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Capability building for the manufacture of photovoltaic system components in developing countriesBruce, Anna Gabrielle, Photovoltaics & Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) system components has a role to play in the industrialisation and poverty reduction strategies of developing countries. It has also been suggested that small scale local manufacture of balance of systems components has the potential to improve the maintenance, installation and use of the technology. However, PV is a complex technology and most developing countries have not been able to build the capabilities required to manufacture PV system components of an appropriate quality and price, either in the modern or small scale sectors. The factors that determine the success of PV manufacturers in developing countries are therefore of interest. Previous studies on learning in the PV industry have been focused on industry-wide concerns and have not explicitly addressed enterprise-level capability building or challenges specific to developing countries. In particular, there has been very little published about small scale PV manufacture. This thesis therefore aims to improve understanding of the factors that influence capability building, with a view to assisting decision making in relation to PV manufacture in developing countries. The aims of the study have been fulfilled by the development and assessment of a software simulation training tool for PV cell production line engineers, the development of an analysis framework, and application of it to several case study PV enterprises. Through the application of the framework to the case studies, it has been possible to assess the role of software simulations, the suitability of countries with different types of infrastructure for hosting PV manufacturing and the institutional arrangements or interventions that could be used to promote capability building for PV manufacturers in developing countries. While further case studies are required to make more than tentative conclusions, the framework developed and tested in this thesis may now be used as a tool to systematically and rapidly analyse the appropriateness of different types of PV manufacture in particular countries, to identify the weaknesses in their PV technological systems and therefore to suggest where resources should be invested and where appropriate institutional changes could be made. The simulation software has been demonstrated to be an effective capability building tool, thus providing one of the key elements required for successful manufacturing.
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Capability building for the manufacture of photovoltaic system components in developing countriesBruce, Anna Gabrielle, Photovoltaics & Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) system components has a role to play in the industrialisation and poverty reduction strategies of developing countries. It has also been suggested that small scale local manufacture of balance of systems components has the potential to improve the maintenance, installation and use of the technology. However, PV is a complex technology and most developing countries have not been able to build the capabilities required to manufacture PV system components of an appropriate quality and price, either in the modern or small scale sectors. The factors that determine the success of PV manufacturers in developing countries are therefore of interest. Previous studies on learning in the PV industry have been focused on industry-wide concerns and have not explicitly addressed enterprise-level capability building or challenges specific to developing countries. In particular, there has been very little published about small scale PV manufacture. This thesis therefore aims to improve understanding of the factors that influence capability building, with a view to assisting decision making in relation to PV manufacture in developing countries. The aims of the study have been fulfilled by the development and assessment of a software simulation training tool for PV cell production line engineers, the development of an analysis framework, and application of it to several case study PV enterprises. Through the application of the framework to the case studies, it has been possible to assess the role of software simulations, the suitability of countries with different types of infrastructure for hosting PV manufacturing and the institutional arrangements or interventions that could be used to promote capability building for PV manufacturers in developing countries. While further case studies are required to make more than tentative conclusions, the framework developed and tested in this thesis may now be used as a tool to systematically and rapidly analyse the appropriateness of different types of PV manufacture in particular countries, to identify the weaknesses in their PV technological systems and therefore to suggest where resources should be invested and where appropriate institutional changes could be made. The simulation software has been demonstrated to be an effective capability building tool, thus providing one of the key elements required for successful manufacturing.
