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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Parental management of adolescent substance abuse

Jarman, Lennon January 2017 (has links)
The incidence and consequences of adolescent substance abuse for the health and well-being of adolescents, their significant others and society at large, have become an increasing concern. The early onset of substance use further enhances the potential for addiction, thus emphasizing the need for early identification and intervention. The literature and practice observations suggest that parental management, which includes parenting practices such as parental monitoring, clear rules about substance use and the modelling of protective, constructive behaviours, protects adolescents from the onset of substance use and interrupts the adolescent’s progression to substance abuse. This qualitative study aimed to explore and describe parental management of adolescent substance abuse in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. An exploratory- descriptive and contextual research design was employed in this study. Furthermore, non-probability purposive sampling, in conjunction with snowball sampling techniques, was employed to recruit parents who have or continue to manage their adolescents (between the ages of 13-18 years) substance abuse and the associated impact that it has of on the family in the past year. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with ten parents, and data collection ceased upon reaching data saturation. The generated data was analysed using thematic data analysis. The trustworthiness of the research process and the findings was enriched by engaging in a variety of data verification strategies. The following main themes emerged from the data analysis process: Participants’ perspective of adolescent substance use in their community; Participants’ experiences of their own child’s substance use; Impact of substance use on the family system; Participants’ perspective of their role in managing adolescent substance use; and, Participants’ support needs in relation to adolescent substance use. The findings contribute to a greater understanding of what parents require to effectively prevent and/or manage substance abuse by their adolescent children. The findings furthermore recommend preventive interventions at both primary and secondary level.

The Port Elizabeth Land and Community Restoration Association project in Fairview

Jekwa, Mandisi January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the research is to assess how the Port Elizabeth Land and Community Restoration project has been perceived by the beneficiaries with regard to spatial transformation.The study is about land restitution programme in Port Elizabeth; with specific emphasis on those land claims which were lodged through a community based organization called Port Elizabeth Land and Community Restoration Association (PELCRA) for the restitution of Fairview, South End, Salisbury Park and Korsten. Such land claims were subsequently part of the PELCRA project for the restitution of Fairview. The study looks specifically at claimants who were dispossessed of their land rights as a result of the implementation of Group Areas Act in the 1960s. The claimants were forcefully removed from Fairview, Korsten, South End and Salisbury Park to their respective race group areas, such as Bloemendal for coloureds, Malabar for Indians and Kwa-Zakhele for Africans.However, before the general objectives of the study could be discussed, it is important to provide a brief historical context that brought about racial segregation in the South African urban setting, and how the post-apartheid government sought to re-integrate, restructure the towns and cities, as well as healing the boundaries set by racial zoning through land reform. This will then followed by the discussion on how the various communities of Port Elizabeth responded to the introduction of the Land Restitution Act 22 of 1994. The post-apartheid government in South Africa faces serious challenges in undoing the legacy of apartheid. One such product of apartheid system is the ‘apartheid city’. It stands out as an extreme example of social engineering. According to Freund (2001, 537) urban segregation was pervasive across the colonial world, some other cities in colonial and even post-colonial Africa were subject to massive forced removals or urbanisation that were comparable to South Africa under the apartheid regime. Urban segregation is therefore not unique to South Africa. It has to be said though that the South African apartheid city was distinctive in a number of ways.

