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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Salutogenic functioning amongst university administrative staff

Mtsweni, Sipho Herold 30 June 2007 (has links)
This study provides an orientation towards coping with stress management through salutogenic functioning. Six constructs, namely, sense of coherence, hardiness, self-efficacy, potency, learned resourcefulness and locus of control, were studied as it manifest amongst random sampled university administrative staff. The literature review focused on salutogenic functioning, coping and stress, integrated in the salutogenic personality profile. The results from the research revealed positive correlations between external locus of control and self-efficacy and meaningfulness, autonomy and self control, internal locus of control and meaningfulness, internal locus of control and meaningfulness, challenge and meaningfulness. Negative correlations existed between autonomy and self-efficacy and comprehensibility, potency and all locus of control dimensions, males and females differed in their self control and external control, black africans had the lowest score on external control, and there was no relationship between age and the constructs. Conclusions and recommendations were made regarding the optimisation of salutogenic functioning among university administrative staff. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Reliability of voice comparison for forensic applications / Fiabilité de la comparaison des voix dans le cadre judiciaire

Ajili, Moez 28 November 2017 (has links)
Dans les procédures judiciaires, des enregistrements de voix sont de plus en plus fréquemment présentés comme élément de preuve. En général, il est fait appel à un expert scientifique pour établir si l’extrait de voix en question a été prononcé par un suspect donné (prosecution hypothesis) ou non (defence hypothesis). Ce prosessus est connu sous le nom de “Forensic Voice Comparison (FVC)” (comparaison de voix dans le cadre judiciaire). Depuis l’émergence du modèle DNA typing, l’approche Bayesienne est devenue le nouveau “golden standard” en sciences criminalistiques. Dans cette approche, l’expert exprime le résultat de son analyse sous la forme d’un rapport de vraisemblance (LR). Ce rapport ne favorise pas seulement une des hypothèses (“prosecution” ou “defence”) mais il fournit également le poids de cette décision. Bien que le LR soit théoriquement suffisant pour synthétiser le résultat, il est dans la pratique assujetti à certaines limitations en raison de son processus d’estimation. Cela est particulièrement vrai lorsque des systèmes de reconnaissance automatique du locuteur (ASpR) sont utilisés. Ces systèmes produisent un score dans toutes les situations sans prendre en compte les conditions spécifiques au cas étudié. Plusieurs facteurs sont presque toujours ignorés par le processus d’estimation tels que la qualité et la quantité d’information dans les deux enregistrements vocaux, la cohérence de l’information entre les deux enregistrements, leurs contenus phonétiques ou encore les caractéristiques intrinsèques des locuteurs. Tous ces facteurs mettent en question la notion de fiabilité de la comparaison de voix dans le cadre judiciaire. Dans cette thèse, nous voulons adresser cette problématique dans le cadre des systèmes automatiques (ASpR) sur deux points principaux. Le premier consiste à établir une échelle hiérarchique des catégories phonétiques des sons de parole selon la quantité d’information spécifique au locuteur qu’ils contiennent. Cette étude montre l’importance du contenu phonétique: Elle met en évidence des différences intéressantes entre les phonèmes et la forte influence de la variabilité intra-locuteurs. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par une étude complémentaire sur les voyelles orales basée sur les paramètres formantiques, indépendamment de tout système de reconnaissance du locuteur. Le deuxième point consiste à mettre en œuvre une approche afin de prédire la fiabilité du LR à partir des deux enregistrements d’une comparaison de voix sans recours à un ASpR. À cette fin, nous avons défini une mesure d’homogénéité (NHM) capable d’estimer la quantité d’information et l’homogénéité de cette information entre les deux enregistrements considérés. Notre hypothèse ainsi définie est que l’homogénéité soit directement corrélée avec le degré de fiabilité du LR. Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé cette hypothèse avec une mesure NHM fortement corrélée à la mesure de fiabilité du LR. Nos travaux ont également mis en évidence des différences significatives du comportement de NHM entre les comparaisons cibles et les comparaisons imposteurs. Nos travaux ont montré que l’approche “force brute” (reposant sur un grand nombre de comparaisons) ne suffit pas à assurer une bonne évaluation de la fiabilité en FVC. En effet, certains facteurs de variabilité peuvent induire des comportements locaux des systèmes, liés à des situations particulières. Pour une meilleure compréhension de l’approche FVC et/ou d’un système ASpR, il est nécessaire d’explorer le comportement du système à une échelle aussi détaillée que possible (le diable se cache dans les détails) / It is common to see voice recordings being presented as a forensic trace in court. Generally, a forensic expert is asked to analyse both suspect and criminal’s voice samples in order to indicate whether the evidence supports the prosecution (same-speaker) or defence (different-speakers) hypotheses. This process is known as Forensic Voice Comparison (FVC). Since the emergence of the DNA typing model, the likelihood-ratio (LR) framework has become the new “golden standard” in forensic sciences. The LR not only supports one of the hypotheses but also quantifies the strength of its support. However, the LR accepts some practical limitations due to its estimation process itself. It is particularly true when Automatic Speaker Recognition (ASpR) systems are considered as they are outputting a score in all situations regardless of the case specific conditions. Indeed, several factors are not taken into account by the estimation process like the quality and quantity of information in both voice recordings, their phonological content or also the speakers intrinsic characteristics, etc. All these factors put into question the validity and reliability of FVC. In this Thesis, we wish to address these issues. First, we propose to analyse how the phonetic content of a pair of voice recordings affects the FVC accuracy. We show that oral vowels, nasal vowels and nasal consonants bring more speaker-specific information than averaged phonemic content. In contrast, plosive, liquid and fricative do not have a significant impact on the LR accuracy. This investigation demonstrates the importance of the phonemic content and highlights interesting differences between inter-speakers effects and intra-speaker’s ones. A further study is performed in order to study the individual speaker-specific information for each vowel based on formant parameters without any use of ASpR system. This study has revealed interesting differences between vowels in terms of quantity of speaker information. The results show clearly the importance of intra-speaker variability effects in FVC reliability estimation. Second, we investigate an approach to predict the LR reliability based only on the pair of voice recordings. We define a homogeneity criterion (NHM) able to measure the presence of relevant information and the homogeneity of this information between the pair of voice recordings. We are expecting that lowest values of homogeneity are correlated with the lowest LR’s accuracy measures, as well as the opposite behaviour for high values. The results showed the interest of the homogeneity measure for FVC reliability. Our studies reported also large differences of behaviour between FVC genuine and impostor trials. The results confirmed the importance of intra-speaker variability effects in FVC reliability estimation. The main takeaway of this Thesis is that averaging the system behaviour over a high number of factors (speaker, duration, content...) hides potentially many important details. For a better understanding of FVC approach and/or an ASpR system, it is mandatory to explore the behaviour of the system at an as-detailed-as-possible scale (The devil lies in the details).


