Spelling suggestions: "subject:"postoje"" "subject:"postoji""
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Anglicismy v dánštině a češtině. Komparativní studie. / Anglicisms in Danish and Czech language. A Comparative study.Šimsová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a comparison of attitude to English loanwords in Czech and Danish. The process of adopting anglicisms into both languages is viewed from several different angles in effort to provide a complex picture of the researched issue. The first part is devoted to the description of the diachronic development of Czech and Danish, especially to the influence of foreign languages on their vocabulary. In this part there is also defined used terminology and the theoretical framework is described, i.e. ways of enriching vocabulary and characterization of borrowings from foreign languages. The second part is devoted to the sociolinguistic view, i.e. the language policy of both countries, the approach of language institutions. In this section there are also described some central topics that are typical for the current linguistic situation in the Czech Republic and Denmark. The third part describes the formal adaptation of anglicisms in Czech and Danish from the morphological, orthographic, phonetic and syntactic point of view. The last chapter is devoted to the evaluation of the survey, which represents the practical part of this thesis. The theoretical part was processed using the method of literary review and the practical part using the questioning method. Since the thesis deals with...
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Postoje učitelů a žáků ve výuce angličtiny / Teachers' and pupils' attitudes in teaching and learning EnglishFOUKALOVÁ, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with teachers´ and pupils´ attitudes in teaching English at elementary school. At first, the theoretical part focuses on explanations of main notions related with this theme, on attitudes forming between pupils and teachers in school background and on factors influencing their common interaction. Next, it devotes to the status of English as a foreign language not only in worldwide basis but also within school curriculum at elementary schools. The practical part tries to find out what language attitudes of the chosen pupils there are in teaching English. Principally, it focuses on the attitude towards English as a foreign language, the English lesson, particular activities in English lessons, towards the teacher and it also finds out the pupils´ reasons for learning English.
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Postoj vyučujících k genderově atypickým dětem / Teachers' approach to pupils with atypical genderKlimešová, Hana January 2017 (has links)
Moje diplomová práce se věnuje tomu, jakým způsobem přistupují vyučující na druhém stupni základních škol k dívkám a chlapcům, kteří jsou genderově atypičtí. Tedy k dětem, kteří nesplňují představu "správné" dívky či "správného" chlapce z hlediska genderového řádu společnosti a nějakým způsobem se těmto představám vymykají (v rovině osobnostní, vzhledové či behaviorální). Ve výzkumu se zajímám o zkušenost vyučujících s těmito dětmi, o charakteristiky, jenž jsou podle nich genderově atypické, jak tyto děti podle nich přijímá kolektiv či učitelský sbor, apod., avšak podstatou mého zkoumání je zjistit, jaký postoj vůči těmto dětem učitelé a učitelky zaujímají a co jej ovlivňuje. Z výsledků výzkumu pak vyplývá, že existuje určitá typologie postojů vyučujících k genderově atypickým dětem, přičemž jednotlivé postoje vyučujících jsou ovlivňovány mnoha faktory. Faktor, který se ukázal jako nejdůležitější, protože významně ovlivňuje to, zda se bude jedna spíše o pozitivní či negativní přijetí dítěte, je to, zda projevy atypického dítěte narušují či znesnadňují vyučování a práci vyučujícího, nikoliv pouhá skutečnost, že je dítě genderově atypické. Tato práce je tvořena dvěma částmi: teoretickou a empirickou. V teoretické části se zabývám informacemi, které jsou základem pro můj výzkum a v rámci celé práce z...
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Smrt a rituály se smrtí spojené v současné společnosti ve vnímání žáků 1. stupně ZŠ. / Death and rituals associated with death of children at elementary school a in present-day society.PETRÁŠKOVÁ, Věra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the view of death in current society in ČR. The first part of the thesis defines the concept of death which touches our lives. It examines death from the point of view of sociology, psychology and theology. The second part is dedicated to meeting children with death in their life and is focused on possibilities to meet with the topic of death in school education. The third part follows up with rituals which help us to go through certain situations together. The final fourth part shows us results of quantitative research in the understanding of death in children of younger school age.
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Etika a kultura v interakci s obtížnými klienty / Ethics and culture in interaction with difficult clientsDUŠKOVÁ, Helena January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the ethical and cultural dimension of social work, application of ethical principles and choice of attitude by a helping professional when working with a client. Subsequently, I followed changes in application of these ethical principles and changes of attitude in high-strain situations in the contact with a so-called difficult client. Further, I focused on the defence mechanisms which a helping professional chooses to cope with high-strain situations and manage his job well. In the individual chapters of the theoretical parte, by the analysis of scientific literature I described theoretical bases of the professional relationship between a social/health social worker and a klient and I focused on the realization of this relationship and on what it brings the worker in high-strain situations when working with the so-called difficult client. In the empirical part, I set one main goal to find out how social workers react on the ethical level in high-strain situations while interacting with difficult clients. Partial goals were designed to find out what ethical principles social workers apply, what attitudes they choose, which clients they consider difficult and what defence mechanisms they develop to cope with high-strain situations. To reflect these goals, I set one main research question and four partial ones. For the collection of data, I opted for the method of quantitative research and I used the questioning method in the form of a half-structured interview. I chose the set of respondents for my research by the method of simple random sampling. To process the research data, I chose the method of case study. Processing the interviews and analysing them, I found out that social workers in high-strain situations do not change their application of ethical principles. Further, I found out that the choice of attitude in high-strain situations changes and that social workers choose, instead of a partner attitude based on equality, a more or less directive stance. All of the respondents met a difficult client at work and dealing with high-strain situations causes them certain indisposition they have to cope with. The answer to the main research question is thus that on ethical level social workers react in high-strain situation by a shift in the choice of their attitude and solving ethical dilemmas. It was a hostile client that the social workers listed most frequently in the typology of clients. It became evident during the interviews what kind of defence mechanisms social workers choose to be able to cope with high-strain situations. The thesis may provide information to the general public and experts.
