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Návrh a realizace kompetenčního přístupu při práci s dětmi mladšího školního věku v organizaci Junák - český skaut, z. s. / Design and Realisation of the Competency Approach for Children of Younger School Age in the Junák - Czech Scouting OrganisationČížková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create and implement a competency-based approach in the organization Junák - Czech Scouting for children of younger school age. Further, it analyses the possibilities and limits of such an approach. The theoretical part deals with the development of key competencies through scout education. Special attention is paid to the transformation of the educational programme in the children's organization Junák - Czech Scout at the beginning of the 21st century. Furthermore, the terms of competence and key competence are discussed. The practical part was carried out as action research in the 3rd Scout Unit Holubov. Using a questionnaire survey, the research first focuses on the reflection of Scout Paths, which represent the current scout tool for applying the competency-based approach. The next part of the research concentrates on creating a new competency-based model that verifies and reflects in practice. In the final part, the possibilities and limits of this new model are analyzed and suggestions for further implementations are proposed. Key Words key competencies, competency model, Scouting, Junák, Stezka, educational methods, New programme (educational scout programme), educational tools, personal development, competency-based approach.
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Personlig Utvecklings Tjänst : Invandrares upplevelser av inkludering i arbetsmarknadenIbishi, Antigona January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsenutgör en utvärdering av en kommunal arbetsmarknadspolitisk åtgärd/insatsbenämnt Personlig Utvecklings Tjänst (PUT- tjänst, PUT) som riktas tilllångtidsarbetslösa och socialbidragsberoende invandrare i Uddevalla kommun.Åtgärden/insatsen innebär att ett visst antal individer erhållervisstidsanställning inom kommunens verksamheter i syfte att bland annat fåarbetslivserfarenhet i Sverige och referenser. Syftet med studien är attfördjupa förståelsen för hur några av de som haft PUT- anställning upplevdeden. Deras upplevelser av insatsens/anställningens påverkan på livssituationenavseende ekonomi, sociala nätverk och aktiviteter samt upplevelsen avbemötandet på PUT- arbetsplatserna ställs i centrum. Sålunda fokuseras deintervjuades resonemang kring sin livssituation beträffande övergången frånsocialbidragstagande och långtidsarbetslöshet till visstidsanställning ochegenförsörjning genom insatsen PUT. Studien undersöker också huruvida deintervjuade utökat sitt sociala nätverk till att inkludera fler personer med svenskbakgrund medelst PUT- anställningen. Även de intervjuades upplevelser av PUToch dess betydelse i vägen mot integration i arbetsmarknaden lyfts fram. Kvalitativaintervjuer genomfördes med 10 personer som haft PUT- tjänst med ambitionen att kunnauppnå syftet med studien. I intervjuerna framkom att informanterna upplevdetidsperioden de hade PUT som positiv med särskild betoning på att derasekonomiska situation förbättrades avsevärt. I syfte att bibehålla eller utökaolika former av kapital, använder informanterna olika strategier och de framförupplevelser av stigmatisering och distinktioner av varierande slag. I analysenav resultatet, förenas Bourdieu (1999), Goffman (1972) och Elias och Scotson (1999).Flera konstateranden görs i diskussionsavsnittet och slutsatsen att behov attgenomföra vissa förändringar av insatsen dras, varför det i uppsatsen ocksålämnas förslag på hur PUT skulle kunna förändras i syfte att få ännu kraftigareoch bättre slagkraft på arbetslösheten bland socialbidragstagande ochlångtidsarbetslösa invandrare. I detta sammanhang refereras också till dentidigare forskning som presenteras i uppsatsen, vilken behandlar problemområdetinvandrare och deras inkludering/exkludering från arbetsmarknaden på grund avderas grupptillhörighet. / The essay is an evaluation of a local government actionto promote employment / operation called Personlig UtvecklingsTjänst/PUT-tjänst, PUT (Personal Development Employment / PUT- employment)directed to long-term unemployed and welfare dependent immigrants in UddevallaMunicipality. The action / operation means that a certain number of individualsreceive fixed temporary employment inside the municipality's operations/activitiesin order to, inter alia, get work experience in Sweden and references. Thepurpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how some of those whohave had PUT employment experienced it. Their experiences of the localgovernment action / employment and its impacts on living conditions, ineconomic, social networks and activities, and experience of the encounter onthe PUT workplaces is targeted. The focus is on the interviewees discussionsabout their lives about the transition from welfare dependency and long-termunemployment to fixed-term and self-sufficiency through the action PUT. Thestudy also examines whether the respondents expanded their social networks toinclude more people with Swedish background through the PUT employment. Alsothe interviewees' experiences of the PUT and its importance in the road tointegration into the labor market are highlighted. Qualitative interviews wereconducted with 10 people who had PUT employment with the ambition to achievethe aim of the study. The interviews revealed that respondents felt the timeperiod they had PUT- employment to be positive with special emphasis on theireconomic situation improved considerably. In order to maintain or expandvarious forms of capital, the respondents use different strategies and they expressexperiences of stigma and distinctions of various kinds. The analysis ofresults, combined Bourdieu (1999), Goffman (1972) and Elias and Scotson (1999).Several conclusions were made in the discussion section and settled that theneed to implement certain changes in operation is necessary. Therefore, thepaper also contains proposals on how the PUT could be changed in order to geteven stronger and better clout in unemployment among welfare dependency andlong-term unemployed migrants. In this context is also referred to the previousresearch presented in the paper, which deals with the problem area immigrantsand their inclusion / exclusion from the labor market because of their groupaffiliation.
