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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cyber-physical systems with dynamic structure : towards modeling and verification of inductive invariants

Becker, Basil, Giese, Holger January 2012 (has links)
Cyber-physical systems achieve sophisticated system behavior exploring the tight interconnection of physical coupling present in classical engineering systems and information technology based coupling. A particular challenging case are systems where these cyber-physical systems are formed ad hoc according to the specific local topology, the available networking capabilities, and the goals and constraints of the subsystems captured by the information processing part. In this paper we present a formalism that permits to model the sketched class of cyber-physical systems. The ad hoc formation of tightly coupled subsystems of arbitrary size are specified using a UML-based graph transformation system approach. Differential equations are employed to define the resulting tightly coupled behavior. Together, both form hybrid graph transformation systems where the graph transformation rules define the discrete steps where the topology or modes may change, while the differential equations capture the continuous behavior in between such discrete changes. In addition, we demonstrate that automated analysis techniques known for timed graph transformation systems for inductive invariants can be extended to also cover the hybrid case for an expressive case of hybrid models where the formed tightly coupled subsystems are restricted to smaller local networks. / Cyber-physical Systeme erzielen ihr ausgefeiltes Systemverhalten durch die enge Verschränkung von physikalischer Kopplung, wie sie in Systemen der klassichen Igenieurs-Disziplinen vorkommt, und der Kopplung durch Informationstechnologie. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellen in diesem Zusammenhang Systeme dar, die durch die spontane Vernetzung einzelner Cyber-Physical-Systeme entsprechend der lokalen, topologischen Gegebenheiten, verfügbarer Netzwerkfähigkeiten und der Anforderungen und Beschränkungen der Teilsysteme, die durch den informationsverabeitenden Teil vorgegeben sind, entstehen. In diesem Bericht stellen wir einen Formalismus vor, der die Modellierung der eingangs skizzierten Systeme erlaubt. Ein auf UML aufbauender Graph-Transformations-Ansatz wird genutzt, um die spontane Bildung eng kooperierender Teilsysteme beliebiger Größe zu spezifizieren. Differentialgleichungen beschreiben das kombinierte Verhalten auf physikalischer Ebene. In Kombination ergeben diese beiden Formalismen hybride Graph-Transformations-Systeme, in denen die Graph-Transformationen diskrete Schritte und die Differentialgleichungen das kontinuierliche, physikalische Verhalten des Systems beschreiben. Zusätzlich, präsentieren wir die Erweiterung einer automatischen Analysetechnik zur Verifikation induktiver Invarianten, die bereits für zeitbehaftete Systeme bekannt ist, auf den ausdrucksstärkeren Fall der hybriden Modelle.

Human-informed robotic percussion renderings: acquisition, analysis, and rendering of percussion performances using stochastic models and robotics

Van Rooyen, Robert Martinez 19 December 2018 (has links)
A percussion performance by a skilled musician will often extend beyond a written score in terms of expressiveness. This assertion is clearly evident when comparing a human performance with one that has been rendered by some form of automaton that expressly follows a transcription. Although music notation enforces a significant set of constraints, it is the responsibility of the performer to interpret the piece and “bring it to life” in the context of the composition, style, and perhaps with a historical perspective. In this sense, the sheet music serves as a general guideline upon which to build a credible performance that can carry with it a myriad of subtle nuances. Variations in such attributes as timing, dynamics, and timbre all contribute to the quality of the performance that will make it unique within a population of musicians. The ultimate goal of this research is to gain a greater understanding of these subtle nuances, while simultaneously developing a set of stochastic motion models that can similarly approximate minute variations in multiple dimensions on a purpose-built robot. Live or recorded motion data, and algorithmic models will drive an articulated robust multi-axis mechatronic system that can render a unique and audibly pleasing performance that is comparable to its human counterpart using the same percussion instruments. By utilizing a non-invasive and flexible design, the robot can use any type of drum along with different types of striking implements to achieve an acoustic richness that would be hard if not impossible to capture by sampling or sound synthesis. The flow of this thesis will follow the course of this research by introducing high-level topics and providing an overview of related work. Next, a systematic method for gesture acquisition of a set of well-defined percussion scores will be introduced, followed by an analysis that will be used to derive a set of requirements for motion control and its associated electromechanical subsystems. A detailed multidiscipline engineering effort will be described that culminates in a robotic platform design within which the stochastic motion models can be utilized. An analysis will be performed to evaluate the characteristics of the robotic renderings when compared to human reference performances. Finally, this thesis will conclude by highlighting a set of contributions as well as topics that can be pursued in the future to advance percussion robotics. / Graduate / 2019-12-10

