Spelling suggestions: "subject:"porte"" "subject:"porto""
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Modelagem do escoamento de granéis agrícolas aplicada à estratégia operacional nos terminais portuários da região sudeste do Brasil. / Modeling of the flow of bulk agripoducts applied to the operational strategy of Brazil´s southeastern ports.Santos, Alessandro Souza 12 December 2014 (has links)
O processo de crescimento da produção da soja e a necessidade de eficiência em seu escoamento, atrelado a um menor custo logístico total, demanda a elaboração de um planejamento operacional que delimite as áreas de influências dos portos, as hinterlands; e mantenha a estabilidade do mercado. Entretanto, o menor custo logístico total para escoamento da produção não é respeitado em alguns fluxos por conta de restrições de transporte multimodal. Em consonância a isso, os projetos futuros de implantação de novas rotas para o escoamento da produção, delimitadas por investimentos em transporte multimodal, instalação de novos portos e terminais de transbordo de carga, vem interferindo nessas áreas de influência aumentando a dinâmica do negócio. Este estudo possui como objetivo caracterizar a dinâmica das rotas de escoamento da produção, listar as suas interferências, mapear a discussão a respeito do conceito de hinterlands e apresentar metodologias para sua delimitação. O modelo proposto será aplicado a todos os portos que participaram do comércio exterior da soja em 2011, com destaque para o Píer 3, da Vale S/A. Como resultados esperados, deverão ser respondidos dois questionamentos fundamentais: 1) qual a importância do Píer 3, da Vale S/A, no que tange ao escoamento da safra agrícola brasileira, e na sua competitividade de custo logístico total? 2) O terminal será necessário no futuro? / The growth process of soybean production and the need for efficiency in its flow, coupled to a lower total logistics costs, demand the development of an operational plan that demarcates the areas of influence of the ports, the Hinterlands, and maintain market stability. However, the lowest total logistics costs for production flow are not respected in some scenarios due to restrictions of the multimodal transportation. Correspondingly, future projects to implement new routes for the production flow, bounded by investments in multimodal transport, installation of new ports and terminals cargo transshipment, are interfering in these areas of influence increasing business dynamics. This study aims to characterize the dynamics of the flow of production routes, list their interference, map the discussion about the concept of hinterlands and present methodologies for its delimitation. The proposed model will be applied to all ports participating in the foreign trade of soybeans in 2011, with emphasis on the VALE S/A Pier 3. The expected results should answer two fundamental questions: 1) what is the importance of VALE S/A Pier 3 regarding the distribution of the Brazilian harvest, and the competitiveness of total logistics costs? 2) The terminal will be needed in the future?
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Avaliação e impactos da elevação do nível do mar no Porto de Santos (São Paulo, Brasil). / Evaluation and impacts of sea level rising in Santos Harbor (São Paulo, Brazil).Prats, Raphael de Campos 20 September 2017 (has links)
O Porto de Santos está localizado no litoral Paulista, na costa Sudeste do Brasil e é o maior e mais importante porto do país. Desde 1859 vem sofrendo adaptações e modernizações tanto em suas instalações físicas quanto em sua estrutura administrativa. As variáveis com as quais a Engenharia Civil deve lidar podem ser resumidas basicamente aos fenômenos naturais, pois estes determinam como serão projetadas e construídas as estruturas e instalações. Em projetos portuários, diversas características naturais devem ser mensuradas como, por exemplo, ventos, correntes marítimas, incidência de ondas, tipo de solo em que se encontra o porto, as temperaturas médias do local e, sobretudo, o nível do mar. Os mares e oceanos não possuem superfícies estáveis e apresentam cotas que estão em movimentos constantes. Estas variações se dão basicamente por ondas de curto ou longo período. A maré é uma onda de longo período que causa a variação diária do nível do mar. Atualmente é cada vez maior o interesse da comunidade científica pela temática relacionada às variações do nível do mar. Buscando contribuir com o tema, o presente estudo tem como objetivo principal a análise das variações do nível do mar no Porto de Santos ao longo dos últimos 60 anos, utilizando-se de dados coletados nos três marégrafos da região. Foi elaborada a média móvel desta série com a finalidade de detectar alguma variação significativa. A análise dos dados implicou que fossem considerados períodos de 18,61 anos, correspondentes ao intervalo do ciclo de precessão