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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nová hybridní jednovodičová sběrnice pro mikroelektronické systémy / Novel Hybrid One-wire Bus for Microelectronic Systems

Levek, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the research and development of a new hybrid one-wire bus with special use enabling microelectronic integration. The bus, its physical layer and protocol have been developed based on applied research to meet the complex requirements of a new application group. These requirements are especially laid on the bus robustness and its immunity to interference and to work under real operating conditions. Part of the thesis is a description of existing solutions of one-wire buses, definition of current solutions and setting of goals for research of the new bus. Further are made the design of protocol and operating parameters of the bus operating in low power and power mode. In conclusion, the thesis deals with the practical verification of the proposed solution and there is also suggested a perspective of follow-up research in this area.

Optimalizace interferencí v celulárních komunikačních systémech / Interference Optimization in Cellular Communication Systems

Kassem, Edward January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce je rozdělena do šesti kapitol. První kapitola vysvětluje rozdíly mezi fyzickou vrstvou uplinků systémů LTE a LTE Advanced, zkoumá charakteristiky kanálu komunikace D2D v rámci sítě LTE Advanced, a navrhuje mechanismy optimalizace interferencí. Rovněž je v práci prezentována struktura softwarově definované rádiové platformy, která může být využita pro vyhodnocení rádiových kanálů. Druhá kapitola hodnotí a porovnává výkony uplinkové části fyzické vrstvy systému LTE a LTE Advanced. V prostředí MATLAB je implementována struktura LTE Advanced vysílače a přijímače se všemi stupni zpracování signálu. Generované signály obou výše uvedených systémů jsou přenášeny přes různé modely kanálu ITU-R. Byly používány různé techniky odhadu kanálů a detekce signálu pro obnovení vysílaného signálu. Výsledky jsou prezentovány formou křivek BER a křivek datové prostupnosti. Třetí kapitola navrhuje způsob opakování frekvencí v celulární síti (frequency-reuse) se třemi úrovněmi výkonu, který se využívá jako typ pokročilé metody snižování interferencí. Jsou ukázány normalizované kapacitní hustoty buněk a jejich podoblastí se třemi různými případy distribuce uživatelů uvnitř buněk. Je zobrazena korelace mezi celkovou kapacitou a poloměrem každého regionu. Dosažené výsledky navrhovaného schématu jsou porovnávány s tradiční technikou opakovaného použití frekvence (Reuse-3). Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá výzkumem alternativní metody optimalizace interferencí. Bylo provedeno ověření kooperačních metod snímání rádiového spektra ve čtyřech různých reálných prostředích: venkovní-interiérové, vnitřní-venkovní, venkovní-vnitřní a venkovní-venkovní. Navržený systém je testován pomocí zařízení Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) a obsahuje dva typy detektorů; energetický detektor a statistický detektor založený na Kolmogorově-Smirnovově testu, které byly implementovány na přijímací straně. Jedním z hlavních požadavků komunikace D2D je znalost charakteristik impulzních odezev rádiového kanálu. Pátá kapitola proto představuje metodu měření kanálu pomocí Zadoff-Chu sekvencí ve frekvenční oblasti jako alternativní techniku k měření kanálu v časové nebo frekvenční doméně. Pomocí navržené metody se základní charakteristiky kanálu, jako je časové rozšíření kanálu (RMS delay spread, mean excess delay), útlum šířením a koherenční šířka pásma extrahují v (až 20x) kratším čase ve srovnání s klasickou metodou měření kanálu ve frekvenční doméně. Jsou také zkoumány charakteristiky venkovních statických rádiových kanálů na vzdálenost několika kilometrů pro pásma UHF a SHF s ko-polarizovanou horizontální a vertikální konfigurací antény. Šestá kapitola uzavírá tezi a shrnuje závěry.