An Investigation into learner drop-out and sustainable community development in Kwazakhele Township, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Lupondwana, Masiza Howard January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the study was to investigate learner drop-out and sustainable community development. The study was conducted in Kwazakhele Township in Nelson Mandela Bay. This study used qualitative research approach- interviews and structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. The sample consisted of 40 respondents both Females and Males between the age 15 and 35 years. In Kwazakhele Township most of the youth are learner drop-outs who exited educational system before attaining National Certificate (Matric). This had an effect on the acquisition of skills for sustainable development. United Nations report on Sustainable Development requires members of the community to be able to handle matters concerning their own development. This means community members should possess skills that would enable them to cope with constant demands of development. In the same Kwazakhele Township the consequences of the learner drop-out phenomenon is that lot of girls get pregnant at an adolescence stage. In most cases the boys who impregnate these girls are not working, they themselves depend on their parents for living. Because of the poor socio-economic status and high rate of unemployment of households in the area, this result in a situation where both girl child and their babies depends on the old age social grant for basic needs such as food etc. These dropouts are political risks in a sense that they are sometimes being used in community protesting marches which are unnecessarily hindering community development projects aimed at enhancing and promoting general welfare including better life for all. So the study will investigate and examine effect of learner drop-out in the community and recommends on what to be done in order to address shortfalls and challenges faced by the Kwazakhele community members. This will enable local authorities to be proactive in establishing programs that brings directive and solutions to the existing problems.

An assessment of the skills needed by school management teams to enhance their ability to manage schools effectively

Toni, Nandi January 2004 (has links)
1.1 MAIN PROBLEM A major concern in South African schools, especially in the disadvantaged areas, is the absence of effective leadership. Problems such as a lack of planning, an absence of vision, unfair resource allocation and feelings of uncertainty indicate a lack of meaningful leadership within the schools (Sterling and Davidoff, 2000:5). South Africa currently lacks a coherently explicit policy for the in-service training of school leaders. Until recently there has been no literature specifically addressing the problems school leaders face in black schools, no black professional organization for black school leaders, few opportunities for the discussion of ideas between departments, and few opportunities for training both before and after taking up a leadership position (Taylor and Tsukudu, 1995:111). The types of skills needed by School Management Teams(SMTs) for the effective management of schools depend on factors such as the needs of individual senior management members, the schools, the education system, the existing expertise of SMT members and their previous training. The purpose of skill development is to help develop and improve both the individual and the team performance of leaders responsible for managing schools in order to improve the functioning of schools(Mashinini and Smith,1995:133-135). In a growing number of developed and developing countries, a need for the more effective management of schools is becoming more important. Good management is regarded as essential if resources, both human and material, are to be used to maximum benefit so that schools make a valuable contribution to the economic and social well-being of societies (Taylor and Tsukulu, 1995:108). According to Sterling and Davidoff (2000:3), South African education is in a process of reconstruction and change. For those involved in education, the context feels unstable and at the point of delivery, the school, pressure is experienced. In addition to these problems, the socio-economic conditions result in many learners expecting not to be employed after completing their studies. This contributes to a feeling of despondence and demotivation amongst learners, which is often expressed in absenteeism, and a lack of commitment to their own education. Since 1996, reports by people in educational authority have confirmed a need for proper management training for managers in the South African educational system. In the past managers have been appointed to managerial positions such as head of department (HOD), deputy principal and principal without proper prior training. They have had to learn through trial and error and have made mistakes in the process. This situation is considered as neither inductive nor productive to a culture of teaching and learning (Deventer and Kruger, 2003:62). A study conducted by Steyn (1998:131-137) concluded that in the new South African dispensation, principals need to work closely with their first line managers in order to perform their 2 functions effectively. Steyn is of the opinion that a participative orientation in schools will be more effective than a centralized hierarchical orientation. The picture described above concerning the South African system and problems currently faced by teachers depicts a difficult environment which will not change overnight and one which requires effective intervention measures. This leads to the following problem, which will be addressed by this research. What management development skills do SMTs need to enhance their ability to manage schools effectively?.

