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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ahmed, Istiaque 13 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Risk-aware Autonomous Driving Using POMDPs and Responsibility-Sensitive Safety / POMDP-modellerad Riskmedveten Autonom Körning med Riskmått

Skoglund, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles promise to play an important role aiming at increased efficiency and safety in road transportation. Although we have seen several examples of autonomous vehicles out on the road over the past years, how to ensure the safety of autonomous vehicle in the uncertain and dynamic environment is still a challenging problem. This thesis studies this problem by developing a risk-aware decision making framework. The system that integrates the dynamics of an autonomous vehicle and the uncertain environment is modelled as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). A risk measure is proposed based on the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) distance, which quantifying the minimum distance to other vehicles for ensuring safety. This risk measure is incorporated into the reward function of POMDP for achieving a risk-aware decision making. The proposed risk-aware POMDP framework is evaluated in two case studies. In a single-lane car following scenario, it is shown that the ego vehicle is able to successfully avoid a collision in an emergency event where a vehicle in front of it makes a full stop. In the merge scenario, the ego vehicle successfully enters the main road from a ramp with a satisfactory distance to other vehicles. As a conclusion, the risk-aware POMDP framework is able to realize a trade-off between safety and usability by keeping a reasonable distance and adapting to other vehicles behaviours. / Autonoma fordon förutspås spela en stor roll i framtiden med målen att förbättra effektivitet och säkerhet för vägtransporter. Men även om vi sett flera exempel av autonoma fordon ute på vägarna de senaste åren är frågan om hur säkerhet ska kunna garanteras ett utmanande problem. Det här examensarbetet har studerat denna fråga genom att utveckla ett ramverk för riskmedvetet beslutsfattande. Det autonoma fordonets dynamik och den oförutsägbara omgivningen modelleras med en partiellt observerbar Markov-beslutsprocess (POMDP från engelskans “Partially Observable Markov Decision Process”). Ett riskmått föreslås baserat på ett säkerhetsavstånd förkortat RSS (från engelskans “Responsibility-Sensitive Safety”) som kvantifierar det minsta avståndet till andra fordon för garanterad säkerhet. Riskmåttet integreras i POMDP-modellens belöningsfunktion för att åstadkomma riskmedvetna beteenden. Den föreslagna riskmedvetna POMDP-modellen utvärderas i två fallstudier. I ett scenario där det egna fordonet följer ett annat fordon på en enfilig väg visar vi att det egna fordonet kan undvika en kollision då det framförvarande fordonet bromsar till stillastående. I ett scenario där det egna fordonet ansluter till en huvudled från en ramp visar vi att detta görs med ett tillfredställande avstånd till andra fordon. Slutsatsen är att den riskmedvetna POMDP-modellen lyckas realisera en avvägning mellan säkerhet och användbarhet genom att hålla ett rimligt säkerhetsavstånd och anpassa sig till andra fordons beteenden.

Analysis of partially carbonised residues from the Chiseldon Cauldrons by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry

Steele, Valerie J. January 2017 (has links)
No / During the micro-excavation of the cauldrons, residues were identified which appeared different from the surrounding soil and metal corrosion products. Thirty-seven of these residues from nine cauldrons and two significant fragments of incomplete cauldrons were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) along with two samples of soil from the micro-excavation for comparison. The aim of the analysis was to determine whether these residues contained any organic material related to the use of the cauldrons, specifically lipids (fats, waxes, resins etc.) from the preparation of food or drink. Two of the samples from the cauldrons were also sent for compound specific carbon stable isotope analysis by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) to give a more precise identification of the residues.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Highway Driving Scenario