lunar, de modo a eliminar o efeito da variação astronômica no nível do mar. A elevação do nível máximo, médio e mínimo do mar no período de 1953 a 2008, apresentou uma elevação média de 2,5 mm/ano, resultado semelhante a outros estudos. Foram avaliados também o impacto da variação do nível do mar sobre as estruturas portuárias, indicando os efeitos da elevação nas estruturas, nos cais, nos aparelhos de defensa e ancoragem, nos equipamentos de descarga e outros. / Santos Harbor is at São Paulo\'s coast, in Brazil\'s southeast coast and it is the biggest and the most important port of the country. Since 1859 had been suffering adaptations and modernizations in its installations such as in its administrative structure. The variables that Civil Engineering has to deal with can be resumed basically to the natural phenomena because its determines how projected and built the structures will be. In docks projects, several natural characteristics must be measured, as example, winds, ocean currents, waves incidence, kind of soil that supports the harbor\'s structures, the local medium temperatures and, mainly the sea level. The seas and oceans doesn\'t have stables surfaces and shows levels that are in constant movements. These variations are products of short and long period waves. The tide is a long period wave that causes the daily sea level variation. Actually, the interest of the scientific community in sea level variation is increasing. Aiming to contribute with this theme, the present study has as main objective analyzing the sea level variations at Santos Harbor above the last 60 years, using data collected from three tidal gauges in the region. It was applied the moving average of the series to detect some significant variation. The data analysis demanded that the periods of 18,61 years, which corresponds to the interval of the moon precession cycles, was considered to purge the astronomic variation over the sea level. The maximum sea level, average and minimum sea level, in the period of 1953 and 2008 showed an average increase of 2.5 mm/year, which is similar to other studies. It was evaluated the impact of this sea level rise over the port\'s structures, showing the structural effects, over the docks; in the defense and anchorage equipment, unload equipment and others.
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Correlação entre taxa de recomposição do fundo, pluviometria e maré. / Correlations between bed recovery rates, rain and tides.Adriana Capelo Rodrigues 06 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as possíveis correlações entre as taxas de recomposição do fundo, pluviometria e marés para a região do Terminal Marítimo de Ponta da Madeira, Maranhão, Brasil. Foram analisados os dados de levantamentos batimétricos, pluviometria e marés, realizados na região do Terminal, além de dados de chuvas e vazões líquidas e sólidas provenientes do sistema fluvial da sub-bacia do rio Mearim, ligado ao estuário em que se localiza o Terminal. O período analisado compreende os anos de 2010 a 2013. Observou-se que há boa correlação entre vazões sólidas e líquidas no sistema fluvial, sendo que há variação sazonal de vazão líquida, relacionada aos períodos chuvoso e seco, com maiores vazões no período chuvoso. Foram observadas influências desta sazonalidade nas áreas de dragagem mais a sul no Terminal, com boa correlação entre taxas de recomposição do fundo e pluviometria. Em relação às marés, as influências foram melhor observadas nas áreas mais a norte, com boa correlação entre taxas de recomposição do fundo e marés nestas áreas. Os períodos com maiores intensidades de movimentação de fundo estão, de maneira geral, relacionados ao período de intensificação das chuvas e aos solstícios e equinócios, principalmente o equinócio de primavera. O método utilizado provou ser uma boa ferramenta de auxílio à previsão de movimentação e deposição de sedimentos. / The objective of this is study was to analyze possible correlations between bed recovery rates, rainfall and tides for Ponta da Madeira maritime terminal, located in Maranhão, Brazil. Bathymetries, rain and tidal data from the terminal area were analyzed, besides rain and river solid and liquid flow from Mearim river, which flows into the estuary. The data analyzed was collected from 2010 to 2013. There was good correlation between solid and liquid Mearim river flow, related directly to rainy and dry seasons. Seasonal influence was more important at dredging areas located at the terminal south region, which presented good relations between bed recovery rates and rain. North dredging areas bed recovery rates were more subjected to tidal variations. Generally, periods with high bed recovery rates were associated with rainy periods or either solstice and equinox, mainly in the spring. Such a methodology was considered to be successful as an auxiliary tool to predict bed behavior.
