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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades de absorção óptica, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica e termoluninescência da espessartita-almandina natural / Optical absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance and thermoluminescence studies of natural spessartite almandine

Sara Rosalbina Quispe Espinoza 14 October 2011 (has links)
0 objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em estudar algumas propriedades físicas do mineral natural de silicato PIROPO, urn dos seis membros do Grupo Granada. A granada, que foi-nos vendida como sendo piropo, a análise por fluorescência de raios-x revelou-a ser uma solução de 54,8% de almandina, 43,9% de espessartita e 1,23% de piropo. Como há poucos estudos desses minerais e, como na natureza não é muito comum encontrar essas granadas com mais de 85 a 90% de urn só tipo, optamos pelo estudo dessa amostra. 0 espectro de absorção ótico é bern complexo, com várias bandas, desde a ultravioleta próxima a infravermelho próximo. Todas essa bandas foram identificadas comparando com aquelas identificadas na almandina, por Manning, e na espessartita por Slack. A irradiação, mesmo com doses de algumas centenas de kilograys (kGy), praticamente não mudou o espectro de absorção ótico. 0 tratamento acima de 850°C, por outro lado, afetou o espectro de duas maneiras: (1) a absorção do fundo cresceu muito e, a partir de 900°C, as bandas não visíveis desapareceram, (2) a banda de Fe 2+ em tomo de 1200 nm decresceu, indicando que houve a reação Fe2+ e-- + Fe3+ . As medidas de EPR produziram resultados inesperados. 0 sinal EPR é praticamente uma reta de inclinação de ~ 175°, varrendo o campo magnético todo experimental de 1000 Gauss a 6000 Gauss. A intensidade varia de +62 a -60 para 5 mW de potência de microondas, de +650 a -600 para a potência de 10 mW e de +1600 a -1000 para a potência de 20 mW. Note-se que, normalmente, um sinal simples típico aparece na forma de um S invertido e deitado (~). Numa série de experiências realizadas mantendo a potência de 10 mW foram registrados os sinais EPR de amostras recozidas em temperaturas variadas de 400°C a 1000°C. Em 400°C, a reta inicial agora passa a apresentar urn platô entre 3500 Gauss e 4200 Gauss; em 700°C em tomo de 3500 Gauss cai bruscamente de intensidade 45 ~55 para -125 e, em seguida, tem-se o patamar que se estende agora ate 4800 Gauss; em 800-850°C o sinal que começa com intensidade constante de 1000 Gauss a 3200-3400 Gauss onde a intensidade cai verticalmente ate -500 e, em seguida, a intensidade cresce gradualmente a -250 em torno de 4800 Gauss e se torna constante. Por fim de 900 a 950°C forma o sinal usual de S deitado e invertido, em tomo de g = 2,0. A intensidade varia de +1200 a -1500; em 1000°C essa variação da intensidade vai de +3500 a -3000. O sinal é gigante. Como é sabido, esse sinal é devido à interação dipolo magnético de Fe3+ . Porque o sinal aumenta de intensidade acima de 900°C? Como vimos na parte de absorção ótica, nessas temperaturas, uma quantidade grande de Fe2+ se converte em Fe3+ . Das poucas medidas de TL podemos dizer que, os picos TL em 150°C, 210°C, 270°C, 340-360°C compõem a curva de emissão. O último pico deve ser superposição de mais de dois picos, o que pode ser verificado por deconvolução. Não a fizemos. Em todo caso, o pico se desloca para temperaturas baixas a medida que a dose de radiação aumenta. / The aim of the present study consisted on investigating some of the physical properties of natural mineral of silicate called PYROPE, which is one of six members of Garnet Group. We purchased from a stone dealer a piece of garnet as being pyrope. However, an x-ray fluoresce analysis has shown that it is actually a solid solution of 54,8% almandine, 43,9% of spessartite (or spessartine) and 1,23% of pyrope. Since, there is scarce number of published articles in literature, and furthermore it is very rare to find any one of 85 to 90% pure garnet, we decided to study the properties of them mixture of almandine-spessartite. The optical absorption spectrum came out to be quite complex with several absorption bands in the range from near ultraviolet to near infrared. All these bands have been identified by comparison with absorption spectrum of almandine measured and identified by Manning and also with the absorption spectrum of spessartite by Slack. The irradiation with gamma-rays even with very high dose did not change the absorption spectrum. The heat treatment at high temperature, on the other hand, affected the spectrum. In first place, the background absorption increases such that starting around 900°C heating the bands in visible range disappear, secondly the Fe2+ bang around 1200 nm decreases indicating that Fe2+ liberates electron and Fe3+ ion result. And unexpected results have been obtained with EPR measurements. The EPR signal of natural sample is just a straight line extending from 1000 to 6000 Gauss magnetic field. The signal intensity varied from +62 (a.u.) to -60 for 5 mW microwaves power, from +650 to -600 for 10 mW power and from +1600 to -1000 for 20 mW microwave power. Note that, one usually obtain a simple typical signal,(~) therefore a straight line is very unusual. We then carried out a series of measurements keeping 10 mW microwaves power and submitting the samples to heat treatment from 400 to 1000°C. At 400°C annealing the EPR straight line signal present a plateau from 3500 to 4200 Gauss; at 700°C annealing a sharp decrease of signal around 3500 Gauss occurs with the intensity varying from 45 ~45 to -125 and then a plateau follows extending to 4800 Gauss; for 800 to 850°C annealing the signal is constant between 1000 at 3200, 3400 Gauss, at this point the EPR intensity drops; to -500 and then gradually increases becoming constant from around 4800 Gauss on above 900 to 950°C the signal now has normal form around g=2,0. However the EPR intensity increases such that it varies from +1200 to -1500. The annealing the sample to higher temperature produces a signal with intensity varying from +3500 to -3000 a really gigantic signal. This is related to the fact that at this temperature Fe2+ liberates electrons and becomes Fe3+, which contributes through magnetic dipole-magnetic dipole interaction to this large EPR signal.

