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Varför innehas fastigheter bildade för bostadsändamål utan att bebyggas? : en undersökning i Uppsala kommunJonsson, Linda, Spångberg, Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund I Sverige har kommunerna ansvar för att alla invånare har tillgång till bra bostäder. För att kunna erbjuda bra bostadsalternativ som gör att fler vill bosätta sig i kommunen krävs att det finns mark för bostäder. Idag finns fastigheter bildade för bostadsändamål som inte har blivit bebyggda. I kommuner där det råder bostadsbrist och det finns en tydlig efterfrågan på mark för bostadsändamål är det viktigt att ta reda på varför fastigheterna inte blir bebyggda. Tidigare studier har utförts som i stort behandlar faktorer som kan förhindra bostadsbyggandet men privata fastighetsägares motiv till att inte bebygga sina fastigheter är ett outrett område. Syfte Examensarbetets syfte var att undersöka vilka motiv fastighetsägare har för att behålla sina fastigheter obebyggda och undersöka vilka faktorer som kan hindra en fastighetsägare från att bebygga sin fastighet. Examensarbetet begränsades till att omfatta privata fastighetsägare och fastigheter bildade för småhusändamål samt geografiskt till att omfatta Uppsala kommun. Metod Examensarbetet består av en litteraturstudie med syfte att ge en juridisk bakgrund till arbetet samt att undersöka vad som förhindrar byggandet av bostäder. För att besvara frågan varför fastighetsägare inte bebygger sina fastigheter samlades information in genom en enkätundersökning. Slutsats Slutsatsen är att de flesta fastighetsägare inte har för avsikt att bebygga fastigheten. Många har även fått fastigheten i arv eller gåva och därmed inte gjort ett aktivt val att förvärva fastigheten. Även att många innehar fastigheten i syfte att förhindra någon annan att bebygga den framkom av enkätundersökningen. För den enskilde fastighetsägaren är det särskilt plan- och bygglovsprocessen och kostnaderna för att bygga som förhindrar ett byggande. / Background The municipalities in Sweden have the responsibility for the inhabitants to have access to good homes. To be able to offer good homes so that more people could settle in a community it is necessary that there is land for housing construction. Today there are properties created to be used for housing construction that has not been developed. In communities where there are housing shortage and a high demand on land for housing it is important to find the reasons why the land is not developed. Earlier studies have been done that investigates the general elements that can stop the housing construction. However the reasons why private landowners do not develop their land are an uninvestigated area. Objective The objective with this thesis was to investigate which purposes private landowners has to keep their properties undeveloped and to see which elements can prevent a landowner not build on his property. The thesis was defined to comprise only private land owners and geographical to comprise the municipality of Uppsala. Method The thesis contain of one literature review with purpose to give a juridical background of the thesis and to explore what prevent the housing construction. To answer the question why landowners do not build on their land information was collected through a questionnaire. Conclusions The conclusion is that most of the property owners do not have an intention to build on their property. Many have received the property as a gift or through inheritance and consequently have not made an active choice to purchase the property. Also that many hold the property in order to prevent someone else to build was discovered in the questionnaire. For the private land owner the planning and building process and the costs for building are the most important
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Ecotourism and Water Quality: Linking Management, Activities and Sustainability Indicators in the CaribbeanThomas, Ken Darrie 31 May 2010 (has links)
Ecotourism from its genesis and founding theories has been set out to conserve and preserve the environment through sustainable operation that includes surrounding communities in efforts to reduce their poverty levels. Over the years ecotourism has been hypothesized to have departed from this ideal with several researchers, through social, qualitative analyses, have said that these non-sustainable ecotourism operations are simply due to poor management. This work sought to test this central hypothesis as a first approach to quantitatively linking ecotourism activities to management with surface water quality as the key indicator of sustainable ecotourism as a complex system through systems thinking. This pilot work was done by the use of two study sites in the Caribbean: Iwokrama, Guyana and Greencastle, Jamaica.