Analyse de stabilité, ordonnancement, et synthèse des systèmes cyber-physiques / stability verification, scheduling, and synthesis of cyber-physical systems

Al Khatib, Mohammad 29 September 2017 (has links)
Il s'agit d'une étude menée sur les systèmes cyber-physiques sur trois aspects principaux: la vérification de la stabilité, l'ordonnancement et la synthèse des paramètres. Les systèmes de contrôle embarqués (ECS) agissant dans le cadre de contrats temporels sont la classe considérée de systèmes cyber-physiques dans la thèse. ECS fait référence à des intégrations d'un dispositif informatique avec le système physique. En ce qui concerne les contrats temporels, ils sont des contraintes de temps sur les instants où se produisent certains événements tels que l'échantillonnage, l'actionnement et le calcul. Ces contrats sont utilisés pour modéliser les problèmes qui se posent dans les systèmes de contrôle modernes: incertitudes sur les retards d'actionnement, les périodes d'échantillonnage incertaines et l'interaction de plusieurs systèmes physiques avec des ressources informatiques partagées (CPUs). Maintenant, compte tenu d'un ECS et d'un contrat temporel, nous reformulons le système de manière impulsionnelle et vérifions la stabilité du système, sous toutes les incertitudes bornées et données par le contrat, en utilisant des techniques d'approximation convexe et de nouveaux résultats généralisés pour le problème sur une classe de systèmes modélisés dans le cadre des inclusions différentielles. Deuxièmement, compte tenu d'un ensemble de contrôleurs implémentés sur une plate-forme de calcul commune (CPUs), dont chacun est soumis à un contrat de synchronisation, et à son meilleur et son plus mauvais cas d'exécution dans chaque CPU, nous synthétisons une politique d’ordonnancement dynamique qui garantit que chaque contrat temporel est satisfait et que chacun des CPU partagés est attribué à au plus un contrôleur à tout moment. L'approche est basée sur une reformulation qui nous permet d'écrire le problème d’ordonnancement comme un jeu temporelle avec spécification de sureté. Ensuite, en utilisant l'outil UPPAAL-TIGA, une solution au jeu fournit une politique d’ordonnancement appropriée. En outre, nous fournissons une nouvelle condition nécessaire et suffisante pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de contrôle en fonction d’un jeu temporisé simplifiés. Enfin, nous résolvons un problème de synthèse de paramètres qui consiste à synthétiser une sous-approximation de l'ensemble des contrats de synchronisation qui garantissent en même temps l’ordonnancement et la stabilité des contrôleurs intégrés. La synthèse est basée sur un nouveau paramétrage du contrat temporel pour les rendre monotones, puis sur un échantillonnage à plusieurs reprises de l'espace des paramètres jusqu'à atteindre une précision d'approximation prédéfinie. / This is a study conducted on cyber-physical systems on three main aspects: stability verification, scheduling, and parameter synthesis. Embedded control systems (ECS) acting under timing contracts are the considered class of cyber-physical systems in the thesis. ECS refers to integrations of a computing device with the physical system. As for timing contracts they are time constraints on the instants where some events happen such as sampling, actuation, and computation. These contracts are used to model issues that arise in modern embedded control systems: uncertain sampling to actuation delays, uncertain sampling periods, and interaction of several physical systems with shared computational resources (CPUs). Now given an ECS and a timing contract we reformulate the system into an impulsive one and verifies stability of the system, under all possible bounded uncertainties given by the contract, using safe convex approximation techniques and new generalized results for the problem on a class of systems modeled in the framework of difference inclusions. Second given a set of controllers implemented on a common computational platform (CPUs), each of which is subject to a timing contract, and best and worst case execution times on each CPU, we synthesize a dynamic scheduling policy, which guarantees that each timing contract is satisfied and that each of the shared CPUs are allocated to at most one embedded controller at any time. The approach is based on a timed game formulation that allows us to write the scheduling problem as a timed safety game. Then using the tool UPPAAL-TIGA, a solution to the safety game provides a suitable scheduling policy. In addition, we provide a novel necessary and sufficient condition for schedulability of the control tasks based on a simplified timed game automaton. Last, we solve a parameter synthesis problem which consists of synthesizing an under-approximation of the set of timing contracts that guarantee at the same time the schedulability and stability of the embedded controllers. The synthesis is based on a re-parameterization of the timing contract to make them monotonic, and then on a repeatedly sampling of the parameter space until reaching a predefined precision of approximation.

