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Fluxo de Água, Balanço Químico e Alterações no Solo da Floresta Atlântica Atingida pela Poluição Aérea de Cubatão, SP, Brasil. / WATER FLUX, CHEMICAL BALANCE AND SOIL CHANGES IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST REACHED BY AIR POLLUTION FROM CUBATÃO, SÃO PAULO, SP, BRAZILLopes, Márcia Inês Martin Silveira 29 March 2001 (has links)
Estudaram-se neste trabalho os efeitos da deposição atmosférica sobre o balanço de elementos químicos, analisando-se as entradas e saídas dos elementos através do ciclo hidrológico durante quatro anos (setembro de 1991 a agosto de 1995) na Floresta Atlântica, situada nas vizinhanças do pólo industrial de Cubatão, São Paulo. Por meio de amostragens quinzenais e de determinação da concentração iônica, avaliaram-se, em três florestas diferentemente atingidas pela impacto da poluição aérea Pilões-menos poluída, área de referência; Moji-fortemente poluída e Paranapiacabamoderadamente poluída os seguintes aspectos: entrada de elementos pela água de chuva; transferência pela água que atravessa a cobertura vegetal e pela solução do solo a 10cm, 60cm e 100cm de profundidade; saída e neutralização pela água de nascentes e de pequenos córregos, bem como as alterações químicas no solo induzidas pela deposição atmosférica. Na área mais poluída (Moji), as concentrações iônicas médias encontradas na precipitação que atinge a floresta e na precipitação que atinge o solo foram, respectivamente: 5 e 10 mg.L-1 para o sulfato-S, 0,5 e 0,7 mg.L-1 para o nitrato, 0,63 e 1,14 mg.L-1 para o fluoreto, 2,2 e 2,8 mg.L-1 para o amônio-N, 0,69 e 2,15 mg.L-1 para o magnésio, 3,1 e 7,7 mg.L-1 para o cálcio. Na floresta de referência, menos poluída (Pilões), as concentrações iônicas foram em média, 1/3 a 1/9 inferior a esses valores, refletindo claramente as diferenças nas cargas poluidoras que atingem cada floresta. Verificou-se que a composição química da solução do solo muda completamente com a infiltração da água. As concentrações de nitrato aumentaram de 3 a 22 vezes com a infiltração da água nos primeiros 10cm de solo do Pilões e Moji, respectivamente, valores estes bastante expressivos. Em menor proporção, isso também foi observado para o sulfato e cloreto. As mudanças nas concentrações dos elementos durante a passagem da água pelo ecossistema são explicadas pelas reações químicas que ocorrem nos diferentes compartimentos. Assim, nas florestas mais poluídas (Moji e Paranapiacaba) elas são caracterizadas pela retenção praticamente total do amônio, e parcial do sulfato, nas camadas superficiais do solo, pela liberação do alumínio dos minerais do solo e pela lixiviação extremamente alta de nitrato em conseqüência do processo de nitrificação da matéria orgânica. A deposição atmosférica nas florestas investigadas é bastante elevada e variável. Entram anualmente no solo, pela precipitação: de 122 a 255 kg.ha-1 de enxofre na forma de sulfato; de 7 a 70 kg.ha-1 de nitrogênio, principalmente na forma de amônio; e de 4 a 28 kg.ha-1 de fluoreto. Com a entrada de amônio e de nitrogênio orgânico no sistema, reações de nitrificação ocorrem na camada superficial do solo, principalmente das áreas mais atingidas pela poluição. Na floresta mais poluída (Moji), a saída de nitrato pela água do solo a 100cm de profundidade chega anualmente a 271 kg de N por hectare, enquanto a saída de enxofre alcança o valor de 386 kg de S por hectare, anualmente. A acidificação do solo em decorrência da entrada e transferência de nitrogênio e enxofre provoca a liberação de alumínio dos minerais do solo e a lixiviação de formas iônicas (mais de 240 kg de Al por ha anualmente). A transferência de íons alumínio para o lençol freático e para águas de nascentes e córregos acarreta um problema ecológico sério, pois esses íons consomem a alcalinidade e a água fica sujeita a acidificação. / The effects of atmospheric deposition upon element balance (input and output) and turnover through the hydrological cycle have been investigated from September 1991 to August 1995 (four years), in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Cubatão, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The aim was to assess atmospheric deposition and fluxes through precipitation, soil water at 10cm, 60cm and 100cm depths, and surface water as well as to investigate possible soil changes induced by atmospheric deposition. Three sites were chosen which differed significantly with respect to pollution impact: Pilões (reference site, less polluted), Moji (most polluted) and Paranapiacaba (mildly polluted). Annual averages of ionic concentrations in precipitation found in open field and below the tree canopy