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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att inte bli hörd : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vårdnadshavare till barn med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Not being heard : A qualitative interview study on parents of children with problematic school absence

Friman, Hanna, Simonsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
In this qualitative interview study, we conducted ten semi-structured interviews with parents of children experiencing problematic school absenteeism to understand their perception of their situation, how they believe the absenteeism has affected them, and the type of responses they have received given their circumstances. The study aims to contribute to knowledge about the parents' situations and perspectives, as there is limited prior research on the topic. The few existing studies indicate that parents of children with problematic school absenteeism are negatively affected in various parts of their lives.  The empirical evidence in our study has been processed and interpreted through thematic analysis and the results have been analyzed based on crisis theory and systems theory. The results of our study indicate that the parents are in a very strained situation, bearing significant responsibility with little support. They are experiencing guilt towards their child and are blamed by others in their surroundings. Both their professional lives and social relationships are negatively affected as they lack time and energy for anything beyond the essentials in their situation. Most experience deteriorated mental and physical health, and they are forced to suppress their own feelings and needs to manage the coordinating responsibility they must take for the child's and the family's interactions with authorities and interventions. All parents stated that they need help from professionals to take over the overall responsibility for the child's interventions and that these interventions need to be better adapted to the complex issues at hand. / I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie har vi genomfört tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med vårdnadshavare till barn med problematisk skolfrånvaro i syfte att ta reda på hur de upplever sin situation, hur de tycker att den problematiska skolfrånvaron har påverkat dem, samt vilket bemötande de har fått utifrån den situation de befinner sig i. Studien ämnar fylla på kunskap om vårdnadshavarnas situation och perspektiv, då det inte finns så mycket tidigare forskning i ämnet. De få studier som gjorts har dock givit resultat som pekar på att vårdnadshavare till barn med problematisk skolfrånvaro blir negativt påverkade i olika delar av livet. Empirin i denna studie har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och analyserats med utgångspunkt i kristeori och systemteori. Resultatet i vår studie pekar på att vårdnadshavarna har en mycket ansträngd situation och står ensamma med stort ansvar och liten hjälp. De lider av skuldkänslor gentemot barnet och skuldbeläggs även av andra i omgivningen. Både yrkeslivet och de sociala relationerna blir negativt påverkade av att vårdnadshavarna inte har tid eller ork kvar till annat än det nödvändiga i situationen. Den psykiska och fysiska hälsan blir för de flesta försämrad och de tvingas stänga av sina egna känslor och behov för att mäkta med det samordnande ansvar som de tvingas ta för barnets och familjens myndighetskontakter och insatser. Samtliga vårdnadshavare menar att de behöver hjälp från professionella att ta över helhetsansvaret för barnets insatser och att insatserna behöver vara bättre anpassade till den komplexa problematik som föreligger.

Identification d'interventions infirmières auprès de parents dont un enfant a subi une réanimation cardiorespiratoire à l'unité des soins intensifs pédiatriques

Houle, Karine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Autorita rodičů očima adolescentů / Parental authority through adolescents' eyes

Ondráčková, Dagmar January 2011 (has links)
The diploma work in its theoretical part is concerned with the parental authority in the difficult period of adolescence. The first chapter defines the term of authority. To clarify it, individual types of authorities are described and further on, the parental authority is dealt with in detail. Most attention is paid to what affects formation of parental authority the most and in what ways this authority can be kept. The second chapter characterizes adolescence as a very difficult period in the life of every individual. At this stage a man becomes independent. Also, attitudes towards values, morals and authorities are formed, and/or the existing attitudes are changed. The third chapter concentrates on emotional bond. In the beginning I characterize individual types of emotional bonds, aspects of their origin and subsequent changes during the period of adolescence. The emotional bond influences quality of other emotional relations and is related to the stability of the parental educational effect during the whole period of education. The fourth chapter focuses on the educational method in family, which is based on the parent-child emotional relation. Another important factor is educational guidance. Individual types of educational methods in family are described here in detail. From this description it is...