Uma proposta para a introdução ao uso de tecnologias no ensino de física experimental dirigida a licenciandos de física

Paludo, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
Há décadas pesquisas e diretrizes educacionais no ensino de Física apontam que nós, professores, devemos diversificar as estratégias e metodologias de aprendizagem, nos apropriando e utilizando diferentes recursos didáticos a fim de proporcionar um ensino mais plausível, que conduza a uma aprendizagem significativa por parte dos alunos. Preocupados com essa questão e com a formação dos futuros docentes, desenvolvemos uma proposta didática junto ao curso de Licenciatura em Física da Universidade de Passo Fundo, com o objetivo central de: i) conduzir os licenciandos à reflexão e discussão sobre as tecnologias na sociedade versus seu uso nas escolas e suas potencialidades, como ferramenta, para levar os alunos a atingirem várias das habilidades e competências previstas nas Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN+); ii) torná-los ativos na aprendizagem de Física com o uso de computadores; iii) reconhecer a importância do suporte de um modelo teórico na realização de atividades experimentais, assim como para a compreensão das representações dos sistemas físicos em simulações e animações computacionais. Pelo fato de nossas práticas didáticas buscarem promover nos alunos certas habilidades e competências, nos amparamos em fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos, sobre atividades experimentais, computacionais e modelagem de sistemas físicos, para nortear nossas práticas didáticas. Durante sete encontros, os alunos e professores participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, desenvolveram seis atividades envolvendo o uso de recursos computacionais: simulações e modelagem computacionais, análise de dados com planilhas eletrônicas, aquisição de dados a partir da análise de vídeos e de recursos que fazem parte de qualquer computador como, microfone e a placa de som, e o compartilhamento online de dados. Para a aplicação da proposta, foram elaborados Guias de Atividade para os Alunos, e essas experiências são relatadas em detalhes neste trabalho. Os resultados apresentados indicam grande interesse e engajamento por parte dos alunos. Desta forma, acreditamos ter contribuído para a formação dos participantes da experiência didática, futuros docentes. O produto educacional deste trabalho consiste em um conjunto de Guias de Atividades para os Alunos e Professores que contemplam em detalhes as atividades desenvolvidas. / It’s been decades since researches and guidelines on the teaching of Physics started pointing out that we, teachers, must diversify strategies and methodologies of learning, appropriating and utilizing different didactic resources in order to provide a more plausible teaching, conducing to a meaningful learning by the students. Worried about this question and with formation of Physics teachers, a new didactic proposal was developed , and applied to undergraduate Physics´ student at the University of Passo Fundo, having as main objetives: i) promote reflections and discussions about the technologies in society versus its use in schools, and it potential to help students to reach many of the abilities and competences under the Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PNC+) (Brazilian Guidelines of National Education) ; ii) make the students to be active on the learning of Physics through the use of computers; iii) make them recognize the importance of the support of a theoretical model on the performing of experimental activities, as well as for the comprehension of the physical systems in simulations and computer animations. Because our didactic practices seek to promote certain abilities and competences on students, some theoretical and methodological fundaments were used as axes on experimental, computational and modeling of physical systems activities, to steer the didactical practices. In seven meetings, students and teachers participating on the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation on Teaching) developed six activities involving the use of computational resources: simulations and computational modeling, data analyses with electronic spreadsheets, acquisition of data through the analysis of videos and resources on any computer, such as microphones and sound card, and online data sharing. For the application of the proposal, Guides of Activity for the Students were developed, and these experiences are reported in detail on this study. The results presented indicate great interest and engaging from the students. Thus, it is believed that it contributed on the formation of the participants of the didactic experience, the future teachers. The educational product of this study consists of a set of Guides of Activities for the Students and Teachers that contemplate in detail the activities developed.

