Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paritaire""
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Modelování časových řad měnových kurzůŽižka, David January 2007 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na modelování časových řad směnných kurzů pomocí modelů podmíněného rozptylu. V první části je vysvětlena teorie lineárních i nelineárních modelů volatility včetně popsání všech konkrétních modelů, které jsou v práci použity. Dále jsou zde podrobně popsány všechny testy, které jsou v práci použity. V druhé části jsou modelovány reálné časové řady směnných kurzů české koruny k amerického dolaru a k euru. Třetí část je zaměřena na ověření úrokové parity mezi Českou republikou a eurozónou. Tento vztah je ověřován pomocí Grangerovy kauzality a kointegrace časových řad.
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Analýza obchodních aktivit firmy Sprint spol. s r.o. se zaměřením na přepravní službyDvořáková, Petra January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá obchodní činností firmy Sprint spol. s r.o. Seznamuje s průběhem zadávání objednávek dodavatelům, se způsobem skladování a rozebírá realizaci objednávek odběratelů. Dále analyzuje přepravní operace související s dovozem a distribucí zboží. Vedle rozboru konkrétních nabídek zasílatelských firem je popsán i právní podstata přepraveně-právních vztahů. Poslední kapitola se zabývá celní problematikou po vstupu ČR do EU.
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Vstup ČR do EMU z pohledu vnitřní a vnější rovnováhyŠpaček, Martin January 2006 (has links)
DP se zabývá problematikou vstupu ČR do EMU z pohledu vnitřní i vnější rovnováhy. Celková analýza vychází z teorie optimálních měnových zón (OCA) a zaobírá se přitom hlavními determinantami vstupu do měnové unie - podmínkami, předpoklady, načasování a dále plynoucími výhodami/nevýhodami, hrozbami a příležitostmi s využívání společné měny. Významná část práce je rovněž věnována ekonomickým reformám.
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Úroveň reprodukčních ukazatelů prasnic v užitkovém chovuLujka, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the final thesis was to perform analysis focused on the quality of reproduction parameters of the sows in the utility farming. The observation was focused on the influence of the sow on the reproduction yield and the losses of the piglets, it also observed the influence in the order of the litter and the losses of the piglets, following with the influence of the boar on the reproduction yield and the losses of the piglets and the influence of the boar on the birth weight of the piglets. During the analysis of the influence of the sow on reproduction parameters and the losses of the piglets, three types of sows were compared amongst which no statistically provable differences were found out. During the observation of the influence in the turning of the litter, a statistically provable difference ((P ≤ 0,05) was proved in the number of all the born piglets, that is among the sows in the first litter (14,31 pc/litter) and in the third litter (15,57 pc/litter). Also during the observation of the number of live born piglets in the litter between the sows in the first (13,39 pc/litter) and the second litter (14,47 pc/litter), as well as between the sows in the first (13,39 pc/litter) and the third litter (14,70 pc/litter). Another statistically provable difference (P ≤ 0,05) was noticed during the observation of the number of the weaned piglets between the sows in the first (12,13 pc/litter) and the fourth litter (12,69 pc/litter). During the observation of the piglets´ losses in pieces there was a statistically provable difference (P ≤ 0,05) between the sows in the first litter (1,26 pc/litter) and the third litter (1,71 pc/litter). During the observation of the influence of the boar on the reproduction yield and the losses of the piglets, three boars of various combinations were compared among which no statistically provable differences within the observed parameters were found. In the analysis focused on the influence of the boar on the birth weight of the piglets, the piglets taken after three boars, named A, B and C, were observed. During the evaluation a statistically provable difference was found out (P ≤ 0,05) among the average birth weight of the piglets by the boar A (1,33 kg) and the average birth weight of the piglets by the boar B (1,28 kg), and the average birth weight of the female piglets by the boar A (1,39 kg) and the average birth weight of the female piglets by the boar B (1,23 kg). Another statistically provable difference (P ≤ 0,05) was found out between the birth weight of the female piglets by the boar B (1,23 kg) and the birth weight of the female piglets by the boar C (1,42 kg). Between the values of the average birth weight of the piglets by the boar B (1,28 kg) and the average birth weight of the piglets by the boar C (1,45 kg) a statistically highly provable difference (P ≤ 0,01) was found out. Another statistically highly provable difference (P ≤ 0,01) was also found out between the birth weight of the female piglets by the boar B (1,23 kg) and the birth weight of the male piglets by the boar C (1,48 kg).
