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Mediální obraz číhošťského zázraku v proměnách času / The media portrayal of the miracle of Cihost over the change of timeČížková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The event known as the miracle of Cihost happened in a small village Číhošť in the region of Havlickuv Brod at the end of 1949, beginning of 1950. A crucifix moved on the altar during a sermon. The event led to an investigation and the detention of local priest, Josef Toufar, by the State Secret Police. Father Toufar became one of the first victims of the newly established totalitarian regime. This work called "The Media Portrayal of the Miracle of Cihost Over the Change of Time" presents the case known as the miracle of Cihost over three historical periods. The first period is connected with the origin of the case, therefore the end of 1949, beginning of 1950, the second period, which deals with events in Cihost to a certain extent, is the reform year 1968 and the last period is represented by the velvet revolution in 1989 which changed the established manner of functioning of state apparatus in our country and during which time the existing media system also transformed. The aim of this work is to point out the differences in the interpretations of this case in separate historical periods as each period deals with the case in question very differently. Part of this project was an effort to point out the political and media situation in all of the presented periods. Political and media events had...
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Ženy a místní správa: zapojení do politiky a politické dráhy žen v Turecku / Women and local power: processes of mobilization and female political pathways in TurkeyDrechselová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Women and local power: processes of mobilization and female political pathways in Turkey Type: Doctoral dissertation Author: Lucie Drechselová Institutions: Charles University and EHESS, Paris Year: 2018 Abstract This thesis focuses on the issue of women's under-representation in local politics in contemporary Turkey. The intermediary level of politics - party presence in municipalities - is studied with a double approach distinguishing among political parties (AKP, CHP, MHP, and the pro-Kurdish HDP & DBP) as well as among cities (Izmir, Trabzon and Diyarbakır). The Anglo-American body of literature in political sociology is put into dialogue with the French research in the fields of sociology of mobilization, of political elites and of institutions. Gendered perspective is transversal to the whole thesis. Field work was done in 2014, 2015 and 2016 in Izmir, Trabzon and Diyarbakır and took the form of non-participant observation and semi-directed interviews with two hundred female municipal councilors and women holding an intra- party office. Conceptually, seeing parties as heterogeneous entities allows us to study exchanges that take place within the party hierarchy. The place and role of women in the candidate selection processes questions the artificial separation between the "local" and the "national"....
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Dekonsolidace demokracie ve Venezuela: rozklad stranického systému, neo-populismus a repolitizace ozbrojených sil / Deconsolidation of Venezuelan Democracy: Erosion of tha Party System, Neo-Populism and Repoliticization of the Armed ForcesBuben, Radek January 2013 (has links)
Thesis PhDr. Radek Buben Deconsolidation of Venezuelan Democracy: Erosion of the Party System, Neo-Populism, and Repoliticization of the Armed Forces The thesis Deconsolidation of Venezuelan Democracy: Erosion of the Party System, Neo- Populism, and Repoliticization of the Armed Forces addresses the process of deconsolidation of democracy in Venezuela between 1973 and 1993. The analysis is based on both theoretical and comparative approach embedded notably in institutional comparative political science (analysis of systemic and institutional conditions of the analyzed process), historical sociology and political theory (phenomena of populism and neo-populism) and approaches of traditional historical analysis of political process in a particular period of time. The theoretical part of the text is focused on the issue of democracy in Latin America in general. More concretely, it concerns with typologies of political regimes, institutionalization of party systems, civil-military relations and the so-called resources curse theory. The great deal of the text covers analysis of populism, its definition and the existing research of the phenomenon. The starting point of the empirical part presents the establishment of the petrostate and bipartism in 1973. The analysis ends with the decomposition of the...
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Politický vývoj na Slovensku po volbách v roce 2010 / Political Development in Slovakia after the 2010 ElectionsSkala, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Účelem diplomové práce je analyzovat a zkoumat změny na slovenské politické scéně v období od parlamentních voleb 2010 až po parlamentní volby 2016. Práce čerpá jednak ze Sartoriho teorie stranických systémů, tak z materiálů Institutu pro veřejné otázky, které rozebírají ve svých publikacích předmětné období. Na základě zkoumaných pohybů, diplomová práce věnuje svou pozornost jednotlivým vládám, jakož i charakteristice a voličské podpoře relevantním stranám. Během sledovaného období došlo jednak k prohloubení fenoménu tzv. oligarchické demokracie, tak na druhé straně k výraznému přeskupování voličské podpory na středo-pravém politickém spektru od hodnotově zavedených politických stran k novým, těžko definovatelným subjektům, ale i k rostoucí podpoře antisystémové strany s fašistickou minulostí. Klíčová slova volby, politické strany, oligarchická demokracie, populismus, středo-pravé strany, antisystémové strany
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Politický vývoj na Slovensku po volbách v roce 2010 / Political Development in Slovakia after the 2010 ElectionsSkala, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze movements and changes on the Slovak political scene, Slovak party system as well as increase of support for antisystem and populist parties. The master thesis devotes its attention to individual governments, their characteristics and electoral support to relevant parties. The work is intended to answer the question whether the party system has changed over the period under review and in what way, and if the antisystemic parties and the phenomenon of populism have grown in the last six years. The theoretical concepts of Giovanni Sartori's party systems, the antisystemic parties from Sartori and Giovanni Capoccia and populism from Franciso Panizza, Cas Mudde, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Chantal Mouffe are used to examine the dynamics of the Slovak political scene in order to answer the above questions. Keywords elections, political parties, party system, moderate pluralism, polarized pluralism, antisystem parties, protest parties, populism
