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Indikátory zaujetí při matematice / Indicators of Captivation in MathematicsTauchmanová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Indicators of Captivation in Mathematics AUTHOR: Eliška Kmínková DEPARTMENT: Department of psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy, Charles University in Prague SUPERVISOR: Doc. PhDr. Isabella Pavelková CSc. ABSTRACT: The objective of the presented research is to map which various motivational factors play an important role in school task situation, more precisely during working on mathematics task. We focus especially on situational motivation but also on long-term motivational characteristics. We verify pupils' captivation through behavioral, cognitive and emotional indicators. We ascertain the impact of captivation on pupil's work on the task and subsequently pupil's achievement in the task. We theoretically analyze especially the following motivational variables: attitudes to school subject, motivation to learn, individual interest, situational interest, target orientation, achievement motivation, flow experience and self-efficacy. We verify the theoretic fundaments in an experiment that was realized in 2012 at various types of primary schools in mathematics. This study used a questionnaire survey approach, tasks done by children and interviews with mathematics teachers to collect data. For data analysis we used quantitative and qualitative approach. Results reveal captivation has not positive impact on...
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Sluchová vada a její sociální dopady v dospělém věku / Hearing Loss and Its Social Impacts in Adult AgeSkákalová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Hearing Loss and Its Social Impacts in Adult Age AUTHOR: Tereza Skákalová DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Lea Květoňová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The present dissertation deals with the issue of the social impacts of hearing loss in adults. The thesis compiles the theoretical knowledge about the hard of hearing and society's attitudes towards them. The gradual change in attitude towards these people throughout various historical periods is described and this description of the evolution of their social status is concluded with the analysis of the current situation in the Czech Republic. The empirical part examines the influence of hearing loss on a person's involvement in modern day society. The research is qualitative and it examines the opinions of the affected people themselves and also experts working with this target group. The results of the research reflect a positive shift in the attitude towards the hard of hearing, but simultaneously show that their needs and abilities remain misunderstood. The most problematic issue is their capability of contribution at work. The findings are compared with other research. On the basis of this comparison the suggestions are formulated to improve the situation. The results of this dissertation can help raise the quality of the...
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Postoje rodičů k občanské společnosti a ke konceptu inkluzivního vzdělávání / Parents' Attitude to Civil Society and to the Concept of Inclusive EducationHeryšerová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This paper is focused on seeking relation between two main concepts, the concept of civil society and the concept of inclusive education. This text is looking for their connection based on values and approaches. Active civil society is central to the evolution of participatory and transparent systems of government, which are as much as system of education essential for economic development. Education is fundamental to building necessary preconditions for social cohesiveness even across multi-cultural diversity. Inclusion doesn't mean just inclusive education, inclusion is main approach how we might change society by implementing concrete set of values into the system of education and into the system of society as a whole. The values have main influence on people's behavior. The main aim of this paper is to describe and to understand relationship and connectivity between approaches to inclusive education and between approaches to civil society. Answer to this question brings qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with parents of school children. Parents play main role in both, civil society and inclusive education. Key words: Values, Approaches, Civil Society, Inclusive Education, Diversity, Parents
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Postoje pracovníků firem a pomáhajícího sektoru k odborné pomoci při zvládání životních situací / Attitudes of company employees and of the helping sector to professional help in coping with life situationsNová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The objective of the socio-pedagogically oriented diploma thesis "Attitudes of company employees and helping sector to professional help in coping with life situations" is to analyse the attitudes of company employees and workers in helping professions towards professional help in difficult life situations. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part is based on information from the academic literature, and it defines the basic concepts (attitudes, helping professions and workers in helping professions, the company and its employees, life situations and difficult life situations, stress as a result of mismanaged difficult life situations and a crisis as a consequence of being unable to cope with pressure and stress). It also deals with the psychosocial support the employer can provide to its employees. It includes an overview of professional help and presents the theoretical basis of research findings. The empirical part contains a research survey exploring the willingness of company employees and workers in helping professions to take advantage of professional help in difficult life situations, ascertaining what knowledge they have in this area, and how they evaluate the professional help. The collection of research data was conducted utilizing an electronic...
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Postoje žáků základních škol k osobám se zdravotním postižením / The attitudes of pupils of primary schools towards people with disabilitiesLansdorf, Marek January 2021 (has links)
Thesis is focused on attitudes of the 4th and the 5th grade pupils towards people with disabilities. Specifically it is the influence of influencing the manifestations of otherness on the cultivation of pupils' attitudes towards the issue. Thesis defines the manifestation and otherness of selected types of disabilities. In context of modify of pupils' attitudes, findings from the psychosocial development pupils in late middle childhood are summarized. Thesis also presents the personality of the class teacher from the perspective of the teacher's professional competencies. The aim of the thesis is to find out what are the attitudes of the 4th and the 5th grades of primary schools towards people with disabilities and whether the teaching process can modify the attitudes. Through a research survey 455 pupils from randomly selected primary schools in Prague, it was found that half of them have difficulty accepting otherness of people with disabilities. The least accepted group are people with mental disabilities. Thesis also presents a relations between positive attitudes of pupils and social proximit of people with disabilities, also realtions between the pupils' ignorance of the issue, low awareness and together with lower social proximity. Next it presents relations between the manifest otherness,...
