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Postoje pedagogů mateřské školy k inkluzivnímu vzdělávání / Attitudes of kindergarten teachers to inclusive educationEffenberková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problematics of inclusive education in kindergarten. This study aimed to determine kindergarden teachers's attitudes to inclusive education. The other objectives of this project are to analyze proposals and recommendations of addressed teachers concerning increasing efficiency of inclusive education. Apart from that, the present work also describes how teachers perceive the role of teacher assistant in inclusive education. This research is divided into a theoretical and practical part. First part describes theoretical resources of inclusive education in kindergarten. It defines key notions of inclusive education, charakterizes preschool child, kindergarten itself and education of children with special educational needs in kindergartens. The practical part analyzes information, which was gained during dialogues with teachers in kindergarten. The objective of this part was to determine kindergarten teacher's oppinions and attitudes to inclusive education. In a conclusion of the research achieved konwledge is compared with conformable research, which where done in described problematics.
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Vztah společnosti k lidem s mentálním postižením - dějiny a současnost / The relationship of society towards people with mental disability - past and presentMACHOVÁ, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is theoretical. It consists of five chapters. The first chapter explains the basic concepts, forms of mental disability and identifies differences between mental retardation and mental illness. The theme of the second chapter is the historical relationship of people with mental disabilities, which are described in various historical periods and methods of care for people with mental disabilities. The third chapter is devoted to the present and the attitude of society towards mentally handicapped people. There are defined the different approaches and current treatment options and services. The fourth chapter takes into account the importance of family in the lives of individuals with mental disabilities. The last chapter reflects the ethical context of the society in relation to people with mental disabilities. This chapter elaborates topics such as dignity, respect and freedom.
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Sociálně - psychologické aspekty gay partnerství / Social - psychological aspects of gay partnershipOBSTOVÁ, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The Thesis deals with problems associated with homosexual partnership. It has two parts. The theoretical part trying to look at the problem only from the literature. It tries to show how attitudes to homosexuality is the majority society, what are the theories of homosexuality, looks like homosexual partnership, looks as family functioning, with the challenge it faces a gay couple and what are the terms of developmental psychology. The research part is based on theoretical and tries to map the issues in depth. It has focused on a specific group and they are gay man aged 20 to 30 years old, living in Strakonice and is currently in partnership. The research is using qualitative semi structured interviews. For the research method is used Snowball sampling.
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Postoje a nákupní chování zákazníků nákupního centra / Attitudes and buying behaviour of customers of a shopping centerKOROUSOVÁ, Radka January 2012 (has links)
The theme of my graduation thesis was "Attitudes and buying behaviour of customers of a shopping center". The object that I have explore was the shopping center Tesco Pisek. Marketers must be able to survive on the market competition, so they must know their own consumers. It is important to know the consumer behaviour, to know what is importent for consumers and it is also important to know the consumer knowledge of diferent products. This topic has me interested because of the most important timeliness. To get all those information I must do marketing research, these results was evaluated in this graduation thesis.
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Postoje a nákupní chování zákazníků nákupního centra / Attitudes and buying behaviour of customers of a shopping centerKOLÁŘOVÁ, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is the research and evaluation of attitudes and buying behavior of customers in selected shopping center.