Modely systému LTE / LTE system models

Navrátil, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Master’s thesis is focused on part of mobile network named LTE. Project is analyzes the LTE physical layer, which is divided into four basic parts: Physical channels and modulation, Multiplexing and channel coding, Physical layer procedures, Physical layer measurements. Every part is described by actual 3GPP standard [1]. To understand the problem is expected a reader basic knowledge of OFDM systems, which the LTE system uses. The next part of this master’s thesis is dedicated to mathematic model physical layer of system LTE, created by program Matlab. This model is designed to measure errors in data transmission.

Beamforming and Protection Strategies in Gaussian MISO Wiretap Systems with Partial Channel State Information

Engelmann, Sabrina 29 June 2015 (has links)
Within this thesis, we investigate the possibilities of physical layer secrecy for two special system models. In detail, we study beamforming and protection strategies in the Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Gaussian Wiretap Channel (WTC) and the Gaussian two-hop relay WTC with multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver. In both system models, we examine the influence of partial Channel State Information (CSI) on the link to the eavesdropper and compare the achievable secrecy rates with the case of full CSI. We show for the MISO WTC that in the fast fading scenario the Beamforming Vector (BV) can be optimized such that the ergodic secrecy rate is maximized with regard to the degree of channel knowledge. Further we show that the ergodic secrecy rate can be significantly increased by usage of Artificial Noise (AN), if applied in a smart way. This means that the degree of channel knowledge on the link to the eavesdropper influences the portion of power that is spent for AN at the transmitter as well as the direction, in which the AN signal is sent. In addition, we apply the same beamforming and protection strategies to the slow fading scenario and find that these techniques also reduce the secrecy outage probability. For the two-hop relay WTC, we introduce Information Leakage Neutralization (IN) as a new protection strategy. If applied to a system model, where the transmitter has full CSI, the instantaneous secrecy rate performs almost as well as the instantaneous capacity of the peaceful system without an eavesdropper. The IN protected scheme outperforms the AN protected approach and performs much better than any beamforming scheme without additional protection mechanism. Another positive aspect of the IN protected scheme in the case of full CSI is that conventional channel codes can be applied instead of wiretap codes. For the case of partial CSI, where the transmitter has only an outdated estimate on the channel between relay and the eavesdropper, we show that the IN protected scheme can also be applied. Here, it strongly depends on the channel realizations and the delay of the estimate, whether the IN or the AN protection scheme should be applied. / In dieser Arbeit wird das Leistungsvermögen der Sicherheit auf der physikalischen Schicht anhand von zwei speziellen Systemmodellen untersucht. Im Detail werden Beamforming- und Absicherungsstrategien im gaußschen Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Wiretap Channel (WTC) und dem gaußschen Two-hop Relay WTC mit mehreren Antennen am Sender und Empfänger studiert. In beiden Systemmodellen wird der Einfluss von partieller Kanalkenntnis zum Abhörer betrachtet und die so erreichbaren Sicherheitsraten mit denen verglichen, die bei voller Kanalkenntnis erreichbar sind. Für den MISO WTC kann gezeigt werden, dass für Kanäle mit schnellem Schwund der Beamforming-Vektor in Hinblick auf die ergodische Sicherheitsrate unter Berücksichtigung des Grades der Kanalkenntnis optimiert werden kann. Zudem kann durch die intelligente Verwendung von künstlichem Rauschen (Artificial Noise, AN) die ergodische Sicherheitsrate signifikant erhöht werden. Hierbei nimmt der Grad der Kanalkenntnis direkt Einfluss auf die Aufteilung der Leistung zwischen Daten- und AN-Signal am Sender sowie auch auf die Richtung, in der das AN-Signal gesendet wird. Zudem kann gezeigt werden, dass dieselben Beamforming- und Absicherungsstrategien ebenfalls die Sicherheitsausfallwahrscheinlichkeit für Kanäle mit langsamem Schwund minimieren. Im gaußschen Two-hop Relay WTC wird Information Leakage Neutralization (IN) als neuartige Absicherungsstrategie eingeführt. Diese Absicherungsstrategie erreicht nahezu dieselben instantanen Raten wie ein friedvolles System ohne Abhörer, wenn es bei voller Kanalkenntnis am Sender eingesetzt wird. Weiterhin sind durch die IN-Absicherungsstrategie höhere Raten erreichbar als durch den Einsatz von AN. Zusätzlich kann im Fall von voller Kanalkenntnis auf den Einsatz von Wiretap-Codes verzichtet werden. Auch im Fall partieller Kanalkenntnis, wo der Sender nur eine veraltete Schätzung des Kanals zwischen Relay und Abhörer besitzt, kann gezeigt werden, dass die IN-Absicherungsstrategie angewendet werden kann. Hierbei hängt es jedoch stark von den Kanalrealisierungen und dem Alter der Kanalschätzung ab, ob die IN- oder die AN-Absicherungsstrategie bessere Ergebnisse bringt und daher angewandt werden sollte.

