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Motivation vid arbete på distans : En studie om motivationsfaktorer vid distansarbete / Motivation for remote work : Study about motivational factors for remote workDahlin, Tobias, Koshchiy, Dmitry January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och förklara betydelsen och korrelationen mellan olika motivationsfaktorer vid distansarbete. En enkät utformad i Microsoft Forms användes för att mäta fyra motivationsfaktorer “bekräftelse”, “prestation”, “personlig utveckling” och“ arbetsuppgift” baserade på Hertzbergs motivationsteori. Populationen bestod av anställda som arbetade antingen på distans eller under hybridförutsättningar. Enkäten distribuerades via olika sociala medie-forum avsedda för anställda på distans. Totalt deltog 227 personer i studien och 160 uppfyllde kriterierna för populationen. Dataanalysen gjordes med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS, där en beskrivande analys och en korrelationsanalys med Spearman´s korrelationskoefficient genomfördes. Resultatet visade att anställda på distans ansåg feedback vara den viktigaste formen av bekräftelse. Det fanns också en positiv korrelation mellan feedback och viljan att lära sig nya saker hos dessa anställda. Däremot kunde vi inte hitta korrelation mellan trivsel under hög tidspress och självständighet hos anställda på distans. Resultaten indikerade att lära sig nya saker var den viktigaste faktorn för personlig utveckling hos anställda på distans. Dessutom fanns det en positiv korrelation mellan passion och självständighet. / The aim of the study was to describe and explain the significance and correlation between different motivational factors in remote work. A survey was used to measure four motivational factors - "recognition," "performance," "personal development," and "task" -based on Hertzberg's motivation theory. The population consisted of employees working either remotely or in hybrid conditions. To reach the population, the researchers join edvarious social media communities dedicated to remote workers and distributed the survey. A total of 227 individuals participated in the study and 160 met the criteria for the study. Dataanalysis was conducted using the statistical program SPSS including descriptive analysis and correlation analysis using Spearman's correlation coefficient. The results showed that remoteworkers considered feedback to be the most important form of recognition. There was also a positive correlation between feedback and the willingness to learn things among these employees. However, no correlation was found between job satisfaction under high timepressure and independence among remote employees. The results indicated that learning new things was the most crucial factor for personal development among remote employees. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between passion and independence.
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[pt] O artigo 205 da Constituição de 1988 apresenta o Direito à Educação como um direito dirigido a fins: o desenvolvimento da pessoa, o preparo para o exercício da cidadania e a qualificação para o trabalho. O presente trabalho realiza uma reflexão a respeito da relação da educação com o desenvolvimento da pessoa e com o preparo para o exercício da cidadania a partir dos ensinamentos do educador Paulo Freire. Para isso, o caminho percorrido tem o seu início no entendimento de Freire a respeito do humano: seres que leem o mundo a sua volta a partir de seus aprendizados, sonham com novos mundos possíveis, dialogam entre si para trocar aprendizados e sonhos e, por fim, agem coletivamente para a ocorrência dessa mudança. Em suas leituras, sonhos, afetações mútuas e ações coletivas, as pessoas se desenvolvem e vivem suas cidadanias ininterruptamente. Contudo esse ideal humano não é igualmente oferecido a todos as pessoas, pois Freire diagnostica no mundo relações de opressão e colonização, sobretudo nas conformações históricas e sociais do Brasil. Nesse contexto, a educação não poderá reverter esse quadro desigual sozinha, mas sim, em uma perspectiva libertadora, fornecer instrumentos cognoscíveis para o aprimoramento das leituras de mundo feitas pelas pessoas de forma a lhes possibilitar uma compreensão crítica do mundo que lhes circunda. Assim, o desenvolvimento das pessoas ocorre no contato com novas formas de ler o mundo e o preparo para o exercício da cidadania na capacitação para agir coletivamente sobre o mundo a partir dessas leituras. / [en] From Paulo Freire s theory s point of view, my study brings a reflection among two educational objectives pointed by the Brazilian Constitutional in the article 205: the personal human development and the preparation for the citizenship performance. To do so, the starting point is the understanding of the perspective Freire presents about human beings: beings that read the world and learn from the reading; dream about new worlds; talk to other human beings about those readings and dreams; and, finally, act collectively to transform the world. People continuously develop themselves and live their citizenship in their dreams, reading, mutual affectations and collective actions. However, there is an inequality in the
enjoyment of this human ideal, because of what Freire diagnoses as relations of oppression and colonization between human beings, especially regarding the Brazil s historic e social structures. In this context, the education is not able to change completely this unequal picture, but, in liberating perspective, the education can offer cognitive instruments to improve the readings people do about the world in a way to enable a critic understanding of the world. Therefore, the personal development happens in the contact one has with new ways to read the world and the preparations for the citizenship performance happens in the capacitation provided to act collectively from those critic point of views.
