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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detailed comparison of CPP's uptake properties for pro-apoptotic cargo delivery

Müller, Judith 27 September 2012 (has links)
Limitierend für pharmakologische Therapien ist oft die Unfähigkeit des Wirkstoffes, biologische Membranen zu überwinden, weswegen häufig Transportmoleküle wie z.B. zellpenetrierende Peptide (CPPs, cell penetrating peptides) benutzt werden. Von den über 100 beschriebenen CPPs wurde bisher nur eine kleine Anzahl systematisch verglichen, was die Auswahl des „richtigen“ CPPs für eine Anwendung erschwert. Ziel dieser vorliegenden Arbeit war es, das pro-apoptotische Peptid KLA mittels CPPs spezifisch in Krebszellen zu transportieren. Untersucht wurden: (I) Verschiedene CPPs in unterschiedlichen Zelltypen zur Selektion der „besten“ CPPs; (II) Der Einflusses des CPP C-Terminus auf die Internalisierung und zelluläre Verteilung; (III) Der zelluläre KLA-Transport mittels CPPs via einer nicht-kovalenten Administration. 22 verschiedene CPPs wurden in sieben Zelltypen untersucht, wobei Toxizität, Zellaufnahme und zelluläre Lokalisation mittels Fluorescein markierten CPPs in Fluoreszenzspektroskopie und konfokaler Mikroskopie betrachtet wurden. Abhängig von der Zellaufnahme wurden die CPPs in drei Gruppen klassifiziert. Die Untersuchung carboxylierter und carboxyamidierter CPP C-Termini ergab, dass in den meisten Fällen ein Carboxyamid die zelluläre Aufnahme begünstigte. Drei CPPs (MPG, Penetratin und Integrin) wurden ausgewählt, um das pro-apoptotische KLA Peptid in zwei Krebszelllinien (MCF-7 Brustkrebszellen und leukämische RAW264.7 Makrophagen) im Vergleich zu Fibroblasten (Cos-7) nicht-kovalent zu transportieren. Der erfolgreiche KLA-Transport hing vom CPP, dessen C-Terminus und der Zelllinie ab. Die Analyse der Viabilität nach CPP:KLA Administration ergab, dass MPG-CONH2:KLA (1:2) toxisch für Makrophagen und Brustkrebszellen, aber nicht für Fibroblasten war. Die Toxizität konnte der Apoptose zugeordnet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert wichtige Informationen über die Auswahl des passenden CPPs für den nicht-kovalenten Transport des pro-apoptotischen KLA-Peptids. / Limitations in a pharmacological therapy are often due to the inability of drugs to overcome the cell membrane and therefore transporting molecules are being used, e.g. cell penetrating peptides (CPPs). Only a few of the over 100 described CPPs have been compared systematically making the choice of “the” CPP for a given application difficult. The goal of the presented work is the CPP mediated delivery of the pro-apoptotic peptide KLA in breast cancer cells as proof of principle for a therapeutical application. Analysed were (I) Different CPPs in various cell types to select the “best” one, (II) The influence of the CPP C-termini on uptake and localisation, (III) The cellular KLA delivery via a non-covalent CPP administration. 22 CPPs were compared in seven cell types thereby looking at toxicity, cellular uptake and subcellular localisation using fluorescein labelled CPPs for fluorescence spectroscopy and confocal microscopy. The resulting uptake information allowed the classification of the CPPs in three main groups. The evaluation of carboxylated and carboxyamidated CPP C-termini revealed that a carboxyamide mostly enhanced the cellular CPP uptake. Three CPPs were selected (MPG, penetratin and integrin) to deliver the pro-apoptotic KLA peptide in two cancer cell lines (breast cancer MCF-7 cells and RAW264.7 macrophages) compared to fibroblasts (Cos-7) via the non-covalent strategy. A successful KLA delivery depended on the applied CPP, its C-terminus and the used cell line. The biological activity of the pro-apoptotic KLA peptide was determined via the cell viability (MTT assay). The co-incubation of MPG-CONH2:KLA (1:2) was able to induce toxicity in breast cancer cells and leukaemic macrophages, but not in fibroblasts. The viability reductions were then assigned to apoptosis. This work provides important information for the choice of an adequate CPP for the pro-apoptotic KLA peptide delivery and presents the advantage of the non-covalent delivery strategy.