Compute-and-Forward in Multi-User Relay Networks: Optimization, Implementation, and Secrecy

Richter, Johannes 26 April 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate physical-layer network coding in an L × M × K relay network, where L source nodes want to transmit messages to K sink nodes via M relay nodes. We focus on the information processing at the relay nodes and the compute-and-forward framework. Nested lattice codes are used, which have the property that every linear combination of codewords is a valid codeword. This property is essential for physical-layer network coding. Because the actual network coding occurs on the physical layer, the network coding coefficients are determined by the channel realizations. Finding the optimal network coding coefficients for given channel realizations is a non-trivial optimization problem. In this thesis, we provide an algorithm to find network coding coefficients that result in the highest data rate at a chosen relay. The solution of this optimization problem is only locally optimal, i.e., it is optimal for a particular relay. If we consider a multi-hop network, each potential receiver must get enough linear independent combinations to be able to decode the individual messages. If this is not the case, outage occurs, which results in data loss. In this thesis, we propose a new strategy for choosing the network coding coefficients locally at the relays without solving the optimization problem globally. We thereby reduce the solution space for the relays such that linear independence between their decoded linear combinations is guaranteed. Further, we discuss the influence of spatial correlation on the optimization problem. Having solved the optimization problem, we combine physical-layer network coding with physical-layer secrecy. This allows us to propose a coding scheme to exploit untrusted relays in multi-user relay networks. We show that physical-layer network coding, especially compute-and-forward, is a key technology for simultaneous and secure communication of several users over an untrusted relay. First, we derive the achievable secrecy rate for the two-way relay channel. Then, we enhance this scenario to a multi-way relay channel with multiple antennas. We describe our implementation of the compute-and-forward framework with software-defined radio and demonstrate the practical feasibility. We show that it is possible to use the framework in real-life scenarios and demonstrate a transmission from two users to a relay. We gain valuable insights into a real transmission using the compute-and-forward framework. We discuss possible improvements of the current implementation and point out further work. / In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Netzwerkcodierung auf der Übertragungsschicht in einem Relay-Netzwerk, in dem L Quellen-Knoten Nachrichten zu K Senken-Knoten über M Relay-Knoten senden wollen. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Informationsverarbeitung an den Relay-Knoten und dem Compute-and-Forward Framework. Es werden Nested Lattice Codes eingesetzt, welche die Eigenschaft besitzen, dass jede Linearkombination zweier Codewörter wieder ein gültiges Codewort ergibt. Dies ist eine Eigenschaft, die für die Netzwerkcodierung von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Da die eigentliche Netzwerkcodierung auf der Übertragungsschicht stattfindet, werden die Netzwerkcodierungskoeffizienten von den Kanalrealisierungen bestimmt. Das Finden der optimalen Koeffizienten für gegebene Kanalrealisierungen ist ein nicht-triviales Optimierungsproblem. Wir schlagen in dieser Arbeit einen Algorithmus vor, welcher Netzwerkcodierungskoeffizienten findet, die in der höchsten Übertragungsrate an einem gewählten Relay resultieren. Die Lösung dieses Optimierungsproblems ist zunächst nur lokal, d. h. für dieses Relay, optimal. An jedem potentiellen Empfänger müssen ausreichend unabhängige Linearkombinationen vorhanden sein, um die einzelnen Nachrichten decodieren zu können. Ist dies nicht der Fall, kommt es zu Datenverlusten. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, ohne dabei das Optimierungsproblem global lösen zu müssen, schlagen wir eine neue Strategie vor, welche den Lösungsraum an einem Relay soweit einschränkt, dass lineare Unabhängigkeit zwischen den decodierten Linearkombinationen an den Relays garantiert ist. Außerdem diskutieren wir den Einfluss von räumlicher Korrelation auf das Optimierungsproblem. Wir kombinieren die Netzwerkcodierung mit dem Konzept von Sicherheit auf der Übertragungsschicht, um ein Übertragungsschema zu entwickeln, welches es ermöglicht, mit Hilfe nicht-vertrauenswürdiger Relays zu kommunizieren. Wir zeigen, dass Compute-and-Forward ein wesentlicher Baustein ist, um solch eine sichere und simultane Übertragung mehrerer Nutzer zu gewährleisten. Wir starten mit dem einfachen Fall eines Relay-Kanals mit zwei Nutzern und erweitern dieses Szenario auf einen Relay-Kanal mit mehreren Nutzern und mehreren Antennen. Die Arbeit wird abgerundet, indem wir eine Implementierung des Compute-and-Forward Frameworks mit Software-Defined Radio demonstrieren. Wir zeigen am Beispiel von zwei Nutzern und einem Relay, dass sich das Framework eignet, um in realen Szenarien eingesetzt zu werden. Wir diskutieren mögliche Verbesserungen und zeigen Richtungen für weitere Forschungsarbeit auf.

