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Problematika poruch chování žáků ve školním prostředí, zvláště agresivita a šikana, možnosti jejich prevence / Problems of behavioral disorders the pupils (students) in school environment, especially the aggressiveness and vexation, the posibilities of their preventionVONEŠOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with behavioural problems of pupils in a school setting, particularly with aggression and bullying, as well as the possibility of their prevention. It consists of a theoretical part, a practical part, and appendices. The theoretical part treats behavioural problems in pupils, presenting the separate disorders in all their possible forms, accounting for both internal and external factors triggering them, explaining their causes and the conditions under which they occur, and, finally, surveys the possibility of their prevention and treatment. The practical part uses a questionnaire designed by the author of the thesis and discussions conducted in schools to identify the most common types of behavioural disorders. The results of the research are presented in charts and graphs and are complemented by data obtained in the discussions. This part is concluded with a thorough analysis of the data. The appendices contain real-life examples of behavioural problems encountered by teachers, the minimum prevention programme implemented by the basic school in Jistebnice and its evaluation for the school year of 2008/2009, the crisis management scheme of the same school, and additional materials relating to the topic. Read more
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Možnosti využití elektrotaktilní stimulace jazyka u pacientů s degenerativní cerebelární ataxií / Electrotactile sensory substitution in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxiaSvojítková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Biofeedback based on sensory substitution is a new method to treat patients with postural disorders. BrainPort provides tongue electrotactile stimulation. This innovative technique was developed for vestibular dysfunction of peripheral origin. Primarily for patients who had no benefits from conventional rehabilitation. Tongue electrotactile stimulation seems to be useful for central vestibula dysfunction as well. We are dealing with effect of BrainPort in therapy of degenerative cerebellar ataxia. We are interested in whether the effects persist for one month after the rehabilitation program. Methods: The methods are applied in 6 patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia, verified by clinical testing, posturography, and genetic testing or verification of cerebellar lesions by MRI. Patients underwent an 12-day intensive rehabilitation program with BrainPort. Treatment was carried out 2 times a day. Patients were learning appropriate postural corrections to maintain signal in the middle of the tongue. To assess the effect of therapy we used posturography, standardized clinical tests - BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and standardized questionnaires - The Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) and Dizzines Inventroy Handicap (DHI). The examination was performed before... Read more
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Neuropsychologický vývojový screening NES:Prohloubení ověření české verze / The neuropsychological development screeing NES:Further testing of the czech versionJantová, Alžběta January 2013 (has links)
Neuropsychological developmental screening (NES) is a German tool (published in 2005) for assessing eight fields of development of children aged 3 to 24 months. It is designed for pediatritians, early intervention specialists and psychologists. This thesis builds on A. Klapetek's thesis and aims to verify and check accurancy of Czech translation of the tool by administring the test to a group of Czech children. A. Klapetek conducted a pilot study of the tool. 50 children (10 for every age group) were administred the translation which was being refined during the field research. She also planned further steps to applying NES. Literature review of the thesis deals with developmental characteristics of infants and toddlers. Psychological assessment of young children and its uses and risks are described. The thesis also persues developmental scales, their history and present state. Theoretical concept of the Neuropsychological developmental screening (NES) is introduced. During the field research a group of 50 children was assessed by Czech translation of the tool, and the same group was tested by Developmental screening (Kovařík). Results of the testing were used to discuss existing norms of the tool, to identify problematic exercises (both too difficult and too easy) and to statistically analyse... Read more
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Možnosti psychosociální podpory rodičů dětí s poruchou autistického spektra / Possibilities of Psychosocial Support for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderEliášová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The first part of the thesis summarizes theoretical knowledge of the areas that relate to the characteristics of pervasive developmental disorders, as well as chapter focused on family and compensatory mechanisms with the diagnosis and the adoption of a child. Next chapter describe helping professions and it is a brief introduction of specific professions with who I have the opportunity to meet and get to know that their work and the methods used with a target group of preschool children with ASD. I consider the importance of an early intervention in terms of working with the family and the child to be important, therefore, I focus on diagnostic methods and organization APLA Prague and Central Bohemia. I had the opportunity to attend several practices in this organization and I got to know methods of working with clients with autism. Overall, this practice must be assessed as very beneficial. System and work of the organization is actually a good example for practice. I will try to describe this organization in the form of case studies and interviews with families. I then will focus on the social support of families and the financial opportunities that are offered to these families. The next chapter is about social services which are services of social prevention, care and counseling. These... Read more
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Hodnocení vývojové dyspraxie u dětí a adolescentů se zaměřením na lateralitu a u dětí a adolescentů se specifickými vývojovými poruchami školních dovedností / Evaluation of Developmental Dyspraxia in Children and Adolescents in Relation with Handedness, and in Children and Adolescents with Learning DisabilitiesJínová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
10 Annotation This diploma thesis deals with relations between developmental coordination disorder (or developmental dyspraxia) and laterality and handedness. In the theoretical part this work summarizes actual knowledge about the origin and the development of laterality and handedness and describes possibilities how to examine it. It also deals with knowledge about developmental coordination disorder, its characteristic, etiology, prevalence and diagnostic possibilities. The aim of the practical part was to evaluate motor difficulties in children with right and left handedness and to compare differencies. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 was used for that evaluation. Motor skills in 64 children (30 left-handed and 34 right-handed) were evaluated. We haven't found any difference between those groups of children, their results were very balanced. We have also tested the motor skills in children with crossed eye-hand laterality, any significant difference hasn't been found in comparison with standard population. The group of children with learning disabilities has been also evaluated, we have found statisticaly significant difference between their motor skills and motor skills of standard population. Read more
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Vzdělávání osob s poruchou autistického spektra v ČR / Education for people with autism spectrum disorder in the Czech RepublicŽilincová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the education of autistic children. It is divided into ten chapters where further presents the history of autism, autistic spectrum disorders division, the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders, then focuses on the triad problem areas, which include communication, social behavior and imagination. Another chapter deals with the education of children with autism. The last chapter consists of methods for educating children with autism. In the practical part presents research that I conducted using a questionnaire. Furthermore, there are some interviews with experts on autism and teaching assistants.