Lipid membrane interaction with self-assembling cell-penetrating peptides / Interactions des membranes lipidiques avec des peptides pénétrateurs de cellules auto-assemblants

Walter, Vivien 12 September 2017 (has links)
Les peptides pénétrateurs de cellule (CPP) sont des oligopeptides cationiques faisant parti des vecteurs les plus étudiés dans le cadre du développement du transport ciblé de médicament à l’intérieur de l’organisme. Les applications principales sont par exemple le traitement des cancers ou la thérapie génique. Néanmoins, certaines caractéristiques des CPPs rendent leur utilisation médicale compliquée, tels que leur manque de spécificité à l’égard des cellules cibles ou la perte de leurs propriétés pénétrantes lorsqu’un cargo moléculaire leur est greffé. L’une des solutions envisagées pour résoudre ces problèmes est le greffage sur des polypeptides di-blocs auto-assemblés basés sur de l’élastine (ELPBC), des systèmes développés par l’équipe d’Ashutosh Chilkoti à l’Université de Duke (USA). Des travaux précédents ont montré que ces macromolécules, que l’on appelle CPP-ELPBC, retrouvaient les propriétés pénétrantes du CPP même en présence d’un cargo et permettaient également d’induire une spécificité à l’encontre des cellules cancéreuses. En revanche, le mécanisme de pénétration de ces systèmes restait inconnu.Dans cette thèse, je me suis concentré sur l’étude du mécanisme de pénétration des CPP et des CPP-ELPBC au travers de membranes lipidiques modèles, et en particulier sur l’adsorption de ces molécules à la surface de vésicules unilamellaires géantes (GUV). Le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de quantification de la fluorescence en microscopie confocale m’a permis de réaliser des mesures simples de comptage de peptides à la surface des vésicules, ce qui m’a permis par la suite de procéder à des mesures thermodynamiques de l’adsorption des peptides. / Cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) are cationic oligopeptides currently investigated as potential vectors for targeted drug delivery design, for applications in cancer treatment and/or gene therapy. Nevertheless, some drawbacks make the CPP complex for medical applications, such as their lack of specificity toward target cells or the loss of their penetrating properties once they have been grafted with a molecular cargo. One of the solutions studied to overcome these issues is the binding of the CPP unit on a self-assembling elastin-like diblock polypeptide (ELPBC), a macromolecular system designed by the team of Ashutosh Chilkoti from Duke University (USA). While it has already been proven that these molecules, named CPP-ELPBC, recover the penetrating properties of the CPP despite the presence of a cargo and also induce a selectivity toward tumorous cells, the exact mechanism of translocation is still under debate.In this PhD thesis, I focused on the investigation of the translocation mechanism of the CPP and CPP-ELPBC using model lipid membranes, and specifically the adsorption of these molecules at the surface of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUV). The development of a new quantification method of fluorescence in confocal microscopy allowed me to directly count the peptides adsorbed on the surface of the GUVs, which I used to perform thermodynamic measurements on the peptide adsorption.

Mucus-penetrating polymersomes as a potential lung drug delivery system: preparation, in vitro characterization, and biodistribution tests / Mucus-penetrating polymersomes as a potential lung drug delivery system: preparation, in vitro characterization, and biodistribution tests

