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Dilemata v sociální práci při práci s umírajícími / Dilemmas in social work when working with the dyingŠTIKOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Dying is not only a highly personal topic, but we cannot forget that it is also a social theme, because people who are near death are always affected not only by other people but by society as well. Social workers and those in services that help the dying to live a meaningful, dignified, and painless existence in the interim must make a number of decisions, many of which being uneasy or uncomfortable, even in some cases where they have no clear solution. It is these problematic cases that these workers meet in their daily life. This thesis is therefore focused on the dilemmas faced by social workers that work with the dying. The theoretical part introduces problems of social work in the context of the dying. In order to understand a particular context, it must be something about the problems of dying to know why their work occasionally works as terms like dying, death and palliative care. As a crucial part of the work is the problem of dilemmas, where I come from Musil (2004) concept of everyday dilemmas. The theoretical part is devoted only dilemmas that research has not been proven. Other dilemmas are more specified in the empirical part. In the empirical part, I am setting one main goal, in which I try to find out what some of the dilemmas are that the staff working in social services with the dying people experience (such as in hospices, nursing homes, and retirement homes) and how to solve those dilemmas. To that end, I set two main research questions and six sub-research questions. To collect my data I chose the qualitative research method of questioning through semi-structured interviews. For the research sample, I chose the method of random selection. The research had to meet a set of predetermined criteria. For my data processing research, I chose the method of case studies. The research occurred in phases, where the first stage was partial, and then subsequently I conducted my own research. My goal in this work was to identify the problems experienced by people who provide social services to the dying, and how these are solved. The results have shown that they are indeed faced with many challenges. The research revealed nine such examples, while some individual workers had repeated instances. Further research showed that workers in most cases solve dilemmas as best as their knowledge and conscience permit. Accumulated experience is probably the most valuable asset in dealing with such situations, and the majority of respondents considered it important to discuss the issues faced by a multidisciplinary team. I believe that my work goals were met successfully and the research questions provided answers. My work could serve as a basis for a conference or for a technical article dealing with these issues in more detail.
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Identita sociální práce a sociálních pracovníků / Identity of Social Work And Social WorkersHANTOVÁ, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the identity of social work and social workers. It aims to describe a current perception of the identity of social work and social workers in the Czech Republic by social workers and the whole society. The thesis therefore reflects the current state of the identity and also mentions various influences on it, as well as impacts that result from this situation. In connection with this problem the thesis presents basic documents and institutions important for social work and social workers, as well as important figures in Czech contemporary social work or social workers typology. The thesis also includes a research aiming to describe the current perception of the identity of social work and social workers, both by social workers and the society, which in turn enables to compare these two perspectives.
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Využití supervize v zařízeních poskytujících sociální služby. / Utilization of supervision in facilities providing social services.ŠTOČKOVÁ, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
In its theoretic part, this dissertation thesis endeavors to describe the area relating to supervision in the most comprehensive way, particularly, supervision in social services. It clarifies basic terms relativ to this subjekt, which are supervision and social services. In its practical part, there are presented the results of the research, which was conducted using questionnaire investigation. The guestionnaires were sent to all facilities in the Vysočina Region which are considered as social services providers. The goal of the research was to find out the amount of social services providers using supervision. Further goal was to ascertain what kind of supervision is used most frequently as well as what the purpose of the supervision is according to the employees working in facilities providing social services. The goals of this thesis were achieved. This thesis has set three working hypotheses. Two hypotheses were confirmed, namely hypothesis No. 1 ? ?the most frequently used supervision is the group case supervision? and No. 2 ? ?supervision is used in facilities providing social services?. Based on the data obtained from the research, hypothesis No. 3 was disproved ? ?workers in the facilities providing social services assume that supervision is only a new type of control?. This thesis may represent a basis for implementing supervision into facilities where it is not yet implemented, not only to the extent of Vysočina Region. Further, it may serve as stimulation for a change or a modification of already applied supervision in facilities providing social services. It may also serve as a first step for similar research in another region and then for possible comparison, enabling to ascertain how the supervision is spread in different regions of the Czech Republic. And last but not least, the thesis may serve as a study material for students of the fields related to social work.
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Kompetence důvěryhodnosti pro legitimizaci sociální práce / Competence of credibility for the legitimacy of social work. (threats, disruption, opportunities for rehabilitation)GRAUS, Milan January 2016 (has links)
The work is devoted to the topic of credibility in social work. For understanding of the whole context, it is necessary to start with the key concepts because the phenomenon of confidence is processed there. The thesis notices the conditions and rules of the origin and following development of the relationship based on trust. Then the related psychological needs and values of human are the main concern. The accent of confidence is highlighted in the context of its relationship to social institutions and structures of social capital. The thesis subsequently deals with the role of intimacy, the development of identity and individuation. At the same time the theme of family in the context of work is developed too. The topic of trust in relation to social work, the skills and qualifications of social workers are solved separately. It equally shows the theme of trust in connection with the main ethical approaches to sensitive ethical issues. The basic overview of problematic trends in social work, i.e. assistant syndrome and burnout is also offered. Biographical narration of social workers not only the topic of trust but also other topics are continuously assessed in separate chapters. The main aim of this thesis is understanding of the general and specific factors influencing the formation of trust.