amounted to 5 and 10 mg.L-1, respectively, for sulfate-S, 0.5 and 0.7 mg.L-1 for nitrate, 0.63 and 1.14 mg.L-1 for fluoride, 2.2 and 2.8 mg.L-1 for ammonium-N, 0.69 and 2.15 mg.L-1for Mg, and 3.1 and 7.7 mg.L-1 for Ca at the most polluted site (Moji). The relatively "clean" reference site (Pilões) attained 1/3 to 1/9 of these averages, thus clearly reflecting the difference in air pollution load. Chemical composition in the liquid phase is completely changed when precipitation infiltrates the soil profile. Nitrate concentration increases by the factor 3 to 22. A clear increase is also found for sulfate and chloride. Concentration changes during ecosystem passage of seepage are interpreted in relation to chemical reactions taking place in different compartments. They are characterized by an almost complete retention of ammonium and some retention of sulfate in the upper soil layers, and at the most polluted site by mobilization of Al from soil minerals and very high leaching of nitrate as a consequence of nitrification of organic matter. The forests under investigation are characterized by a very high input from the atmosphere. Between 122 and 255 kg S per hectare are annually carried into soil by precipitation in the form of sulfate, 7 to 70 kg of nitrogen mainly in the form of ammonium, 4 to 28 kg of fluoride. Input of ammonium and organic bound nitrogen is followed by nitrification in the topsoil. At the most polluted site (Moji), nitrate output with seepage amounts to 271 kg N per ha and year, sulfate output to more than 386 kg S. Soil acidification associated with turnover of sulfur and nitrogen is followed by the release of aluminum from soil minerals, and leaching of ionic forms of Al (up to 240 kg Al per hectare annually). Transfer of aluminum ions to groundwater and surface water can have serious ecological effects. Alkalinity is consumed, and the water is subject to acidification.
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Fluxo de Água, Balanço Químico e Alterações no Solo da Floresta Atlântica Atingida pela Poluição Aérea de Cubatão, SP, Brasil. / WATER FLUX, CHEMICAL BALANCE AND SOIL CHANGES IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST REACHED BY AIR POLLUTION FROM CUBATÃO, SÃO PAULO, SP, BRAZILMárcia Inês Martin Silveira Lopes 29 March 2001 (has links)
Estudaram-se neste trabalho os efeitos da deposição atmosférica sobre o balanço de elementos químicos, analisando-se as entradas e saídas dos elementos através do ciclo hidrológico durante quatro anos (setembro de 1991 a agosto de 1995) na Floresta Atlântica, situada nas vizinhanças do pólo industrial de Cubatão, São Paulo. Por meio de amostragens quinzenais e de determinação da concentração iônica, avaliaram-se, em três florestas diferentemente atingidas pela impacto da poluição aérea Pilões-menos poluída, área de referência; Moji-fortemente poluída e Paranapiacabamoderadamente poluída os seguintes aspectos: entrada de elementos pela água de chuva; transferência pela água que atravessa a cobertura vegetal e pela solução do solo a 10cm, 60cm e 100cm de profundidade; saída e neutralização pela água de nascentes e de pequenos córregos, bem como as alterações químicas no solo induzidas pela deposição atmosférica. Na área mais poluída (Moji), as concentrações iônicas médias encontradas na precipitação que atinge a floresta e na precipitação que atinge o solo foram, respectivamente: 5 e 10 mg.L-1 para o sulfato-S, 0,5 e 0,7 mg.L-1 para o nitrato, 0,63 e 1,14 mg.L-1 para o fluoreto, 2,2 e 2,8 mg.L-1 para o amônio-N, 0,69 e 2,15 mg.L-1 para o magnésio, 3,1 e 7,7 mg.L-1 para o cálcio. Na floresta de referência, menos poluída (Pilões), as concentrações iônicas foram em média, 1/3 a 1/9 inferior a esses valores, refletindo claramente as diferenças nas cargas poluidoras que atingem cada floresta. Verificou-se que a composição química da solução do solo muda completamente com a infiltração da água. As concentrações de nitrato aumentaram de 3 a 22 vezes com a infiltração da água nos primeiros 10cm de solo do Pilões e Moji, respectivamente, valores estes bastante expressivos. Em menor proporção, isso também foi observado para o sulfato e cloreto. As mudanças nas concentrações dos elementos durante a passagem da água pelo ecossistema são explicadas pelas reações químicas que ocorrem nos diferentes compartimentos. Assim, nas florestas mais poluídas (Moji e Paranapiacaba) elas são caracterizadas pela retenção praticamente total do amônio, e parcial do sulfato, nas camadas superficiais do solo, pela liberação do alumínio dos minerais do solo e pela lixiviação extremamente alta de nitrato em conseqüência do processo de nitrificação da matéria orgânica. A deposição