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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of local economic development funded projects in Stutterheim

Hanisi, Knowell Mtutuzeli January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the of a role of local economic development (LED) project in the rural town of Stutterheim, with reference to Mgwali Cultural Village and Abenzi Woodhouse project in town. The main objective was to gain understanding as to whether these LED projects have contributed to the positive change in the socio-economic conditions of rural people in the area. The study also sorts to ascertain and understand at challenges the projects face and the role played by various government departments, and private sector organisations in supporting the projects. In depth case study was used in the study involved various data collection instruments, tools like interviews, questionnaire and observations. Findings suggest that if LED projects are properly managed and supported, they can play a vital role in poverty alleviation in rural areas. They can provide employment and can definitely improve socio-economic conditions.

Poverty alleviation initiatives in Amathole District

Mpongoshe, Lulama Lucricia January 2016 (has links)
The study is looking at poverty alleviation initiatives in Amathole district, the case of Gqushwa local Municipality. The study is looking at the issue of consultation and support that government is offering to the beneficiaries when they are involved in the poverty alleviation projects. The right to food is a human rights issue as enshrined in the constitution of the South Africa on the other hand the policies and legislation of the county also backs the development and establishment of such initiatives. Amongst the findings of the study the following points are very key, establishment of the projects, the contribution that these projects have on the lives of the project members, members remaining poverty stricken even though they have 5 years or more participating in the project, most of the time there is no ownership from the community members and lastly the leadership of the community not showing interest in the projects even though they enhance accessibility to resources like poultry and vegetable gardens. In other instances, they indicated that the projects do not show good returns.

An assessment of the role of agricultural projetcs in poverty alleviation at Ngqushwa Local Municipality

Guzana, Andile January 2014 (has links)
This study assessed the role of agricultural projects in poverty alleviation at Ngqushwa local municipality. These projects are very important for poverty alleviation and to fight the growing levels of unemployment in the Eastern Cape. Despite the advantages of these projects, there are challenges that impact negatively on the implementation of these projects such as conflict, lack of resources, market failure and these projects are too disconnected. Consequently, the projects do not achieve their intended objectives and there are high levels of dissatisfaction among project members. The study was conducted in two wards of Ngqushwa local municipality, and two projects were selected from each ward and ten members were selected from each project and the total number of a sample for the study was forty project members. The research utilized both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected through questionnaires, document analysis and observations. The sampling method that was used to select respondents or participants was purposive. The findings of the study indicated that agricultural projects in this area did not bring about any significant reduction in poverty, and they did not bring about any significant economic development. The study also revealed that there was lack of community participation in matters pertaining to community development and lack of support by all relevant stakeholders which resulted in failure at the implementation phase. The researcher also discovered that the poverty alleviation approach was mainly focused on one type of project, other than looking at other avenues to ensure that those who do not have interest in food gardens are given alternative opportunities like cattle farming. In view of these findings, the study recognises a need for empowerment in terms of knowledge and skills, understanding and resource management of agricultural projects. The study thus recommended that community members should be actively involved in community development projects. Additionally, the study recommended for the establishment or formulation of new policies or amendments of the existing policies in order to boost agriculture in rural areas so as to be able to alleviate poverty effectively.

The role played by local economic development (LED) project in poverty alleviation in rural areas

Mapukata, Mnoneleli January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the role played by Local Economic Development (LED) project in poverty alleviation in rural areas, with special reference to Ward 11 project, in Weza Administrative Area, in Willowvale (Mbhashe Municipality). The overall purpose was to investigate whether the LED project has contributed to the positive change in socio-economic conditions of rural people at Weza Administrative area. The study looked at how the projects in other countries around world played a key role in poverty alleviation. The study also looked at challenges the project face and the role played by various government departments, private sector in supporting the project. In depth case study was used in the study and the study involved various data collection instruments / tools like interviews, questionnaires and observations. Findings of the study suggest that the project plays a critical and vital role in poverty alleviation in rural areas; it provides employment and put food on the table for various families.