CLEMENTI, SILVIA 17 May 2018 (has links)
Questa ricerca esplorativa qualitativa si è posta l’obiettivo di comprendere il funzionamento del peer support in ospedale e le ragioni che spingono alcuni pazienti a diventare peer supporter. È stata realizzata un’ osservazione di tre reparti ospedalieri italiani in cui il peer support è praticato e successivamente sono state condotte 27 interviste agli attori coinvolti (peer supporter, pazienti, operatori). Uno sguardo internazionale si è avuto con la realizzazione di due interviste a peer supporter del King’s Hospital di Londra. I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati e interpretati alla luce del paradigma relazionale, secondo il quale il professionista da solo non è in grado di trovare delle soluzioni ad una malattia che colpisce una persona, ma necessita anche dell’aiuto della persona stessa per fronteggiare la situazione. Dalla ricerca è emerso che la presenza del peer support produce benefici per il reparto ospedaliero e tutti gli attori coinvolti: i pazienti conoscono meglio i servizi, i loro doveri e diritti e comprendono meglio alcune scelte terapeutiche del medico; i medici comprendono meglio i vissuti dei pazienti e le loro esigenze, si avvicinano al paziente e riescono a lavorare meglio; i peer supporter valorizzano il proprio sapere esperienziale e si sentono utili. / This exploratory qualitative reasearch identifies the reasons who leads patient to become peer supporter and explain peer support program in hospital ward. Three italian hospital ward, whose already have a peer support program, have been selected. Practicioners, patients and peer supporters were interview in these hospital departments (27 interviews in total), moreover each department was observed for three days to follow all the peer supporter’s activities. Thanks to two peer supporter’s interviews who worked at King’s Hospital in London was possible to have an international view. The collected qualitative data were then analyzed and interpreted according to the relational paradigm of social work. The idea of this approach is that social workers are not able to solve problems and to find solutions for the life problems; in the contrary professionals need to be helped from the service users. From the results emerged that the peer support program produce benefit for all people: the patients learned to know their rights and duties together with social and clinical services; the practitioners learned to know experiential knowledge, patient’s needs and how to work in a better way; the peer supporters learned to use their illness experience and feel useful.

Des systèmes à base de composants aux implémentations cadencées par le temps : une approche correcte par conception / From timed component-based systems to time-triggered implementations : a correct-by-design approach

Guesmi, Hela 27 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le domaine des systèmes temps-réel embarqués critiques, les méthodes de conception et de spécification et leurs outils associés doivent permettre le développement de systèmes au comportement temporel déterministe et, par conséquent, reproductible afin de garantir leur sûreté de fonctionnement. Pour atteindre cet objectif, on s’intéresse aux méthodologies de développement basées sur le paradigme Time-Triggered (TT). Dans ce contexte, nombre de propriétés et, en particulier, les contraintes temps-réel de-bout-en-bout, se voient satisfaites par construction. Toutefois, garantir la sûreté de fonctionnement de tels systèmes reste un défi. En général, les outils de développement existants n’assurent pas par construction le respect de l’intégralité des spécifications, celles-ci doivent, en général, être vérifiées à posteriori. Avec la complexité croissante des applications embarquées, celle de leur validation à posteriori devient, au mieux, un facteur majeur dans les coûts de développement et, au pire, tout simplement impossible. Il faut, donc, définir une méthode qui, tout en permettant le développement des systèmes corrects par constructions, structure et simplifie le processus de spécification. Les méthodologies de conception de haut niveau à base de composants, qui permettent la conception et la vérification des systèmes temps-réels critiques, présentent une solution ultime pour la structuration et la simplification du processus de spécification de tels systèmes.L’objectif de cette thèse est d'associer la méthodologie BIP (Behaviour-Interaction-Priority) qui est une approche de conception basée sur composants avec la plateforme d'exécution PharOS, qui est un système d'exploitation temps-réel déterministe orienté sûreté de fonctionnement. Le flot de conception proposé dans cette thèse est une approche transformationnelle qui permet de conserver les propriétés fonctionnelles des modèles originaux de BIP. Il est composé essentiellement de deux étapes. La première étape, paramétrée par un mapping de tâche défini par l'utilisateur, permet de transformer un modèle BIP en un modèle plus restreint qui représente une description haut niveau des implémentations basées sur des primitives de communication TT. La deuxième étape permet la génération du code pour la plateforme PharOS à partir de ce modèle restreint.Un ensemble d'outils a été développé dans cette thèse afin d'automatiser la plupart des étapes du flot de conception proposé. Ceci a permis de tester cette approche sur deux cas d'étude industriels ; un simulateur de vol et un relais de protection moyenne tension. Dans les deux applications, on vise à comparer les fonctionnalités du modèle BIP avec celles du modèle intermédiaire et du code généré. On fait varier les stratégies de mapping de tâche dans la première application, afin de tester leur impact sur le code généré. Dans la deuxième application, on étudie l'impact de la transformation sur le code généré en comparant quelques aspects de performance du code générer avec ceux d'une version de l'application qui a été développée manuellement. / In hard real-time embedded systems, design and specification methods and their associated tools must allow development of temporally deterministic systems to ensure their safety. To achieve this goal, we are specifically interested in methodologies based on the Time-Triggered (TT) paradigm. This paradigm allows preserving by construction number of properties, in particular, end-to-end real-time constraints. However, ensuring correctness and safety of such systems remains a challenging task. Existing development tools do not guarantee by construction specification respect. Thus, a-posteriori verification of the application is generally a must. With the increasing complexity of embedded applications, their a-posteriori validation becomes, at best, a major factor in the development costs and, at worst, simply impossible. It is necessary, therefore, to define a method that allows the development of correct-by-construction systems while simplifying the specification process.High-level component-based design frameworks that allow design and verification of hard real-time systems are very good candidates for structuring the specification process as well as verifying the high-level model.The goal of this thesis is to couple a high-level component-based design approach based on the BIP (Behaviour-Interaction-Priority) framework with a safety-oriented real-time execution platform implementing the TT approach (the PharOS Real-Time Operating System). To this end, we propose an automatic transformation process from BIPmodels into applications for the target platform (i.e. PharOS).The process consists in a two-step semantics-preserving transformation. The first step transforms a BIP model coupled to a user-defined task mapping into a restricted one, which lends itself well to an implementation based on TT communication primitives. The second step transforms the resulting model into the TT implementation provided by the PharOS RTOS.We provide a tool-flow that automates most of the steps of the proposed approach and illustrate its use on an industrial case study for a flight Simulator application and a medium voltage protection relay application. In both applications, we compare functionalities of both original, intermediate and final model in order to confirm the correctness of the transformation. For the first application, we study the impact of the task mapping on the generated implementation. And for the second application, we study the impact of the transformation on some performance aspects compared to a manually written version.

