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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The War on Drugs and Public Safety Realignment in California: Shifting Incentives, Persistent Problems

Moore, Chiara C. 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines AB 109, “Public Safety Realignment”, a policy enacted in California in 2011 to address the United States Supreme Court mandate to reduce overcrowding in California’s prisons to 137.5%. Realignment proactively shifted ‘non-non-non’ felons (non-serious, non-violent, non-sex crimes) from the state prison system to the county jail system and made some changes to the parole and probation systems. Though California’s prison population declined considerably in 2011 and 2012, this reduction did not last; in 2013 the prison population in California increased by 1,770 inmates, and in late 2013 the CDCR estimated that the state prison population would experience an increase of more than 10,000 inmates by 2018. Though the mandate was ultimately reached after the passage of Proposition 47 in November 2014, it is significant that Realignment, which had been seen as groundbreaking criminal justice reform, failed to make significant and lasting change in the way it was intended. This thesis suggests that Realignment failed to meet the overcrowding mandate on its own due to a mixture of misaligned incentives and prosecutorial and policing power at the county level.

Perceptions of Junior Secondary School Educators on the Effects of Overcrowding in Classrooms on Learner Performance in Maluti District, Eastern Cape Province

Mbangeni, Monwabisi Gidwell January 2015 (has links)
The study investigated overcrowding classrooms and its impact on learners and teachers’ performance, efficiency and effectiveness. This action was prompted by the researcher’s observation of learners’ poor performance and teachers’ loss of instructional time in overcrowded classrooms. Literature was reviewed to place the study in gap lapse prospective which this study was to fill. Quantitative research method was used to be able to collect the most applicable data that would be able to produce valid and reliable information for the compilation of the research report. Revelations from the collected data were that overcrowded classrooms have adverse effects on both the teacher and learner performance and activities in schools where overcrowding is evident. Based on the revelations the research made some recommendations to contribute towards finding solution to the problem investigated in this study. The conclusion that could be drawn was that there is need for the Department of Education (DoE) to conduct elaborate study in schools where overcrowding exists and make a concerted effort to provide adequate classrooms to be able to help learners and teachers benefit from the provision of education being delivered.

Överbeläggning : Konsekvenser för patienten / Overcrowding : Consequences for the patient

Bengtsson, Charlotte, Magnusson, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Vårdenheter i dagens sjukvård arbetar ofta och återkommande i överbeläggningssituationer. Detta kan innebära konsekvenser för patientsäkerheten. En litteraturstudie gjordes med granskning av 9 artiklar med syftet att belysa konsekvenser för patienter vid överbeläggningar inom somatisk slutenvård. Som största konsekvenser för patienter vid överbeläggningar identifierades brister i överrapporteringssituationer av patienternas fortsatta vård och konsekvenser av utlokalisering av patienter. För vårdpersonalen innebär utlokaliserade patienter ökade belastningar på flera nivåer, framförallt på grund av skillnader i kompetens och otillräckliga erfarenheter för att kunna tillgodose patienters omvårdnadsbehov. Kommunikationsbrist visades vara en bidragande faktor till vårdskador. Brister i basal omvårdnad kan leda till ökat lidande, förlängd vårdtid och komplikationer. Fortsatt forskning är angelägen, då det finns flera aspekter på ämnet som behöver belysas. / Health care units are frequently and repeatedly working with overcrowding situations. This can pose consequences to patient safety. A literature review was done with the review of nine articles with the aim to illuminate the consequences for patients with overcrowding wards at inpatient care units. Main consequences for patients with overcrowding wards were identified as lack of information at handoff situations regarding to the care of the patients and the consequences of the relocation of patients. Relocated patients implies increased loads on several levels for nursing staff , mainly due to differences in skills and insufficient experience to meet the care needs of patients. Lack of communication was shown to be a contributing factor to adverse events. Deficiencies in basic nursing care can lead to increased suffering, prolonged hospital stay and complications. Continued research is important, since there are several interesting aspects that need to be elucidated.

Your tourism kills my neighborhood. : När gränsen för social hållbarhet är nådd. En fallstudie i Hållbar Turismutveckling, Barcelona 2017.

