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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As orientações educativas contra-hegemônicas das décadas de 1980 e 1990 e os rebatimentos pós-modernos na didática a partir da visão de estudiosos / Counter-hegemonic educative orientations in the decades of 1980 and 1990, and post-modern impacts on the didactic field according to some scholars point of view.

Faria, Lenilda Rego Albuquerque de 15 June 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a validade científica do ideário pedagógico-didático contra-hegemônico desenvolvido na década de 1980, em face das contestações do modo pósmoderno de pensar. Para tanto, procura dar resposta à questão medular que orienta o estudo: Como os estudiosos que constituíram o movimento da didática crítica, e que tinham suas bases epistemológicas assentadas na dialética marxiana, estão tratando as questões colocadas pela pós-modernidade, uma vez que as proposições desse modo de pensar questionam as principais teses do materialismo histórico-dialético, com implicações epistemológicas e praxiológicas diretas para o campo da pedagogia e da didática? Ainda, como questão subsidiária, indaga: Há um deslocamento epistemológico de uma didática crítica para uma didática pós-moderna? O desenvolvimento da pesquisa dá-se fundado nos estudos de natureza teórica com o recurso à pesquisa bibliográfica e às análises das entrevistas realizadas com quatro estudiosos representativos da área da didática: José C. Libâneo, Maria Rita N. S. Oliveira, Selma G. Pimenta e Vera M. Candau. Tem como pressuposto teórico-metodológico a teoria do ser social de Marx, seu método dialético, a pedagogia como ciência da e para a práxis educativa e a didática como teoria do ensino enquanto totalidade concreta. No tocante ao método dialético, o estudo se faz pautado em Marx (1978, 1988a, 2007), Lukács (1979, 2007), Kosik (1995), Kopnin (1978), Paulo Netto (2006, 2009) e Frigotto (2006); na pedagogia e na didática, dá-se com Saviani (2005b, 2006, 2007b, 2008a), Libâneo (2000a, 2008), Pimenta (2000, 2001, 2005) e Oliveira (1991, 1992). A tentativa de captar as mediações do objeto de estudo conduz ao estudo do modo pósmoderno de pensar, a partir de obras de autores como Harvey (1993), Eagleton (1998), Jameson (2004) e Anderson (2004). Para sustentar a concepção de pós-modernidade, recorre-se também a Wood e Foster (1999) e Paulo Netto (2010). A pesquisa tem as seguintes categorias nucleares: pedagogias contra-hegemônicas, hegemonia, pós-modernidade, crítica, práxis, ciência, educação, cultura, pedagogia e didática. Os resultados demonstram, no tocante à questão da pesquisa, que, para todos os entrevistados, a didática crítica não está se metamorfoseando em uma didática pósmoderna, mas indicam a presença das ideias da pós-modernidade na área da didática. No tocante ao modo de lidar dos estudiosos da didática com os referenciais teóricos, sinalizam para a importância e contribuição da didática crítica, em particular aquela inspirada no marxismo, e sua validade nos dias atuais. Essa visão é compartilhada por Oliveira, Libâneo e Pimenta. Há sinalizações para modos distintos de lidar com a teoria de Marx entre esses três autores, ao passo que Candau aponta para uma didática crítico-intercultural, no diálogo com ideias pós-modernas de oposição. A pesquisa conclui pela validade e pertinência científica da posição contra-hegemônica lançada na década de 1980 e que ao longo da década de 1990 tendeu a ser contestada pela visão pós-moderna. Destaca a necessidade e validade da pedagogia histórico-crítica pelo caráter objetivo da formação humana constituinte de suas posições sobre educação e trabalho. A tarefa da didática consiste em contribuir com o desenvolvimento da consciência pedagógica do professor. Em situação de ensino, a finalidade do processo educativo é elevar a compreensão do aluno do nível sincrético ao nível da síntese. / This research aims at analyzing the scientific validity of the counter-hegemonic didactic-pedagogic approach developed in the decades of 1980 and 1990, in view of the disputes brought out by the postmodern way of thinking. In pursuing this objective, it seeks to answer the core question that guides the investigation: How are the scholars who fostered the movement for a critic didactic and had their epistemological bases grounded on the Marxism dialectic treating the questions posed by postmodernity, since its assumptions bring into question the main theses defended by dialectical historical materialism, with direct epistemological and praxticiological implications to the fields of pedagogy and didactic? Also a secondary question is posed: Is there an epistemological shift from a critical didactic to a post-modern didactic? The development of the theme comprises a theoretical study of the relevant bibliography and analyzes of interviews carried out with four representative scholars in the didactic field, namely, José C. Libâneo, Maria Rita N. S. Oliveira, Selma G. Pimenta, and Vera M. F. Candau; here the theoretical-methodological assumptions are Marxs theory of the Social Being, his dialectical method, and pedagogy seen as a science of, and for, educative praxis, and didactic seen as a theory of teaching in its concrete wholeness. As for the dialectical method, the references used are Marx (1979, 1988a, 2007), Lukács (1979, 2007), Kosik (1995), Kopnin (1978), Paulo Netto (2006, 2009) and Frigotto (2006); for pedagogy and didactic considerations, the references are Saviani (2005b, 2006, 2007b, 2008a), Libâneo (200a, 2008), Pimenta (2000, 2001, 2005), and Oliveira (1991, 1992). In the attempt to capture the mediations of the object under investigation, the post-modern way of thinking is discussed from the perspective presented by Harvey (1993), Eagleton (1998), Jameson (2004), and Anderson (2004); to support the concept of post-modernity chosen reference is made to Wood and Foster (1999) and Paulo Netto (2010). The research highlights the following nuclear categories: counter-hegemonic pedagogies, hegemony, post-modernity, critic, praxis, science, education, culture, pedagogy and didactic. The results show that, in relation to the research question, for all the interviewed scholars critical didactic is not changing into post-modern didactic, but they concede that some of the post-modern ideas are already present in the area of didactic. As for the manner those didactic scholars deal with the theoretical framework, there are indications that they consider that critical didactic, especially the segment inspired by Marxism, is important and has contributions, and is still valid in present days; this position is shared by Libâneo, Oliveira, and Pimenta. Also there are signs that those three professors have different forms of approaching Marx´s theory, and particularly Candau favors an intercultural critic didactic in the debate with opposing postmodern ideas. The research supports the validity and pertinence of the counter-hegemonic position launched in the 1980s and attacked by the post-modern trend along the 1990s. It also highlights the necessity and validity of the history-critical pedagogy due to its objectivity in human formation, one of its tenets in the reflection on education and labor. The task of didactic is to contribute with the development of teachers pedagogical consciousness. In the teaching situation the final goal of the educative process is to raise students comprehension from the syncretic level to the level of synthesis.

