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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Canticle of spiritual direction : a transformative approach to the Song of Songs

Lam, Judy Elise 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation suggests the Song of Songs as a biblical paradigm for Christian spiritual direction based on the poem’s human dynamics, theological poetics and mystical aesthetic. The Song of Songs is paradigmatic as a journey from a state of self-neglect (depletion), through dynamic encounters of love (transformation), to living who I am in union with the divine I AM (deification). Identifying the human beloved as archetypal seeker and positing transformation in love as the raison-d’être for spiritual direction, the research delineates important implications for spiritual praxis, namely: the human subject (locus); human yearning (focus); the human search (journey); dynamics of human transformation and spiritual maturation (process); aspects of life-integration and union with God (purpose); and becoming a living sacrament in the world (epiphany). With its experiential-existential approach, The Canticle of Spiritual Direction serves as an interdisciplinary and intercultural resource on the Song of Songs, Christian spiritual direction, and Christian mysticism. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

Lienzos móviles: la gráfica popular en el transporte público de Lima como registro del diseño peruano entre los años 1992 y 2019 / Mobile canvas: the popular graphics in lima’s public transport as a register of peruvian design between the years 1992 and 2019

Marin Illesca, Harianne Grace 02 December 2020 (has links)
La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la gráfica popular del transporte público y su rol en el desarrollo del diseño peruano. Se presume que, como representación pictórica, es una manifestación artística y cultural de diseño y debe considerarse en el proceso de construcción del paradigma nacional de diseño. Es una investigación cualitativa y de alcance descriptivo y exploratorio, debido a que es un tema poco estudiado desde la perspectiva del diseño mismo. Incluye un análisis bibliográfico referido a las variables y visual en cuanto a su aplicación en el transporte. Los resultados indican que existe una concepción del diseño peruano basada en estereotipos. Asimismo, que la gráfica popular no es un estilo sino una categoría en base al nivel de expresión y libertad que tiene el ejecutor. Además, se ha encontrado que dentro de la gráfica popular en el transporte, el mensaje, la tipografía y la forma varía según el tipo de vehículo y su recorrido, dado que este último es internalizado por el dueño del vehículo. Se concluye que los vehículos son espacios que se han ido mimetizando con las creencias, hábitos y el juicio estético de sus dueños. Por esa razón, los vehículos son reflejo y representación de las comunidades en las que se movilizan. Es una gráfica cuyo objetivo es capturar la expresión de emociones, mediante trazos o mensajes, e incluso la efimeridad. Visualmente no tiene limitaciones y se establece como referente visual de aquel que, en su paso por Lima, se encuentra con estos lienzos móviles. / This research aims to analyze the popular graphics of public transport and its role in the development of Peruvian design. It is presumed that, as a pictorial representation, it is an artistic and cultural manifestation of design and should be considered while building the national design paradigm. It is qualitative research with a descriptive and exploratory scope, because it is a subject that has been little studied from the perspective of design itself. Includes a bibliographic analysis referring to the variables and a visual analysis regarding their application in transport. The results indicate that there is a conception of Peruvian design based on stereotypes. Also, that popular graphics is not a style but a category based on the level of expression and freedom that the executor has. In addition, it has been found that, within the popular graphics in transportation, the message and the form vary according to the type of vehicle and its route, since the latter is internalized by the owner of the vehicle. It is concluded that vehicles are spaces that have been mimicking the beliefs, habits and aesthetic judgment of their owners. For this reason, vehicles are a reflection and representation of the communities in which they are mobilized. It is a graphic form whose objective is to capture the expression of emotions, through strokes or messages, and even ephemerality. Visually it has no limitations and it is established as a visual reference for those who, in their passage through Lima, come across these mobile canvases. / Trabajo de investigación

Zwischen Copyshop, Café und Couch?