Estudo preliminar de RPE em banda K de esmalte dental e hidroxiapatita sintética irradiados / Preliminary Study of EPR in K-Band of Dental Enamel and Hydroxyapatite Synthetic Irradiated.

Adevailton Bernardo dos Santos 29 August 2002 (has links)
A hidroxiapatita e o esmalte dental são, na atualidade, alguns dos materiais mais pesquisados pela técnica de espectroscopia por Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica ? RPE. O esmalte dental, que possui cerca de 97% de sua massa constituída por cristais de hidroxiapatita, se apresenta como o tecido humano preferencial para dosimetria de radiação com o uso desta técnica, principalmente no caso de exposições acidentais da população em geral. A análise de hidroxiapatitas sintéticas tem por finalidade auxiliar o entendimento do espectro do esmalte dental bem como desenvolver um dosímetro de radiação com boa eficiência e eficácia. O espectrômetro em banda-K utiliza uma freqüência intermediária aos espectrômetros em banda-X e em banda-Q, possuindo uma melhor resolução que banda-X sem as dificuldades, devido à alta sensibilidade, do banda-Q. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar espectros em banda-K de um bloco de esmalte irradiado e de hidroxiapatitas sintéticas, comparando com espectros de banda-Q e banda-X presentes na literatura, e ainda verificar a possibilidade de se fazer dosimetria de radiação com o uso deste aparelho. / Hydroxyapatite and tooth enamel are, nowadays, some of materials mostly investigated by the spectroscopic technique of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ? EPR. Tooth enamel, that have about of 97% of its mass constituted by hydroxyapatite crystals, appears itself as the preferential human tissue for radiation dosimetry using EPR, mainly in case of accidental expositions by ordinary personnel. The analyses of synthetic hydroxyapatites have as the main goal to help the understanding of tooth enamel?s spectrum seeking the developing of a radiation dosimeter with good efficiency and accuracy. The K-band EPR spectrometer uses an intermediate frequency between the spectrometers in X-band and Q-band, possessing a better resolution than the X-band without presenting the Q-band?s difficulties. In this preliminary work the EPR spectra of a small block tooth enamel and synthetic hydroxyapatites irradiated were analyzed in K-band, comparing the results with X- and Q-band with published results, the possibility of performing radiation dosimetry at K-band was verified.