Identification d'interventions infirmières auprès de parents dont un enfant a subi une réanimation cardiorespiratoire à l'unité des soins intensifs pédiatriques

Houle, Karine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med en ungdom med diabetes typ 1 : En litteraturöversikt / Parent´s experiences of living with an adolescence with diabetes type 1 : A literature review

Johansson, Amanda, Santos, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 1 är en kronisk, autoimmun sjukdom där kroppen har en otillräcklig mängd insulin som med tiden upphör helt. Med goda egenvårdskunskaper samt stöttning från föräldrar och sjuksköterska kan ungdomen leva ett gott liv med diabetes. Syfte: Belysa föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med en ungdom med diabetes typ 1. Metod: 10 valda artiklarna sammanställdes i flera steg och utgör grunden av en litteraturöversikt som är analyserade med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Segesten (2017b). Sökningen genomfördes i databasen CHINAHL. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Rädsla för lågt blodsocker, som uppkom framförallt på natten då inte samma förutsättningar fanns till uppsyn som på dagen. Att släppa taget, där föräldrar upplevde svårigheter att lämna över sitt ansvar över sjukdomen till ungdomen. Hantering av oro, där föräldrar upplever en konstant oro och försöker på olika sätt hanteradet på lämpligaste sätt. Behov av stöd och kunskap, där föräldrar upplever brist påinformation samt känslomässigt stöd från sjukvården. Konklusion: Rädsla för lågt blodsocker var betydligt hos föräldrarna samt deras behov av information och känslomässigt stöd. Kunskap kring sjukdomen visade sig vara central för att kunna fatta bra beslut i ungdomens sjukdom och vård. / Backgrund: Type 1 diabetes is a chronic, autoimmune disease in which the body has an insufficient amount of insulin to then cease completely. With good self-care knowledge and support from parents and nurses, young people can live a good life with diabetes. Aim: Illustrate parents experience of living with an adolescence with type 1 diabetes. Method: 10 selected articles were compiled in several steps and forms the basis of an literature review which were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis (Segesten, 2017b). The search was performed in the database CHINAHL. Results: Four themes were identified: Fear of low bloodsugar, which arose mainly at night when the same conditions were not in place as during the day. Letting go showed difficulties for parents in handing over responsibility over the disease to the adolescence. Management of anxiety, where parents experience a constant anxiety and try in different ways to handle it in the most appropriate way. Need for support and knowledge, where parents experience a lack of information and emotional support from the healthcare. Conclusion: Fear of low bloodsugar was significant for the parents and the need for information and emotional support. Knowledge about the disease proved to be important inorder to be able to make good decisions regarding the adolescents care.

The Relationship Between Sickle Cell Support Group Status and Barriers to Care as Perceived by Parents of Children with Sickle Cell Disease

Nwachuku, Goldie Okechi Nwaru 01 January 2016 (has links)
By examining barriers to care, health professionals can better understand what disparities exist between groups and who may be at greater risk for poor primary care. Researchers have highlighted the need for additional research that focuses on the extent of unmet needs for U.S. children with sickle cell disease (SCD). The purpose of this quantitative study was to compare the differences between parents who are in a SCD support group and those who are not. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the chronic care model and social support theory. A total of 128 parents of children with SCD completed the study survey. The sampling occurred by e-mail, phone, and face-to-face conversations. Selection criteria for potential participants in both groups were based on their children being diagnosed with SCD. Seventy-four participants (57.8%) were members of a SCD support group, and 54 participants (42.4%) were not members of a SCD support group. In this study, the independent variables were parents attending or not a SCD support group. The t test and MANCOVA was used to assessed the association between perceptions of barriers to care and support group status. However, statistical analysis showed no significant results. The null hypothesis was not rejected. Therefore, the positive social change implication is to further explore potential factors that may shape perceptions of barriers to care for those with SCD so that perceived barriers to care can be overcome.

