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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vecteurs synthétiques et approche mécano-biologique permettant d’optimiser l’utilisation des cellules souches en médecine régénérative / Synthetic vectors and mechano-biological approach to optimize the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine

Rmaidi, Assia 01 July 2019 (has links)
Une approche de la médecine régénérative du système nerveux consiste à développer des substituts biologiques avec une fonction réparatrice en utilisant des cellules souches et des biomatériaux qui peuvent être recouverts des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire. Nous avons ainsi développé des microcarriers pharmacologiquements actifs, MPA. Ce sont des microsphères (MS) polymériques à base de PLGA, biodégradables et biocompatibles, recouvertes des molécules d’adhérence qui fournissent un support en 3-dimensions aux cellules. Les microcarriers ainsi associés aux cellules souches permettent, après implantation, d’augmenter la survie et de maintenir l’état de différenciation des cellules qu’ils portent,renforçant leurs effets de réparation tissulaire. Ces MPA peuvent également libérer des facteurs de croissance encapsulés et afin d’améliorer le relargage de protéines encapsulées une nouvelle combinaison de polymère : PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA a été développé dans notre laboratoire. Il a aussi été montré que les MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA fonctionnalisées avec de la fibronectine et poly-D-lysine induisaient une meilleure prolifération de cellules souches mésenchymateuses que les MPA de PLGA.Ces cellules sont très largement utilisées en médecine régénérative car elles sont faciles à prélever, se trouvant dans la moelle osseuse, et capables de se différencier vers le lignage chondrogénique, ostéogénique et dans certaines conditions, neuronale. Nous travaillons avec une sous population de ces cellules appelées cellules MIAMI (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) qui s’engagent vers une différenciation en cellule neuronale après un traitement avec 2 facteurs de croissance (EGF/ bFGF) et sur un support matriciel de laminine. Dernièrement, il a été mis en évidence que les propriétés physicochimiques des supports polymériques régissent également le comportement des cellules souches(adhésion, survie et différenciation). L’objectif de cette étude est d’étudier l’effet des propriétés physicochimiques et mécaniques des surfaces i) des MS sur l’adsorption de laminine et poly-D-lysine et ii) des MPA sur l’adhérence et la différenciation neuronale des cellules MIAMI. Nous avons montré que la présence du bloc hydrophile « poloxamère 188 » dans la composition du polymère PLGA-P188-PLGAdiminue l’adsorption de molécules d’adhérence en formant une couche sur ces surfaces. Sur les MPA de PLGA, les molécules d’adhérence s’adsorbent bien quelle que soit la charge globale des molécules. Cesdeux MPA ont une charge globale positive et permettent l’attachement de cellules à leur surface. Cependant, l’adhérence à court terme de cellules est plus forte sur les MPA de PLGA comparé aux MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA mais à la longue les cellules finissent par adhérer aux deux supports. Le PLGAP188-PLGA présente une forte énergie libre de surface et ces MPA présentent une surface moins rigide que les MPA de PLGA. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces caractéristiques de surface permettent aux cellules d’adhérer malgré la faible quantité de laminine sur ces supports. A long terme les cellules présentent le même comportement quel que soit le type du support. Elles se différencient en cellule de type neuronal exprimant des marqueurs de neurone mature comme le neurofilament et nous trouvons le même nombre de cellules adhérées à leur surface. En outre, nous avons montré que les cellules sont capables de sécréter de la même manière des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire sur les deux types de MPA expliquant probablement la similitude de comportement à long terme. / An approach to regenerative nervous system medicine is to develop biological substitutes with restorative function using stem cells and biomaterials that can be coated with extracellular matrix molecules. We have developed pharmacologically active microcarriers, PAMs. These are PLGA based, biodegradable and biocompatible polymeric microspheres (MS) coated with adhesion molecules that provide 3-dimensional support for cells. The microcarriers thus associated with the stem cells make it possible, after implantation, to increase the survival and maintain the state of differentiation of the cells they carry, reinforcing their tissue repair effects. These PAMs can also release encapsulated growth factors and to enhance the release of encapsulated proteins a new polymer combination: PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA has been developed in our laboratory. It has also been shown that PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs functionalized with fibronectin and poly-Dlysineinduce better proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells than PLGA PAMs. These cells are very widely used in regenerative medicine because they are easy to collect, found in the bone marrow, and able to differentiate towards the chondrogenic lineage, osteogenic and under certain conditions,neuronal. We are working with a subpopulation of these cells called MIAMI cells (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) that engage in neuronal cell differentiation after treatment with 2growth factors (EGF / bFGF) and on a laminin matrix support. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of polymeric supports also regulate the behavior of stem cells (adhesion, survival and differentiation). The objective of this study is to study the effect of physicochemical and mechanical properties of surfaces i) MS on laminin and poly-D-lysineadsorption and ii) PAMs on adhesion and neuronal differentiation of MIAMI cells. We have shown that the presence of the hydrophilic "poloxamer 188" block in the PLGA-P188-PLGA polymer composition decreases the adsorption of adhesion molecules by forming a layer on these surfaces.On PLGA PAMs, the adhesion molecules adsorb well regardless of the overall charge of the molecules. These two PAMs have a positive overall charge and allow the attachment of cells to their surface. However, in short-term cell adhesion is stronger on PLGA PAMs compared to PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs, but in the long-term the cells eventually adhere to both supports. PLGA-P188-PLGAhas a high free surface energy and these PAMs have a less rigid surface than PLGA PAMs. Our results suggest that these surface characteristics allow cells to adhere despite the low amount of laminin on these supports. In the long-term the cells exhibit the same behavior whatever the type of PAMs. They differentiate into neuronal cells expressing mature neuron markers such as the neurofilament-M and we find the same number of cells adhered to their surface. Furthermore, we have shown that cells are able to secrete extracellular matrix molecules in the same way on both types of PAMs, probably explaining the similarity of the behavior in long-term.

