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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σχεδιασμός αλγορίθμων προσαρμοστικής διαμόρφωσης και αντιμετώπισης θορύβου φάσης σε ασύρματα τηλεπικοινωνιακά συστήματα πολλαπλών φερουσών

Δαγρές, Ιωάννης 08 July 2011 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η μελέτη και ο σχεδιασμός καινοτόμων αλγορίθμων φυσικού επιπέδου σε ασύρματα συστήματα επικοινωνίας που χρησιμοποιούν διαμόρφωση με πολύπλεξη συχνότητας ορθογωνίων φερουσών (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing - OFDM). Η έρευνα επικεντρώθηκε σε δύο κατηγορίες προβλημάτων, στον σχεδιασμό αλγορίθμων προσαρμοστικής διαμόρφωσης καθώς και αλγορίθμων αντιμετώπισης ισχυρού θορύβου φάσης. Αναπτύχθηκαν αλγόριθμοι εκτίμησης φάσης με γραμμική πολυπλοκότητα, μέσω ενός καινούργιου εναλλακτικού μοντέλου περιγραφής του συστήματος. Το μοντέλο αυτό επιτρέπει την επέκταση των κλασικών αλγορίθμων εκτίμησης της κοινής φάσης με στόχο την εκτίμηση του συνολικού διανύσματος θορύβου φάσης. Επιπλέον, η τεχνική διαγώνιας φόρτωσης (diagonal-loading) προσαρμόστηκε κατάλληλα για τη βελτίωση σύγκλισης της προτεινόμενης λύσης. Τέλος, προτάθηκε και αξιολογήθηκε ένα συνολικό σύστημα OFDM όπου η εκτίμηση του καναλιού, της διαταραχής φάσης και των δεδομένων βασίζονται στο κριτήριο ελαχίστων τετραγώνων, διατηρώντας έτσι τη συνολική πολυπλοκότητα σε χαμηλά επίπεδα. Στο πλαίσιο του σχεδιασμού αλγορίθμων προσαρμοστικής διαμόρφωσης προτείνεται ένα γενικό μοντέλο περιγραφής απόδοσης συστήματος ικανό να περιγράψει τα αναπτυσσόμενα πρωτόκολλα μετάδοσης. Η πρόταση αυτή εντάσσεται στην οικογένεια των τεχνικών ισοδύναμης σηματοθορυβικής απεικόνισης (Εffective SNR Μapping - ESM). Χρησιμοποιώντας τις τεχνικές ESM και κατάλληλους περιορισμούς στην παραμετροποίηση των μεταβλητών μετάδοσης, αναπτύχθηκαν αλγόριθμοι προσαρμοστικής διαμόρφωσης χαμηλής πολυπλοκότητας που ικανοποιούν διαφορετικά κριτήρια βελτιστοποίησης. Επιπρόσθετα, προτείνεται ένα γενικό πλαίσιο για τον σχεδιασμό αλγορίθμων προσαρμοστικής διαμόρφωσης, χρησιμοποιώντας προσεγγιστικά μοντέλα απόδοσης. Ορίστηκαν οι κατάλληλες μετρικές για την ποσοτικοποίηση της σπατάλης ενέργειας που επιφέρει η χρήση προσεγγιστικών μοντέλων. Μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της καθυστέρησης ανατροφοδότησης πληροφορίας καναλιού στους αλγορίθμους και παρήχθησαν κατάλληλα μοντέλα περιγραφής απόδοσης που συμπεριλαμβάνουν το χρόνο καθυστέρησης. Το συνολικό αποτέλεσμα της εργασίας είναι αλγόριθμοι που καταφέρνουν υψηλή απόδοση συστήματος, με χαμηλή πολυπλοκότητα, κάτι το οποίο τους κάνει υλοποιήσιμους σε ρεαλιστικά συστήματα. / The objective of this thesis is to study and develop novel, low complexity physical layer algorithms for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based communication systems. The study aims at two algorithmic categories, namely adaptive modulation and coding and compensation of severe phase noise (PHN) errors. A parameterized windowed least-squares (WLS) decision directed phase error estimator is proposed via proper (alternative) system modeling, applied to both channel estimation and data detection stage in OFDM systems. The window is optimized so as to minimize the post-compensation error variance (PCEV) of the residual phase, analytically computed for arbitrary PHN and frequency offset (FO) models. Closed-form expressions for near-optimal windows are derived for zero-mean FO, Wiener and first-order autoregressive PHN models, respectively. Furthermore, the diagonal-loading approach is properly employed, initially proposed for providing robustness to a general class of estimators in the presence of model mismatch, to enhance convergence of the iterative estimation scheme, in those high-SNR regions where the effect of data decision errors dominates performance. In the proposed OFDM scheme, channel, IFO estimation and data equalization are also based on the LS criterion, thus keeping the overall system complexity low. A generic performance description model is proposed and used for AMC algorithmic design, capable of describing most of current and under preparation communication protocols. This model proposition is incorporated to a larger family of performance modelling techniques named Effective SNR Mapping techniques (ESM). Using the ESM techniques and proper parameter adaptation constraints, a number of low-complexity AMC algorithms are developed under a chosen set of optimization scenarios. A framework for the design of AMC algorithms using approximate performance description models is proposed. Specific bounds are derived for quantifying the power loss when using approximate models. The effect of outdated channel state information is also studied by statistically characterizing the effective SNR at the receiver. This description allows parameter adaptation under mobility scenarios. The main value of this collective procedure is the development of low complexity- high performance algorithms, implementable on pragmatic OFDM systems.

