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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dienslewering in die openbare biblioteek met spesiale verwysing na gebruikersleiding / Service rendering in the public library with special reference to user guidance

Gericke, Elizabeth Martina 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie was om 'n model te ontwikkel vir openbare bibiioteekdiensiewering in 'n ontwikkelende land met 'n multikulturele samelewing. Die kernprobleem was om die teoretiese fundering van dienslewering en die toepassing daarvan in die praktyk te ondersoek. Die eerste subprobleem was om die eienskappe van 'n professie en professionele dienslewering te ondersoek. Die eienskappe van die professionalis/bibiiotekaris wat leiding aan die gebruiker moet gee, is geidentifiseer. Sleutelelemente is: outonomie (gekoppel aan deskundigheid en opieiding), 'n altruistiese diensorientasie en funksionele diens (volgens professionele riglyne en standaarde) aan alle groepe in die gemeenskap, ongeag sosiale kias. Die tweede subprobleem was om die doelstellings en funksies van die openbare biblioteek en die roi van gebruikersleiding daarin te ontleed. Daar is gevind dat diensleweringsfunksies in die teorie swak gefundeer is. 'n Kategorisering is voorgestel wat onderskei tussen ondersteuningsfunksies, diensleweringsfunksies en bestuursfunksies. Gebruikersleiding is geidentifiseer as oorkoepelende begrip en kernelement van alle diensleweringsfunksies wat gerig is op die optimalisering van die waarde van inligting tot beswil van die samelewing. Die derde subprobleem was om die ontstaan van 'n diensbegrip in die openbare biblioteek te beskryf en paradigmaverskuiwings uit te wys. Professionele riglyne, beginsels en standaarde, is ontleed. Afleidings is gemaak oor 'n heersende diensbegrip en rol van die openbare biblioteek. Daar is bevind dat die riglyne vir die identifisering van gebruikersgroepe en hulle behoeftes asook diensleweringsfunksies ontoereikend is. 'n Kategorisering van potensiele gebruikersgroepe en hul behoeftes is gedoen en 'n model vir openbare biblioteekdiensiewering ontwikkel om die leemte in teoretisering te vul. Die model onderskei 'n diensparadigma van dienslewering aan alie individue en groepe in die gemeenskap en missie van ontwikkeling; die primere doeiltelling opvoeding; beginsels van gemeenskapskontak; behoeftebepaling en toegang lot inligting; diensfunksies en uitreikaktiwiteite; die professionalis-klientverhouding; wetgewing, organisatoriese strukture en omgewingsfaktore. Die model is in 'n vraelysopname in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare biblioteekpraktyk getoets. Daar is bevind dat die doelsteliings nagestreef en diensfunksies toegepas word. Die grootste probleme word in organisatoriese strukture en finansiering ondervind. Hierdie sake moet dringend aandag kry om die gestelde missie, naamlik om 'n wesenlike rol te speel in die ontwikkeling van die hele Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, te verwesenlik. / The purpose of the study was to develop a model for public library service rendering in a developing and multicultural society. The core problem was to investigate the theoretical foundation of service rendering and the application thereof in practice. The first subproblem was to examine the characteristics of a profession and professional service rendering. The characteristics of the professional/ librarian who has to provide guidance to the user were identified. Key elements are: autonomy (linked to expertise and training), an altruistic service orientation and functional service (according to professional guidelines and standards) to all groups in the community irrespective of social class. The second subproblem was to analyse the aims and functions of the public library and the role of user guidance in it It was found that service rendering functions are not theoretically well grounded. A categorisation is proposed which distinguishes between supporting, service rendering and management functions. User guidance is identified as an umbrella concept and core element of all service rendering functions which is directed at optima/isirtg the value of information to the benefit of society. The third subproblem was to describe the origins of a service concept in the public library and to expose paradigm shifts. Professional guidelines, principles and standards were analysed. Conclusions were drawn about a predominant service concept and the role of the public library. It was found that guidelines for the identification of user groups and their needs as well as service rendering functions are inadequate. A categorisation of potential user groups and their needs was compiled and a model for public library service rendering was developed to bridge the gap in XXtheorisation. The model distinguishes a paradigm of service to all Individuals and groups in the community and a developmental mission; the primary aim of education; service principles of community networking, needs assessment and information access; service functions and outreach activities; the professionalclient- relationship; legislation, organisational structures and environmental factors. The model was tested in South African public library practice by means of a questionnaire survey. It was found that aims are pursued and service functions are applied. The greatest problems are experienced In organisational structures and financing. These issues must be urgently addressed to realise the public library's declared mission, namely to play a substantial role in the development of the South African society as a whole. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Talking sticks and BMW's: ritual, power and authority in a psychotherapy training placement

