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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of a Passing Shock on Compressor Stator Flow

Langford, Matthew David 07 May 2003 (has links)
A stator cascade was developed to simulate the flow conditions within a close-stage-spacing transonic axial compressor. Experiments were conducted in a linear transonic blowdown cascade wind tunnel with an inlet Mach number of 0.65. The bow shock from the downstream rotor was simulated by a single moving normal shock generated with a shock tube. First, steady pressure data were gathered to ensure that the stator cascade operated properly without the presence of the shock. Next, the effects of the passing shock on the stator flow field were investigated using shadowgraph photography and Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV). Measurements were taken for three different shock strengths. In every case studied, a vortex formed near the stator trailing edge as the shock impacted the blade. The size of this vortex was shown to be directly related to the shock strength, and the vortex remained present in the trailing edge flow field throughout the cycle duration. Analysis of the DPIV data showed that the vortex acts as a flow blockage, with the extent of this blockage ranging from 2.9% of the passage for the weakest shock, to 14.3% of the passage for the strongest shock. The vortex was also shown to cause flow deviation up to 75° for the case with the strongest shock. Further analysis estimated that the total pressure losses due to shock-induced vorticity ranged from 46% to 113% of the steady wake losses. Finally, the total pressure loss purely due to the upstream-propagating normal shock was estimated to be roughly 0.22%. / Master of Science

Subpixel Resolution Schemes for Multiphase Flows

Brady, Michael Richard 12 January 2007 (has links)
This effort explores novel sub-resolution particle center estimation algorithms for Digital Particle Tracking Velocimetry (DPIV). The errors of these new methods were classified through Monte-Carlo simulations. These schemes provide direct measurements of the apparent particle image diameter and the subpixel position. The new methods significantly reduce the bias error due to pixel discretization, thus reducing the total error in the position and sizing measurement compared to the classic three point and least squares Gaussian estimators. In addition, the accuracy of the least-squares fits were essentially independent of the true particle diameter and significantly reduced the particle position error compared with current estimation schemes. The results of the Monte Carlo simulations were validated in a high pressure spray atomization experiment. / Master of Science

Fluid Dynamics of Inlet Swirl Distortions for Turbofan Engine Research

Guimaraes Bucalo, Tamara 25 April 2018 (has links)
Significant effort in the current technological development of aircraft is aimed at improving engine efficiency, while reducing fuel burn, emissions, and noise levels. One way to achieve these is to better integrate airframe and propulsion system. Tighter integration, however, may also cause adverse effects to the flow entering the engines, such as total pressure, total temperature, and swirl distortions. Swirl distortions are angular non-uniformities in the flow that may alter the functioning of specific components of the turbomachinery systems. To investigate the physics involved in the ingestion of swirl, pre-determined swirl distortion profiles were generated through the StreamVane method in a low-speed wind tunnel and in a full-scale turbofan research engine. Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to collect three-component velocity fields at discrete planes downstream of the generation of the distortions with two main objectives in mind: identifying the physics behind the axial development of the distorted flow; and describing the generation of the distortion by the StreamVane and its impact to the flow as a distortion generating device. Analyses of the mean velocity, velocity gradients, and Reynolds stress tensor components in these flows provided significant insight into the driving physics. Comparisons between small-scale and full-scale results showed that swirl distortions are Mach number independent in the subsonic regime. Reynolds number independence was also verified for the studied cases. The mean secondary flow and flow angle profiles demonstrated that the axial development of swirl distortions is highly driven by two-dimensional vortex dynamics, when the flow is isolated from fan effects. As the engine fan is approached, the vortices are axially stretched and stabilized by the acceleration of the flow. The flow is highly turbulent immediately downstream of the StreamVane due to the presence of the device, but that vane-induced turbulence mixes with axial distance, so that the device effects are attenuated for distances greater than a diameter downstream, which is further confirmed by the turbulent length scales of the flow. These results provide valuable insight into the generation and development of swirl distortion for ground-testing environments, and establishes PIV as a robust tool for engine inlet investigations. / Ph. D. / In order to improve performance of the next generation of aircraft, engineers are developing research that aims at reducing fuel consumption, improving the efficiency of engines, and also decreasing the levels of produced noise. There are several ways to achieve these goals, but significant effort has been focused on modifying the position of the engines on the aircraft to improve the properties of the airflow entering them. Computational simulations and small-scale tests have shown that this approach can be beneficial, while also showing that adverse effects to the properties of the air can be caused, affecting the behavior of the propulsion system. This current work makes use of a technique called StreamVane™ to reproduce those modified airflows in laboratory testing environments in order to understand how that flow might behave in the inlet of an engine, and what effects it could cause. This helps scientists and engineers decide if those modifications to the engine would be worth the time and money investments to the aircraft even before a full-scale model of the aircraft is built. More specifically, this work is an experimental investigation of two different types of distortions to the inlet airflow that could be caused by the aforementioned novel aircraft configurations, or by existing ones that have not been fully described yet.