Uma proposta para a introdução ao uso de tecnologias no ensino de física experimental dirigida a licenciandos de física

Paludo, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
Há décadas pesquisas e diretrizes educacionais no ensino de Física apontam que nós, professores, devemos diversificar as estratégias e metodologias de aprendizagem, nos apropriando e utilizando diferentes recursos didáticos a fim de proporcionar um ensino mais plausível, que conduza a uma aprendizagem significativa por parte dos alunos. Preocupados com essa questão e com a formação dos futuros docentes, desenvolvemos uma proposta didática junto ao curso de Licenciatura em Física da Universidade de Passo Fundo, com o objetivo central de: i) conduzir os licenciandos à reflexão e discussão sobre as tecnologias na sociedade versus seu uso nas escolas e suas potencialidades, como ferramenta, para levar os alunos a atingirem várias das habilidades e competências previstas nas Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN+); ii) torná-los ativos na aprendizagem de Física com o uso de computadores; iii) reconhecer a importância do suporte de um modelo teórico na realização de atividades experimentais, assim como para a compreensão das representações dos sistemas físicos em simulações e animações computacionais. Pelo fato de nossas práticas didáticas buscarem promover nos alunos certas habilidades e competências, nos amparamos em fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos, sobre atividades experimentais, computacionais e modelagem de sistemas físicos, para nortear nossas práticas didáticas. Durante sete encontros, os alunos e professores participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, desenvolveram seis atividades envolvendo o uso de recursos computacionais: simulações e modelagem computacionais, análise de dados com planilhas eletrônicas, aquisição de dados a partir da análise de vídeos e de recursos que fazem parte de qualquer computador como, microfone e a placa de som, e o compartilhamento online de dados. Para a aplicação da proposta, foram elaborados Guias de Atividade para os Alunos, e essas experiências são relatadas em detalhes neste trabalho. Os resultados apresentados indicam grande interesse e engajamento por parte dos alunos. Desta forma, acreditamos ter contribuído para a formação dos participantes da experiência didática, futuros docentes. O produto educacional deste trabalho consiste em um conjunto de Guias de Atividades para os Alunos e Professores que contemplam em detalhes as atividades desenvolvidas. / It’s been decades since researches and guidelines on the teaching of Physics started pointing out that we, teachers, must diversify strategies and methodologies of learning, appropriating and utilizing different didactic resources in order to provide a more plausible teaching, conducing to a meaningful learning by the students. Worried about this question and with formation of Physics teachers, a new didactic proposal was developed , and applied to undergraduate Physics´ student at the University of Passo Fundo, having as main objetives: i) promote reflections and discussions about the technologies in society versus its use in schools, and it potential to help students to reach many of the abilities and competences under the Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PNC+) (Brazilian Guidelines of National Education) ; ii) make the students to be active on the learning of Physics through the use of computers; iii) make them recognize the importance of the support of a theoretical model on the performing of experimental activities, as well as for the comprehension of the physical systems in simulations and computer animations. Because our didactic practices seek to promote certain abilities and competences on students, some theoretical and methodological fundaments were used as axes on experimental, computational and modeling of physical systems activities, to steer the didactical practices. In seven meetings, students and teachers participating on the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation on Teaching) developed six activities involving the use of computational resources: simulations and computational modeling, data analyses with electronic spreadsheets, acquisition of data through the analysis of videos and resources on any computer, such as microphones and sound card, and online data sharing. For the application of the proposal, Guides of Activity for the Students were developed, and these experiences are reported in detail on this study. The results presented indicate great interest and engaging from the students. Thus, it is believed that it contributed on the formation of the participants of the didactic experience, the future teachers. The educational product of this study consists of a set of Guides of Activities for the Students and Teachers that contemplate in detail the activities developed.