Halleröd, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this article is to study in what way the politicians manage the work of Sustainable Tourism Development in Barcelona. The questions at issue is to define the main problems in the city caused by tourists and in what way the city is working to find sustainable and long-term solutions. The method used is a qualitative analysis of important Management documents for tourism of Barcelona City Council, especially Barcelona Strategic Tourism Plan, diagnosis, 2017-2020. The results shows that the biggest problems caused by tourism is overcrowding in Ciutat Vella as well as noise and social fragmentation caused by private rented homes, and loss of public space for the citizens in the same area. The city is working together with the citizens of Barcelona, direct and indirect stakeholders to find sustainable solutions, compiling the Barcelona Strategic Tourism Plan 2020. Apart of finding solutions for the tourist situation, one of the main goals with the plan is to improve the social conditions for the citizens of Barcelona. One of the solutions against overcrowding is to widen the brand of and the destination of Barcelona to find new, responsable segments. The other is mainly about all kind of Visitors-Management in order to manage visitors from overcrowded areas to less crowded areas. To solve the renting problems, new restrictions and supervision is made. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera på vilket sätt politikerna i Barcelona arbetar för en Hållbar Turismutveckling. Det övergripande målet är att definiera huvudproblemen i staden, orsakade av turism samt på vilket sätt staden arbetar för att finna långsiktiga, hållbara lösningar. Metoden utgörs av en kvalitativ analys av viktiga styrdokument vid Barcelona Kommun, speciellt fokus läggs på Barcelona Strategic Tourism Plan 2020. Resultatet visar att de största problemen är överexploatering i Ciutat Vella, samt störningar och sociala motsättningar orsakade av privatuthyrda bostäder, samt brist på plats i det offentliga rummet för lokalbefolkningen i ovan nämnt område. Staden arbetar tillsammans med lokalbefolkningen, direkta och indirekta intressenter för att finna hållbara lösningar genom att sammanställa en strategisk handlingsplan. Utöver att finna lösningar på turistsituationen är ett av de övergripande målen att förbättra levnadsvillkoren för invånarna i staden. En av lösningarna på överexploateringen är att bredda destinationen Barcelonas varumärke för att på så sätt finna nya, hållbara kundsegment. Den andra lösningen består huvudsakligen av Visitor-Management med syfte att styra besökare från överexploaterade områden till de mindre hårt belastade. För att komma till rätta med uthyrningsproblematiken har nya regler och kontroller införts.

Challenges that offenders face upon release that contribute to recidivism in the Department of Correctional Services: a case study of the West Coast Medium ' A' Correctional Centre in the Western Cape

Samuels, Jerome Alex January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Recidivism, the tendency to revert to crime upon release from prison, seems to be an uncontrollable phenomenon as inmates keep on re-offending, which impacts negatively on the already overcrowded correctional centres in South Africa. Life in prison is harsh and overpopulation leads to numerous communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and other sexuality transmitted infections. Offenders participate in various rehabilitation programmes during their incarceration. However, the challenge is to sustain these rehabilitation efforts after their discharge from prison. Offenders released into society face numerous obstacles such as the need for employment, food, shelter, and the stigma of having been imprisoned. The community is reluctant to receive perpetrators back into society after their release from prison. Consequently, ex-offenders struggle to find employment because of this stigma, which often translates into family break-ups. They are then expected to invent new ways of making a living and surviving without any help from society; in, they resort to crime, which in turn results in recidivism. The research comprises an exploratory study of the challenges that offenders face upon release and which contribute to recidivism in the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). The West Coast Medium ‘A’ Correctional Centre in the Western Cape has been selected as the case study area. Although offenders attend various rehabilitation programmes inside the prison, it has become apparent that upon their release this rehabilitation is not sustained. The qualitative methodology used for this research included semi-structured interviews in order to gather information on the challenges that contribute to recidivism. Offenders, parolees, family members, the Head of Social Reintegration, a social worker, a representative of NICRO, the Chairperson of the Atlantis Community Police Forum, and a spokesperson for SAPS Atlantis were interviewed in order to gather the relevant information. / South Africa