Beatriz Nogueira Messias de Miranda 28 September 2018 (has links)
O muco protege o corpo humano de partículas externas, mas também representa uma barreira para a entrega de controlada de medicamentos através de nanocarregadores. Para ultrapassar a barreira do muco e impedir mucoadesão, nanopartículas sólidas são normalmente revestidas com polímeros inertes, tais como o polietileno glicol (PEG). No entanto, trata-se de um procedimento relativamente complexa. Nesta tese, estudamos métodos para fabricar nanocarreadores com uma excepcional combinação de propriedades, incluindo uma boa capacidade de mucopenetração e uma grande capacidade de carga. Ao contrário dos métodos convencionais de revestimento, usamos um copolímero dibloco, que consiste em dois blocos hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos, que se auto-organiza em polimerosomos sob hidratação. Devido à inércia do bloco hidrofílico, estes polimerosomos devem ser, por natureza, muco penetradores. Além disso, sua estrutura oca fornece os polimersomos para serem carregados com carga hidrofílica, enquanto a carga hidrofóbica pode ser transportada através da membrana. Por conta da utilização de um polímero hidrolisável na presença de ácido, ácido poli láctico (PLA) como a espinha dorsal copolímero, demonstramos que estes polimerosomos podem liberar o conteúdo, após aplicação do estímulos externo relacionado ao pH. Os experimentos de rastreamento de partículas demonstraram que os polimersomos se difundem mais rápido do que as partículas não revestidas, em muco de intestino de porco, e testes de biodistribuição apresentaram resultados encorajadores para a entrega localizada de fármacos de maneira mais homogênea, melhorando a biodisponibilidade e efeitos terapeuticos. Mais estudos relacionados ao aumento da eficiência de encapsulação e testes de efetividade in vivo no tratamento de doenças devem ser promovidos. Acreditarmos que combinação das vantagens relacionadas à estrutura vesicular dos polimerossomas, estabilidade, e muco penetração possibilitam o desenvolvimento de uma nova plataforma para a entrega controlada de medicamentos na mucosa. / Mucus protects the human body by trapping foreign particulates but also poses a barrier for drug delivery by slowing down the mobility of drug carriers. To design mucus penetrating carriers, solid particles are typically coated with inert polymers such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) to prevent mucoadhesion. However, the solid structure of these particles limits their loading capabilities and the process to coat them requires a complex synthesis. In this thesis we studied methods to fabricate nanocarriers with an exceptional combination of properties including a good mucus-penetration capability and loading capacity of hydrophilic and hydrophobic cargos. Unlike conventional coating methods, we use a diblock copolymer, consisting of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks, which self-assembles into polymersomes under hydration. Because of the inertness of the hydrophilic block, these polymersomes should be mucus-penetrating by nature. Moreover, their hollow structure provides the polymersomes to be loaded with hydrophilic cargo, whereas hydrophobic cargo can be carried through the membrane. Importantly, by using a hydrolysable acid-catalyzed polymer (poly lactic acid, PLA) as the copolymer backbone, we demonstrate that these polymersomes can release contents upon application of external pH stimuli. Particle Tracking experiments demonstrated that polymersomes diffuse faster than uncoated particles in porcine intestine mucus, and biodistribution tests displayed encouraging results towards more homogeneous local drug-delivery, helping bioavailability as well as therapeutic efects. More studies related to the increase of encapsulation efficiency, and in vivo disease treatment tests should be promoted. Although we believe that combining the advantages of polymersome carrier, and tunning the membrane composition, this mucus-penetrating carrier we propose may provide as a new platform for mucosal drug delivery.