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Otimização da energia geradas por painéis solares fotovoltaicos em sistemas isolados da rede elétricaPacheco, Juliano de Pellegrin 09 December 2009 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta o estudo, desenvolvimento e implementação de uma nova estrutura, composta por um conversor CC-CC bidirecional, conectada em paralelo com o sistema, para busca do ponto de máxima potência em painéis solares fotovoltaicos para aplicações isoladas da rede elétrica. Inicialmente são expostos os principais fatores que levaram à escolha do tema, assim como a problemática que motivou essa dissertação. Na seqüência é realizado um estudo sobre energia fotovoltaica, onde são mencionados os principais tipos de células fotovoltaicas e o comportamento de um módulo fotovoltaico em função da variação climática. Também são apresentados nesta dissertação os resultados do estudo, simulações, implementação e comparação entre os algoritmos de busca automática do ponto de máxima potência (MPPT) de módulos fotovoltaicos, baseados no método da Perturbação & Observação (P&O) e no método fuzzy. A seguir são mostrados os detalhes do funcionamento da nova estrutura proposta para busca do ponto de máxima potência (MPPT), onde se utiliza um conversor bidirecional (buck-boost) conectado em paralelo com o sistema, bem como o resultado das simulações da nova estrutura proposta que foram realizadas. Por fim, são apresentados os resultados experimentais dos ensaios realizados em laboratório e do comportamento de um módulo fotovoltaico real conectado à nova estrutura proposta. Os resultados experimentais comprovam a melhoria no rendimento do sistema fotovoltaico quando comparado com as soluções clássicas para a busca do ponto de máxima potência. / This work presents the analysis, design, and implementation of a new parallel connected structure, composed by a parallel bidirectional DC-DC power convert, for maximum power point tracking of stand-alone photovoltaic power generation systems. At first, the main factors that motivated the choice the topic of this work are presented. In sequence, the main types of photovoltaic cells and the photovoltaic panel characteristics in function of the climatic variation are analyzed. The study, implementation, comparison and simulation results of algorithm of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) also are presented in this work. The algorithm of MPPT are based in the method of Perturbation and Observation (P&O) and in the fuzzy method. Following, the characteristics of the new structure proposal, composed by a parallel connection bidirectional DC-DC converter simulations results. Finally, are presented the laboratorial experimental results and the behavior or a real photovoltaic module connected to the new structure proposal.
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Étude et analyse globale de l’efficacité énergétique d’un micro-réseau urbain à courant continu / Study and global analysis of the energy efficiency of an urban DC micro-gridWu, Hongwei 08 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les pertes dans un micro-réseau urbain à courant continu ayant comme but principal l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. Sachant qu’un tel micro-réseau multi-source consiste en plusieurs sources dont les natures sont très différentes, les convertisseurs statiques sont indispensables mais ils apportent des pertes de puissance. Ces pertes sont très variables en particulier avec les sources renouvelables comme les panneaux photovoltaïques. Dans la littérature le rendement du convertisseur est souvent traité comme une constante, mais des tests expérimentaux sont effectués pour prouver que le rendement est variable. Afin d’étudier les pertes en détail, un état de l’art sur les convertisseurs statiques a été effectué pour estimer les pertes en fonction de divers paramètres et variables. En considérant la précision d’estimation et la vitesse de calcul, un modèle énergétique moyen basé sur la fiche technique des composants utilisés est établi. Des tests expérimentaux sont effectués pour valider ce modèle sur les différents convertisseurs DC/DC et DC/AC utilisés dans le micro-réseau. Grâce à la simplicité de ce modèle, il peut s’insérer dans le système du contrôle en temps réel. Par conséquent, des stratégies de pilotage du micro-réseau sont proposées pour prendre en compte le rendement variable dans le contrôle global et local du micro-réseau. Ces stratégies permettent d’avoir un délestage flexible des puissances dans le micro-réseau et d’accélérer la vitesse de convergence du contrôle, avec la connaissance des pertes de chaque convertisseur à chaque instant. Les résultats montrent que ces stratégies conduisent à la réduction du coût énergétique et améliorent légèrement le rendement global du micro-réseau. / The object of the thesis is to study the power losses in an urbain DC microgrid in order to improve the energy efficiency. Noted that such a multi-source microgrid consist of several sources whose nature is different one from another, the static power converters are essential but they brings power losses. The power losses are quite variable in particular with the renewable energy source such as the photovoltaic panels. In the litteral works the converter efficiency is often treated as a constant, but experimental tests are carried out to show its variation. For the sake of study the power loss thoroughly, a state of art of the static converter is studied to develop a simple and fast estimation methode of power losses. Aiming at the tradeoff between the estimation accurancy and the calculation time, an averaged energy model is developped on the basis of the component datasheet. The experimental tests are carried out to validate the application of the model on the DC/DC and DC/AC converters used in the microgrid. Due to its simplicity, the model can be implemented in the real-time system. Thus the energy management strategies are proposed to interact with the variable efficiency on the high and low level control. These strategies are capable of shedding the powers in the microgrid with flexibility and accelerating the the convergency spped of control through the knowledge of power losses of each converter. The results show that the energy cost has decreased and the microgrid global efficiency is slightly improved.