Physical Layer Security with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Advanced Wireless Networks

Abdalla, Aly Sabri 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as enablers for supporting many applications and services, such as precision agriculture, search and rescue, temporary network deployment, coverage extension, and security. UAVs are being considered for integration into emerging wireless networks as aerial users, aerial relays (ARs), or aerial base stations (ABSs). This dissertation proposes employing UAVs to contribute to physical layer techniques that enhance the security performance of advanced wireless networks and services in terms of availability, resilience, and confidentiality. The focus is on securing terrestrial cellular communications against eavesdropping with a cellular-connected UAV that is dispatched as an AR or ABS. The research develops mathematical tools and applies machine learning algorithms to jointly optimize UAV trajectory and advanced communication parameters for improving the secrecy rate of wireless links, covering various communication scenarios: static and mobile users, single and multiple users, and single and multiple eavesdroppers with and without knowledge of the location of attackers and their channel state information. The analysis is based on established air-to-ground and air-to-air channel models for single and multiple antenna systems while taking into consideration the limited on-board energy resources of cellular-connected UAVs. Simulation results show fast algorithm convergence and significant improvements in terms of channel secrecy capacity that can be achieved when UAVs assist terrestrial cellular networks as proposed here over state-of-the-art solutions. In addition, numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods scale well with the number of users to be served and with different eavesdropping distributions. The presented solutions are wireless protocol agnostic, can complement traditional security principles, and can be extended to address other communication security and performance needs.

Authentication Techniques Based on Physical Layer Attributes / Autentisering tekniker baserade på fysiska lager attribut