On sampling bias in multiphase flows: Particle image velocimetry in bubbly flows

Ziegenhein, Thomas, Lucas, Dirk 19 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Measuring the liquid velocity and turbulence parameters in multiphase flows is a challenging task. In general, measurements based on optical methods are hindered by the presence of the gas phase. In the present work, it is shown that this leads to a sampling bias. Here, particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure the liquid velocity and turbulence in a bubble column for different gas volume flow rates. As a result, passing bubbles lead to a significant sampling bias, which is evaluated by the mean liquid velocity and Reynolds stress tensor components. To overcome the sampling bias a window averaging procedure that waits a time depending on the locally distributed velocity information (hold processor) is derived. The procedure is demonstrated for an analytical test function. The PIV results obtained with the hold processor are reasonable for all values. By using the new procedure, reliable liquid velocity measurements in bubbly flows, which are vitally needed for CFD validation and modeling, are possible. In addition, the findings are general and can be applied to other flow situations and measuring techniques.

Investigations of Flow Patterns in Ventilated Rooms Using Particle Image Velocimetry : Applications in a Scaled Room with Rapidly Varying Inflow and over a Wall-Mounted Radiator

Sattari, Amir January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces and describes a new experimental setup for examining the effects of pulsating inflow to a ventilated enclosure. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that a pulsating inflow has potential to improve ventilation quality by reducing the stagnation zones through enhanced mixing. The experimental setup, which was a small-scale, two-dimensional (2D), water-filled room model, was successfully designed and manufactured to be able to capture two-dimensional velocity vectors of the entire field using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Using in-house software, it was possible to conclude that for an increase in pulsation frequency or alternatively in the flow rate, the stagnation zones were reduced in size, the distribution of vortices became more homogeneous over the considered domain, and the number of vortices in all scales had increased. Considering the occupied region, the stagnation zones were moved away in a favorable direction from a mixing point of view. In addition, statistical analysis unveiled that in the far-field occupied region of the room model, stronger eddies were developed that we could expect to give rise to improved mixing. As a fundamental experimental study performed in a 2D, small-scale room model with water as operating fluid, we can logically conclude that the positive effect of enhanced mixing through increasing the flow rate could equally be accomplished through applying a pulsating inflow. In addition, this thesis introduces and describes an experimental setup for study of air flow over a wall-mounted radiator in a mockup of a real room, which has been successfully designed and manufactured. In this experimental study, the airflow over an electric radiator without forced convection, a common room-heating technique, was measured and visualized using the 2D PIV technique. Surface blackening due to particle deposition calls for monitoring in detail the local climate over a heating radiator. One mechanism causing particle deposition is turbophoresis, which occurs when the flow is turbulent. Because turbulence plays a role in particle deposition, it is important to identify where the laminar flow over radiator becomes turbulent. The results from several visualization techniques and PIV measurements indicated that for a room with typical radiator heating, the flow over the radiator became agitated after a dimensionless length, 5.0–6.25, based on the radiator thickness. Surface properties are among the influencing factors in particle deposition; therefore, the geometrical properties of different finishing techniques were investigated experimentally using a structured light 3D scanner that revealed differences in roughness among different surface finishing techniques. To investigate the resistance to airflow along the surface and the turbulence generated by the surfaces, we recorded the boundary layer flow over the surfaces in a special flow rig, which revealed that the types of surface finishing methods differed very little in their resistance and therefore their influence on the deposition velocity is probably small. / Det övergripande syftet med den första studien i avhandlingen var att undersöka hypotesen att ett pulserande inflöde till ett ventilerade utrymme har en potential till att förbättra ventilationens kvalitet genom att minska stagnationszoner och därigenom öka omblandningen. För genomförande av studien byggdes en experimentuppställning i form av en tvådimensionell (2D) småskalig modell av ett ventilerat rum. Strömningsmediet i modellen var vatten. Det tvådimensionella hastighetsfältet registrerades över hela modellen med hjälp av Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Vid ett stationärt tillflöde bildas ett stagnationsområde i centrum av rumsmodellen. Vid ett pulserade inflöde genererades sekundära virvlar. Med en egen utvecklad programvara var det möjligt att kvantifiera statistiken hos virvlarna. Det pulserade inflödet gjorde att inom området där det vid stationärt tillflöde fanns en stagnationszon ökade antalet virvlar i alla storlekar och fördelningen av virvlar blev mera homogen än tidigare. Detta kan förväntas ge upphov till förbättrad omblandning. Baserat på en grundläggande experimentell studie utförd i en småskalig tvådimensionell rumsmodell med vatten som strömningsmedium kan vi logiskt dra slutsatsen att ett pulserande tilluftsflöde har en potential att förbättra omblandningen.  I en fortsatt studie i avhandlingen visuliserades och mättes hastighetsfältet och därefter beräknades statistiska värden av exempelvis medelhastighet, standardavvikelse och skjuvspänning hos hastighetsfluktuationerna i luftströmmen över en väggmonterad radiator med 2D-PIV-teknik.  Bakgrunden till studien är att en bidragande orsak till partikelavsättning på väggytor är turbofores som uppträder vid en turbulent luftström. Studien genomfördes genom uppbyggnad av en fullskalig rumsmodell. Eftersom turbulens spelar en roll vid partikelavsättning genom turbofores är det viktigt att identifiera var det laminära flödet över radiatorn blir turbulent. Resultaten baserat på visualisering och PIV-mätningar indikerade att, för ett rum med denna typ av radiatoruppvärmning, blev flödet över radiatorn turbulent efter en dimensionslös längd lika med 5,0‒6,25 gånger radiatorns tjocklek. Ytors egenskaper är viktiga vid partikelavsättning. Därför har de geometriska egenskaperna hos några olika metoder för ytbehandling undersökts experimentellt med hjälp av en scanner för strukturerat 3D-ljus. Resultaten visar på skillnader i ytråhet hos de olika ytbehandlingsmetoderna. För att undersöka motståndet mot luftströmning längs ytan och den turbulens som genereras av ytorna registrerade vi gränsskiktsflödet över ytorna i en speciell luftströmningsrigg. Detta påvisade att motståndet hos de olika typerna av ytbehandlingsmetoder skilde sig mycket litet åt och därför är troligt vid deras påverkan på depositionshastigheten mycket liten. / <p>QC 20150525</p>

