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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv různých způsobů obhospodařování na travní porosty / Effect of different management practices on grassland

SEJPKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the impact of farming on grassland and assess the frequency of use of grassland on yield and quality of forage biomass. A part of this thesis is also a recommendation of possible management changes of evaluated grasslands. Botanical inventory surveys were conducted on agricultural lands Bílovské zemědělské a.s., in the northern Plzeň region. There have been selected three sites, two meadows and one pasture vegetation. The comprehensive analysis of the stand composition was created by agrotechnology of meadows. An important part of this thesis is to assess the impact of different grassland management practices with regard to their economic, social and ecological importance.

Impact des pratiques de gestion sur le stockage du Carbone dans le sol des écosystèmes prairiaux / Impacts of management practices on carbone storage in grasslands

Herfurth, Damien 10 July 2015 (has links)
La rapide augmentation des gaz à effet de serre (GES) dans l’atmosphère - dont le CO2 – due aux activités humaines est considérée comme responsable des changements climatiques en cours et futurs. Les écosystèmes terrestres sont potentiellement des "puits" importants de C et pourraient contribuer à l'atténuation des GES. Les prairies permanentes (steppes, savanes, prairies de montagne, ...) couvrent 40% de la surface terrestre (hors calotte glaciaire) et leurs sols représentent potentiellement un énorme "puits" permettant de stocker du C naturellement (GIEC 2001). Cependant, les processus impliqués et leur régulation restent à préciser. L’objectif de la thèse était d’analyser l’effet des pratiques de pâturage sur le stockage de C dans le sol. Cette analyse a été réalisée à partir de données acquises sur deux dispositifs ‘long terme’ en prairie permanente (SOERE ACBB) et en s’intéressant aux flux de C entre les différents compartiments de l’agro-écosystème sous différentes intensités de pâturage afin i) d’étudier notre capacité à estimer le stockage de C dans le sol après 10 ans d’application de traitement, en comparant deux méthodes (méthode utilisant des tours à flux et mesure du stock de C du sol) ii) d’apporter des connaissances sur les mécanismes et régulations agissant sur les dynamiques de stockage du C. Les résultats de la comparaison des deux méthodes de mesures testées ont indiqué une séquestration nette de C dans le sol, avec un taux de séquestration moyen mesuré avec les deux méthodes de 2.21 t C ha-1 an-1 et de 2.29 t C ha-1 an-1, sans différence significative entre traitements, mais avec une tendance à une séquestration plus élevée avec la gestion plus intensive. Chaque méthode permet d’accéder à des informations différentes. L'approche avec les tours à flux permet d'identifier des interactions entre le climat et les pratiques de gestion sur les flux de C dans les prairies. Les inventaires de sol ont permis de montrer que le carbone se stocke également dans les couches plus profondes de sol. Alors que les communautés végétales ont évolué sous l’effet des traitements différenciés de pâturage, les mesures ne montrent pas d’évolution des stocks de C totaux ni des matières organiques particulaires. L’analyse des flux de C entre les différents compartiments de l'écosystème, après 7 ans d’application des traitements, montre que les traitements avec une intensité faible ou nulle ont conduit à une réduction des flux de carbone entre les compartiments du continuum de dégradation du C, tandis que les stocks de carbone des racines et des POM ne sont pas affectés par les traitements. Une étude complémentaire conduite pour estimer les productions racinaires indique que la réponse des racines (stocks et production) et des stocks de matières organiques particulaires pourrait être en partie découplée de la réponse du compartiment aérien de la végétation. A l’issue de cette étude, il nous apparaît qu’une approche plus intégrative du fonctionnement de l’écosystème est nécessaire pour accroître notre capacité de prédiction de l’impact des pratiques sur le stockage du C en prairie. / The fast increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, due to human activities is consider as the main cause of actual climate change. Terrestrial ecosystem are considered as a huge "sink" of C and may contribute to decrease greenhouse gases. Permanent grasslands cover 40% of land and their soil may contribute to sequester C (GIEC 2001). However, the processes involved and their regulations remain to be specified. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the effect of grazing management on soil C storage. This analysis was made from data acquired on two long term permanent grassland sites (SOERE ACBB) and by studying C fluxes between the different agroecosystem compartments under different grazing intensities for i) estimating our capacity to measure soil C storage after 10 years of grazing treatments by comparing two methods (soil inventories vs net carbon storage measurements), ii) to provide knowledge on the mechanisms and regulations affecting the dynamics of soil C sequestration. Comparing results of both methods, measurements indicated a net C sequestration in soil, with an average sequestration rate of 2.21 t C ha-1 yr-1 and 2.29 t C ha-1 year-1 and no significant difference between treatment but a tendency to a higher sequestration with more intensive management. Each method provides access to different information. The approach with flux towers allows a better understanding of the role and interactions between climate and practices on C fluxes in grasslands. Soil inventories showed carbon is store in deeper soil layers. While plant communities have evolved as a result of differentiated grazing treatments, measurements show no changes in total C stocks and particulate organic matter. Analysis of C fluxes after 7 years of differentiate grazing treatments, showed that treatments with low or zero grazing intensity led to a reduction of carbon fluxes between the compartments of the continuum of degradation, while carbon stocks in roots and POM were not affected by treatments. A complementary study conducted to estimate root production indicates that the response of roots (stocks and production) and stocks of particulate organic matter may be partly decoupled from the response of the aerial vegetation compartment. This study indicates that a more integrative approach on ecosystem functioning is necessary to increase our ability to predict the impact of management practices on C storage in grassland.