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Utilização de simulador matemático comparativamente ao analógico nos estudos de manobra portuária. / Use of mathematical simulator comparativily to the analogical one in the studies of port maneuver.Joffre Villote 10 September 2010 (has links)
O Simulador Híbrido, unindo um modelo Numérico a um modelo analógico proporcionará resultados bastantes realísticos alcançados em avaliação de risco pertinente a desenvolvimentos de projetos de Engenharia onde as manobras de navios de todos os portes, com aumento de fluxos de embarcações futuras se torna cada vez mais necessária. A busca pela qualidade, a garantia e a sustentabilidade destes tipos de projetos, quase sempre de alto custo, faz deste Simulador a ferramenta mais importante neste desafio, pois poderá ser avaliado o somatório das vantagens e desvantagens que afetam ambas as ferramentas, chegando a um nível ideal de simulação, contendo critérios de amarração, com tipos de cabos dos navios adequados, sob quaisquer condições de maré e outras atipicidades dos terminais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar que o Simulador Híbrido levará à otimização da operação portuária, garantindo o alto nível da segurança por elas efetuado, diminuindo custos inerentes substanciais para a empresa contratante, através da demonstração de cases apresentados e embasamento teórico. / The Hybrid Simulator, joining a mathematical model to an analogical model will provide resulted sufficiently realistic reached in evaluation of pertinent risk the developments of projects of Engineering where the maneuvers of ships of all the transports, with increase of flows of future boats if become each more necessary time. The search for the quality, the guarantee and the support of these types of projects, almost always of high cost, makes of this Simulator the tool most important in this challenge, therefore the many of the advantages could be evaluated and disadvantages that affect both the tools, arriving in an ideal level of simulation, I contend knotting criteria, with types of handles of the adjusted ships, under any conditions of tide and other atipics of the terminals. This work has for objective to show that the Hybrid Simulator will lead to the otimization of the port operation, guaranteeing the high level of the security for effected them, diminishing substantial inherent costs for the contracting company, through the demonstration of you marry presented and theoretical basement.
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The evolution of upper Norrland's ports and loading places 1750-1976Layton, Ian G. January 1981 (has links)
Models of port development have hitherto concentrated on landward communications and the organization of maritime space in their explanation of changes in port location and activity. This study demonstrates that the level of economic development in hinterlands together with industrial and marine technology are also significant factors and indeed play leading roles in the process of port evolution. For a deeper understanding of the process of port evolution the case of Upper Norrland's ports has been investigated. An analysis of changes in port distribution since 1750 reveals two main processes: dispersion followed by concentration. The growth in the number of ports and loading places prior to 1885 was not regular but stepwise, with two rapid increases related to the relaxation of mercantile restrictions, laissez-faire policies and the diffusion of new industrial activities. The fall in port numbers also corresponds to industrial changes and large-scale rationalizations of industry and transport systems have taken place in association with the economic changes following the two World Wars. The innovation and subsequent decline of new types of forest-based industries appear as a series of waves when their numbers are graphed. Charcoal ironworks, fine-blade water-driven sawmills, steam-powered saws, pulp mills, wallboard factories and paper mills demonstrate the succession of industrial and technological innovations. Clearly, the demand for the products of these industries, their shipping requirements and the physical needs and economics of contemporary transport have been the dominant factors in Upper Norrland's port development. On the basis of these changes, the evolution of the region's port system has been synthesized into the Upper Norrland model. Land communications have nevertheless had an important part to play in sustaining port dominance at the mouths of the major river valleys, which have acted as corridors of penetration. This investigation shows that these gateway ports had achieved significance long before the maximum number of scattered ports was reached, and it is doubtful whether the situation of a scattering of ports all of a similar status ever existed in reality. Early port dominance was sustained by later transport developments on land and in particular at sea, as river mouths provided the best sites for the construction of outports and deep-water terminals. The long-term seaward migration of port activity and facilities has taken place and the Bottenhamn model demonstrates this process at the local level. The study concludes by putting the Upper Norrland and Bottenhamn models into a wider context. The world-wide influence of colonial powers and maritime nations has led to a diffusion of marine technology, and shipping requirements must therefore have, prompted similar port developments throughout the world. / digitalisering@umu