As Marias da Conceição : por um ensino de história situado, decolonial e interseccional

Moura, Carla de January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de História nasce de minha trajetória como professora de História na E.E.E.F. Santa Luzia, que atende a comunidade da Vila Maria da Conceição em Porto Alegre, e da forma como me impliquei com as alunas, alunos e comunidade escolar. Trata-se de um experimento pedagógico-teórico-metodológico do qual emerge o conceito de Ensino de História Situado. É o aprofundamento de ações pedagógicas em torno do Patrimônio da Comunidade e parte do processo de construção de uma produção audiovisual com técnicas rudimentares (celulares e MovieMaker) com alunas e alunos de 8° e 9° anos da escola, acerca das História das Mulheres da Vila Maria da Conceição, que resultou no documentário As Marias da Conceição – Por um Ensino de História Situado. Registramos todo o processo: entrevistas de História Oral, espaços com significado de Patrimônio para a comunidade e visitas a Museus e Arquivos para a exploração de fontes históricas. O convite foi para uma Análise Interseccional dessa documentação pelas alunas e alunos, ou seja, que considere os marcadores sociais de raça, gênero e classe e questione como esses operam nas condições de possibilidades de existência de indivíduos e grupos. O Ensino de Historia Situado se insere no campo das Pedagogias Decoloniais, inspira-se na Pedagogia das Encruzilhadas (RUFINO, 2015), tem como aporte principal o Pensamento Feminista Negro, e articula a Interseccionalidade (CRENSHAW, 2002) como estratégia analítica à investigação histórica dos bens culturais que a comunidade escolar atribui sentido de Patrimônio. Tomo como instrumentos de análise o documentário e os diários de campo, redigidos pelas alunas e alunos ao longo desta trajetória. Assim, pretendo questionar quais os efeitos éticos e estéticos do Ensino de História Situado através dos critérios: Quais as articulações estabelecidas pelas alunas e alunos entre Patrimônio e Poder/ Patrimônio da Comunidade e Empoderamento? Como operam as categorias Interseccionalidade, Lugar de Fala (RIBEIRO, 2017) e Conhecimento Situado para narrar a História das Mulheres da Vila Maria da Conceição evocada pelo Patrimônio da Comunidade? ; Que saberes foram mobilizados para produzir conhecimento histórico escolar situado no lugar de fala das alunas, alunos, comunidade escolar e professora? O Ensino de História Situado é processual e não se apresenta enquanto metodologia, mas como uma ética ao Ensinar História. Ao evidenciar as posições de sujeito nos discursos enunciados em fontes históricas e operar entre as identidades e as diferenças com foco nas relações de poder, essa estratégia colabora para o empoderamento das alunas e alunos ao construir narrativas históricas situadas nos seus locais de fala e nas memórias e saberes da sua comunidade. / Conducted during my Professional Master’s Degree in Teaching of History, this study derives from my experience as a History teacher at the Santa Luzia State School, which serves the community of Vila Maria da Conceição in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and from how I engaged with students and the school community. From this pedagogical-theoretical-methodological experiment emerged the concept of Situated Teaching of History. It built on pedagogical actions focused on Community Heritage and began with the development of an audiovisual production using rudimentary techniques (i.e., cell phones and Windows Movie Maker), with 8th and 9th grade students, about the History of Women from Vila Maria da Conceição, which resulted in the documentary As Marias da Conceição – Por um Ensino de História Situado (Marias of Conceição – For a Situated Teaching of History). We recorded the entire process, including Oral History interviews, spaces with Heritage significance for the community and visits to Museums and Archives to explore historical sources. The students were invited to perform an Intersectional Analysis of these documents, i.e., considering social markers of race, gender and class, and how these markers operate within the conditions of possibilities of existence of individuals and groups. Situated Teaching of History integrates the field of Decolonial Pedagogies, draws inspiration from the Crossroads Pedagogy (RUFINO, 2015), is primarily based on the Black Feminist Thought and articulates Intersectionality (CRENSHAW, 2002) as an analytical strategy to investigate the history of the cultural assets that the school community regards as Heritage. The instruments of analysis are the documentary and the field diaries written by students during the study. Thus, I intend to reflect on the ethical and aesthetic effects of Situated Teaching of History by asking the following questions: What are the connections established by students between Heritage and Power/Community Heritage and Empowerment? How do the categories Intersectionality, Social Location (RIBEIRO, 2017) and Situated Knowledge operate to tell the History of Women from Vila Maria da Conceição evoked by Community Heritage? Which skills were used to produce historical knowledge situated in the social location of students, school community and teacher? Situated Teaching of History is procedural and does not constitute a methodology, but instead an ethical approach to the Teaching of History. This strategy highlights the positions of subject in the discourses used in historical sources and operates between identities and differences focused on power relations. Therefore, it contributes to the empowerment of students by constructing historical narratives situated in their social locations and in the memories and knowledge of their community.