Méthodes de traitement numérique du signal pour l'annulation d'auto-interférences dans un terminal mobile / Digital processing for auto-interference cancellation in mobile architecture

Gerzaguet, Robin 26 March 2015 (has links)
Les émetteurs-récepteurs actuels tendent à devenir multi-standards c’est-àdireque plusieurs standards de communication peuvent cohabiter sur la même puce. Lespuces sont donc amenées à traiter des signaux de formes très différentes, et les composantsanalogiques subissent des contraintes de conception de plus en plus fortes associées au supportdes différentes normes. Les auto-interférences, c’est à dire les interférences généréespar le système lui-même, sont donc de plus en plus présentes, et de plus en plus problématiquesdans les architectures actuelles. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le paradigmede la « radio sale » qui consiste à accepter une pollution partielle du signal d’intérêtet à réaliser, par l’intermédiaire d’algorithmes, une atténuation de l’impact de ces pollutionsauto-générées. Dans ce manuscrit, on s’intéresse à différentes auto-interférences(phénomène de "spurs", de "Tx leakage", ...) dont on étudie les modèles numériques etpour lesquelles nous proposons des stratégies de compensation. Les algorithmes proposéssont des algorithmes de traitement du signal adaptatif qui peuvent être vus comme des« algorithmes de soustraction de bruit » basés sur des références plus ou moins précises.Nous dérivons analytiquement les performances transitionnelles et asymptotiques théoriquesdes algorithmes proposés. On se propose également d’ajouter à nos systèmes unesur-couche originale qui permet d’accélérer la convergence, tout en maintenant des performancesasymptotiques prédictibles et paramétrables. Nous validons enfin notre approchesur une puce dédiée aux communications cellulaires ainsi que sur une plateforme de radiologicielle. / Radio frequency transceivers are now massively multi-standards, which meansthat several communication standards can cohabit in the same environment. As a consequence,analog components have to face critical design constraints to match the differentstandards requirements and self-interferences that are directly introduced by the architectureitself are more and more present and detrimental. This work exploits the dirty RFparadigm : we accept the signal to be polluted by self-interferences and we develop digitalsignal processing algorithms to mitigate those aforementioned pollutions and improve signalquality. We study here different self-interferences and propose baseband models anddigital adaptive algorithms for which we derive closed form formulae of both transientand asymptotic performance. We also propose an original adaptive step-size overlay toimprove transient performance of our method. We finally validate our approach on a systemon chip dedicated to cellular communications and on a software defined radio.