Jansen, Shahieda 01 January 2002 (has links)
This study explores trainees' experiences of power dynamics within a ritualised training context, with reference to the three major aspects of the study: training, ritual and power. The psychotherapeutic training took place at Agape, a community-based counselling service in Mamelodi, whose theoretical approach to training included a mixture of postmodern, ecosystemic and African traditions. A substantial literature survey examines the major concepts and issues related to the research subject, such as psychotherapeutic training approaches, the philosophies and theories that may inform training procedures, ritual practices in psychotherapy, and organisational and power aspects of psychotherapeutic training. The research process was executed using the qualitative, interpretive research methodology. A sample of six of the trainees who had completed their training at this placement was interviewed, and two of the trainers. The researcher's reflections on her own training experiences are woven into the material. Using the interview technique and through asking a series of open-ended questions, the researcher obtained an account of the subjective, sacralised training interactions at Agape. Themes were identified that had emerged during the interview process. In brief, the themes referred to trainees' theoretical and practical experiences in the training placement, how they made sense of the sacralised therapeutic experiences, and comments on their relationship with trainers and fellow trainees. The most common theme that emerged was that of power. The end product of this study portrays the trainees' understandings of power within a sacralised psychotherapeutic context and their responses to this. This study makes explicit the links between ritualisation and power within an evaluative psychotherapeutic training context, and the consequences of this for training. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Teacher attitudes towards the implementation of the learning area technology

Pudi, Thabo Israel 30 June 2002 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)Educational Studies

Wer sagen die Leute, wer ich bin? Eine qualitative Erhebung zur Gottesvorstellung bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland. Eine Studie aus der sicht empirischer Missionswissenschaft = Who do people say that I am? A qualitative research of the image of God among German youth. A study from the perspective of empirical Missiology

Faix, Tobias 30 June 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit unternimmt den Versuch, einen konzeptionellen Entwurf einer empirischen Missionswissenschaft als Grundlagenforschung zu entwickeln, der im Praxisfeld durchgeführt wird. Dabei soll die intradisziplinäre Vorgehensweise einen methodologischen Zugang sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden zur Missionswissenschaft möglich machen. Als Grundlage wird ein Einblick in die sozialwissenschaftliche und missionswissenschaftliche Forschung gegeben und daraus ein eigener, empirisch-theologischer Praxiszyklus entwickelt, der die Methodologie der Untersuchung darstellt. Die inhaltliche Forschungsarbeit fragt nach Gottesvorstellungen von Jugendlichen aus missionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Dabei wird die Möglichkeit missionarischer Begegnung und Ansprechbarkeit von Jugendlichen im Kontext der kulturellen Veränderungen des postmodernen Paradigmemwechsels beleuchtet. Die Frage, wie Gottesvorstellungen von Jugendlichen gesellschaftlich geprägt und wie sich dies auf ihre Religiosität in ihrem Alltag auswirkt, spielt in diesem Zusammenhang eine wichtige Rolle. Deshalb wird nicht nur der aktuelle Forschungsstand zur Thematik untersucht, sondern 18 Jugendliche werden in Form von halbstandardisierten Interviews qualitativ befragt und ihre Aussagen empirisch-missiologisch ausgewertet. Die Thesis hat somit zweierlei Zielsetzungen: Zum einen geht es um eine empirisch-theologische Studie zur Erforschung von Gottesvorstellung bei Jugendlichen im Hinblick auf ihre missionarische Ansprechbarkeit. Zum anderen zielt sie darauf ab, durch Umsetzung des empirisch-theologischen Praxiszyklus einen Typus zu entwickeln, der auch künftig in der Missionswissenschaft für empirisch-theologische Erhebungen eingesetzt werden kann. Summary The intention of this research project is to evolve a concept for empirical missiology as a method of fundamental research and to apply it in practice. Through the usage of an intradisciplinary approach, access to missiology via the methodology of the social sciences is rendered possible. To establish a basis, an insight into social as well as missiological research will be given, and an inherent, empirical-theological praxis cycle will be developed. This praxis cycle is the methodology of this research paper. Concerning content, this research paper scrutinises the image of God held by juveniles from a missiological point of view. It considers the missionary receptiveness of juveniles in the context of cultural change in the postmodernist shift of paradigm. In how far are juvenile concepts of God marked by the correspondent social environment and does that have an impact on their everyday religious behaviour? Consequently not only the current state of research will be evaluated but, furthermore, the half-standardised qualitative interviews of 18 juveniles will be enclosed and their answers analysed on an empirical- missiological basis. Hence, this thesis has a twofold aim; one considers empirical-theological research as a way of evaluating concepts of God among juveniles with regard to their missionary receptiveness. The other implements the empirical-theological praxis cycle aiming to develop a type which enables further empirical-theological investigation in missilogy. / Missiology / D.Th.

