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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otisky - kompozice závěsných objektů, vytvořené technikou lehaného skla / Prints

DOSTÁLKOVÁ, Klára January 2007 (has links)
Annotation Prints This thesis explores the topic of prints developed by the slumped glass technique. The thesis is divided in two parts, a theoretical one and a practical one. The theoretical part is divided in four chapters. The first chapter concentrates on the origins of glassmaking and its dissemination in our country. The second chapter analyses the slumped glass technique, related techniques and artists that use this technique. The third chapter will focus on the subject of prints and their meaning in human{\crq}s lives. The forth and longest chapter describes in detail the process of the slumped glass technique. A component of this thesis is a practical section which consists on five hanging objects on the subject of Prints. These hanging relieves are placed on metal hanging constructions.

Pojem a podstata daktyloskopie / Concept and nature of dactyloscopy (fingerprinting)

Šišková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
91 15. SUMMARY Concept and nature of fingerprinting The purpose of my thesis is to completely examine the issue of dactyloscopy and introduce this forensic method, both the theoretical and practical parts. It deals with the historical development of dactyloscopy, the legislation in the Czech Republic, finger- print impression, capture, constancy, detection and comparison. For greater clarity and orientation, the thesis is composed of several parts - each dealing with different aspects. It is also supplemented with pictures that help to imagine a particular thing. Chapter One contains an introduction which gives a general view of dactylosco- py as a forensic method. Chapter Two deals with the historical development and important personalities of dactyloscopy. It explores the origins of knowledge of fingerprint patterns in ancient times and also focuses on the pioneers of dactyloscopy. The chapter is subdivided into three parts. Part One deals with Jan Evangelista Purkyně who first described and classi- fied the basic patterns of friction ridges on distal phalanges. Part Two mentions the world personalities of dactyloscopy (for example Francis Galton, Juan Vucetich, Henry Faulds). The development of dactyloscopy in the Czech Republic is included in Part Three. Chapter Three discusses the concept, the object,...

Daktyloskopie - historie, současnost a budoucnost / Fingerprinting - Past, Present and Future

Semera, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
FINGERPRINTING - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE The objective of this thesis is to present the forensic fingerprinting as a scientific method which, although in comparison with other forensic sciences being one of the oldest, is not out-dated at all, quite to the contrary - it presents an ever-changing and continuously developing field of science. The objective is approached through three distinctive and yet intertwined chapters corresponding with the title of the thesis - past, present and future of the fingerprinting. They are also designed, at least in part, to capture this constant forward motion. Accordingly, the first chapter aims to describe briefly scientific roots of the method, the way it drew in its beginnings from various scientific discoveries, inspired by the rise of Darwinism. Particular emphasis is put on the description of the formulation and empirical confirmation of three physiological laws of fingerprinting that even today serve as its grounds. The second chapter deals with and tries to describe the current state of knowledge and particular methods used in detection, development and preservation of fingerprints, especially latent ones. To do this it seems to be necessary to describe briefly the anatomy and physiology of friction ridge skin, as it enables to fully comprehend the way in...

Pojem a podstata daktyloskopie / Concept and nature of fingerprinting

Šetelíková, Alice January 2013 (has links)
Concept and nature of dactyloscopy The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view on the issue of dactyloscopy. Especially, to introduce readers about dactyloscopy and institutes related to this method. The thesis is systematically divided into several chapters. The thesis is complemented by visual and textual appendices for the better and easier understanding of the various institutes. The introduction contains basic information about dactyloscopy and the outline of what the thesis will contain. Chapter One deals with the subject, concept and importance of the dactyloscopy. Chapter Two is divided into two parts. The first subchapter concerns the historical development of forensic dactyloscopy in the world. First of all, there are described the beginnings of knowledge of fingerprints and then personalities and their influence on the development of the dactyloscopy. As an example of these significant personalities, William James Herschel, Henry Faulds or Juan Vucetich can be cited. The second subchapter is focused on the development of the dactyloscopy in the territory of the Czech countries. In particular, the place is given for Jan Evangelista Purkyně well known as a pioneer in the area of papilary ridges. Because it was him who as the first described and classified the papilary ridges....