Estudo das propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais não saturados de Ubatuba (SP). / Study of the geotechnical properties of unsaturated residual soils of Ubatuba (SP).

Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda 03 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese de doutoramento versa sobre o estudo das propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais não saturados ocorrentes no município de Ubatuba, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. O estudo das propriedades geotécnicas foi realizado a partir de uma abordagem macro e micromorfológica, buscando estabelecer a relação existente entre a água presente no solo e sua variação sazonal. Os procedimentos e técnicas utilizadas permitiram diferenciar os horizontes de intemperismo quanto à microestrutura e porosidade, bem como caracterizar seus comportamentos físico e hídrico. Os ensaios geotécnicos, in situ e em laboratório, forneceram informações importantes sobre as propriedades dos materiais, tais como: índices físicos, distribuição granulométrica, limites de Atterberg, curvas de retenção de água e condutividade hidráulica saturada. Os dados registrados pelos equipamentos instalados no campo (pluviômetros, sensores GMS e FDR) permitiram avaliar a relação existente entre os eventos pluviométricos com a distribuição de umidade e sucção matricial ao longo dos perfis de alteração. Além disso, utilizouse metodologia geofísica de forma inédita na geotecnia brasileira para a determinação de perfis de umidade em solos residuais tropicais. Em termos gerais, os resultados obtidos permitiram estabelecer algumas relações entre as propriedades mecânicas e hidráulicas e as peculiaridades micromorfológicas dos horizontes de solos. Os resultados desse trabalho poderão ainda indicar áreas prioritárias para o monitoramento das variáveis climatológicas e geotécnicas, podendo fornecer apreciáveis subsídios para um futuro aperfeiçoamento dos parâmetros técnicos utilizados em Planos Preventivos de Defesa Civil (PPDC). / This doctoral thesis focusing on the study of the geotechnical properties of unsaturated residual soils occurring in the municipal district of Ubatuba, north coast of the State of Sao Paulo. The study of geotechnical properties was conducted from a macro and micromorfology approach, seeking to establish the relationship between the water present in the residual soil and its seasonal variations. The procedures and techniques enabled differentiate the horizons of weathering in relation to the microstructure and porosity, and characterize its physical-hydraulic behaviours. The laboratory and in situ geotechnical tests, provided important information about the properties of materials, such as: physical index, grain-size distribution, Atterberg limits, water retention curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The data registered by equipments installed in the field (pluviometers, FDR and GMS sensors) enabled to evaluate the relationship between the rainfall events with the distribution of moisture and suction matrix along the soil profiles. In addition, was used geophysical methodology in order unprecedented in brazilian geotechnical for the determination of moisture profiles in residual tropical soils. Overall, the results allowed establish some relationship between the hydraulic and mechanical properties and the micromorphological peculiarities of the horizons of soils. The results of this study may also indicate priority areas for monitoring the climatological and geotechnical variables, and may provide appreciable subsidies for a future improvement of the technical parameters used in Civil Defense Prevention Plans (PPDC).

Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas de fase líquido-cristalina funcionalizadas com peptídeos de penetração celular para carreamento do ácido lipóico na pele / Development of liquid crystalline phase nanoparticles functionalized with cell penetrating peptides for carrying lipoic acid in the skin

Campos, Patrícia Mazureki 04 March 2016 (has links)
A modulação da penetração de fármacos na/através da pele representa um desafio para sobrepor o efeito barreira proporcionado pela camada mais externa da pele, o estrato córneo. Sistemas de liberação nanoestruturados e funcionalizados representam uma importante estratégia para promover a penetração de fármacos nas camadas mais profundas da pele. O ácido lipóico (AL) é uma molécula com atividade antioxidante e constitui terapia antioxidante tópica para tratamento de estresse oxidativo e inflamação recorrente em patologias cutâneas. A encapsulação de AL em nanodispersões líquido-cristalinas (NDLCs) funcionalizadas com os peptídeos de penetração celular (PPCs), a saber, os peptídeos D4 e TAT, visa promover a liberação de AL em camadas específicas da pele através de uma estratégia inovadora associando tanto as vantagens de um sistema nanoparticulado como a superfície modificada para melhorar a interação com células e tecido-alvos. Nesse trabalho, foram desenvolvidos e validados métodos de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detectores ultravioleta, eletroquímico e espalhamento de luz evaporativo específicos para quantificação do AL em várias faixas de linearidade para as diferentes etapas experimentais. As NDLCs foram preparadas com monooleato de glicerila, ácido oleico, lipopolímeros, peptídeos TAT e D4 em diversas proporções e associações. NDLCs foram caracterizadas por diferentes métodos. A microscopia de luz polarizada e difração de raios X de baixo ângulo identificaram o sistema líquido-cristalino como fase hexagonal reversa. As técnicas de espalhamento dinâmico de luz e análise de rastreamento mostraram nanopartículas na ordem de 200 nm, estreito índice de polidispersividade, portencial zeta negativo e número de partículas por mL na faixa de 1012. A eficiência de encapsulação foi em torno de 79% e a capacidade de carga (drug loading) de AL nas NDLCs atinigiu 15%. A avaliação de comportamento e ação in vitro das NDLCs foi estudada em queratinócitos e fibroblastos, evidenciando que o tratamento com as NDLCs não diminuiu a viabilidade celular nas células estudadas. A internalização celular das NDLCs comprovada por microscopia confocal a laser e citometria de fluxo foi aumentada com a funcionalização com peptídeo D4 de maneira dependente da concentração e do tempo de incubação e com peptídeo TAT por mecanismo inespecífico. Em estudos de permeação in vitro foi demonstrada a penetração cutânea aumentada de AL a partir das NDLCs. Ensaio in vivo com camundongos hairless expostos à radiação UVB evidenciou a eficácia das NDLCs contendo AL pela atividade de mieloperoxidase ter sido diminuída, além de menor liberação da citocina inflamatória TNF-?, mostrando que as NDLCs desenvolvidas podem ser uma opção de tratamento tópico contra processos de estresse oxidativo e inflamação presentes no envelhecimento cutâneo e outras desordens cutâneas. / The modulation of drug penetration into/ through the skin presents a challenge to overcome the barrier effect provided by the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum. Nanostructured and functionalized delivery systems represent an important strategy for promoting drugs penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. Lipoic acid (LA) is a molecule with antioxidant activity and it has application in topical antioxidant therapy for the treatments of oxidative stress and cutaneous inflammation pathologies . LA encapsulation into liquid crystalline nanodispersions (LCNDs) functionalized with cell penetrating peptides (CPPs), namely, D4 and TAT peptides, aims to promote LA release in specific layers of the skin through an innovative strategy combining both the advantages of nanoparticulate system with modified particle surface to enhance the interaction with cell and tissue-targets. In this work, we developed and validated high performance liquid chromatography methods with ultraviolet, electrochemical and evaporative light scattering detectors aiming to achieve specificity to assay LA in several linearity ranges for the different experimental stages. The NDLCs were prepared with glyceryl monooleate, oleic acid, lipopolymers, TAT and D4 peptides in various ratios and associations. LCNDs were characterized by several methods. The polarized light microscopy and small angle Xray diffraction identified the liquid crystalline system as reverse hexagonal phase. Techniques of dynamic light scattering and nanotracking analysis showed nanoparticles in the order of 200 nm, narrow polydispersity index, negative zeta potential and number of particles per mL in the range of 1012. The encapsulation efficiency was around 79%, and LA drug loading in LCNDs reached 15%. Assessment of in vitro behavior and effect of LCNDs was studied in keratinocytes and fibroblasts, demonstrating that LCNDs treatment did not decrease cell viability for studied cells. The cell internalization of LCNDs demonstrated by confocal laser microscopy and flow cytometry was increased by functionalization with D4 peptide in concentration and time of incubation dependent manners and with TAT peptide in a nonspecific mechanism. In vitro permeation studies demonstrated the increased skin penetration of LCNDs loaded LA. In vivo assay with hairless mice exposed to UVB radiation evidenced the efficacy of LCNDs loaded LA by myeloperoxidase activity have been reduced, also reduced release of inflammatory cytokine TNF-?, indicating that the developed LCNDs can be an alternative for topical treatment against processes of oxidative stress and inflammation present in skin aging and other skin disorders.