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Sebepojetí žáků se specifickou poruchou učení ve skupinové a individuální integraci / Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integrationPauková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" AUTHOR: Bc. Barbora Paukova DEPARTMENT: Special education department THESIS SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lenka Felcmanova ABSTRACT: The major topic of the diploma thesis named "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" is the different self-concept of success rate of older school age pupils with specific learning disability who are educated in a form of individual integration and in a form of group integration. The theoretical foundation of the thesis deals with the term of specific learning disability, with its terminology, definition, causes, classification and reeducation. It further focuses on the education of pupils with specific learning disability, on the term of self-concept and on the older school age period. Practical part of the thesis includes the quantitative research made using the standardized SPAS questionnaire. Methodology of the research, research preconditions, targets of the research, analysis of the collected data and evaluation of the research results are described in the thesis. KEY WORDS: Specific learning disability, older school age, self-concept, individual integration, group integration Read more
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Komoribidita poruch příjmu potravy a závislodti na alkoholu u žen: rizikové a preventivní faktory" / Co-morbidity of eating disorders and alcoholabuse among femal: risk and protective factorsVycpálková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Background: Co-morbidity of eating disorders and alcohol use among women is a topical theme. Eating disorders can be seen as a disease of modern women and alcohol use as very frequent and tolerated by society. Co-morbidity of these disorders is not given enough attention. Aim: The theoretical part defines basic terms of eating disorders, alcohol abuse and their co-morbidity. In the practical part my goal was to identify the risk and protective factors, personal characteristics that were common for women suffering with co-morbidity and to outline the subjective perception of respondents regarding this issue. Methods and sample: Data were obtained by the method of a semistructured interview with five respondents - clients of the aftercare group for alcohol addicts. Two methods were used for the purpose of data analysis: qualitative type of an approach and a pattern (gestalt) recognition method. Results: The thesis described risk factors on the individual, familial and social level. It also described personal characteristics of respondents that overlapped with the risk factors. They can therefore be taken as risk factors on the individual level. Protective factors are mainly positive influence of peers, hobbies and awareness of one's value. Respondents and their subjective view on this issue point out... Read more
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Formativní hodnocení žáka na 1.stupni primární školy / Formative assesment of a pupil at primary schoolKuldová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Book description KULDOVÁ, Jana. Formative evaluation of the pupil on the 1. the degree of primary school: Diploma thesis. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of education, Department of primary education, 2014. 118 sheets, 12 sheets of annexes. Senior thesis PhDr. Helena Hejlová, PhD. Abstrakt The aim of the thesis is to determine how can school the formative evaluation to create conditions for the promotion of pupils ' personal and social development in General, and especially on vulnerable groups of children in schools in the children's home with the school. The theoretical section discusses the formative school ratings, its features and specifics of the socialization and personality development of the students. The second area, which is the theoretical part, the possibilities and limits of the school are teaching younger school-age children in institutional care. The practical part of a proposal for a concept of the formative evaluation of the school, which has an impact on the social development of children with ordered institutional and protective upbringing. This concept is based on an analysis of the conditions and requirements laid down in the national evaluation of school curricular documents and school education programmes in schools and case studies school at the children's home with the school.... Read more
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Žák se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na 2. stupni ZŠ / Pupil with special educational needs in the second primary schoolŘeháková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This work deals with the problem, which is in my opinion becoming a hot issue. The number of children that get special needs education, is constantly increasing. The school in which they are educated, either draws up an individual educational plan (IEP below), or simply tolerates their work. It means these pupils are educated without an IEP, but the school and the teacher are aware of their special needs. It is not only the increasing number of pupils with learning disabilities and ADHD, but also with Asperger syndrome, speech disorders, physical disabilities, diabetes or epilepsy, and others. Depending on their problem also the amount of work with them is increasing. Firstly both the correct diagnosis and the setting of friendly educative environment are necessary. The work includes theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part clarifies the specific learning disorders, Asperger syndrome and developmental dysphasia. The practical part focuses on the work of pupils with specific learning disabilities, Asperger's syndrome and developmental dysphasia. The aim of this thesis is whilst using the method of interviewing and observing how the integrated education of pupils with special educational needs is proceeded at the second grade at different elementary schools. I'm interested in the way how... Read more
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