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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre avalia??o da aprendizagem em cursos de gradua??o da Universidade Estadual de Londrina / A study on learning evaluation in graduation courses at the State University of Londrina

Moura, Ant?nio Carlos Silva 20 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANTONIO CARLOS SILVA MOURA.pdf: 541052 bytes, checksum: d1f869d689bf0cbb5911b727574b03a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-20 / This piece of work aims to show the results of a research on learning evaluation in graduation courses. It was carried out at the State University of Londrina, July 2006 through May 2007, and is chiefly linked up to a research type named as Studies on Education. Firstly, one presents both a historical approach on the city and on the State University of Londrina. Secondly, one salvages not only some important features about the history of learning evaluation, learning-based theories, background-related evaluation into university teaching, but also an analysis regarding Political/Pedagogical Projects and courses selected. Thirdly, one shows the results of questionnaires which were applied to the graduation-spanning faculty of the university and based upon the National Center for Researches. Through the institution s documents and the professors? research replies scrutinized, one could dwell upon hurdles over the research referred to as how close the university s and the faculty s points of view may be. One also aims to verify any possible changes between graduation background and professors? evaluation practice and what theories are the basis for such a practice. Thus, this research ends up being important due to its bethink-causing elements on learning evaluation into university teaching, ways to enrich the subject analyzed as well as other views that may arise in order to develop new researches on learning evaluation. / Este trabalho apresenta resultados de pesquisa sobre a avalia??o da aprendizagem em cursos de gradua??o, desenvolvida na Universidade Estadual de Londrina, entre julho de 2006 a maio de 2007 e inserida na linha de pesquisa denominada Estudos em Avalia??o. Apresentam-se, primeiramente, um hist?rico da cidade e da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Em seguida, resgatam-se alguns aspectos relevantes da hist?ria da avalia??o da aprendizagem, seguido de um resgate de teorias relacionadas com a aprendizagem e com a avalia??o formativa no ensino superior, juntamente com an?lise dos Projetos Pol?tico-Pedag?gicos Institucional e dos cursos investigados. Apresentam-se, em seguida, o resultado da an?lise de question?rios aplicados aos docentes de cursos de gradua??o da universidade, abrangendo as diferentes ?reas, segundo a classifica??o do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq). Os problemas de pesquisa referem-se ao grau de proximidade entre os discursos da Institui??o e os dos docentes, revelados, respectivamente, nos documentos investigados e nas respostas obtidas dos sujeitos de pesquisa. Procura-se verificar se houve ou n?o mudan?as entre a forma??o acad?mica dos sujeitos e suas pr?ticas avaliativas enquanto docentes na educa??o superior e que teorias pedag?gicas e epistemol?gicas embasam essas pr?ticas. A contribui??o desta pesquisa torna-se relevante por fornecer elementos para a reflex?o sobre a avalia??o da aprendizagem na educa??o superior, apontando caminhos para o crescimento dentro da tem?tica pesquisada e suscitar outras quest?es que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas e novos avan?os nas discuss?es sobre a avalia??o da aprendizagem.

Reexame de prova em recurso especial / Evidence reexame in an appeal to the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice

Costa, Henrique Araújo 26 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Henrique Araujo Costa.pdf: 715750 bytes, checksum: 377b208f9e659711143cb5230b4a9423 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The subject addressed by the present text is the evidence reexame in an appeal to the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice. The topic under epistemological and dogmatic points of view retakes the concepts of fact and norm to critically analyze the court decisions in the application of its seventh abridgement that states: "The pretension of simple evidence reexame does not try the appeal to the Superior Court of Justice". Therefore, is applied an epistemological and procedural retrospect, from Roman Law to nowadays Instrumentalism, questioning the current landmark of analysis. Under a dogmatic boarding it is cogitated the possibility of setting distinctive criterias of fact and norm concepts, concluding for its impossibility, especially if anchored in the subsumetive paradigm. The present text, based on the Knijnik´s Tricotomic Theory and its concept of mixed questions, attempts to overcome the subsumetive paradigm. However, it concludes that the Tricotomic Theory tackles in an artificial division of concepts. As contribution for a new dogmatic, the present text offers a linguistic and discursive approach of the subject. In support to this approach, axiology and semiotics are binded towards a rhetorical reconstruction, that reread after-modern fashion offers a chance of reflection under more current argumentative and systematic prisms to the procedural thought. After these retaken cases are analyzed it is possible to isolate and criticize emblematic examples of the incompatibility involving the theory of the common sense of the procedure (subsumitive and binary) in contrast with the court decisions (rhetorical and complex). / O reexame de prova em recurso especial é o tema abordado pelo presente texto, que sob o ponto de vista epistemológico e dogmático retoma os conceitos de fato e direito no propósito de analisar criticamente a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça no que concerne à aplicação da sua Súmula 7, segundo a qual: A pretensão de simples reexame de prova não enseja recurso especial . Nesse intuito, parte-se em retrospectiva epistemológica e processual, desde o direito romano à instrumentalidade, questionando-se acerca da atualidade desse marco de análise para objetivo proposto. Ao mesmo tempo, cogita-se, sob um ponto de vista mais dogmático, da possibilidade de fixação de critérios distintivos dos conceitos de fato e direito, concluindo-se pela sua impossibilidade, especialmente se ancorada a discussão no paradigma subsuntivo. A partir desse ponto, o texto aborda tentativas de superação desse paradigma, inclinando-se à Teoria Tricotômia de Knijnik e seu conceito de questão mista. No entanto, conclui que mesmo a Teoria Tricotômica está comprometida em demasia com uma divisão artificial dos conceitos, pelo que se propõe uma abordagem lingüística e discursiva do tema como contribuição para uma nova dogmática. Em amparo a essa abordagem, são cotejadas axiologia e semiologia rumo a uma reconstrução retórica, que relida à moda pós-moderna oferece ao pensamento processual oportunidade de reflexão sob os prismas argumentativos e sistemáticos mais atuais. Somente após essa retomada é analisada a jurisprudência do STJ, fazendo-se possível isolar e criticar casos emblemáticos da incompatibilidade entre a teoria embasadora do senso comum do processualista (subsuntiva e binária) em contraste com a prática judiciária (retórica e complexa).

Étude des réseaux neuronaux et des mécanismes cognitifs impliqués dans les déficiences intellectuelles liées au chromosome X / Study of neuronal networks and cognitive mecanisms involved in X linked intellectual disability

