2 studies how 'China' is used to recall and interrogate the notion of an indistinct 'oriental'. The final chapter seeks to understand the ways in which the novels articulate travel to China as a means of challenging Eurocentric structures and 'national' epistemologies. Ultimately, by disclosing the complex operations through which 'China' is represented in Latin American literary discourses, this study explores possible further reconfigurations of Latin American notions of identity and community as non-essentialist and in constant development.
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Ryssland: neutral, allierad, radikal : En studie om identitetskonstruktioner av Ryssland och ontologisk (o)säkerhet i svenska försvarspropositioner sedan kalla krigets slutLjusteräng, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the significance of identity as a driving force behind Swedish security policy change. By studying social identity constructions of Russia in Swedish defence propositions from 1992, 2004 and 2015, the thesis concludes that these constructions might have resulted in shifts in Swedish security policy. The thesis uses discourse analysis to examine how Russia was socially constructed as 'difference' in the propositions. Drawing on self/other theories in IR, the study concludes that Russia was constructed in more or less antagonistic forms of ‘otherness’/’difference’ in the different propositions. In 1992, Russia was constructed as a neutral other and a temporally radical other. In 2004, Russia was constructed as a connected other. In 2015, Russia was constructed as a radical other, mostly due to the Russian aggression against and annexation of Crimea. Moreover the article concludes, through a qualitative content analysis, that these perceptions of Russia may have generated ontological (in)security for Swedish political identity. Drawing on Mitzen (2006) and others, the thesis demonstrates that ontological (in)security may have been a driving force behind security policy change. This thesis argues that the search for ontological security may have resulted in European integration for Sweden in 1992, expanded cooperation with Russia in 2004 and a proposition on a strengthened defence capability in 2015. In relation to existing research on Swedish security policy change, this thesis highlights the importance of identity and perceptions of 'others' as a driving force behind security policy change.
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La coprésence de langues dans le roman antillais contemporain / The pluri-language writing in the contemporary west indian novelStampfli, Anaïs 04 July 2016 (has links)
La coprésence de langues dans le roman antillais contemporain. Le roman francophone est souvent considéré comme le lieu d’enjeux stratégiques concernant la coprésence d’usages de langue(s). À cet égard, les Antilles présentent une situation tout à fait originale dans laquelle une “cacophonie” pourrait être envisagée comme un moyen d’expression des différentes tensions (narratives, énonciatives ou linguistiques) qui habitent le texte, avec toutes les conséquences que cela peut entraîner pour les lecteurs potentiels. Il s’agit pour les rédacteurs de L’Éloge de la créolité d’aller à l’encontre des attentes de clarté du lecteur pour préserver sans altération aucune une identité multiple. Cependant, d’autres auteurs antillais francophones tels que Simone Schwarz-Bart, Maryse Condé et Daniel Maximin, ne partagent pas le point de vue des signataires de l’Éloge. Bien que leur écriture soit marquée par une certaine présence créole, ils considèrent que l’identité linguistique antillaise ne peut pas se réduire à une confrontation du créole et du français. Pour ces auteurs, il ne s’agit pas de reconquérir le français en le créolisant. Par conséquent, ce travail de thèse consistera à analyser la structure linguistique du roman antillais francophone en prenant autant en compte les différents partis pris des auteurs ainsi que la réception et les transpositions tentées par les traducteurs. Cette étude propose une mise en perspective de l’écriture en coprésence de langues en mettant en relation les œuvres des auteurs antillais contemporains avec des tentatives antérieures de superposition de langues et des écritures créolisées issues d’autres sphères linguistiques. Ces recherches permettront de saisir les influences et la portée de l’écriture en coprésence de langues des romanciers antillais contemporains. / The Pluri-language Writing in the Contemporary West Indian NovelThe francophone novel is often regarded as field of strategic issues as to the pluri-language writing. In this respect, West Indies offer a very peculiar situation in which “cacophony” could be considered as a way for various strains (narrative, enunciative and linguistic) to express themselves within the textual frames, with many consequences for the potential readers. For the writers of In Praise of Creoleness, it means deceiving the reader’s expectations of clarity to preserve unaltered a multiple identity.Nevertheless, other West Indian francophone writers such as Simone Schwarz-Bart, Maryse Condé and Daniel Maximin, do not share this point of view. Although their writing is marked by a certain Creole presence, they assert that West Indian linguistic identity can not be summarised in the confrontation of Creole and French. According to them, the point is not to reconquer French through creolization.This thesis thus aims to analyze the linguistic structure of West Indian francophone novel with respect both to its different writers’ stances, its reception and the transpositions tempted by the translators.This study proposes a contextualization of the plurilingual texts through a confrontation of the works of the contemporary West Indian authors with the previous overlapping languages attempts and creolized writings stemming of the other linguistic spheres.This research will allow to seize the influences and impacts of the pluri-language writing of the contemporary West Indian novelists.