Pradhan, Neil January 2021 (has links)
We present an autonomous driving agent on a simulated highway driving scenario with vehicles such as cars and trucks moving with stochastically variable velocity profiles. The focus of the simulated environment is to test tactical decision making in highway driving scenarios. When an agent (vehicle) maintains an optimal range of velocity it is beneficial both in terms of energy efficiency and greener environment. In order to maintain an optimal range of velocity, in this thesis work I proposed two novel reward structures: (a) gaussian reward structure and (b) exponential rise and fall reward structure. I trained respectively two deep reinforcement learning agents to study their differences and evaluate their performance based on a set of parameters that are most relevant in highway driving scenarios. The algorithm implemented in this thesis work is double-dueling deep-Q-network with prioritized experience replay buffer. Experiments were performed by adding noise to the inputs, simulating Partially Observable Markov Decision Process in order to obtain reliability comparison between different reward structures. Velocity occupancy grid was found to be better than binary occupancy grid as input for the algorithm. Furthermore, methodology for generating fuel efficient policies has been discussed and demonstrated with an example. / Vi presenterar ett autonomt körföretag på ett simulerat motorvägsscenario med fordon som bilar och lastbilar som rör sig med stokastiskt variabla hastighetsprofiler. Fokus för den simulerade miljön är att testa taktiskt beslutsfattande i motorvägsscenarier. När en agent (fordon) upprätthåller ett optimalt hastighetsområde är det fördelaktigt både när det gäller energieffektivitet och grönare miljö. För att upprätthålla ett optimalt hastighetsområde föreslog jag i detta avhandlingsarbete två nya belöningsstrukturer: (a) gaussisk belöningsstruktur och (b) exponentiell uppgång och nedgång belöningsstruktur. Jag utbildade respektive två djupförstärkande inlärningsagenter för att studera deras skillnader och utvärdera deras prestanda baserat på en uppsättning parametrar som är mest relevanta i motorvägsscenarier. Algoritmen som implementeras i detta avhandlingsarbete är dubbel-duell djupt Q- nätverk med prioriterad återuppspelningsbuffert. Experiment utfördes genom att lägga till brus i ingångarna, simulera delvis observerbar Markov-beslutsprocess för att erhålla tillförlitlighetsjämförelse mellan olika belöningsstrukturer. Hastighetsbeläggningsgaller visade sig vara bättre än binärt beläggningsgaller som inmatning för algoritmen. Dessutom har metodik för att generera bränsleeffektiv politik diskuterats och demonstrerats med ett exempel.

Simulation numérique instationnaire de la combustion turbulente au sein de foyers aéronautiques et prédiction des émissions polluantes / Unstationnary numerical simulations of turbulent combustion inside aeronautical burners and pollutant formation modeling

Savre, Julien 26 January 2010 (has links)
Afin de pouvoir simuler la formation des principaux polluants au sein de foyers aéronautiques réalistes, un modèle de réduction de la chimie détaillée (FPI), basé sur la construction de tables à partir de calculs de flammes de prémélange laminaires élémentaires, est adapté et couplé au code d’aérothermochimie CEDRE de l’ONERA. Après une brève validation de ce modèle via la simulation de flammes laminaires canoniques, les interactions chimie/turbulence sont modélisées sous l’hypothèse des flammelettes, en approchant les PDF des paramètres d’entrée des tables par des fonctions beta. Cette approche complète est appliquée à la simulation numérique de l’écoulement au sein d’une configuration plus appliquée : la chambre PRECCINSTA. Ce cas bien connu a permis notamment l’évaluation des capacités du modèle dans un contexte plus industriel par comparaison des résultats de calcul aux données expérimentales disponibles. Il a en particulier permis de tester l’approche FPI étendue à la modélisation de la combustion partiellement prémélangée. Par ailleurs, l’utilisation d’un modèle de chimie réduite s’avère particulièrement appropriée pour prédire l’émission de substances polluantes, par exemple CO. Cependant, lorsque l’on considère la formation de NO, FPI ne peut pas être utilisé directement du fait de la lente dynamique chimique de cette espèce.Pour pallier à cette limitation, deux approches permettant de modéliser la production de NO au sein d’écoulements complexes sont proposées, fondées sur l’utilisation des tables chimiques FPI. Les capacités de ces modèles sont finalement analysées à l’aide de calculs effectués sur la configuration PRECCINSTA. / In order to simulate major pollutant formation inside realistic aeronautical combustion chambers, a detailed chemistry reduction technique (FPI), based on the construction of databases from elementary laminar premixed flame calculations, is adapted and coupled to the ONERA household CFD code : CEDRE. After a short validation of this model based on the numerical simulation of simplified laminar flames, the chemistry turbulence interactions are modeled under the laminar flamelet hypothesis, by assuming the shape of the FPI progress variable PDFs using beta functions. This comprehensive approach is then applied to the numerical simulation of the flow inside a realistic geometry :the PRECCINSTA combustion chamber. This well-known configuration has enabled the evaluation of the model’s abilities within an industrial framework using numerical/experimental results comparisons. It has especially allowed to test an extension of the model to partially premixed combution. Furthermore, the use of a tabulated chemistry model turns out to be particularly appropriate to predict pollutant species formation such as CO. However, when considering the formation of nitrogen oxides,FPI cannot be applied directly because of the slow dynamics of the chemical processes involved. Toovercome these limitations, two approaches allowing NO production modeling within complexe flowsare proposed, derived from the use of the tabulated data. The capacities of these models are finally analysed using computations performed on the PRECCINSTA chamber.