Postkolonialiteit in die twintigste- en een-en-twintigste-eeuse Afrikaanse drama met klem op die na-sestigers / Postkolonialiteit in 20ste- en 21ste-eeuse Afrikaanse drama met klem op die na-sestigers

Van der Merwe, Anna Susanna Petronella 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this thesis the term post-colonialism in the Afrikaans drama is investigated, focussing on the post-sixties. The term post-colonialism is difficult to define. Not only are theories of post-colonialism in a state of continuous flux and shifting emphasis, but as a result of different colonial dominations, separate identities have been constructed in South-Africa; so that defining the terms colonial, post colonial and post-colonial proves to be even more problematic. The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the Afrikaans drama fits into these discourses. The basic point of departure is the fact that post-colonialism played a considerable role in the development of the Afrikaans drama, at the same time providing a more varied scope. The research covers several aspects of post-colonialism in Afrikaans drama; each dealt with in a separate chapter. A multitude of perspectives are featured within the broader discourse in order to obtain multiple norms and standards in a phase of self-criticism. The focus falls mainly on themes and not on performance aspects. New perspectives on issues such as canon texts, silence, hero-worship, the portrayal of woman, patriarchy, and neo-colonialism are presented (chapter 1). In chapter 2 focus falls on the period before 1960, and notably the question of nationalism (associated with apartheid) and the portrayal of the Afrikaner. The literary canon, forms of violence and the position of the super-Afrikaner are viewed in a new light during the re-writing of post-colonial history and the resulting paradigm shifts after 1960. Renewed emphasis is placed on discourse concerning land (chapter 3). Contrasting concepts regarding race, class, language, gender and religion are reconsidered in order to contribute towards the heterogeneous nature of post-colonialism (chapter 4). The function of theatre is to re-evaluate in the context of a post-1994 democratic system. Texts now focus especially on empowerment, re-discovery and re-ordering of history, reconciliation, inter-cultural contact and a post-apartheid syndrome (chapter 5). Anti-hegemonic resistance in Afrikaans literature since the sixties has confronted writers with the challenge of depicting or creating a larger post-colonial reality through their texts. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

An exploration of South African diversity dynamics

Pretorius, Marius 30 November 2003 (has links)
Diversity has, over the last few decades, become a burning issue on the agenda of most companies. Current diversity-related interventions are mainly based on behaviouristic and socio-cognitive approaches. In this research diversity was approached from the systems psychodynamic paradigm. The general aim was to gain an understanding of the diversity dynamics that manifests in an South African diversity experience. The literature review focussed on diversity in the workplace, on the group relations training model, and on the application of the group relations training model to diversity. Qualitative research was done by interviewing a sample of 15 delegates who attended the November 2000 Robben Island Diversity Experience. These unstructured interviews were used to obtain in-depth information about the participant's experience and the data was analysed hermeneutically. The emerging themes were `crossing the boundary, engage the new world, the ties that bind, being imprisoned, the struggle, the road to reconciliation, integration and healing, back to the future and the crucible'. It is recommended that South African organizations make more use of the systems psychodynamic approach to study the manifestations of diversity dynamics. The aim is not to replace the other approaches to diversity, but to add a perspective that can enhance awareness and sensitivity to the covert, unconscious and irrational forces that impact on diversity. / Industrial and Organisational Psycology / M. A.(Industrial and Organisational Psycology)

The development of a measuring instrument to determine the educational focus of students at a nursing college