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Exchange Rate Modelling - Parities and Czech Crown / Modelování měnového kursu – parity a česká korunaMäsiarová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The paper analyses validity of main exchange rate theories in case of the Czech crown. Investigated relationships comprise purchasing power parity, interest rate parity and real interest monetary model. Technical part of the analysis involves cointegration, namely Johansen's method based on vector autoregressive models. Two currency pairs are in the focus: CZK/EUR and CZK/USD. Empirical calculations did not prove the absolute validity of the theories but pointed out to other factors of exchange rate, such as convergence process, impacts on inflation targeting decisions, non-monetarist determinants and the recent financial crisis.
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Úhlové korelace v rozpadech Higgsova bosonu / Úhlové korelace v rozpadech Higgsova bosonuPleskot, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The Standard Model predicts existence of one Higgs boson with combined parity CP = +1. In MSSM there exist Higgs boson with CP = −1 in addition. The work develops one method of Higgs boson CP determination on the basis of angular correlations of pions and ρ-mesons born in cascade decay H/A → τ− τ+ → ρ− /π− ντ ρ+ /π+ ¯ντ . The calculations are done in the leading order of perturbation theory. Further, the possibility of signal (Higgs boson decay) and background (Z boson decay) differentiation is studied. The processes in question are simulated using Monte Carlo generators Pythia and Tauola. Simulation outputs are compared with calculated theoretical results. 1
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Purchasing Power Parity - Theory and Practice / Parita kupní síly - teorie a praxeBukat, Michał Aleksander January 2015 (has links)
The thesis explains the theory of purchasing power parity and related concepts. It shows differences in prices and wages all around the globe and gives theoretical explanation of existing disparities. The goal is to find out how prices differ in reality, where costs of living are the highest or the lowest and what makes some products more or less expensive in different countries. In order to answer the questions the thesis deals with, the variety of sources was used, starting from economics textbooks, academic journals, literature reviews, the Economist website, a study of UBS 'Prices and Earnings', International Monetary Fund database and others.
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Analýza vztahu úrokové míry a měnového kurzu v podmínkách malé otevřené ekonomiky / Analysis of the relationship between interest rate and exchange rate within boarders of a small open economyBrigant, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Primary objective of this thesis was to analyse the relationship between exchange rate and interest rate within borders of a small open economy. Different theoretical approaches often present us with various, sometimes even opposing conclusions when it comes to the matter of direction and intensity of the causal influence between these two variables. From author's point of view it is important to perceive the interaction between exchange rate and interest rate as a dynamic process rather than a static relationship. The empirical analysis was conducted on monthly time series (2000-2012) of three selected small open economies -- Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. Graphical analysis, linear regression, vector autoregression and cointegration analysis were selected as suitable tools for meeting the objective of this thesis. Models themselves presented us with interesting conclusions, for example a proof of the international Fisher effect, exchange rate causally affecting the interest rate (interest rate differential) in case of spot rates against euro. Another curious phenomena was the inflow of foreign debt capital, which, as it seems, was actually pulling the exchange rate down rather than pushing it up due to rising indebtedness of the economy.
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Tiplíci a jejich patogeni / Biting midges and their patogensMračková, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with biting midges of the genus Culicoides, which are tiny nematoceran insects belonging to the Diptera, and their parasites. Biting midges partake in transmissions of several parasitical organisms of various groups. Most notably, they are the vectors of several pathogenic viruses which might have a serious impact on livestock. However, the thesis deals with detection of parasites belonging to Trypanosomatids and Filarioids related to two independent biting midges collections - from the Czech Republic and from the Central African region. Apart from testing biting midges, there were carried out the tests on the occurrence of the same group of parasites within ruminant hoofed games in the Czech Republic. Our goal was to find out whether the same parasites occur with biting midges and their hosts (hoofed games) and whether biting midges could play a role as vectors. Biting midges are relatively overlooked group of haematophagous insects. Until recently, they had not been paid much attention, which changed with the spread of Bluetongue virus over Europe. This stimulated a widespread monitoring of biting midges in several European countries, including the Czech Republic. This helped to gain a large amount of data about the occurrence of biting midges near livestock. Nevertheless, there is no...
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Moderní teorie měnového kurzu / The Modern Exchange Rate TheoriesKašpar, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This work scrutinises, evaluates and systematises the modern exchange rate theories. Its aim is to familiarise the reader with the concepts of expectation, Purchasing Power Parity and Interest Rate Parity, which together form the basis of the following analysis of monetary and portfolio theories of the exchange rate determination. Then, it provides a comparison of the various approaches to these theoretical frameworks with regard to their respective authors. The paper is concluded by an evaluative description of the conditions under which such theories could be applied.
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