Arquitetura para descoberta de equipamentos em processos de manufatura com foco na indústria 4.0. / Architecture to discover equipment in manufacturing processes focused on industry 4.0.

Marcos André Pisching 08 December 2017 (has links)
A Indústria 4.0, ou quarta revolução industrial, é o atual cenário industrial que estabelece um novo paradigma para os sistemas de produção. A indústria 4.0 é compreendida como a implementação da fábrica inteligente que opera de forma mais autônoma e com menor intervenção humana, cujo propósito é prover serviços e produtos inteligentes que atendam às necessidades individuais dos consumidores. A Indústria 4.0 está amparada nos sistemas ciber-físicos (CPS) e na Internet das Coisas (IoT). Neste cenário máquinas e produtos se comunicam entre si visando automatizar os processos industriais por meio de informações individuais obtidas em tempo real durante os processos de manufatura. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 e as pesquisas em torno desse assunto ainda são muito recentes e requerem mais investigações no que diz respeito às arquiteturas que suportem a sua implementação, entre elas a comunicação entre produtos e máquinas. Neste quesito, recentemente foi proposto o modelo de arquitetura de referência para a Indústria 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) com o objetivo de nortear a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Contudo, o RAMI 4.0 ainda requer esforços no campo da pesquisa sob diferentes aspectos, entre eles a integração vertical de recursos do sistema de produção. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma arquitetura para a descoberta de equipamentos para processar operações conforme as necessidades dos produtos. A arquitetura foi projetada em camadas baseadas no RAMI 4.0 para prover componentes que permitam a comunicação entre equipamentos e produtos, e um mecanismo similar ao sistema de nomes de domínios (DNS - Domain Name System) para realizar a descoberta de equipamentos para processar uma determinada operação. Nessa arquitetura as informações dos equipamentos são armazenadas em uma estrutura organizada hierarquicamente para auxiliar o serviço de descoberta, e os produtos possuem informações das operações necessárias para o processo de manufatura. Para garantir a eficácia do funcionamento dos componentes e suas interações, é necessário a verificação e validação por meio de métodos formais. Neste trabalho a verificação e validação é realizada por meio da técnica PFS (Production Flow Schema)/RdP (Rede de Petri). Por fim, a arquitetura é aplicada em um sistema de produção modular para demonstrar a sistemática de implementação e a sua efetividade. / The Industry 4.0, also known as fourth industrial revolution, is the current industrial scenario that sets a new paradigm for production systems. The Industry 4.0 can be understood as the implementation of the smart factory that operates more autonomously and with less human intervention. The purposes of it is to provide smart products and services that meet the consumer individual needs. The Industry 4.0 is supported by cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT). In this scenario machines and products communicate with each other to automate industrial processes through individual information that are obtained in real time during manufacturing processes. However, the researches around this issue are still very recent and require further investigations with regard of to the architectures that support its implementation, including communication between products and equipment. Taking into account this problem, a Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) was recently proposed with the purpose to guide the implementation of this system type. However, the RAMI 4.0 still requires efforts in different aspects, including the vertical integration of resources of the production systems. In this sense, this work aims to present an architecture for the discovery of equipment to process operations according to the product needs. The architecture was designed based on layers of the RAMI 4.0 to provide components that allow communication between equipment and products and a Web Service that offer a mechanism similar to the Domain Name System (DNS) to locate equipment to process a required operation. In this architecture the capable operations supported by the equipment are stored in a structure organized hierarchically to aid the discovery service, and the products have information of the operation required for the manufacturing process. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the component functionalities and their interactions it is necessary to verify and validate them by formal methods. In this work the Production Flow Schema (PFS)/Petri Net (PN) technique is used to develop the conceptual and functional modeling of the architecture. Finally the architecture is applied in a modular production system to demonstrate its implementation systematics and its effectiveness.