A customer retention framework for the port of Ngqura container commodity

Myoli, Chuma January 2017 (has links)
The maritime sector plays an important role in economies across the globe. Ports in particular are the backbone of the economy of countries endowed with shorelines as they facilitate foreign trade through the importation and exportation of goods to and from their domestic markets. South Africa’s latest addition to its complimentary ports system, the Port of Ngqura, is positioned as a container transshipment hub and a gateway port to Africa with its world-class infrastructure and deep-water container berths at 18 metres, the deepest on the African continent. Ports, whose main mandate is the container commodity, struggle to retain customers as the container industry is a fickle one. As a result, the retention of transshipment container cargo customers remain a challenge for ports. In recent years, ports have to compete more aggressively for their participation in major logistics networks and these days, the ports of the same region are increasingly competing with each other. There are clusters of ports with the same type of supply located within a region competing with other clusters of ports in other regions. The main objective of this study was to propose a customer retention framework for the Port of Ngqura to be used as part of the marketing strategy to possibly retain customers, grow market share and to increase profits. The study focused on the effect of components such as value proposition, customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer relationship management and customer loyalty on customer retention. After the exercise of testing statistical reliability, the researcher established that the measuring instrument for the component of value proposition was deemed unreliable and therefore, does not necessarily lead to customer retention for the Port of Ngqura. Nunnally (1978) recommends that instruments used in basic research have reliability of 0.70 or higher. The Cronbach Alpha score for the value proposition measuring scale was 0.41, which is below the recommended 0.70. The measuring instruments of the remaining four components of customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer relationship management and customer loyalty as influencers of customer retention proved to be reliable due to the Cronbach Alpha score being above the recommended 0.70 for all four measuring instruments. In conclusion, this study showed the importance of customer retention and more importantly, how the mentioned reliable four components affect customer retention at the Port of Ngqura. Recommendations were presented by the author on how to integrate the components of customer retention into a retention framework that can contribute to the profitability of the port. The findings of this study led to the recommendation of the need for the Port of Ngqura to firstly, incorporate customer retention into overall marketing strategy and to thus be aggressive as customer relationship building is crucial in retaining customers and growing market share in today’s competitive port environment. Secondly, the port needs to segment its target customers, it is recommended that the target market be well defined, understood and segmented based on industry (shipping line, clearing and forwarding agency, fruit, automotive or wool) and amount of volumes and revenue brought to the Port of Ngqura. Thirdly, leadership involvement as at the strategic level of Transnet Group and Transnet National Ports Authority, executive leaders need to be involved in the implementation of customer retention for marketing of the port as they are the ones that have a high delegation of authority when it comes to decision making. It is also recommended that the measurement of success be clearly defined and linked to the objectives for the implementation of customer retention. The marketers and the Port of Ngqura, using customer relationship strategies, should devise ways of measuring loyalty to the port and the brand, the reputation of the port, service quality and customer satisfaction. Employee training is the most critical recommendation as they must be well trained and equipped to execute their duties, they must be knowledgeable about the maritime industry as well as the business of their customers, fully understand their customers’ needs and have customer empathy. Ports can also improve service quality by focusing on port and terminal efficiency by conducting benchmark studies with high ranked ports like the Port of Singapore as they are known for high levels of efficiency in the market. By improving service quality, the port will improve customer satisfaction and achieve customer loyalty and ultimately, retention.

An exploratory investigation on the subsequent experiences of emotional, verbal and physical abuse by learners on the well- being of high school teachers in Port Elizabeth

Ferreira, Xanthe Rune January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to investigate and explore how the emotional, verbal and or physical abuse of teachers by learners could impact on the general well-being of high school teachers in the Port Elizabeth region.This study asked how does the emotional, verbal and or physical abuse of teachers by learners impact on the general well-being of teachers? It also set out to find out what types of abuse teachers experience the most, how frequently teachers are exposed to abuse by learners and if there are any solutions to teacher abuse that can be offered. A teacher should be seen as someone who imparts knowledge, a person that creates an atmosphere for learning, a facilitator. Teachers are there to teach, although this is sadly not the case in schools anymore. Teachers are being abused by their learners in the classrooms and very few incidents are ever reported as teachers fear the repercussions of perhaps being told that because a class is misbehaving that they lack the necessary skills to be proficient teachers. There is limited literature available on the topic especially with regards to teacher abuse by learners in South Africa as the main focus used to be how teachers could be abusive to the learners and not the learners being abusive towards their teachers. This situation as is in South Africa at the moment can be seen as a silent epidemic. This study made use of a pragmatic paradigm that included both quantitative and qualitative research and data collection methods and an explanatory design was used to display the findings.