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Současná problematika rodiny pohledem křesťanské etiky a její návaznost na sociální práci, zvláště s ohledem na podněty dokumentu Amoris laetitia / Problems of the contemporary family from Christian ethics point of view and their connection to social workVESELÁ, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematics of a family in relation to the Amoris laetitia document with regard to social work. The thesis reflects transformation of a family recorded by empirical sciences, as well as transformation of the concept of a family from a Christian perspective. It monitors pathological phenomena associated with the environment of a family and offers possible solutions to individual sociopathological phenomena from a social worker's position inspired by the Amoris laetitia document. Finally, the thesis presents incentives that this document provides for social work.
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Využitelnost arteterapeutických technik v sociální práci / Usability of Therapy Art Techniques in Social WorkCEJPKOVÁ, Dana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on social work and art therapy, specifically the possibility of the applicability and usefulness of the specific therapeutic art techniques in social work. In the first step my thesis introduces theoretic solutions of both mentioned disciplines. After that it looks for places of applicability of therapeutic art techniques in social work by a practical form. The final part describes specific of benefit of the mentioned techniques for social work, as well as in specific methods of social work - social work with an individual, a group, a family and a child client.
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ROZDÍLNOST POJETÍ PROFESE SOCIÁLNÍ PRÁCE SOCIÁLNÍMI PRACOVNÍKY A STUDENTY SOCIÁLNÍ PRÁCE / Diveristy of concept social work profession social workers and social work studentsPOŠVÁŘOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the approach to social work of undergraduate and MA social work students who, thanks to their completing their BA studies, have gained the status of social worker under the law no. 108/2006 Sb. The aim of the thesis is to establish if there are any differences in the approach to social work between students of the individual study programmes at the Theological faculty and the Faculty of Health and Social Studies. The thesis also briefly covers different topics connected with this matter. Another part of the thesis is also a research which aims at determining if there is a connection among the foci of the individual fields of social work and the different types of social work approach based on Musil. Furthermore, I aim to establish if there is a mutual connection between the study program studied and the way the situations are solved based on selected ethical theories, and also what is the attitude of students toward ethical codes and Ethics classes.
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Žena na trhu práce v situaci matky / Woman on The Labour Market in the Situation of the MotherJakešová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Human society is dependent on women who ensure their sustainability in the role of mothers. At the same time women participate in the economic prosperity of the family and society. The combination of these two roles puts them at a disadvantage in the labour market. This thesis aims at analyzing the current situation of women from the point of view of motherhood and position on the labour market. The theoretical part deals with two primary areas including social policy and the labour market. Social policy gives information about family policy and state support to mothers in comparison with other countries. The practical part, which is based on methodology, is dedicated to the analysis of the current situation of women and is divided according to the origin of the data. The secondary data were obtained from the public statistical database and the primary one through the questionnaire survey. The outcome of the work reveals significant factors influencing the age at which women have their first child, the dependence between parental leave income, the length of parental leave, and other answers to the research questions.
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Obsedantně - kompulzivní porucha v praxi sociální práce / Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder in Social Work PracticeHudcová, Josefina January 2019 (has links)
9 Summary This thesis deals with obsessive-compulsive disorder in connection with the practice of social work. It draws attention to numerous problems of anxiety disorders in society, risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders and risks in the social sphere. It also analyzes in detail obsessions, compulsions, manifestations and diagnosing of OCD and, last but not least, the practice of social work with the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Social work with people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder may be more challenging overall, requiring increased patience, knowledge of social workers, and the ability to use some important methods. The same importance is dedicated to managing clients to refer to follow-up professional help. People with OCD deserve support from experts and acceptance by the public, which is also a reason why it is so important to have knowledge of obsessive-compulsive disorder and do not underestimate this issue..
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Význam práce pro osoby s mentálním postižením / The importance of work for people with intellectual disabilitiesBLECHOVÁ, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is about the importance of work for people with intellectual disabilities. The main subject of my thesis is an integration of people with mental disabilities into an society and subsequently into the work environment, which significantly contributes to the improvement of their lives. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter specifies a definition, a division of terms related to a mental disability and his historical development. The second chapter is about an employment of people with mental disabilities, basic human rights, also about the convention of rights of people with handicap and supporting to enter into work the environment. It is also worth to mention a free time, which is very closely related to working time. The third chapter is about social work with people with mental disabilities and possibilities to improve an quality of their social life. The last chapter explains the quality of life as the ethical value of people with mental disabilities, their education and a preservation of human dignity. The aim of this work is to find out what is the meaning of work for people with mental disabilities.
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