Uma proposta para a introdução ao uso de tecnologias no ensino de física experimental dirigida a licenciandos de física

Paludo, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
Há décadas pesquisas e diretrizes educacionais no ensino de Física apontam que nós, professores, devemos diversificar as estratégias e metodologias de aprendizagem, nos apropriando e utilizando diferentes recursos didáticos a fim de proporcionar um ensino mais plausível, que conduza a uma aprendizagem significativa por parte dos alunos. Preocupados com essa questão e com a formação dos futuros docentes, desenvolvemos uma proposta didática junto ao curso de Licenciatura em Física da Universidade de Passo Fundo, com o objetivo central de: i) conduzir os licenciandos à reflexão e discussão sobre as tecnologias na sociedade versus seu uso nas escolas e suas potencialidades, como ferramenta, para levar os alunos a atingirem várias das habilidades e competências previstas nas Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN+); ii) torná-los ativos na aprendizagem de Física com o uso de computadores; iii) reconhecer a importância do suporte de um modelo teórico na realização de atividades experimentais, assim como para a compreensão das representações dos sistemas físicos em simulações e animações computacionais. Pelo fato de nossas práticas didáticas buscarem promover nos alunos certas habilidades e competências, nos amparamos em fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos, sobre atividades experimentais, computacionais e modelagem de sistemas físicos, para nortear nossas práticas didáticas. Durante sete encontros, os alunos e professores participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, desenvolveram seis atividades envolvendo o uso de recursos computacionais: simulações e modelagem computacionais, análise de dados com planilhas eletrônicas, aquisição de dados a partir da análise de vídeos e de recursos que fazem parte de qualquer computador como, microfone e a placa de som, e o compartilhamento online de dados. Para a aplicação da proposta, foram elaborados Guias de Atividade para os Alunos, e essas experiências são relatadas em detalhes neste trabalho. Os resultados apresentados indicam grande interesse e engajamento por parte dos alunos. Desta forma, acreditamos ter contribuído para a formação dos participantes da experiência didática, futuros docentes. O produto educacional deste trabalho consiste em um conjunto de Guias de Atividades para os Alunos e Professores que contemplam em detalhes as atividades desenvolvidas. / It’s been decades since researches and guidelines on the teaching of Physics started pointing out that we, teachers, must diversify strategies and methodologies of learning, appropriating and utilizing different didactic resources in order to provide a more plausible teaching, conducing to a meaningful learning by the students. Worried about this question and with formation of Physics teachers, a new didactic proposal was developed , and applied to undergraduate Physics´ student at the University of Passo Fundo, having as main objetives: i) promote reflections and discussions about the technologies in society versus its use in schools, and it potential to help students to reach many of the abilities and competences under the Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PNC+) (Brazilian Guidelines of National Education) ; ii) make the students to be active on the learning of Physics through the use of computers; iii) make them recognize the importance of the support of a theoretical model on the performing of experimental activities, as well as for the comprehension of the physical systems in simulations and computer animations. Because our didactic practices seek to promote certain abilities and competences on students, some theoretical and methodological fundaments were used as axes on experimental, computational and modeling of physical systems activities, to steer the didactical practices. In seven meetings, students and teachers participating on the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation on Teaching) developed six activities involving the use of computational resources: simulations and computational modeling, data analyses with electronic spreadsheets, acquisition of data through the analysis of videos and resources on any computer, such as microphones and sound card, and online data sharing. For the application of the proposal, Guides of Activity for the Students were developed, and these experiences are reported in detail on this study. The results presented indicate great interest and engaging from the students. Thus, it is believed that it contributed on the formation of the participants of the didactic experience, the future teachers. The educational product of this study consists of a set of Guides of Activities for the Students and Teachers that contemplate in detail the activities developed.

