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Optimalizace výrobní struktury v zemědělském podniku Agro Jevišovice, a. s.Klempová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with finding optimal structure of production in the agriculturel company AGRO Jevišovice, a.s. The work is focusing on assessing the possibility of using mathematical models, which serving as a tool to aid support in optimizing the structure of crop and livestock production in the chosen Agriculture company. The aim is to suggest suitable optimization tools for planning of crop and livestock production structure. The output of thesis will be stochastic models prepared to maximize profits and minimize costs. Optimization will be implemented by multiple criteria, taking into account the effect of grants on decision-making.
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Výroba odlitků ze slitin hliníkuVlček, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this Master's Thesis is to describe the process of aluminum alloys cast manufacturing. The Thesis is focused on manufacturing casts by method of die-casting. The manufacturing process is described on a concrete type of aluminum die-cast. The Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part describes historical development of alloy industry, current status of this industry, and general description of casting methods with the focus on die-casting and new progressive manufacturing methods. Experimental part describes process, i.e. the order of manufacturing steps of a chosen part, quality inspection procedures, control measurement procedures and testing procedures used during manufacturing process. Furthermore, the Thesis focuses on description of consequences of porosity that cause leakage of casts produced in high-volume series, analysis and evaluation process of the reasons of porosity, and partial or total elimination of porosity.
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Studie pěstební péče o biokoridory v rámci ÚSES v katastru obce Miroslavské KníniceRaboň, Kamil January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Metodika nácviku skoků na trampolíně / Methodololy of trampoline trainingŠrámek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Title: Methodology of training trampoline jumps Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to create a methodical support for practicing basic jumps on the trampoline on the basis of controlled interviews with leading Czech experts. Methods: To meet the set goal, we used controlled interviews with selected trainer jumps on the trampoline. The results were confronted with professional literature. The methodical material created was written and written in HD quality. The selection of the respondents as well as the probands who participated in the creation of the visual documentation was deliberate. Results: The outputs include the results of the interviews and the text and image part of the methodology. The result of the video is a 15 - minute video that captures individual elements, from simpler ones, such as direct jumps to more challenging ones, such as salt and screw rotation. The video contains examples of correct execution and demonstrations of direct help. Keywords: trampoline,methodology,training,jumps,elements
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Návrh systému řízení stížností pro finanční instituci / Complaints - handling process proposal in financial organisationFryšová, Pavla January 2008 (has links)
Proč si stěžují naši zákazníci? Zajímavá otázka, že? Jenže není. Je vcelku zbytečná. Proč? Protože tato otázka požaduje vysvětlení následku, tedy něčeho, co se již stalo a nelze to zvrátit. Podobná otázka by mohla znít: Co mám dělat, když se mi rozlije mléko? Z toho vyplývá, že zabývat se následky je zbytečné. Proto musíme jít dál a trochu hlouběji, abychom zjistili skutečnou příčinu.
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Převedení výroby z linky Debako na obráběcí centrum Makina A71 / Transformation of production from Debako line into machining centre Makina A71Fucsek, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is engaged with innovation technology of production machine parts from current production line Debako to the new machining centre Makino A71, which includes the change of technologic process, the tool equipment, creation of CNC program, economical analysis and so on.