Relações entre morfoestratigrafia e hidrologia na formação das turfeiras da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (MG) / Relationship between morphology, stratigraphy and hydrology in the formation of peatlands in the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (MG)

José Ricardo da Rocha Campos 30 April 2014 (has links)
Na Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, o predomínio de uma litologia quartzítica, associada a processos tectônicos diversos, proporcionou a formação de um complexo sistema de falhas, fraturas e dobramentos que, aparentemente, controlam a sedimentação quaternária e a rede de drenagem. Esta última, por sua vez, possui importante papel na formação de ambientes hidromórficos e na formação de turfeiras. Baseado na hipótese de que as turfeiras se formam em decorrência do controle exercido por estruturas quartzíticas sobre a rede de drenagem, gerando hidromorfismo, este trabalho objetiva estudar a relação entre morfoestratigrafia, hidrologia e os processos de formação das turfeiras a partir de uma análise espacial do meio físico, da configuração do embasamento rochoso, analisado pelo Radar de Penetração do solo (GPR), e de mudanças climáticas ocorridas no Pleistoceno e Holoceno. A análise do meio físico foi realizada a partir de uma compilação de cartas geológicas da área e do mapeamento das principais feições geomorfológicas, analisadas a partir de modelos gerados em sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG). A partir de uma análise detalhada dos produtos supracitados, foram selecionadas cinco microbacias hidrográficas com padrões geomorfológicos favoráveis a formação de turfeiras (planícies quartzíticas, vales suspensos, vales encaixados e vales alongados ladeado por vertentes suaves). Foram realizadas análises das geoformas e da drenagem por estereoscopia e transeções com o GPR. A cronologia dos eventos, bem como, a estratigrafia e a origem da MO foram analisadas por datações por C14, granulometria e fracionamento isotópico da MO, respectivamente. As turfeiras se formam, preferencialmente, em depressões formadas sobre litotipos mais susceptíveis ao intemperismo confinados entre quartzitos altamente resistentes onde a umidade tende a ser mantida. Dados do GPR mostram que as turfeiras ocorrem também associadas ao excesso de umidade mantido por soleiras quartzíticas em subsuperfície nos vales alongados adaptados a falhas e nos vales suspensos. Os soterramentos de turfeiras foram favorecidos por lineamentos tectônicos de direção E - W que controlam parcialmente a drenagem e a sedimentação na porção mediana da área. As variações nos processos sedimentares apresentam forte relação com mudanças climáticas ocorridas no Holoceno e Pleistoceno. Pelo menos seis períodos de mudanças climáticas foram observadas: entre 30.251 a 12.418 anos AP o clima favoreceu a deposição de MO; de 12.418 a 7.890 anos AP os processos erosivos foram mais intensos; de 7.890 a 3.280 anos AP o clima quente e úmido favoreceu o deposito de MO e, nos últimos 2.590 anos AP, o clima foi semelhante ao atual com 3 períodos breves favoráveis a deposição de turfa observado por camadas discretas de MO. / The morphology of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridonal is associated with various tectonic processes. In combination with the prevalence of a quartzite lithology this caused the formation of a complex system of faults, fractures and folds that control the Quaternary sedimentation and drainage network. Impeded drainage cause hydromorphic environments in which organic matter (OM) may accumulate, causing the formation of peatlands. Based on the hypothesis that the formation of peatlands in this area is controlled by impeded drainage of quartzite structures, the aims of this thesis were (i) to study the relationship between morphology, stratigraphy and hydrology, (ii) to determine the influence of this relationship on the formation of peatlands, and (iii) to interpret this in the context of climatic changes in the Pleistocene and Holocene. This will be done by a spatial analysis of the physical environment of five watersheds. The watersheds were selected based on geomorphological patterns that favor peat formation, including quartzite plains, hanging valleys and elongated valleys flanked by gentle slopes. The configuration of the rocky basement will be determined with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), a compilation of geological maps of the area will be made, and the main geomorphological features will be examined using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) models. The chronology, stratigraphy and origin of OM were analyzed by C14 dating, particle size and isotopic fractionation, respectively. The results indicate that the peatlands are preferentially formed on rock types other than quartzite, which are occasionally located between the highly resistant quartzite rocks. Because this material is more susceptible to weathering, depressions were formed in which water tends to accumulate, thereby providing conditions that favor peat formation. However, GPR data showed that peatlands were also formed on quartzite rocks when the subsurface showed elongated valleys adapted to crashes and hanging valleys. Burried peat was found at some places, which was related to tectonic lineament patterns with an east-west direction. These tectonic lineament patterns partially controlled the drainage and sedimentation in the central part of the area. Variation in sedimentary processes (peat formation vs. mineral influx/erosion) was found to be strongly related to climatic changes in the Holocene and Pleistocene. At least six periods of climate change were observed: between 30.251 and 12.418 yr BP climate favored the deposition of OM, between 12,418 and 7890 yr BP erosion processes were more intense; between 7.890 - 3.280 yr BP a hot and humid climate favored peat formation, and the last 2.590 years the climate was similar to the current favorable with three brief periods of peat deposition were observed.

Mucus-penetrating polymersomes as a potential lung drug delivery system: preparation, in vitro characterization, and biodistribution tests / Mucus-penetrating polymersomes as a potential lung drug delivery system: preparation, in vitro characterization, and biodistribution tests