atmosférica nas florestas investigadas é bastante elevada e variável. Entram anualmente no solo, pela precipitação: de 122 a 255 kg.ha-1 de enxofre na forma de sulfato; de 7 a 70 kg.ha-1 de nitrogênio, principalmente na forma de amônio; e de 4 a 28 kg.ha-1 de fluoreto. Com a entrada de amônio e de nitrogênio orgânico no sistema, reações de nitrificação ocorrem na camada superficial do solo, principalmente das áreas mais atingidas pela poluição. Na floresta mais poluída (Moji), a saída de nitrato pela água do solo a 100cm de profundidade chega anualmente a 271 kg de N por hectare, enquanto a saída de enxofre alcança o valor de 386 kg de S por hectare, anualmente. A acidificação do solo em decorrência da entrada e transferência de nitrogênio e enxofre provoca a liberação de alumínio dos minerais do solo e a lixiviação de formas iônicas (mais de 240 kg de Al por ha anualmente). A transferência de íons alumínio para o lençol freático e para águas de nascentes e córregos acarreta um problema ecológico sério, pois esses íons consomem a alcalinidade e a água fica sujeita a acidificação. / The effects of atmospheric deposition upon element balance (input and output) and turnover through the hydrological cycle have been investigated from September 1991 to August 1995 (four years), in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Cubatão, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The aim was to assess atmospheric deposition and fluxes through precipitation, soil water at 10cm, 60cm and 100cm depths, and surface water as well as to investigate possible soil changes induced by atmospheric deposition. Three sites were chosen which differed significantly with respect to pollution impact: Pilões (reference site, less polluted), Moji (most polluted) and Paranapiacaba (mildly polluted). Annual averages of ionic concentrations in precipitation found in open field and below the tree canopy amounted to 5 and 10 mg.L-1, respectively, for sulfate-S, 0.5 and 0.7 mg.L-1 for nitrate, 0.63 and 1.14 mg.L-1 for fluoride, 2.2 and 2.8 mg.L-1 for ammonium-N, 0.69 and 2.15 mg.L-1for Mg, and 3.1 and 7.7 mg.L-1 for Ca at the most polluted site (Moji). The relatively clean reference site (Pilões) attained 1/3 to 1/9 of these averages, thus clearly reflecting the difference in air pollution load. Chemical composition in the liquid phase is completely changed when precipitation infiltrates the soil profile. Nitrate concentration increases by the factor 3 to 22. A clear increase is also found for sulfate and chloride. Concentration changes during ecosystem passage of seepage are interpreted in relation to chemical reactions taking place in different compartments. They are characterized by an almost complete retention of ammonium and some retention of sulfate in the upper soil layers, and at the most polluted site by mobilization of Al from soil minerals and very high leaching of nitrate as a consequence of nitrification of organic matter. The forests under investigation are characterized by a very high input from the atmosphere. Between 122 and 255 kg S per hectare are annually carried into soil by precipitation in the form of sulfate, 7 to 70 kg of nitrogen mainly in the form of ammonium, 4 to 28 kg of fluoride. Input of ammonium and organic bound nitrogen is followed by nitrification in the topsoil. At the most polluted site (Moji), nitrate output with seepage amounts to 271 kg N per ha and year, sulfate output to more than 386 kg S. Soil acidification associated with turnover of sulfur and nitrogen is followed by the release of aluminum from soil minerals, and leaching of ionic forms of Al (up to 240 kg Al per hectare annually). Transfer of aluminum ions to groundwater and surface water can have serious ecological effects. Alkalinity is consumed, and the water is subject to acidification.
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Amoniakinės taršos įtaka paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) spyglių hidrofobiškumo ir mezomorfiškumo dinamikai / Needle of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) hidrofobic and mezomorphic dynamics in the effect of ammonia pollutionVilčinskas, Ramūnas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) būklė amoniakinės taršos poveikyje.
Darbo objektas – paprastoji pušis (Pinus sylvestris L.) – labiausiai paplitusi Lietuvoje, jautri užterštam orui medžių rūšis, augantys prie AB „Achema“ 0,5 km. spinduliu aplink gamyklą vakarų, šiaurės ir šiaurės rytų kryptimis ir Kačerginės pušyne.
Darbo metodai – spyglių paviršių hidrofobiškumo tyrimas atliekamas šviesiniu mikroskopu, pagal Cape (1983) aprašytą metodiką. Mezomorfiškumo tyrimo metu tirti spyglių pjūviai šviesiniu mikroskopu.