Destination Arrival and Discharge Unit to Improve Patient Flow

Jeter, Shelia Celeste 01 January 2019 (has links)
The increase in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) for primary care poses a serious safety issue in the care that can be provided. In a care area that is overcrowded, physicians, nurses, ancillary department staff, and other care team members may have a difficult time delivering care. Poorly managed flow in the ED leads to overcrowding, and patients with life-threatening illnesses are less likely to be transitioned to designated specialized areas in a safe and efficient manner. The practice-focused question was whether processes to improve the flow of patients entering the ED decreased the number of patients leaving without being seen, decreased time from the time entering the ED to hospital admission, improved the average length of stay, and increased patient satisfaction. The plan-do-check-act methodology was used to address this quality improvement project. Results of the project demonstrated a decrease in the number of patients leaving without being seen, a decrease in the time entering the ED to hospital admission, a decrease in average length of stay, and an increase in patient satisfaction. This project provided positive social change to the patients, families, organization, and community by improving the ED processes to ensure patient needs were addressed as rapidly as possible.

Tourism in Norrbotten, Sweden : A better understanding of tourism and its future – from the organizations perspective

Öhman, Rebecca, Sandlund, Karin January 2020 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and the growth of tourism in the northernmost county of Sweden, Norrbotten, has been evident in recent years. With this rapid growth within tourism in Norrbotten, a reflection arises of why tourism is increasing to this extent. Therefore, this study’s purpose was to get a better understanding of what the core of exclusiveness is for tourism in Norrbotten and how tourism can flourish and grow while keeping the place unique and exclusive. In order to fulfill this purpose, two research questions were stated as follows: “What features make tourism in Norrbotten exclusive?” and “How can tourism in Norrbotten grow without risking overcrowding?”.    To answer these questions, a frame of reference was established based on the previous literature within the subject. The study conducted a qualitative approach which allowed the authors to collect data through semi-structured interviews. The two interviews were conducted with two organizations located in Norrbotten County. Swedish Lapland and Pine Bay Lodge. By interviewing one person from each company, the authors received relevant information that gave a better understanding regarding the study. Thereafter, a comparison between frame of reference and the collected data could be done. The results suggested that it is of utmost importance to have a strategy regarding overcrowding. Furthermore, it could be stated that the nature and natural assets Norrbotten possess, is a key for success. Nevertheless, the importance of providing the tourist with excellent hospitality cannot be forgotten, as this creates an even higher feeling of exclusiveness. / Turism industrin är en av de snabbast växande industrierna i världen och tillväxten av turism i Sveriges nordligaste län, Norrbotten, har varit tydlig under de senaste åren. Detta skapar en nyfikenhet kring varför turismen i just Norrbotten har ökat i denna utsträckning. Därför var syftet med denna studie att få en djupare förståelse för vad kärnan inom turismen i Norrbotten är, samt hur turismen kan blomstra och växa samtidigt som platsen fortsätter vara unik och exklusiv. För att kunna besvara detta syfte tillämpades två forskningsfrågor; “Vilka faktorer gör turismen i Norrbotten exklusiv? samt “Hur kan turismen i Norrbotten växa utan att riskera att bli överbefolkat?”   För att kunna besvara dessa frågor framtogs en referensram som är baserad på tidigare vetenskaplig litteratur inom ämnet. Denna studie var av kvalitativ sort vilket bidrog till att författarna kunde samla in data genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av två företag. Intervjuerna hölls med en organisation och ett företag som är belägna i Norrbotten, nämligen Swedish Lapland och Brändökonferens & Fritidsby. Genom att intervjua dessa två företag kunde författarna samla in relevant information som var till stor hjälp för studien. Den insamlande data från intervjuerna jämfördes med teorierna i referensramen. Detta utgjorde grunden för resultatet och de slutsatser som kunde dras. Jämförelsen visade att det är ytterst viktigt att ha en strategisk plan för hur man ska hantera att platser kan bli överbefolkade i framtiden. En annan slutsats som också kunde dras var att naturen och de naturtillgångar som Norrbotten innehar är en viktig och avgörande faktor för turismen. Slutligen är det avgörande att förstå hur viktigt det är att erbjuda ett värdskap utöver det vanliga, eftersom detta skapar en ännu starkare känsla av exklusivitet.