Současná praxe a možnosti využití supervize v ošetřovatelství / Current practice and ways of the supervision use in nursing

VAŇKOVÁ, Milena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis named "Current practice and possible ways of implementing clinical supervision in nursing" is the first doctoral dissertation establishing the concept of supervision in the Czech nursing environment. Itscentralresearch questionis as follows: How do nurses and university educators in nursing construct, interpret and practically apply theconcept ofclinical supervision and the supervisor's role in the context of nursing education at specific institutions of tertiary education and clinical nursing practice in the Czech Republic? The author draws on international theoretical literature and local empiricalevidence.Her qualitative research took the form of 26 semi-structured interviews with academic nursingeducators from the entire Czech Republic. In justified cases those are supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the study of legislative, policy and strategic documents in nursing and health care, including publicly available information and sources on clinical supervision, in order torefine the resulting picture of her interpretation of current clinical supervision practice in Czech nursing. A shift to the constructivist paradigm enabled one to conceive the term "clinical supervision" mainly in relation to learning, training and professional development of supervisees, also in the context of transformation of education and supervision not only of nurses but also of supervisors themselves in the Czech Republic. The author also focuses on the philosophical and theoretical foundations of clinical supervision and application of the postmodern approach in egalitarian clinical supervision. The empirical part of this dissertation is based on the qualitative research conducted. The author gradually presents her results as individual categoriesand relations between them that ensued from the analysed data in the process of open coding. The author draws a link between the category of implementation of clinical supervision in the context of nurses' professional education andexternal conditions, the environment and a broader professional and social-cultural context. Clinical supervision in nursing is constructed mainly as a unidisciplinaryconcept and a part of the nursing profession. The university nursing educatoris typically constructed as a role professional, but there is also an ongoing process ofdiversification, stratification, profiling and professionalization of non-academic nursing educators. Based on a content analysis of documents and post-modern philosophical-theoretical foundations and strategies of legitimizingclinical supervision, the author views the concept of clinical supervision in nursing as socially constructedand discursively legitimated. The author also defines the limitations of her research that arise from the choice of a qualitative research design. In the conclusion she outlines some future trends of clinical supervision in particular educational institutions that can be interesting and inspiring not only for supervisors but also for teachers of supervision themselves. Based on the results of her empirical analysis the author emphasises the need to integrate the theory and practice of education, clinical supervision and nursing. A comprehensive structure and methodology of system-wide implementation of clinical supervision, based on the situation of clinical nursing practice and supervision needs in the Czech Republic,should in future formthe basis of innovation of existing university programmes in nursing and approaches to the education and training of supervisors, as well as the subject of new research in clinical supervision.