Darbo rezultatai. Vandens lašo sąlyčio su spyglio paviršiumi metodas pasirinktas, kaip santykinai nebrangus ir tikslus testas medžių būklei vertinti. Paprastosios pušies spyglių paviršiaus tyrimai parodė, kad spygliai pasižymėjo mažiausiais (p<0,05) sąlyčio kampais, t.y. didžiausiu paviršių sudrėkstamumu, palyginus su Kačerginės pušyno spygliais. Prie AB “Achema” augančių pušų augimo sezono eigoje pirmamečių spyglių ir vandens lašo sąlyčio kampai buvo 83-102°, o antramečių– 68-79°. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad dabartinė amoniakinė tarša blogina paviršių kokybę, didindama paviršiaus sudrėkstamumą, ant drėgno paviršiaus gali lengviau augti patogeniniai mikroorganizmai. Atliekant histologinį tyrimą taršai nustatyti spyglių audinių dydžiai ir santykiai nevienodos amoniakinės taršos poveikyje. Tyrimai nepateikė vienareikšmiško atsakymo apie mezomorfiškumo skirtumus tarp Kačerginės ir šalia AB "Achema" augančių pušynų. Pusamžių medynų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) state the effect of ammonia pollution was investigated in the work of master science.
Object of the work – Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) – the most common in Lithuanian territory, sensitive to air pollution tree species, growing in the vicinity of the nitrogen fertilizer factory in the west, north and north-east direction and control site.
Method of the work – hydrophobicity of leaf surface, under light microscope according to Cape (1983) described the methodology. Investigate mezomorphic study needle incisions by light microscope.
The results of the work. The investigation of water droplet contact angles is an unexpensive and accurate method used to evaluate the trees condition. The values of the contact angles of the water droplets on the surface of the needles were higher in control site. Near the nitrogen factory contact angles of the water droplets on the surface of current–year needles were 83-102 °, 1–year–old needles –68-79. Investigation showed, that present level nitrogen pollution might cause the erosion of the needle surface and more wettable surface might cause the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate histological parameters of the needlles and tissues between sites with different ammonia concentration. Histological evaluation of the needles did not allow to detected changes in cross section parameters and defiance mesomorphic features growth. Current–year needle thickness was 0... [to full text]
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Statistical developments for understanding anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystemsMarshall, Laura January 2012 (has links)
Over the past decades technological developments have both changed and increased human in influence on the marine environment. We now have greater potential than ever before to introduce disturbance and deplete marine resources. Two of the issues currently under public scrutiny are the exploitation of fish stocks worldwide and levels of anthropogenic noise in the marine environment. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and develop novel analyses and simulations to provide additional insight into some of the challenges facing the marine ecosystem today. These methodologies will improve the management of these risks to marine ecosystems. This thesis first addresses the issue of competition between humans and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) for marine resources, providing compelling evidence that a substantial proportion of the sandeels consumed by grey seals in the North Sea are in fact H. lanceolatus, which is not commercially exploited, rather than the commercially important A. marinus. In addition, we present quantitative results regarding sources of bias when estimating the total biomass of sandeels consumed by grey seals. Secondly, we investigate spatially adaptive 2-dimensional smoothing to improve the prediction of both the presence and density of marine species, information that is often key in the management of marine ecosystems. Particularly, we demonstrate the benefits of such methods in the prediction of sandeel occurrence. Lastly this thesis provides a quantitative assessment of the protocols for real-time monitoring of marine mammal presence, which require that acoustic operations cease when an animal is detected within a certain distance (i.e. the "monitoring zone") of the sound source. We assess monitoring zones of different sizes with regards to their effectiveness in reducing the risks of temporary and permanent damage to the animals' hearing, and demonstrate that a monitoring zone of 2 km is generally recommendable.