L'intercompréhension entre langues distantes. Quelles pratiques ? Quelle formation ? Le cas d'une Haute école spécialisée bilingue en Suisse / Intercomprehension between distant languages. What practicies, what training? The case of a bilingual university of applied sciences in Switzerland

Ayer, Dorothée 08 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral s’intéresse à la pratique de l’intercompréhension dans un contexte officiellement bilingue, à savoir une Haute école spécialisée en Suisse. Les langues utilisées dans les échanges entre membres de l’école (enseignants, étudiants, employés) sont l’allemand et le français, selon le principe du « chacun parle sa langue », calqué sur les pratiques de l’administration fédérale suisse. Les langues en présence sont distantes, par opposition aux langues proches ou voisines. Ce mode de communication nécessite de la part des participants des compétences réceptives dans la langue partenaire ainsi que des compétences communicationnelles pour interagir dans un contexte bilingue.Cette étude se donne comme objectif de comprendre comment les participants à une réunion bilingue choisissent la/les langue(s) pour communiquer. La question est de savoir si le principe de s’exprimer chacun dans sa langue est respecté ou si une langue domine les échanges. Le cas échéant, divers paramètres influencent le choix de la langue. Des réunions de cette école ont été enregistrées de manière à observer la répartition de l’utilisation des langues en contexte de communication professionnelle. Ce corpus de réunions a été complété par des entretiens semi-directifs, menés auprès de membres de l’école.L’institution propose des cursus en allemand et en français et par là, encourage le bilinguisme des étudiants. La communication bilingue fait également l’objet d’un enseignement dans le cadre d’un cours de langue bilingue, réunissant des étudiants francophones et germanophones. À l’inverse de la pratique de l’intercompréhension, les apprenants s’expriment dans la langue cible. Un tel cours soulève des questions quant à l’approche adoptée par les enseignants pour favoriser l’apprentissage et quant aux stratégies de communication développées par les étudiants. La portée de ce cours observé sur trois années, a été étudiée grâce aux documents de cours, à des enregistrements effectués par les étudiants et les textes réflexifs de ceux-ci.Afin d’assurer le succès de la communication dans ce contexte bilingue, les interlocuteurs, natifs et non-natifs, adaptent leur discours et mettent en place des stratégies, tout en puisant dans leur répertoire plurilingue, que ce soit en contexte professionnel ou en contexte d’apprentissage. / This doctoral research is interested in the practice of intercomprehension in an officially bilingual context: a department of a university of applied sciences in Switzerland. The languages used in exchanges between members of the school (lecturers, students, employees) are German and French, according to the ‘each speaks their own language’ principle, based on the practices of the Swiss federal administration. Languages in presence are distant, in contrast with the languages from the same family. This communication mode requires from the participants receptive skills in the other language as well as general communicative competence to interact in a bilingual context.The objective of this study is to understand how the participants in a bilingual meeting choose the language(s) in which to communicate. The question is whether the ‘each speaks their own language’ principle is respected or if one language dominates the meetings. In this case, various parameters influence the choice of the language. Several meetings at this department were recorded in order to observe the distribution of languages used in a professional communication context. This corpus of meetings was supplemented by semi-structured interviews with members of the department.The institution offers degree programmes in German and in French and in that way encourages bilingualism in the students. Furthermore, bilingual communication is also the objective in a bilingual language module, uniting French- and German-speaking students, in which, contrary to the practice of intercomprehension, learners expresses themselves in the target language. Such a module questions the pedagogic approach adopted by lecturers and the communication strategies developed by students. The impact of this module, observed over three years, was studied using module documents, audio-visual recordings of student performance and reflexive texts written by the students. To ensure the success of communication in this bilingual context, the interlocutors, both native and non-native speakers, adapt their speech and use strategies, while mining their multilingual repertoire, in professional or educational contexts. / Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht die Praxis der Interkomprehension im offiziell zweisprachigen Kontext einer Schweizer Fachhochschule. Die von den Lehrpersonen, Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden verwendeten Sprachen sind Deutsch und Französisch. Sie werden nach dem Prinzip "jeder und jede spricht die eigene Sprache" angewendet, analog zur Praxis in der Schweizer Bundesverwaltung. Deutsch (germanische