Индикатори старења средства за влажење у офсет штампи / Indikatori starenja sredstva za vlaženje u ofset štampi / The indicator of fountain solution aging in offset printing

Oros Ivana 07 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Истраживање старења средства за влажење у реалним условима током 8-часовног радног времена у процесу офсет штампе је омогућило сагледавање критичних фактора деактивације средства за влажење и представља основ за праћење кинетике структурних и физичко-хемијских промена активних компоненти средства за влажење. Такође, истраживање обезбеђује и дефинисање могућих механизама хемијских процеса који условљавају пад активности присутних компоненти средства за влажење током процеса старења.</p> / <p>Istraživanje starenja sredstva za vlaženje u realnim uslovima tokom 8-časovnog radnog vremena u procesu ofset štampe je omogućilo sagledavanje kritičnih faktora deaktivacije sredstva za vlaženje i predstavlja osnov za praćenje kinetike strukturnih i fizičko-hemijskih promena aktivnih komponenti sredstva za vlaženje. Takođe, istraživanje obezbeđuje i definisanje mogućih mehanizama hemijskih procesa koji uslovljavaju pad aktivnosti prisutnih komponenti sredstva za vlaženje tokom procesa starenja.</p> / <p>The investigation of fountain solution aging in real condition during 8-hr<br />working shift of offset printing process allows an overview of the critical<br />factors of fountain solution deactivation and represents the basis for<br />monitoring the structural and physico-chemical changes of active<br />components of fountain solution. Also, the investigation defines the possible<br />mechanism of chemical processes which cause the decreasing of activity of<br />present components in fountain solution during aging process.</p>

Caractérisation physicochimique et étude des effets toxiques sur des cellules pulmonaires BEAS-2B des polluants particulaires de la ville de Dakar (Sénégal) / Physicochemical characterization and toxic effects on pulmonary BEAS-2B cell line of particulate matter collected in Dakar city (Senegal)