Desvendando a cor e a termoluminescência do topázio: um estudo dos defeitos e processos termicamente e opticamente estimulados no cristal natural / Unraveling the color of topaz and thermoluminescence: a study of defects and thermally and optically stimulated processes in natural crystal

Eduardo Gardenali Yukihara 06 June 2001 (has links)
O topázio [Al2SiO4(F,OH)2] é mais freqüentemente encontrado na natureza na forma incolor, a partir do qual gemas azuis vêm sendo produzidas comercialmente através da aplicação de radiação ionizante seguida de tratamentos térmicos. O topázio também exibe termoluminescência (ou luminescência termicamente estimulada) relativamente intensa, que é a luz emitida por cristais previamente irradiados durante o aquecimento e representa a base para a aplicação de muitos cristais naturais e artificiais em dosimetria e datação. Nos últimos quarenta anos, um período de intenso estudo de vários materiais termoluminescentes, raros são os resultados relatados sobre a termoluminescência do topázio e, apesar de alguns esforços para entender a cor do cristal, os defeitos que participam tanto do mecanismo de emissão termoluminescente quanto do bem sucedido tratamento de melhoria de cor usado comercialmente não estão bem identificados. Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades termoluminescentes do topázio e sua relação com o processo de produção de cor usando radiação ionizante. A termoluminescência foi investigada com três objetivos principais: caracterização básica, determinação de sua adequabilidade para aplicações em dosimetria e como uma ferramenta para o estudo dos processos de relaxação no sólido. Para entender os processos que ocorrem no cristal e determinar os possíveis defeitos envolvidos, além da termoluminescência, o material foi também estudado usando as seguintes técnicas: absorção óptica, fotoluminescência, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, condutividade termicamente estimulada, luminescência e condutividade opticamente estimulada, fluorescência de raios X, etc. Baseado nos resultados experimentais e na solução numérica das equações de taxa para um sistema de múltiplas armadilhas interativas, propomos um modelo de termoluminescência que é capaz de explicar a maioria das propriedades observadas no cristal tais como a resposta com a dose linear-supralinear-saturação e a ausência de sensibilização, a particular resposta com a dose da condutividade termicamente estimulada, a cinética de formação da cor, a estabilidade da cor, etc. Além disso, a correlação entre os resultados de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, absorção óptica e termoluminescência sugere que os defeitos AlO44-, Ti3+ e PO44- estão envolvidos no mecanismo de produção de cor e da termoluminescência. / Topaz [Al2SiO4(F,OH)2] is most frequently found in nature in the colourless form, from which blue gems have been commercially produced applying colour enhancement treatments with ionising radiation followed by annealing. Topaz also exhibits relatively intense thermoluminescence (or thermally stimulated luminescence), which is the light emitted by previously irradiated materials during heating and represents the basis for application of many natural and artificial crystals in dosimetry and dating. In the last forty years, a period of intense study of plenty thermoluminescent materials, results on the thermoluminescence of topaz have seldom been reported and, in spite of some efforts to understand the colour of the crystal, the defects participating both in the mechanism of thermoluminescence emission and in the commercially successful colour enhancement treatments are not well identified. In this work the thermoluminescence properties of topaz and its relation to the process of colour production using ionising radiation were studied. Thermoluminescence was investigated with three main objectives: basic characterisation, determination of its suitability for dosimetric applications and as a tool for studying the relaxation processes in the solid. In order to understand the processes occurring in the crystal and to determine the possible defects involved, in addition to thermoluminescence, the material was also studied using the following techniques: optical absorption, photoluminescence, electron paramagnetic resonance, thermally stimulated conductivity, optically stimulated luminescence and conductivity, X-ray fluorescence, etc. Based on the experimental results and on the numerical solution of the rate equations for a multiple trap interactive system, we propose a model of thermoluminescence which is able to explain most of the properties observed in the crystal as, for example, the linear-supralinear-saturation dose response of thermoluminescence and the absence of sensitisation, the particular dose response of the thermally stimulated conductivity, the kinetic of colour formation, the thermal stability of colour, etc. Besides, the correlation between the electron paramagnetic resonance, optical absorption and thermoluminescence results suggest that the defects AlO44-, Ti3+ and PO44- are involved in the mechanism of colour production and in the thermoluminescence.