Vliv pastvy masného skotu na utváření porostové skladby a rozvíjení mimoprodukčních funkcí travních porostů / The influence of beef cattle pasture on composition plantation form and developmen non-producing functions of grassland

TRNKOVÁ, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The influence of beef cattle pasture on the composition of pasture herbage was studied in Šumava region (Kaplice, 550 {--} 850 m a.s.l) from 2005 to 2006. Also was studied the effect of different nanagement of permanent grassland on its composition plantation form and non-producing functions. On the pasture herbage dominated grass and leguminous species. On the fallow land prevailed herb species. On the combined management site (pasture and harvest) was established higher frequency of Taraxacum officinale, Trifolium pratense and Dactylis glomerata

Vliv různých způsobů využívání travního porostu na porostové charakteristiky a vybrané půdní vlastnosti / The influence of different way of grassland exploitation on selected vegetation characteristics and soil properties

JINDRÁKOVÁ, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis was focused on evaluate the effect of various permanent grassland exploitation on the biological characteristics and soil properties. Permanent grasslands are composite and varied community of legumes, grasses and many other forbs, which are an important component of agroecosystem. This thesis was carried out in 2013 on experimental grass field trial on Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in the ČeskéBudějovice. The experimental variants was evaluated the effect of management by mowing, mulching, leaving fallow.Otherwise were also evaluated height stands,phenophases during harvesting, types of outgrowth, the amount of residual biomass and selected soil properties. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the effect of different exploitation of grassland herbage on its characteristics and selected soil properties and design of appropriate methods of grassland management. Method of grassland management should be chosen with respect to the exploitationmethodsof permanent grassland. It is very important to take into account the altitude climatic and soil conditions and the type of vegetation.Finally, it must be taken of the used machinery. It was recommended evaluated grassland mowed 2 or 3 times a year along with fertilization by NPK as a suitable form of management.

Vliv vodního režimu na růst a kvalitu vybraných travních druhů / Influence of water regime on growth and quality of selected grass species

MACHURA, Antonín January 2014 (has links)
The main factors affecting the yield and the quality of grassland are nutrient availability and water regime. In nature and of course in agriculture, water is the most important factor influencing plant growth and reproduction. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of water regime on germination of selected grass species. We have focused on the following grass species, suitable for use in energy: Dactylis glomerata L. Padánia cultivar, Phalaroides arundinacea L., Chrastava cultivar and Agropyron elongatum L. Under water stress condition, the highest germination rate of 69 % was observed in Agropyron elongatum L., followed by Dactylis glomerata L. (54, 6 %). The lowest germination rate of 28, 6 % was recorded in Phalaroides arundinacea L. This study also compares dry matter yields of selected species during spring harvest. Average yield was 3,3 t.ha-1 in the first year. This work is based on authors own measurement and on the information obtained from Czech hydrometeorological institute.

Vliv různých způsobů agrotechniky a využití na fytocenologické složení travních porostů. / Utilization of different agriculturale engineering methods and using on phytocoenological composition of herbage growth

VÁCLAVÍK, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Aim is to assess the impact of farming methods and frequency of use of grassland on the yield and quality of forage biomass of grasslands and draft recommendations for use of certified grass.The observed area was around Kašperské Mountains, where, three different pastures. Botanical images were carried out in the pasture Lídlovy Dvory, Nebe and Ovčárna. Subsequently, analysis was performed with stand composition farming techniques.