Cyclic variation in the flow field behaviour within a direct injection spark ignition engine : a high speed digital particle image velocimetry study

Justham, Timothy January 2010 (has links)
Currently environmental concerns are driving internal combustion engine manufacturers to seek greater fuel efficiency, more refinement and lower emissions. Cyclic variation is a known obstacle to achieving the greatest potential against these goals and therefore an understanding of how to reduce these is sought. It is widely accepted that cyclic variation in in-cylinder flow motions is a key contributor to overall cyclic variation and therefore the characterisation of factors affecting these is an important step in the process of achieving a better understanding and ultimately control of cyclic variation. This thesis reports the development of a novel optical engine research facility in which high speed digital particle image velocimetry (HSDPIV) has been applied to the study of flow field behaviour within a direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engine. This study investigates the spatial and temporal development of flow structures over and within many engine cycles. Flow field PIV measurements have been captured with a high spatial resolution and temporal frequencies up to 5 kHz from a number of measurement locations at a large range of crank angles. The major contributions from this work have included the use of the novel measurement technique to investigate spatial and temporal flow field development in the intake runner, valve jet, in-cylinder tumble and swirl planes and the pent roof. The gathered data have been used to investigate cycle by cycle variations in both high and low frequency flow structures. Major findings of this work have included the observation of highly varying flow fields throughout the engine cycle. Frequency analysis of these flows has allowed the low frequency bulk motions and higher frequency turbulent components to be studied. The low frequency flow field components are shown to create varying flow field interactions within the cylinder that also affect the manner in which the flow develops over the course of the cycle. The intensity of the turbulence fluctuations, u , has been calculated based upon the high frequency components within the flow and variations within this are shown to correlate with pressure related combustion parameters.