Dieme, Denis 09 November 2011 (has links)
La pollution atmosphérique particulaire constitue un facteur de risque majeur pour la santé humaine. En dépit des nombreuses études réalisées, les mécanismes d'action sous-jacents à l'exposition aux particules et responsables des effets physiopathologiques observés restent encore mal connus. Notre travail a consisté en la collecte d'aérosols particulaires sur 2 sites urbains (Fann et Faidherbe) dans la ville de Dakar (Sénégal) et un site rural (Ngaparou). Les sites urbains sont caractérisés par un trafic automobile dense avec le site de Fann présentant une circulation majoritaire de véhicules de transport en commun alors qu'à Faidherbe le trafic est constitué en majorité de véhicules particuliers. la caractérisation physico-chimique des trois échantillons particulaires a montré une granulométrie fine (96% < 2,5 μm), donc capables de pénétrer profondément dans les poumons, des surfaces spécifiques comprises entre 8 et 13m²/g pouvant adsorber à leur surfaces des substances potentiellement toxiques. Leur composition chimique, riche en éléments inorganiques et organiques, démontre la diversité de leur sources (naturelle et anthropique). Après évaluation de leur cytotoxicité dans les cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines (BEAS-2B), nous avons montré la capacité de ces aérosols particulaires à induire l'activation métabolique de leur fraction organique par l'induction de l'expression génique des enzymes de métabolisation CYP1A1, 1B1 et NQO1. Nous n'avons pas observé de réponse significative dans le processus d'altération oxydative via la péroxydation lipidique (MDA) et le statut du glutathion (GSSG/GSH). En revanche nous avons montré l'implication de ces aérosols particulaires dans le développement de la réponse inflammatoire par l'expression et la sécrétion significative de cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 et IL-8. / Airborne Particulate Matter (PM) is an important risk factor for human health. In spite of the numerous studies that have been carried out, the underlying mechanisms of action involved in particulate matter physiopathological effects are still unclear. In this work, PM samples were collected in two urban sites (Fann and Faidherbe) in Dakar (Senegal) and in a rural site (Ngaparou). The two urban sites mainly differ in the type of motor vehicles circulating in the area : most of the traffic is made of buses in Fann, whereas they are absent from Faidherbe. The physical characterization of the three samples showed their fine size distribution (96% < 2,5 μm), with surface areas ranging from 8 to 13m²/g. Collected PM were then able to reach deep lung, and to adsorb potentially toxic substances. Their chemical composition, rich in inorganic and organic compounds demonstrated the diversity of emission sources. After assessing their cytotoxicity in human epithelial bronchial cells (BEAS-2B), we showed that these PM could induce gene expression of metabolizing enzymes CYP1A1, 1B1 and NQO1, and therefore the metabolic activation of their organic fraction. No significant response to oxidative damage through lipid peroxidation (MDA) or glutathione status modification (GSSG/GSH) was observed after cells exposure to particulate matter. However, this exposure induced an inflammatory response by a significant increase in expression and secretion of cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8.

Mélanges de polymères thermoplastiques, compatibilisés par des liquides ioniques, pour le développement de multifilaments / Ionic liquids : New compatibilizing agents of thermoplastic blends

Crohare, Adeline 13 April 2017 (has links)
Cette étude décrit l’élaboration de nouveaux multifilaments textiles offrant un compromis ténacité/élasticité inédit. Ces multifilaments sont composés de mélanges de polymères immiscibles, soit PA66/élastomère soit PET/élastomère, compatibilisés tous les deux par des liquides ioniques. L’incorporation de 1%m de liquide ionique dans ces mélanges a permis de diminuer la tension interfaciale entre les polymères, permettant ainsi d’affiner les morphologies des mélanges binaires et d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques. Cette compatibilisation a été réalisée sans augmentation de la viscosité des mélanges, critère indispensable pour conserver la filabilité des formulations. L’utilisation de liquide ionique a également permis de façonner la morphologie des mélanges en choisissant judicieusement le couple « cation/anion ». La nature du cation (phosphonium vs imidazolium) et de l’anion a été étudiée. Ainsi, des morphologies nodulaires, fibrillaires ou intermédiaires ont pu être obtenues avec des propriétés mécaniques différentes. De nombreuses formulations ont pu être filées, étirées, puis prototypées sous forme de tissus et cordages de tennis afin de tester l’apport élastique des élastomères. Les liquides ioniques capables de réagir chimiquement avec le thermoplastique ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes. / This work highlights the role of ionic liquids (ILs) as compatibilizers in immiscible polymer blends to increase the springback of polyamide or polyester multiyarns due to the presence of elastomeric nodules. The influence of ionic liquid nature on the morphology of PA66/rubber and PET/rubber blends and on thermal, rheological and mechanical properties has been investigated. The incorporation of only 1 wt% of ionic liquids leads to a decrease of interfacial tension between the polymers. The morphology of blends can be tuned by the chemical nature of ionic liquids to reduce largely the nodule size of the dispersed phase and/or to generate fibrillar shape morphology. The reduction of particles size leads to an improvement of mechanical properties with an increase of elongation at break and the same stiffness. Moreover the incorporation of IL has no effect on the viscosity of blends. Several formulations could be spun and prototypes of fabric and tennis racket strings could be made with multiyarns.