From General Systems Theory, before systems dynamics can be applied there is a need to first observe components of the system in a reductionist view. This approach had to be taken also since the required data inputs for the systems approach were not available, as is the norm throughout the Caribbean. Thus by creating simple, easy-touse and transferrable sustainability indicator based reductionist-type assessment tools relevant data on ecotourism activities, management and water quality can be obtained in the future and acts as a start to understanding the true systems dynamics among these three entities. The creation of these quantitative reductionist tools utilized social surveying onsite, target plots, sustainability indicators and Social Network Analysis. Tools created were tested through what-if scenarios, with sensitivity analyses, and determined to be able to respond to societal, environmental and economic changes.
The basic findings of these reductionist tools were used to establish and initial pathway for quantification inclusive of a framework in STELLA® for the numerical linking of ecotourism management, water quality and sustainability indicators in the Caribbean. This work also established water quality baselines for both study sites through in situ water sampling and testing and further ex situ analysis. As an indirect systems approach to linking sustainable development and the Caribbean, an audit of the Caribbean’s primary and secondary school’s system was conducted and recommendations suggested for the infusion of sustainability into formal education both during and after the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).
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Brandžių medynų tūrio nustatymo metodų tikslumo tyrimas / The survey of the accuracy of methods applied to rate the volume of mature forestsUrbonavičius, Svajūnas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas - Telšių miškų urėdijos, Žarėnų girininkijos brandūs mišrūs eglės su lapuočiais medynai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti dažniausiai miško inventorizacijos praktikoje naudojamų tūrio nustatymo metodų tikslumą ir išanalizuoti jį lemiančias priežastis. Darbo metodai – tūrio paklaidų, gautų lyginant medienos tūrius, nustatytus pagal sklypinės miškų inventorizacijos ir biržių atrėžimo ir įvertinimo duomenimis su pagamintos medienos duomenimis, analizė. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tų pačių medynų tūrio įvertinimą įvairiais metodais ir visų matavimo rezultatų analizę, paaiškėjo, kad sklypinė miškų inventorizacija tūrį Žarėnų miško masyve vidutiniškai didina 10,2 %, lyginant su ištisiniu medžių apmatavimo metodu. Įvertinę brandžių medynų tūrį, pagal pagamintą medienos produkciją, gauti rezultatai mišriuose eglės medynuose svyruoja nuo -3,0 % iki 9,9 %, bendra paklaida yra 4,9 % didesnė lyginant su ištisiniu medžių matavimo metodu. Raktažodžiai: Sklypinė miškų inventorizacija, ištisinis medžių matavimas, atrankinis medžių matavimas, medynų tūris, paklaidos. / OBJECT OF RESEARCH-mature mixed spruce - broadlives forests in Telšiai forest enterprise, Žarėnai forest. AIM OF RESEARCH- to determine the accuracy of most frequently applied methods to rate the volume in the practice of forest inventory and to analyze the causes that influence it. METHODS OF RESEARCH- the analysis of volume errors, got by comparing timber volumes, set according to the data of inventory of forest plots and their delimitation and the data of their evaluation with the data of manufactured timber acceptance. RESULTS OF RESEARCH-after having done the evaluation of the same timber volume using different methods and the analysis of all the results of measurement, it emerged that stand-wise forest inventory increases the volume in the array of Žarėnai forests by 10.2% when compared to the continuous forest measurement. After evaluating the volume of mature trees according to the made timber production the results in mixed fir trees range from -3,0 % to 9,9 %, a common error 4,9 % better compared to the continuous forest measurement.