Daktyloskopie - historie, současnost a budoucnost / Dactylography - past, present and future

Kubičková, Monika January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Útok hrubou silou na přístupový systém s pomocí syntetických otisků prstů / Brute Force Attack on Access System Using Synthetic Fingerprints

Polehňa, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the resistance of the VeriFinger comparison algorithm to synthetic fingerprints. The basics of fingerprints, comparison algorithms and synthetic fingerprint generators are gradually analyzed. In total, three experiments were designed to test the resistance of the algorithm using synthetic fingerprints. An application using the VeriFinger algorithm was implemented to evaluate individual experiments. A total of 2 800 000 synthetic fingerprints were generated across all experiments. The first experiment showed that random fingerprint generation was not effective for real fingerprints, but was somewhat sufficient for synthetic fingerprints. The second experiment proved that comparison and the comparison score could be used to estimate the class of the identified fingerprint, and in the third experiment, by narrowing the generation to one class, it raised the total number of matched fingerprints. The results of individual experiments were written and their possible extension was suggested.

Správní aktivity v Raneferefově pyramidovém komplexu podle svědectví pečetních otisků / Administrative activities in Raneferef's pyramid complex according to the evidence of seal impressions

Jeřábek, David January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to re-evaluate and re-discuss sealings that were uncovered during the excavations of the pyramid temple of King Raneferef in Abusir, resp. those which are kept in the collections of the Náprstek Museum in Prague. It deals with the general typology of cretulae and the method of their documentation and it tries to assess sealings under study in regard to the former typology. The second part of the work attempts to find details regarding the activity and authority of officials who were using seals in connection with the operation of the pyramid complex of King Raneferef. This was attempted by a search for recurrent seal designs attested on fragments of cretulae found in the area of the pyramid complex and by a study of the properties of their seal holders and their activity, areas where the fragments of sealings were found, titles that were attested on their sealings, and kinds of objects that were sealed by their seals.

Daktyloskopie - historie, současnost a budoucnost / Fingerprinting - Past, Present and Future

Janotová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract Fingerprinting - Past, Present and Future The objective of the presented diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of findings in fingerprints area. Fingerprinting is a unique method enabling quick, inexpensive and reliable personal identification. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the presented issue, fingerprint reputation as ever-changing and continuously developing method is put into contrast with its contradictions and current problems. The first part of the thesis describes roots and genesis of the method from its beginnings in ancient realms up to date. The process of shaping of the knowledge in the field of fingerprints into a science is presented through the works of the most prominent fingerprints personalities. Despite the difficult beginnings, fingerprints finally reached the position of trustworthy and respectful area of forensic science. Due to that; the historical part follows the journey of fingerprints evidence into the police investigation and court rooms. Final point brings an attention to the establishment of fingerprinting in Czech criminal investigation. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to the practical aspect of fingerprints expertise. To provide a deep level of understanding, particular role of fingerprints in criminal investigations and its...

Fingerprint Damage Simulation / Fingerprint Damage Simulation

Kanich, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Cílem této práce je návrh a implementace aplikace pro simulaci poškození umělého otisku prstu. Při studiu jsem se soustředil hlavně na projekt SFinGe, který je průkopníkem v této oblasti. Specifikoval jsem přesněji oblast zájmu na optický či kapacitní senzor a poškození otisků prstů v závislosti na tlaku a vlhkosti, poškození a pošpinění senzoru a deformaci pokožky. Navrhl jsem způsob implementace těchto vlivů poškozujících umělý otisk prstu tak, aby se lépe podobal reálným otiskům. Tyto metody využívají morfologické operátory a model plastického zkreslení u otisků prstů. Výsledky nejúspěšnějších metod mají o 62.5% horší skóre v komerčním produktu oproti originálu a o jednu třídu horší hodnocení dle normy pro kvalitu obrazu otisku prstu. Přínosem této práce je tedy poškození umělých otisků tak, že prokazatelně dosahují horších výsledků než originál a návrh aplikace, která umožňuje rozšíření o další metody.

Daktyloskopie - historie, současnost a budoucnost / Dactylography - past, present and future

Zapletalová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively analyze and describe one of the oldest methods of individual identification of individuals, which originates in ancient civilizations and consists of identifying a person on the basis of unique drawings of his papillary terrain. The dactyloscopy will be viewed primarily from a criminalistic perspective, although the text also deals with its expansion and use in other areas of human life. This is also a current trend, whose tendencies can be expected in the future. The thesis is divided into three basic chapters - history, present, future, which will gradually summarize the whole issue of this established forensic science. The text is supplemented with pictures and photographs with regard to practical use of this method. The first part of the thesis deals with the history of dactyloscopy from the discovery of papillary lines by ancient cultures to the gradual introduction of scientific approach to this discipline, either from physiological point of view or later from the criminalistic point of view. The text focuses mainly on important personalities who have helped to develop dactyloscopy and put it into practice. At the end of this part, the historical background and the development of the doctrine of papillary lines in the Czech Republic are also...

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