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Principios teóricos y metodológicos sobre Geografía Portuaria. La proyección exterior del puerto de BarcelonaCastejón Arqued, Rosa 12 September 1990 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre Geografía de Puertos. Es un tema tradicionalmente poco seguido por los profesionales del país en comparación a otras especialidades geográficas, y pese a que en los últimos años se han elaborado interesantes investigaciones aplicadas sobre temas marítimos y portuarios, escasean todavía las aportaciones teóricas sobre estas cuestiones.Con esta tesis es pretende contribuir a la expansión de los estudios portuarios, confeccionando una síntesis teórica sobre el cuerpo disciplinario de la Geografía Portuaria (origen, contenido temático, métodos de trabajo, estudios geográficos portuarios, bibliografía reciente significativa, etc.). Tanto las reflexiones teóricas como la extensa bibliografía -unas 900 fichas clasificadas temáticamente- son instrumentos de trabajo útiles que facilitan la tarea a futuros investigadores que opten por esta línea geográfica.El contenido de la Tesis está estructurado en dos niveles de enfoque distinto. La Parte Primera que presenta el estudio de los puertos marítimos en Geografía y la Parte Segunda que comenta la especificación y el estado actual de la Geografía Portuaria forman el cuerpo teórico del trabajo. En cuanto al otro bloque que estructura el contenido tiene un carácter aplicado: la Parte Tercera se dedica a analizar la proyección exterior del puerto de Barcelona en la actualidad (finales de la década de los ochenta).La Parte Primera presenta las especialidades geográficas que han potenciado el estudio de los puertos marítimos, y explica la influencia que han tenido en la expansión de los análisis de temas portuarios, la revolución técnica del transporte y la nueva organización económica, política y jurídica de los asuntos marinos, posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otros capítulos de esta Parte Primera exponen que dos hechos recientes han provocado la revalorización del estudio de los puertos marítimos por los geógrafos: a) la incidencia de los grandes puertos comerciales en la expansión territorial, y b) la conversión de las metrópolis portuarias en centros mundiales de comercio exterior. Finalmente se valora la orientación y los contenidos de la nueva Geografía Marina, que es una especialidad de reciente consolidación que integra múltiples fenómenos que se relacionan con el mar.En la segunda parte se juzga la identidad de la Geografía de Puertos, evidenciando que a mediados de los años cincuenta tomó cuerpo esta concepción, y que durante la segunda mitad del siglo se han ido desarrollando sus principios teóricos (ámbitos espaciales de estudio, escalas, contenido temático, métodos de trabajo, etc.). Luego se pasa a comentar el estado actual de la Geografía Portuaria en los Departamentos Universitarios de los países que más han contribuido a su desarrollo (docencia, investigación, equipos de especialistas, etc.) Esta exposición es el resultado de una encuesta enviada a más de noventa geógrafos maritimistas de unos veinte países. La Parte Segunda concluye con la evaluación geográfica de los puertos marítimos en España.La última parte de la Tesis se inicia con un conjunto de reflexiones conceptuales sobre las áreas de influencia portuaria. Después de presentar esquemáticamente los rasgos característicos del puerto de Barcelona en su faceta de centro de comercio internacional, se procede al análisis de su proyección exterior espacial, que se lleva a cabo, 1) delimitando sus áreas de influencia exterior, - "foreland" global, "foreland" sectorial y conectividad interportuaria-, y 2) estudiando la organización de la red de comunicaciones regulares oceánicas internacionales. En cada caso se expone previamente la metodología aplicada: fuentes estadísticas usadas, reconversiones de categorías arancelarias de mercancías, índices internacionales, confección de las escalas espaciales de referencia, etc. El resultado de estos análisis, que se expresa además cartográficamente, permite conocer a) cuáles son los territorios ultramarinos -puertos y países-, que se relacionan con el puerto de Barcelona mediante los flujos de mercancías y