Sprache) und Französisch (romanische Sprache) stammen nicht aus dem gleichen Zweig der indogermanischen Sprachfamilie und sind folglich nicht nah verwandt. Diese Art zu kommunizieren verlangt von den Teilnehmenden deshalb ausgeprägte rezeptive Kompetenzen in der Partnersprache sowie auch kommunikative Kompetenzen, um in diesem zweisprachigen Kontext interagieren zu können.Diese Studie hat zum Ziel zu verstehen, wie die Teilnehmenden an einer zweisprachigen Sitzung ihre Sprache(n) wählen, um zu kommunizieren. Es soll aufgezeigt werden, ob das Prinzip "jeder und jede in der eigenen Sprache" respektiert wird oder ob eine Sprache den Austausch beherrscht. Verschiedene Parameter beeinflussen hier die Sprachwahl. Um die Verteilung der Sprachverwendung im beruflichen Kontext zu untersuchen, wurden Sitzungen aufgezeichnet. Dieser Korpus wurde mit Leitfadeninterviews ergänzt, die mit Mitarbeitenden der Fachhochschule geführt wurden. Die Schule führt Sprachkurse in Deutsch und Französisch durch und fördert so die Zweisprachigkeit der Studierenden. Die zweisprachige Kommunikation wird auch im Rahmen eines zweisprachigen Sprachkurses mit deutsch- und französischsprachigen Studierenden vermittelt. Im Gegensatz zur Praxis der Interkomprehension drücken sich die Lernenden hier aber in der Zielsprache aus. Bei so einem Kurs interessieren einerseits die von den Lehrpersonen verwendeten Methoden und andererseits die von den Studierenden entwickelten Kommunikationsstrategien. Die Wirkung dieses Kurses wurde über drei Jahre hinweg mit Hilfe der Kursunterlagen, von Audioaufnahmen und Lernreflexionstexten der Studierenden untersucht. Um in diesem zweisprachigen Kontext erfolgreich zu kommunizieren, passen die Sprechenden, ob Muttersprachler oder nicht, ihren Diskurs an. Sie legen sich Strategien zurecht und schöpfen aus ihrem mehrsprachigen Repertoire, sei es nun im beruflichen oder im Lernkontext.

A busca pela aprendizagem além dos limites escolares / In search for education beyond school lerning.

Claudia Georgia Sabba 01 April 2010 (has links)
Em uma época em que o excesso de informações, técnicas e padrões parecem sufocar o indivíduo; e ao mesmo tempo, incitá-lo a questionar a si próprio e ao próximo diante de situações a serem resolvidas; torna-se imprescindível pensar nas possibilidades de compreensão e simplificação de sua rotina, isso sem causar a perda da essência do que é de fato ser humano. Surgem daí questões fundamentais para investigar a sobrevivência e o convívio harmônico da espécie, ou seja, buscar princípios correspondentes ao anseio de viver juntos e em paz. Posto dessa maneira, a pesquisa em questão tem como objetivo dialogar sobre esses assuntos por meio da educação de novas metodologias frente à aprendizagem de diversos saberes nos quais envolvam o mundo, seus objetos e, por fim, suas relações. Desse modo, a fim de entender melhor as necessidades humanas no processo de aprendizagem, realizei um estudo sobre a teoria da mente, que foi seguido de uma pesquisa de campo cuja base foi observar as novas pedagogias postas em ação, especificamente, em duas escolas: a EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima e Escola Waldorf. Ao cumprir essa demanda, entrevistei alguns professores para analisar quais motivos que levaram à adoção dessa nova diretriz em suas práticas de ensino. Opção tomada na busca de subsidiar a formação de seus alunos, no sentido de torná-los adultos capazes de criticar e refletir sobre a sua própria realidade, permitindo, assim, a criação de mecanismos de interação com o mundo ao seu redor. / In an age where the sheer breadth of information, techniques and patterns appear to stifle the individual, but at the same time, encourage him/her to question oneself and others in situations that need a resolution, it is important to try and understand and simplify ones approach so as not to lose the essence of what it is to maintain ones \"humanity\". This leads to fundamental questions regarding the survival and harmonious coexistence of the species, i.e., in the effort to find ways and principles that lead to living together in peace. As such, this research intends to address these issues through the promotion (and via education) of newer methodologies and current knowledge (as opposed to outdated knowledge and materials) of the world, its objects and, their complex relationships using the modern marvels of technology, art and other mechanisms heretofor not considered. In the effort to better understand human needs in the learning process, I conducted a study on the theory of the mind, followed by a field study/examination, the purpose of which was to observe how new teaching methods put into action, specifically in two schools: EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima and Waldorf Schools. Accordingly, I interviewed several teachers to learn their motivations for the adoption of this new direction in their teaching practices, after they graduated from the traditional educational system. I found that their approach took into consideration subsidizing the education of their students in order to give them the opportunity to grow into thinking adults who are able to criticize and reflect on their own reality, thus allowing the creation of mechanisms of interaction with the world around them.