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La conversation cinématographique : le spectateur devant Ikiru (Kurosawa, 1952)Queenton, Jérémie 04 1900 (has links)
En utilisant une perspective philosophique, ce mémoire explore les liens forts entre la réception spectatoriale du film Ikiru (1952) d’Akira Kurosawa et l’idée qu’une œuvre d’art peut être perçu comme une conversation d’auteur à public. L’analyse induite par l’établissement de ce rapprochement est nourrie par divers éléments connexes tel que le phénomène empathique au cinéma, la notion de l’humanisme chez Kurosawa ou la pensée morale de Stanley Cavell, qui place le cinéma comme une possibilité d’introspection et d’amélioration pour le spectateur.
Le choix de ce film pour ce qui semble être une recherche s’intéressant plus au médium et sa réception qu’à une œuvre précise est motivé par la présence d’une construction narrative très particulière; le protagoniste principal meurt au deux tiers du film. La séquence suivante, lors de ses funérailles, est une grande conversation initiée par un auditoire interne (concept cher à Kurosawa), plaçant ainsi Ikiru comme un modèle incarnant les relations complexes que nous souhaitons comprendre avec ce mémoire.
Il est donc question, dans un premier temps, de tirer une plus grande compréhension du principe de la conversation en s’appuyant sur l’œuvre et les intentions du cinéaste. Une fois les concepts importants posés, notamment la conversation interne, l’empathie et la distanciation narrative, la réception spectatorielle de la séquence des funérailles et de l’œuvre en général est disséquée. Ce n’est qu’après cela que la perspective philosophique entre complètement en jeu, l’humanisme et l’utilitarisme faisant partie de la réponse que Kurosawa donne à la question posée : qu’est-ce qu’une bonne vie? / Using a philosophical perspective, this study explores the strong links between the spectatorial reception of Akira Kurosawa's film Ikiru (1952) and the idea that a work of art can be perceived as an author-to-audience conversation. The analysis induced by the establishment of this parallel is nourished by various related elements such as the empathetic phenomenon in cinema, the notion of humanism in Kurosawa or the moral thought of Stanley Cavell, who places cinema as a possibility of introspection and improvement for the viewer.
The choice of this film for what seems to be a research focusing more on the medium and its reception than on a specific work is motivated by the presence of a very particular narrative construction; the main protagonist dies two-thirds of the way through the film. The following sequence, during his funeral, is a conversation initiated by an internal audience (a concept dear to Kurosawa), thus placing Ikiru as a model embodying the complex relationships that we wish to understand with this memoir.
It is therefore a question, first of all, of drawing a greater understanding of the principle of conversation by relying on the work and the intentions of the filmmaker. Once the important concepts are posed, including internal conversation, empathy and narrative distancing, the spectator's reception of the funeral sequence and the work in general is dissected. Only then does the philosophical perspective fully come into play, with humanism and utilitarianism being part of Kurosawa's answer to the question posed: what is a good life?
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Visst känns det fint att vara vid liv en dag till? : En litteraturöversikt om kvinnors upplevelse av livsvärlden efter avslutad bröstcancerbehandling / Isn't it wonderful to be alive for another day?Karlstens Bergström, Julia, Blomqvist, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen som drabbar kvinnor och allt fler överlever sin bröstcancerbehandling tack vare välutvecklade behandlingsstrategier som kirurgi, strål- och läkemedelsbehandling. Kvinnorna går från att vara i beroendeställning till sjukvården till att åter bli självständiga efter en omtumlande period av behandling. Dessa omställningar kan medföra nya erfarenheter för kvinnorna som i sin tur kan komma att påverka deras livsvärld och den vardag de sedan återgår till. Sjuksköterskan har i denna process ett lika stort ansvar att främja hälsa och lindra lidande såväl under som efter behandlingsperioden. För att kunna göra detta behöver sjuksköterskan se kvinnorna och dess livsvärld som levda kroppar. Detta för att förstå vilka långsiktiga utmaningar kvinnorna kan komma att möta efter att ha avslutat sin behandlingsresa och för att fortsätta kunna stödja de till en långsiktig och hållbar hälsa. Därav är syftet för denna allmänna litteraturöversikt att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av livsvärlden efter avslutad bröstcancerbehandling. För att kunna besvara syftet har 10 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats valts ut efter kvalitetsgranskning och analys. Sökningar har gjorts i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultatet presenteras under tre huvudteman: “Upplevelser av den levda kroppen”, “Emotionella och sociala aspekter” och “Personlig utveckling”. Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde en förändring av den fysiska kroppen och de flesta uttryckte att den största utmaningen var den emotionella påfrestningen och att fortsätta livet efteråt. Det beskrivs av många kvinnor att det finns en oro kring framtiden. Däremot beskriver många kvinnor att de känt en personlig utveckling och en stor tacksamhet till att få möjligheten att fortsätta leva. / Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer that affects women, and more and more are surviving their breast cancer treatment thanks to well-developed treatment strategies such as surgery, radiation and drug therapy. The women transition from a position of dependency on healthcare to regaining independence after a shattering period of treatment. These changes can lead to new experiences for the women, which in turn can affect their world of life and the everyday life they then return to. In this process, the nurse has an equal responsibility to promote health and alleviate suffering both during and after the treatment period. To be able to do this, the nurse needs to see the women and their life world as living bodies. This is to understand what long-term challenges the women may face after completing their treatment journey and to continue to be able to support them to long-term and sustainable health. Hence, the purpose of this general literature review is to shed light on women's experience of the life world after completion of breast cancer treatment. In order to answer the purpose, 10 articles with a qualitative approach have been selected after quality review and analysis. Searches have been made in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The results are presented under three main themes: "Experiences of the lived body", "Emotional and social aspects" and "Personal development". The majority of women experienced a change in the physical body and most expressed that the biggest challenge was the emotional strain and moving on with life afterwards. It is described by many women that there is a concern about the future. On the other hand, many women describe that they felt a personal development and great gratitude for having the opportunity to continue living.
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An assessement of the effectiveness of school guidance and counselling services in Zimbabwean secondary schoolsChireshe, Regis 30 November 2006 (has links)
The present study attempted to assess the effectiveness of the Zimbabwean secondary school guidance and counselling services from school counsellors' and students' perspective. Available literature shows that students worldwide, including Zimbabwe, experience problems which schools should solve through the provision of guidance and counselling. It was therefore, important to the researcher to assess the effectiveness of the school guidance and counselling services in meeting students' concerns.
The research design consisted of a literature and an empirical study. The survey method was used in the empirical study. A self constructed questionnaire was used. Three hundred and fourteen school counsellors and 636 students participated in this study.
The SAS/STAT version 9.1 was used to analyse the data. One way and combined two way frequency tables were calculated. Ratios were calculated to establish the relative rating of each item. Chi-square tests were also calculated.
The study revealed that there were differences between the level of the school guidance and counselling services in Zimbabwean secondary schools and the international arena. For example, school guidance and counselling services policy in Zimbabwe was not mandatory as compared to the international policies. The Zimbabwean school guidance and counselling services were not always planned for at the beginning of each year, Students and parents were not frequently involved in needs assessment while the services were not frequently evaluated in comparison with those in the international arena.
The study also revealed that some biographical variables significantly influenced the way the respondents responded to given items while others did not. The study revealed that the majority of both school counsellors and students viewed the school guidance and counselling services as beneficial and school counsellors as effectively playing their role. The study further revealed that the effectiveness of the Zimbabwean secondary school guidance and counselling services was negatively affected by lack of resources and training in guidance and counselling and non-counselling duties performed by school counsellors.
Recommendations for future approaches and strategies in secondary school guidance and counselling services in Zimbabwe are made. Areas for further research are proposed. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Gestaltspelterapie as ondersteuning vir die emosionele bewustheid van die laerskoolkindCroukamp, Welhelmina Elizabeth 30 November 2004 (has links)
This study was aimed at the description of how to support the emotional awareness of the primary school child through Gestalt Play Therapy.
The research strategy enclosed case studies. A supportive literature study was done with regard to awareness, emotional awareness, emotional intelligence, emotional skills, social skills, self-esteem, the primary school child and Gestalt Play Therapy.
In the implementation of the research study two case studies were described. The sampling method was based on a non-probability sampling technique. The criteria of the respondents were emotional and social inadequate functioning. Case study one functioned emotional and social inadequately as a result of the family moving. Case study two was involved in bullying activities at the school. Respectively ten and eleven therapeutic sessions of one hour each over a period of ten and eleven weeks were conducted.