Ambientes físico-virtuais de aprendizagem

Santos, Rafael Augusto Penna dos January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Gilmar Barros (gilmargomesdebarros@gmail.com) on 2015-05-12T17:00:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Rafael Penna.pdf: 5494264 bytes, checksum: 3a53496319b33a5169c281e0bcb7a800 (MD5) / Rejected by Vitor de Carvalho (vitor_carvalho_im@hotmail.com), reason: - Sobrenomes de autor/orientador não podem estar em caixa alta; - Falta um dos sobrenomes da orientadora. on 2015-06-12T19:44:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Gilmar Barros (gilmargomesdebarros@gmail.com) on 2015-06-15T15:33:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Rafael Penna.pdf: 5494264 bytes, checksum: 3a53496319b33a5169c281e0bcb7a800 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vitor de Carvalho (vitor_carvalho_im@hotmail.com) on 2015-06-22T18:57:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Rafael Penna.pdf: 5494264 bytes, checksum: 3a53496319b33a5169c281e0bcb7a800 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-22T18:57:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Rafael Penna.pdf: 5494264 bytes, checksum: 3a53496319b33a5169c281e0bcb7a800 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / O avanço tecnológico dos últimos anos ocasionou mudanças na maneira como as pessoas se relacionam. Dispositivos computacionais, sensores e atuadores se fazem presentes na vida das pessoas atualmente, de maneira que os mundos físico e virtual se misturam. Propostas de sistemas físico-cibernéticos (Cyber-Physical Systems ou CPS) surgem com o intuito de integrar os sistemas computacionais com objetos do mundo físico. Neste novo contexto, as discussões dos impactos tecnológicos nos ambientes escolares são importante, estabelecendo novas áreas de pesquisa, como ensino eletrônico, educação à distância, aprendizagem móvel e aprendizagem ubíqua. Dentro dessas áreas, os Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs), que são sistemas computacionais disponíveis na internet, destinados ao suporte de atividades mediadas pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, são bastante utilizados e estudados. Esses ambientes podem ser identificados por uma série de características que envolvem interação entre alunos e professores, oportunidades de socialização e concepção de informação, propostas pedagógicas, representação do espaço virtual, entre outras. No entanto, os AVAs costumam apresentar possibilidades restritas de lidar com as informações do mundo físico. Esta tese tem como foco a integração de elementos reais/físicos em AVAs, através de interfaces humano-computador avançadas. Para tanto, propõe-se a definição de Ambientes Físico- Virtuais de Aprendizagem, discutindo suas características e um modelo conceitual de referência. Por fim, a plataforma Toogle, proposta para implementação de sistemas físicocibernéticos, é aprimorada e utilizada no desenvolvimento desses novos espaços. / Technological advances in recent years has brought about changes in the way people relate. Computing devices, sensors and actuators are present in the in people's lives today, in a way that the physical and virtual worlds mix. Proposals of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) arise in order to integrate computer systems with the physical world objects.In this new context, discussions about technological impacts on school environments are important, establishing new areas of research, such as e-learning, distance education, mobile learning and ubiquitous learning. Within these areas, the Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), which are computer systems available on the Internet, intended to support activities mediated by information and communication technologies, are widely used and studied. These environments can be identified by a number of features that involve interaction between students and teachers, socialization opportunities, educational proposals, representation of virtual space, among others. However, VLEs often have limited possibilities to deal with the information of the physical world. This dissertation focuses on the integration of real / physical elements in VLEs, through advanced human-computer interfaces. We propose the definition of Cyber-Physical Learning Environments, discussing their characteristics and a reference conceptual model. Finally, the Toogle plataform, proposed to implement cyber-physical systems, is enhanced and used to develop these new spaces.