RENATA GOLDMAN LEIBEL 20 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] Com a crescente demanda por maior capacidade na transmissão de dados, uma solução tem sido estudada para transmissão de rádio sobre fibra combinando múltiplos canais de dados sobre a portadora óptica na rede de acesso baseada em multiplexação por sub-portadoras. Ademais, essa rede de acesso é comumente ramificada na forma de uma rede óptica passiva. Monitoramento desses enlaces em fibra é, então, cada vez mais importante. A tecnologia atual de reflectometria óptica no domínio do tempo utilizada para monitoramento opera em um comprimento de onda óptico separado e possui ampla largura de banda de detecção, tornando-se relativamente cara. A busca por uma alternativa de monitoramento de alta precisão e baixo custo é de suma importância para a oferta de transmissão com garantia de qualidade de serviço. Neste trabalho, o uso de multiplexação por sub-portadoras é explorado, incorporando uma técnica de monitoramento de varredura de tom de baixa frequência na transmissão de dados. Um modelo matemático para a resposta em frequência do enlace foi derivado e a localização e a intensidade de uma falha são estimadas através da comparação com a amplitude e a fase detectadas da luz retroespalhadaa medida em que é feita uma varredura de frequência do sinal de monitoramento, aplicando-se um algoritmo de minimos quadrados. O modelo proposto considera que a medida do enlace antes da ocorrência de uma falha é conhecida. Uma única falha nova pode então ser detectada com precisão e sua posição e intensidade são estimadas da maneira descrita. / [en] With ever growing demand for higher capacity in data transmission, a solution has been proposed for analog Radio over Fiber transmission, combining several data channels over the optical carrier in the access network using Sub-Carrier Multiplexing (SCM). Furthermore, this access network is often branched in the form of a passive optical network (PON). Monitoring such fiber links is thus increasingly important. Current optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) technology used for monitoring operates at a separate optical wavelength and has wide bandwidth detection, making it relatively costly. The pursuit of a low cost, high precision monitoring alternative is of paramount importance for cost effective quality of service (QoS) improvement. In this work employment of SCM for data multiplexing is exploited embedding a low frequency tone sweep monitoring technique into data transmission. A mathematical model for the frequency response of the link was derived and the fault location and intensity is estimated through comparison with acquired amplitude and phase of the backscattered light for the varying frequency by applying a simple least mean squared (LMS) algorithm. The modeling suggested requires that measurement of the link prior to the occurrence of a fault is known. A single new fault can then be accurately detected and its position and intensity estimated in the way described.