Both children did benefit from the Gestalt Play Therapeutic intervension. Their awareness with regard to themselves and their own experience brought them in contact with themselves, which is necessary for healthy child development. / Social Work / M.Diac.(Play Therapy) / Text in Afrikaans
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Kompetence a jejich rozvoj v novém skautském výchovném programu / Competences and their development in the new scout educational programKuberová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of key competences through Scout training. It focuses on the transformation of educational program in the Junák - Association of Scouts and Guides of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part describes the history, the mission and ideals of Scouting. It deals with the development of Scouting in Czechoslovakia (or the Czech Republic) after 1990 and also explains how Junák is perceived by the public. It was found out by studies that were done in 2003. This thesis compares the historical and current educative documents that are used to support the development of children and young people's personalities. The thesis describes the initial impulses that led to the program's modification. Also the system of competences, which is essential for the new program, is developed in the thesis. The practical part contains instructions and suggestions for effective development of skills and deals with the further education for scout leaders. The work is accompanied by attachments that contain examples of previous and modern materials and a table summarizing the development of competences.
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Facilitating the development of self-directed learning skills in information systems students.Benvenuti, Susan Ann 07 January 2013 (has links)
Accelerating technological and social innovation drives the need for graduates ready for self-directed lifelong learning. Self-directed learning (SDL) projects are now an integral part of many formal undergraduate programs across the disciplines.
A Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) based on Grow’s Iterative Staged Self-directed Learning Model was introduced into a second year Information Systems course to raise awareness of the need for SDL and enable students to drive their own learning. The study evaluates the success of the PDP in preparing graduates as self-directed lifelong learners. Students’ reflective writing and learning journals, together with submitted portfolio work was taken as evidence of success and difficulties.
Resistance often accompanies the changes introduced by SDL. This research therefore also explores the potential for business change management principles in mediating change to the educational environment.
Student engagement with SDL was found to be accomplished with mixed success; most students demonstrated initial resistance, while many developed into focused reflective learners over time. While students were able to define appropriate learning goals and reflect on progress and achievement, mixed ability in specifying resources, strategies and validation to support their learning was found. Creating change readiness through messaging, cooperative SDL and using adapted change management models were of use in refining the SDL process.
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Funkce leadershipu v konceptu učící se organizace / Leadership function in concept learning organisationStasinka Slivoňová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma theses deals with the concept leadership, the concept learning organisation and their reciprocel relationship, specificaly about function leadership in the learning organisation. The theses defines, observes and researches these two phenomenas in the segment of education, specificaly in schools related to programm "The leader in me" both in the Czech Republic and abroad - the Netherlands. Leadership mentioned in this work represent the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey as the main tool. The theses concerns the teachers' profesional development and their general personal characteristics, in a view of regarding development. The goal of the work is to summary of opinions related to the Covey 7 habits of highly effective people as leadership tool. Based on the summary the theses defines role of leadership in the learning organisation in the area of school and describes reciprocal relationships leadership and learning organisation and the area of professional development in the behaviour of teachers. Furthevemore, the these evaluates the importance in relationships from in accordance with effectivity and success of the learning organisation in the school area. The theoretical part of the theses defines the main concepts of work - leadership, learning organisation,...
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Living in Two Worlds: Intentional Personal Development of Autistic IndividualsVuletic, Ljiljana 17 February 2011 (has links)
Despite an increased interest in autism over the last decades, little research exists about life outcomes of autistic adults. The earliest follow-up studies of autistic individuals suggested that self- understanding and conscious efforts to change could be crucial factors in successfully reaching good life outcomes. However, these initial suggestions have not been further investigated. Therefore, this exploratory qualitative study examined the lives of eight highfunctioning autistic adults aged 25 to 63, from their own perspectives, through in-depth, semistructured interviews, to consider the relation of self-understanding and conscious efforts to change—in this study referred to as intentional personal development—to their life outcomes.
All participants demonstrated a level of self-understanding beyond what would be predicted by current theoretical models of autism. Their self-understanding was assessed through participants’ self-definitions, meaning-making of life experiences, and understanding of emotions. In their self-definitions, the participants emphasized their abilities and personality characteristics, rather than their disabilities. For their self-defining memories, as indicators of their meaning making of life experiences, most participants chose positive experiences related to their personal development. Their autobiographical accounts revealed that most participants possess a large iii
repertoire of emotion words, supporting an understanding of emotions. When a good life
outcome is defined traditionally—as being employed, living independently, and having social relationships—this study, contrary to expectations, did not provide overwhelming evidence for the significant role of intentional personal development in achieving this. However, when a good life outcome is defined in terms of achieving personal excellence, then the study did provide confirmation of intentionality as important to attaining good life outcomes. This study therefore suggests that traditional life outcome measures are inadequate for assessing the life outcomes of
autistic individuals because such measures do not take into account the individuals’ own sense of satisfaction with themselves and with their lives.
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