Potential of ozone to enable the low load operation of a Gasoline Compression Ignition engine / Potentiel de l’ozone pour atteindre le fonctionnement en faible charge d’un moteur essence à allumage par compression

Pinazzi, Pietro Matteo 18 January 2018 (has links)
Le moteur essence à allumage par compression (GCI), reposant sur la combustion partiellement prémélangée de l'essence (GPPC), peut potentiellement assurer des opérations efficaces et propres. Le moteur GCI s'est avéré efficace à forte charge, mais l'indice d'octane élevé de l'essence limite considérablement les opérations à faible charge. Le présent travail étudie le potentiel de l'utilisation de l'ozone, fort agent oxydant, pour améliorer la réactivité de l'essence et permettre le fonctionnement à faible charge de GCI. L'ozone peut être produit on board en équipant le moteur d'un générateur d'ozone, sans impact dramatique sur le coût du moteur et sur la complexité du contrôle du moteur. Les essais effectués avec un moteur monocylindre ont montré que l'ozone favorise la combustion HCCI de l'essence, permettant d'étendre la limite d’auto-inflammation et de réduire la température minimale nécessaire de celle-ci. Les diagnostics optiques ont montré que ces propriétés sont liées à une prolifération radicale accrue, amenées par des réactions à basse température induites par l'ozone. En parallèle, le processus de combustion GCI a été étudié dans des conditions de faible charge. Sans ozone, la température d'admission doit être considérablement augmentée pour permettre l'auto-inflammationdes mélanges essence-air pauvres. De plus, les résultats indiquent que le monoxyde d’azote (NO) contenu dans les gaz brûlés résiduels peut, dans certaines conditions, favoriser fortement la combustion GCI. Ensuite,l'effet de l'ozone a été étudié dans des conditions d'injection directe GCI. Les résultats démontrent qu’une stratégie avec double injection est nécessaire pour maximiser l’effet promoteur de l’ozone et pour contrôler le processus de combustion GCI. Enfin, l'utilisation d’une forte concentration d’ozone a permis d’atteindre des opérations à faible charge en mode GCI, avec des faibles émissions de NOx et de suie, et cela, sans avoir besoin d'augmenter la température ou la pression d'admission. / Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) engine, relying on Gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion (GPPC) has potential for efficient and clean operations. GCI engine showed to be effective at high load, however, the highoctane number of gasoline dramatically limits low load operations. The present work investigates the potential of using ozone, a strong oxidizing agent, to improve gasoline reactivity and enabling low load GCI operation.Ozone can be produced in-situ and on-demand by equipping the engine with an ozone generator, without a dramatic impact on the engine cost and the engine control complexity. Experiments in a single cylinder engine showed that ozone promotes gasoline HCCI combustion, making possible to extend the lean limit and reducing the minimum temperature needed for autoignition. Optical diagnostics showed that these properties are related to an increased radical proliferation related to ozone-induced low temperature reactions. In parallel, GCI combustion process was investigated under low load conditions. Without ozone, the intake temperature should be considerable increased to enable auto ignition of lean gasoline-air mixtures. Moreover, results indicated that the NO contained into residual burnt gases can strongly promote GCI low load combustion. Finally, the effect of ozone was investigated under GCI direct-injection conditions, demonstrating that low load GCI operation with low NOx and Soot emission can be achieved by seeding the intake of the engine with ozone without needing of increasing the intake charge temperature or boosting the intake pressure.