Joos, Martina 28 June 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit widmet sich der Alltags- und Freizeitmobilität und deren räumlichem Bezug am Beispiel zehn Berliner Wohnquartiere. Eine übergeordnete Fragestellung lautet: Werden die Freizeitaktivitäten, alltäglichen Verrichtungen und sozialen Interaktionen überwiegend im Wohnumfeld ausgeführt? Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist die im Rahmen ökologischer und sozialer Herausforderungen existierende Bedeutungszunahme nahräumlicher Handlungsbezüge des Alltags. Das städtebauliche Leitbild der Stadt der kurzen Wege, dem sich viele Gemeinden und Städte verpflichtet fühlen, bietet an dieser Stelle planerische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten. Anhand der Analyse der Alltags- und Freizeitmobilität im Wohnumfeld wird die Relevanz des Leitbilds in einem großstädtischen Kontext geprüft. Als wesentliche Grundlage der Studie gilt der raum- und handlungstheoretische Ansatz. Es wird eine Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem Raum und der Mobilitätshandlung vorausgesetzt, in der die Alltags- und Freizeitmobilität einerseits vom Raum und der sozial-räumlichen Struktur (Raumstruktur) beeinflusst wird und andererseits der Raum gesellschaftlich, d.h. durch Handlungen produziert wird. Auf der Basis von 1709 Fällen, die mittels einer quantitativen Befragung in zehn nach städtebaulichen Typen geordneten Untersuchungsgebieten erhoben wurden, von denen 61 Bewohner zusätzlichen Intensivinterviews zur Verfügung standen, kann insgesamt eine hohe Wohnumfeldnutzung, mit unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in den einzelnen Gebieten, nachgewiesen werden. Ein bedeutendes Einflussmerkmal im Zusammenhang mit diesem Ergebnis ist neben der Raumstruktur auch der Lebensstil, der unter anderem in Mustern der Freizeitmobilität zum Ausdruck kommt. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Handlungskontexte, in denen strukturelle Rahmenbedingungen, wohnbiographische Erfahrungen und persönliche Handlungsmotive zusammenwirken, in Bezug auf die Alltags- und Freizeitmobilität innerhalb bzw. außerhalb des Wohnumfelds ausgemacht. Die Forschungsarbeit liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag, um die alltäglichen Mobilitätshandlungen sowie deren Entstehungszusammenhänge und räumlichen Bezüge zu verstehen. Erst dadurch können städtebauliche Richtlinien zur Quartiersentwicklung erarbeitet und Leitbilder in ihrer Gültigkeit bewertet und gegebenenfalls angepasst werden. / This thesis deals with everyday and leisure mobility and their spatial importance in the con-text of 10 residential districts in Berlin. The following main issue is explored: do leisure-time activities, everyday activities and social interactions happen mainly in the housing area? The analysis is developed from the increasing importance of local everyday activities in the context of ecological and social challenges. At this point the compact city planning paradigm that many communities and towns subscribe to can be implemented into planning. Based on the analysis of everyday and leisure mobility in the housing area, the relevance of this planning paradigm is examined in the context of a big city. The survey is essentially based on the spatial and action-theoretical approach. A correlation between space and mobility is assumed, where everyday and leisure mobility are determined by space and its socio-spatial structure while space is also created socially, i.e. by activities. 1,709 case studies are appraised in a quantitative survey conducted in 10 investigation areas arranged according to types of urban development with 61 inhabitants being available for further interviews. The findings show extensive activities within the housing area but their degree varies according to the individual areas. This result is closely linked to vital factors such as spatial structure and lifestyles. The latter are expressed through patterns of leisure mobility. Besides other activities combining structural factors, personal residential experiences and personal motives for activities are identified in the context of everyday and leisure mobility both within and outside the housing area. The survey is an essential contribution towards a better understanding of everyday mobility as well as its origins and spatial contexts. It is a prerequisite for urban district development guidelines and ensures that planning paradigms are assessed properly and adjusted if necessary.

Integration of modern science and indigenous knowledge systems : towards a coexistence of the two systems of knowing in the South African curriculum

Masemula, Morongwa Bertha 10 1900 (has links)
The integration of modern science and indigenous knowledge systems in the science education curriculum for South African schools represents social justice for the majority of South Africans as they determine the knowledge necessary for themselves and for future generations in the new South Africa. An exploratory research reveals tension and a dichotomous relationship between modern science and IKS, caused by false hierarchies that are influenced by factors such as colonialism, capitalism and modernisation to the exclusion of the core values held by indigenous people in their relationship with nature. The thesis demonstrates that the integration requires an epistemology that puts humanity first and a framework that accommodates both ways of knowing. This should allow for the best in the two systems of knowing to serve humanity in a dialogical manner. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)


07 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa trata da relação entre ser humano e natureza. O paradigma moderno a entende de forma a constituir seu dualismo básico fundante, havendo completa ruptura e dissociação entre ambos. Percorrem-se as crises advindas dessa cisão radical tanto do ponto de vista ecológico, quanto subjetivo. Após, uma análise sobre a emergência de um paradigma holístico e transdisciplinar é observada, e a partir desses novos horizontes epistemológicos surgem os aqui chamados saberes emergentes. Esta denominação se refere aos novos saberes ecológicos: Ecologia Profunda, Ecofeminismo e Ecologia Social. Tais saberes entendem que o homem e a natureza estão intrinsecamente conectados em uma teia de interligações, inaugurando uma nova visão de mundo mais acolhedora e baseada no cuidado. Para aprofundar o tema, há a proposta de análise das comunidades sustentáveis como materializadoras dos pressupostos dos novos saberes emergentes, incluindo a teorização de Donald Winnicott sobre a atualização do verdadeiro self. / [en] The research deals with the relationship between humans and nature. The modern paradigm to understand so as to constitute its founding basic dualism, with complete rupture and dissociation between them. Crises arising from this radical split both from an ecological point of view, and subjective to run. After an analysis of the emergence of a holistic and interdisciplinary paradigm is observed, and from these new epistemological horizons arise here called emerging knowledge. This name refers to the new ecological knowledge: Deep Ecology, ecofeminism and Social Ecology. This knowledge understand that man and nature are intrinsically connected in a web of interconnections, inaugurating a new vision of more welcoming world and based care. To deepen the theme, there is a proposal for analysis of sustainable communities as materializadoras the assumptions of the emerging new knowledge, including the theory of Donald Winnicott about updating the true self.

