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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Observações sobre o processo de aquisição/aprendizagem do inglês a partir de propostas lúdicas: um estudo de caso relativo a um grupo de crianças de Educação Infantil de uma escola bilíngue / Observations about English acquisition/learning process in play: a case study of a group of children in a bilingual school

Cecilia Winik Landau 19 February 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, concebida como um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa e de base etnográfica (ANDRÉ, 2003; NUNAN, 1992; SEVERINO, 2007), tem como objetivo geral investigar o processo da aquisição/aprendizagem da língua inglesa durante os momentos lúdicos em um grupo de criança entre três e quatro anos, buscando compreender como esses momentos contribuem para o desenvolvimento dos principais aspectos constituintes da formação do sujeito criança. Por meio deste entendimento, intencionamos possibilitar ao(s) docente(s) que participa(m) ativamente do referido processo, melhor desenvolver sua atividade profissional. O trabalho parte da discussão do cenário global em nossa contemporaneidade, destacando os principais aspectos que podem ser relacionados ao papel que o Inglês ocupa atualmente. Para tanto, apoiamo-nos em alguns autores que discorrem sobre o tema: Robertson (1994), Mcgrew (2001), Gradoll (1997), Crystal (2000), entre outros. A partir desta compreensão, trouxemos o panorama brasileiro e algumas considerações em relação ao ensino do Inglês em nosso país. Alicerçados nos pressupostos da teoria histórico-cultural erigidos por Vygotsky (1998, 1999, 2007) discutimos o papel do professor como mediador num contexto de imersão total na segunda língua, além de outros conceitos vygotskianos (a função da linguagem, a importância da brincadeira na pré-escola, as possibilidades de aprendizagem dentro da Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal, dentre outros). Analisamos o papel que a língua exerce como instrumento e resultado dentro da aquisição/aprendizagem e as várias formas do brincar considerando o sujeito em seu contexto social juntamente com os aspectos cognitivos, afetivos e sociais. O referencial teórico também está embasado na teoria psico-genética e outros estudos de Wallon (1971, 1975, 2008, 2007), que contribuem ao falar sobre o desenvolvimento integral da criança, incluindo suas particularidades nos aspectos emocionais, motores e sociais. Discorremos também sobre as várias concepções e significados acerca do brincar (LEONTIÈV, 1988; KISHIMOTO, 2007; HUIZINGA, 2012; BROUGÈRE, 1998; BODROVA, 2007; BRUNER, 1983) para, inseridos neste contexto do brincar, analisarmos as primeiras possibilidades de aquisição/aprendizagem da língua segunda resgatando alguns estudos realizados por Lightbown e Spada (2011), Cameron (2001) e Bruner (1983). Evidenciamos, a partir de nossa análise, que a mediação com base nas interações entre as professoras e as crianças foi fundamental para desenvolver ambos os aspectos: aquisição/aprendizagem de uma nova língua e o desenvolvimento dos aspectos sociais e afetivos em momentos lúdicos inseridos no contexto de imersão bilíngue. Neste sentido, reflexões que envolvam o tempo e espaço destinados aos momentos lúdicos e às interações na nova língua são fundamentais para que o trabalho pedagógico abarque as diversas habilidades e necessidades componentes da formação integral da criança. Consequentemente, a aquisição/aprendizagem poderá também avançar de forma gradativa e natural, respeitando cada etapa e as características da faixa etária das crianças observadas em nosso trabalho. / This research, conceived as a qualitative and ethnographic case study (ANDRÉ, 2003; NUNAN, 1992; SEVERINO, 2007), aims to investigate the process of acquisition/learning of the English language during the playful moments in a group of children between three and four years old, understanding how these moments contribute to the development of the main constituent aspects of the formation of the child. Through this understanding, we intend to enable the teacher(s) who actively participate in this process, to better develop their professional activity. The study starts from the discussion of the global scenario in our contemporaneity, highlighting the main aspects that may be related to the role that English currently occupies. In order to do so, the discussion was based on some authors who contribute to the theme: Robertson (1994), Mcgrew (2001), Gradoll (1997), Crystal (2000), among others. From this understanding, we have brought the Brazilian panorama, and some considerations regarding the teaching of English in our country. Based on the assumptions of historical-cultural theory erected by Vygotsky (1998, 1999, 2007) we discuss the role of the teacher as mediator in a context of total immersion in the second language, as well as other Vygotskian concepts (the function of language, the importance of playing in the preschool, the possibilities of learning within the Zone of Proximal Development, among others). We analyze the role that language plays as an instrument and result within the acquisition/learning, and the various forms of playing considering the subject in his/her social context along with the cognitive, affective and social aspects. The theoretical framework is also based on psycho-genetic theory and other studies by Wallon (1971, 1975, 2008, 2007), which contribute to the child\'s whole development, including emotional, motor and social aspects. We also discoursed about the various conceptions and meanings about playing (LEONTIÈV, 1988; KISHIMOTO, 2007; HUIZINGA, 2012; BROUGÈRE, 1998; BODROVA, 2007; BRUNER, 1983) to, from this context of playing, analyze the first second language acquisition/learning possibilities retaking some studies carried out by Lightbown and Spada (2011), Cameron (2001), and Bruner (1983). From our analysis, we showed that mediation based on the interactions among teachers and children was fundamental to develop both aspects: Acquisition/Learning of a new language, and the development of social and affective aspects in playful moments inserted in the context of bilingual immersion. In this sense, reflections that involve the time and space destined to playful moments, and to the interactions in the new language are fundamental so that the pedagogical work embraces the diverse abilities and needs components of the integral formation of the child. Consequently, acquisition/learning could also progress in a gradual and natural way, respecting each stage and the characteristics of the age range of the children observed in our work.

