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Studium deplece cholesterolu v lidské kožní bariéře / Study of cholesterol depletion in human skin barrierAudrlická, Pavla January 2020 (has links)
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Pavla Audrlická Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. Kateřina Vávrová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of cholesterol depletion in human skin barrier Barrier function of human skin barrier dwells in intercellular lipid membranes of the uppermost skin layer, the stratum corneum (SC), composed of equimolar mixture of ceramides (Cer), free fatty acids (FFA) and cholesterol (Chol).1 Chol is required for proper lipid organization of SC, however, it stays unclear, why is it present in an amount so high that it separates from other lipids.2 Experiments using synthetic model membranes with decreased Chol content suggested that molar ratio of Cer:FFA:Chol 1:1:0,4 is sufficient for lipid barrier formation and its complex functionality.3 The aim of this work was to manipulate Chol content directly in human SC and to study the effects of decreased Chol content on the SC permeability and microstructure. Ex vivo SC obtained from healthy donors was extracted by methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MCD) to reduce natural Chol content. The extracted SC did not show significant changes in Cer or FFA whilst the amount of Chol was lowered to 78 %. SC barrier properties were evaluated by measurements of transepidermal water loss...
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Vliv uvolňování zinku při slinování na permeabilitu/indukčnost feritové keramiky / Influence of zinc loss during the sintering on permeability/inductance of ferrite ceramicsKvapilová, Vendula January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the investigation of the effect of zinc release during ferritic sintering on the permeability/inductance of ferrite ceramics. The theoretical part deals with the position of ferrites among other ceramic materials. It describes the basic characteristics of ferrites, their crystal structure and finally the problems that are directly related to their production and which fundamentally affect the magnetic properties of ferrites. In the second part of the work, the influence of the temperature and time of sintering and the position of the cores in the furnace during firing on the loss of zinc from the sample and subsequently on the electromagnetic properties of the prepared test specimens from industrial raw material mixtures was investigated. These are initial experiments, which will be followed by further research aimed at eliminating the problem of zinc loss in the production of Mn-Zn ferrites.
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Hodnocení sfingosinu, dihydrosfingosinu a fytosfingosinu v modelech kožní bariéry / Study of sphingosine, dihydrosphingosine and phytosphingosine in skin barrier modelsKubátová, Denisa January 2021 (has links)
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Author: Denisa Kubátová Supervisor: PharmDr. Andrej Kováčik, Ph.D. Consultant: PharmDr. Lukáš Opálka, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of sphingosine, dihydrosphingosine and phytosphingosine in skin barrier models The stratum corneum (SC), the uppermost layer of the skin, localized in the uppermost part of the epidermis, represents the skin barrier of the organism. SC is composed of corneocytes and an intercellular lipid matrix, which is formed by ceramides (Cer), free fatty acids (FFA), and cholesterol (Chol) in an equimolar ratio. Substances from the group of sphingolipids - Cer, are sphingoid bases (for example, sphingosine (S), dihydrosphingosine (dS), phytosphingosine (P)) acylated with a fatty acid (for example, lignoceric acid (LIG)). In the lipid matrix, the metabolic products of Cer (free sphingoid bases) are also present, but their role in SC barrier functions is not clear. Some studies show that Cer with different sphingoid bases, and increased presence of free sphingoid bases, can lead to a change in the permeability of the skin barrier. This work aimed to study the effect of permeability of sphingoid bases on the model membrane permeability. Nine types of membranes were prepared; they...
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Porézní přepážky na bázi partikulárních materiálů a anorganických pojiv / Porous elements based on granular materials and inorganic bindersBulejko, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce zkoumá možnosti tvorby porézních struktur za použití partikulárních materiálů pojených anorganickými pojivy bez dodatečné tepelné úpravy vypalováním. Jako základní pojiva byly použity portlandský a hlinitanový cement a pojiva na bázi alkalicky aktivovaného metakaolinu (geopolymeru). Jako základní kamenivo byl použit karbid křemíku v různých frakcích podle velikosti částic. Byly taktéž použity další zrnité materiály, např. křemenný písek anebo odpadních materiálů (mleté sklo a porcelán) roztříděných do frakcí podle velikosti částic. Byl sledován vliv složení a množství kameniva na vytváření porézní struktury a tím i na mechanické vlastnosti, které byly testovány pomocí mechanických zkoušek. Pevnostní zkoušky byly provedeny na trámečcích 20 × 20 × 100 mm připravených z testovacích směsí. Granulometrické a fázové složení vstupních surovin bylo studováno metodou laserové granulometrie resp. RTG difrakce. Porézní struktura byla studována metodami rtuťové porozimetrie, dále pomocí světelné a rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a taktéž pyknometrickou metodou. V rámci charakterizace přepážek (terčíky o průměru 90 mm) připravených z jednotlivých materiálů bylo provedeno stanovení efektivní permeability průtokem vzduchu. Dále byly provedeny testy vzlínavosti kapaliny v připravených materiálech. V závěru práce byly provedeny pokusy o filtraci jemných suspenzí přes uvedené přepážky.