Etude numérique et expérimentale de l’enrobage en voie sèche dans un mélangeur à fort taux de cisaillement / Numerical and experimental investigation of dry coating in a high shear mixer

Sato, Akira 14 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette étude, l’intérêt est porté sur l’effet des conditions opératoires sur l’enrobage en voie sèche de grosses particules « hôtes » par de fines particules « invitées » et aussi sur la modélisation de cet enrobage selon la méthode par éléments discrets (DEM) afin de mieux comprendre les phénomènes mis en jeu. Dans ce travail, les matériaux choisis comme particules hôtes sont les Suglets® et les particules invitées sont en stéarate de magnésium (StMg). Ces deux éléments sont introduits dans un mélangeur à fort taux de cisaillement, le Cyclomix. Les propriétés du produit final, comme la coulabilité, la mouillabilité et le degré d’avancement de l’enrobage, ont été caractérisés. La variation des propriétés est étudiée en fonction de la durée de traitement dans le Cyclomix pour diverses vitesses de rotation, taux de remplissage et rapport de taille de particules hôte et invitée. La coulabilité a été améliorée avec la durée du mélange ou la vitesse de rotationLe degré d’avancement présente une tendance semblable pour différentes conditions opératoires. Sa variation est représentée par une loi exponentielle empirique en fonction du temps de mélange, paramétrée par une constante ajustable. Cette constante permet d’estimer l’efficacité de l’enrobage. La simulation des mouvements de particules dans le mélangeur par DEM a permis d’obtenir des informations sur la position, la vitesse des particules, et d’autres paramètres énergétiques. Les champs de vitesse réelle ou numérique liés aux mouvements de particules, analysés par PIV (Particule Image Velocimetry), sont analogues. La constante d’enrobage dépend de la vitesse de rotation simulée et peut être ainsi prédite par DEM. / Investigations of the effect of the operating conditions on the dry coating and the motion of particles in a high shear mixer by the DEM simulation have been done. Big Suglets® and small Magnesium Stearate materials have been chosen for the dry coating process. The treatment has been carried out in a Cyclomix, a high shear mixer, at different mixing time, rotational speeds, filling ratio of the samples and particle size ratio to observe the effect of the operating conditions on the dry coating. A conversion ratio has been introduced to quantify the degree of coating and measured. The flowability has been improved when increasing the operation time in the mixer. Higher speeds of rotation can improve the flowability more rapidly. However, the flowability doesn’t seem to be sensitive to the filling ratio. The curves of conversion ratio versus time exhibit the same kind of variations for different operating conditions. It is possible to approximate this tendency by an exponential function in which a characteristic parameter “coating rate constant” is introduced, linked to the efficiency of the dry coating process, since the conversion ratio shows a linear relation with a flowability index and the wettability angle. Simulation of the particle motion in the mixer has been carried out by a Discrete Element Method: different parameters characterizing the location, the velocities, and the attachment of the particles have been derived. The velocity fields of the real and simulated particle motions, compared by Particle Image Velocity (PIV), are quite similar, validating the DEM method and allowing the prediction of the coating process.

Développement de techniques optiques pour la caractérisation de brouillards de gouttes dans les foyers aéronautiques / Development of optical techniques to characterize droplet sprays in aeronautical combustion chambers