O jogo analítico: questões técnicas na clínica com crianças / The psychoanalytic playing: technical questions in the clinic with children

Luciana Pérez de Campos Pires 05 May 2014 (has links)
Partindo de interrogantes derivados da clínica psicanalítica com crianças, a presente tese foi construída ao redor de três eixos principais: linguagem, setting e intervenção. Contamos com diversos casos clínicos para fomentar nossa reflexão. Os atos, gestos, mímicas e posturas que compõem a linguagem polimorfa da criança engendram a especificidade de um setting no qual corpos (do analista e do paciente) e brinquedos oferecem suporte às transferências. Trata-se de um setting montado em terreno de jogo e brincadeira. Nele, as intervenções do analista cuidam da manutenção e restauração do fluxo simbólico do brincar / Starting from interrogations derived from psychoanalytic practice with children, this thesis was built around three main axes: language, setting and intervention. We have several clinical cases to foster reflection. Acts, gestures, mimicry and postures that make up the polymorphous child\'s language engender the specificity of a setting in which bodies (the analyst\'s and the patient\'s) and toys offer support to transferences. This is a setting mounted on a área of playing. In it, the analyst\'s interventions take care of the maintenance and restoration of the symbolic flow of playing

Papéis, conflitos e gratificações de enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental: estudo prospectivo / Roles, conflicts and rewards of psychiatric and mental health nurses: prospective study