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Měření difúsního koeficientu membrán dialyzačních filtrů / Measurement of Dialyser-Membrane Diffusion CoefficientKašák, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the measurement of diffusion coefficient of dialysis membrane. The first part describes possibilities of membrane modelling. Basic models, which allow us to determine the basic characteristics of dialysis membranes like permeability and diffusion coefficient, are described. Next chapter deals with basic types and properties of membranes. The main part focuses on making the experimental installation, which is used to simulate permeance of contrast agent, used in DCE-MRI, through dialysis membrane. The last theoretical chapter describes calculations used to estimate diffusion coefficient. Practical part of this thesis uses a designed experimental installation for estimation of diffusion coefficient for two contrast agents Gadovist® and Multihance®.
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Studium chování betonu při působení vysokých teplot / Behavior of concrete at high temperaturesDvořáková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to focus on the resistance of concrete exposed to high temperatures especially with focus of resistance against explosive spalling as well as clarifying the mode of action of various types of polypropylene fibres. The theoretical part is an introduction to the issues of explosive spalling, its mechanisms and majority influencing factors. Further description of the processes taking place in the structure of concrete under extreme thermal load, distribution and size of pores in concrete, thermal load, temperature-time curves and their applications, methods of elimination of negative behaviour of concrete exposed to thermal loading (passive and active methods), mode of action of polypropylene fibres and more is also included in the theoretical part. The main aim of experimental part is to verify the function of polypropylene fibers of various Melt Flow Indexes (MFI) and dosage. Primarily, the test samples with content of the PP-fibers are compared to the reference sample without fibers. Secondarily, the samples with standard PP-fibers (with MFI 25) with dosage 2.0 kg/m3 are compared to samples with modified PP-fiber (with MFI 2500) of dosage 0.9 kg/m3. Photogrammetric images were used for evaluation and comparison of spalled surfaces and its depth. Determination of the softening temperature and melting point of the modified and standard PP-fibers was made by using a high temperature microscope video. The second part of the experimental work was to define concrete permeability at different temperatures and pressures. Permeability was measured at temperatures of 20°C, 90°C, 150°C, 175°C, 200°C, 225°C and 250°C and at pressure of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 MPa.
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Počítačové modelování metamateriálů / Computer modeling of meta-materialsBeran, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with metamaterial structures. Metamaterials are periodic structures, which have got permittivity or permeability, eventually both parameters, negative. Test is applied on three basic structures: Split Loop Array; Spiral Array a Double Spiral Array. For each structure is made dispersion diagram and are monitored S – parameters. Test is run in Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator and CST Microwave Studio software. Are monitored bandgaps and when structure is as left – handed medium or right – handed medium. Results are compared with results in literature.
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Model synchronního stroje s PM založeného na ekvivalentní reluktanční síti / Model of synchronous PM machine based on equivalent reluctance networkSporni, Peter January 2010 (has links)
Táto práca pojednáva o problematike vytvárania a simulácie reluktančnej sieti synchrónneho stroja s V tvarovanými permanentnými magnetmi v programe PSpice. Na začiatku sa oboznámime s konštrukciou a parametrami stroja a potom vyvodíme základné rovnice na výpočet každého prvku siete. Vypočítame každý prvok tohto stroja a potom vytvoríme túto sieť v PSpice. Na začiatku je simulovaná sieť statická a všetky magnetické odpory sú lineárne. Neskôr nahradíme lineárne odpory reprezentujúce plechy nelineárnymi a počítame s precovnou teplotou permanentných magnetov. Potom porovnáme naše výsledky s FEM metódou počítanými hodnotami a vypočítame indukované napätie v jednej cievke stroja. Na záver vypočítame výkonovú a momentovú charakteristiku stroja.
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Výkonové tlumivky / Power chokesŠkrla, Milan January 2011 (has links)
Thesis dissertate power reactors and analyses techniques of an air-core power coils and inductors with ferromagnetic circuit and an air gap. Construction of the inductors verified the accuracy of the calculated values against the measured parameters. According to the outcome of this analysis, corrections of the design process are derived. Thesis design optimization to minimize size, weight, efficiency and in comparsion of these two factoctors.
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