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Subsídios para gestão ambiental dos impactos das tintas anti-incrustantes no brasil /Rojas, Erika Guisande January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Teodoro Vaske Junior / Resumo: A utilização de tintas anti-incrustantes é mandatória para embarcações e outras estruturas submersas na água do mar. Existem diversas vantagens em utilizar estas tintas como ganho em tempo e em velocidade de operações, e menor gasto de combustível, pois a bioincrustação aumenta a rugosidade da superfície e diminui a hidrodinâmica das embarcações. Em geral, a maioria destas tintas contém biocidas que evitam que os organismos incrustantes consigam se estabelecer sobre a superfície das embarcações. Esses biocidas por sua vez, acabam por serem liberados das pinturas provocando danos aos ecossistemas, como, por exemplo, o imposex, que é a masculinização de fêmeas de moluscos gastrópodes, um problema de disrupção endócrina causada pelo tributilestanho (TBT). Novos biocidas surgiram no mercado global após o banimento do TBT como alternativas menos danosas, porém muitos estudos comprovam efeitos prejudiciais a biodiversidade aquática, principalmente quando combinados. No Brasil, as regulamentações ambientais que dizem respeito às tintas anti-incrustantes são a Norman 23 da Marinha do Brasil, que estabelece as diretrizes para os sistemas anti-incrustantes, e a Resolução Conama 357, que estabelece os padrões de qualidade de águas. Esses dois documentos estão relacionados apenas ao uso do TBT, que foi banido em 2008. Em relação aos novos biocidas não existe nada neste aspecto, embora a Normam 23 tenha opção de incluir outros biocidas, caso necessário. O presente estudo tem por objetivo ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The use of some kind of antifouling protection is mandatory for ships and submerged structures. This use has many advantages, such as time gains in trips and general operations due to higher attainable speeds and reduced fuel consumption, as biofouling increases hull roughness and reduces hydrodynamic performance of the vessel. In a general way, most of these paints include biocides, to avoid the organism fixation in the vessel’s hull surface. However, these biocides cause environmental problems such as imposex, which causes masculinization of female marine gastropods, an endocrine disruption problem caused by tributyltin (TBT). New biocides were introduced in the global market after the TBT banning as less harmfull alternatives, but many studies have shown that these also could cause damage to marine ecosystems, and particularly when combined. In Brazil, environmental regulations on antifouling paints are: Normam 23, from the Brazilian Navy, which regulates application of marine antifouling systems, and Resolution 357 from CONAMA (Brazilian National Environment Council), which establish the water quality parameters. Both documents include only organotins (Normam 23) or specifically TBT (Res. 357), forbidden as antifouling since 2008. The new antifouling biocides are not discussed or regulated in these regulatory instances, while Normam 23 have the possibility of upgrade for including other biocides if required. This study is aimed at an evaluation of the possible risks to ma... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Filosofies-opvoedkundige perspektief op omgewingsopvoeding met spesiale verwysing na omgewingsgesonde gedrag en volhoubare ontwikkeling / A philosophical-educational perspective on environmental education with specific reference to environmentally sound behaviour and sustainable developmentDu Toit, A. S. (Andries Stephanus) 12 1900 (has links)
Die voorbestaan van die mensdom is nou verweef met die toestand waarin die omgewing
verkeer. Menslike aktiwiteite het 'n groot impak op die omgewing, terwyl die omgewing
weer die mens se lewensgehalte bepaal. Hierdie studie is dan daarop gemik om deur omgewingsopvoeding,
die mens te lei tot omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare
Ten einde hierin te slaag, word die verskillende omgewingsprobleme en die redes daarvoor
eers uitgeklaar. Daarna word die faktore wat tot omgewingsagteruitgang kan lei, ondersoek.
Hieruit blyk duidelik <lat die wereld en die RSA, in die toekoms digter bevolk, meer
besoedel, ekologies minder stabiel en daarom meer gevoelig vir natuurrampe gaan word.
Soos uit die proefskrif sal blyk kan omgewingsopvoeding 'n positiewe bydrae tot bierdie
omgewingsprobleme lewer. Om daarby uit te kom word daar dus eers 'n kort bistoriese
oorsig van omgewingsopvoeding gegee. Die rol en bydrae wat enkele internasionale organisasies
tot omgewingsbewustheid gelewer het, word ondersoek. Daar word 'n oorsig gegee
van verwikkelinge in die RSA en die invloed van die Aardeberaad op omgewingsopvoeding
in die RSA, word ontleed.
Ten einde outentieke omgewingsopvoeding te vergestalt word aanvaar <lat die mens met
sy geboorte in 'n wereld gewerp word waaraan hy slegs met sy dood kan ontsnap. In hierdie
gesitueerdheid in die wereld as leefnrimte, moet hy sin aan sy bestaan gee, terwyl hy
ook 'n poging moet aanwend om die omgewing te verbeter, as voorsorg vir die oorlewing
van toekomstige geslagte. Met inagneming van die opvoedings- en omgewingsrelasie
waarin die mens tot sy omgewing staan, word die essensiele kenmerke van omgewingsopvoeding
blootgele, ten einde moontlikheidsvoorwaardes te stel vir outentieke omgewingsopvoeding.
Besondere Idem word gele op omgewingsgedrag wat volhoubaarheid nastreef.
Dit alles kulmineer in omgewingsgesonde gedrag wat as oorkoepelende doelstelling vir
omgewingsopvoeding gestel word. Omdat die mens se gedrag teenoor die omgewing bepaal
word deur sy omgewingsetiek, word drie verskillende benaderings tot omgewingsetiek
onderskei. Klem word gele op die noodsaak van omgewingsgeletterdheid. Ten
einde die mens se optrede teenoor die omgewing te probeer verstaan, word drie omgewingsgedragstyle
ontleed. Twee wetenskaplike aardgenese-hipoteses word beskryf vir
verdere duidelikheid oor omgewingsgedrag.