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Šiaulių apskrities žemės ir statinių kadastro darbų vykdymo tyrimai / The cadastral surveys of land and buildings in Šiauliai countyBašytė, Jurgita 14 January 2009 (has links)
Kadastriniai matavimai – veiksmai, kuriais identifikuojamas nekilnojamasis daiktas, atliekamas tikslus suformuotų žemės sklypų plotų nustatymas, ir parengiamas žemės sklypo planas bei kiti duomenys, reikalingi įrašyti į Nekilnojamojo turto kadastro duomenų bazę. Žemės ir statinių kadastrinių matavimų paskirtis - nustatyti turto dydį, fizinę būklę, turto vertę ir kitus rodiklius, apibūdinančius nekilnojamojo turto objektą. Šių rodiklių reikia nekilnojamojo turto apskaitai, sandoriams, apmokestinimui, turto ir teisių į turtą registravimui. Naudojantis kadastro duomenimis apibūdinamas nekilnojamasis turtas, įvertinama jo būklė, rinkos dinamika, prognozuojami galimi nekilnojamojo turto rinkos pokyčiai. Atlikus kadastrinius matavimus sudaroma kadastrinių matavimų byla – nekilnojamojo daikto kadastro duomenų nustatymo metu parengtų planų, užpildytų kadastro formų ir kitų dokumentų apie nekilnojamąjį daiktą sukomplektuotas rinkinys. Žemės ir statinių kadastro darbų vykdymo tyimai atlikti vienoje iš dešimties Lietuvos apskričių – Šiaulių apskrityje. Apskritis yra Lietuvos šiaurinės dalies viduryje ir apimia Šiaulių miestą, Akmenės, Joniškio, Kelmės, Pakruojo, Radviliškio ir Šiaulių rajonus. Nustatyta Nekilnojamojo turto registre registruojamų žemės sklypų skaičiaus pokyčiai Šiaulių apskrities rajonuose, kadastrinių matavimų apimtys ir jų poreikis, darbų turinys ir vykdymo tvarka. / Cadastral measurements are the actions, by which is identified real estate such as buildings, formed plots of land, premises, and etc. The outcome of the cadastral measurements is a collection of the cadastral data on the real estate. The purpose of buildings‘, plots‘ of land, and premises‘ cadastral measurements is to estimate the size of the real estate, its physical condition, value, and other indicators. These indicatiors are needed for the real estate records, transactions, taxation, and the rights of ownership to registrate. Property‘s physical condition and value, dynamics of market, and foreseen changes in real estate market are calculated using cadastral data. Cadastral measurement file is completed after cadastral measurements are done. The file consists of real estate plans that are estimated by cadastral measurements and all documents and forms that are filled for the measured real estate. The cadastral surveys of land and buildings are provided in ten counties of Lithuania. One of them is Šiauliai county, which ranges norht and middle parts of Lithuania: Šiauliai city, Akmenė, Joniškis, Kelmė, Pakruojis, Radviliškis and Šiauliai regions. Šiauliai county is in great geographical location, and geopolitical state; has high infrastructure, increasing economy and agriculture; high level in education, medicine and culture.
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Cinéma et réalité de l'après-guerre : le film noirHarrouch, Victor Haim. January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental Testing of an Electrical Submersible Pump Undergoing Abrasive Slurry ErosionSaleh, Ramy Moaness M 03 October 2013 (has links)
The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) manufactured by Baker Hughes, model no. WJE-1000 is designed for wells that are expected to have a high content of abrasive solids. It is a mixed flow, tandem compression type pump. Although the erosion of the pump diffuser and impeller stages are significant, the ESP study shows that the most sever failure is due to components that affect the pump’s rotor dynamics such as radial bearings and impeller seals when eroded with 100 mesh sand. Erosion of these seals will result in an internal leakage that can significantly affect stage pressure rise, efficiency, power consumption, vibration, pump life and running cost.
The erosion study utilizing 100 mesh fracture sand at 0.2% concentration, with the pump operating at 3600 RPM, 40 PSI intake pressure, 1150 GPM for over 117 hours comparisons are made to the pump’s baseline performance. Measurements of the rotor bearings, impeller seals and their corresponding stators showed that the wear patterns generally increase with time and differ by location. Stage 1 bearings and seals suffered the least amount of erosion and stage 3 rotor components suffered the most erosion. The maximum change in stage 3 bearing clearances was 223% and the maximum change in stage 3 impeller seal clearances was 300%. Performance wise the total pump efficiency dropped by 6.77%, the total pressure rise dropped by 6.3%, the pump’s best efficiency point decreased by 0.78%, and the power consumption increased by 0.49%. Pump vibration patterns also changed with time and by location. The maximum shaft orbit diameter was at stage 3 and it grew 643% in diameter after 117 hours of erosion. The waterfall plots of the pump’s ramp up changed significantly with time. After 117 hours at 3600 RPM, sub-synchronous oscillations at 67% of the synchronous speed dominated the amplitude peaks showing that the rotor vibration locked with the rotor’s first natural frequency at around 2500 RPM. After 117 hours, another sub-synchronous started showing a peak at the rotor’s second natural frequency at 1500 RPM.