Lima, Raphael Valentino Marques de 14 December 2011 (has links)
Com a transformação da assistência psiquiátrica, torna-se importante verificar como o enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental se encontra diante de seus papéis, conflitos e gratificações. Assim, trinta e um enfermeiros que se especializaram em enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental responderam um questionário com esse objetivo. Os resultados mostraram que a grande maioria trabalha na área em que se especializaram, e, quanto aos papéis, desenvolvem os administrativos, como: a coordenação e organização do serviço de assistência e participação em conselhos de saúde; os de cuidado direto, como: atuar junto ao paciente e familiar, execução dos cuidados de higiene, medicações e orientações, escuta qualificada, apoio psicológico e controle de crises; específicos do enfermeiro psiquiátrico, como: coordenação/supervisão/orientação da equipe de enfermagem, consulta e pós consulta de enfermagem, exame de estado mental, triagem, acolhimento, visita domiciliar, prevenção na comunidade, escuta terapêutica, avaliação clinica, desenvolvimento de projeto terapêutico individual, profissional de referência, participação em grupos, oficinas e atendimento individual. Possuem conflitos relativos à falta de reconhecimento profissional, como: falta de reconhecimento como enfermeiro especialista, falta de credibilidade no atendimento do enfermeiro especialista e falta de autonomia enquanto enfermeiro; condições de trabalho como: falta de recursos materiais, humanos e de espaço físico, sobrecarga do profissional qualificado, falta de oportunidades de capacitação da equipe, dificuldade de aliar gestão e assistência, dificuldade de associar a teoria com a prática; dificuldades de relacionamento com a equipe, como: profissionais médicos que não conseguem trabalhar em equipe, falta de cooperação entre enfermeiros, desrespeito da equipe pelas decisões tomadas. Como gratificações destacam o reconhecimento profissional, como: agradecimento do paciente pelos serviços prestados, melhora do paciente e reconhecimento da equipe multiprofissional pelo trabalho; reconhecimento pessoal, como: satisfação pessoal, ser reconhecido como enfermeiro psiquiátrico, prazer em trabalhar e paixão pelo que faz; qualificação, como: aplicação dos conhecimentos, postura ética, interesse em buscar mais qualificação e satisfação em conseguir desempenhar o que aprendeu. Assim sendo, pode-se considerar que os enfermeiros pesquisados identificaram o seu papel de especialista na área de enfermagem psiquiátrica e o exercem com propriedade. Seus conflitos relacionaram-se a aspectos de reconhecimento profissional como enfermeiro especializado, estruturais dos serviços e relacionamento, que podem se constituir em agentes complicadores para o desenvolvimento de um bom trabalho, e, suas gratificações, estão ligadas a fatores de reconhecimento profissional, pessoal, qualificação profissional e aplicação de conhecimentos, levando ao entendimento de que o idealismo contido nessas colocações tem grandes chances de serem traduzidos em ações levando a transformações, o que vai de encontro ao que é esperado de um enfermeiro especialista na área de enfermagem psiquiátrica saúde mental. / Due to psychiatric assistance changes, it is important to check how the nurse specialized in psychiatric nursing and mental health deals with his roles, conflicts and rewards. Thus, thirty-one nurses specialized in psychiatric nursing answered a questionnaire for this purpose. Results showed that most of them worked within the area of their specialization and as to roles, they performed administrative ones, such as: coordination and organization of assistance service and participation in health councils; direct care ones, such as: action with patient and relatives, hygiene care performance, medications and guidance, qualified hearing, psychological support and crisis control; psychiatric-nurse specific ones, such as: nursing team coordination/supervision/guidance, nursing appointment and post-appointment, mental state examination, triage, reception, home visit, prevention within the community, clinical evaluation, individual therapeutic project development, reference professional, participation in groups, workshops and individual support. They show conflicts related to the lack of professional recognition, such as: lack of recognition as a specialist nurse, of credibility in specialist nurse assistance and of autonomy as a nurse; work conditions such as: shortage of material and human resources, and physical space, overburden of qualified professional, lack of opportunities for team empowerment, difficulty to ally management and assistance, difficulty to associate theory to practice; difficulty relationship with the team, such as: medical professionals that are not able to work as a team, lack of cooperation among nurses, team\'s disrespect as to decisions made. As rewards they point out professional recognition, as: patient\'s gratitude for services provide, patient\'s improvement and work recognized by the multi-professional team; personal recognition, as: personal satisfaction, recognition as a psychiatric nurse, pleasure to work and passion for the profession; qualification, such as: knowledge application, ethical attitude, interest in looking for a deeper qualification and satisfaction to perform what was learnt. Thus, we may consider that researched nurses have identified their specialized role within psychiatric nursing area and suitably perform it. Their conflicts are related to aspects of professional recognition as a specialized nurse, services structure and relationship, which may become complicating agents for a good work development, and their rewards refer to professional and personal recognition, professional qualifications and knowledge application factors, and we may conclude that idealism contained in these statement has large chances to be translated into actions leading to changes, meeting what is expected from a nurse, who is specialized in psychiatric and mental health nursing area.