Aan die einde van die studie, word enkele beginsels gestel wat kan lei tot die ontwikkeling
van omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare voortbestaan. / Mankind's survival is interwoven with the state of the environment. Human activities
have a great impact on the environment, while the environment, again, determines the quality
of man's life. This study aims to aid mankind, through environmental education, to
environmentally sound behaviour with an eye on sustainable development.
To attain this, the different environmental problems and their causes, are sorted out first.
Then the factors that can lead to environmental degradation are investigated. From this it
is quite clear that in the future, the world and the RSA will be more densely populated, become
more polluted, be ecologically less stable and will therefore be more sensitive to natural
Because environmental education can make a positive contribution to this, a short historical
survey of environmental education is given. The role and contribution of some international
organisations is investigated. Developments in the RSA are surveyed and the influence
of the Earth Summit on environmental education in the RSA is analysed.
At birth, mankind is thrown into a world from where he can escape only at death. In this
world in which he has to stay, he must give meaning to his existence, while also trying to
improve the environment to guarantee the survival of coming generations. Bearing in
mind the educational and environmental relationship between any human being and his environment,
the essential characteristics of environmental education are exposed in order to
set possible conditions for authentic environmental education. Special emphasis is placed
on environmental behaviour aimed at sustainablility.
All this culminates in environmentally sound behaviour that acts as the overall aim for environmental
education. Because man's environmental ethic determines his behaviour towards
the environment, three different approaches to environmental ethics are distinguished.
Emphasis is placed on the necessity for environmental literacy. In order to try to understand
man's behaviour towards the environment, three styles of environmental behaviour
are analysed. For further clarification of environmental behaviour, two scientific
earth genesis hipotheses are also described.
In conclusion, this study leads to certain principles that can lead to the development of environmentally
sound behaviour aimed at the sustainable survival of mankind. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)
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Rhizophora mangle (Mangue vermelho) em áreas contaminadas de manguezal na Baixada Santista / Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) in contaminated areas of mangrove from Baixada SantistaFruehauf, Sandra Pavan 16 September 2005 (has links)
Os Manguezais são ecossistemas de grande importância ecológica, social e econômica. Tendo em vista que estas áreas vêm sofrendo degradações, em especial a contaminação por resíduos e efluentes contendo metais pesados, que interferem na estabilidade ambiental, torna-se importante identificar o nível de interferências destes contaminantes sobre o desenvolvimento dos bosques que colonizam tais áreas. Assim sendo, a proposta deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos de metais sobre o estabelecimento de propágulos, mudas e indivíduos adultos de Rhizophora mangle (Mangue vermelho), espécie de ampla dispersão em Manguezais, buscando verificar a qualidade ambiental do ecossistema. Foram selecionadas três áreas localizadas nos municípios de Cubatão e São Vicente, na Baixada Santista - SP, grande pólo industrial regional e maior área portuária do país, além de uma área testemunha localizada na Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia - SP. A Qualidade ambiental, na inexistência de um padrão de concentração de metais em plantas, foi avaliada com base concentração de cinco diferentes metais nos compartimentos solo, água, material vegetal e organismos, comparativamente entre áreas. A pior situação foi constatada para área localizada no Canal da Cosipa, intermediária para o Rio Cascalho e melhor no Manguezal do Rio Mariana. Verificou-se que a contaminação por metais está associada ao padrão do bosque (alterado em função do grau de degradação), sendo este um dos tensores ambientais responsáveis pela reposta negativa no estabelecimento de R. mangle na Baixada Santista. / Mangroves are ecosystems of great ecological and economical importance. Considering that these areas have been degradated, specially by deposition of solid wastes and liquid effluents containing heavy metals it becomes important to identify to what level these contaminants interfere on the development of plants that colonize such environs. Therefore, the aim of this study is assess the effects of heavy metals on the development of propágulos", plântulas" and mudas" of the Mangue vermelho (Rhizophora mangle), specie which is widely spread on mangroves, in order to determine environmental quality at the mangrove. Three study areas with considerable degradation were selected in the municipalities of Cubatão and São Vicente, in the Baixada Santista - SP, industrial coastal region and greatest sea port of Brazil and a background non contaminated area located on the Cardoso Island and in Cananéia. Due to the absence of a metal concentration standard for plants, environmental quality was assessed by comparison between five different metals determined in the soil, water, vegetation and organisms at the selected sites. Worst environmental conditions were found at the Cosipa Channel, intermediate at the Cascalho river and best at Mariana river. It was verified that metal concentration was associated with mangrove development (altered as a function of degradation level), being this a cause for the decreased establishment of R.mangle at the Baixada Santista area.