Liang, Xintai January 2022 (has links)
Authentication is an indispensable part of information security. It serves to distinguish legitimate users from unauthorized ones. With the rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, authentication of wireless communication is gathering more and more attention. Traditional authentication methods using cryptography, such as Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) or digital signature, demand significant computational power and hardware resources, especially for low-end platforms. Spoofing attackers take advantage of trust relationships, trying to impersonate legitimate entities the wireless Access Point (AP) trusts. To tackle this issue, physical layer authentication methods are proposed. Using a fast and lightweight implementation, authentication based on physical layer attributes has the chance to improve the security performance of the authentication in the wireless network and protect it from spoofing attacks. It takes advantage of the uniqueness and inimitability of physical layer attributes by using them as identifying information. In this project, one of the physical layer attributes, Channel State Information (CSI), is utilized as the identifying information of devices. CSI samples from different wireless devices are collected by a wireless monitor. Features on amplitude and phase are extracted from raw CSI samples through data processing algorithms. For every device, a corresponding feature profile is pre-built so that authentication can be accomplished by matching the CSI profile. One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM), a machine learning technique, which has a satisfying performance in novel discrimination, is used for profile building and profile matching algorithms so that the physical layer identities from various devices can be distinguished effectively. Our study aims to prove the feasibility of the authentication using CSI identity is conducted and the authentication and spoofer detection accuracy is calculated. With the profile matching algorithm based on OCSVM, the authentication accuracy and the spoofer detection accuracy remains around 98% and 100% respectively. Finally, to address the limitations in related work, such as the phase error fingerprinting which is not effective across all the bands, and the instability of the authentication results, a combined authentication method is designed and implemented successfully. The new method is based on both the traditional cryptographic authentication and CSI-based authentication. The implementation is accomplished by using the data processing methods and discrimination techniques mentioned above. The basic functions, such as detecting CSI variance and switching between CSI and cryptographic authentication, and the CPU computing performance under different authentication modes are observed. The performance of the new method is analyzed and evaluated under different potential attack scenarios. The evaluation shows that the basic functions and defense ability are valid and satisfying under different scenarios. The computing resource saves at least 36.92% and at most 79.73% compared to various traditional cryptographic authentication. / Autentisering är en oumbärlig del av informationssäkerheten, eftersom den särskiljer legitima användare och motståndare i nätverk. Med den snabba tillväxten av trådlösa IoT-enheter får säker autentisering inom trådlös kommunikation mer och mer uppmärksamhet. Traditionell trådlös autentisering metoder har en enorm efterfrågan på beräkningskraft och hårdvaruresurser, samtidigt som de är sårbara för vissa attacker. Spoofing-attack, som drar fördel av pålitliga relationer genom att imitera en person eller organisation som den trådlösa AP litar på, är en av de svåraste säkerheterna problem med trådlös autentisering. För att lösa detta problem föreslås autentiseringsmetoder för fysiska lager. Genom att använda en snabb och lätt implementering har autentiseringen baserad på fysiska lagerattribut möjlighet att förbättra säkerhetsprestandan för autentiseringen i det trådlösa nätverket och skydda den från spoofing attacker. Eftersom det tar fördelen av det unika och oefterhärmlighet av fysiska lagerattribut genom att använda dem som identitetsinformation som ska autentiseras. I detta projekt används ett av attributen för fysiskt lager, CSI som enhetsidentitet för att studera prestandan för trådlös autentisering under det nya överföringsprotokollet 802.11ac.CSI-prov från olika trådlösa enheter samlas in från den trådlösa monitorn. Funktioner på Amplitude och Phase extraheras från råa CSI-prover genom respektive dataförbehandlingsalgoritmer. För varje enhet är en motsvarande funktionsprofil förbyggd så att autentiseringen kan utföras genom att matcha CSI-profilen. Maskininlärningsteknik, OCSVM, som har en tillfredsställande prestanda i den nya diskrimineringen, används i profilbyggande och profilmatchningsalgoritmer så att de fysiska lagrets identiteter från olika enheter effektivt kan särskiljas. En studie syftar till att bevisa genomförbarheten av autentisering med CSI-identitet genomförs och noggrannheten för autentisering och spooferdetektering beräknas. Med profilmatchningsalgoritmen bas ed på OCSVM förblir autentiseringsnoggrannheten och spooferdetekteringsnoggrannheten runt 98% till 99% respektive 100%. Slutligen, med ovanstående metoder och tekniker och övervägandet av begränsningar i relaterat arbete, som fasfelsfingeravtrycksfelet som inte är tillräckligt effektivt över alla band, och instabiliteten i autentiseringsresultaten, ett lättviktigt och flexibelt autentiseringsschema baserat på kombination av traditionell kryptoautentisering och CSI-autentisering designas och implementeras framgångsrikt. Grundfunktionen och datorprestanda observeras och prestandan för den nya metoden analyseras under olika potentiella attackscenarier. Efter experimenten kan datorresurser sparas åtminstone 36,92% och som mest 79,73% jämfört med olika traditionella kryptoautentiseringar. Dessutom är den grundläggande funktionen och försvarsförmågan giltig och tillfredsställande under olika scenarier.