Jag har alltid trott på UFO : Att arkivera det okända och behovet av de enskilda arkivens källmaterial för ökad mångfald i historieskrivningen / I have always believed in UFOs : Archiving the unknown and the need for the material of the community archives for increased diversity in history writing

Lindman, Petra, Forsgård, Linn January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is the result of two years of study in archival science at the Department of ABM (archive, library, museum) at Uppsala University, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight community archives, specifically how the community archive "Archive for the Unexplained" in Norrköping operates as a community archive and handles received documents and records of ufo-reports from UFO-Sweden. Our focus has been to study record- keeping and how the documents are made available to promote the possibility of transparency, research, and ar- chival retrieval. The analysis is divided into two parts: the archive and its internal archival structure, as well as the records. The analysis of the archival structure is focused on how the archive operates as a community archive based on the theory of Terry Cook's four paradigms, which aims to show how archives have gone from closed archives to open places for knowledge. The results of this thesis show how the Archive for the Unexplained as a community archive in contrasts to archives that operate in the official authority and fulfill a vital role in the paranormal field and how its material is primarily used for investigating Unexplained phenomena while it is providing a creative space for a narrative of a fictional and folkloristic nature. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.


Alexandr Pak (10531388) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<div>The visual system is responsible for processing visual input, inferring its environmental causes, and assessing its behavioral significance that eventually relates to visual perception and guides animal behavior. There is emerging evidence that visual perception does not simply mirror the outside world but is heavily influenced by contextual information. Specifically, context might refer to the sensory, cognitive, and/or behavioral cues that help to assess the behavioral relevance of image features. One of the most famous examples of such behavior is visual or optical illusions. These illusions contain sensory cues that induce a subjective percept that is not aligned with the physical nature of the stimulation, which, in turn, suggests that a visual system is not a passive filter of the outside world but rather an active inference machine.</div><div>Such robust behavior of the visual system is achieved through intricate neural computations spanning several brain regions that allow dynamic visual processing. Despite the numerous attempts to gain insight into those computations, it has been challenging to decipher the circuit-level implementation of contextual processing due to technological limitations. These questions are of great importance not only for basic research purposes but also for gaining deeper insight into neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by altered sensory experiences. Recent advances in genetic engineering and neurotechnology made the mouse an attractive model to study the visual system and enabled other researchers and us to gain unprecedented cellular and circuit-level insights into neural mechanisms underlying contextual processing.</div><div>We first investigated how familiarity modifies the neural representation of stimuli in the mouse primary visual cortex (V1). Using silicon probe recordings and pupillometry, we probed neural activity in naive mice and after animals were exposed to the same stimulus over the course of several days. We have discovered that familiar stimuli evoke low-frequency oscillations in V1. Importantly, those oscillations were specific to the spatial frequency content of the familiar stimulus. To further validate our findings, we investigated how this novel form of visual learning is represented in serotonin-transporter (SERT) deficient mice. These transgenic animals have been previously found to have various neurophysiological alterations. We found that SERT-deficient animals showed longer oscillatory spiking activity and impaired cortical tuning after visual learning. Taken together, we discovered a novel phenomenon of familiarity-evoked oscillations in V1 and utilized it to reveal altered perceptual learning in SERT-deficient mice.</div><div>16</div><div>Next, we investigated how spatial context influences sensory processing. Visual illusions provide a great opportunity to investigate spatial contextual modulation in early visual areas. Leveraging behavioral training, high-density silicon probe recordings, and optogenetics, we provided evidence for an interplay of feedforward and feedback pathways during illusory processing in V1. We first designed an operant behavioral task to investigate illusory perception in mice. Kanizsa illusory contours paradigm was then adapted from primate studies to mouse V1 to elucidate neural correlates of illusory responses in V1. These experiments provided behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for illusory perception in mice. Using optogenetics, we then showed that suppression of the lateromedial area inhibits illusory responses in mouse V1. Taken together, we demonstrated illusory responses in mice and their dependence on the top-down feedback from higher-order visual areas.</div><div>Finally, we investigated how temporal context modulates neural responses by combining silicon probe recordings and a novel visual oddball paradigm that utilizes spatial frequency filtered stimuli. Our work extended prior oddball studies by investigating how adaptation and novelty processing depends on the tuning properties of neurons and their laminar position. Furthermore, given that reduced adaptation and sensory hypersensitivity are one of the hallmarks of altered sensory experiences in autism, we investigated the effects of temporal context on visual processing in V1 of a mouse model of fragile X syndrome (FX), a leading monogenetic cause of autism. We first showed that adaptation was modulated by tuning properties of neurons in both genotypes, however, it was more confined to neurons preferring the adapted feature in FX mice. Oddball responses, on the other hand, were modulated by the laminar position of the neurons in WT with the strongest novelty responses in superficial layers, however, they were uniformly distributed across the cortical column in FX animals. Lastly, we observed differential processing of omission responses in FX vs. WT mice. Overall, our findings suggest that reduced adaptation and increased oddball processing might contribute to altered perceptual experiences in FX and autism.</div>