Understanding the effects of different grassland management practices on the soil-to-water transfer continuum

Peukert, Sabine January 2014 (has links)
One of the major challenges for agriculture today is to manage soil properties and their spatial distribution to optimize productivity and minimize environmental impacts, such as diffuse pollution. To identify best management practices, the effects of different agricultural management practices on pollutant sources, mobilization, transfer and delivery to water bodies need to be understood. Grasslands managed for dairy and meat production, despite being widespread, have received less research attention than other agricultural land uses. Therefore, this thesis studies the effects of different grassland management practices on soil properties and their spatial distribution and the mobilization and delivery of multiple diffuse pollutants. As a grassland case study, monitoring for this thesis was conducted across three fields (6.5 – 7.5 ha) on the North Wyke Farm Platform, a grassland experimental farm in the UK. First, the effects of permanent grassland management (permanent for at least 6 years, but different grassland management > 6 years ago) were characterized as a baseline, followed by quantifying the short-term effects of ploughing and reseeding of permanent grassland fields. Throughout those management periods, i) a range of soil physical (bulk density [BD]) and chemical (soil organic matter [SOM], total N [TN], total phosphorus [TP], total carbon [TC]) soil properties and their spatial distribution were sampled and analysed by geostatistics, and ii) hydrological characteristics and multiple pollutant fluxes (suspended sediment [SS] and the macronutrients: total oxidized nitrogen-N [TONN], total phosphorus [TP], and total carbon [TC]) were monitored at high temporal resolution (monitoring up to every 15 minutes). The permanent grassland fields (or areas within fields) can be considered to be functioning differently. Past management legacy (more than 6 years ago) has affected soil properties and their distribution with subsequent effects on sediment and macronutrient delivery from the fields to surface waters. Overall, permanent grasslands were found to contribute significantly to agricultural diffuse pollution. The estimated erosion and macronutrient losses were similar to or exceeded the losses reported for other grasslands, mixed land use and even arable sites, and sediment and TP concentrations exceeded those recommended by EU / UK water quality guidelines. Ploughing and reseeding did not homogenize spatial variation and did not override past management effects. Long-term management differences affected soil properties and altered soil processes, so that the fields subsequently responded differently to ploughing and reseeding. All nutrient concentrations were significantly reduced in the older grassland field (no ploughing for 20 years), but not in the younger grassland field (no ploughing for 6 years). Ploughing and reseeding significantly accelerated the losses of sediment and macronutrients and sediment, TP and TONN exceedance frequencies of EU / UK water quality guidelines increased. Additionally, ploughing and reseeding caused a shift in the relative importance of nutrients, by increasing the relative importance of N. Such large sediment and nutrient losses from intensively managed grasslands should be acknowledged in land management guidelines and advice for future compliance with surface water quality standards. The between-field and within-field variation highlights the importance of baseline characterization and paired catchment studies. The long-term effects of management still acting on soil properties and subsequently water quality indicates how long it may take to see soil and water quality improvements after implementing mitigation measures. Therefore, long-term management history always has to be included when interpreting soil and water quality data.

Hospodaření na ekologické farmě v podhůří Šumavy a biodiverzita vybraných agroekosystémů / Biodiversity of model agroecosystems on the ecological farm in the foothills of Šumava Mts.

OUŘEDNÍK, David January 2014 (has links)
The content of the thesis was research and study of the epigeal beetle communities at three different sites in the cadastral municipality Mačice near village Soběšice in Western Region. Habitats were managed under organic farming. Specifically there were three different sites, a field sown triticale, meadow and pasture. Method of pitfall traps was used for the collection of biological material. In total, there were intercepted and identified 640 individuals from 57 species and 14 families in the reporting period. In all of the habitats, species of beetles family (Carabidae) (23 species) were mostly represented, followed by family rove beetles (Staphylinidae) (11 species) and family carrion (Silphidae) (6 species). Most individuals were found at the field habitat with the numbers in total of 255 (30 species from 8 families), followed by habitat meadow with 198 individuals (36 species from 9 families) and the pasture habitat with 187 individuals (34 species from 10 families). The species spectrum of epigeal beetles was divided into groups according to the sensitivity to anthropogenic influences. Species that do not have special requirements on the quality and nature of the environment (group E) dominated in all habitats with 48 species. Total of nine species inhabiting habitats moderately affected by human activities (group R2) were found in all habitats, the least of them occurred in the field (1 species) , pasture (5 species) and at the meadow were found most (6 species). Index of anthropogenic impacts shows that these are very heavily modified habitats. When comparing individual sites, field habitat (ISD 1,67 %) was found to be the most affected. The least affected was the meadow habitat (ISD 8,34 %). As a result we can conclude that the hypothesis that organic farming has a positive impact on biodiversity was not confirmed.