A influência das atividades expressivas e recreativas em crianças hospitalizadas com fissura labiopalatina: a visão dos familiares / The influence of expressive and recreational activities in inpatient children with cleft lip and palate: standpoint of the family

Moraes, Marcia Cristina Almendros Fernandes 30 October 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca as atividades expressivas e recreativas no contexto hospitalar e, sendo os familiares um elemento importante nesse processo, objetiva-se verificar a visão dos familiares a respeito da influência dessas atividades na hospitalização de crianças com fissura labiopalatina, procurando identificar os benefícios dessas atividades no período pré e pós-operatório, a influência no processo de recuperação cirúrgica, a atividade preferencial das crianças e a importância da participação dos familiares nas atividades. Participaram, deste estudo, 138 familiares de crianças com fissura labiopalatina, na faixa etária de 07 a 12 anos, hospitalizados no HRAC, e que freqüentaram o Serviço de Educação e Terapia Ocupacional. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo por meio de aplicação de formulário de entrevista, abordando questões referentes ao tema estudado, envolvendo familiares de criaças, em condição pré e pós-operatória. Dos 138 familiares questionados, 135 (97,83%) acham que as atividades expressivas e recreativas no período pré-operatório deixam a criança mais calma. Todos 138 (100%) responderam que as atividades expressivas e recreativas aceleram o processo de recuperação cirúrgica. Dentre as atividades das quais participaram com a criança, 127 (92,03%) dos participantes referiram-se a brinquedoteca e, na opinião de 103 (74,64%) dos familiares questionados, esta participação contribui para melhorar o estado emocional da criança, favorecendo, na opinião de 125 (90,58%) familiares, seu relacionamento interpessoal e 137 (99,27%), acham que as atividades contribuem para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das crianças hospitalizadas. Concluiu-se que, na visão da maioria dos familiares, 136 (98,55%), as atividades expressivas e recreativas amenizam os efeitos negativos advindos da hospitalização. / This study addresses the expressive and recreational activities within a hospital context; since the family is an important element in this process, this study investigated the standpoint of the family on the influence of these activities on the hospitalization of children with cleft lip and palate, to identify the benefits of these activities both pre- and postoperatively, their influence on postoperative recovery, preferential activities of the children, and the importance of family participation in the activities. The study was conducted on 138 relatives of inpatient children with cleft lip and palate at HRAC, aged 7 to 12 years, attending the Education and Occupational Therapy Service. A descriptive study was conducted by application of an interview comprising questions related to the subject, involving families of children both pre- and postoperatively. Among the 138 relatives, 135 (97.83%) consider that expressive and recreational activities performed at the preoperative period reassure the child. All 138 interviewees (100%) stated that the expressive and recreational activities accelerate the process of postoperative recovery. Among the activities in which they participated with the child, 127 participants (92.03%) mentioned the toy room; according to 103 relatives (74.64%), this participation contributes to improve the emotional status of the child, favoring their interpersonal relationships according to 125 relatives (90.58%); 137 interviewees (99.27%) stated that the activities contribute to the growth and development of inpatient children. In conclusion, according to the standpoint of the family, 136 relatives (98.55%) believe that expressive and recreational activities reduce the negative effects of hospitalization.