A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Attacks and Mitigations in IoT Wi-Fi Networks : physical and data-link layer

Almjamai, Sarmed January 2022 (has links)
The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is rising and Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks are still widely used in IoT networks. Security protocols such as Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) are still in use in most Wi-Fi networks, but Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) is making its way as the new security standard. These security protocols are crucial in Wi-Fi networks with energy and memory-constrained devices because of adversaries that could breach confidentiality, integrity, and availability of networks through various attacks. Many research papers exist on single Wi-Fi attacks, and the strengths and weaknesses of security protocols and Wi-Fi standards. This thesis aims to provide a detailed overview of Wi-Fi attacks and corresponding mitigation techniques against IoT Wi-Fi networks in a comprehensive taxonomy. In addition tools are mentioned for each Wi-Fi attack that allows, e.g., professionals or network administrators to test the chosen Wi-Fi attacks against their IoT networks. Four types of attack (categories) were defined, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), Key-recovery, Traffic Decryption, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. A set of Wi-Fi attack features were defined and decribed. The features included the security protocol and security mode, the layer (physical or data-link) that an attack targets, and the network component interaction required to allow a Wi-Fi attack to execute successfully. In total, 20 Wi-Fi attacks were selected with relevance to IoT in Wi-Fi networks based on some criteria. Additonally, each Wi-Fi attack consist of a description of possible consequences/results an adversary can achieve, such as eavesdropping, data theft, key recovery, and many more. Flow charts were also added to give the reader a visual perspective on how an attack works. As a result, tables were created for each relevant security protocol and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layers to create a overview of mitigations and available tools for each attack. Furthermore, WPA3 was discussed on how it solves some shortcomings of WPA2 but has vulnerabilities of it own that lie in the design of the 4-way and dragonfly handshake itself. In conclusion, development and proper vulnerability tests on the Wi-Fi standards and security protocols have to be conducted to improve and reduce the possibility of current and upcoming vulnerabilities.

Schémas pratiques pour la diffusion (sécurisée) sur les canaux sans fils / (Secure) Broadcasting over wireless channels practical schemes