As orientações educativas contra-hegemônicas das décadas de 1980 e 1990 e os rebatimentos pós-modernos na didática a partir da visão de estudiosos / Counter-hegemonic educative orientations in the decades of 1980 and 1990, and post-modern impacts on the didactic field according to some scholars point of view.

Lenilda Rego Albuquerque de Faria 15 June 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a validade científica do ideário pedagógico-didático contra-hegemônico desenvolvido na década de 1980, em face das contestações do modo pósmoderno de pensar. Para tanto, procura dar resposta à questão medular que orienta o estudo: Como os estudiosos que constituíram o movimento da didática crítica, e que tinham suas bases epistemológicas assentadas na dialética marxiana, estão tratando as questões colocadas pela pós-modernidade, uma vez que as proposições desse modo de pensar questionam as principais teses do materialismo histórico-dialético, com implicações epistemológicas e praxiológicas diretas para o campo da pedagogia e da didática? Ainda, como questão subsidiária, indaga: Há um deslocamento epistemológico de uma didática crítica para uma didática pós-moderna? O desenvolvimento da pesquisa dá-se fundado nos estudos de natureza teórica com o recurso à pesquisa bibliográfica e às análises das entrevistas realizadas com quatro estudiosos representativos da área da didática: José C. Libâneo, Maria Rita N. S. Oliveira, Selma G. Pimenta e Vera M. Candau. Tem como pressuposto teórico-metodológico a teoria do ser social de Marx, seu método dialético, a pedagogia como ciência da e para a práxis educativa e a didática como teoria do ensino enquanto totalidade concreta. No tocante ao método dialético, o estudo se faz pautado em Marx (1978, 1988a, 2007), Lukács (1979, 2007), Kosik (1995), Kopnin (1978), Paulo Netto (2006, 2009) e Frigotto (2006); na pedagogia e na didática, dá-se com Saviani (2005b, 2006, 2007b, 2008a), Libâneo (2000a, 2008), Pimenta (2000, 2001, 2005) e Oliveira (1991, 1992). A tentativa de captar as mediações do objeto de estudo conduz ao estudo do modo pósmoderno de pensar, a partir de obras de autores como Harvey (1993), Eagleton (1998), Jameson (2004) e Anderson (2004). Para sustentar a concepção de pós-modernidade, recorre-se também a Wood e Foster (1999) e Paulo Netto (2010). A pesquisa tem as seguintes categorias nucleares: pedagogias contra-hegemônicas, hegemonia, pós-modernidade, crítica, práxis, ciência, educação, cultura, pedagogia e didática. Os resultados demonstram, no tocante à questão da pesquisa, que, para todos os entrevistados, a didática crítica não está se metamorfoseando em uma didática pósmoderna, mas indicam a presença das ideias da pós-modernidade na área da didática. No tocante ao modo de lidar dos estudiosos da didática com os referenciais teóricos, sinalizam para a importância e contribuição da didática crítica, em particular aquela inspirada no marxismo, e sua validade nos dias atuais. Essa visão é compartilhada por Oliveira, Libâneo e Pimenta. Há sinalizações para modos distintos de lidar com a teoria de Marx entre esses três autores, ao passo que Candau aponta para uma didática crítico-intercultural, no diálogo com ideias pós-modernas de oposição. A pesquisa conclui pela validade e pertinência científica da posição contra-hegemônica lançada na década de 1980 e que ao longo da década de 1990 tendeu a ser contestada pela visão pós-moderna. Destaca a necessidade e validade da pedagogia histórico-crítica pelo caráter objetivo da formação humana constituinte de suas posições sobre educação e trabalho. A tarefa da didática consiste em contribuir com o desenvolvimento da consciência pedagógica do professor. Em situação de ensino, a finalidade do processo educativo é elevar a compreensão do aluno do nível sincrético ao nível da síntese. / This research aims at analyzing the scientific validity of the counter-hegemonic didactic-pedagogic approach developed in the decades of 1980 and 1990, in view of the disputes brought out by the postmodern way of thinking. In pursuing this objective, it seeks to answer the core question that guides the investigation: How are the scholars who fostered the movement for a critic didactic and had their epistemological bases grounded on the Marxism dialectic treating the questions posed by postmodernity, since its assumptions bring into question the main theses defended by dialectical historical materialism, with direct epistemological and praxticiological implications to the fields of pedagogy and didactic? Also a secondary question is posed: Is there an epistemological shift from a critical didactic to a post-modern didactic? The development of the theme comprises a theoretical study of the relevant bibliography and analyzes of interviews carried out with four representative scholars in the didactic field, namely, José C. Libâneo, Maria Rita N. S. Oliveira, Selma G. Pimenta, and Vera M. F. Candau; here the theoretical-methodological assumptions are Marxs theory of the Social Being, his dialectical method, and pedagogy seen as a science of, and for, educative praxis, and didactic seen as a theory of teaching in its concrete wholeness. As for the dialectical method, the references used are Marx (1979, 1988a, 2007), Lukács (1979, 2007), Kosik (1995), Kopnin (1978), Paulo Netto (2006, 2009) and Frigotto (2006); for pedagogy and didactic considerations, the references are Saviani (2005b, 2006, 2007b, 2008a), Libâneo (200a, 2008), Pimenta (2000, 2001, 2005), and Oliveira (1991, 1992). In the attempt to capture the mediations of the object under investigation, the post-modern way of thinking is discussed from the perspective presented by Harvey (1993), Eagleton (1998), Jameson (2004), and Anderson (2004); to support the concept of post-modernity chosen reference is made to Wood and Foster (1999) and Paulo Netto (2010). The research highlights the following nuclear categories: counter-hegemonic pedagogies, hegemony, post-modernity, critic, praxis, science, education, culture, pedagogy and didactic. The results show that, in relation to the research question, for all the interviewed scholars critical didactic is not changing into post-modern didactic, but they concede that some of the post-modern ideas are already present in the area of didactic. As for the manner those didactic scholars deal with the theoretical framework, there are indications that they consider that critical didactic, especially the segment inspired by Marxism, is important and has contributions, and is still valid in present days; this position is shared by Libâneo, Oliveira, and Pimenta. Also there are signs that those three professors have different forms of approaching Marx´s theory, and particularly Candau favors an intercultural critic didactic in the debate with opposing postmodern ideas. The research supports the validity and pertinence of the counter-hegemonic position launched in the 1980s and attacked by the post-modern trend along the 1990s. It also highlights the necessity and validity of the history-critical pedagogy due to its objectivity in human formation, one of its tenets in the reflection on education and labor. The task of didactic is to contribute with the development of teachers pedagogical consciousness. In the teaching situation the final goal of the educative process is to raise students comprehension from the syncretic level to the level of synthesis.