Mouton, Chautnette 31 January 2007 (has links)
The question the researcher set out to answer was "What is the educational focus of a nursing college when viewed within Bevis and Watson's Humanistic-Educative-Caring Curriculum Paradigm versus a Stimulus-Response Curriculum Paradigm?" The purpose of this study was to develop and test an instrument based on the Bevis and Watson Humanistic-Educative-Caring Model; an educational paradigm shift from the Tylerian rationale in nursing education. A questionnaire comprising 181 Two-Choice Comparative-Value-Statement Items was developed and tested. A non-experimental research design was implemented. During the developmental phase, a non-probability, purposive sample was used; the questionnaire (instrument) was developed; data were analysed by applying content analysis and the questionnaire was refined. During the testing phase a stratified, random sample was used consisting of first to fourth year students from two nursing colleges from the Gauteng Province; the items were tested against biographic data and hypotheses resulting from the Bevis and Watson model. Six conceptual continuums comprise the Bevis and Watson model namely, the Learner Maturity Continuum, the Teacher-student relationship, the Teacher-student structure, the Typology of Learning, Criteria for Teacher-Student Interactions and Criteria for Selecting and Devising Learning Experiences. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilised. The results indicated that the educational focus of the respondents with regard to the Bevis and Watson model was predominantly humanistic. The exception occurred with regard to TUTOR: Teacher-student structure; pertaining to hypothesis 7 on language; and hypothesis 9 on gender, where a behaviouristic orientation appears to prevail. Significant differences were found between the model variables (conceptual continuums) and year group, language, college A and B, and gender. In hypothesis 5, although a humanistic orientation predominated, the 4th year students tended to display an increasing behaviouristic orientation. In hypothesis 8, although a humanistic orientation predominated, college A appeared less humanistic than college B. Recommendations were made regarding nursing education and further research studies to refine the instrument. The implementation of the Bevis and Watson model calls for a curriculum paradigm shift in nursing education. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.

The appropriation of African traditional healing by the Zionist Churches: a challenge to the mission churches in Gaborone ”Botswana”

Matsepe, Shale Solomon 30 November 2004 (has links)
The Zionist type of churches under the African Independent Churches have proven to be a force to be reckoned with against the more organized ecclesiastical movements (in particular the Mission Churches). This can be seen in their emphasis around matters related to culture and its methods of healing. As s result this led to the migration of people from the mission churches to these churches and threatened their existence in Botswana. The mission churches have been experiencing the decline in their membership to the Zionist churches because of the lack of openness to the cultural and the value systems of Batswana in Botswana. Mission churches were left with an option of doing introspection and finally acknowledging their failures to contextualise their theology and Christianity among the people they serving. Mission churches ended up opening their doors to the needs of their members. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Church History)

The application of restorative justice in the South African correctional system

Plaatjies, Minette Feona 30 June 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is the culmination of extensive literature study on the application of Restorative Justice in the South African Correctional System. International and national resources on the application of Restorative Justice both in Corrections and as pre-sentence option had been studied. The background of the penal system and the development of Restorative Justice as part of the Criminal Justice System are investigated by looking at ancient practices, indigenous and modern practices. The study intends to draw on experience from other countries, while at the same time advocate for the development of a uniquely South African model or practice. The role of the most important stakeholders, namely victim, offender and community is emphasized with reference to the challenges that offenders face in terms of reintegration and the lack of resources in communities to enable them to honour Restorative Justice agreements. / Criminology / M. A. (Criminology)

The role of school managers in managing educational changes in schools in Mogodumo region in Limpopo province

Sello, Makgoale Emily 09 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles that members of SMTs play in their efforts to manage the present educational changes in schools. Members of SMTs are leaders and managers who hold authoritative positions in schools. They are regarded as the key personnel who are supposed to manage schools successfully. Since the present education system in South Africa is characterized by a variety of changes, school managers are not only expected to understand these changes but also to be able to manage them effectively. The study commenced by outlining the concept change and its nature. The intention was to lay a foundation for understanding what change entails. Some of the common changes that are experienced in schools were also discussed. These included curricular and non-curricular changes that pose challenges to school managers. Focus was primarily placed on the educational changes and the way they impact on the managerial roles of school managers. These included the changes such as the implementation of OBE, NCS and IQMS. Reference was also made to the application of some of the educational policies that contribute towards the increasing managerial responsibilities of school managers. These include the application of the present policy on norms and standards for school funding, admission policy and the abolition of corporal punishment that pose managerial challenges to school managers. Empirical research was conducted in four randomly selected schools in Mogodumo region in Limpopo Province. Semi- structured interviews were conducted with members of SMTs in these four schools. The research findings revealed that the present school managers find it difficult to meet the new managerial expectations that are brought about by the transforming educational environment. It became evident from the research that insufficient professional development for school managers contributed towards their failure to execute their expected managerial roles. / (M. Ed. (Eduction Management))

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