Curie, Aurore 08 April 2011 (has links)
Grâce aux progrès de la génétique moléculaire qui ont permis d’identifier de nouveaux gènes de déficience intellectuelle liée à l’X, il nous a été possible de travailler sur des groupes homogènes de malades présentant une mutation dans le même gène. Nous avons d’une part, pu mettre en évidence un dysfonctionnement du circuit cérébello-thalamo-préfrontal grâce à une étude en IRM morphométrique réalisée chez des patients ayant une mutation dans le gène Rab-GDI. D’autre part, nous avons identifié un phénotype tout à fait spécifique lié aux mutations du gène ARX, tant clinique que neuropsychologique, et cinématique, associant une atteinte très particulière de la motricité distale des membres supérieurs et du langage. La préhension des patients est pathognomonique, avec une préférence pour la pince pouce-majeur, une difficulté accrue pour l’utilisation du bord cubital de la main, et un trouble de la pronosupination. Sur le plan neuroanatomique, il existe une diminution de volume des noyaux gris centraux et des épaisseurs corticales des régions contrôlant la motricité, bien corrélées au paramètres de cinématique. Enfin, nous avons exploré les stratégies de raisonnement des patients déficients intellectuels atteints du syndrome de l’X fragile, d’une mutation du gène ARX ou de trisomie 21 en élaborant un paradigme de raisonnement visuel analogique issu des matrices de Raven. Nous en avons établi la trajectoire développementale. Les stratégies utilisées par les patients (étude en eyetracking) sont différentes de celles des contrôles y compris de même âge mental, avec un défaut d’inhibition majeur, encore plus franc chez les patients X fragiles que ceux porteurs de trisomie 21 / Thanks to progress in molecular genetics, that allowed identification of new genes responsible for X linked intellectual disability, we studied on homogeneous groups of patients presenting with a mutation in one or the other gene. In the first section, we showed dysfunction of cerebello-thalamo-prefrontal networks, thanks to morphological MRI study performed on patients with a mutation in the Rab-GDI gene. In the second section, we highlighted a very specific phenotype related to ARX gene mutations, clinically, neuropsychologically, and kinematically, with a very peculiar impairment of upper limbs distal motricity, and language disorder. Patients hand-grip is pathognomonic, with a preference for the middle finger instead of the index for the grip of object, major impairment of fourth finger use, and lack of pronation movements. Neuroimaging study showed decreased volume of basal ganglia, and cortical thickness of motor regions, well correlated to kinematic parameters. In the third section, we explored reasoning strategies in three groups of patients with intellectual deficiency: fragile X, ARX mutated and Down syndrome patients and controls (both chronological and mental age-matched subjects). We notably elaborated a visual analogical reasoning paradigm, inspired from Raven’s matrices. We established a developmental trajectory of this paradigm. The strategy used by patients (eyetracking study) was different from the one used by controls, with a huge lack of inhibition, even greater for fragile X patients than for Down syndrome patients