Brettar, Jonathan 17 December 2015 (has links)
L’optimisation des chambres de combustion est généralement réalisée à l'aide d’outils desimulation numérique. Lorsque le carburant est injecté sous forme liquide, la qualité des simulationsdépend en partie de la définition des conditions aux limites imposées pour cette phase à proximité del'injecteur (diamètre, vitesse et flux volumique des gouttes, vitesse de glissement entre phases). Cesconditions aux limites sont généralement définies à partir d'une analyse expérimentale dans desconditions réalistes d’injection, qui fait appel, dans le meilleur des cas, à l’utilisation del’Anémogranulomètre Phase Doppler (PDA). Cependant, cette technique ponctuelle est coûteuse entemps pour une caractérisation globale de l’injecteur et fournit une mesure des flux volumiques avecdes limitations. Il est également difficile d’accéder à des grandeurs telles que la vitesse de la phasegazeuse en présence des gouttes. Pour répondre à cette problématique, il paraît judicieux de mettre enœuvre des techniques de diagnostic optique spatialement résolues. Cette étude consiste à développer des techniques optiques de champ couplant des approches basées sur la diffusion de Mie, sur l'émission fluorescente des gouttes ou de traceurs et utilisant des algorithmes de type PIV, pour caractériser de manière simultanée et quantitative la granulométrie, la vitesse et le flux volumique de la phase dispersée, ainsi que la vitesse de la phase continue dans les brouillards de gouttes au sein d’une configuration réaliste de foyer aéronautique. Une attentionparticulière est portée à l'étude de la précision de la mesure. Ainsi, des comparaisons sont effectuéesavec des bases de données complètes obtenues à l’aide du PDA. L'analyse de ces résultats estconfrontée aux modèles de l'optique physique régissant les phénomènes de fluorescence et dediffusion de la lumière par des particules à l’aide de simulations. Cette démarche nous permetd'interpréter efficacement les résultats obtenus par imagerie directe et de définir les paramètresd'acquisition et de traitement assurant une précision optimale des mesures. / The optimization of combustion chambers is generally carried out using numerical simulation tools.When fuel is injected in liquid form, the simulation quality depends on the boundary conditionsimposed to this phase close to the injector (diameter, velocity and volume flux of the droplets, slipvelocity between phases). These boundary conditions are usually set from an experimental analysisunder realistic conditions of injection, which in the best case uses Phase Doppler Anemo-granulometry(PDA). However, this point measurement technique is time consuming for an overall injectorcharacterization and provides a measurement of the volume flux with some limitations. It is alsodifficult to access variables such as the velocity of the gas phase in the presence of droplets. Toaddress this problem, it seems appropriate to implement spatially resolved optical diagnostictechniques. This study consists in the development of optical field techniques which combine approaches based onMie scattering, fluorescent emission from droplets or tracers and use PIV algorithms to characterizesimultaneously and quantitatively size, velocity and volume flux of the dispersed phase, and velocityof the continuous phase in droplet sprays in a realistic configuration of aeronautical injector. Aparticular attention is given to the study of the measurement accuracy. Thus, comparisons are carriedout with complete databases obtained with the PDA. The analysis of these results is faced withphysical optics models governing phenomena of fluorescence and light scattering by particles usingsimulations. This approach allows us to effectively interpret the results obtained by direct imaging anddefine acquisition and processing parameters ensuring optimum accuracy.

Uncertainty analysis of a particle tracking algorithm developed for super-resolution particle image velocimetry

Joseph, Sujith 11 August 2003 (has links)
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a powerful technique to measure the velocity at many points in a flow simultaneously by performing correlation analysis on images of particles being transported by the flow. These images are acquired by illuminating the flow with two light pulses so that each particle appears once on each image. <p> The spatial resolution is an important parameter of this measuring system since it determines its ability to resolve features of interest in the flow. The super-resolution technique maximises the spatial resolution by augmenting the PIV analysis with a second pass that identifies specific particles and measures the distance between them. <p> The accuracy of the procedure depends on both the success with which the proper pairings are identified and the accuracy with which their centre-to-centre distance can be measured. This study presents an analysis of both the systematic uncertainty and random uncertainty associated with this process. The uncertainty is analysed as a function of several key parameters that define the quality of the image. The uncertainty analysis is performed by preparing 4000 member ensembles of simulated images with specific setpoints of each parameter. <p> It is shown that the systematic uncertainty is negligible compared to the random uncertainty for all conditions tested. Also, the image contrast and the selection of a threshold for the particle search are the most critical parameters influencing both success rate and uncertainty. It is also shown that high image intensities still yield accurate results. The search radius used by the super-resolution algorithm is shown to be a critical parameter also. By increasing the search radius, the success rate can be increased although this is accompanied by an increase in random uncertainty.

Uncertainty analysis of a particle tracking algorithm developed for super-resolution particle image velocimetry

Joseph, Sujith 11 August 2003
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a powerful technique to measure the velocity at many points in a flow simultaneously by performing correlation analysis on images of particles being transported by the flow. These images are acquired by illuminating the flow with two light pulses so that each particle appears once on each image. <p> The spatial resolution is an important parameter of this measuring system since it determines its ability to resolve features of interest in the flow. The super-resolution technique maximises the spatial resolution by augmenting the PIV analysis with a second pass that identifies specific particles and measures the distance between them. <p> The accuracy of the procedure depends on both the success with which the proper pairings are identified and the accuracy with which their centre-to-centre distance can be measured. This study presents an analysis of both the systematic uncertainty and random uncertainty associated with this process. The uncertainty is analysed as a function of several key parameters that define the quality of the image. The uncertainty analysis is performed by preparing 4000 member ensembles of simulated images with specific setpoints of each parameter. <p> It is shown that the systematic uncertainty is negligible compared to the random uncertainty for all conditions tested. Also, the image contrast and the selection of a threshold for the particle search are the most critical parameters influencing both success rate and uncertainty. It is also shown that high image intensities still yield accurate results. The search radius used by the super-resolution algorithm is shown to be a critical parameter also. By increasing the search radius, the success rate can be increased although this is accompanied by an increase in random uncertainty.

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