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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vlastnosti a aplikace ploch nízkého stupně / Properties and applications of low degree surfaces

Mirová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
My thesis "Properties and applications of low degree surfaces" deals mainly with properties of two quadrics. We introduce so called canonical forms of two quadrics and classification of intersection curve of two quadrics. There are used index and signature sequence to obtain classification of intersection curve of two quadrics. These sequence can determine the number of component of the intersection curve, their algebraic degrees and singularities. Our work also contains many examples with pictures. One part of the thesis also presents possible application of intersection curve of two quadrics in practice. This thesis also contains an enclosed CD, with the thesis in an electronic form and the source files of all pictures in the thesis.

Průniky těles / Intersection of solids

Otrubová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The four chapters of this diploma thesis introduce a survey of the basic intersection types of solids, the focus being placed on the intersection of two pyramid and prisma solids, acting as a counterweight to most textbooks' interest in intersection of curved surfaces. The first chapter provides a detailed, wide-ranging insight into the issue of the solid and line intersection. The conclusion part of the thesis provides the reader with a brief commentary on the used literature. The work is supplemented with figures and example solutions. In the appendix part are found pre-drawn assignments. The enclosed CD contains complementary materials such as step by step solutions and 3D models created in the GeoGebra software along with drawn problems found especially in upper secondary school geometry textbooks and curriculum.

Zhodnocení časové náročnosti zpracování LHP metodou statistické provozní inventarizace

Šrámek, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This document deals with classification of mainly terrain work time-consuming during collecting of data by the method of operating statistical inventory. Terrain work was done on a part of property of Lesy města Brna, a.s., concretely Lesní správa Deblín. The Field -- Map technology was used for the terrain work. The aim was mainly determine factors that influence the time needed for carrying out of terrain works and then decide, which one influences mostly.

Oligopolní konkurence firem v ekonomice ČR / Oligopolistic Competition among companies in the Czech Economy

Pilousová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about oligopolistic competition of major retail chain operating on czech market in the food retail sector. Except mathematical prediction of the current retailers revenue-per-square meter growth, this work also mentions companies that decided to leave the Czech market for various reasons, like bad profits and wrongly determined business goals, change of strategy, etc. Main focus of this paper is the development of the retail sales market and examining if there is forming or already is, an oligopol with a dominant company. The market development is analysed based on freely available sources (published profits and annual reports). Total revenues of each retail chains are compared with details about disponible sales area and are displayed in graphs for better image; in the notes there are also details about individual acquisitions. Based on this development, the possible future development of revenue-per-square meter of sales area is mathematically derived.

Problematika vývoje trhu s kukuřicí / Issues of Corn Market development

Černěnková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with one of the most widely grown crop in the world that is corn. The diploma thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes corn as an arable crop, aims at its history and trading patterns. The special attention is devoted to crucial factors which are affecting the corn market. The first subchapter of practical part focuses on analysis factors like production, harvest and planted area of corn in United States of America. Based on the graphic analysis are shown and duly commented on the long-term developmental trends of indicators in the timeframe of last fifty years. The next subchapter of the thesis deals with the analysis of time series of individual determinants affecting maize market. In the last subchapter is built econometric model, which is used to compare predictions of ex -post with reality. The conclusion of the thesis evaluates the results of modelling, describes and critically valorizes the influence of individual determinants on the maize market , and outlines the potential development of the corn market.

Makrofyta rybníků zemědělské krajiny vybrané části Novohradského podhůří / Macrophytes of fishponds in agricultural landscape of selected part of Novohradské hory foothills