Itämeren rehevöitymisen uudistettu diagnoosi ja paradigma

Lappalainen, K. M. (K. Matti) 01 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract The eutrophication of the Baltic Sea continues despite decrease of the external phosphorus load by as much as 80% of the target confirmed by HELCOM. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this paradox, critically evaluate previous explanations for the persistent eutrophication, and to introduce a new diagnosis and paradigm for the causes and processes behind eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. According to the current consensus, anthropogenic nutrient loading is nearly the sole cause of eutrophication and regular cyanobacterial blooms. However, this study shows that the areal phosphorus loading rate, when modeled properly, is surprisingly low, and unlikely to be the primary cause of eutrophication. Instead, the frequency of the salt water pulses has decreased dramatically during the past 40 years. This is the root cause of eutrophication, via the hyper-vicious cycle of the hypoxic and finally anoxic conditions of the deeps causing internal phosphorus loading, denitrification, and nitrogen and carbon fixation. Furthermore, this work confirms that nitrogen fixation increases in low nitrogen conditions, further increasing eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms. Thus, the most effective way to break the cycle of eutrophication is to improve the oxygen conditions of the deeps, which really is impossible to achieve by decreasing external loading alone. A key result of this work is that natural processes, rather than human activity, plays a decisive role in the eutrophication process – a perspective that typically faces substantial resistance. This thesis discusses how sociological and political views have affected the scientific community and its pursuit to model the mechanisms of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. In conclusion, this study leads to important novel insights by providing new models for calculating the external and internal phosphorus loads of the Baltic Sea, with results highlighting the importance of natural processes of internal loading from the anoxic deeps. Altogether, this thesis introduces a new a paradigm for eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. / Tiivistelmä Itämeri rehevöityy edelleen, vaikka fosforikuormitusta on vähennetty 80 % tavoitellusta. On siis syytä tutkia miksi Itämeren tila ei ole parantunut. Syntyneen ristiriidan ratkaisemiseksi tarkoituksena on etsiä aiemmista tulkinnoista ristiriitoja, korjata ne ja uudistaa tietopohja uudeksi ja toimivammaksi paradigmaksi. Virhetulkintojen tunnistamiseen sovelletaan Popperin falsifikaatiomenettelyn periaatteita. Konsensuksen mukaan ihmisperäinen kuormitus on lähes yksinomainen syy (sinilevä)rehevyyteen. Kuitenkin Vollenweiderin mallin mukaan tehty, hydrologialla painotettu fosforin pintakuormitus on ollut 1970 - 1980-luvuilla vain lievää rehevyyttä edellyttävällä tasolla. Ulkoinen kuormitus ei siten voi olla suurin rehevyyden aiheuttaja. Sinilevärehevyyttä ylläpitävänä päätekijänä on syvävesiin happea tuovien suolavesipulssien toistuvuuden romahtaminen. Siitä syntyneet syvävesien ja -pohjien hapettomuudet aiheuttavat Gotlanninmeressä sekä sisäistä kuormitusta että lisärehevöittävää typen- ja hiilensidontaa. Yhdessä näitä prosesseja nimitetään nyt supernoidankehäksi. Johtopäätöksiä: • Ihmistieteelliset ja ympäristöpoliittiset näkemykset vaikuttavat luonnontieteellisiin tulkintoihin luultua enemmän. • Suolavesipulssien harventuminen on hapettomuus- ja rehevyyskierteen perussyy. • Syvänteiden hapettomuus on kaikkialle negatiivisesti säteilevä keskeistekijä. • Itämeren supernoidankehä on purettava saattamalla syvänteet hapellisiksi. • Hapellisuutta ei voida saada aikaan ulkoisen kuormituksen vähentämisellä. • Jäljelle jäävät siten teknologiset keinot, joista toteutuskelvollisimmalta näyttää Itämeren hapellisimman ja kylmimmän veden pumppaus 30 metrin syvyydestä syvänteisiin, mikä tehostaa myös pulssivesien virtausta syvänteiden pohjalle. Tämä väitöskirja sisältää viisi vallitsevasta paradigmasta poikkeavaa tulosta: 1. Itämerelle on kehitetty rehevyyden uusi diagnoosi ja paradigma, 2. Luonto dominoi Itämeren tilaa, ei ihminen, 3. Typensidonnalla on lisärehevöittävä mekanismi, 4. Itämerelle on kehitetty uusi fosforin sisäkuormituksen laskentamenetelmä, 5. Virtuaalisen fosforikuormituksen laskenta. Ilman Gotlanninmeren syvänteiden hapellisuutta Itämeri on tuomittu pysymään rehevyyden supernoidankehässä, ’kaksinkertaisessa takalukossa’.

GANZHEITLICHE MISSION IM PFINGSTLICH-CHARISMATISCHEN KONTEXT: EINE UNTERSUCHUNG DES SENDUNGSVERSTÄNDNISSES IN DER BEWEGUNGPLUS SCHWEIZ / Holistic mission in a pentecostal/charismatic context : an enquiry into the understanding of mission in the Bewegungplus in Switzerland