Att balansera på bristningsgränsen : En litteraturöversikt av sjuksköterskors upplevelser av crowding

Klingberg, Josephine, Sharples, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrunden visar på att crowding är ett växande problem på akutmottagningar. Studier visar en koppling mellan crowding och förhöjd mortalitet hos patienterna. Crowding leder till att sjuksköterskorna arbetar under en mycket hög belastning samt ansvarar över alltför många patienter. Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta under “crowding” på akutmottagning. Metoden som användes var en litteraturöversikt av kvalitativ design med utgångspunkt ur France m.fl. (2019) metaetnografiska genomförande. Resultatet mynnade ut i fem teman som kom att kallas “Bristande förutsättningar för att bedriva god vård”, “En utmanande arbetsmiljö”, “Att tvingas kompromissa om säkerheten”, “Påverkad hälsa” och “Kollegors betydelse”, vilka slutligen syntetiserades samman under nyckelmetaforen “Att balansera på bristningsgränsen”. Slutsats Den eskalerande arbetsbördan på akutmottagningar runt om i världen har medfört att sjuksköterskorna i allt större utsträckning blivit utarbetade. Att ständigt behöva kämpa för att patienter ska få vård i tid och känna oro över att de riskerar att försämras på grund av en patientmängd som överstiger sjuksköterskornas kapacitet att bedriva god vård har visat sig leda till en etisk stress och förekomst av utbrändhet. / The Background indicates that crowding is a growing problem in emergency departments. Studies show a link between crowding and a raised mortality rate for the patients. Nurses are also under added pressure when they are responsible for too many patients at one time. The aim of the study was to describe the experience of the nurse working during crowding. The method used was a literary review with a qualitative design. The analysis was performed with a starting point out of France et al. (2019) methodological systematic review of meta-ethnography. The results were divided into five main themes: “Lacking conditions to give good care”, “Challenging work environment”, “Compromise on safety”, “Value of a colleague” and “Affected health” which conclude under the key metaphor “To balance on the breaking point”. The conclusion is that the escalating workload in emergency departments have led to nurses becoming “worn out”. The ratio of nurses to patient exceeds the nurses capacity when they are constantly fighting to give patients the care they need and worrying about them deteriorating. This leads to nurses feeling ethically stressed and run-down.

An analysis of the South African legislative framework for the reintegration of sentenced adult male offenders.

Mills, Moses Norman January 2019 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world. The state aims to reduce the prevalence of crime mainly by sentencing offenders to imprisonment. In turn the goal of imprisonment is to rehabilitate offenders so that they can refrain from reoffending and be reintegrated into society. Unfortunately, due to various factors which exist inside and outside of prisons, rehabilitation and reintegration is difficult to achieve. The study unpacks the perennial question of whether or not the state has a legal duty to reintegrate offenders into society. This question looms particularly, during the post-release phase of offenders’ life. Preliminary indications are that the state currently views reintegration as a ‘societal responsibility.’ This study intends to determine whether or not the state has a legal duty to reintegrate offenders and provide them with support even after their release from imprisonment.

Relationship between Affordable Care Act and Emergency Department Visits

Kereri, Dovison 01 January 2018 (has links)
Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed and implemented to expand insurance coverage, reduce health care cost, and improve the quality of care. The purpose of this dissertation study was to investigate whether the ACA insurance expansion correlates with the number of visits made to emergency departments (EDs). The quasi-experimental design interrupted time series was utilized in the analysis. The ED visits were compared using MANOVA to determine the relationship between ED visits and ACA and canonical correlation analysis to assess the strength of the relationship and the extent to which independent variables could predict the dependent variable. The hypothesis was that the ACA will reduce the uninsured, increase the insured, and reduce the ED visits. The relationship between number of ED visits and the ACA will present whether the uninsured patients contributed significantly to the ED overcrowding. Analysis of secondary data from four EDs (H1, H2, H3, and H4) in the Chicago area showed that 484,742 visits were made, and 2,801 were excluded due to unknown payer type. Medicaid patients recorded the largest number of visits (181,226) while the uninsured patients recorded the least number of visits (56,572). The ED visits decreased by 6% from 2012 to 2013 (pre-ACA) and increased by 4% from 2013 to 2105 (post-ACA). The ACA implementation increased the people with insurance who visited the EDs by 11%. The results demonstrated a strong relationship between ACA and ED visits. The correlation of the variables (hospital and year) and ED visits demonstrated that the hospital could explain 97% of the Medicaid visits and 87% of uninsured while the year could predict 82.6% of the uninsured visits and 52.5% of Medicaid visits.

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