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[pt] A liga VAT46 foi desenvolvida para ser uma opção às ligas comumente utilizadas em motores de combustão interna, VAT80A e VAT751. A microestrutura da liga VAT46, após passar por tratamento térmico, é formada pelas fases y [Ni3(Al,Ti)], y (Ni3Nb), carbetos de nióbio (NbC) e a δ [Ni3(Al,Ti,Nb)]. A fase δ contribui para otimização da liga, porem pode ser um caminho para o hidrogênio causar fragilização.
Os estudos de mecanismo de oxidação referentes a esta liga não analisaram a influência e as consequências do vapor d água e da fase δ nos estágios iniciais do processo de oxidação. Devido a insuficiência de dados, gerar informações inéditas sobre a influência do vapor d’água e da fase δ nos momentos iniciais de oxidação, torna este tipo de estudo relevante. Dois tipos de amostras da liga VAT46 foram submetidas a experiencia de oxidação, uma delas com a precipitação da fase δ, e foram utilizados como parâmetro a temperatura de 800ºC por 10 horas e dividido em duas etapas, uma com a presença de vapor d água e outro em ambiente seco. Apenas a amostra sem a fase δ foi oxidada nos dois ambientes.
As amostras oxidadas foram analisadas por meio de microscópio ótico, microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) e técnica de EDS. As análises microestruturais das amostras como recebida evidenciam a formação da fase δ com morfologia agulha e regiões adjacentes pobre em metais, como nióbio e níquel, o que pode significar a formação da desta fase pela dissolução da fase y. Os resultados relevaram que a nucleação de óxidos na superfície está relacionada com os carbeto e não com a fase δ e que a presença de vapor d água aumentou a velocidade de crescimento lateral dos núcleos de óxidos formados inicialmente nos carbetos. / [en] The VAT46 alloy was developed to be an option to the alloys commonly used in internal combustion engines, VAT80A and VAT751. The microstructure of the VAT46 alloy, after undergoing heat treatment, is formed by the phases y [Ni3(Al,Ti)], y (Ni3Nb), niobium carbides (NbC) and δ [Ni3(Al,Ti,Nb)]. The δ phase contributes to alloy optimization, but may be a pathway for hydrogen to cause embrittlement.
The oxidation mechanism studies for this alloy did not analyze the influence and consequences of water vapor and the δ phase in the initial stages of the oxidation process. Due to insufficient data, generating unpublished information on the influence of water vapor and the δ phase in the initial moments of oxidation makes this type of study relevant. Two types of samples of the VAT46 alloy were submitted to the oxidation experiment, one with the precipitation of the δ phase, and were used as a parameter the temperature of 800ºC for 10 hours and divided into two stages, one with the presence of water vapor and the other in a dry environment. Only the sample without the δ phase was oxidized in both environments.
The oxidized samples were analyzed using an optical microscope, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an EDS technique. The microstructural analyses of the samples as received show the formation of phase δ with needle morphology and adjacent regions poor in metals such as niobium and nickel, which may mean the formation of this phase by the dissolution of phase y. The results showed that the nucleation of oxides at the surface is related to the carbides and not to the δ phase and that the presence of water vapour increased the lateral growth speed of the oxide nuclei initially formed in carbides.
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Modélisation de la recristallisation de l'Inconel 718 pendant sa mise en forme à chaud / Modelling of recrystallization in Inconel 718 during hot formingZouari, Meriem 17 December 2015 (has links)
L'Inconel 718 est un superalliage base-nickel très utilisé pour la fabrication de pièces aéronautiques soumises à de fortes contraintes et de hautes températures. La maîtrise de la microstructure finale issue de la mise en forme à chaud est un des éléments clés pour le contrôle des propriétés mécaniques et pour répondre aux exigences strictes du secteur. Dans cette étude, l'évolution de la microstructure de l'Inconel 718 est étudiée au moyen d'essais de torsion suivis d'une trempe à l'eau (pour examiner les évolutions dynamiques) ou d'un maintien à la température de déformation puis d'une trempe à l'eau (pour examiner les évolutions post-dynamiques). Ces essais sont réalisés dans les domaines de température δ-supersolvus et δ-subsolvus et pour des vitesses de déformation de 10-2 à 0.1 s-1. Des analyses microstructurales par microscopie électronique à balayage et cartographie des orientations cristallographiques par EBSD sont réalisées pour suivre l'évolution de la fraction recristallisée, de la taille de grains recristallisés ainsi que de l'état de précipitation lors de la déformation et des maintiens pré- et post-déformation. Sur base de ces observations expérimentales, les principaux mécanismes métallurgiques actifs sont identifiés, puis modélisés : écrouissage, germination de nouveaux grains, migration de joints de grains, et interaction avec les particules de seconde-phases. Un modèle d'évolution microstructurale en champ moyen a été enrichi pour prendre en compte l'ensemble de ces mécanismes élémentaires et leur dépendance aux conditions thermomécaniques. Ce modèle permet de décrire, pour les domaines δ-subsolvus et δ-supersolvus, les cinétiques de recristallisation dynamique et post-dynamique de l'Inconel 718, les cinétiques de précipitation et dissolution de la phase δ, ainsi que l'évolution de la taille de grains. Il prédit également les courbes contrainte-déformation dans le domaine de température δ-supersolvus. / Inconel 718 is nickel-based Superalloy widely used in the aeronautic industry to manufacture aircraft parts subjected to extreme in-service conditions of high stresses at elevated temperatures. Controlling the microstructure after hot forming is a key element to control the mechanical properties of the final products and meet the tight specifications imposed by the aeronautic industry.In this work, the microstructure evolution of Inconel 718 was investigated via isothermal and iso-strain rate torsion tests followed by water quenching (to investigate dynamic evolution) or by annealing at deformation temperature then water quenching (to investigate post-dynamic evolution). These tests were conducted in both δ-Supersolvus and δ-Subsolvus temperature domains and for strain rates of 0.01 to 0.1 s-1.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) were used to characterize the microstructure and follow the evolution of the recrystallized fraction, the recrystallized grain size and the δ-phase precipitation after deformation and during pre-deformation and post-deformation annealing. Based on these experimental observations, the main metallurgical mechanisms have been identified and modelled: hardening, nucleation of new grains, grain boundaries migration and the δ-phase- recrystallization interaction.A two-site mean field approach having a low computational cost was chosen to model the microstructural evolution at different thermomechanical conditions. This model describes the main mechanisms taking place during hot forming of Inconel 718 in both δ-Supersolvus and δ-Subsolvus domains and predicts the recrystallization kinetics in both dynamic and post-dynamic regimes , the δ-phase precipitation and dissolution kinetics and the grain size evolution. The model predicts also the strain-stress curves at high temperatures in the absence of δ-phase particles.
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