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Politický vývoj na Slovensku po volbách v roce 2010 / Political Development in Slovakia after the 2010 ElectionsSkala, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze movements and changes on the Slovak political scene, Slovak party system as well as increase of support for antisystem and populist parties. The master thesis devotes its attention to individual governments, their characteristics and electoral support to relevant parties. The work is intended to answer the question whether the party system has changed over the period under review and in what way, and if the antisystemic parties and the phenomenon of populism have grown in the last six years. The theoretical concepts of Giovanni Sartori's party systems, the antisystemic parties from Sartori and Giovanni Capoccia and populism from Franciso Panizza, Cas Mudde, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Chantal Mouffe are used to examine the dynamics of the Slovak political scene in order to answer the above questions. Keywords elections, political parties, party system, moderate pluralism, polarized pluralism, antisystem parties, protest parties, populism
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Vliv politických režimů a ideologií na balet Národního divadla v Praze ve 20. století / The Influence of Political Systems and Ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague in the 20th CenturyRoutková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Název v anglickém jazyce: The Influence of Political Systems and Ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague in the 20th Century The subject of the Thesis is the influence of political systems and ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague. The period of research spans mainly from the theatre season 1923/1924, when Remislav Remislavský was appointed the post of ballet master and choreographer, to the season 1989/1990, when Vlastimil Harapes assumed the post of the ensemble's chief. Two main periods are underlined: the period of World War II and the subsequent period of the Communist Party government after 1948. Persons of interest are mainly the bosses of ballet company for example Jelizaveta Nikolská, Joe Jenčík, Saša Machov or Jiří Němeček st. and others, but also soloists, and the repertoire of the ballet corps. This thesis is a scope of the evolution of ballet of National theatre in concern of political changes in 20th century.
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Slovenské politické strany a volby 2016 / The Slovak political parties and the elections in 2016Marjenka, Ján January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the topic of cleavages and their development in the Slovakian party system and society. The thesis chronologically interprets the evolution from the year 1990 until the current years, specifically until the 2016 election. In the beginning, the Slovakian party system and society were split up, similarly to other post-communist countries going from communism to anticommunism. When this topic is solved, other traditional cleavages come to mind as they are as well described by classical theoreticians. These cleavages can be activated by themselves, or become less important through time and social and political development. Other studies or thesis of Slovakian authors prove this idea. This known development is usually only addressed until the year 2012, that is why the main aim of this thesis is to analyze, continue with other results and find out how the situation regarding this issue has evolved before the election in 2016. It is important to analyze cleavages and other topics which divide the society and political parties from the point of view of the effect the cleavages have on the stability of the party system. It influences the number of them and the relationships between them which can be cumulative or cross cutting. Since then it is possible to determine...
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Odpadová politika Japonska, Evropské unie a Slovenské republiky z hlediska udržitelného rozvoje / Waste policy of Japan, the European Union and the Slovak Republic in terms of sustainable developmentNemcová, Mária January 2017 (has links)
In the context of current urgent environmental and social problems is waste management policy increasingly moving from plain safe disposal of waste toward integrating systems, where waste is recognized as an important resource and is being incorporated into the material circle again. This thesis is tracks three particular political responses to the challenge of sustainable waste management. It discusses the strategies and applied policy tools in Japan, European union and the Slovak republic. The main focal point for their analysis is the sustainable development paradigm, the pursue of which is evaluated from the sustainability perspective in time and space using the SWOT analysis. This element of the sustainable development is supplemented and reinforced through an identification of the application of the key principles for pursuing the sustainable development. Apart from the evaluation of the strong and weak point of the particular policies from the viewpoint of sustainable development, the outcome of the thesis will be as well to identify eventual possibilities for a positive inspiration in the European context. Last, but not least, the thesis brings forward basic points of departure to steer the policies in a positive direction, with a special emphasis on the case of Slovak republic. Key words:...
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Role a postavení žen ve vrcholné politice v Československu v letech 1948-1968 / The role and status of women in top politics in Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1968Kočišková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova Filozofická fakulta Ústav Politologie Doktorský studijní program: Politologie Studijní obor: Politologie Annotation to the Dissertation Thesis Role a postavení žen ve vrcholné politice v Československu v letech 1948-1968 The role and status of women in top politics in Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1968 Mgr. Jana Kočišková Vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Pernes, Dr. Praha 2017 Annotation: The aim of dissertation thesis is to comprehensively assess and analyze the role and participation of women in top level politics in Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1968. Selected time period belongs in terms of political participation of women to the less studied. The dissertation deals with and explores the relevance of the three basic kinds of factors affecting the proportion of women in top level politics (institutional, socio-economic and cultural), with regard to the specifics of a given type of undemocratic political regime, the pervasive communist ideology and the leading role of the Communist Party. Cultural factors include historical tradition of female political participation in Czechoslovakia, women's issues in the communist ideology and its application in the USSR and Czechoslovakia in practice. Socio-economic factors include living standard of population, level of education, level of...
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