Evaluation of industrial wireless communications systems’ security

Soderi, S. (Simone) 07 June 2016 (has links)
Abstract The worldwide success of wireless communications was originally fueled by the possibility to replace existing cables with wireless solutions. This phenomenon imposed the development of security engineering as a multidisciplinary field. Although wireless solutions can reduce installation costs and allow introducing new services, the end–users expect it to have the same level of security as they would normally have with wired solutions. Secure communications is an important part of the overall security of industrial wireless communications systems (IWCS). The aim of this thesis is to develop new security engineering methodologies for IWCS. The author develops countermeasures against confidentiality and integrity attacks and carries out a security analysis covering the protocol, electromagnetic and physical layer. In the first part of the thesis, Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is utilized to secure communication in an intra–vehicular network. Simulations and measurement campaigns are also conducted to evaluate the impact of the overhead on security in a tunnel, considering line–of–sight (LOS) and non–LOS (NLOS) scenarios. Electromagnetic analysis (EMA) is an important step in the development of safety–related systems. Today, the increasing usage of smaller integrated circuit also increases the susceptibility to electromagnetic (EM) interference. From near–field (NF) to far–field (FF) transformation, a method for the evaluation of the emissions leakage is investigated. The virtual EM (VEM) interface of the device–under–test (DUT) is studied, and it is described how an adversary can exploit it for denial of service (DoS) attacks. An effective jamming attack model is studied, and the theoretical calculations are validated with experiment–based results. Finally, focusing attention on physical layer security, two algorithms are developed. Active radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) implements the exchange of a public key during the setup of secure communication. Afterwards, utilizing a jamming receiver in conjunction with the spread spectrum (SS) watermarking technique, the watermark–based blind physical layer security (WBPLSec) protocol is presented. The analysis and results indicate how the WBPLSec seems to be a valuable technique for deploying physical layer security by creating a secure region around the receiver. / Tiivistelmä Langattoman tietoliikenteen maailmanlaajuista suosiota kiihdytti alun perin mahdollisuus korvata tietoliikennejärjestelmissä käytetyt kaapelit langattomilla ratkaisuilla. Ilmiö lisäsi myös tarvetta kehittää alan turvatekniikkaa monialaisen tutkimuksen pohjalta. Vaikka langattomat ratkaisut merkitsevät pienempiä asennuskustannuksia ja tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia luoda uudenlaisia palveluja, järjestelmien loppukäyttäjät edellyttävät kuitenkin niiden turvallisuuden olevan vastaavalla tasolla kuin langallisissa verkoissa. Myös teollisuuden langattomien tietoliikennejärjestelmen turvallisuus riippuu pitkälti viestintäkanavien turvallisuudesta. Väitöksen tavoitteena on kehittää uusia menetelmiä, joilla teollisuuden langattomat tietoliikennejärjestelmät voitaisiin turvata. Väitöksessä kehitetään toimenpiteitä tietoliikennejärjestelmien luottamuksellisuuteen ja koskemattomuuteen kohdistuvia hyökkäyksiä vastaan ja toteutetaan turvallisuusarviointi, joka kattaa järjestelmän protokollakerroksen sekä sähkömagneettisen ja fyysisen kerroksen. Väitöksen ensimmäisessä osassa hyödynnetään HIP–protokollaa (Host Identity Protocol) liikennevälineen sisäisen tietoliikennejärjestelmän turvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Lisäksi siinä kuvataan simulaatiot ja mittaushankkeet, joiden tavoitteena on arvioida käytetyn protokollan turvallisuusvaikutuksia esteettömän (line–of–sight, LOS) ja esteellisen (non–line–of–sight, NLOS) näköyhteyden tapauksissa. Sähkömagneettinen analyysi on tärkeä vaihe turvajärjestelmien kehitysprosessissa. Järjestelmissä käytetään yhä enemmän pieniä integroituja piirejä, mikä voi myös altistaa ne sähkömagneettisille (electromagnetic, EM) häiriöille. Väitöksessä tutkitaan lähikenttä–kaukokenttä -muunnokseen perustuvan arviointimenetelmän avulla sähkömagneettisen vuotosäteilyn tasoa. Lisäksi perehdytään testattavan laitteen (device under test, DUT) virtuaaliseen EM–liitäntään ja kuvataan, miten vastaavaa liitäntää voidaan hyödyntää palvelunestohyökkäyksissä. Väitöksessä tutkitaan myös tehokasta häirintämallia ja validoidaan teoreettisten laskelmien tulokset kokeellisesti. Lopuksi väitöksessä keskitytään tietoliikennejärjestelmän fyysisen kerroksen turvallisuuteen ja kehitetään kaksi algoritmia. Aktiivisen radiotaajuisen tunnistusmenetelmän avulla voidaan vaihtaa julkisia avaimia turvallista tietoliikenneyhteyttä muodostettaessa. Lisäksi esitellään vesileimausmenetelmään perustuva fyysisen kerroksen salausmenetelmä, WBPLSec. WBPLSec luo vastaanottimen ympärille suoja–alueen, minkä ansiosta se vaikuttaa analyysin ja tutkimustulosten perusteella olevan tehokas menetelmä toteuttaa fyysisen kerroksen suojaus.