Étude et optimisation des interfaces fibre-matrice polymère de composites structuraux à base thermoplastique / Analysis and optimisation of fibre-matrix interface in thermoplastic polymer based composites

Gabet, Yann 16 November 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l’étude et l’optimisation des propriétés interfaciales verre/PA 6-6 pour la conception de matériaux composites de structure. Une méthode visant à nettoyer et réactiver la surface du verre a dans un premier temps été développée. Elle permet de travailler avec des substrats de type fibres ou substrats modèles (plaques de verre) et d’obtenir des surfaces « contrôlées » avant l’application de nouveaux revêtements. La maîtrise de l’interface entre renfort et matrice nécessite l’optimisation de l’ensimage, dont les principaux constituants sont des agents filmogènes et des agents de couplage. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons donc étudié les propriétés thermiques, mécaniques et de surface des nouveaux revêtements appliqués sur les substrats de verre. Différents agents filmogènes, sélectionnés pour être compatibles avec les conditions de mise en oeuvre du PA 6-6, ainsi que deux agents de couplages usuels ont été étudiés. Par le choix d’une large gamme de familles d’agents filmogènes, nous avons montré que l’utilisation d’un agent filmogène de composition chimique proche de celle de la matrice permet d’atteindre de meilleures propriétés interfaciales. L’augmentation de la rugosité de surface du revêtement contribue également à cette amélioration. Le greffage des agents de couplage sur le verre s’est révélé bien plus efficace avec un traitement thermique à 150°C qu’à 110°C et un effet de synergie a pu être observé lors de leur association avec un agent filmogène. L’utilisation d’agents filmogènes à haute résistance thermique a permis d’obtenir des propriétés interfaciales très intéressantes, renforcées pour certains systèmes par l’ajout de nanoparticules. Enfin, afin d’accéder à une estimation de la ténacité de l’interface, un test de DCB en mode I a été adapté à notre problématique. Les résultats obtenus ont été complémentaires à ceux obtenus par les tests du plot et de la microgoutte / This work is devoted to the study and optimisation of glass/PA 6-6 interfacial properties for the conception of structural composite materials. A method to clean and reactivate glass surface was first developed. It allowed us to work with glass fibres and model substrates (glass plates), aiming to get controlled surfaces before the application of new coatings. Controlling the interface between the reinforcement and the matrix requires the optimisation of the sizing, which is mainly composed of film formers and coupling agents. This study consisted in the characterisation of thermal, mechanical and surface properties of the new coatings applied to the glass substrates. Different film former bases, selected for their compatibility with the processing conditions of PA 6-6, and two usual coupling agents were studied. This work allowed to identify different parameters that play a role in the improvement of interfacial properties. By working with a wide range of film formers, we could show that the use of a film former with close chemical composition from the matrix allows to reach better interfacial properties. Increasing the surface roughness of coatings also participates in this improvement. The grafting of coupling agents was more efficient after 150°C thermal treatment than 110°C, and a synergistic effect was obtained by their association to a film former. The use of film formers with high thermal resistance provided very interesting interfacial properties, also improved, for some, by the addition of silica nanoparticles. Finally, DCB mode I mechanical test was adapted to our system, allowing to estimate the fracture toughness of the glass/PA 6-6 interface which is a complementary result to the estimation of the adhesion force measured by pull-off and pull-out tests

Evaluation of cold storage potential and shelf-life of new 'hass' type avocado selections