Miranda, Beatriz Nogueira Messias de 28 September 2018 (has links)
O muco protege o corpo humano de partículas externas, mas também representa uma barreira para a entrega de controlada de medicamentos através de nanocarregadores. Para ultrapassar a barreira do muco e impedir mucoadesão, nanopartículas sólidas são normalmente revestidas com polímeros inertes, tais como o polietileno glicol (PEG). No entanto, trata-se de um procedimento relativamente complexa. Nesta tese, estudamos métodos para fabricar nanocarreadores com uma excepcional combinação de propriedades, incluindo uma boa capacidade de mucopenetração e uma grande capacidade de carga. Ao contrário dos métodos convencionais de revestimento, usamos um copolímero dibloco, que consiste em dois blocos hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos, que se auto-organiza em polimerosomos sob hidratação. Devido à inércia do bloco hidrofílico, estes polimerosomos devem ser, por natureza, muco penetradores. Além disso, sua estrutura oca fornece os polimersomos para serem carregados com carga hidrofílica, enquanto a carga hidrofóbica pode ser transportada através da membrana. Por conta da utilização de um polímero hidrolisável na presença de ácido, ácido poli láctico (PLA) como a espinha dorsal copolímero, demonstramos que estes polimerosomos podem liberar o conteúdo, após aplicação do estímulos externo relacionado ao pH. Os experimentos de rastreamento de partículas demonstraram que os polimersomos se difundem mais rápido do que as partículas não revestidas, em muco de intestino de porco, e testes de biodistribuição apresentaram resultados encorajadores para a entrega localizada de fármacos de maneira mais homogênea, melhorando a biodisponibilidade e efeitos terapeuticos. Mais estudos relacionados ao aumento da eficiência de encapsulação e testes de efetividade in vivo no tratamento de doenças devem ser promovidos. Acreditarmos que combinação das vantagens relacionadas à estrutura vesicular dos polimerossomas, estabilidade, e muco penetração possibilitam o desenvolvimento de uma nova plataforma para a entrega controlada de medicamentos na mucosa. / Mucus protects the human body by trapping foreign particulates but also poses a barrier for drug delivery by slowing down the mobility of drug carriers. To design mucus penetrating carriers, solid particles are typically coated with inert polymers such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) to prevent mucoadhesion. However, the solid structure of these particles limits their loading capabilities and the process to coat them requires a complex synthesis. In this thesis we studied methods to fabricate nanocarriers with an exceptional combination of properties including a good mucus-penetration capability and loading capacity of hydrophilic and hydrophobic cargos. Unlike conventional coating methods, we use a diblock copolymer, consisting of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks, which self-assembles into polymersomes under hydration. Because of the inertness of the hydrophilic block, these polymersomes should be mucus-penetrating by nature. Moreover, their hollow structure provides the polymersomes to be loaded with hydrophilic cargo, whereas hydrophobic cargo can be carried through the membrane. Importantly, by using a hydrolysable acid-catalyzed polymer (poly lactic acid, PLA) as the copolymer backbone, we demonstrate that these polymersomes can release contents upon application of external pH stimuli. Particle Tracking experiments demonstrated that polymersomes diffuse faster than uncoated particles in porcine intestine mucus, and biodistribution tests displayed encouraging results towards more homogeneous local drug-delivery, helping bioavailability as well as therapeutic efects. More studies related to the increase of encapsulation efficiency, and in vivo disease treatment tests should be promoted. Although we believe that combining the advantages of polymersome carrier, and tunning the membrane composition, this mucus-penetrating carrier we propose may provide as a new platform for mucosal drug delivery.

Development of Forward and Inversion Schemes for Cross-Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar

Jones, Donald 01 January 2018 (has links)
Tomography is an imaging technique to develop a representation of the internal features of material using a penetrating wave, such as an electromagnetic wave. The calculation method used is an example of an inverse problem, which is a system where the input and the output are known but the internal parameters are not. These parameters can be estimated by understanding the responses of a penetrating wave as it passes through the unknown media. A forward problem is just the opposite; the internal structure and input penetrating wave is known and the output is determined. For both forward and inverse problems, raytracing is needed to define the raypath through the medium and inversion techniques are used to minimize the error for a discretized matrix of material properties. To assess various inversion techniques for use in shallow karst conditions, three synthetic karst geology models, each with increasing complexity, were generated. Each model was analyzed using forward modeling techniques to compare the calculated tomograms from known geometry and material properties. Gaussian Raytracing with LSQR inversion technique performed the best. This technique, Gaussian Raytracing with LSQR, was then applied to an inversion problem; cross-borehole ground penetrating radar data was collected at a karst geology field site and tomograms were produced. The resulting tomography confirmed information detailed in the driller's logs and features between boreholes were identified. This confirmed that cross-borehole ground penetrating radar is an applicable technique for use in geotechnical site characterization activities in karst areas.

Geomorphological impact of lahars on the southwestern flank of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador : drainage system and alluvial fan / Impact géomorphologique de lahars sur le flan sud-ouest du volcan Cotopaxi, Equateur : système de drainage et cône de déjection