Metabólitos polares e a estabilidade REDOX em carne de frangos suplementados com erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis) / Polar metabolites and REDOX stability in meat of broilers supplemented with Yerba-mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

Caroline Ceribeli 30 September 2016 (has links)
A alimentação humana necessita de nutrientes essenciais em sua dieta de forma balanceada. A carne é uma perfeita fonte de proteína e suplemento de ferro, zinco e outros micronutrientes como as vitaminas. O consumo de carne deve ser cada vez maior, já que a produção mundial que em 2012 era de 302 milhões de toneladas, hoje é de aproximadamente 319 milhões. Concomitantes ao aumento no consumo mundial de carne surgem dois problemas. A carne e produtos cárneos induzem ao estress oxidativo, por meio do ferro catalizado na formação de espécies reativas ou por ingestão de hidroperóxidos orgânicos durante a digestão. Tais espécies podem acarretar deterioração do produto, afetando seu tempo de exposição em prateleira e comprometendo sua qualidade, interferindo em questões econômicas. Dentro de um contexto de saúde pública, estas espécies podem gerar desequilíbrio celular, mutações genéticas e danos cromossômicos, desencadeando doenças degenerativas no organismo humano. Uma dieta balanceada deve ser inspirada na natureza. Por meio da evolução as plantas desenvolveram, devido ao estress oxidativo, a capacidade de produzir compostos bioativos como xantinas e compostos fenólicos, como mecanismo de proteção. A Erva-mate, Ilex paraguariensis contém alta quantidade relativa destes compostos, que atuam como antioxidantes, os quais podem ser usados como aditivos na alimentação, com o objetivo de modificar o estado redox do organismo animal. Isto pode induzir mudanças no metabolismo, afetando a composição do tecido muscular e, consequentemente, a qualidade da carne. O presente trabalho se propôs a investigar as mudanças no perfil de composição dos metabólitos polares e seu impacto na estabilidade redox da carne de frangos de corte que tiveram suas dietas suplementadas com diferentes níveis de extrato de erva-mate na ração. A adição de tais extratos claramente promoveu uma mudança quantitativa na composição de metabólitos polares da carne como mostrado a partir de análises de 1H RMN e impactou positivamente na estabilidade redox segundo análises por spin-trapping RPE. Por fim, a adição de 0,075% m/m de extrato de erva-mate na alimentação de frangos de corte mostrou-se como o tratamento mais indicado, promovendo mudanças bioquímicas no metabolismo do animal, melhorando a estabilidade oxidativa da carne, seu tempo de exposição em prateleira e um produto de maior qualidade e segurança para o consumidor. / Human food needs to supply essential nutrients in balance. Meat is a perfect protein source and supplies iron and zinc and many micronutrients like vitamins. The consumption of meat would increase in the next years because the global production in 2012 was 302 millions of tons, and actually is 319 millions of tons, approximately. Concomitantly with the increasing of global consumption of meat, two problems arise. Meat and meat products also hold the risk of inducing oxidative stress through iron catalyzed formation of reactive species or by ingestion of organic hydro peroxides during digestion. These species can cause the deterioration of the product, affecting its shelf-life, compromising its quality and influencing economic aspects. In the context of the public health, these species can generate cellular imbalance, genetic mutations, and chromosome damages, resulting in degenerative diseases of the human organism. A balanced diet should be inspired by Nature. Through evolution, oxidative stress made plants to produce bioactive compounds like xanthines and phenolic compounds to protect against oxidative stress. Yerba-mate, Ilex paraguariensis, contains relative high amounts of these compounds that act as antioxidants, which may be use as a feeding additive in order to modify the redox status of the animal organism. This may induce change in the animal metabolism, affecting the muscle tissue composition and thus the meat quality. The present investigation aims to screen changes in the polar metabolites composition and its impact on the redox stability of meat from broilers fed with different levels of yerba-mate extract as feed additive. The addition of mate extract to broilers feed clearly provided a quantitative change in the polar metabolites of meat as shown by 1H NMR analysis and impacted positively in the redox stability of meat as probed by spin-trapping EPR analysis. In conclusion, addition of 0.075 % w/w of yerba-mate extract to the broilers feed shown up like the best treatment because it produced biochemical changes in the animal metabolism improving the oxidative stability meat which may positively increase the product shelf-life and a safer and higher quality product to the consumer.