Machipyane, Pheladi Bridgette January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. Agriculture (Horticultrure)) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / The current South African ‘Hass’ type avocado cultivars are inadequate to enhance competitiveness, cultivar diversity and profitability. In an effort to ensure competitiveness and maintain sustainability, the Agricultural Research CouncilInstitute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops (ARC-ITSC) as one the South African Avocado Industry’s (SAAI) main stakeholder, has bred and selected new superior ‘Hass’ type avocado selections. However, the cold storage potential and associated physico-chemical ripening properties of these selections (‘Jalna’, ‘OA 184’ and ‘Balboa’) have not been documented. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cold storage on internal and external physico-chemical ripening variables of the new ‘Hass’ type avocado selections. New ‘Hass’ type avocado fruit maturity was evaluated using moisture content, thereafter, harvested, sorted, graded and stored under two temperature regimes (2.0°C and 5.5°C) for 28 days to simulate export conditions. The experiment was a completely randomised factorial design with three treatment factors; temperature regimes (2.0°C and 5.5°C), days to ripening and ‘Hass’ type avocado selections fruit and control (commercial ‘Hass’) replicated three times. After withdrawal from cold storage, fruit were ripened at ambient temperature and evaluated for electrical conductivity, external chilling injury, fruit water loss, skin colour change, ripening percentage, firmness, respiration rate and seed:fruit weight ratio. Results indicated that treatment factors had no significant effect on moisture content (P=0.733) and chilling injury (P=0.776). Treatment factors had a significant effect on electrical conductivity (P=0.004), skin colour parameters; eye colour (P<0.001), hue angle (P<0.001), lightness (P=0.011) and chroma (P=0.042). Selection ‘Jalna’ fruit started changing colour whilst in storage (2.0°C and 5.5°C). Furthermore, ‘Hass’ type avocado selection fruit followed a declining pattern for lightness, chroma and hue angle in agreement with commercial ‘Hass’. Moreover, results indicated that treatment factors had a significant effect (P<0.001) on respiration rate, fruit firmness, ripening percentage and seed:fruit weight ratio. Selection ‘Jalna’ and ‘OA 184’ desynchronised mesocarp softening with exocarp due to genetically non-softening exocarp. Treatment factors had no significant effect (P=0.998) on fruit water loss during ripening. Selection ‘OA 184’ fruit showed export potential due to its good storage, ripening physico-chemical and shelf-life properties. Studies on cold sterilisation would add more value on generated scientific information, as such would enable the SAAI to gain access to high paying export markets. In addition, the selections should be planted and evaluated in other avocado producing region

Poliuretanas: caracterização, avaliação estrutural e efeito induzido pela radiação gama / Polyurethanes: characterization, structural evaluation and effect induced by gamma radiation

Lage, Laércio Gomes 26 August 2003 (has links)
Poliuretana (PUR) é uma classe de polímeros que possui grupos uretânicos [-O-C(=O)-NH-] em sua estrutura e encontra diversas aplicações, inclusive na área biomédica. Esta versatilidade é devida ao uso de diferentes monômeros em sua síntese. O uso de isocianatos cicloalifáticos, um dos monômeros da PUR, é mais vantajoso em aplicações que requeiram uma maior estabilidade térmica e à radiação ultravioleta e maior resistência à hidrólise. Quando processadas inapropriadamente, as PUR baseadas em isocianatos aromáticos produzem compostos carcinogênicos, fato não observado para as PUR com isocianatos cicloalifáticos. Visando a aplicação biomédica, a PUR tem sido modificada através da incorporação de grupos iônicos à cadeia polimérica, formando ionômeros. A esterilização de materiais de uso biomédico é feita pelo emprego de óxido de etileno ou da radiação gama. Neste trabalho, visou-se a síntese e caracterização da PUR e do ionômero sultanado desta, baseadas em isocianato cicloalifático, além do estudo do efeito da radiação gama nos polímeros. Foi observado através da espectroscopia vibracional e análise elementar que se formam ligações de alofanato, uma ramificação da PUR linear. Comparando-se a PUR sintetizada com uma amostra comercial de PUR linear de uso biomédico, amorfa, verificou-se que a primeira apresentava cristalinidade. O estudo da cinética de decomposição térmica da PUR permitiu estabelecer o mecanismo com o qual acontece a decomposição. A estabilidade térmica e cristalinidade da PUR sulfonada são maiores que para a PUR, devendo estar relacionadas à contribuição dos grupos sulfonato. A PUR sulfonada tem um maior tempo de vida estimado que a PUR, nas temperaturas estudadas. A irradiação das amostras permitiu a verificação da oxidação do segmento do poliol e/ou extensor de cadeia, por meio da diminuição de intensidade das bandas relacionadas a este segmento nos espectros vibracionais e diminuição da cristalinidade por DSC. / Polyurethane (PUR) is a class of polymers that possesses urethane groups [O-C(=O)-NH-] in its structure and that find many applications, including biomedical ones. This variety is due to the use of different monomers in its synthesis. The use of aliphatic isocyanates, one of PUR monomers, is more valuable in applications that demand stability to UV radiation, resistance to hydrolysis, and a greater thermal stability. The aromatic isocyanate-based PUR produces, when processed incorrectly, carcinogenic compounds, a fact that is not observed in the cycloaliphatic isocyanate-based PUR. The PUR modification to use it in biomedical artifacts has been made, among some procedures, through the incorporation of ionic groups into the polymer chain, forming ionomers. The biomedical materials sterilization is made employing ethylene oxide or gamma radiation. The objectives of this work are the synthesis and characterization of PUR and its sulfonated ionomer, both based on a cycloaliphatic isocyanate, as well as the study of the effect of gamma radiation in the polymers. It has been observed the formation of allophanate linkages through the analysis of vibrational spectra and elemental analysis data. Comparing the synthesized PUR and a commercial, amorphous, linear PUR used in biomedical artifacts, it has been noted that the former has crystallinity. The kinetic study of thermal decomposition of PUR allowed to establish the decomposition mechanism of PUR. The thermal stability and crystallinity of sulfonated PUR are greater than of PUR, probably due to the contribution of sulfonic groups. The lifetime of sulfonated PUR is greater than that of PUR, in the temperature range studied. The samples irradiation has permitted the observation of poliol and/or chain extender oxidation, by means of the decreasing of the intensity of the vibrational bands related to these groups and the decreasing of crystallinity in DSC.