An evaluation of the sustainability of poverty alleviation projects in the Amatole District Municipality

Quma, Nosintu January 2011 (has links)
There are escalating levels of poverty and unemployment in the Eastern Cape, despite the poverty alleviation programmes that have been established since 1994. The overall aim of the research was to investigate the sustainability of poverty alleviation projects in Amatole District Municipality in the Eastern Cape at Ngqushwa Local Municipality. The study focused on the following aspects: project management, capacity building, monitoring and mentoring, the market and the views community members have on poverty alleviation projects. The research sought to find out what challenges have been encountered by Sipheleke Food Security Project that might lead to the project not being sustainable. The study concluded that poverty alleviation projects are not sustainable because of lack of commitment from project members, market, capacity, management skills and scarcity of water.

Factors impending the implementation of the school nutrition programme in King Williams Town

Magadu, Nceba January 2011 (has links)
The National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) is a poverty alleviation strategy, which was introduced in 1994 by the Government of South Africa as part of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP). Studies of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), show that hunger, nutrition, and poverty, are strongly correlated. The same studies note that in the world as a whole, hunger impacts negatively on Millennium Development Goals, namely universal primary education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, and environmental stability. Hunger, specifically, has been shown to contribute to reduced school attendance, impaired cognitive capacity, high child mortality rates, high maternal death rates, increased migratory labour that increases the spread of HIV, and the unsustainable use of forest lands and resources (South African Department of Education, 2004: 3).” The National School Nutrition Programme aims at providing meals to mostly the needy learners, who come from poor families. Good food provides energy for the brain. The meals that are provided at schools are, therefore, intended to give energy for mental and physical activities for the body and brain to function, and to make learners alert and receptive during lessons (South African Province of the Eastern Cape Department of Education, 2008: 2). Currently, meals in South African Schools are provided to all learners in Quintile 1, 2 and 3 public primary schools from Grades R to 7. The programme was extended to Quintile 1 secondary schools in April 2009. All Quintile 2 and 3 public secondary schools will be included in 2010 and 2011 respectively (South African Eastern Cape Province Department of Education, 2008: 3). To collect information for research purposes, the researcher used a qualitative approach. This approach, which is used by the researcher, seeks to identify the impediments that pose challenges to effective and efficient implementation of the NSNP in the King William’s Town District of the Department of Education in Province of the Eastern Cape. The sample covers two rural schools participating in the NSNP in the King William’s Town District, namely Fort Murray Junior and Senior Primary School, and Qongqotha Junior and Senior Primary School. In each school, the principal, the chairperson of the School Governing Body, the teacher in charge of the NSNP, and Grade 7 learners, formed part of the sample of the study. Added to these participants have been the Service Provider and the District Coordinator of the NSNP in the King William’s Town District. The researcher chose these two schools that are locally based (within a 10km radius from the researcher’s place of residence) for convenience purposes, in terms of cutting down on travelling costs. The empirical findings were analysed and interpreted, and in presenting the findings, special reference to the research question is made, namely: “What are the challenges that impede the successful implementation of the National School Nutrition Programme in the King William’s Town District of the Eastern Cape Department of Education?” The recommendations reflected heavily on the purpose of the study, namely, that the Department of Education in the Eastern Cape has not managed the NSNP efficiently and effectively. The findings of this study reflect that there are still challenges that continue to plague the NSNP after seven years of the inception of the programme by Department of Education. The empirical findings of this study have revealed that the challenges confronting the implementation of the NSNP could be attributed to poor governance by the Department of Education officials. Some pockets of excellence of the NSNP are noted in the study. Recommendations are made to mitigate the problem situation.