Efeitos a longo prazo de diferentes separações dos filhotes no período neonatal sobre as genitoras

Toigo, Eduardo von Poser January 2011 (has links)
Esse estudo foi realizado para verificar se a exposição a separações repetidas (por diferentes intervalos de tempo) de mães dos seus filhotes no período neonatal poderiam ser classificadas como indutoras de um estado do tipo deprimido em genitoras. Sessenta ratas Wistar prenhes foram divididas em 3 grupos: controle, separação por 10 minutos e separação por 3 horas. As intervenções neonatais foram realizadas nos dias 1-10 pós parto. Após o desmame as genitoras foram submetidas ao teste do nado forçado, ao teste do labirinto em cruz elevado e ao teste do odor de predador. Também foi avaliado o comportamento alimentar e os padrões de reatividade a um sabor doce e a um sabor amargo. Foi medido os níveis de ocitocina no líquido cefaloraquidiano, corticosterona plasmática e atividade hipocampal Na+, K+-ATPase, assim como a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes catalase, glutationa peroxidase, superoxido dismutase, produção de radicais livres, e a produção de óxido nítrico, além dos níveis dos receptores A2A de adenosina e D2 de dopamina no estriado dorsoventral e no hipocampo. Foi observado que somente a separação por 3 h induziu um aumento significativo no tempo de imobilidade no teste do nado forçado, o que é consistente com estudos prévios. A atividade hipocampal da Na+, K+-ATPase se mostrou diminuída no grupo separado por 10 minutos e mais significativamente diminuída nas genitoras submetidas a separação por 3 horas de seus filhotes. Adicionalmente, os níveis de ocitocina no líquido cefaloraquidiano se encontravam aumentados no grupo separado por 10 minutos, o que pode estar relacionado a um aumento no cuidado materno, induzido por esta manipulação dos filhotes, por parte das genitoras, como reportado na literatura. Uma redução nos níveis de óxido nítrico no hipocampo das genitoras separadas por 3 horas foi observado Nessas genitoras também foi verificado um aumento no comportamento de risco, uma diminuição no sentimento prazeroso frente a uma solução doce e aumento na sensibilidade a uma solução aversiva, o que é congruente a um perfil de estado do tipo deprimido. Além disso, nós verificamos uma diminuição na quantidade do receptor de dopamina D2 no estriado das mães submetidas a separação por 3 horas dos filhotes, o que poderia ser relacionado com uma diminuição no prazer (anedonia) que acontece na depressão. Conclui-se que a retirada dos filhotes das mães por longos períodos tornam essas mães mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de características depressivas. / This study was carried out to ascertain whether exposure to repeated separations (different times) of mothers from their pups in the neonatal period could be classified as an induction of a depressive-like state in dams. Sixty Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control, brief separation and long-term separation. The neonatal interventions were done on postpartum days 1-10. After weaning, the dams were subjected to the forced swimming test, elevated plus maze and predator odor test. It was also evaluated the feeding behavior and the taste reactivity patterns to a sweet and to a bitter solution. It was mesaured cerebral spinal fluid oxytocin, plasma corticosterone, and hippocampal Na+, K+-ATPase activity, as well as the activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, free radicals production, and the production of nitric oxide and the levels of adenosine A2A and dopamine D2 receptors in the dorsoventral striatum and hippocampus. It was observed that only the 3 h separation induced a significant increase in the immobility time of rats in the forced swimming test, which is consistent with previous studies. Hippocampal Na+, K+-ATPase activity was decreased in the brief separated group and more significantly decreased in dams subjected to 3h separation from their pups. Additionally, cerebral spinal fluid oxytocin was increased in dams of the brief separated group, which may be related to the increased handled-induced maternal care, as reported in the literature. A reduction in nitric oxide levels in the hippocampus in dams of the long separated group was also observed. It was also verify an increase in the risk-taking behavior by the 3h separated mothers. The 3h separated mother also demonstrated a diminished feeling of pleasure with a sucrose solution and a increased sensibility to a aversive solution, wich is congruent with a depressive like state profile. Furthermore, we shown a decrease in the dopamine D2 receptor quantity in the striatum of the 3 h separated mothers, wich could be related to a decrease in pleasure feeling (anhedonia) experienced in depression. It is concluded that the withdrawal of pups from their mothers for long periods make the mothers more susceptible to the development of depressive features.