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Esoterika - historický vývoj a postoj římsko-katolické církve / Esotherics - Historical Development and The Roman Catholic Church AttitudesŠERÁ, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
The work describes historical development of esotherics and its related fields. It tracks the history line back to the ancient cultures that lay the grounds for the New Age understanding of magic as well as astrology and tarot. It studies the Middle Ages and the present when new religions not only came to existence but they also have made great development since.
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Historie a současnost vzdělávání dětských sester a jejich postojů k vlastní profesi / Past and present of education of paediatric nurses and their attitudes towards their own professionZMEŠKALOVÁ, Stanislava January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the history and present state of the education of paediatric nurses and their attitudes towards their own profession. The first objective was to find out information regarding the education in the nursing profession in Bohemia, with a focus on child care, and to create an overview of the education in the profession Paediatric Nurse. The second objective was to find out about the attitudes of paediatric nurses towards their profession. Interviewed were sisters who chose the profession after finishing elementary school and underwent qualifying studies as well as nurses who chose the profession after graduating from a secondary school or university education and achieved their education through specialization studies. The last objective was to compare these two groups and to assess whether there are any differences between them. The theoretical background of the thesis defined basic concepts such as the definition of education, education in nursing, a profession, and attitude towards a profession. Documents related to education since the foundation of nursing education to the present were also used and studied. The chapters on the status of nursing staff and its employment chances focus on the development of the relationship to the profession and shaping attitudes towards it. In the research part of the thesis, the collected information related to education and derived from archival documents, literature, laws and regulations is presented. The results can be used as a basis for creating educational material focused on the history of the field and intended for the education of paediatric nurses to strengthen their identification with the profession. The thesis also presents interviews with in-service paediatric nurses where they express their views on the work in the field and their attitudes towards their profession. The results of the interviews are documented and organized so that it is possible to assess whether there are any differences between these groups. The anticipated differences can be used for further investigation focused on attitudes to the profession. Verified knowledge could then be used for training paediatric nurses aimed at creating desired attitudes towards the profession.
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Analýza textů publicistických útvarů,konkrétně zaměřená na komentáře s politickou tématikou / Analysis of publicistic columns specifically focused on politically aimed commentaryBejšáková, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis, Analysis of publicistic columns specifically focused on politically aimed commentary, treats of attitude of authors of publicistic columns about political parties or eventually to politicians. The aim of this work is to describe the ways and means of expressing authors use to formulate their position, focusing on these within Pravo's and Mladá fronta DNES's print-outs from January 2010 to June 2010 so mainly in months before the elections. The first part presents modern development of approach to language and text. That should elucidate how the pragmatic way of language examination has begun. In the practical part I applied the approach to language and text, as listed above, and I applied the pragmatic analysis. Qualitative analysis of publicistic columns examines inclination of authors to left-wing or right-wing parties, mostly to ODS or ČSSD. It is possible to deduce what authors criticize within the frame of the whole political situation. This work also examines, what means authors of publicistic articles use to profess affection or aversion to particular politician or political party. This diploma thesis forms compendium of publicistic texts in chosen journals and characterizes the conception which reflects their relation to politics.
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Vliv plánovaného zařízení KIC Odpady (ZEVO) v Karviné na postoje obyvatel a síla vlivu NIMBY efektu / The influence of planned project KIC Odpady (WtE) in Karviná city on residents' attitude and the strength of NIMBY effectRyba, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Although there is, in general, a significant level of support of projects related to use of renewable resources, in fact realization of the specific projects usually meets with negative attitude of local residents. This negative attitude is often called as NIMBY ("not in my backyard") effect without further research of particular causes. Therefore, in the theoretical part of this diploma thesis NIMBY effect is defined, as well as various attitudes to its interpretation in literature and also the effect of various compensation on changing residents' attitude. In the practical part, this diploma thesis analyses residents' attitude, the existence and strength of NIMBY effect and the effect of compensation on changing residents attitude towards the specific planned project of building WtE in Karviná city (KIC). The results of this analyzation show, that NIMBY effect is detected, but at the same time it is not the main cause of the negative attitude of residents. Moreover, it has been found out, that the offered compensation have not any important influence on the change of residents' attitude.
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Motivační faktory poctivého daňového přiznání / Motivation Factors of a Rightful Tax ReturnUrbánková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the motivation factors of a rightful tax return. The aim of the thesis was to identify influence of attitude, subjective norms and behavioural control on a truthfulness of a taxpayer when filling in the tax return. The first part of the thesis is aimed on definition of a tax evasion. Furthermore, this part deals with the causes of tax evasions as well as with ethical point of view on tax evasions in general. The second part of the thesis deals with the indicators of extent and evolution of tax evasions in the Czech Republic and in the European Union. The indicators of tax evasions are the following: shadow economy, tax gap of VAT, tax quota, corruption index and frequency of tax control. The third part includes the results of the questionnaire survey that was realised among the Czech entrepreneurs. The results show the cases of tax evasions that the entrepreneurs may have consider as rightful. Thereafter, using the chi-squared test, the analysis examined whether the attitude of the entrepreneurs towards the tax evasions is influenced by the factors as company seat, annual turnover or number of employees. In several cases, the research confirmed an existence of dependence between attitude of entrepreneurs towards tax evasions and the factors stated above.
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