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Global Health Experiences in the Development of Healthcare ProfessionalsModayil, Maria I. 24 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Det inre dramat på den yttre scenen. : En studie om Dramapedagogik och Neurolingvistisk Programmering i kombination, med avsikt att bryta begränsande mönster.Nilsson, Annacarin January 2016 (has links)
This paper is a qualitative, theory-based study with a phenomenological, hermeneutic approach and a didactic perspective. The aim of this study is to examine three educators experience of using both Drama in education (DP) and Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in conjunction with each other, with the aim of changing limiting patterns in individuals and groups. The study examines the following research questions: 1. How does an educator describe their work, using the combination of DP and NLP, with the aim to change limiting patterns? 2. What similarities as well as differences do educators experience between the two methodologies DP and NLP? 3. Why did the educator choose this particular combination? As background there's a brief description of education from a historic point of view and the concept of DP and NLP are explained together with examples of comprehensive research in the field. Following this: learning as theory is presented from the perspective of neuroscience, DP and NLP. Finally the concept of "limiting" patterns is described in detail.Three educators, working with both methods in conjunction, were interviewed and these interviews were compiled, compared and analysed relative to the research questions and theory derived from neuroscience and brain research.The result showes that the educators who were interviewed experienced numerous benefits from using both the DP and NLP methods in conjunction with each other - thus achieving more effective results in changing limiting patterns in people's attitudes, behaviour and outlook. Whilst both methods have similarities and differences, it's noticeable that they bring very different elements to the process. DP is seen as a collective, open and interactive approach that, together with its creative educational aspect, is contributing with a dramatic frame for exploration and visualisation of a particular subject's underlying and dominant patterns. NLP – also frequently based on a dramatic frame - is focused on how these internal patterns are distributed neurologically throughout our senses. The educators believe that DP and NLP used in conjunction creates an effective collaborative formula for change of patterns. Furthermore, NLP offers insights on how the educational approach can be effectively deepened and reinforced. Finally, the study shows that the combination works equally well in both group and individual processes. / Denna studie är en kvalitativ teorinära studie med en fenomenologisk, hermeneutisk ansats och ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Dess syfte är att undersöka tre pedagogers upplevelse av Dramapedagogik (DP) och Neurolingvistisk Programmering (NLP) i kombination, med avsikt att bryta begränsande mönster. Undersökningsfrågorna är: 1. Hur beskriver en pedagog sitt arbete att bryta begränsande mönster med kombinationen DP och NLP? 2. Vad upplever pedagogerna att det finns för likheter och skillnader mellan DP och NLP? 3. Varför har pedagogen valt denna kombination? I bakgrunden redogörs kortfattat för pedagogik ur ett historiskt perspektiv, begreppet DP och NLP beskrivs samt övergripande forskning inom områdena. Därefter redogörs för lärande inom DP, NLP samt ur ett neurovetenskapligt perspektiv. Slutligen redogörs för begreppet ”begränsande mönster”. Intervjuer av tre pedagoger som arbetar med båda metoderna gjordes, sammanställdes och analyserades efter undersökningsfrågorna och teori hämtad från neurovetenskap och hjärnforskning. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade pedagogerna upplever att det finns många fördelar med att kombinera DP och NLP i syfte att bryta begränsande mönster. De har både likheter och skillnader men framför allt tillför de helt olika saker. DP ses som en kollektiv, öppen och interaktiv metod som med sin gestaltande pedagogik tillför former för utforskande och synliggörande av underliggande och styrande mönster. NLP som också många gånger utgår från gestaltande former, är mer fokuserad på hur dessa interna mönster är ordnade neurologiskt via våra sinnen. Pedagogerna anser att DP och NLP är en effektiv kombination i ett förändringsarbete. Vidare kan NLP erbjuda insikter om hur det pedagogiska förhållningssättet kan förstärkas. Slutligen visar studien att kombinationen fungerar väl på såväl grupper som på individuella processer.