Physical layer secret key generation for decentralized wireless networks / Génération de clés secrètes avec la couche physique dans les réseaux sans fil décentralisés

Tunaru, Iulia 27 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse on s’est intéressé aux méthodes de génération de clés secrètes symétriques en utilisant la couche physique ultra large bande impulsionnelle (IR-UWB). Les travaux ont été réalisés selon trois axes, les deux premiers concernant la communication point-à-point et le dernier, les communications coopératives. Tout d’abord, la quantification des signaux typiques IR-UWB (soit directement échantillonnés, soit estimés) a été investiguée, principalement du point de vue du compromis entre la robustesse (ou réciprocité) des séquences binaires obtenues et leur caractère aléatoire. Différents algorithmes de quantification valorisant l’information temporelle offerte par les canaux IR-UWB pour améliorer ce compromis ont alors été proposés. Ensuite, des études concernant les échanges publics nécessaires à l’étape de réconciliation (visant la correction d’éventuels désaccords entre les séquences binaires générées de part et d’autre du lien) ont montré qu’il était possible d’être plus robuste face aux attaques passives en utilisant des informations de plus haut niveau, inhérentes à cette technologie et disponibles à moindre coût (ex. via une estimation précise du temps de vol aller-retour). Finalement, une nouvelle méthode a été développée afin d’étendre les schémas de génération de clé point-à-point à plusieurs nœuds (trois dans nos études) en utilisant directement la couche physique fournie par les liens radio entre les nœuds. / Emerging decentralized wireless systems, such as sensor or ad-hoc networks, will demand an adequate level of security in order to protect the private and often sensitive information that they carry. The main security mechanism for confidentiality in such networks is symmetric cryptography, which requires the sharing of a symmetric key between the two legitimate parties. According to the principles of physical layer security, wireless devices within the communication range can exploit the wireless channel in order to protect their communications. Due to the theoretical reciprocity of wireless channels, the spatial decorrelation property (e.g., in rich scattering environments), as well as the fine temporal resolution of the Impulse Radio - Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) technology, directly sampled received signals or estimated channel impulse responses (CIRs) can be used for symmetric secret key extraction under the information-theoretic source model. Firstly, we are interested in the impact of quantization and channel estimation algorithms on the reciprocity and on the random aspect of the generated keys. Secondly, we investigate alternative ways of limiting public exchanges needed for the reconciliation phase. Finally, we develop a new signal-based method that extends the point-to-point source model to cooperative contexts with several nodes intending to establish a group key.

Vliv přenosových parametrů na spotřebu elektrické energie Zigbee zařízení / Impact of Communication Parameters on Energy Consumption of Zigbee Devices

Popelka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the energy research and design a simple wireless sensor networks. The data modules with ZigBee wireless communication technology. The main feature of wireless sensor networks is the minimal energy devices at low cost and maximum data reliability. Furthermore, the work describes firmware for communicating nodes with the ability to change parameters of data transmission and thus affect the energy consumption node. Calculations of energy consumption, compared with measured results and discharge characteristics of the battery packs are included in the final chapters of this work.

Širokopásmové metody přenosu dat po energetických sítích / Wideband methods of data transmission over power networks

Svoboda, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work was to peruse and desribe the high-speed data technology communicating over energy network. In this work was investigated broadband system communicating over low power distribution network. The laboratory network was designed for measuring parametres of this communication and performed set of tests. Lended devices were described, properties of technology specification and methods of connection and management were introduced. Management, configuration and measuring over web interface on the NMS device was described and simple dividision into corresponding functional blocks corresponding to structure of web bookmaks was made. Metodology of individual tests, grounded on documentation “recomandation” RFC and on introduced works, was elaboratly described. Used tools, their properties and managements were described. The transmission speed on application and physical layer were followed primarily, frequency dependencies on signal noise ratio and bits per carrier were followed secondary. Measured results from individuals tests were compared among each other and evaulated. This observation leaded into decision on needed criteria for varius application. The suitaibility for integration into communication network for maintaining corresponding QoS was appreised. Testing and chosen types of tests in this project were standardized and integrated into ITU standard. Individual tests are able to compare from the view of their testify charactestic.