Poliuretanas: caracterização, avaliação estrutural e efeito induzido pela radiação gama / Polyurethanes: characterization, structural evaluation and effect induced by gamma radiation

Laércio Gomes Lage 26 August 2003 (has links)
Poliuretana (PUR) é uma classe de polímeros que possui grupos uretânicos [-O-C(=O)-NH-] em sua estrutura e encontra diversas aplicações, inclusive na área biomédica. Esta versatilidade é devida ao uso de diferentes monômeros em sua síntese. O uso de isocianatos cicloalifáticos, um dos monômeros da PUR, é mais vantajoso em aplicações que requeiram uma maior estabilidade térmica e à radiação ultravioleta e maior resistência à hidrólise. Quando processadas inapropriadamente, as PUR baseadas em isocianatos aromáticos produzem compostos carcinogênicos, fato não observado para as PUR com isocianatos cicloalifáticos. Visando a aplicação biomédica, a PUR tem sido modificada através da incorporação de grupos iônicos à cadeia polimérica, formando ionômeros. A esterilização de materiais de uso biomédico é feita pelo emprego de óxido de etileno ou da radiação gama. Neste trabalho, visou-se a síntese e caracterização da PUR e do ionômero sultanado desta, baseadas em isocianato cicloalifático, além do estudo do efeito da radiação gama nos polímeros. Foi observado através da espectroscopia vibracional e análise elementar que se formam ligações de alofanato, uma ramificação da PUR linear. Comparando-se a PUR sintetizada com uma amostra comercial de PUR linear de uso biomédico, amorfa, verificou-se que a primeira apresentava cristalinidade. O estudo da cinética de decomposição térmica da PUR permitiu estabelecer o mecanismo com o qual acontece a decomposição. A estabilidade térmica e cristalinidade da PUR sulfonada são maiores que para a PUR, devendo estar relacionadas à contribuição dos grupos sulfonato. A PUR sulfonada tem um maior tempo de vida estimado que a PUR, nas temperaturas estudadas. A irradiação das amostras permitiu a verificação da oxidação do segmento do poliol e/ou extensor de cadeia, por meio da diminuição de intensidade das bandas relacionadas a este segmento nos espectros vibracionais e diminuição da cristalinidade por DSC. / Polyurethane (PUR) is a class of polymers that possesses urethane groups [O-C(=O)-NH-] in its structure and that find many applications, including biomedical ones. This variety is due to the use of different monomers in its synthesis. The use of aliphatic isocyanates, one of PUR monomers, is more valuable in applications that demand stability to UV radiation, resistance to hydrolysis, and a greater thermal stability. The aromatic isocyanate-based PUR produces, when processed incorrectly, carcinogenic compounds, a fact that is not observed in the cycloaliphatic isocyanate-based PUR. The PUR modification to use it in biomedical artifacts has been made, among some procedures, through the incorporation of ionic groups into the polymer chain, forming ionomers. The biomedical materials sterilization is made employing ethylene oxide or gamma radiation. The objectives of this work are the synthesis and characterization of PUR and its sulfonated ionomer, both based on a cycloaliphatic isocyanate, as well as the study of the effect of gamma radiation in the polymers. It has been observed the formation of allophanate linkages through the analysis of vibrational spectra and elemental analysis data. Comparing the synthesized PUR and a commercial, amorphous, linear PUR used in biomedical artifacts, it has been noted that the former has crystallinity. The kinetic study of thermal decomposition of PUR allowed to establish the decomposition mechanism of PUR. The thermal stability and crystallinity of sulfonated PUR are greater than of PUR, probably due to the contribution of sulfonic groups. The lifetime of sulfonated PUR is greater than that of PUR, in the temperature range studied. The samples irradiation has permitted the observation of poliol and/or chain extender oxidation, by means of the decreasing of the intensity of the vibrational bands related to these groups and the decreasing of crystallinity in DSC.