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Using Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) to Examine the Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on the Personal and Professional Development of Student TherapistsGiraldez, Dianna Isabel 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Introduction to Equine Assisted Family Therapy course offered at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) provides Master’s and Doctoral level student therapists the opportunity to learn how to conduct an equine session and how to utilize horses as part of the therapeutic process. Students learn about the underlying theories and framework behind the equine activities and methodology, as well as participate in the equine activities themselves. For the purpose of this study, classroom discussions centered around processing the students’ experiences and were further enriched by viewing photographs and videos that had been taken of the students conducting the equine activities. The researcher utilized IPR as a qualitative methodology to create an improved perspective where students reflected on their experience and made connections with their professional and personal developments.
The findings of this grounded theory study document how students reflected on their personal and clinical development. More specifically, the transcripts of the conversations that took place during class discussions and interviews from students who took the course a year earlier showed that students reflected on their personal awareness, created changes in their relationships, developed their self of the therapist, honed in on their clinical skills and started viewing therapy differently. This study confirmed the transformative nature that the Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy course has on the students.
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Exploring dynamic processes : a qualitative study of problem-based learning experiences within clinical psychology trainingConlan, Louise-Margaret January 2013 (has links)
Aim: The existing literature on the experiences of individuals who have undertaken Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as part of their doctoral Clinical Psychology training in the UK is scarce, particularly from the perspective of qualitative peer research. The aim of the present study was to construct and articulate a deeper account of such experiences, and in particular, to explore how individuals make sense of these experiences. It is hoped that the findings of the present study will increase awareness within Clinical Psychology training programmes of the experiences, perspectives and needs of trainees who undertake PBL. Method: A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight Trainee Clinical Psychologists who have undertaken PBL at a Clinical Psychology training programme in South-East England. Their accounts were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), which endeavours to illuminate the lived experiences of small samples of individuals who have experienced a particular phenomenon. Results: The analytic procedure highlighted four main themes emerging within participants’ accounts: Intensity of the experience; Striving towards connection versus fear of disconnection; Responses to manage the experience(s) can be unhelpful and helpful; and Trying to make sense of PBL. Implications: Participants characterised PBL as a challenging yet invaluable process through which they made significant gains, both professionally and personally. Facilitators were noted to play a key role in helping to create safe spaces in which trainees are supported to engage with issues that may arise for them in relation to their professional and personal development. Implications and recommendations are outlined for the benefit of Clinical Psychology training programmes that may wish to incorporate or alter PBL within their syllabuses.
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Ett nytt agilt värdegrundskoncept för system- och mjukvaruutveckling? : - En kvalitativ nulägesanalys hos ett IT-konsultbolag / A new agile value base concept for system and software development? : - A qualitative zero-position analysis at an IT consulting companyJonsson, Carl, Bogren, Olle January 2018 (has links)
Den här kandidatuppsatsen har utförts genom en nulägesanalys på ett IT-inriktat konsultbolag. Studien identifierar det upplevda nuläget inom organisationen för att se om medarbetarnas upplevelser matchar de förhoppningar organisationen har med ett nytt infört värdegrundskoncept. Ett värdegrundskoncept med syfte att identifiera medarbetarnas inre motivation och främja den personliga utvecklingen samt hur det nya värdegrundskonceptet ämnar lösa de problem som finns inom system- och mjukvaruutveckling. Organisationen vill i sin tur att det ska leda till ett internt och externt värdeskapande och engagemang för alla parter, vilket kopplas till samhällsnytta, hållbarhet samt arbetsmiljö. Studien har genomförts med en induktiv ansats, där den kvalitativa undersökningen har samlat in data utifrån sex intervjuer, för att få en djupare förståelse av medarbetarnas egna tankar och åsikter. Den insamlade empirin har sedan jämförts, analyserat och diskuteras i förhållande till teori och tidigare forskning. Utifrån likheter och skillnader kunde vi sedan dra en slutsats till hur nuläget i organisationen är i förhållande till vad teorin säger. Resultatet av studien påvisar att respondenterna har en gemensam syn på att organisationen är innovativa och placerar medarbetarna i fokus. Inom organisationen finns det en samhörighet, lyhördhet och delaktighet, vilket skapar engagemang, motivation och personlig utveckling bland medarbetarna. Respondenterna ser det nya värdegrundskonceptet som ett bra komplement den agila metodiken som råder inom organisationen samt ett bra agilt verktyg. Organisationskulturen speglas av bra stämning, fräsch och inbjudande kontorsmiljö samt ärlighet mot kunden. Det framkom även en del meningsskiljaktigheter under undersökningen, exempelvis rörande osäkerhet över hur informationen tillhandahålls och hanteras. / This candidate assignment has been conducted through a zero-position analysis at an IT- based consulting company. The study identifies the current situation within the organization to see if the employees' experiences match the hopes the organization has with a new introduced values concepts. A values concepts aimed at identifying employees' internal motivation and promoting personal development as well as how the new values concepts aims to solve the problems in system and software development. The organization, in turn, wants it to lead to internal and external value creation and commitment for all parties, linked to community benefits, sustainability and work environment. The study has been conducted with an inductive approach, where the qualitative survey has collected data based on six interviews, to gain a deeper understanding of the employees' own thoughts and opinions. The collected empire has since been compared, analyzed and discussed in relation to theory and previous research. Based on similarities and differences, we could then draw a conclusion about how the present situation in the organization is in relation to what the theory says. The result of the study shows that respondents have a common view that the organization is innovative and places employees in focus. Within the organization there is a sense of togetherness, responsiveness and participation, which creates commitment, motivation and personal development among the employees. Respondents see the new values concepts as a good complement to the agile methodology within the organization as well as a good agile tool. The organizational culture is reflected by good atmosphere, fresh and inviting office environment and honesty towards the customer. There were also some differences of opinion during the investigation, such as uncertainty about how the information is provided and managed.