O carnaval espetáculo no Sul do Brasil : uma etnografia da cultura carnavalesca nas construções das identidades e nas transformações da festa em Porto Alegre e Uruguaiana

Duarte, Ulisses Corrêa January 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho pretendo analisar os significados do carnaval das Escolas de Samba para os carnavalescos no sul do Brasil, com foco na organização sócio-cultural dos bastidores da festa. Com etnografia realizada a partir da produção carnavalesca em Porto Alegre e em Uruguaiana para os desfiles de 2011, pretendo demonstrar como as transformações simbólicas e materiais destes carnavais nos últimos anos podem ser entendidas como arranjos de discursos e práticas baseados num processo de construção de um modelo paradigmático de carnaval, mobilizado numa retórica em comum. São valores, noções e conceitos canalizados num projeto de carnaval ideal: o carnaval espetáculo. Analisarei o que é este projeto, e como ele era posto em perspectiva em duas Escolas de Samba de divisões hierarquicamente distintas do carnaval de Porto Alegre, na primeira e na terceira divisão respectivamente. A associação do samba como símbolo de pertencimento à identidade nacional no Rio Grande do Sul pode ser demonstrada em dois processos contrastantes. Em Uruguaiana, a possibilidade de diferenciação regional se constrói na pertença aos símbolos que denotam a “brasilidade” das mais diferentes camadas sociais promotoras da festa, em contraste aos países vizinhos e fronteiriços. E em Porto Alegre, a construção da cultura carnavalesca se distancia dos símbolos regionais e se restringe aos carnavalescos, uma parcela delimitada da população relacionada simbolicamente ao elemento étnico promotor da festa, sua população negra. Os modelos ideais divergentes de produção do carnaval, um baseado na compra de materiais e fantasias e na contratação de mão de obra do centro do país, e o outro baseado na defesa da produção local, nos darão importantes elementos para se pensar na produção das identidades, nos critérios da produção da retórica do espetáculo, dos sensos de legitimidade da festa e dos modelos de carnavais propostos. / In this paper I intend to analyze the meanings of the Samba School Carnival for the southern Brazil carnival participants, with a focus on socio-cultural organization of the party scenes. With ethnography from the carnival production in Porto Alegre and Uruguaiana for the parades of 2011, I intend to demonstrate how the material and symbolic transformations of these carnivals in recent years can be understood as arrangements of discourses and practices based on a process of building a carnival paradigmatic model, mobilized in a common rhetoric. Those are values, notions and concepts in a flowing design to an ideal carnival project: the spectacle carnival. It’s going to be examined what this project is, and how it was seen in two Samba Schools of hierarchically distinct divisions from Porto Alegre carnival, the first and third division respectively. The association of samba as a symbol of belonging to national identity Rio Grande do Sul can be demonstrated in two contrasting processes. In Uruguaiana, the possibility of regional differentiation is built on belongs to the symbols that denote the "Brazilianness" from different social strata of the party promoters, in contrast to neighboring and border countries. And in Porto Alegre, the construction of carnival culture moves away from regional symbols and is restricted to the carnival participants, a population defined portion symbolically related to the ethnic element that promotes the party, its black population. The divergent ideal models of Carnival production, one based on the purchase of materials and costumes and hiring labor from the center of the country, and the other based on the defense of local production, will give us important elements to consider in the identities production, in the spectacle rhetoric production criteria, the party legitimacy senses and the suggested carnival models.