The green revolution and poverty alleviation challenges faced by women in small-scale agriculture: an investigation into the Siyazondla Homestead Food Production Programme, Mbhashe local municipality Eastern Cape

Blaai-Mdolo, Bulelwa January 2009 (has links)
The researcher is perturbed by the escalating levels of poverty and unemployment in Mbhashe Local Municipality (Integrated Development Plan, 2008/9) despite the poverty alleviation programmes that have been established since 1994. The main objective of this study is to identify the underlying factors and challenges faced by women of the Impumelelo Isezandleni Community Garden and Poultry Project in meeting the set objectives of the programme such as improving food security and job creation through sustainable agricultural development. This project falls under the Siyazondla Homestead Food Production Programme (SHFPP), which is one of the programmes developed under the Green Revolution strategy of the Department of Agriculture. SHFPP is proclaimed to be running successfully in improving food security in the Mbhashe Local Municipality (MECDoA: 2008/9). 7 ABSTRACT The researcher is perturbed by the escalating levels of poverty and unemployment in Mbhashe Local Municipality (Integrated Development Plan, 2008/9) despite the poverty alleviation programmes that have been established since 1994. The main objective of this study is to identify the underlying factors and challenges faced by women of the Impumelelo Isezandleni Community Garden and Poultry Project in meeting the set objectives of the programme such as improving food security and job creation through sustainable agricultural development. This project falls under the Siyazondla Homestead Food Production Programme (SHFPP), which is one of the programmes developed under the Green Revolution strategy of the Department of Agriculture. SHFPP is proclaimed to be running successfully in improving food security in the Mbhashe Local Municipality (MECDoA: 2008/9). The dissertation argues that women, the beneficiaries of the project, are faced with a variety of challenges which make it impossible to meet the set objectives. Using a qualitative research methodology where semi-structured interviews gather data from 15 respondents who are beneficiaries in the project, findings indicate that there are a number of challenges and constraints that are experienced by women in the project. These challenges amongst others range from gender equity, culture and tradition; lack of provisions for diverse women population in the project; violation of the people-centered approach; limited women empowerment; insufficient support and lack of capacity from the Department of Agriculture (DoA) officials, the non-existent Land Reform Programme etc. While women seem committed and want the project to grow to sustain them, this is not complemented with enough support by the DoA. The study anticipates that should these women find viable alternatives, they will soon abandon the project. To avoid a total anticipated collapse of the project in future, the study recommends that a serious intervention by the state should occur coupled with the revitalization of the programme and a paradigm shift towards an effective food security programme which emphasizes women and their important role in agriculture.

A situational survey of Siyazondla homestead food production proogramme and food security, poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe Local Municipality of the Eastern Cape

Phezisa, Bulelani January 2016 (has links)
People living in rural areas are continually losing their value, dignity, ubuntu and rural nature of livelihood. Agriculture in these areas characterises the nature of rural livelihood. Traditionally, people living in rural areas were highly dependent on their production from gardens for food, income (barter exchange), and other social activities. Nowadays, that motive and interest is no longer operating at its full potential, so to revive that history and nature, household (homestead) production, certain programmes were introduced to greatly improved the standard of living of the poor, and it has proved to have an impact as it has generated income, and created food stability and employment through the project. Home gardens are there and can be used as the method and the strategy toward improvement and development of the people around the world, more especial to developing countries. Certain programmes that are initiated for acting against the challenges faced by rural people have failed to materialise and operate on their fully potential. The Siyazondla homestead food production programme is the one of the programmes practiced by the government of South Africa to act against such challenges, affecting especially poor people. This study was aimed at assessing the role of Siyazondla homestead food production programme in food security and poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe local municipality of the Eastern Cape. It took the form of a case study in Msobomvu, Ngcothoyi and Binfield locations. The Nkonkobe local municipality is demarcated into five major areas: Middledrift, Alice, Seymour, Fort Beaufort and Balfour. The study sample was collected from beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the Siyazondla programme. The sample size was 90 respondents, from which in one area, a 15 beneficiaries and anticipated non- beneficiaries were targeted. The target sample from each village was collected from 15 beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. Many farmers from the study area benefited from the programme, though a limited number was targeted. Therefore, a probability sampling was applied and employed, where there were more than required number of beneficiaries of the programme and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme. The study was effectively and efficiently carried out and achieved with the use of personal interviewing of the recipients by use of questionnaires. The study was analysed by a computerised programme of analyses called SPSS v.2.1 and excel. The objectives of the study based on food security, poverty alleviation and reduction, and also improving nutritious status. The finding of the research clearly indicates the outcome of the programme on livelihood basis of the beneficiaries. Some of the objectives of the programme were achieved, such as food security and nutritious levels, whilst other objectives had shortcomings. The finding of the study also shows that programme, though had original benefits but also there are the anticipated and probable benefits of the programme Siyazondla, such as income, skill of farming, improving social status, and there are some possibilities when the programme is properly implemented. Though the majority of people are concentrated in rural areas, the programme on its own had shortcoming to meet needs of the whole population, as food insecurity, unemployment and poverty are taking its course. The programme on its own had shortcoming such as lack of adequate resource and as results, very few people benefited from the programme. Another shortcoming of the programme is the effectiveness of agricultural extension personnel to certain aspect such as marketing of farmers produce and proper monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Therefore, in the long run programmes of this nature are promising, there will be some development and improvement toward growth and better standards of livelihood. It is through this study that had to assess the structure, procedure, strategies implemented of the programme and impact of the programme to both beneficiaries and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme.