Contribuição à análise da resistência à força cortante em lajes de concreto estrutural sem armadura transversal / Contribution to the analysis of shear strength in structural concrete slabs without transverse reinforcement

Sousa, Alex Micael Dantas de 18 March 2019 (has links)
A resistência à força cortante em lajes de pontes sem armadura transversal têm sido um aspecto preocupante nas verificações de estruturas de concreto estrutural construídas décadas passadas e está diretamente relacionado aos modelos de cálculo de resistência à força cortante e de largura colaborante empregados no caso de cargas parcialmente distribuídas próximas do apoio. Entretanto, não existem ainda estudos nacionais relacionados ao nível de acurácia e precisão das abordagens geralmente empregadas na prática de projetos de pontes no Brasil. Por esta razão, propõem-se apresentar uma contribuição às análises de resistência à força cortante em lajes de pontes com ênfase no modelo de cálculo da ABNT NBR 6118:2014. Para isto foram comparados os resultados experimentais e teóricos utilizando diferentes modelos de resistência à força cortante e uma base de dados construída a partir de 642 resultados experimentais. Posteriormente, alguns modelos experimentais foram explorados por meio de simulações numéricas em elementos finitos no intuito de avaliar o nível de aproximações desta abordagem e investigar a influência de parâmetros como mísulas na proximidade dos apoios. Dentre os principais resultados desta pesquisa destaca-se que o valor médio da relação entre a resistência à força cortante teórica e experimental Vexp/Vcal utilizando a ABNT NBR 6118:2014 variou de 2,145 a 1,140 conforme o modelo de largura colaborante utilizado. Enquanto isso, os modelos numéricos calibrados apresentaram relação Vexp/VMEF variando entre 0,95 e 1,01 e com coeficientes de variação menores que 15%. De maneira geral, identificou-se que os modelos de resistência à força cortante apresentam elevados níveis de dispersão entre resultados teóricos e experimentais no caso de lajes e faixas de laje e que os modelos mais usuais de definição da largura colaborante não são precisamente adequados para o caso de cargas parcialmente distribuídas próximas do apoio. / The shear strength in bridge slabs without transverse reinforcement has been a matter of concern in structural concrete structures checks built in the past decades and is directly related to the shear force and effective width calculation models employed in the case of partially distributed loads close to the support. However, there are still no national studies related to the level of accuracy and precision of the approaches commonly used in the practice of bridge projects in Brazil. For this reason, it is proposed to contribute to the shear strength analyzes in bridge slabs with emphasis on the calculation model of ABNT NBR 6118: 2014. For this, we compared the experimental and theoretical results using different models of shear strength and a database constructed from 642 experimental results. Subsequently, some experimental models were explored by means of numerical simulations in finite elements in order to evaluate the level of approximations of this approach and to investigate the influence of parameters such as greater thickness close to the supports. Among the main results of this research, it is worth noting that the average value of the relationship between theoretical and experimental shear strength Vexp/Vcal using ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 varied from 2,145 to 1,140 according to the effective width model used. Meanwhile, the calibrated numerical models showed Vexp/VMEF ratio varying between 0.95 and 1.01 and with coefficients of variation lower than 15%. In general, it was identified that the shear strength models present high levels of dispersion between theoretical and experimental results in the case of slabs and slab strips and that the most usual models of defining the effective width are not precisely adequate for the partially distributed loads close to the support in slabs.