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Stav organické hmoty v půdě jako indikátor dopadu různých způsobů hospodaření v zemědělské krajiněSeverová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is evaluated of the impact of agrotechnical factors (crop rotation, soil tillage, organic amendment) in the total amount of oxidizable carbon Cox (%). Monitoring proceeded of two log-term stationary fields experiment on alluvial lucian chernozem in a sugar-beet production region. In the first experiment, which took place in 1989 to 2007 was evaluated the impact of two crop rotations (with 33,3 % and 66,6% concetration of cereals) and four methods soil tillage into winter wheat, spring barely and sugar beet. For winter wheat and spring barley, the following soil tillage options were included: 1 - ploughing at depth of 0,22 m; 2 - ploughing at depth of 0,15 m; 3 - direct seed into unprocessed soil and 4 - shallow barking at 0,10 m. In sugar beet, the variants were: 1 - ploughing at depth of 0,28 m; 2 - ploughing at depth of 0,22 m + barking at 0,40 - 0,45 m; 3 - ploughing at depth of 0,28 m + sowing into intercrop; 4 - ploughing at depth of 0,22 m + sowing into intercrop. In the second experiment which took place in 1977 to 2017 was evaluated the impact of organic amendment on monoculture cereal cultivation (alternating winter wheat and spring barley). Three variants of organic amendment were included: 1 - straw harvest, 2 - straw harvest and green manuring and 3 - straw incorporation. Measurement of Cox content in 2017 was provided in the first and second experiment at the spring barley. The impact of crop rotation on the Cox content was statistically significant. Higher Cox content was recorded in crop rotation with 33, 3 % concetration of cereals (1,71 %), lower in crop rotation with 66,6 % concetration of cereals (1,62 %). The impact of soil tillage on the Cox was statistically significant. The highest value (1,70 %) was recorded for variant 2 (with ploughing at depth of 0,15 m in cereals + ploughing at depth of 0,22 m + barking at 0,40 - 0,45 m in sugar beet) and the lowest (1,62 %) for variant 3 (direct seed into unprocessed soil in cereals + ploughing at depth of 0,28 m + sowing into intercrop in sugar beet). Variants 1 and 4 were in the middle position. The impact in the depth of sampling on the Cox was statistically significant. The highest value was found at depth of sampling 0,10 – 0,20 m (1,72 %) and the lowest in the depth of sampling 0,20 – 0,30 m (1,59 %). In the second experiment, the effect of organic amendment on the Cox was statistically significant. The highest value was found in variant 2 with intercrop and green manuring (2,01 %) and the lowest on variant 1 with straw harvest (1,87 %). With the depth of sampling, content Cox dropped.
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Vliv vybraných pěstitelských opatření na plevele v porostech ozimé pšeniceKosík, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of different soil cultivation, crop rotation and year on winter wheat weed infestation. Weed observation was monitored at a field trial station in Ivanovice na Hané. The calculation method was used, the number of individuals was measured on an area of 1 m2. The evaluation was carried out during the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Statistic processing and evaluation of the number of individuals of all species in winter wheat stands was used by the computer program Statistica.Cz. Multidimensional analyzes of ecological data by DCA (Detrended Correspondence Analysis) segmental analysis were used to determine the effect of the observed factors on individual weed species occurring in field trials. Further, redundancy and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used. In conclusion, we can say that all observed technologies and crop rotation processes have an impact on weed infestation and the right technology is chosen, and not only the weed infestation but also the need for herbicides can be significantly reduced by balanced crop rotation. Another important factor that cannot be influenced, however, is the influence of the year, mainly due to the amount and distribution of rainfall during the year, when competitively stronger weed plants gain advantage in drier periods, when the shallow root system of grains can not sufficiently supply water with plants.
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Dřevěné brýlové obruby design a výrobaČerný, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Main task of the thesis is the design of new models of eyeglasses from a wood composite, including the production of physical prototypes. The work is divided into three main categories. The introductory part focuses on general requirements and standards for spectacle frames. The second part focuses on the improvement of technological processes in the manufacture of wooden glasses and the third one, the practical part is dedicated to the proces of designig, including the analysis of the current design of wooden frames and their accessories for sale and to the production of their own prototypes. The work is accompanied by continuous photos from the glasses production process.
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Hodnocení ekonomických softwarů vhodných pro individuální podnikatele a malé společnostiFrancová, Marika January 2018 (has links)
Francová, M. The evaluation of economic software packages suitable for individual entrepreneurs and small companies. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. This diploma thesis deals with economic software packages suitable for individual entrepreneurs and small companies. The aim of the thesis is evaluation of economic software packages available for the Czech market and creation of the summary of possible solutions for individual entrepreneurs and small companies. Based on the research of accessible literature was set up an appropriate procedure for selection of the economic software as well as possible criteria for evaluation. The most often used economic software packages were identified by research-questionnaires, then examined, described and evaluated.
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