Etude microclimatique et pédologique de l'effet de lisière en Cuvette centrale congolaise: impact écologique de la fragmentation des écosystèmes :cas des séries Yangambi et Yakonde à la région de Yangambi, R.D. Congo

Alongo Longomba, Sylvain 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’occupation du sol en zone forestière de Yangambi dans la Cuvette centrale congolaise (RDC) change rapidement et la fragmentation forestière liée à l’agriculture itinérante sur brûlis est devenue l’un des processus dominant la dynamique paysagère. La présente étude s’est fixée comme objectif de suivre une approche microclimatique en transects pour déterminer la zone de lisière entre les jachères herbeuses et les forêts denses, et ce, afin de mieux comprendre les réponses des propriétés physico-chimiques du sol aux changements d’occupation du sol et à la fragmentation forestière. Deux zones les plus appréciées par les paysans pour leurs exploitations agricoles ont été choisies en fonction des unités pédologiques existantes :la série Yangambi et la série Yakonde. Des échantillons non perturbés du sol de 0-10, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm et perturbés de 0-20 cm ont été prélevés dans les différentes occupations de sols après la détermination de la zone de lisière. Notre démarche a consisté à comparer les propriétés de sols identiques au plan de leur pédogenèse, sous jachère herbeuse, sous lisière et sous couvert forestier, de façon à quantifier l’effet de lisière sur les propriétés des sols, pour mieux connaître les conséquences édaphiques de la fragmentation des forêts par l’agriculture itinérante sur brûlis. <p>Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la zone de lisière entre les jachères et les forêts denses a une largeur de 70 m pour la série Yangambi et 68 m pour la série Yakonde. Les variations microclimatiques de la lisière en terme de température de l’air, sont intermédiaires (moyenne, minima et maxima) entre celles des jachères herbeuses et des forêts denses. La fragmentation des forêts par l’agriculture itinérante sur brûlis modifie profondément les propriétés physico-chimiques de sols dans les couches superficielles. Un des effets de changements d’occupation du sol et de la fragmentation est la présence d’horizons superficiels à texture sableuse au niveau des jachères herbeuses et des lisières forestières. La densité apparente et la conductivité hydraulique ont subit une importante dégradation sous les jachères herbeuses. A l’inverse, la lisière forestière assure une bonne structure conservatrice du sol (faible densité apparente et bonne conductivité hydraulique). Le sol des forêts denses présente des bonnes propriétés physiques et de ce fait, est pris comme référence à partir duquel les effets de dégradation physique du sol peuvent être appréciés. <p>Le potentiel chimique du sol (pH, phosphore assimilable, le taux de saturation en bases et la CECE) est meilleur au niveau des jachères herbeuses et des lisières forestières par rapport aux forêts denses suite à la pratique du brûlis qui permet de restituer au sol une fraction de la minéralomasse forestière par les cendres. Les teneurs en carbone et azote totaux du sol ont été significativement plus élevées sous les lisières forestières que sous les jachères herbeuses et les forêts denses. Les résultats de l’indice de Kamprath ont montré que, les lisières, en plus de contribuer à l’accroissement de carbone organique du sol, tendent à diminuer la toxicité aluminique de sols étudiés. A l’inverse, l’étude a mis en évidence une toxicité aluminique plus élevée sous la jachère herbeuse de la série Yangambi que sous la lisière. En parallèle, nous avons observé une baisse des teneurs en fer sous toutes les jachères et les lisières forestières. <p>Les pratiques de jachères cultivées et d’agroforesterie s’avèrent incontournables pour enrichir ces sols en matière organique, limiter l’érosion liée au brûlis afin de freiner le lessivage des nutriments, éviter le compactage du sol et assurer le maintien à long terme d’une bonne structure conservatrice du sol.<p><p>In the forest zone of Yangambi, located in the Central Congo Basin (DRC), land use is changing rapidly and forest fragmentation due to slash and burn agriculture has become one of the dominant processes of landscape dynamics. This study's main goal is to apply a microclimatic approach in transects to determine the edge area between the fallow grasslands and dense forests, and, in order to better understand the responses of the soil physico-chemical properties to changes in land use and forest fragmentation. Two most popular areas used by farmers have been selected on the basis of the existing soil units: the Yangambi and Yakonde series. Undisturbed soil samples at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm and the disturbed at 0-20 cm were collected from different the land use types after detecting the edge area. Our approach was to compare the properties of identical soils based on their genesis, under grass fallow, edge and forest cover, so as to quantify the effect of edge on the soil properties, to better understand the edaphic consequences of the forest fragmentation by slash and burn shifting cultivation. <p>The results showed that the edge area between fallow and dense forests has a width of 70 m for the Yangambi series and 68 m for the Yakonde series. Microclimatic variations of the edge in terms of air temperature are intermediate (average, minimum and maximum) between grass fallows and dense forests. The fragmentation of forests by slash and burn shifting cultivation profoundly modifies the physico-chemical properties of soils in the surface layers. One of the effects of changes in land use and fragmentation was the presence of surface layers with more sandy texture in the fallow grassland and forest edges. Bulk density and hydraulic conductivity undergo an important degradation under grass fallows. In contrast, the forest edge ensures a maintenance of the soil structure (low bulk density and good hydraulic conductivity). Dense forest soil has thus good physical properties and therefore is taken as the reference from which the effects of soil physical degradation can be appreciated. <p>The chemical potential of the soil (based on pH, available phosphorus, base saturation and CECE) is better in the grass fallows and forest edges compared to dense forests due to the practice of slash and burn which allows restoration by adding nutrients to the soil through the ashes. The carbon and total nitrogen in the soil were significantly higher under forest edges than in fallow grasslands and dense forests. The results of the-Kamprath index shows the edges, in addition to contributing to an increase in soil organic carbon, tend to decrease the aluminium toxicity of studied soils. By contrast, the study revealed a higher aluminium toxicity under fallow grassland on the Yangambi series that under the edge and the forest. In parallel, we observed a decrease in iron contents in all fallow lands and forest edges. <p>The practices of cultivated fallows and agroforestry are proving unavoidable for enriching these soils in organic material, to reduce erosion related to slash and burn in order to curb the leaching of nutrients, to avoid soil compaction and to maintain a long-term well developed soil structure.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Effects of landfill sites on groundwater quality in Igando, Alimosho Localgovernment Area, Lagos state