A função educativa do serviço social: espaço de "Educar-a-Ação"

Bruno, Tatiana de Fátima Domingues 06 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiana de Fatima Domingues Bruno.pdf: 1169427 bytes, checksum: 076de2f5170f4d2b808cb1afcf7da0de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This discourse is about the understanding of the Social Service educational function in your performance in PAIF - Programa de Atenção Integral às Famílias in Santo André municipal district. From the understanding of the pedagogies, study developed by Abreu (2002) in the Social Service ambit and contextualization of the Social Service as profession instituted to ease the conflicts between capital and work, contextualizing, from your genesis to the current days. The study sent the organization of the culture in your different manifestations in which the social assistant is also inserted, understanding your work with important characteristic in the organization and manifestation of the culture. However, the intentionality of the professional action is determined if the professional is an organic intellectual committed with the subordinate classes or it is committed with the interests of the dominant block, still apprehending, the existent contradictory movement in these mediations. This survey had for base the analysis of primary and secondary data, collected for more than an investigation instrument, as interview semi-structured with the managers of PAIF in Santo André and focal group with the social assistant involved in the program, besides bibliographical and survey documental. It can be ended that the educational process / pedagogic it is unmasked in the daily professional as manifestation of the apprehensions ethical-politicize and theoretical-methodological for the professional with your relation with the ethical-political project chosen by the professional category. More than to educate the other, which points is continually a space of professional Educate-to-action for the social worker / Esta dissertação trata da compreensão da função educativa do Serviço Social em sua atuação no PAIF Programa de Atenção Integral às Famílias no município de Santo André. Partiu do entendimento das pedagogias, estudo desenvolvido por Abreu (2002) no âmbito do Serviço Social e da contextualização do Serviço Social como profissão instituída para amenizar os conflitos entre capital e trabalho, contextualizando-a desde sua gênese aos dias atuais. O estudo remeteu a organização da cultura em suas diferentes manifestações na qual o assistente social também é inserido, entendendo o seu trabalho com importante característica na organização e manifestação da cultura. Entretanto, a intencionalidade da ação profissional determina se o profissional é um intelectual orgânico comprometido com as classes subalternas ou se está comprometido com os interesses do bloco dominante, apreendendo ainda, o movimento contraditório existente nestas mediações. Esta pesquisa teve por base a análise de dados primários e secundários, coletados por mais de um instrumento de investigação, como entrevista semi estruturada com as gestoras do PAIF em Santo André e grupo focal com os assistentes sociais envolvidos no programa, além de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Pode-se concluir que o processo educativo/pedagógico é desvendado no cotidiano profissional como manifestação das apreensões ético-politicas e teórico-metodológicas pelo profissional em sua relação com o projeto ético-político eleito pela categoria profissional. Mais do que educar o outro, o que se aponta é um espaço de Educar-a-Ação profissional continuamente pelo assistente social