Reconhecimento multibiométrico baseado em imagens de face parcialmente ocluídas / Multibiometric Recognition Based on Partially Occluded Face Images

Araújo Junior, Jozias Rolim de 28 May 2018 (has links)
Com o avanço da tecnologia, as estratégias tradicionais para identificação de pessoas se tornaram mais suscetíveis a falhas. De forma a superar essas dificuldades algumas abordagens vêm sendo propostas na literatura. Dentre estas abordagens destaca-se a Biometria. O campo da Biometria abarca uma grande variedade de tecnologias usadas para identificar ou verificar a identidade de uma pessoa por meio da mensuração e análise de aspectos físicos e/ou comportamentais do ser humano. Em função disso, a biometria tem um amplo campo de aplicações em sistemas que exigem uma identificação segura de seus usuários. Os sistemas biométricos mais populares são baseados em reconhecimento facial ou em impressões digitais. Entretanto, existem sistemas biométricos que utilizam a íris, varredura de retina, voz, geometria da mão e termogramas faciais. Atualmente, tem havido progresso significativo em reconhecimento automático de face em condições controladas. Em aplicações do mundo real, o reconhecimento facial sofre de uma série de problemas nos cenários não controlados. Esses problemas são devidos, principalmente, a diferentes variações faciais que podem mudar muito a aparência da face, incluindo variações de expressão, de iluminação, alterações da pose, assim como oclusões parciais. Em comparação com o grande número de trabalhos na literatura em relação aos problemas de variação de expressão/iluminação/pose, o problema de oclusão é relativamente negligenciado pela comunidade científica. Embora tenha sido dada pouca atenção ao problema de oclusão na literatura de reconhecimento facial, a importância deste problema deve ser enfatizada, pois a presença de oclusão é muito comum em cenários não controlados e pode estar associada a várias questões de segurança. Por outro lado, a Multibiométria é uma abordagem relativamente nova para representação de conhecimento biométrico que visa consolida múltiplas fontes de informação visando melhorar a performance do sistema biométrico. Multibiométria é baseada no conceito de que informações obtidas a partir de diferentes modalidades ou da mesma modalidade capturada de diversas formas se complementam. Consequentemente, uma combinação adequada dessas informações pode ser mais útil que o uso de informações obtidas a partir de qualquer uma das modalidades individualmente. A fim de melhorar a performance dos sistemas biométricos faciais na presença de oclusão parciais será investigado o emprego de diferentes técnicas de reconstrução de oclusões parciais de forma a gerar diferentes imagens de face, as quais serão combinadas no nível de extração de característica e utilizadas como entrada para um classificador neural. Os resultados demonstram que a abordagem proposta é capaz de melhorar a performance dos sistemas biométricos baseados em face parcialmente ocluídas / With the advancement of technology, traditional strategies for identifying people have become more susceptible to failures. In order to overcome these difficulties, some approaches have been proposed in the literature. Among these approaches, Biometrics stands out. The field of biometrics covers a wide range of technologies used to identify or verify a person\'s identity by measuring and analyzing physical and / or behavioral aspects of the human being. As a result, a biometry has a wide field of applications in systems that require a secure identification of its users. The most popular biometric systems are based on facial recognition or fingerprints. However, there are biometric systems that use the iris, retinal scan, voice, hand geometry, and facial thermograms. Currently, there has been significant progress in automatic face recognition under controlled conditions. In real world applications, facial recognition suffers from a number of problems in uncontrolled scenarios. These problems are mainly due to different facial variations that can greatly change the appearance of the face, including variations in expression, illumination, posture, as well as partial occlusions. Compared with the large number of papers in the literature regarding problems of expression / illumination / pose variation, the occlusion problem is relatively neglected by the research community. Although attention has been paid to the occlusion problem in the facial recognition literature, the importance of this problem should be emphasized, since the presence of occlusion is very common in uncontrolled scenarios and may be associated with several safety issues. On the other hand, multibiometry is a relatively new approach to biometric knowledge representation that aims to consolidate multiple sources of information to improve the performance of the biometric system. Multibiometry is based on the concept that information obtained from different modalities or from the same modalities captured in different ways complement each other. Accordingly, a suitable combination of such information may be more useful than the use of information obtained from any of the individuals modalities. In order to improve the performance of facial biometric systems in the presence of partial occlusion, the use of different partial occlusion reconstruction techniques was investigated in order to generate different face images, which were combined at the feature extraction level and used as input for a neural classifier. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is capable of improving the performance of biometric systems based on partially occluded faces