Vliv přenosových parametrů na spotřebu elektrické energie Zigbee zařízení / Impact of Communication Parameters on Energy Consumption of Zigbee Devices

Popelka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the energy research and design a simple wireless sensor networks. The data modules with ZigBee wireless communication technology. The main feature of wireless sensor networks is the minimal energy devices at low cost and maximum data reliability. Furthermore, the work describes firmware for communicating nodes with the ability to change parameters of data transmission and thus affect the energy consumption node. Calculations of energy consumption, compared with the measured results, the discharge characteristics of the battery packs and lifetime broadcasting node is contained in the final chapters of this work.

Koexistence mobilních komunikačních systémů WLAN a Bluetooth / WLAN and Bluetooth Systems Coexistence

Mikulka, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a WLAN and Bluetooth systems coexistence. A Bluetooth standard works in an unlicensed frequency band 2,402 – 2,480 GHz. This frequency band is also used by an IEEE 802.11b/g standard (Wi-Fi) which is the most extended representative of WLAN networks. Because Bluetooth and Wi-Fi systems operate in the same frequency band, a mutual signal degradation may appear, when devices are collocated in the same area. In the first part of the dissertation thesis there is a brief summary of 2,402 - 2,480 GHz frequency band regulations and its usage. There are described physical layers of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b/g standards and techniques used for a collision avoidance. The main part of the dissertation thesis deals with a development of a new Matlab Simulink model for investigations of the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi standards coexistence. Physical layer models and results of the coexistence simulations are verified by a measurement in real conditions with a help of a modern vector signal analyzer. The results are presented in a graphical form and a brief summary is attached at the end of each chapter. Corresponding tables of simulated and measured values are available in the enclosed CD.

Robust Optimization of Private Communication in Multi-Antenna Systems / Robuste Optimierung abhörsicherer Kommunikation in Mehrantennensystemen