SOUKUP, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Cílem terénní diplomové práce bylo určování a posouzení diverzity vodních a mokřadních druhů rostlin (makrofyt) v 46 sledovaných vodních nádržích v povodí řeky Vltavy a Malše. Vlastní botanický průzkum probíhal v podhůří Novohradských hor a zaobíral se druhovou identifikací vyšších rostlin ve vymezeném území vodních nádrží, pro které byla současně stanovena i listová pokryvnost dle Braun-Blanquetovy stupnice modifikace Westhoff & van der Makrel. Sběr druhových dat a definování listové plochy probíhalo vždy jen na úrovni vodního ekosystému s členěním na jednotlivé polygony (litorály) s charakteristickými stanovištními společenstvy. Získaná data se následně vizualizovala v mapách a tabulkách druhového zastoupení s přidělenou pokryvností. Z environmentálních ukazatelů se hodnotil obsah dodatkových živin v nádrži, velikost rybí obsádky, chov kachen, charakter a mocnost sedimentů, vodní stav, převažující zemědělské využití půdy v blízkém okolí, rozloha vodní plochy a hlavní spádové povodí dané oblasti. Zmíněné ukazatele (podmínky) se zaznamenávaly pro každou vodní nádrž a staly se podkladem pro další statistické hodnocení mokřadního ekosystému. Diplomová práce se skládá ze dvou částí - rešeršního zpracování problematiky rybničního hospodaření s dopady na doprovodnou vodní vegetaci a statistického vyhodnocení identifikovaných údajů. Ze sumarizovaných statistických dat vzešla skutečnost zvýšené diverzity druhů v povodí řeky Vltavy u částečně letněných rybochovných nádrží. Mapování a sběr botanických vzorků proběhl ve vegetační sezóně 2015, v období od konce měsíce května do začátku měsíce srpna.

GEOHELMINTI JAKO PARAZITÁRNÍ ZNEČIŠTĚNÍ VENKOVNÍCH HRACÍCH PLOCH, KTERÉ JSOU VOLNĚ PŘÍSTUPNÉ A NEMAJÍ STANOVENÉHO PROVOZOVATELE / Geohelmint as a parasitic contamination of outdoor playing areas which are free-for-all and without any keeper

BAŠTÝŘOVÁ BRUTOVSKÁ, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The problematics of contamination of outdoor play grounds is very relevant at present, but a topic which is often forgotten, because not many people actually realise the risks of transfer of infections by the contamination of soil. In my work I specialised in the description of the life cycle of geohelminths, the appearance of infections caused by geohelminths in people and how to prevent this. I applied myself especially to the parasites, which I found in the collected samples during my research, especially Toxocara canis, T. cati, Ascaris spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Toxascaris spp. The research took place between October 2009 and April 2010, on selected locations, where I took samples for laboratory analysis. I carried out the analysis in the laboratory of Parasitologic Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to map the level of parasite contamination on the outdoor play grounds. I divided the outdoor grounds into areas which are being kept by kinder-gardens (nursery schools) and areas that have no oficial keeper. From this evolves the following hypothesis: the play grounds that are opened to the general public without restrictions and have no official keeper are contaminated by parasites. The research has confirmed my hypothesis.

Počítačové modelování ploch / Computer Representation of Surfaces

Chudáčková, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
In this work we first introduce the basics of surface study and than we get acquainted with three basic types of surfaces of computer graphics, Bézier, rational Bézier and B-spline surfaces. This is to prepare the reader for the study of the fourth type of surfaces - NURBS. All types of introduced surfaces are accompanied by examples and algorithms with programs implemented in MatLab environment. When studying the NURBS surfaces properties we also introduce the associated important geometric tools. With this base of knowledge we concentrate on examples of common surfaces represented as NURBS, that are again accompanied with representation in programs. i

Sportovní centrum Za Lužánkami Brno / Sport Centre Za Lužánkami Brno

Rehortová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The theme of my diplom thesis is to create the architectural study of a football stadium in Brno behind Lužánky. The proposed stadium is to create facilities for football , athletes and fans. Stadium capacity is 22 thousands audience. The football stadium is part of a sports complex, which dominates the area. The project responds to the sloping ground and is creating a single complex. Foyer (football stadium) is one open space, where the exterior continuously changes the interior. It was created direct view from the foyer on the playing surface.

Sportovní centrum / Sports Center

Zahálka, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a new sports center. The building is designed a a two-storey, brick-built ceramic block with a flat roof. On the first floor there are rehabilitation rooms, cloakrooms and saunas. On the second floor there are gyms. Part of the sports center is the proposed outdoor parking lot.

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