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An analogue controlled switch-mode power system for a CubeSatMutch, Gavin Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Thesis presented in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of
Magister Technologiae in Electrical Engineering at the Cape Peninsula
University of Technology, 2013 / The power system is essentially one of the most critical subsystems to any satellite, without
some form of power system a satellite would simply cease to function. The research within these
pages investigates the areas pertaining to satellite power systems with the main focus towards
the CubeSat platform. The end objective of this research was the development of a reliable
analogue based switch-mode power system for a CubeSat.
The research began with an investigation into the CubeSat platform, the space environment
and a basic overview of a satellite and its systems. The research then focussed on satellite
power systems, focussing primarily on satellite power system topologies and switch-mode
power systems. Various components and concepts surrounding the satellite power system were
investigate and included the photovoltaic (PV) solar cell, batteries, satellite power system
topologies, protection concepts and typical CubeSat power systems. The nal part of the
literature review included research into typical CubeSat power systems.
The space environment complicates the design of satellite systems. The developed electrical
power system harnessed electrical power from a PV solar panel by means of a fractional opencircuit
voltage (FOCV) based maximum power point tracker (MPPT) with the use of a SEPIC
DC-DC converter. The use of a SEPIC DC-DC converter allowed the system to operate at a
greater e ciency than could be expected from linear designs. The requirement for an e cient
system was important as the heat generated by the power system could bring rise to dissipation
issues, resulting in over-heating of various components. The design took into account component
sizing, as larger components would be more prone to damage during the high accelerations and
vibrations associated with being launched into space. The use of a MPPT allowed the power
system to better utilise the available PV solar panel power, by maintaining the PV solar panel
near its optimum operating voltage. The design slid between MPPT and voltage regulation to
harness as much power as possible while not over-charging the Lithium polymer battery. The
power system consisted of battery under-voltage protection as well as over-current protection for
the attached payloads and satellite subsystems.
The SEPIC DC-DC converter was selected over other SMPS topologies, as this topology could
be used in a 1U and 3U CubeSat with a wide variety of PV solar panel cell con gurations. The
bene ts of this SMPS topology are due to the SEPIC DC-DC converter's ability to produce an
output voltage greater than, less than or equal to the input voltage (National Semiconductor,
2008; Texas Instruments, 2008a). This, along with the operation of the FOCV based MPPT,
allowed the power system to be very exible. The designed FOCV based MPPT could be pre-set to di ering PV solar cell technologies due to the adjustable ratio between the maximum power
point voltage, Vmpp, and the open-circuit voltage, Voc of the PV solar panel. It was decided not
to select a Buck or Boost DC-DC converter based power system as this would limit the exibility
of the system. Additionally, the SEPIC DC-DC converter brings with it the ability to isolate the
input and output voltage upon shut down. This isolation is due to the SEPIC DC-DC converter's
coupling capacitor and this topologies operation as described by National Semiconductor (2008)
and Texas Instruments (2008a).
The prototype was versatile allowing a wide variety of PV solar cell technologies to be used.
The wide operating voltage of the prototype allowed the design to be connected to a series or
parallel combination of solar cells with an operating voltage of 3 V to 20 V. The power handling
capability of the prototype per solar panel channel allows the design to be applied to a 1 U
or 3 U CubeSat given that the channel did not exceed 10 W. All components of the prototype
operated without fault, e ectively charging the Li-poly battery safely while protecting payloads
and subsystems. The SEPIC DC-DC converter utilised by the MPPT achieved an e ciency of
71 % under full load and with an input voltage of 10 V.