Taller de prácticas docentes como propuesta innovadora de las enseñanzas superiores de danza: estudio de casos

Torregrosa Salcedo, Elvira 04 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Hypermobility and violin playing : How hypermobility affects my violin playing

Ovaska, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis I have studied how hypermobile joints affect my violin playing and tried to to find solutions how to cope with hypermobility.  The purpose is to find tools how to change my left-hand technique so that I can play Bach´s Fugue from Solo sonata in g minor in my master concert without pain in my 4th finger and without tension in my left-hand. The goal is to find a way to play with hypermobile joints so that my technique will serve the music in the best possible way.  The biggest questions are: what hypermobility is, how can I cope with it, how to play more relaxed and how to develop a better support for my left-hand little finger, 4th finger.  The thesis will first focus more on the theoretical side of hypermobility in order to get better understanding of what hypermobilty is and how it might affect a violinist. Then I will get more into the aspects of violin playing and my process. After this process I noticed that working with hypermobile joints is a lifelong process. In order to have a good left-hand technique while having hypermobile joints it is crucial to have good muscle control and awareness. The most important thing is to find the right tools that work for yourself while trying to cope with hypermobility.

A lack of flæ:r : A comparative study of English accent stereotypes in fantasy role-playing games

Hellström, Eugen January 2019 (has links)
This study analyzes the use of linguistic stereotypes in two fantasy role-playing games, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and Dragon Age: Origins with a focus on phonology. It investigates how accent stereotypes are used and why they are important for characters in video games, for example regarding prestige and attractiveness. It analyzes each character from a character type perspective: hero, villain, comic-relief, mentor and lover. The results show that there are accent stereotypes in fantasy role-playing games and that they are, most likely, deliberately placed as such. It also shows that standard variations of English are mainly used for characters that serves a purpose to the story while non-standard variations are used for characters that serves no purpose to the game other than working as tools to enrich the world with a sense of life.

In search of appropriate techniques for teaching speaking skills to Chinese tour guide students

Fu-xiang, Wang, n/a January 1983 (has links)
With the rapid development of the tourism industry in China, the need to train more and more competent tour guides has become more urgent than ever. These tour guides require a sophisticated level of spoken English, but, at present, their English-speaking proficiency is far from satisfactory. It is this problem that has inspired the writing of this paper. The paper attempts to search for appropriate teaching techniques that would be useful for improving the speaking skills of Chinese tour guide students. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 will outline the problem being discussed. Chapter 2 then aims to suggest solutions to the problem stated in Chapter i After discussion of relevant issues, it is decided that Mim-Mem, Dialogue and Role-playing might be appropriate techniques for teaching the speaking skills to Chinese tour guide students. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 deal with the Mim-Mem Technique, the Dialogue Technique and the Roleplaying Technique respectively. After an examination of the three suggested techniques, Chapter 6 discusses material preparation and provides practical suggestions for classroom applications. The paper should be regarded as an initial base for further discussion and research.

Role stress and burnout in physical education teachers in Hong Kong

Ho, Chak-sang. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 71-80). Also available in print.

Flöjtglädje : En undersökning om vad flöjtelever tycker är roligt med sitt spel och sina flöjtlektioner. / Enjoyment in Flute playing : A study of what flutists think is enjoyable when playing their flute and in their lessons.

Kivling, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
<p>This is a study of how young flutists experience playing their instrument and having music lessons, especially what they think is most enjoyable. 27 flutists between the ages of 8 and 19 years old, from three different municipal schools of music in central Sweden, were interviewed during spring 2000.</p><p>Some of the conclusions are that enjoyment coincides with meaningful when you are in a musical context, and when your progress is confirmed by the teacher.</p><p>The study is to be seen as some examples of different things that young flutists find enjoyable. It is not an enumeration of recommended items in teaching, rather some thoughts about the positive experiences of playing the flute, and how teachers may relate to that.</p>

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