Strategies to reduce poverty: a case study of two projects in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality

Demgne Kamdem, Olivia Armelle January 2013 (has links)
Poverty levels in South Africa remain high, and have not been significantly reduced since1994. This is associated with grass root challenges such as asset distribution, inequality, unemployment, high rate of HIV/AIDS, insufficient pro-poor economic growth, corruption, and bad governance. The problems of poverty and non-sustainable livelihoods in South Africa are still very persistent and can be attributed to significant lags in investment in human resource development and in the provision of basic social services, such as education, health and inequality growth and development. In view of the above, the necessity for improved standards of living is viewed as a vital issue in addressing poverty and has triggered the introduction of Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and Local Economic Development (LED) by municipalities. This has triggered the implementation of various projects by private and public sectors amongst which are The Institute for Youth Development in South Africa (IYDSA) and The Golden Stitches Trust, which aim to address poverty at the local level. Even though the effort of the local government to look into the immediate challenges affecting the community of NMBMM the influence of apartheid cannot be undermined. A need for pro-active developmental measures is imperative which will engage the entire citizenry on informing and educating them about steps to achieving a better improved life style. This study discussed the literature regarding poverty, the causes, and most importantly two programs undertaken in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality as a mechanism to alleviate poverty. With a view to actualize optimum desired result in the research, a qualitative and quantitative measure was designed for accurate assertions and verification. Data was collected from members of the projects by making use of questionnaires. It is a clear indication that many people are still very much far from development. They are however overwhelmed by low volume of qualitative education, primary health care and social amenities. The need for the local government to intensify their approach to reduce poverty is crucial. The findings of the study revealed that the Golden Stitches Trust lacks funding and faces shortage of members. However the IYDSA is quite successful but have some issues with the DSD pertaining to its name and as well needs more funds to be able to touch more lives.

Poverty alleviation projects in Amahlathi local municipality

Nyatela, Mzukisi Eric January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Poverty is the burden of South African people and is the result of the laws of the apartheid system. Poverty affects millions of people most of which live in the rural areas. Thus poverty alleviation is one of the priorities of the government. The Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) is one of the policy documents that aimed to build a democratic government. The RDP document (in African National Congress, 1994:4) stated that poverty alleviation or attacking poverty was the priority of the government from the beginning of democracy and that it is the same case today with the poverty alleviation projects by the Department of Social Development (DoSD):- “But an election victory is only a first step. No political democracy can survive and flourish if the mass of our people remain in poverty, without land, without tangible prospects for a better life. Attacking poverty and deprivation must therefore be the first priority of a democratic government”. Therefore the statement above echoed the sentiments of the newly elected democratic government of 1994. The aim was to provide houses for all specifically the disadvantaged people, to provide water and sanitation for all, to provide electricity, maintenance of roads, improvement of health facilities, job creation, improvement of skills, improvement of income and many more. These privileges were not enjoyed by all during the apartheid era specifically the black masses. The above promises are not all fulfilled but the government is busy providing programmes through different departments. For an example this research report is about poverty alleviation projects that are being provided by the DoSD. This section of the study attempts to provide an overview of the study, including the rationale and background of the study as well as the study area and its challenges. Included in this overview is the context of the study, the research problem, the research question, the research purpose, and the research objectives.

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