Photosensitive alkoxyamines : synthesis and photochemical studies for potential application in nitroxide-mediated photopolymerization

Morris, Jason 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse portent sur la synthèse ainsi que l’étude physico-chimique et photo-chimique de plusieurs séries de nitroxydes et d’alcoxyamines photosensibles fonctionnalisées par des chromophores de type benzophénone, fluorènone, anthraquinone, phényle, naphtyle et anthracényle. En particulier, nous avons focalisé notre effort sur l’introduction de ces chromophores sur un nitroxyde dérivé d’un noyau isoindoline connu pour sa stabilité photo-chimique. L’étude de la photo-dissociation des alcoxyamines préparées a ensuite été conduite par résonance paramagnétique électronique. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence deux nouvelles classes d’alcoxyamines photosensibles qui présentent une efficacité remarquable de photo-dissociation homolytique pour donner les radicaux nitroxyle et alkyle correspondant sous UV et irradiation de lumière visible. En effet, les alcoxyamines de type naphtyle et anthraquinone ont donné des rendements de dissociation homolytique quantitatifs sous irradiation UV et visible, et ce, quel que soit le fragment alkyle libéré (i.e. styryle, méthacrylyle, acrylyle). De plus, nous avons également montré que les nitroxydes portant les chromophores naphtyle et anthraquinone présentent une stabilité photochimique élevée. Ainsi, l’analyse de ces résultats suggère que les alcoxyamines dérivées de ces deux nitroxydes présentent toutes les caractéristiques requises pour être des candidats performants en photopolymérisation radicalaire contrôlée en présence de nitroxydes. / The work reported herein details the synthesis, as well as the photophysical and photochemical analysis, of novel unsubstituted benzophenone-, methoxy substituted benzophenone-, pyrrolidine substituted benzophenone-, fluorenone-, anthraquinone-, phenyl-, naphthyl- and anthracenyl-based photosensitive alkoxyamines for potential application in nitroxide-mediated photopolymerization.The high photochemical stability of the isoindoline class of nitroxide was exploited within the structural design. Fusion of the isoindoline motif into the examined chromophores facilitated efficient energy transfer between chromophore and alkoxyamine motifs, whilst exerting minimal influence on the photophysical properties of the investigated chromophores. Photochemical investigation of the examined alkoxyamines highlighted two new classes of photosensitive alkoxyamines which displayed highly desirable photo-dissociation efficiencies to afford nitroxide and alkyl radicals under UV and visible light irradiation. Specifically, styrenic, methacrylic and acrylic naphthyl-based alkoxyamines, as well as, styrenic and methacrylic anthraquinone-based alkoxyamines demonstrated near quantitative yields of photo-dissociation under UV and visible light irradiation respectively. The high yields of photo-dissociation obtained for the naphthyl- and anthraquinone-based systems, as well as the high photochemical stability of their corresponding nitroxides, indicate these new classes of photosensitive alkoxyamines are highly relevant candidates for further investigation within a photopolymerization context.