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1979 : reading the tax-shelter boom in Canadian film historyUrquhart, Peter January 2004 (has links)
More certified-Canadian feature films were shot in Canada in 1979 than in any other year. The height of what has become known as the "tax-shelter boom," 1979 stands as a remarkable moment in the history of the Canadian cinema, with 70 features shot in a year in which Hollywood produced only 99 films. The extant history of the Canadian cinema has largely ignored this moment, and in this thesis I argue that the slim treatment of the period by critics represents a "received wisdom," consistently repeated, but seldom scrutinized, and that this received wisdom is representative of the culturally nationalist impulse which has coloured the entire historiography of the Canadian cinema. Because many of the films produced during the boom were in the style of Hollywood genres, the "received wisdom" presents the entirety of the tax-shelter boom as a cultural and industrial near-disaster for the Canadian cinema, and this thesis, partly a revisionist history, explores not only those conclusions, but also provides critical discussion of them. / I begin by presenting the received wisdom, the existing account, on the period. This is followed by a chapter which situates the tax-shelter boom in a history of state intervention in the feature film industry. Following this, I provide analysis of the contexts surrounding the tax-shelter boom, including critical discussion of articles and reviews from the contemporaneous popular press, and of the industry discourse. I then turn my attention to the texts themselves, which the received wisdom more or less ignores, and provide three thematically-organized chapters of textual analysis: the first organized around readings of gender and genre in the films, the second on the prevalent theme of "selling out," which is central to numerous films of the period, and a third chapter which explores the place of Quebec in the films of the period. / The thesis concludes with an analysis of the material effects of the government policies which led to the boom, and concludes that in this respect too, the received account of the period---once again, as a failure---needs to be reexamined.
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Evaluation of wildlife food plot seed mixes for KansasTajchman, Alan J. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources / Peg McBee / Three wildlife seed mixes were tested, Perfect Plot (BioLogic), Rack Force (Evolved Harvest), and Bird and Buck Whitetail and Gamebird mix (Star Seed). Two methods of research were conducted, (1) a food plot monitoring field study, and (2) a seed germination laboratory test. Food plots were planted in northwest (Jennings) and northeast (Manhattan) Kansas. Single season occupancy models from Program MARK were used to determine plot usage and preference of the seed mixes. Feeding patterns were analyzed from two locations targeting white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Camera trap data were also analyzed for raccoon (Procyon lotor), wild turkey (Melagris gallopavo), and coyote (Canis latrans). During the summer 2014, the Bird and Buck mix retained the greatest amount of desirable vegetation, compared to the Rack Force and Perfect Plot mixes, which exhibited intermediate and relatively poor stand condition, respectively. White-tailed deer were documented at 100% occupancy using all (i.e., 100%) plots of all three mixes in Manhattan and Jennings, Kansas. In Manhattan, a significant increase in feeding events was observed for the months of July (45% of days) and August (50% of days) compared to the month of June (34% of days; p < 0.02). In contrast, deer feeding events in Jennings declined from 67% and 55% of days in June and July, respectively, to only 18% of days in August (p < 0.001). After initially having establishment issues among all three mixes, a laboratory study was initiated comparing the germination rates of each seed mix. Ten 1-gram random samples of each seed mix were tested in complete darkness at a constant 25-30°C for 25 days. When comparing daily germination rates of the seeds in the mixes, peak germination for all mixes (p < 0.0001) occurred on days 5-10 and 12-14. A single expected germination rate of similar plant types (i.e. alfalfa, clover, chicory, grasses) was computed from the seed tag, and then compared to the observed proportion of total seeds sampled that germinated. Bird and Buck recorded the highest germination, 79%, only 0.5% less than the expected overall germination. Perfect Plot and Rack Force recorded germination rates of 49% and 52%, which respectively, were 7% and 11% less than was expected.