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Climate Change Impacts: Heat-Related Mortality Projections and Population Adaptive Responses in United StatesKusi, Joseph, Li, Ying 09 April 2015 (has links)
We miss summer time during winter especially when it snows heavily resulting in cancelation of classes but we turn to ignore high temperature and its associated health impacts during summer. Several studies have shown that high temperatures during summer are associated with morbidity and mortality in many cities in the United States over the past decade. Gradual increase in temperature over the past years raises public health concerns about the impacts of heat on human health in future and the role of adaptation. Our study aimed at assessing future heat-related mortality due to climate change in the United States. We hypothesized that incidence of premature death will increase with future temperature rise and population adaptation will reduce the mortality rate. We reviewed research articles on temperature-related premature death. The literature search was limited to studies conducted in United States and seven studies which demonstrated positive association between temperature and premature death were selected for this study. We predicted future high temperature-related mortality using BenMap benefit model designed to estimate 2015 Appalachian Student Research Forum Page 111 air pollution impacts on public health. Based on the selected studies, BenMap model projected 2020-2050 temperature scenario using modeled daily mean apparent temperature to estimate future heat-related mortality. Our results showed that high temperatures would cause an increase in heat-related mortality and adaptation would minimize the effects of climate change as people get used to high temperatures. The outcome of our study confirms the positive association between high temperature and mortality which emphasizes the need for policy makers to take appropriate actions such as greenhouse gas emission reduction to protect public health.
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Ανάλυση περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας Καϊάφα σε περιβάλλον G.I.S.Παπαδάκης, Εμμανουήλ 17 October 2007 (has links)
Η περιοχή μελέτης είναι η λιμνοθάλασσα Καϊάφα.Η μελέτη αυτή βασίστηκε στη συλλογή και ανάλυση γεωφυσικών δεδομένων, στην ανάλυση πυρήνων ιζήματος καθώς και σε μικροβιολογική ανάλυση δειγμάτων νερού της λιμνοθάλασσας. Τέλος ελήφθησαν δείγματα υδρόβιων φυτών από τον πυθμένα της λιμνοθάλασσας για τον έλεγχο των γεωφυσικών δεδομένων.
Η γεωφυσική έρευνα-δειγματοληψία και η κοκκομετρική ανάλυση έδειξαν δυο περιοχές στον πυθμένα με διαφορετική κοκκομετρική σύσταση (αμμώδης-ιλυώδης πυθμένας) και διαφορετική βλάστηση (Chara hispida f. corfuensis και Potamogeton pectinatus). Επίσης χαρτογραφήθηκαν περιοχές του πυθμένα όπως, κρατηρόμορφοι σχηματισμοί, ουλές και μέτωπα.
Η μικροβιολογική ανάλυση έδειξε περιοχές με έντονη μόλυνση κοπρανώδους προέλευσης καθώς και περιοχές χωρίς σημαντική βακτηριακή επιβάρυνση. Οι περιοχές όπου παρατηρείται η μεγαλύτερη μόλυνση είναι τα λουτρά του Καϊάφα και η περιοχή απέναντι από τις στις τουριστικές εγκαταστάσεις του Ε.Ο.Τ (προβλήτα). Η μικρότερη μόλυνση παρατηρείται στο κέντρο της λιμνοθάλασσας όπου ο αριθμός ολικών βακτηρίων και κολοβακρτηρίων είναι μηδενικός.
Τέλος η γεωχημική ανάλυση έδειξε παρόμοιες συγκεντρώσεις βαρέων μετάλλων στα ιζήματα με άλλες παράκτιες περιοχές του ελληνικού χώρου. / The study area is Kaiafas lagoon, West Peloponnese. For this study it was collected and analyzed digital geophysical data (side scan sonar echographs), two cores of sediment and samples of water for microbiological examination. It was also collected samples of marine plants for groundtruthing.
The geophysical survey-grain size analysis revealed different grain size composition in the South and North part of the lagoon (sandy-silty seabed correspondingly), which was covered with different marine plants species (Chara hispida –Potamogeton pectinatus. The mapping of seabed showed crater-like formations, scars and fronts.
The microbiological analysis showed that the pollution (from fecal bacteria) was restricted in the South part of the lagoon near the pipe of the biological treatment plant. In a lower extend, fecal pollution was tracked in the western part of the lagoon near the touristic settlement of E.O.T. The greater part of the lagoon is unpolluted.
Geochemistry analysis showed similar levels of heavy metals in sediment with other coastal areas in Greece.