barcos, originados por los mecanismos de su comercio exterior marítimo, b) cuál es el grado de intensidad de las relaciones, según distintas variables: tonelaje y valor de los flujos globales de mercancías y de estos mismos según categorías macroeconómicas, y frecuencia de los contactos náuticos interportuarios.El texto de la Tesis, que se estructura en las tres partes comentadas, hace continua referencia a la Bibliografía y al Apéndice documental, que aparecen al final. Otro volumen recoge las estadísticas usadas para analizar la proyección exterior del puerto de Barcelona. Se trata de datos no publicados y algunos sin ningún tipo de elaboración, que primero se tuvieron que copiar manualmente y luego un sistema de hoja electrónica de cálculo. / With this investigative research, the intention has been to contribute to the expansion of maritime research in Spain, firstly by creating a theoretical base for the disciplinary body of Port Geography (origin, thematic content, methodology, conceptual discussions, current world status of Port Geography studies, significant recent publications, etc.), and in the second place, bringing about an analysis of the spatial distribution of commercial transportation negotiated through the Port of Barcelona.The first part presents the geographic majors which have traditionally encouraged the study of maritime ports, explaining how economic, urban, social, political and regional analysis geography majors have adressed and analyzed the subject of Port Geography. In addition, port studies undertaken in the context of new Marine Geography, a recently created major which combines all areas of study related to the ocean, is evaluated.The second part assesses the identity of Port Geography. How this emergence took shape during the fifties and how principle theories have developed throughout the second half of the century (spatial limits of study, scales, types of analysis, thematic content, methodology, etc.). Next, the current status of Port Geography in the University Departments of the countries which have most contributed to its development (education, research, teams of specialists, etc.). This section ends with the evaluation of geographical studies of maritime ports in Spain.In the final part of the Thesis, which is of an applied nature, the foreign spatial projection of the port of Barcelona is analyzed, 1) delimiting the global "foreland", the sectorial "foreland", and interport connectivity, and 2) studying the organization of the international oceanic communications network. The result of the analysis, which is also expressed cartographically, illustrates: a) the overseas territories -ports/countries- related to Barcelona through traffic of merchandise and ships engaged in international maritime commerce, b) the intensity of foreign relations, according to specific variables: tonnage and value of the flow of global merchandise, by macroeconomic categories, and frecuency of interport nautical contacts.
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Lintin Island :the Canton trade at anchor, 1790 to 1840 / Canton trade at anchor, 1790 to 1840Edwards, Stephen Otis January 2015 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of History
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Le détroit de Gibraltar, Porte du Monde, Frontière de l'Europe : Analyse et perspectives de territorialité d'un espace de transitMareï, Nora 09 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le détroit de Gibraltar est une voie de passage interocéanique et intercontinentale majeure. Cette situation le projette au centre de différents réseaux de circulations et de mobilités internationales. Ces circulations, intégrées dans les grands flux marchands et humains qui dominent la planète, font toute l'attractivité des lieux et entraînent une organisation maritime et terrestre singulière autour de ce seuil océanique. En particulier, les infrastructures portuaires se sont développées de manière spectaculaire et accueillent aujourd'hui les principaux transporteurs mondiaux. Cette faveur donnée au développement économique a de nombreux effets pervers, qui s'ils ne sont pas pris en compte rapidement, mèneront à une fragilisation des territoires frontaliers du détroit. Le détroit de Gibraltar est également une frontière externe de l'espace Schengen sur lequel les enjeux de la mobilité humaine entre l'Europe et l'Afrique se cristallisent. Ce caractère d'espace de transit pour les hommes et les marchandises en fait, à toutes les échelles d'étude, un observatoire de la mondialisation et ses répercussions sur les territoires. L'analyse du fonctionnement spatial de cet espace de transit est menée par une approche multi-scalaire et pluri-thématique des territoires riverains du détroit. Par-delà l'étude des circulations maritimes, ce travail de thèse propose une réflexion sur les difficultés de l'intégration des territoires dans la mondialisation.