Determinanty zájmu o životní prostředí / Determinants of Environmental Concern

Vrbíková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Determinants of environmental concern" is a quantitative analysis that deals with determinants of environmental concern, the scale of new ecological paradigm, environmental behavior and ecological activism. It uses data from an international survey "International Social Survey Project Environment III" from year 2010. Strong predictors came out from the analysis, mainly cultural differences of the respondents and education. The inhabitants of Western Europe and English speaking countries have the strongest environmental concern, in contrast, in post communist countries of Eastern Europe is this concern the smallest. Post materialists and inhabitants of the richer countries have stronger environmental concern and they believe more in science and progress solving ecological problems. The perception of consequences of ecological problems on everyday life is also a strong determinant from which suffers mostly localities out of Europe. The recycling waste is most often carried away in Western Europe and English speaking countries. A strong correlation is between finished education and environmental concern as well as ecological activism, there is a weaker connection to saving natural resources.

Tangram-base Problem Solving in Radical Constructivist Paradigm: High School Student-Teachers Conjectures

Rahim, Medhat H., Siddo, Radcliffe, Issa, Moushira 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

#KavlaNer : En kritisk diskursanalys av antivaccin-argument på Facebook / #KavlaNer : A critical discourse analysis of anti-vaccine arguments on Facebook

Ewerman, Lovisa, Lindström, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka antivaccin-diskurser på Facebooksidan Kavla Ner och jämföra dem med tre antivaccin-diskurser tidigare funna av Kata (2010). Tidigare forskning visar att antivaccin-grupper utnyttjar postmodernistiskt tänkande och att sociala medier är ett kraftfullt verktyg vad gäller åsiktsbildning om vaccin. Därtill kan konspirationsteorier som sprids om vaccin bidra till en ökad tro på att vaccin är farligt.Materialet som analyseras är 30 inlägg från Facebooksidan Kavla Ner och studien bygger på Faircloughs (1992) tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Texterna har analyserats med hjälp av analysverktygen lexikala val och modalitet. Detta görs med utgångspunkt i teorier om ideologi och diskurs, postmodernism samt kulturell hegemoni.Resultatet av analysen visar förekomsten av antivaccin-diskurser och att två av de funna diskurserna stämmer överens med de Kata (2010) funnit. Därtill gjordes nya upptäckter i form av en ny diskurs och de kategoriserande teman Kata funnit utvecklades. Resultatet visade att en stor mängd av inläggen är färgade av ett postmodernistiskt tänkande. Konspirationsteorier visade sig också vara vanligt förekommande i inläggen. Slutsatsen av studien är att de sociala praktiker som påverkar antivaccin-diskursen även skulle kunna påverka andra områden, vilket ytterligare förklarar vikten av att förstå fenomenet vaccinmotstånd. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine anti-vaccine discourses on the Kavla Ner Facebook page and to compare them to three anti-vaccine discourses previously found by Kata (2010). Research shows that anti-vaccine communities utilize postmodern ways of thought, and that social media is a powerful tool when it comes to affecting people's opinions about vaccination. Furthermore, conspiracy theories which are spread on the internet can contribute to belief that vaccines are dangerous.The material which has been analyzed consists of 30 posts from the Kavla Ner Facebook page and the method is based on Fairclough’s (1992) three-dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The texts have been analyzed using the tools lexical choices and modality, while drawing on theories about ideology and discourse, postmodernism and cultural hegemony.The result shows the presence of anti-vaccine discourses on the Facebook page, and that two of the discourses are consistent with those found by Kata (2010). In addition, a new discourse was found and the categorizing themes by Kata were expanded. Conspiracy theories proved to be common in the posts. The results also showed that a large number of the posts are characterized by postmodernist thinking. Finally, it is concluded that the social practices which influence the anti-vaccine discourse could affect other areas, which further explains the importance of understanding the phenomenon of vaccine resistance.

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