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Aplicação de sensores à fibra óptica no monitoramento térmico de painel fotovoltaico / Fiber optic sensor application in the monitoring of photovoltaic panelSantolin, Edson Antonio 12 August 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a aplicação das redes de Bragg em fibra óptica, como sensores no monitoramento e mapeamento térmico de um painel fotovoltaico instalado em ambiente aberto. Também foi analisada a capacidade desses sensores em detectar anomalias elétricas do painel, as quais são manifestadas pelas mudanças na temperatura. Devido ao fato de ser pioneiro no estudo da fibra óptica em painéis fotovoltaicos, o presente trabalho buscou comparar os resultados alcançados por esta tecnologia com os dados das demais técnicas de medição de temperatura, como por exemplo, o PT100 e câmera IR. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando um painel fotovoltaico instalado em ambiente aberto, onde as suas variações de temperatura foram medidas por 27 sensores de fibra óptica instalados em sua superfície frontal. Durante todos os ensaios as condições ambientais de temperatura ambiente, nível de radiação solar e velocidade do vento foram monitorados. Os resultados demonstraram potencialidade de utilização das redes de Bragg em fibra óptica na detecção de variações térmicas ocasionadas por fatores ambientais ou aquecimento nas células. / This paper has been studying the applications of Bragg gratings in optical fibers, as sensors for thermal mapping and monitoring on photovoltaic panel surface which was installing in an open environment. We also analyzed the ability of optical fibers sensors to detect electrical anomalies in the panel, which are manifested by the changes in its temperature. Because it was pioneering in study of optical fiber application into photovoltaic panel, this paper's objective is compare the results between this technology and the other techniques for temperature measurements, for example when are used the PT100 sensors or infrared camera. Assays were performed using a photovoltaic panel that is installed in an open environment, its temperature changes were measured by a total of 27 optical fiber sensors installed on the front surface. During the tests, the environmental conditions of temperature, level of solar radiation and wind speed, were monitored. The results demonstrate the potential use of Bragg gratings in optical fiber for detecting thermal fluctuations caused by environmental factors or by heating the cells.
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Aplicação de sensores à fibra óptica no monitoramento térmico de painel fotovoltaico / Fiber optic sensor application in the monitoring of photovoltaic panelSantolin, Edson Antonio 12 August 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a aplicação das redes de Bragg em fibra óptica, como sensores no monitoramento e mapeamento térmico de um painel fotovoltaico instalado em ambiente aberto. Também foi analisada a capacidade desses sensores em detectar anomalias elétricas do painel, as quais são manifestadas pelas mudanças na temperatura. Devido ao fato de ser pioneiro no estudo da fibra óptica em painéis fotovoltaicos, o presente trabalho buscou comparar os resultados alcançados por esta tecnologia com os dados das demais técnicas de medição de temperatura, como por exemplo, o PT100 e câmera IR. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando um painel fotovoltaico instalado em ambiente aberto, onde as suas variações de temperatura foram medidas por 27 sensores de fibra óptica instalados em sua superfície frontal. Durante todos os ensaios as condições ambientais de temperatura ambiente, nível de radiação solar e velocidade do vento foram monitorados. Os resultados demonstraram potencialidade de utilização das redes de Bragg em fibra óptica na detecção de variações térmicas ocasionadas por fatores ambientais ou aquecimento nas células. / This paper has been studying the applications of Bragg gratings in optical fibers, as sensors for thermal mapping and monitoring on photovoltaic panel surface which was installing in an open environment. We also analyzed the ability of optical fibers sensors to detect electrical anomalies in the panel, which are manifested by the changes in its temperature. Because it was pioneering in study of optical fiber application into photovoltaic panel, this paper's objective is compare the results between this technology and the other techniques for temperature measurements, for example when are used the PT100 sensors or infrared camera. Assays were performed using a photovoltaic panel that is installed in an open environment, its temperature changes were measured by a total of 27 optical fiber sensors installed on the front surface. During the tests, the environmental conditions of temperature, level of solar radiation and wind speed, were monitored. The results demonstrate the potential use of Bragg gratings in optical fiber for detecting thermal fluctuations caused by environmental factors or by heating the cells.