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Postoje farmaceutů k přímým perorálním antikoagulanciím / Pharmacists` attitudes towards direct anticoagulantsMertová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Pharmacists' attitudes towards direct anticoagulants Author: Tereza Mertová Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Consultant: PharmDr. Kateřina Malá, Ph.D. Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Introduction and Objective: Pharmacists are involved in providing of professional information about direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) treatment during DOAC dispensation to patients. Their attitudes and knowledge about DOAC treatment are therefore crucial for optimisation of pharmaceutical care of patients taking DOAC. The objective of this thesis was to analyze attitudes, experience, habits and opinions of pharmacists regarding the DOAC treatment. Methodology: Pharmacists from three District Pharmacists' Associations (OSL) were addressed to participate in an electronic anonymous questionnaire between March and May 2021. Questionnaire consisted of 32 items focusing on the frequency of DOAC dispensation, pharmacist self-confidence about DOAC, information provided to patients during DOAC dispensation, benefits and limits of DOAC treatment compared to treatment with warfarin, and patient adherence to DOAC treatment. The results were processed using descriptive statistics and further analyzed by parametric and nonparametric tests. Results: A...
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Empirický výzkum reprezentace historických informací v médiu počítačových her, jejich vnímání uživatelem a jejich intrapersonální vzdělávací výsledky / Empirical research on the representation of historical information in the medium of computer games, their user reception, and intrapersonal learning outcomesKolek, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation investigates whether video games are able to affect players' attitudes and information behaviour towards depicted historical topics in games over the short- and long-term. We collected data from a sample of 148 young adults. As far as we know, there is currently no study of such a scale focused on historical games. We used, as an intervention tool, a modification of the serious game Czechoslovakia 38-89: Borderlands that deals with the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from the former Czechoslovakia after WWII. The game is based on historical research providing players with multiple perspectives on the depicted topics. Our control group played a similar game, but where the narrative was unrelated to any depicted historical event from Czechoslovakia 38-89: Borderlands. In the empirical part of the study, we measured explicit and implicit attitude change and information behaviour change towards the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans. Results showed more negative pretest-posttest explicit attitude changes towards the expulsion on a general level (d = -0.34; p = .022) and a specific level (d = -0.53; p = .001) in the experimental group compared to the control group. Over the long-term, group differences in attitude change remained significant for the specific level (d = -0.44; p = .014),...
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Vliv mateřství na změnu postojů ke zdravému životnímu stylu / Maternity effect on changes of attitudes towards healthy life styleSmejkalová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis you will find guidelines of healthy lifestyle concerning pregnancy and motherhood, which will serve as a handbook for parents-to-be. I will mainly focus on recommendations for the right eating habits and appropriate sports for expectant mothers. I won?t also leave out the mental health issue, where will be tips and suggestions for improvement of the mental state of the parents. In this text there are listed some organizations which deals with the parents' education in the area of healthy lifestyle. They are chosen to provide quality information for expectant parents. You will find here also the results of research concerning the change of attitudes of parents during their parenthood, which were obtained from a questionnaire that was sent to the Parent Centers in the Czech Republic. Thanks to this questionnaire you will find the attitude of parents to the questions of tuition on primary schools concerning the healthy lifestyle, they underwent.
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Domácí příprava žáků / Pupils' homeworkKubátová, Stanislava January 2015 (has links)
This thesis engages in the theme of pupil's home preparation for basic school. Finding the pupils', parents' and teachers' attitudes to homework is the purpose of this thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on relationship between the family and the school, especially parents' involvement in this problem. Hereafter we occupy with home preparation as organize form of teaching. We describe types and forms of homework. The empirical part we address the attitudes of pupils, attitudes of parents and attitudes of children to homework. The main research questions are importance, types, forms, individualization, reviews, failure of homework. Further we are interested in these attitudes on the first and second grade at the basic school. The research is qualitative-quantitative composed. We pursue to the theme from the point of parents and pupils in qualitative part, the teachers in quantitative part. For this research we used questionnaire and semi-structured interview. It is the form of mixed design.
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Společná ústavní léčba patologického hráčství a syndromu závislosti: potřeby, zkušenosti a postoje pacientů / Conjoint inpatient treatment of pathological gambling and addiction syndrome: needs, experiences and attitudes of patientsSolfronková, Radka January 2014 (has links)
Pathological gambling brings serious impacts on an individual, his or her surroundings and the society in the areas of economics, intellectual, physical and social health. In the Czech Republic about 40,000 - 80,000 adults are threatened by pathological gambling, however the actual amount of treated adults is only about 2.5 - 5% of the total year estimate. The reason behind this number can be the fact that in the Czech Repulic pathological gambling is treated together with substance addiction in most of the therapy centers. In the beginning of the theoretical part the concept of 'pathological gambling' is defined and the prevalence and the number of treated patients with the diagnosis of pathological gambling is shown along with the availability of electronic gaming devices in the Czech Republic and abroad. Furthermore, etiological context, pathogenesis, and some diagnostic aspects of pathological gambling are described. The theoretical part further compares pathological gambling with substance addiction and the treatments of pathological gambling and introduces the treatments of other addictions in the healthcare system in the Czech Republic. The goal of the empirical part of the thesis is to find out and describe different and similar features of patients with the diagnosis of pathological...
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