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Influència de les comunitats bentòniques sobre el sediment al litoral del delta de l'ebreSoriano Zaragoza, Sergi 06 December 2004 (has links)
La interacció dels organismes bentònics amb el sediment es relaciona, bàsicament, amb els processos de bioturbació i els de rugositat de fons. Els principals factors implicats en la mobilització de sediment a la plataforma interna són els corrents i l'onatge, però els organismes bentònics tenen un paper modulador destacat, ja que generen els majors impactes sobre les propietats geotècniques del sediment, controlen les taxes de bioturbació i són la principal font de generació de relleu en fons plans. El principal objectiu principal de la tesi és estudiar les interaccions entre els organismes bentònics i el sediment a la plataforma interna, focalitzant l'estudi en els processos de bioturbació i rugositat de fons associada a les comunitats bentòniques i les seves implicacions en la dinàmica sedimentària. Amb aquest finalitat s'han estudiat dues zones al Delta de l'Ebre (9 i 18 metres de fondària) i s'han realitzat 7 campanyes entre novembre 2001 i setembre 2002. Les condicions hidrodinàmiques s'han monitoritzat i l'anàlisi textural i geoquímic del sediment s'ha realitzat. Les comunitats i les seves abundàncies han segut mostrejades a diverses escales de mida d'organismes, amb dragues (macrofauna) i amb rastellers comercials (megafauna). A més, s'ha analitzat la distribució i abundància dels diversos taxons al perfil sedimentari. Finalment, s'ha enregistrat mitjançant tècniques audiovisuals l'activitat dels organismes i la micromorfologia superficial 9 m.La mida de gra mitjana presenta variacions temporals i en la vertical (de mitjana 110 µm a 9 m i 33 µm a 18 m), les quals estan influïdes, a més de les condicions hidrodinàmiques, per les tanatocenosis de mol·luscs i l'abundància i activitat bioturbadora de les comunitats. L'onatge controla a grans trets la distribució de les tres poblacions de mida de gra al perfil sedimentari i la mida de gra mitjana. A més, tanatocenosis de mol·luscs, amb mides superiors a 2 mm, es detecten a partir dels 6 cm de fondària al perfil. Les dues zones presenten una composició faunística diferent, però totes dues estan controlades per pocs taxons. Les comunitats presenten les màximes abundàncies a la primavera per a la macrofauna de les dues zones i per a la megafauna a 9 m. Els components biogènics representen un part significativa del sediment superficial a la zona litoral del delta de l'Ebre (entre 10 i 20 m, 1,1·106 m3) i, per tant, la contribució biogènica pot resultar un factor determinant per establir el balanç sedimentari a mitjà-llarg termini a la zona litoral del Delta de l'Ebre.Les activitats bioturbadores estan condicionades pels taxons més abundants (O. texturata, S. subtruncata, P. microtuberculatus i B. brandaris) i presenten les màximes activitats bioturbadores entre la primavera i la tardor a les dues zones. O. texturata és el principal responsable de la modificació de la micromorfologia superficial del fons. Per altra banda, l'abundància dels organismes i la taxa de bioturbació decreix al perfil vertical. Tenint en compte aquest aspecte, s'ha proposat un model hiperbòlic com a eina per poder quantificar més acuradament l'impacte de les comunitats sobre l'estructura del sediment. L'activitat bioturbadora és significativa fins els 6 primers centímetres. Els components de la rugositat de fons estudiats, rugositat biòtica (Kbio) i associada a ripples (Krip), són d'una magnitud semblant a la zona d'estudi. La Kbio està basada en els individus de O. texturata i en fragments de mol·luscs. Finalment, l'anàlisi de sensibilitat realitzat per testar l'efecte de la Kbio sobre la dissipació de l'onatge indica que l'increment de la Kbio origina una disminució de l'altura d'ona per fricció. Aquest resultat assenyala la influència que les comunitats bentòniques poden tenir sobre les condicions que faciliten la resuspensió i transport de sediment. / Benthic organisms' interactions with sediment are basically related with processes of bioturbation and bottom roughness. The main factors involved in sediment mobility in the inner shelf are currents and waves, but