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Filosofies-opvoedkundige perspektief op omgewingsopvoeding met spesiale verwysing na omgewingsgesonde gedrag en volhoubare ontwikkeling / A philosophical-educational perspective on environmental education with specific reference to environmentally sound behaviour and sustainable developmentDu Toit, A. S. (Andries Stephanus) 12 1900 (has links)
Die voorbestaan van die mensdom is nou verweef met die toestand waarin die omgewing
verkeer. Menslike aktiwiteite het 'n groot impak op die omgewing, terwyl die omgewing
weer die mens se lewensgehalte bepaal. Hierdie studie is dan daarop gemik om deur omgewingsopvoeding,
die mens te lei tot omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare
Ten einde hierin te slaag, word die verskillende omgewingsprobleme en die redes daarvoor
eers uitgeklaar. Daarna word die faktore wat tot omgewingsagteruitgang kan lei, ondersoek.
Hieruit blyk duidelik <lat die wereld en die RSA, in die toekoms digter bevolk, meer
besoedel, ekologies minder stabiel en daarom meer gevoelig vir natuurrampe gaan word.
Soos uit die proefskrif sal blyk kan omgewingsopvoeding 'n positiewe bydrae tot bierdie
omgewingsprobleme lewer. Om daarby uit te kom word daar dus eers 'n kort bistoriese
oorsig van omgewingsopvoeding gegee. Die rol en bydrae wat enkele internasionale organisasies
tot omgewingsbewustheid gelewer het, word ondersoek. Daar word 'n oorsig gegee
van verwikkelinge in die RSA en die invloed van die Aardeberaad op omgewingsopvoeding
in die RSA, word ontleed.
Ten einde outentieke omgewingsopvoeding te vergestalt word aanvaar <lat die mens met
sy geboorte in 'n wereld gewerp word waaraan hy slegs met sy dood kan ontsnap. In hierdie
gesitueerdheid in die wereld as leefnrimte, moet hy sin aan sy bestaan gee, terwyl hy
ook 'n poging moet aanwend om die omgewing te verbeter, as voorsorg vir die oorlewing
van toekomstige geslagte. Met inagneming van die opvoedings- en omgewingsrelasie
waarin die mens tot sy omgewing staan, word die essensiele kenmerke van omgewingsopvoeding
blootgele, ten einde moontlikheidsvoorwaardes te stel vir outentieke omgewingsopvoeding.
Besondere Idem word gele op omgewingsgedrag wat volhoubaarheid nastreef.
Dit alles kulmineer in omgewingsgesonde gedrag wat as oorkoepelende doelstelling vir
omgewingsopvoeding gestel word. Omdat die mens se gedrag teenoor die omgewing bepaal
word deur sy omgewingsetiek, word drie verskillende benaderings tot omgewingsetiek
onderskei. Klem word gele op die noodsaak van omgewingsgeletterdheid. Ten
einde die mens se optrede teenoor die omgewing te probeer verstaan, word drie omgewingsgedragstyle
ontleed. Twee wetenskaplike aardgenese-hipoteses word beskryf vir
verdere duidelikheid oor omgewingsgedrag.
Aan die einde van die studie, word enkele beginsels gestel wat kan lei tot die ontwikkeling
van omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare voortbestaan. / Mankind's survival is interwoven with the state of the environment. Human activities
have a great impact on the environment, while the environment, again, determines the quality
of man's life. This study aims to aid mankind, through environmental education, to
environmentally sound behaviour with an eye on sustainable development.
To attain this, the different environmental problems and their causes, are sorted out first.
Then the factors that can lead to environmental degradation are investigated. From this it
is quite clear that in the future, the world and the RSA will be more densely populated, become
more polluted, be ecologically less stable and will therefore be more sensitive to natural
Because environmental education can make a positive contribution to this, a short historical
survey of environmental education is given. The role and contribution of some international
organisations is investigated. Developments in the RSA are surveyed and the influence
of the Earth Summit on environmental education in the RSA is analysed.
At birth, mankind is thrown into a world from where he can escape only at death. In this
world in which he has to stay, he must give meaning to his existence, while also trying to
improve the environment to guarantee the survival of coming generations. Bearing in
mind the educational and environmental relationship between any human being and his environment,
the essential characteristics of environmental education are exposed in order to
set possible conditions for authentic environmental education. Special emphasis is placed
on environmental behaviour aimed at sustainablility.
All this culminates in environmentally sound behaviour that acts as the overall aim for environmental
education. Because man's environmental ethic determines his behaviour towards
the environment, three different approaches to environmental ethics are distinguished.
Emphasis is placed on the necessity for environmental literacy. In order to try to understand
man's behaviour towards the environment, three styles of environmental behaviour
are analysed. For further clarification of environmental behaviour, two scientific
earth genesis hipotheses are also described.
In conclusion, this study leads to certain principles that can lead to the development of environmentally
sound behaviour aimed at the sustainable survival of mankind. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)
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