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Epitaxial graphene on metal for new magnetic manometric systems / Graphène épitaxié sur métal pour nouveaux systèmes magnétiques nanométriquesVo Van, Chi 19 March 2013 (has links)
Graphène est un candidat pour la préparation de dispositifs spintroniques de nouvelle génération tirant partie de sa grande longueur de diffusion de spin et de la grande mobilité de ses porteurs de charge. En interagissant avec matériau ferromagnétique, il pourrait en outre devenir un élément actif, comme le suggèrent des études récentes par physique des surfaces, qui mettent en évidence un moment magnétique de quelques fractions de magnéton de Bohr dans le graphène en contact avec du fer, et une séparation en spin des bandes électroniques du graphène, d'environ 10 meV, par un effet Rashba au contact d'un élément de grand numéro atomique (l'or). La façon dont le graphène peut influencer les propriétés, par exemple magnétiques, des matériaux qui y sont contactés, reste peu étudiée. Les systèmes hybrides de haute qualité, constitués de graphène en contact avec des couches minces magnétiques ou des plots de taille nanométrique, sont des terrains de jeu pour explorer les deux aspects, la manipulation des propriétés du graphène par son interaction avec d'autres espèces, et vice versa. Dans le graphène contacté à des couches magnétiques ultra-minces par exemple, de forts effets d'interface pourraient être exploités pour contrôler l'aimantation du matériau magnétique. L'auto-organisation quasi-parfaite récemment découverte pour des plots nanométriques sur graphène, pourrait permettre d'explorer les interactions magnétiques, potentiellement transmises par le graphène, entre plots. Trois systèmes hybrides de haute qualité, intégrant du graphène préparé par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur sur le surface (111) de l'iridium, ont été développés sous ultra-haut vide (UHV) : des films ultra-minces de cobalt déposés sur graphène, et intercalés à température modérée entre graphène et son substrat, ainsi que des plots nanométriques riches-Co et -Fe, organisés avec une période de 2.5 nm sur le moiré entre graphène et Ir(111). Auparavant, des films de 10 nm d'Ir(111), monocristallins, déposés sur saphir, ont été développés. Ces films ont été par la suite utilisés comme substrats en remplacement de monocristaux massifs d'Ir(111). Ces nouveaux substrats ont ouvert la voie à des caractérisations multi-techniques ex situ, peu utilisées jusqu'alors pour étudier les systèmes graphène/métaux préparés sous UHV. Au moyen d'une combinaison de techniques de surface in situ et de sondes ex situ, les propriétés structurales, vibrationnelles, électroniques et magnétiques des trois nouveaux systèmes hybrides ont été caractérisées et confrontées à des calculs ab initio. Un certain nombre de propriétés remarquables ont été mises en évidence. L'interface entre graphene et cobalt implique de fortes interactions C-Co qui conduisent à une forte anisotropie magnétique d'interface, capable de pousser l'aimantation hors de la surface d'un film ultra-mince en dépit de la forte anisotropie de forme dans ces films. Cet effet est optimum dans les systèmes obtenus par intercalation entre graphène et iridium, qui sont par ailleurs naturellement protégés des pollutions de l'air. Les plots nanométriques, au contraire, semblent peu interagit avec le graphène. Des plots comprenant environ 30 atomes restent superparamagnétiques à 10 K, n'ont pas d'anisotropie magnétique, et leur aimantation est difficile à saturer, même sous 5 T. D'autre part, la taille des domaines magnétiques semble dépasser celle d'un plot unique, ce qui pourrait être le signe d'interactions magnétiques entre plots. / Graphene is a candidate for next generation spintronics devices exploiting its long spin transport length and high carrier mobility. Besides, when put in interaction with a ferromagnet, it may become an active building block, as suggested by recent surface science studies revealing few tenth of a Bohr magneton magnetic moments held by carbon atoms in graphene on iron, and a Rashba spin-orbit splitting reaching about 10 meV in graphene on a high atomic number element such as gold. The extent to which graphene may influence the properties, e.g. magnetic ones, of the materials contacted to it was barely addressed thus far. High quality hybrid systems composed of graphene in