The Relationship Between Sickle Cell Support Group Status and Barriers to Care as Perceived by Parents of Children with Sickle Cell Disease

Nwachuku, Goldie Okechi Nwaru 01 January 2016 (has links)
By examining barriers to care, health professionals can better understand what disparities exist between groups and who may be at greater risk for poor primary care. Researchers have highlighted the need for additional research that focuses on the extent of unmet needs for U.S. children with sickle cell disease (SCD). The purpose of this quantitative study was to compare the differences between parents who are in a SCD support group and those who are not. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the chronic care model and social support theory. A total of 128 parents of children with SCD completed the study survey. The sampling occurred by e-mail, phone, and face-to-face conversations. Selection criteria for potential participants in both groups were based on their children being diagnosed with SCD. Seventy-four participants (57.8%) were members of a SCD support group, and 54 participants (42.4%) were not members of a SCD support group. In this study, the independent variables were parents attending or not a SCD support group. The t test and MANCOVA was used to assessed the association between perceptions of barriers to care and support group status. However, statistical analysis showed no significant results. The null hypothesis was not rejected. Therefore, the positive social change implication is to further explore potential factors that may shape perceptions of barriers to care for those with SCD so that perceived barriers to care can be overcome.

Grossesse à l’adolescence et consommation de substances psychoactives : points de vue de jeunes mères sur leur expérience de recherche d’aide et de recours aux services

Collard, Sophie 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Parents' Role in the Development of Youth and College-Level Musicians

Florjancic, Linda M. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Föräldrar + förskola = sant? : Relationen mellan förskolan och föräldrar ur ett sociologiskt genusperspektiv

Malm Bogg, Carolina January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to describe how the relationship between preschool and parents is experienced in everyday life, and if there are differences based on the parents' gender. To study this, Sara Lawrence Lightfoot's sociological theory about the relationship between parents and school is used. With the support of Yvonne Hirdman's gender system, the gender perspective in the relationship is highlighted. First, parents were interviewed in groups. Then, their views were applied in the interview guide for individual interviews with preschool teachers. Through a thematic analysis became the conclusion that the relationship is perceived as mostly positive. Security, trust, individualization, good communication, consensus, authenticity are words that describe a good relationship according to the interviewees. This is achieved by prioritizing the relationship through physical meetings that are supplemented via digital platforms. There are tendencies that show that the relationship differs between mothers and fathers. Fathers tend to signal ignorance and disinterest in cooperation. For practical reasons, it is therefore easier for mothers to be responsible for the primary responsibility for a functioning everyday life. This means that preschool staff choose to contact mothers before fathers because that’s the easiest way to achieve the best for the children. / Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur relationen mellan förskola och föräldrar upplevs i vardagen, samt om det finns skillnader utifrån föräldrarnas kön. För att studera detta används Sara Lawrence Lightfoots sociologiska teori om relationen mellan föräldrar och skola. Med stöd av Yvonne Hirdmans genussystem lyfts genusperspektivet i relationen. Först intervjuades föräldrarna i grupp. Därefter applicerades deras synpunkter i intervjuguiden för individuella intervjuer med förskollärare. Genom en tematisk analys blev slutsatsen att relationen upplevs som mestadels positiv. Trygghet, tillit, individualisering, god kommunikation, konsensus, autenticitet är ord som beskriver en god relation enligt intervjupersonerna. Detta uppnås genom att prioritera relationen genom fysiska möten som kompletteras via digitala plattformar. Det finns tendenser som visar att relationen skiljer sig åt mellan mammor och pappor. Pappor tenderar att signalera okunnighet och ointresse för samarbete. Av praktiska skäl är det därför lättare för mammor att ha huvudansvaret för en fungerande vardag. Det innebär att förskolepersonal väljer att kontakta mammor före pappor eftersom det är det enklaste sättet att uppnå det bästa för barnen. / <p>2024-05-31</p>

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