Wolf, Anne 06 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis focuses on the privacy of communication that can be ensured by means of the physical layer, i.e., by appropriately chosen coding and resource allocation schemes. The fundamentals of physical-layer security have been already formulated in the 1970s by Wyner (1975), Csiszár and Körner (1978). But only nowadays we have the technical progress such that these ideas can find their way in current and future communication systems, which has driven the growing interest in this area of research in the last years. We analyze two physical-layer approaches that can ensure the secret transmission of private information in wireless systems in presence of an eavesdropper. One is the direct transmission of the information to the intended receiver, where the transmitter has to simultaneously ensure the reliability and the secrecy of the information. The other is a two-phase approach, where two legitimated users first agree on a common and secret key, which they use afterwards to encrypt the information before it is transmitted. In this case, the secrecy and the reliability of the transmission are managed separately in the two phases. The secrecy of the transmitted messages mainly depends on reliable information or reasonable and justifiable assumptions about the channel to the potential eavesdropper. Perfect state information about the channel to a passive eavesdropper is not a rational assumption. Thus, we introduce a deterministic model for the uncertainty about this channel, which yields a set of possible eavesdropper channels. We consider the optimization of worst-case rates in systems with multi-antenna Gaussian channels for both approaches. We study which transmit strategy can yield a maximum rate if we assume that the eavesdropper can always observe the corresponding worst-case channel that reduces the achievable rate for the secret transmission to a minimum. For both approaches, we show that the resulting max-min problem over the matrices that describe the multi-antenna system can be reduced to an equivalent problem over the eigenvalues of these matrices. We characterize the optimal resource allocation under a sum power constraint over all antennas and derive waterfilling solutions for the corresponding worst-case channel to the eavesdropper for a constraint on the sum of all channel gains. We show that all rates converge to finite limits for high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), if we do not restrict the number of antennas for the eavesdropper. These limits are characterized by the quotients of the eigenvalues resulting from the Gramian matrices of both channels. For the low-SNR regime, we observe a rate increase that depends only on the differences of these eigenvalues for the direct-transmission approach. For the key generation approach, there exists no dependence from the eavesdropper channel in this regime. The comparison of both approaches shows that the superiority of an approach over the other mainly depends on the SNR and the quality of the eavesdropper channel. The direct-transmission approach is advantageous for low SNR and comparably bad eavesdropper channels, whereas the key generation approach benefits more from high SNR and comparably good eavesdropper channels. All results are discussed in combination with numerous illustrations. / Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Abhörsicherheit der Datenübertragung, die auf der Übertragungsschicht, also durch geeignete Codierung und Ressourcenverteilung, erreicht werden kann. Die Grundlagen der Sicherheit auf der Übertragungsschicht wurden bereits in den 1970er Jahren von Wyner (1975), Csiszár und Körner (1978) formuliert. Jedoch ermöglicht erst der heutige technische Fortschritt, dass diese Ideen in zukünftigen Kommunikationssystemen Einzug finden können. Dies hat in den letzten Jahren zu einem gestiegenen Interesse an diesem Forschungsgebiet geführt. In der Arbeit werden zwei Ansätze zur abhörsicheren Datenübertragung in Funksystemen analysiert. Dies ist zum einen die direkte Übertragung der Information zum gewünschten Empfänger, wobei der Sender gleichzeitig die Zuverlässigkeit und die Abhörsicherheit der Übertragung sicherstellen muss. Zum anderen wird ein zweistufiger Ansatz betrachtet: Die beiden Kommunikationspartner handeln zunächst einen gemeinsamen sicheren Schlüssel aus, der anschließend zur Verschlüsselung der Datenübertragung verwendet wird. Bei diesem Ansatz werden die Abhörsicherheit und die Zuverlässigkeit der Information getrennt voneinander realisiert. Die Sicherheit der Nachrichten hängt maßgeblich davon ab, inwieweit zuverlässige Informationen oder verlässliche Annahmen über den Funkkanal zum Abhörer verfügbar sind. Die Annahme perfekter Kanalkenntnis ist für einen passiven Abhörer jedoch kaum zu rechtfertigen. Daher wird hier ein deterministisches Modell für die Unsicherheit über den Kanal zum Abhörer eingeführt, was zu einer Menge möglicher Abhörkanäle führt. Die Optimierung der sogenannten Worst-Case-Rate in einem Mehrantennensystem mit Gaußschem Rauschen wird für beide Ansätze betrachtet. Es wird analysiert, mit welcher Sendestrategie die maximale Rate erreicht werden kann, wenn gleichzeitig angenommen wird, dass der Abhörer den zugehörigen Worst-Case-Kanal besitzt, welcher die Rate der abhörsicheren Kommunikation jeweils auf ein Minimum reduziert. Für beide Ansätze wird gezeigt, dass aus dem resultierenden Max-Min-Problem über die Matrizen des Mehrantennensystems ein äquivalentes Problem über die Eigenwerte der Matrizen abgeleitet werden kann. Die optimale Ressourcenverteilung für eine Summenleistungsbeschränkung über alle Sendeantennen wird charakterisiert. Für den jeweiligen Worst-Case-Kanal zum Abhörer, dessen Kanalgewinne einer Summenbeschränkung unterliegen, werden Waterfilling-Lösungen hergeleitet. Es wird gezeigt, dass für hohen Signal-Rausch-Abstand (engl. signal-to-noise ratio, SNR) alle Raten gegen endliche Grenzwerte konvergieren, wenn die Antennenzahl des Abhörers nicht beschränkt ist. Die Grenzwerte werden durch die Quotienten der Eigenwerte der Gram-Matrizen beider Kanäle bestimmt. Für den Ratenanstieg der direkten Übertragung ist bei niedrigem SNR nur die Differenz dieser Eigenwerte maßgeblich, wohingegen für den Verschlüsselungsansatz in dem Fall keine Abhängigkeit vom Kanal des Abhörers besteht. Ein Vergleich zeigt, dass das aktuelle SNR und die Qualität des Abhörkanals den einen oder anderen Ansatz begünstigen. Die direkte Übertragung ist bei niedrigem SNR und verhältnismäßig schlechten Abhörkanälen überlegen, wohingegen der Verschlüsselungsansatz von hohem SNR und vergleichsweise guten Abhörkanälen profitiert. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit werden umfassend diskutiert und illustriert.

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