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Avaliação técnica e financeira da geração fotovoltaica integrada à fachada de edifícios de escritórios corporativos na cidade de São Paulo / Technical and financial evaluation of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in corporate buildings in the city of São PauloArthur Henrique Cursino dos Santos 17 November 2015 (has links)
As edificações comerciais, públicas e residenciais foram responsáveis em 2014 por 50% do consumo de eletricidade no país. Considerando os últimos dez anos, enquanto o consumo médio dos diferentes setores da economia cresceu 3,5% ao ano, o consumo do setor comercial cresceu 5,4%. Os edifícios de escritórios corporativos representam grandes consumidores de energia, chegando a valores superiores aos 200 kWh/m2.ano. A geração distribuída é uma solução que vem sendo estudada no país, primeiramente pela aprovação da Resolução Técnica 482:2012 da ANEEL, que regulamenta a geração de eletricidade na baixa tensão e depois pela aprovação da Portaria 381:2015 que dispõe sobre a geração de eletricidade na média tensão. Apesar do crescimento da geração por fontes fotovoltaicas no mundo, no Brasil essa geração ainda é mínima frente às fontes hídricas e térmicas. Nos edifícios de escritórios corporativos a instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos na cobertura é bastante limitada, devido à disputa de espaço com outros serviços, como as áreas técnicas e heliponto. Nesse contexto, as fachadas aparecem como oportunidade para geração de eletricidade, através da tecnologia fotovoltaica integrada na arquitetura (BIPV). Nesse estudo foi avaliada a viabilidade técnica e financeira da geração integrada à arquitetura dos edifícios de escritórios corporativos da cidade de São Paulo a partir do uso de vidros fotovoltaicos. Os resultados indicam que existe um potencial de redução de 15% no consumo de eletricidade anual, considerando tanto a geração de eletricidade, quanto a redução do consumo do sistema de ar condicionado, que tem sua carga térmica reduzida com o uso dos vidros fotovoltaicos. A tecnologia já é viável financeiramente no mercado brasileiro quando associada ao vidro refletivo, apresentando um tempo de retorno simples de 2,9 anos, uma TIR de 34,2% e um VPL de 1.779.257,53, para um edifício em torre com 28.010 m2 de área condicionada e 21 andares. / Commercial, public and residential buildings accounted in 2014 for 50% of electricity consumption in Brazil. Considering the last ten years, while the average consumption of the different sectors of the economy increased by 3.5% per year, the consumption of the commercial sector grew 5.4%. Corporate buildings are major energy consumers, reaching values in the range of 200 kWh/m2.year. Distributed generation is a solution that has been studied in the country, primarily with the approval of the Technical Resolution 482:2012, which regulates the generation of electricity at low voltage and then with the approval of the General Ordinance 381:2015 which regulates the generation of electricity at medium voltage. Despite the growth in generation from photovoltaic sources in the world, in Brazil this generation is still minimal when compared to other sources, like hydro and thermal plants. In commercial buildings, the space to install photovoltaic panels on the roof is quite limited. In this context the facades appear as an opportunity to generate electricity through photovoltaic technology integrated in the architecture (BIPV). In this study we evaluated the technical and financial feasibility of the integrated generation to the architecture of corporate buildings in the city of Sao Paulo. The results indicate a 15% reduction potential in annual electricity consumption, considering both the electricity generation and the reduction of the consumption by the air conditioning system, which has a reduced thermal load when photovoltaic glass is used. The BIPV technology is already feasible in the Brazilian market when coupled with reflective glass, showing a simple payback of 2.9 years, an IRR of 34.2% and a NPV of 1,779,257.53, for a building with 28,010 m2 and 21 floors.