The Group Areas Act and Port Elizabeth's heritage: a study of memorial recollection in the South End Museum

Kadi, Palesa January 2007 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The second half of the 1990's was marked by a significant reworking of memory and history in South Africa. WHilst the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was involved in its hearings on amnesty applications and gross human rights violations, new museums were emerging and older ones began reshaping their displays. This thesis interrogated the changing representations of history, culture, identity and heritage in one South African city, Port Elizabeth, which in 2005 was re-named the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal area. This discussion examined, at times, the historical era prior to South Africa's democracy and the period after the first democratic elections of 27 April 1994. / South Africa

A study of employee satisfaction in two manufacturing facilities of General Motors South Africa

Matutoane, Leanetse Paul January 2009 (has links)
Employed individuals spend a majority of their waking time at work. Therefore, within an individual’s working lifetime, most hours will be spent at work. Subsequently, theories abound purporting that humans are hedonistic beings. Considering that on average people spend most of their working lives in a working environment, it then stands to reason that people should endeavor to be satisfied at work if humans are always in pursuit of happiness. The questions arise as thus: what makes people satisfied at work, does being satisfied with the job result in less turnover, and is that the only reason that they would endeavor to prolong their employment, are older employees more satisfied with their jobs than younger employees, is a plant with an older workforce more satisfied than a similar plant with a younger workforce? This study attempts to find an answer to these and other related questions. It was conducted on employees of two plants of an automotive manufacturer based in Port Elizabeth, a town in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) was used to collect the feelings of 92 employees in different shops and analyzed to check for differences in satisfaction levels. No significant differences were found between the plants, shops and age categories surveyed.

Family planning in the White population of Port Elizabeth

Higgins, Edward January 1969 (has links)
This study of family planning is based on a sample survey of 900 married white women under 50 years of age resident at the time of the survey (June 20th - August 31st, 1964) in the municipalities of Port Elizabeth and Walmer. The present chapter outlines briefly the setting, aims and scope of the study. In South Africa very little has been attempted in the line of the study of human reproductive behaviour, fertility control and the associated norms and values. Indeed, in South Africa there are serious gaps in our demographic knowledge and until fairly recently (1960) even the official census left much to be desired. It is hoped that the data gathered in this study will fill some of the gaps in our demographic knowledge about one particular urban area of South Africa as far as its white population is concerned. The present study is the first of its kind to be conducted in Port Elizabeth although a somewhat similar study was conducted in Johannesburg during 1957-58. As far as Port Elizabeth is concerned, this study breaks new ground, demographically speaking. Chapter 1, p. 1.

The rehabilitative value of sub-economic housing as illustrated by Schauder Township, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, Union of South Africa, 1938-1948

Stoker, F M L January 1954 (has links)
[From Introductory discussion]. The modern approach to any sociological problem is characterised by the attempt to analyse the contributory factors in such a way that their inter-active association is clearly discernible. The simple concept of "single cause and effect" is now recognised to be a traversity of social fact. Social Pathology, therefore, may be said to attempt to isolate the multiple factors involved in a given situation, and to endeavour to determine thelr mode of inter-action in order that remedial techniques may be applied effectively. Slum conditions are obviously pathologic, by which it is understood that the environment imposes strains upon the individual to which there is ineffective adjustment. The rehabilitation of such a population would involve the converse process, restoring individuals to a condition where they are able to cope in every respect with the demands of life at their respective class levels. It is very rare indeed that only a single factor is involved in a social pathological condition and for this reason it is quite possible that one- sided efforts at rehabilitation - such as the attempt to re-house ALL slum dwellers in sub-economic houses - have a tendency to increase the pathology in another direction. Rehabilitation must therefore be based on multi-factorial analysis in which allowance is, as far as possible, made for the inter-connection of each of the individual deviations from the normal. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of good housing conditions on the 2335 Coloured slum families re-housed in sub-economic houses at Schauder Township, Port Elizabeth, from the time that these houses were first available for occupancy.

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