Tratamento de água residuária parcialmente solúvel em reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada e agitação mecânica: análise da influência da intensidade de agitação e do tamanho de biopartícula / Treatment of partially soluble wastewater in an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor with immobilized biomass and mechanical stirring: analysis of the influence of agitation rate and bioparticle size

Pinho, Samantha Cristina de 09 June 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho de doutorado utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano e agitação mecânica, com volume total de 5.5 L e volume útil de 4.5 L. A agitação do meio líquido foi realizada com quatro tipos de impelidores (turbina tipo hélice, lâminas planas, lâminas planas inclinadas e lâminas curvas, testados individualmente, sempre em número de 3), com 6 cm de diâmetro. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro etapas experimentais. A etapa 1 objetivou determinar o tempo de mistura no reator para cada tipo de impelidor, ou seja, o tempo necessário para que o meio líquido ficasse totalmente homogêneo. A etapa 2 objetivou selecionar o tipo de impelidor e a respectiva intensidade de agitação que garantisse a minimização da resistência à transferência de massa externa no sistema. As intensidades de agitação testadas variaram de 200 a 1100 rpm, dependendo do tipo de impelidor. A etapa 3 foi realizada com tipo de impelidor e intensidade de agitação definidos na etapa 2, mas variando-se o tamanho da biopartícula (0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 cm de aresta). O objetivo desta etapa foi selecionar o tamanho de biopartícula que minimizasse a resistência à transferência de massa interna. De posse das condições operacionais otimizadas (tipo de impelidor, intensidade de agitação e tamanho de partícula de suporte), a etapa 4 constituiu na aplicação das mesmas para o tratamento de um resíduo real, sendo escolhida água residuária de suinocultura. Na etapa 1, os resultados mostraram que os tempos de mistura para todos os tipos de impelidores foram desprezíveis em relação ao tempo total de ciclo. A etapa 2 revelou tempos de partida muito curtos (cerca de 20 dias), em todas as condições testadas, sendo atingidas remoções de DQO próximas de 70%. Além disso, o tipo de impelidor exerceu grande influência na qualidade final do efluente, fato este claramente constatado quando as frações de DQO foram consideradas separadamente (filtrada e suspensa). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na etapa 3, o tamanho da biopartícula teve influência decisiva no desempenho do sistema, nas condições testadas. As velocidades de dissolução foram aparentemente influenciadas pelo empacotamento do leito de espuma, enquanto que o consumo da fração de DQO correspondente às amostras filtradas foi provavelmente influenciado por fatores mais complexos. Finalmente, o teste realizado com resíduo diluído de suinocultura demonstrou que a operação do reator em estudo para o tratamento deste tipo de água residuária é possível. Os dados operacionais mostraram que o reator permaneceu estável durante o período testado. A agitação mecânica provou ser eficiente para melhorar a degradação da DQO suspensa, um dos maiores problemas no tratamento deste tipo de água residuária. Sendo assim, de acordo com os dados experimentais obtidos ao longo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que a agitação em reatores em batelada mostrou-se importante não somente para proporcionar boas condições de mistura ou melhorar a transferência de massa na fase líquida, mas também para melhorar a solubilização da matéria orgânica particulada, melhorando as velocidades de consumo de matéria orgânica. / The bench-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass and provided with mechanical stirring employed in this work had total and useful volumes of 5.5 and 4.5 L, respectively. The biomass was immobilized on cubic polyurethane foam matrices, and the agitation of the liquid medium was provided by four types of impellers (propeller, flat-blade, pitched-blade and curved-blade turbines, individually tested, always in a set of three), with 6 cm of diameter. The research was divided into 4 experimental steps. The first one aimed at determining the mixing time in the reactor for each sort of impeller, i.e., the time necessary for the system to be completely homogeneized. As for the second step, its objective was to choose the sort of impeller and the agitation rate suitable for minimizing the external mass-transfer resistance. The agitation rates tests ranged from 200 to 1100 rpm, depending on the impeller type. The step 3 was carried out utilizing the chosen impeller and agitation rate, but varying the bioparticle size (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 cm of side). The aim of these experiments was to determine the bioparticle size that minimized the solid-phase mass transfer. Using these optimized operational conditions (type of impeller and bioparticle size), the step 4 consisted of the utilization of them in the treatment of a real wastewater (diluted swine manure). As for the results, step 1 showed the mixing times were very low compared to the total cycle times employed in the experiments (8 and 24 h). Very short start-up periods were revealed by the second experimental part (about 20 days in average) for all conditions tested, and the removal efficiencies reached approximately 70%. Besides that, the impeller type exerted great influence on the final quality of the effluent, fact clearly observed when the COD fractions were analyzed separately (filtered and suspended). According to the data obtained in the step 3, the bioparticle size influenced decisively on the performance of the system, in the conditions tested. The bed packing apparently influenced the dissolution rates, whereas the consumption of the COD correspondent to the filtered samples was defined by more complex factors. Finally, the test with the diluted swine manure demonstrated that the operation of this reactor with this type of wastewater is feasible, as the operational data showed the reactor remained stable during all the period tested. The mechanical stirring proved to be efficient to improve the degradation of the suspended COD, one of the major problems in the treatment of this type of wastewater. In this sense, according to the experimental data obtained in this work, it can be affirmed the mechanical stirring in anaerobic sequencing batch reactors showed to be not only important to provide good mixing conditions and improve the liquid phase mass transfer, but also to improve the solubilization of the particulate organic matter and increase the overall organic matter consumption rates.