Mheich, Zeina 19 June 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'est intéressé à l'étude des canaux de diffusion avec des contraintes de transmission pratiques. Tout d'abord, on a étudié l'impact de la contrainte pratique de l'utilisation d'un alphabet fini à l'entrée du canal de diffusion Gaussien avec deux utilisateurs. Deux modèles de canaux de diffusion sont considérés lorsqu'il y a, en plus d'un message commun pour les deux utilisateurs, (i) un message privé pour l'un des deux utilisateurs sans contrainte de sécurité (ii) un message confidentiel pour l'un des deux utilisateurs qui doit être totalement caché de l'autre utilisateur. On a présenté plusieurs stratégies de diffusion distinguées par leur complexité d'implémentation. Plus précisément, on a étudié les régions des débits atteignables en utilisant le partage de temps, la superposition de modulation et le codage par superposition. Pour la superposition de modulation et le cas général du codage par superposition, les régions des débits atteignables maximales sont obtenues en maximisant par rapport aux positions des symboles dans la constellation et la distribution de probabilité jointe. On a étudié le compromis entre la complexité d'implémentation des stratégies de transmission et leurs efficacités en termes de gains en débits atteignables. On a étudié aussi l'impact de la contrainte de sécurité sur la communication en comparant les débits atteignables avec et sans cette contrainte. Enfin, on a étudié les performances du système avec des schémas d'accusés de réception hybrides (HARQ) pour un canal à écoute à évanouissement par blocs lorsque l'émetteur n'a pas une information parfaite sur l'état instantané du canal mais connait seulement les statistiques. On a considéré un schéma adaptatif pour la communication sécurisée en utilisant des canaux de retour à niveaux multiples vers l'émetteur pour changer la longueur des sous mots de code à chaque retransmission afin que le débit utile secret soit maximisé sous des contraintes d'"outages". / In this thesis, we aim to study broadcast channels with practical transmission constraints. First, we study the impact of finite input alphabet constraint on the achievable rates for the Gaussian broadcast channel with two users. We consider two models of broadcast channels, when there is in addition of a common message for two users, (i) a private message for one of them without secrecy constraint (ii) a confidential message for one of them which should be totally hidden from the other user. We present several broadcast strategies distinguished by their complexity of implementation. More precisely, we study achievable rate regions using time sharing, superposition modulation and superposition coding. For superposition modulation and superposition coding strategies, maximal achievable rate regions are obtained by maximizing over both symbol positions in the constellation and the joint probability distribution. We study the tradeoff between the complexity of implementation of the transmission strategies and their efficiency in terms of gains in achievable rates. We study also the impact of the secrecy constraint on communication by comparing the achievable rates with and without this constraint. Finally, we study the system performance using HARQ schemes for the block-fading wiretap channel when the transmitter has no instantaneous channel state information but knows channel statistics. We consider an adaptive-rate scheme for the secure communication by using multilevel feedback channels to change sub-codeword lengths at each retransmission, in order to maximize the secrecy throughput under outage probabilities constraints.

Méthodes de traitement numérique du signal pour l'annulation d'auto-interférences dans un terminal mobile / Digital processing for auto-interference cancellation in mobile architecture

Gerzaguet, Robin 26 March 2015 (has links)
Les émetteurs-récepteurs actuels tendent à devenir multi-standards c’est-àdireque plusieurs standards de communication peuvent cohabiter sur la même puce. Lespuces sont donc amenées à traiter des signaux de formes très différentes, et les composantsanalogiques subissent des contraintes de conception de plus en plus fortes associées au supportdes différentes normes. Les auto-interférences, c’est à dire les interférences généréespar le système lui-même, sont donc de plus en plus présentes, et de plus en plus problématiquesdans les architectures actuelles. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le paradigmede la « radio sale » qui consiste à accepter une pollution partielle du signal d’intérêtet à réaliser, par l’intermédiaire d’algorithmes, une atténuation de l’impact de ces pollutionsauto-générées. Dans ce manuscrit, on s’intéresse à différentes auto-interférences(phénomène de "spurs", de "Tx leakage", ...) dont on étudie les modèles numériques etpour lesquelles nous proposons des stratégies de compensation. Les algorithmes proposéssont des algorithmes de traitement du signal adaptatif qui peuvent être vus comme des« algorithmes de soustraction de bruit » basés sur des références plus ou moins précises.Nous dérivons analytiquement les performances transitionnelles et asymptotiques théoriquesdes algorithmes proposés. On se propose également d’ajouter à nos systèmes unesur-couche originale qui permet d’accélérer la convergence, tout en maintenant des performancesasymptotiques prédictibles et paramétrables. Nous validons enfin notre approchesur une puce dédiée aux communications cellulaires ainsi que sur une plateforme de radiologicielle. / Radio frequency transceivers are now massively multi-standards, which meansthat several communication standards can cohabit in the same environment. As a consequence,analog components have to face critical design constraints to match the differentstandards requirements and self-interferences that are directly introduced by the architectureitself are more and more present and detrimental. This work exploits the dirty RFparadigm : we accept the signal to be polluted by self-interferences and we develop digitalsignal processing algorithms to mitigate those aforementioned pollutions and improve signalquality. We study here different self-interferences and propose baseband models anddigital adaptive algorithms for which we derive closed form formulae of both transientand asymptotic performance. We also propose an original adaptive step-size overlay toimprove transient performance of our method. We finally validate our approach on a systemon chip dedicated to cellular communications and on a software defined radio.

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