contact with magnetic thin layers or nanoclusters are playgrounds for exploring both aspects, the manipulation of the properties of graphene by interaction with other species, and vice versa. In graphene contacted to ultra-thin ferromagnetic layers for instance, strong graphene/ferromagnet interface effects could be employed in the view of manipulating the magnetization in the ferromagnet. The recently discovered close-to-perfect self-organization of nanoclusters on graphene, provides a way to probe magnetic interaction between clusters, possibly mediated by graphene. Three high quality hybrid systems relying on graphene prepared by chemical vapor deposition on the (111) surface of iridium have been developed under ultra-high vacuum (UHV): cobalt ultra-thin and flat films deposited on top of graphene, and intercalated at moderate temperature between graphene and its substrate, and self-organized cobalt- and iron-rich nanoclusters on the 2.5 nm-periodicity moiré between graphene and Ir(111). Prior to these systems, 10 nm-thick Ir(111) single-crystal thin films on sapphire were developed: they were latter employed as a substrate replacing bulk Ir(111) single-crystals usually employed. This new substrate opens the route to multi-technique characterizations, especially ex situ ones which were little employed thus far for studying graphene/metal systems prepared under UHV. Using a combination of in situ surface science techniques (scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy, auger electron spectroscopy, reflection high-energy electron diffraction) and ex situ probes (x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, MOKE magnetometry) the structural, vibrational, electronic, and magnetic properties of the three new graphene hybrid systems were characterized and confronted to first-principle calculations. Several striking features were unveiled. The interface between graphene and cobalt involves strong C-Co interactions which are responsible for a large interface magnetic anisotropy, capable of driving the magnetization out-of-the plane of the surface of an ultra-thin film in spite of the strong shape anisotropy in such films. The effect is maximized in the system obtained by intercalation between graphene and iridium, which comes naturally air-protected. Nanoclusters, on the contrary, seem to weakly interact with graphene. Small ones, comprising ca. 30 atoms each, remain super paramagnetic at 10 K, have no magnetic anisotropy, and it turns out difficult, even with 5 T fields to saturate their magnetization. Besides, the magnetic domains size seem to exceed the size of a single cluster, possibly pointing to magnetic interactions between clusters.
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Chemical Mechanical Planarization and Old Italian ViolinsPhilipossian, Ara, Sampurno, Yasa, Peckler, Lauren 18 January 2018 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that spectral analysis based on force data can elucidate fundamental physical phenomena during chemical mechanical planarization (CMP). While it has not been literally described elsewhere, such analysis was partly motivated by modern violinmakers and physicists studying Old Italian violins, who were trying to discover spectral relations to sound quality. In this paper, we draw parallels between violins and CMP as far as functionality and spectral characteristics are concerned. Inspired by the de facto standard of violin testing via hammer strikes on the base edge of a violin's bridge, we introduce for the first time, a mobility plot for the polisher by striking the wafer carrier head of a CMP polisher with a hammer. Results show three independent peaks that can indeed be attributed to the polisher's natural resonance. Extending our study to an actual CMP process, similar to hammered and bowed violin tests, at lower frequencies the hammered and polished mobility peaks are somewhat aligned. At higher frequencies, peak alignment becomes less obvious and the peaks become more isolated and defined in the case of the polished wafer spectrum. Lastly, we introduce another parameter from violin testing known as directivity, , which in our case, we define as the ratio of shear force variance to normal force variance acquired during CMP. Results shows that under identical polishing conditions, increases with the polishing removal rate.
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