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The midlife crisis, gender, and social science in the United States, 1970-2000Schmidt, Susanne Antje January 2018 (has links)
This thesis provides the first rigorous history of the concept of midlife crisis. It highlights the close connections between understandings of the life course and social change. It reverses accounts of popularization by showing how an idea moved from the public sphere into academia. Above all, it uncovers the feminist origins of the concept and places this in a historically little-studied tradition of writing about middle age that rejected the gendered "double standard of aging." Constructions of middle age and life-planning were not always oppressive, but often used for feminist purposes. The idea of midlife crisis became popular in the United States with journalist Gail Sheehy's Passages (1976), a critique of Erik Erikson's male-centered model of ego development and psychoanalytic constructions of gender and identity more generally. Drawing on mid-century notions of middle life as the time of a woman's entry into the public sphere, Sheehy's midlife crisis defined the onset of middle age, for men and women, as the end of traditional gender roles. As dual-earner families replaced the male breadwinner model, Passages circulated widely, read by women and men of different generations, including social scientists. Three psychoanalytic experts-Daniel Levinson, George Vaillant, and Roger Gould-rebutted Sheehy by putting forward a male-only concept of midlife as the end of a man's family obligations; they banned women from reimagining their lives. Though this became the dominant meaning of midlife crisis, it was not universally accepted. Feminist scholars, most famously the psychologist and ethicist Carol Gilligan, drew on women's experiences to challenge the midlife crisis, turning it into a sign of emotional instability, immaturity, and egotism. Resonating with widespread understandings of mental health and social responsibility, and confirmed by large-scale surveys in the late 1990s, this relegated the midlife crisis to a chauvinist cliché. It has remained a contested concept for negotiating the balances between work and life, production and reproduction into the present day.
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Animal-assisted therapy and equine-assisted therapy/learning in Canada: surveying the current state of the field, its practitioners, and its practicesSchlote, Sarah M. 02 July 2009 (has links)
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and equine-assisted therapy/learning (EAT/L) are innovative techniques in counselling, psychotherapy, mental health, coaching, and other personal growth interventions. Although this field has experienced tremendous growth in the United States, very little is known about its Canadian equivalent. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the current state of AAT and EAT/L in Canada, by conducting a national, bilingual (English and French) survey of helping professionals who involve animals in their practices. A total of 131 questionnaires were retained for analysis. The results of this study suggest that the field is very diverse, with a multitude of confusing terms and expressions, varying levels of education and training, and disagreement on how different practices are defined, resulting in a fragmented, confusing and inconsistent appearance. Recommendations for the evolution of the field and suggestions for future research are provided.
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Rozvoj pozitivní identity u romské mládeže ve volnočasových aktivitách / Development of young gypsies´positive identity in leisure timeHYNOUŠOVÁ, Olga January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with an identity of young Romanies. About its development, meaning and importance when searching for oneself. To understand the significance of finding the Romanian youth´s identity, it is essential to get familiar with their culture, traditions, way of life etc. In the theoretical part it is possible to find the topic of personal development with relation to free time, its importance with creating a personality and educational methods applied to working with Romanian youth coming out of {\clq}qgood experience``. The practical part focuses on fieldwork. The research is a verification of hypotheses that were set at the beginning of the work. The next part of the research are new facts that have been found by the author during the realization of the research in fieldwork. This work is supposed to provide an educationalist a complex view of the problems connected with the identity development of the Romanian identity.
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