Loewen, Oliver Andre Thielmann 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Diese theologisch-empirische Studie befasst sich mit einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis von Mission im pfingstlich-charismatischen Kontext und besteht aus zwei Untersuchungen. In der ersten wird Literatur zum Paradigma ganzheitlicher Mission und zur Pfingstbewegung missionstheologisch erforscht. Die zweite Untersuchung baut auf der Literaturanalyse auf und bezieht sich exemplarisch auf eine pfingstliche Freikirche aus der Schweiz namens BewegungPlus. Mithilfe von offiziellen Dokumenten der Bewegung und ihres internationalen Zweigs, wie auch in Interviewaussagen leitender Personen von Lokalkirchen der Bewegung, wurde das Missionsverständnis untersucht. Die Auswertung der Interviews orientierte sich methodisch an der Grounded Theory. Aus den Resultaten beider Untersuchungen wurden thesenartige Schlussfolgerungen gezogen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der missionstheologische Paradigmenwechsel im pfingstlichcharismatischen Kontext rezipiert wird. Die Integration pfingstlicher und ganzheitlicher Mission ist am Beispiel der BewegungPlus zu beobachten, vor allem, wenn Mission und Eschatologie in einer Reich-Gottes-Theologie verbunden sind. Der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgte Beitrag aus pfingstlich-charismatischer Perspektive kann die aktuelle Missionsdiskussion erweitern. / This empirical theological study dealing with a holistic understanding of mission in an pentecostal context contains two studies. The first investigates literature focused on the paradigm of holistic mission and the Pentecostal Mission. The second study based on this literature analysis refers to an example of a pentecostal Church in Switzerland named „BewegungPlus“. The understanding of mission was investigated by examining official documents of the movement and by taking interviews with leading members of local churches. The evaluation of the interviews was methodologically based on the Grounded Theory. From the results of both studies theses-like conclusions were drawn. The results show that the mission theological paradigm shift is received in the pentecostal-charismatic context. In „BewegungPlus“ you can see the integration of both pentecostal and holistic mission especially when mission and eschatology are connected to a Kingdom of God theology. The pentecostal-charismatic perspective seen in this theses may contribute to the contemporary missional discussion. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th.(Missiology)

Juhoafrická čierna teológia zo stredoeurópskej perspektivy / South African Black Theology from a Central European Perspective

Kamanová, Silvia January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

On the interplay of response selection and visual attention in dual-task situations

Reimer, Christina Brigitte 15 March 2017 (has links)
Die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit sind kapazitätslimitiert. In Doppelaufgaben des Paradigmas der Psychologischen Refraktärperiode (PRP) wird angenommen, dass die Reaktionsauswahlstufen in Aufgabe 1 und Aufgabe 2 sequentiell verarbeitet werden. Für Konjunktionssuchaufgaben wird angenommen, dass die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit Objekte selektiert und Objektmerkmale zusammen bindet, was zu einem seriellen Suchprozess führt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, ob die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) demselben zentralen Verarbeitungsengpass wie die Reaktionsauswahl in Doppelaufgaben unterliegt. Sequentielle Verarbeitung von Reaktionsauswahl und visueller Aufmerksamkeit würde Evidenz dafür zeigen, dass beide Prozesse derselben Kapazitätslimitation unterliegen, während parallele Verarbeitung Evidenz dafür zeigen würde, dass beide Prozesse unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. Um diese Frage zu untersuchen, wurden Reaktionszeitmaße (locus-of-slack Methode), Targetdetektionsmaße (d’) und Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs; N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral)) gemessen. Schwerpunkt aller Analysen war der visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsprozess in einer Konjunktionssuche, die als Aufgabe 2 in Doppelaufgaben implementiert wurde. Aufgabe 1 war stets eine Wahlunterscheidungsaufgabe. Die Verhaltens- und elektrophysiologischen Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) in Aufgabe 2 parallel verarbeitet wurden unabhängig von der Stimulusmodalität in Aufgabe 1, der Schwierigkeit der Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und der Darbietungsform des Stimulusdisplays in Aufgabe 2. Außerdem wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um die Anzahl der Objekte zu berechnen, die parallel zur Reaktionsauswahl verarbeitet wurden. Die Berechnungen stützten die Konklusion, dass die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. / Response selection and visual attention are limited in capacity. Concerning dual-tasks of the Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) paradigm, it is assumed that response selection of Task 1 and Task 2 are processed sequentially. On the other hand, concerning conjunction search, it is assumed that visual attention selects the items and binds the item features resulting in a serial search process. In the present dissertation I investigated whether visual attention (i.e., feature binding) is subject to the same bottleneck mechanism as response selection in dual-tasks. Sequential processing of response selection and visual attention would provide evidence that both processes rely on a common capacity limitation, whereas concurrent processing would provide evidence that they rely on distinct capacity limitations. Reaction time (RT) measures based on the locus-of-slack method, target detectability measures based on d’, and the event-related potential (ERP) technique to measure the N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral) were combined to investigate this question. Analyses focused on visual attention deployment in a conjunction search task, which was implemented as Task 2 in dual-task situations. Task 1 was a choice discrimination task. Both tasks were presented at variable temporal overlap (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA). The behavioral and N2pc results showed that response selection in Task 1 and visual attention (i.e., feature binding) in Task 2 operated concurrently irrespective of the stimulus modality in Task 1, the response selection difficulty in Task 1 and the type of presentation of the search display in Task 2. Based on a method that was developed in the present dissertation, it was possible to calculate how many items of the search display were processed in parallel to response selection. The results supported the conclusion that response selection and visual attention rely on distinct capacity limitations.