Mobilidade em potência e discurso publicitário na sociedade contemporânea globalizada: Brasil, 1982-2014

Nogueira, Maria Alice de Faria 17 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Alice Nogueira (ma.nogueira@terra.com.br) on 2015-04-24T12:08:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-05-12T20:45:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-05-14T13:05:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:08:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-17 / In the world, today, everything is in motion. People, objects, values, information and images circulate each day more intensively and widely in a social environment which is fluid, connected and risky. When mobility becomes an important element of everyday experience and physical, geographic, virtual or imaginary displacements take front row in the relationships and radically alter the ways of life in all spheres – social, cultural, political and economic – then mobility culture imposes itself and involves everybody in new possibilities and experiences, as well as, in new constraints, risks and discourses that have to be studied. The ever going intense imbrication between mobility culture and advertising discourse constitutes the basis that sustains the thesis and stablishes the two fundamental premises in the study: first, that things in the world reaches the subject regardless of its immobility, by means of objects, information and images that circulate globally; second, that regardless of its commercial, persuasive and selling character, advertising can also be seen as a cultural good that expresses the culture to which it belongs. The articulation of these two premises constitutes the main interest and the object of this research: considering the act of advertising as representation of society, we intend to investigate, within the perspective of the New Mobility Paradigm, how movement is expressed in the advertisement discourse of global brands. The interpretation of global advertisement discourse aims at validating the hypothesis that there is consumption of (im)mobility when the person looks for objects that, depending on their availability (ready-to-hand) and on their potential of use in relation to the environment (affordance), support his everyday (im)mobility, with a certain amount of stability and less risk. The locus of the investigation was Brazil and the study focused its analysis on the 32 years encompassed in the period from 1982 to 2014. Advertisements of brands published in the magazine VEJA during the period of the three FIFA World Cups – 1982 in Spain; 1998 in France, and 2014 in Brazil were analysed. / No mundo, hoje, tudo está em movimento. Pessoas, objetos, valores, informação e imagens circulam cada dia mais intensa e extensamente em um ambiente social fluido, em rede e de riscos. Quando a mobilidade torna-se parte importante da experiência cotidiana e os deslocamentos físicos, geográficos, virtuais ou imaginativos tomam a frente nas relações e alteram radicalmente os modos de vida em todas as esferas - social, cultural, política e econômica -, nesse momento uma cultura da mobilidade se impõe e envolve a todos em novas possibilidades e experiências, assim como, em novos constrangimentos, riscos e discursos que devem ser estudados. O cada dia mais intenso imbricamento entre a cultura da mobilidade e o discurso publicitário constitui a base que sustenta a tese e que delineia as duas premissas fundamentais do estudo: a primeira, de que as coisas do mundo chegam até o sujeito apesar de sua imobilidade, por meio dos objetos, das informações e das imagens que circulam globalmente; e, a segunda premissa, de que a despeito de seu caráter comercial, persuasivo e de vendas, a publicidade também pode ser encarada como um bem cultural que expressa a cultura da qual faz parte. É na articulação destas duas premissas que reside o interesse primordial e o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: ao considerar o fazer publicitário como representação da sociedade, investigar, a partir da perspectiva do Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, como o movimento é expresso discursivamente na publicidade das marcas globais. A interpretação do discurso publicitário global teve como objetivo validar a hipótese de que há um consumo de (i)mobilidade sendo feito quando o indivíduo sai em busca de objetos que, a partir de sua disponibilidade (ready-to-handness) e potencial de uso em relação ao ambiente (affordance), suportem sua (i)mobilidade cotidiana com certa estabilidade e menor risco. O locus da investigação é o Brasil e o estudo focou sua análise nos 32 anos relativos ao período de 1982 a 2014. Foram selecionados anúncios de marcas veiculados na revista Veja durante o período de três Copas do Mundo FIFA: de 1982, na Espanha; de 1998, na França; e de 2014, no Brasil, que cobrem o período proposto pela pesquisa.