Signal transduction and oligomerization – the role of a phototransducer signaling domain

Orban-Glaß, Ioan 15 December 2020 (has links)
The signal transduction pathway of halophilic archaea remains a fascinating example of adaptation to extreme environments. Despite similarities with bacterial taxis systems, its structural and dynamics patterns during signal relay remain debatable. The currently investigated SRII/HtrII phototaxis system of Natronomonas pharaonis shows remarkable similarities with chemoreceptors in its membrane and HAMP domains functioning design. By combining site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy we investigate the kinase control domain (i.e. signaling domain) of NpSRII/HtrII both in terms of dynamic and structural properties. Our data, as provided by continuous wave and pulse (DEER) EPR techniques, builds on current dynamics based signaling models for HAMP domains (such as the “frozen–dynamic” or two-state equilibrium models). We present an expanded mechanism for signal propagation throughout the signaling domain, where salt and temperature variations trigger subtle shifts in dynamics. Extreme dynamics motional ranges (compact or highly-dynamic) associate with a specific flagellar signaling state, here the kinase-off response, where a more moderate dynamics motion (dynamic) associates with the kinase-on response. Structurally, we reference our data on PML and ND reconstituted NpSRII/HtrII to the EcTsr crystal structure and the NpHtrII homology model. We show that, despite a difference in packing, NpHtrII oligomerizes in a similar manner as EcTsr, even in the absence of stabilizing structures such as the CheA/CheW baseplate. The presence of trimers-of-dimers but also dimers-of-dimers in membrane sheet samples exposes the high affinity with which NpHtrII signaling domains interact. We hope our structural and dynamics details will push further not just drug design but also environmental preservation efforts where taxis systems drive colonization and virulence of pathogens in plants, animals and humans alike.

Low-temperature binding of NO adsorbed on MIL-100(Al)-A case study for the application of high resolution pulsed EPR methods and DFT calculations

Mendt, Matthias, Barth, Benjamin, Hartmann, Martin, Pöppl, Andreas 23 May 2018 (has links)
The low-temperature binding of nitric oxide (NO) in the metal-organic framework MIL-100(Al) has been investigated by pulsed electron nuclear double resonance and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy. Three NO adsorption species have been identified. Among them, one species has been verified experimentally to bind directly to an 27Al atom and all its relevant 14N and 27Al hyperfine interaction parameters have been determined spectroscopically. Those parameters fit well to the calculated ones of a theoretical cluster model, which was derived by density functional theory (DFT) in the present work and describes the low temperature binding of NO to the regular coordinatively unsaturated Al3+ site of the MIL-100(Al) structure. As a result, the Lewis acidity of that site has been characterized using the NO molecule as an electron paramagnetic resonance active probe. The DFT derived wave function analysis revealed a bent end-on coordination of the NO molecule adsorbed at that site which is almost purely ionic and has a weak binding energy. The calculated flat potential energy surface of this species indicates the ability of the NO molecule to freely rotate at intermediate temperatures while it is still binding to the Al3+ site. For the other two NO adsorption species, no structural models could be derived, but one of them is indicated to be adsorbed at the organic part of the metal-organic framework. Hyperfine interactions with protons, weakly coupled to the observed NO adsorption species, have also been measured by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and found to be consistent with their attribution to protons of the MIL-100(Al) benzenetricarboxylate ligand molecules.

Synthetic tuning of the quantum properties of open-shell radicaloids

Lombardi, Federico, Ma, Ji, Dimitris I.Alexandropoulos, Dimitris I., Komber, Hartmut, Liu, Junzhi, Myers, William K., Feng, Xinliang, Bogani, Lapo 20 May 2022 (has links)
Open-shell molecular radicaloids could constitute the key to molecular quantum information and quantum sensing technologies. The effect of their morphology on the quantum properties is anyway unknown, hampering the development of synthetic strategies. Herein, we establish the links between morphology-and quantum properties, using three related radicaloids based on meta-quinodimethane. We unravel the roles of the π-conjugated backbone and of the side groups on the spin-flip and quantum coherence times. The temperature regions are identified, where different structural parts of the molecule or solvent become the dominant decoherence channel. The record quantum coherence values obtained at room temperature are still well below the intrinsic limits of radicaloids, and we discuss the directions to optimize the quantum performance.