Addressing the future of water in Oregon : a look at the human and institutional factors shaping Oregon water management

Wolters, Erika Allen 26 April 2012 (has links)
Oregon is a state with great social and ecological diversity. Unfortunately however, Oregon's water-rich reputation is more rumor than reality. As with many Western states, Oregon struggles with water scarcity, especially during dry summer months. Recent efforts by the state to develop an integrated water resource strategy (IWRS) to manage present and future water demand in Oregon signifies the very real concern that water is no longer as abundant and available as it once was. With the predicted impacts of climate change and population growth, the already-strained water supply will unlikely sustain current water needs. Using a statewide mail survey of 1,537 Oregon residents (2010), a second survey of 390 water stakeholders (2011), and 12 semi-structured interviews conducted in 2010 and 2011 of stakeholders and elected officials this dissertation examined the role of sociodemographic attributes and environmental values pertaining to concern about Oregon’s water supply, climate change, water conservation behaviors, and prioritization of water use. Data analysis (regression analysis) revealed that to varying degrees gender, age, education, income, concern about water scarcity and belief in the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) proved reliable predicators of concern about that water quantity is a problem, that Oregonians will be personally affected by water scarcity, and personal water conservation behaviors. The dissertation further applies the Institutional and Analysis Development (IAD) framework to the current efforts by the state to create and IWRS. Recommendations for successful application of the IWRS are discussed, specifically use of adaptive governance in basin and sub-basin planning efforts. / Graduation date: 2012

A narrative analysis of Captain America's new deal

Ledbetter, Forest L. 31 May 2012 (has links)
In response to the events on September the Eleventh, various media attempted to make sense of the seemingly radical altered political landscape. Comic books, though traditionally framed as low brow pulp, were no exception. This thesis is a work of rhetorical criticism. It applies Walter Fisher's Narrative Paradigm to a specific set of artifacts: John Ney Rieber and John Cassaday's six-part comic series, collectively titled Captain America: The New Deal (2010). The question that is the focus of this thesis is: Does The New Deal, framed as a response to the events surrounding September the Eleventh, form a rhetorically effective narrative? The analysis that follows demonstrates the importance of meeting audience expectations when presenting them with controversial viewpoints. / Graduation date: 2012

Art, Nature and the Virtual Environment: Three strands of a narrative inquiry written around a schoolyard garden as a collection of "events"

Cuerden, Barbara 10 December 2010 (has links)
Working with an organization outside the public school system that was creating schoolyard gardens, I began to think about culture and cultivation inside and outside of schooling practices. The liveliness of the schoolyard gardens presented possibilities for enlivening educational discourses. With two participants I planted a container box schoolyard garden outside Lamoureux Hall, which houses the Faculty of Education. Utilizing aspects of place-based pedagogy, ecoliteracy, ecopedagogy and a metissage of a/r/tography, eco-art and writing as a method of inquiry, we tended the garden and dwelled upon ideas of nature, culture, and their intersection in a particular place. Our garden experiences left cyber footprints in virtual space as blog spots on a thesis blog site. The garden and the inquiry it generated outside,is brought back inside the education building as a Master's thesis. The garden grew in different and unpredictable ways due to intense construction on site, entwining the planter boxes with unseen variables.

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