Sistema Inteligente Ágil de Processo Evolutivo - SIAPE: um protótipo brasileiro de sistemas EPS

Amaral, Hiram Carlos Costa 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Napoleana Barros Martins (napoleana_martins@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-01T15:38:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-08-24T19:39:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-08-24T19:44:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-24T19:44:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / Manufacturing emerging paradigms have been used in an attempt to solve the problem of customization, i.e. the manufacture of products with mid and low batches and high variability. Namely Evolvable Production Systems (EPS) has been able to address the problem through the concept of mechatronics agents and a reversal of the local where intelligence (the production process) is in th the manufacturing system. However, there are still many gaps and barriers for the widespread use of EPS, namely the real prototypes that address the concepts of evolvable systems. This work presents the development of an evolvable system called Agile Intelligent System for Evolvable Process (SIAPE), which aimed adpats to demand variations and the evolution of the production system according to the changing of the product. To test the viability of SIAPE was first created a simplified automation prototype called Product UFAM which is compared with the SIAPE prototype itself among their compliance with the requirements of Industry Platform 4.0 (i4.0). / Paradigmas emergentes de fabricação têm sido usados na tentativa de solucionar o problema da customização, isto é, a manufatura de produtos em lotes baixos e com elevados níveis de variedades de produtos. Notadamente os Evolvable Production Systems (EPS) tem conseguido tratar o problema através do conceito de agentes mecatrônicos e de uma inversão do local de onde a inteligência do processo produtivo está dentro do sistema de manufatura. Entretanto, ainda há várias lacunas e barreiras ao amplo uso de EPS, dentre elas a necessidade de protótipos de sistemas que contemplem os conceitos de sistemas evolutivos. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema evolutivo denominado de Sistema Inteligente Ágil de Processo Evolutivo - SIAPE que visa adaptação à demanda e a evolução do sistema produtivo de acordo com a evolução do produto. Para testar a viabilidade do SIAPE foi criado primeiramente um protótipo de automação simplificado chamado de Produto UFAM que é comparado com o protótipo SIAPE propriamente dito em torno de suas aderências às exigências da Plataforma da Indústria 4.0 (i4.0).

Verteilte Mobilität - Eine spannende Herausforderung

Werner, Matthias 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cyber-physikalische Systeme (CPS) sind eine erweitere Sicht auf eingebettete Systeme, die die konkreten umgebenden Elemente in das Systemdesign einbeziehen. Das Design solcher Systeme erfordert neue Herangehensweisen: Während beispielsweise in "normalen" verteilten Systemen Aspekte wie "Bewegung" oder "Ort" möglichst transparent und damit für den Nutzer unsichtbar gestaltet werden, benötigen CPS-Anwendungen häufig Bewusstsein für Bewegung oder Ort, d.h., sie sind _motion aware_ oder _location aware_. Die Professur "Betriebssysteme" der TUC hat sich die Frage gestellt, wie eine generische Unterstützung für solche verteilte mobile Systeme aussehen könnte. Im Vortrag werden Probleme, Konzepte und erste Lösungsansätze für ein künftiges Betriebssystem für diese Art von Systemen vorgestellt.

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