Light induced charge transfer processes and pyroelectric luminescence in Sn2P2S6

Rüdiger, Andreas 28 August 2006 (has links)
Sn2P2S6 is ferroelectric at room temperature. It is of technological interest in a variety of applications such as pyroelectric motion detectors and the photorefractive effect. Until now the defect structure and the light-induced charge transfer processes in this material have not been subject of a detailed investigation. The main part of this thesis describes and interprets data of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption spectroscopy and their combination at 10 K to unravel the light-induced sensitization and charge transfer paths. In the photosensitized crystal at excitation with 1.5 eV a hole is transferred from a previously generated Sn3(plus) site to another inequivalent site of the ferroelectric phase. For higher excitation energies another hole present as Fe3(plus) is transferred to S2- creating S-. Optical absorption spectroscopy at room temperature indicates the validity of this model for evelated temperature below the Curie-temperature as well. It is consistent with both our interpretation of EPR spectra and the observation of photoinduced persistent conductivity that electronic bipolarons are the negative charge carriers. An additional chapter interprets a manifestation of pyroelectric luminescence already reported in other pyroelectric materials in terms of an internal Poole-Frenkel-effect induced by the pyroelectric field under changing temperature. The numerical simulation based on published material parameters is in good agreement with the experimental data for both heating and cooling.

The role of the M2C region of the K+ translocating subunit KtrB of the Ktr system of Vibrio alginolyticus

Hänelt, Inga 30 September 2010 (has links)
The KtrAB system of Vibrio alginolyticus is a sodium-dependent potassium transport system. KtrB, the membrane integral and K+ translocating subunit of the KtrAB complex, belongs to a superfamily of K+ transporter (SKT). These proteins are likely to have evolved from simple K+ channels of the M1PM2 type like KcsA by multiple gene duplication and gene fusion. They share a so called fourfold M1PM2-motif, in which two transmembrane helices (M1 and M2) are connected by a p-loop (P), which folds half back into the membrane. Comparing members of this superfamily with the K+ channel KcsA for structural predictions a striking amino acid sequence in helix M2C was found. In VaKtrB the first part of this helix, M2C1, consists of 12 hydrophobic amino acids and is expected to form an α-helix. The following very flexible and hydrophilic part, M2C2, with many glycines and small, partly polar amino acids is not supposed to have a helical conformation. By contrast, the last part, M2C3, shows a partial amphipathic and α-helical character, followed by three positive charged amino acids (R341, K343, K344) which are consistent with the "positive inside rule" and should be localized in the cytoplasm. Due to these findings Durell and Guy in 1999 hypothesised two possible folding models for segments PC and M2C but till now the conformation of this part remains unclear. In this thesis the role of the M2C region was studied in more detail. Point and partial to complete deletions in M2C2 led to a huge increase in Vmax for K+ transport while the affinity for potassium and the sodium transport properties were unaffected. Together with some PhoA-fusion studies which indicated that M2C2 forms a flexible structure within the membrane these data were interpreted to mean that M2C2 forms a flexible gate controlling K+ translocation at the cytoplasmic side of KtrB. This hypothesis was confimed by EPR measurements of single and double spin-labeled cysteine variants of KtrB. It was shown that M2C2 forms a loop inside the cavity of the protein. Upon the addition of K+ ions M2C2 residue T318R1 moved both with respect to M2B residue D222R1 and to M2C3 residue V331, but not with respect to M2C1 residue M311R1. Other residues within M2B, M2C1 and M2C3 did not move with respect to each other. With the help of a rotamer library analysis the measured distances were used to propose two new models for the structure of the M2C2 gate inside the KtrB protein in a closed conformation in the absence of K+ ion and in an open conformation in the presence of K+ ions. Since a flexible gate like M2C2 is missing in potassium channels, it is interpreted to be a transporter-specific structure. In the context of the analysis of the role of M2C2 in purified and reconstituted KtrB by biochemical and biophysical approaches a protocol for the overproduction, purification and reconstitution of natively folded, active protein was developed. In addition, results obtained from static light scattering measurements are shown in order to gain information about the oligomeric state of single subunits as well as of the assembled KtrAB complex.

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