Environmental education and the cross-curricular nature of outcomes based education: an investigation of methodological compatibility

Kgatitsoe, Peter Paul 01 1900 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the congruence in methodology between out-comes based education and environmental education. EE and OBE advocate for an integration of educational approaches and methodology. The focus being the introduction of integrated cross-curricula approach to education. Questionnaires were administered to educators in the sampled schools in order to get the understanding and perceptions of educators about the compatibilty of EE and OBE methodologies. The hypothesis: OBE in South African Education allows for the implementation of EE methodologies. The finding is that common approaches i.e. interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approaches and similar methods are used in OBE and EE. Several proposals were made: There should be workshops, support and mentoring approaches to EE and OBE. Resources should be available to educators and learners and there should be research on OBE and EE methodologies should be made / This study is aimed at examining the compatibility in methodology and approaches of South African Out-comes Based Education and Environmental Education. Data collection was based on questionnaires administered to the primary school educators in the Rustenburg District. Extensive knowledge was gained concerning the nature, approaches and methodologies of Environmental Education and Out Comes Based Education. The educators' understanding of the compatibility or degree of agreement between OBE and EE methodologies, approaches and methods was examined. Problems related to the methodological incompatibility of EE and OBE are identified and solutions are proposed. The core of this study is to examine the compatibility between OBE and EE in terms of approaches and methodologies. It is noted by this study that compatibility between EE and OBE, is not without problems. This study will make valuable contributions to examine the extent of OBE as a curriculum policy for addressing methodological issues raised by EE. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

The development of a complementary psychological treatment programme for cochlear implant teams

Schoeman, Elsie Magdalena 31 October 2003 (has links)
The impact of the diagnosis and the reality of being hearing impaired could trigger uncomfortable feelings at different times in the client's life. With the cochlear implant, these feelings will still be a reality, as the implant does not heal the hearing impairment. Psychological interventions could assist the client during this healing process. The process of cochlear implants could also bring other challenges into the client's life. Expectations of quick healing play a major role and should be addressed throughout the process of implantation and rehabilitation. This is another opportunity for the psychologist to intervene. This research shows that the role of the psychologist could be expanded not only to evaluate but also to bring about change. The treatment model gives a logical and workable explanation of how and where the psychologist may intervene in the process of cochlear implantation. This model was tested and adapted by the cochlear implant team at the University of Pretoria over a period of ten years. The model may be used as a template for new teams. Intervening as described in the model presents the opportunity to address various different needs as they occur. The qualitative research design proved to be a fitting method to explore the experiences of the participants from their own viewpoints. The qualitative research is also congruent with a systemic perspective and emphasises social context, multiple perspectives, complexity, recursion and holism. This study aims to develop a complementary psychological treatment programme and create awareness within professionals working with hearing impairment of the complexity of systems. The study shows that one can only understand the behaviour of any given system by tracking changes that occur within that system and its subsystems and by tracking changes between that system and the larger whole. In this study three different therapeutic interventions are used on three different case studies, two children from different age groups and an adult, to accommodate the multiple realities of the different systems. The aim of the study with cochlear implantees and their families is to stimulate new leads and avenues of enquiry that may be used as a basis for further research. / Psychology / Thesis (D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology))

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