Oyiboka, Ifeoma Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
With increasing population comes the concern for waste disposal. The absence of sanitary disposal methods has left most city residents with open landfills as their only source of waste disposal. The resulting leachate formed from the decomposition of these waste materials is highly polluting and finds its way to the underground water supply. The study investigated the effects of open landfill sites on the underground water quality by examining the physical and chemical properties of underground water in hand-dug wells around the Solous landfill sites in Igando, Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State. Solous landfill is the second largest landfill by landmass and volume of waste in Lagos State. Systematic random sampling was used for data gathering. Eighteen hand-dug wells were sampled at increasing distances from the landfill site. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed at the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA). Soil samples were also taken from both the A (0 – 30cm) and B (30 – 60cm) horizons of the water sampling points to determine the soil texture (silt, clay and loamy composition) and to show the impact of soil texture on ground water quality within the sampled area. The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. The results showed high degree of conformance with W.H.O standard with respect to the microbiological properties of the sampled groundwater. However, coliform tests indicated the potential presence of pathogens. Of the seven (7) physical parameters tested, conductivity was higher in one sample. The study of chemical properties from the eighteen wells showed five (5) parameters (dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, iron, lead, nitrates and copper) above W.H.O limits in some samples. The water may therefore not be safe for human consumption and there is a serious need to monitor the groundwater quality in the area. The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. Areas of high and medium contamination were discovered. There was no area with low contamination level in the area sampled. Contamination levels were mapped to show the exact levels of contamination in the study area. The results of the soil analysis showed that the study area had soil that was mostly sandy in nature which may suggest an increase in parameters over time with significant health implications for the people who depend on surrounding wells for domestic use. The study also showed no significant variation in water quality with increasing distance from the dump site. Findings also indicated that the water around Solous 1 was of better quality for domestic use than groundwater around Solous 2 and 3 due to temporal reduction of contaminant concentration. There is therefore a need for adequate and proper planning, design and construction, and strategic management disposal of waste, as well as the implementation of a better sustainable environmental sanitation practice. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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