Vliv hnojení a frekvence kosení na porostovou skladbu, produkci a kvalitu píce travního porostu / Influence of fertilization and frequency of mowing on the stand composition, production and forage quality of grass stand

SMRŽ, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The long-term small plot trial was established at the site in Jevíčko in 2003. Monitoring was realised in years 2006 and 2007. There were used four levels of utilisation (four, three, two and two cuts) and four fertilizer application (zero fertiliser, PK, N90PK, N180PK). The average dry matter production of grassland was 6.99 t ha-1, and it was significantly (P 0.01) reduced when subjected to four and three cut systems compared with a two-cut system. The number of botanical species fluctuated between 17.8 and 27.6. The intensive cutting system significantly (P 0.01) increased CP concentration (from 116.6 to 149.8 g kg-1 DM), CP production (from 787.4 to 951.1 kg ha-1), NEL concentration (from 5.09 to 5.57 MJ kg-1 DM), NEV concentration (from 4.81 to 5.41 MJ kg-1 DM), PDIE concentration (from 75.1 to 83.3 MJ kg-1 DM), and PDIN concentration (from 68.9 to 89.2 MJ kg-1 DM) when compared with the extensive cutting system. The intensive system significantly (P 0.01) decreased the fibre concentration from 292.2 to 234.2 g kg-1 DM. Increasing N fertiliser significantly (P 0.01) increased DM production (from 4.77 to 9.92 t ha-1), CP concentration (from 123.4 to 140.9 g kg-1 DM), CP production (from 545.7 to 1285.4 kg ha-1) and the PDIN concentration (from 68.5 to 83.8 g kg-1 DM) when compared to the control treatment (zero fertiliser).

Typologická klasifikace a kategorizace travních porostů ve zvoleném území a návrhy vhodné pratotechniky / Typological classification and categorization og grasslands in selected area and recommendation of sutable grassland management

KADLECOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create the botanic snap of the chosen locations, which were meadows, grasslands, pastures and also fallow grass areas, to determine the area coverage of three main agrobotanic species i.e. grass, herbs and clover, to process it with the statistcal software and determine the method and intensity of use and fertilization of individual locations and suggest the suitable prato-technical methods. The cenological structure of the locations has been observed and described using botanic snaps. The prato-technic method used were documented for each of the locations and evaluated the influence on the cenological structure. The research was performed in locations Vřeskovice, Čeletice, Městiště in the region Pilsen, former district of Klatovy. In each location the botanic snaps were taken from 3 areas of about 5 x 6 meters each. There were determined the area coverage of grass, herbs and clovers and calculated the mean indication value of humidity. Mean indication value of humidity is the parameter usable for determination of permanent grassland management and utilization. The data from the research was elaborated in software MS Excel. I recommend to manage the analyzed permanent grasslands as follows: 1. The meadow Vřeskovice behind the sewage cleaning station - additional sow of perennial rye grass, meadow clover and white clover. 2. The meadow Mstice - total recovery alternatively conservative prato-technic measures - manure fertilization for about 20t/ha and additional sow of meadow and white clover and grass - red fescue, blue grass and perennial ryegrass. 3. The meadow above the transformer station Vřeskovice - keep on current management od additional clovers sow. 4. The pasture Čeletice grazed by horses - keep on current management or additional sow of red fescue, tall fescue and timothy grass. 5. The meadow Městiště with combined utilization by cattle pasture and mowing - keep on current way of use. 6. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by cattle - keep on current utilization or additional sow meadow and white clover. 7. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by sheep - keep on the current utilization, in future after the reduction of dangerous knapweed to decrease the amount of pastured animals. 8. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice behind Petrovický neither mowed nor pastured - proposed mulching twice a year for about 1 or 2 years, then pasture or pasture of extensive cattle breed (Galloway) or sheep or periodical mowing once or twice a year. 9. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice trench at the farmhouse - leave as a fallow meadow improves the biodivesity, optionally to mow once or twice a year from estetical reasons.

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