Ettinger, Susanne 27 September 2012 (has links)
Pendant une éruption volcanique sur des sommets englacés, des coulées de débris syn-eruptifs,dénommées lahars, peuvent être générées par la fonte partiale de glaciers. Ce phénomène estbien connu sur le volcan Cotopaxi, Equateur. La présente étude concerne trois vallées et un cônede déjection sur le flanc sud-ouest de ce volcan. Une première analyse a été conduite par relevésde formes géomorphologiques dans ces vallées qui témoignent des processus d’érosion et desédimentation lors du passage de lahars dans le passé, notamment ceux du dernier événementéruptif datant de 1877 AD. Bien que les types des formes géomorphologiques déterminées sontles mêmes, leur distribution spatiale varie d’une vallée à l’autre en fonction d’une interaction deparamètres morphologiques locaux. Les conditions environnementales individuelles déterminentégalement le volume de l’écoulement, paramètre crucial dans la délimitation de zones de risques delahars dans les plaines adjacentes. Pour cela, une deuxième étude a été menée à grande échelle surle cône de déjection à l’exutoire de la vallée la plus au Sud des trois. Une analyse intégrale de la morphologiede surface et des affleurements naturels a été complétée par des données stratigraphiquesde subsurface obtenues via un sondage avec un Géoradar. Reconstituer l’architecture sédimentairede ce cône permet de visualiser la distribution spatiale de formes érosives et de dépôts. L’étude àrévélé que différentes parties du cône sont actives à des moments distincts et les épaisseurs dedépôts de lahars sont variables en fonction du type d’écoulement et de son volume. Ceci permetde relier les dynamiques géomorphologiques des plaines alluviales aux zones d’initiation de laharssur les flancs du volcan. Enfin, cette étude a débouché sur la mise en place d’une nouvelle fonctiondans le logiciel de modélisation de lahars LAHARZ prenant en compte l’incorporation progressive desédiment dans un contexte érosif dans les vallées, ce qui permet une meilleure délimitation de zonesde risque de lahars sur le cône. / During a volcanic eruption at ice capped volcanoes, syn-eruptive volcanic debris flows, lahars, canbe triggered through the partial melting of the glaciers. This phenomenon is well known to have happenedat Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador, where the present study has been realized. The latter concernsthree drainages on the southwestern flank of the volcano and one alluvial fan. A first analysis hasbeen conducted assessing geomorphologic features in the drainages testifying from erosional anddepositional processes during past lahars, in particular of those generated during the last eruptiveevent dating back to 1877 AD. Although the types of determined geomorphologic features are thesame, their spatial distribution varies among the three valleys as a function of an interplay of localmorphologic parameters. The individual environmental conditions determine also the flow volumeof such lahars, a critical parameter when to delineating hazard zones in the adjacent lowlands. Thesecond analysis has therefore be performed at large scale on the alluvial fan forming at the mouthof the southernmost of the three drainages. An integral study of the surface morphology and naturalexposures was enriched with subsurface stratigraphic information obtained through a ground penetratingradar survey. The sediment architecture of the fan provides valuable insights on the distributionof erosional features and deposits. Different fan parts appear to be active at different times andlahar deposit thicknesses are highly variable as a function of flow type and volume. This allows torelate floodplain dynamics to the initiation zone of lahars on the upper flanks of the volcano. At last,this research led to integrate a new bulking function acknowledging for erosional processes in thevalleys into the lahar-modeling software LAHARZ allowing to better delineate lahar hazard zones onthe fan.

Lipossomas funcionalizados com peptídeos de transdução de membrana para administração intranasal de insulina no tratamento do diabetes mellitus /

Von Zuben, Eliete de Souza January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marlus Chorilli / Resumo: O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome metabólica caracterizada por deficiência na produção/secreção pancreática de insulina e/ou resistência à ação do hormônio nos tecidos alvo, resultando em hiperglicemia. Diversas pesquisas têm desencadeado o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de administração de insulina que possibilitem a utilização de vias alternativas à parenteral, com destaque à administração de insulina por via nasal. Esta via tem-se mostrado promissora, pois pode promover uma rápida absorção do fármaco e aumentar a sua biodisponibilidade. Entretanto, existem mecanismos de depuração mucociliar que limitam a administração de fármacos, além da baixa permeabilidade do epitélio nasal, o qual dificulta a absorção de fármacos com alto massa molar. Uma estratégia para vencer tais barreiras é a utilização de sistemas nanoestruturados (lipossomas), pois são amplamente utilizados para o aperfeiçoamento da potencialização da ação terapêutica de fármacos. Além disso estes lipossomas foram funcionalizados com peptídeos de transdução de membrana (CPPs), tais como os peptídeos TAT e Penetratin (PNT), que atuam como promotores da penetração e absorção do fármaco, com posterior dispersão em hidrogel de hidroxietilcelulose. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e caracterizar lipossomas contendo solução de insulina, funcionalizados com CPPs (TAT e PNT) e dispersos em hidrogel, avaliar o potencial pela via nasal, in vivo, para a melhora dos níveis séricos e efeito hipoglicemiante d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

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