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Teatro e identidade nacional: as representações das alteridades na obra dramática de José de Alencar / Theater and national identity: the representations of otherness in the dramatic work of José de AlencarIgor Ferreira de Freitas 04 April 2011 (has links)
O século XIX, no Brasil, foi marcado por uma tentativa de construção de uma identidade nacional e cultural num país pós-independência. Neste panorama, José de Alencar destaca-se, entre outros papéis que exerceu, como significativo romancista e contribui para a formação de um sistema literário em nosso país. Porém, é na obra dramática alencariana que também podemos identificar uma proposta discursiva da possível identidade do homem no Brasil a partir de suas relações contraditórias e problemáticas com os "outros" aqui presentes: o português, o índio, o negro, e o francês representações estas capazes de dar ao homem uma ideia de pertencimento cultural, através de uma seleção do que deve ou não servir para representar sua identidade e a de seu povo / The nineteenth century in Brazil was marked by an attempt to build a national and cultural identity in a country after independence. In this scenario, Jose de Alencar stands out,among other roles he held, as a significant novelist and contributes to the formation of a literary system in our country. But it is in dramatic work Alencar also can identify a discursive representation of the possible identity of the man in Brazil from its problematic and contradictory relationship with 'others' here: Portuguese, Indians, blacks, and French. These
representations can give man a sense of cultural belonging through a selection of what should or should not serve to represent their identity and its people.
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A ficção de si mesmo: da dissolução dos sujeitos à autonomia da narrativa / The fiction itself: the dissolution of the subject at narrative autonomyAdriana Oliveira de Arruda 24 April 2013 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é analisar a forma como se estabelecem as relações de construção de sujeitos ficcionais em alguns romances selecionados. Embora saibamos que haja diversas reflexões que poderiam ser extraídas quando tratamos a respeito de assuntos como literatura, ficção, sujeito, e alteridade e as egoescritas (as escritas de si), optamos pelo recorte que abarca os mecanismos de construção dos sujeitos ficcionais e as interpenetrações dos conceitos literários aplicados a estes dentro de determinados romances nomeadamente, Trilogia de Nova York, O filho eterno, Nove noites e A morte em Veneza , sem, contudo, ignorar esse mesmo recorte quando se refere à poesia e até mesmo ao ensaio, esses últimos tendo Fernando Pessoa como índice máximo da alterpoesia através do heterônimo António Mora. Abordaremos as formas de representação desse sujeito que se constitui a partir da ficção, deixando "rastros" que apontam para a figura do autor do romance, expondo ao leitor os labirintos e interseções entre a literatura e a ficção, a autobiografia, a autoficção, entre outras discussões / The purpose of this paper is to examine how relationships are established construction of subjects in some fictional novels selected. Although we know that there are several considerations that could be drawn about when dealing with subjects such as literature, fiction, subject and otherness and "egoescritas" (the "written itself"), we decided to cut that includes mechanisms for construction of subjects interpenetration of fiction and literary concepts applied to those within certain novels - notably New York Trilogy, The eternal Son, Nine nights and Death in Venice - without, however, ignore that same cut when it comes to poetry and even in the same assay, the latter having Fernando Pessoa as maximum index of "alterpoesia" through heteronym Antonio Mora. We will discuss the forms of representation of this subject that is constituted from fiction, leaving "footprints" that point to the figure of the author of the novel, making the reader raises questions about labyrinths and intersections between literature and fiction, autobiography, self-fiction, among other discussions