organism have a modulator role because they impact over sediment geotechnical properties, they control bioturbation rates and because they are the most important source of roughness generation in flat bottoms. The aim of this paper is to study the interactions among benthic organisms and sediment in the inner shelf, focusing it in bioturbation processes and biological bottom roughness, and consequences for the sedimentary dynamics.Two areas in the Ebro Delta inner shelf have been studied (9 and 18 m depth) and 7 surveys, from November 2001 to September 2002, have been performed. Hydrodynamic conditions have been monitored. Sediment has been sampled and textural and geochemical analyses have been performed. Communities have been sampled at different scale sizes of organisms, with dredges (macrofauna) and with commercial beam trawl -rasteller- (megafauna). Moreover, taxa distribution and abundance through sedimentary profile have been analyzed. Finally, organisms' activity and superficial morphology at 9 m depth have been recorded with audiovisual techniques.Average sediment grain size show temporal and vertical variations (on average 110 µm at 9 m and 33 µm at 18 m depth), which are influenced by hydrodynamic conditions as well as molluscs' tanatocenosis and community's abundance and bioturbatory activity. Waves roughly control the distribution through sediment profile of the three grain size populations detected and the average sediment grain size. In addition to this, molluscs' tanatocenosis, with sizes bigger than 2 mm, are detected from 6 cm to depth. Both areas show a different faunistic composition, but, on the other hand, they are basically controlled by few taxa. Communities display the highest abundances in spring for the macrofauna in both areas and for the megafauna at 9 m station. Biogenic components constitute a significant part of the superficial sediment in the littoral area of the Ebro delta (between 10 and 20 m, 1,1·106 m3) and, in this sense, the biogenic contribution could be a determining factor to establish the sedimentary budget in a medium-long term in the littoral area of the Ebro delta.Bioturbatory activities are conditioned by the most abundant taxa (O. texturata, S. subtruncata, P. microtuberculatus and B. brandaris) and the maximum are displayed between spring and autumn in both areas. O. texturata is the main responsible of changes in the superficial micromorphology of the bottom. On the other hand, organisms' abundance and bioturbation rate decreases with depth. Taking into account this issue, it has been suggested a hyperbolic model as a tool for quantifying more accurately the impact of organisms over the sediment structure. Bioturbatory activity is significant for the upper 6 cm.Studied Bottom roughness components, biotic roughness (Kbio) and ripple roughness (Krip), show similar magnitudes in the studied area. Kbio is based on O. texturata individuals and molluscs pieces. Finally, a sensibility analysis used to test the Kbio effect over waves dissipation indicates that a Kbio increase makes a wave height decrease by friction. This result emphasizes the influence that benthic communities could have over conditions that facilitate resuspension and sediment transport.
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The Dominican Republic--Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) understanding the reasons why the Dominican Republic (DR) joined the CAFTA negotiations /Rojas, Danny J. García. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Western Hemisphere))--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2009. / Thesis Advisor(s): Looney, Robert E. "June 2009." Description based on title screen as viewed on 13 July 2009. Author(s) subject terms: DR-CAFTA, Western Hemisphere regionalization, Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), Central America Common Market (CACM), Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), economic restructuring, trade liberalization, nontraditional exports, Free Trade Zones (FTZs), Dominican Banking Crisis 2003-2004, niche markets Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-103). Also available in print.
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