Teachers' Perceptions of the Adoption of New Pedagogies in Kazakhstan

Schulleri, Phillipa 01 January 2019 (has links)
Kazakhstan has used the Soviet system of education since its independence in 1990. Researchers have noted shortfalls in education reform efforts and documented factors of teachers' resistance to new pedagogies. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore local teachers' perceptions of the new pedagogies in the context of understanding the local-international teacher program in Agrenov international schools (AIS). Three research questions focused on teachers' perceptions of factors for adoption of new pedagogies in an educationally transforming school using the motivational and systems approaches and emotional intelligence conceptual frameworks. A conceptual framework constructed from three theories of motivation, systems approach, and emotional intelligence was used. The target participants were local teachers who had worked in state schools for a minimum of 3 years and for 2 years in AIS, and who had worked with national teachers. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with a random sample of 10 local veteran teachers from the target population. Thematic coding produced 4 themes: school, teacher, time, and political factors with 15 subthemes which can be used as areas of focus in researching, analyzing, and enhancing adoption of new pedagogies. The results of the study can be used to enhance teacher adoption of educational reform efforts locally in Agrenov international school Centre City and the AISes, and internationally.

A National Survey of Instructional Strategies Used to Teach Information Systems Courses: An Exploratory Investigation

Djajalaksana, Yenni Merlin 01 January 2011 (has links)
Many universities and colleges have placed increased emphasis on teaching excellence in higher education. Efforts to promote teaching excellence vary from the development of alternative new pedagogies as well as research exploring strategies to improve existing teaching practices. Logically, different disciplines employ different instructional strategies to prepare their graduates with specific skills, knowledge, and attitudes. This study examined the instructional strategies used most frequently in the information systems discipline and was inspired by Shulman's (2005) concept of signature pedagogies - the unique but pervasive ways of teaching within a discipline or profession. This dissertation reports a national survey of instructional strategies used across the information systems discipline. The study employed a web-based survey of all information systems faculty members in the United States listed in the Association of Information Systems membership directory (695 valid responses were obtained from 2,835 eligible participants, 24.4% response rate). The research used an original questionnaire identifying 52 different instructional strategies to create a profile of commonly employed teaching practices and to identify whether there are identifiable signature pedagogies in the discipline of Information Systems (IS). Data analyses included descriptive statistics, factor analysis of the survey items, and multiple regression of eight independent variables to predict frequency of instructional strategy used. This quantitative study is the first systematic investigation profiling the instructional strategies and signature pedagogies used in the IS discipline. The results show domination of lecture-based strategies across the information systems discipline. Over 66% of the participants identified lecture as their most frequently used teaching method. Based on the frequency of responses to "Frequently" and "Almost Always/Always", lecture was identified as the most frequently used strategy. The next most commonly employed strategies were interactive lectures (63%), cooperative learning/team-based learning (53%), problem-based learning (53%), whole group discussions (50%), and demonstrations (49%). Participants were also asked to select their "three most frequently used" strategies to identify potential signature pedagogies. Their responses again identified lectures and interactive lectures as the dominant strategies. Viewing these as generic strategies, the following additional frequently used strategies might point to potential signature pedagogies in the discipline: lab activities, case study, analysis and design project, and whole group discussion. This initial investigation focused exclusively on what Shulman (2005) has identified as the surface structure of the pedagogies. Further studies are recommended to also examine the deep and implicit structures to more definitively identify signature pedagogies in the IS discipline. The exploratory factor analysis revealed patterns of instructional strategies usage in the IS discipline. Six factors were identified: in-class active learning strategies, highly-structured active learning strategies, online learning strategies, project-based strategies, writing-based strategies, and portfolio strategies. The internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) of the six factors ranged from .67 to .87 on each of the factors formed. Composite means of the factors showed that highly-structured active learning strategies and project-based strategies were the two most frequently used groups of instructional strategies groups across the IS discipline. This study further found that six of eight demographic and course characteristics (i.e., gender, rank, age, course level, delivery format, and class size) were associated significantly with instructional strategies usage depending on both the group of instructional strategies and the type of instructional strategies. Years of prior teaching experience and availability of student assistants were the two non-significant demographic and course characteristics. This study profiles the teaching practices currently employed in the IS discipline in the United States. Recommendations for future research are described along with suggestions for improving teaching and faculty development initiatives in the IS discipline. Additionally, possibilities for future research both within the IS discipline and across other disciplines are presented.