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Políticas e mecanismos de incentivo às fontes renováveis alternativas de energia e o caso específico da geração solar fotovoltaica no Brasil e no Chile / Policies and Mechanisms to Incentive Alternative Renewable Energy Sources and the Specific Case of Photovoltaic Solar Generation in Brazil and in ChileNogueira, Larissa Gonçalves 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Gilberto De Martino Jannuzzi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T21:42:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nogueira_LarissaGoncalves_M.pdf: 2506781 bytes, checksum: 2b63fc90bfa86344fd1d43917510b57c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Apesar da geração de energia elétrica no mundo ainda ser majoritariamente oriunda de combustíveis fósseis e não renováveis, várias políticas de incentivo ao uso de fontes renováveis alternativas de energia têm sido desenvolvidas. Dentre estas fontes, a geração de energia elétrica a partir de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede se destaca devido à elevada taxa de crescimento dos últimos anos; pelas expressivas reduções de preço e por ser uma das tecnologias chave para a geração descentralizada de energia elétrica em áreas remotas. Alguns dos benefícios da geração distribuída a partir de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede são: postergação de investimentos em expansão nos sistemas de distribuição e de transmissão; baixo impacto ambiental e tempo reduzido de implantação; redução no carregamento das redes e de perdas; e diversificação da matriz energética. No entanto, observa-se que a fonte tem sido mais bem aproveitada em países com baixos índices de irradiação solar. Chile e Brasil, por exemplo, possuem excelente potencial solar e oportunidades semelhantes de investimento na tecnologia, mas restringiram a utilização da fonte basicamente a sistemas isolados. Neste contexto, algumas iniciativas no Brasil e Chile têm visado o desenvolvimento da energia solar fotovoltaica. Esta dissertação tratou de analisar comparativamente as principais barreiras enfrentadas pela geração distribuída a partir de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede e, em seguida, sugeriu, através de cenários, quais mecanismos de incentivo seriam mais adequados para a promoção desta tecnologia / Abstract: Despite the generation of electricity in the world is still mainly coming from non-renewable fossil fuels, various policies to encourage the use of alternative renewable energy sources have been developed. Among these sources, electricity generation from photovoltaic systems connected to the grid has shown high rate of growth in recent years, due to the significant price reductions and also for being one of the preferred technologies for decentralized electricity generation in remote areas. Some of the benefits of distributed generation from photovoltaic systems connected to the grid are: postponement of investments needed for expanding distribution and transmission systems, low environmental impact and reduced time to deployment, reduction in network load and losses, improvement of voltage levels during heavy load and electric matrix diversification. Nevertheless, it is observed that the source has been utilized better in countries with low levels of solar radiation. Chile and Brazil, for example, have excellent solar potential and similar opportunities to investment in the technology, but the source use has been basically restricted to isolated systems. However, many initiatives in Brazil and Chile have targeted the development of solar photovoltaic systems in these countries. This thesis has the objective to analyze the major barriers faced by distributed generation from photovoltaic systems connected to the grid and then suggest, through scenarios, which mechanisms would be more appropriate for the promotion of this technology / Mestrado / Planejamento de Sistemas Energeticos / Mestre em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos
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Microinversor monofásico para sistema solar fotovoltaico conectado à rede elétrica / Single-phase micro-inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic systemsGazoli, Jonas Rafael 08 October 2011 (has links)
Orientadores: Ernesto Ruppert Filho, Marcelo Gradella Villalva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T00:52:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Gazoli_JonasRafael_M.pdf: 7156744 bytes, checksum: 8382e373834c6001d3a70cd31e6f291f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma contribuição à pesquisa e ao desenvolvimento de microinversores monofásicos para sistemas fotovoltaicos de energia solar conectados à rede elétrica de baixa tensão. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é apresentar o projeto, a construção e os resultados experimentais de um microinversor eletrônico que processa a energia proveniente de um painel fotovoltaico e faz a conexão deste dispositivo com a rede El. São apresentados estudos teóricos e simulações sobre painéis fotovoltaicos, sobre a modelagem e o controle de conversores eletrônicos e sobre o algoritmo de rastreamento do ponto de máxima potência. São apresentados resultados experimentais obtidos com um microinversor experimental desenvolvido em laboratório, constituído de dois estágios de conversão (CC-CC e CC-CA) / Abstract: This thesis presents a contribution to research and development of single-phase micro-inverters for low voltage grid-connected photovoltaic systems. The main goal of this research is to present the project, the development and experimental results of an electronic micro-inverter that processes the energy from a photovoltaic panel and connects this device to the main grid. Theoretical studies and simulations on photovoltaic panels are shown, as the modeling and control of the electronic converters and the maximum power point tracking algorithm. Results with an experimental microinverter consisting of two stages (DC-DC and DC-AC) are also shown / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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