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Alteridade, desrazão e futuridade na experiência da criação artística: iluminações poéticas para a Psicologia cultural a partir de Rimbaud / Otherness, unreason and futurity in the experience of artistic crea-tion: poetical Illuminations from Rimbaud to Cultural PsychologyMaria Eloisa do Amaral Leão 27 June 2016 (has links)
Este estudo tem a intenção de apontar e discutir algumas possíveis articulações teórico-metodológicas e estéticas entre a psicologia cultural, a filosofia e a poesia em torno das no-ções de alteridade, dualismos e futuridade a partir de três enunciados do poeta francês Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) extraídos das suas Cartas do Vidente e tomados como iluminações de sua perspectiva poético-visionária para a perspectiva teórico-metodológica do construtivismo semiótico-cultural em psicologia (Simão, 2010). Visando expressar a pluralidade de experiên-cias no campo complexo das relações dialógicas de alteridade Eu-Outro-Mundo-caótico, a pesquisa é construída esteticamente como um mosaico, com base na filosofia de mosaico de William James e na polifonia de vozes de Mikhail Bakhtin, e constituída de três partes teóri-cas e uma experimental. Nas três partes teóricas, os enunciados rimbaudianos Eu é um outro, Racional desregramento de todos os sentidos e A poesia não marcará mais o ritmo da ação; ela estará na frente são endereçados, respectivamente, às noções de enunciado, dialogismo e polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin, dos fatos afetivos ambíguos num mundo de experiência pura do empirismo radical de William James, e de futuridade em Jaan Valsiner. Na quarta parte, de-senvolveu-se a experimência (experimento+experiência) Andarilha sem razão e seus outros corpos-selves, originária da conjunção entre as linguagens teórico-metodológica e poética. Na tentativa de articular o dualismo razão-desrazão através da ambiguidade, é elaborada a noção de razão da desrazão. Rimbaud foi um poeta-visionário, renovador da poesia, andarilho-errante e migrante de espaços geográficos, corporais e mentais. Sua obra agenciou e ainda agencia amplamente a literatura, a filosofia, as artes visuais, o cinema, a música e a psicologia dos séculos XX e XXI. Trazê-la para o âmbito da psicologia e da filosofia é fazer da poesia uma interlocutora dos diálogos, debates e estudos de temas pertinentes àqueles dois campos do conhecimento / This study intends to point out and discuss some theoretical-methodological and aesthetic connections among cultural psychology, philosophy and poetry related to the notions of oth-erness, dualisms and futurity by taking three utterances of the French poet Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), selected from his Letters of the Seer as illuminations of his poetical and vision-ary perspective towards the theoretical-methodological perspective of semiotic-cultural con-structivism in psychology (Simão, 2010) and cultural psychology. Aiming to express the plu-rality of experiences in the complex field of the I-Other-chaotic World dialogical relation-ships, this research is aesthetically shaped as a mosaic based on William James mosaic phi-losophy and Mikhail Bakhtins polyphony of voices, and it has three theoretical parts and a experimental one. In the three theoretical parts, the Rimbaudian utterances I is an other, Ra-tional derangement of all the senses and The Poetry will no longer rhythm the action; it will be forward are respectively addressed to the notions of dialogism and polyphony according to Mikhail Bakhtin, ambiguous affectional facts in a world of pure experience according to Wil-liam James and futurity according to Jaan Valsiner. The fourth part consists in the experimence (experiment+experience) \"Wanderer without reason and her other selves-bodies\", originating from the conjunction between the theoretical-methodological and the poetical languages. In an attempt to articulate the reason-unreason dualism through the ambi-guity, the notion of reason of unreason is to be elaborated. Rimbaud was a visionary-poet, renovator of poetry, wandering-wanderer and migrant of geographic, body and mental spaces. His work broadly addresses literature, philosophy, visual arts, movie, music and psychology of XX and XXI centuries. Bringing it to the context of psychology and philosophy means to make the poetry as an interlocutor within dialogues, discussions and studies about relevant issues to those two fields of knowledge
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