Análise numérica do comportamento de blocos sobre quatro estacas com cálice parcialmente embutido : estudos de casos reais / Numerical analysis of the behavior of four-pile caps of partially embedded socket : studies of real cases

Pagnussat, Rodrigo 06 December 2011 (has links)
Entre os diversos elementos estruturais, um que apresenta certas carências de conhecimento é o bloco de fundação. Os poucos estudos referentes a este elemento se limitam ao caso de blocos com força centrada e blocos sem elementos de ligação. Assim este trabalho tem como objetivo esclarecer algumas dúvidas a respeito do comportamento de blocos de fundação sobre quatro estacas, com cálice parcialmente embutido e solicitado por momentos nas duas direções. Estudou-se por meio de análise numérica não linear o comportamento de dois blocos que fazem parte de edifícios industriais e comerciais tomados como modelos. Para verificar a representatividade do modelo numérico adotado, foi simulado um bloco sobre quatro estacas submetido à força centrada e dois modelos de colarinho, um com ligação rugosa e outro com ligação lisa; os resultados da análise numérica foram comparados com resultados experimentais obtidos por outros pesquisadores. As variações realizadas nos dois modelos foram relacionadas às armaduras adotadas e ao tipo de ligação entre pilar e colarinho. A análise dos resultados teve como norteadoras a verificação da força última, as tensões no concreto e nas barras de aço, a fissuração e as reações nas estacas. Os resultados indicaram que para o caso de ligação rugosa, ocorreu a formação de bielas que se formam a partir do topo do colarinho. Entretanto o modelo espacial e o método das bielas não descrevem com precisão o seu comportamento, pois há uma tendência das bielas se formarem com grandes ângulos de inclinações e, assim, as forças são transmitidas diretamente para as estacas. Já para o caso de ligação lisa, observou-se que a transferência das ações atuantes no pilar para o bloco ocorre por meio da força de atrito das paredes do pilar com o colarinho e principalmente pelo contato da base do pilar com o bloco. / There is a lack of knowledge about pile caps. Studies concerning these elements are limited to the case of pile-caps subjected to centered forces without connection elements. In this context this research aims to clarify some doubts about the behavior of pile caps under centered forces and bending moment. The behavior of four pile-caps with partially embedded socket subjected to moment in two directions was studied. A nonlinear numerical study was conducted to analyze two pile-caps models designed as part of industrial and commercial buildings. To verify the representativeness of the numerical model adopted, comparative analyze were performed using numerical and experimental data found in previous researches. The reinforcement and connection type were the variable parameters in the analysis of the two pile-caps. The results have shown that in the case of rough connection there occurs the formation of struts from the top of the socket wall. In the case of smooth connection, the transfer of forces from the column to pile-cap occurs through friction forces in the socket/column connection.

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