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Školní podvádění starších žáků: od explorativního výzkumu k strukturnímu modelu. Pilotní studie. / The scholastic cheating of early adolescents: from exploratory research towards a structural model. A pilot study.VRBOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to investigate, which behaviour at school is perceived by early adolescents (age average 14-16 years) as cheating, whether it is possible to classify this behaviour into specific types (factors) and whether these can be linked with individual student variables (sex, GPA, number of missed classes, student goal orientation, worry, self-efficacy, and achievement value), as well as with the contextual variables (parents goal orientation, teachers goal orientation, satisfaction with the school, neutralization, peer cheating behaviour, and cheating punishment). The obtained data were statistically evaluated (N = 401). Using exploratory factor analysis based on students self-reporting the frequency of the behaviour classified as cheating, two types of dishonest behaviour were extracted: cheating (copying, hinting) and falsification (forgery of signatures, absences). Two student factors, school approach (motivation) and to school avoidance (amotivation) orientation, and two context factors, teachers and parents goal orientation, were extracted as predictors of cheating. Results showed that neither parents nor cheating punishment had significant influence on cheating and falsification. The structural model confirmed that a positive relationship with teachers goal orientation and GPA had the highest influence on falsification. Student avoidance to school, student approach to school, and teachers goal orientation had the highest influence on cheating. Cheating and falsification were well correlated. The values of regression coefficients remained similar after removing the parent factor from the model. The structural equation model explaining the relationship of latent endogenous cheating and falsification variables with the three latent exogenous variables (avoidance to school, approach to school and teachers goal orientation) and the three manifest variables (sex, GPA and peer cheating behaviour), fitted the data well. The model explained 42% of cheating variance and 39% of falsification variance
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Postoje začínajících pedagogů / Attitudes beginning teachersPRCHALOVÁ, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the personality and attitude of beginning teachers, pecifically teachers' free time working in after-school clubs and teachers working in primary schools in the Pilsen Region. The work analyzes the basic terms related to teachers and teachers' free time, demands on them and their attitudes. From the theoretical knowledge arisen requirements on qualitative research, that was made through interviews. In my own research are analyzed attitudes beginning teachers in the Pilsen Region, the differences arising from the position of primary schools and after-school centers and differences among teachers to primary school teachers and free time from school groups. In conclusion, I present the results of research, where significant differences were observed between novice teachers of primary schools and after-school centers. A significant role in influencing the attitudes of beginning teachers has environment where they operate and approach of the schools management.
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Vývoj a zavádění rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro 2. stupeň základní školy / The Development and Implementation of The Framework Educational Programme for Elementary SchoolsLAGRON, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of the Framework Educational Programme of Basic Education (RVP ZV) in the Czech Republic. It is a brand new educational system which brings in many aspects of modern education and also many essential changes in comparison with the previous educational systems. In the first part of this thesis is described the basic philosophy and the main reasons why such a system has been presented. Then I want to concentrate on the implementation of the Framework Educational Programme of Basic Education to the elementary schools and the creation of the School Educational Programme (ŠVP). The differences in teaching methods of foreign languages are also mentioned. In the last part a questionnaire was used to find out the opinions on the new educational system. The results of this research indicate whether the teachers are in favour of it or not.
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Adolescence, její volný čas a hodnotová orientace / Adolescence, its Free Time and Value OrientationTRAJER, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the adolescence as a particular life period of a man. Its aim is to analyze this period in connection with free time. Moreover it tries to point out the influence of value orientation of each individual which is reflected in one{\crq}s free time. And the topic is related to the society and current period called postmodernism. It deals with the influence of consumer culture that presses on the teenagers and with manifestations of this influence. It tempts to draw the attention to the crisis of so called traditional values and the antagonism between what people believe in and what they do. Finally I am trying to point at the possibilities of the free-time pedagogy that disposes of the methods, which can efficiently reduce problematic aspects brought by current time.
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Utváření hodnotové orientace v pubertě a užívání internetu / The Valuable Orientation of PubescentsKOHOUT, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation deals with formalization a value orientation in pubescence in a relationship with internet use. The general angle of the dissertation is theoretic, the most methods that are used are descriptive methods and partly relational methods. The general structure of the dissertation is divided to four basic chapters. First chapter defines terms of attitudes and values from the philosophic, psychologic, sociologic and pedagogic perspective. The second chapter deals with a pubescence phase, its difficulties from the viewpoint of formalization of a value orientation. The third chapter is focused on internet and there are generally mentioned eventual effects resulting from its use. The fourth chapter finally summarises the foregoing chapters with the accent on formalizing a value orientation in pubescence in a relationship with internet use.
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