Alternative schooling programs for at risk youth : three case studies

Livock, Cheryl A. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis develops a critical realist explanatory critique of alternative schooling programs for youth at risk taking place at three case study sites. Throughout the thesis the author pursues the question, \Are alternative provisions of schooling working academically and socially for youth at risk?. The academic lens targets literacy learning and associated pedagogies. Social outcomes are posited as positive social behaviours and continued engagement in learning. A four phased analysis, drawing on critical realism, interpretive and subject specific theories is used to elicit explanations for the research question. An overall framework is a critical realist methodology as set out by Danermark, Ekstrom, Jakobsen and Karlsson (2002, p. 129). Consequently phase one describes the phenomena of alternative schooling programs taking place at three case study sites. This is reported first as staff narratives that are resolved into imaginable historical causal components of \generative events., \prior schooling structures., \models of alternative schooling., \purpose., \individual agency., and \relations with linked community organisations.. Then transcendental questions are posed about each component using retroduction to uncover structures, underlying mechanisms and powers, and individual agency. In the second phase the researcher uses modified grounded theory methodology to theoretically redescribe causal categories related to a \needed different teaching and administrative approach. that emerged from the previous critique. A transcendental question is then applied to this redescription. The research phenomena are again theoretically redescribed in the third phase, this time using three theoretically based constructs associated with literacy and literacy pedagogies; the NRS, the 4 Resources Model, and Productive Pedagogies. This redescription is again questioned in terms of its core or \necessary. components. The fourth phase makes an explanatory critique by comparing and critiquing all previous explanations, recontextualising them in a wider macro reality of alternative schooling. Through this critical realist explanatory critiquing process, a response emerges not only to whether alternative provisions of schooling are working, but also how they are working, and how they are not working, with realistically based implications for future improvement.


Borba, Daniela Farias Garcia de 04 April 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is part of the Master Degree research of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of Federal University of Santa Maria/ RS, bound into the Education and Arts line and into the Research Group Difference, Education and Culture (DEC-UFSM). The investigation, of ethnographic perspective, has as object the study the dancing group Agrupando Biriva Tropeiro de Dois Mundos , from Encantado city / RS, and it searches for evidence in the meanings of the dance for the participants of this group, in order to take it as more one culture once it generates an own universe of meanings, it produces identities and it deals ways of teaching and learning to be gaúcho. This Master Degree essay is a possible version of comprehension of the process of learning and production of meanings about the gaúcha traditionalist culture inside biriva dancing group. It enrolls as an ethnographic, a narrative text, in which there is the intention of the author‟s impressions, ways and misleading let their footprints for the reader knows the insertion and comprehension process of reality in that this research is submerged, as in the reality of the researched field as the theoretical reality and the author‟s subjectivity. / Esta dissertação é parte de uma pesquisa de mestrado do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS, vinculada à Linha Educação e Artes e ao Grupo de Pesquisa Diferença, Educação e Cultura (DEC-UFSM). A investigaçãotem como objeto de estudos o grupo de danças Agrupamento Biriva Tropeiro de Dois Mundos , da cidade de Encantado/RS, analisados a partir da perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais, utilizando de autores como Costa (2003), Hall (1997), Silva (1995), Veiga-Neto (2000). Analisaram-se narrativas presentes nas leituras do cotidiano de ensaios e apresentações públicas do grupo e nos artefatos simbólicos, os quais compõem a identificação deste grupo de danças, e problematizou-se a produção de identidades sob o viés das pedagogias culturais. A abordagem da pesquisa é qualitativa, através de um estudo realizado com participantes do Agrupamento BirivaTropeiros de Dois Mundos. Foram utilizados a observação participante, a entrevista e o diário de campo como instrumentos de coleta de dados. Como resultado da investigação, notou-se, na análise de cunho cultural deste grupo de danças, os modos de ser entre os sujeitos deste grupo dão um tom de busca de uma maneira mais autêntica de ser gaúcho, de produzir a dança gaúcha, onde o dançarino possa expressar a sua interpretação para a dança, além do desenvolvimento de certa criticidade em relação ao consumo e à competitividade implicadas nas danças tradicionais. Nesse sentido, vê-se a importância da construção de uma aproximação da educação, nas diversas instâncias culturais, e sobre o produto cultural como o grupo de danças biriva inseridos na abordagem dos Estudos Culturais.

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