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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma teoria da verdade pragmatica : a quase-verdade de Newton C.A. da Costa

Hifume, Carlos 12 April 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Itala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T19:40:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hifume_Carlos_M.pdf: 426389 bytes, checksum: 487e63a8f673121cd57152f9b71a1d61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: Alfred Tarski, ao apresentar sua concepção semântica de verdade - uma definição para linguagens formalizadas -, buscou capturar as intenções presentes na concepção clássica de verdade de Aristóteles - esta, uma concepção de verdade correspondencial. De forma semelhante, Mikenberg, da Costa & Chuaqui apresentam uma concepção formal de verdade pragmática - a quase-verdade -, baseados nas intenções presentes nas teorias de verdade de pragmatistas tais como C.S. Peirce, William James e John Dewey. A concepção de quase-verdade vale-se de um tipo de estrutura matemática denominada estrutura parcial. Apresentamos o sistema lógico modal QT - um tipo de lógica de Ja'skowski - , associado à lógica QV (S5Q=). QT constitui uma formalização adequada à noção de quase-verdade. Definimos uma semântica de modelos de Kripke para QT. São apresentados e demonstrados os principais metateoremas do sistema associado QT/QV. Definimos a noção de conseqüência sintática pragmática, introduzimos os conectivos pragmáticos e demonstramos que QT constitui uma lógica paraconsistente. Demonstramos a corretude e completude de QT, simplificando a demonstração valendo-nos dos metateoremas de QT/QV apresentados anteriormente / Abstract: Alfred Tarki, in presenting his semantical conception of truth - a definition for formalized languages -, captured Aristotle¿s classical conception of truth - this one, a correspondencial truth conception. Mikenberg, da Costa and Chuaqui, introduced a formal conception of pragmatic truth - da Costa¿s quasi-truth -, based on the theories of truth of some pragmatists, such as C.S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey. The conception of quasi-truth is based on a kind of mathematical structure named, by da Costa, partial structure. We present the modal logical system QT - a kind of Ja'skowski¿s discussive logic -, associated to the logic QV (S5Q=). The logic QT constitutes an adequate formalization for the notion of quasi-truth. We introduce a Kripke model semantics for QT. We prove some metatheorems relative to the associated systems QT and QV. We define the notion of pragmatic sintactical consequence, present the pragmatic connectives and prove that QT is a paraconsistent logic. By using the mentioned metatheorems, we obtain a simplified proof of soundness and completeness of QT / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia


MARISTELA DOS REIS SATHLER GRIPP 19 April 2006 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever como os brasileiros realizam o ato de agradecer no português do Brasil, de forma a apresentar uma contribuição para a descrição do português como língua materna com aplicabilidade no português como segunda língua (PL2) e, assim, dar subsídios aos professores que se dedicam à tarefa de ensinar a língua portuguesa a alunos estrangeiros. O ato de agradecer no português do Brasil é um ritual que envolve uma variedade de recursos e estratégias às quais o falante nativo recorre, a fim de realizá-lo. Entretanto, vários fatores interferem no comportamento social e lingüístico dos brasileiros no momento em que realizam esse ato. A abordagem adotada tem como base a sociolingüística interacional, a comunicação intercultural e a antropologia cultural. O corpus utilizado neste trabalho formou-se a partir da análise de cenas do seriado A grande família, da Rede Globo de Televisão, exibidos entre 2003/2004, que retratam situações do cotidiano de uma família na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados coletados foram complementados com a análise de três livros didáticos elaborados para o ensino de português para estrangeiros, que nos permitiram verificar de que forma o tema deste trabalho é apresentado ao aluno estrangeiro. Através dessas duas fontes de pesquisa, apresentamos então as principais expressões de agradecimento utilizadas pelos brasileiros e os fatores que interferem nas escolhas dos falantes nesse tipo de interação. / [en] The objective of this work is to analyse how the Brazilian people show or express acts of thanking and also to bring a contribuition to the description of the Portuguese language so as to contribute to its approach as a second language (PL2), thus helping the teachers in their task of giving lesson to foreigner. In the Brazilian Portuguese the act of thanking is a kind of ritual that involves a variety of verbal and non-verbal resources, which are employed by the native speaker in order to realize it adequately. However, we have to consider as well that multiple factors interfere in the social and linguistic behavior of the Brazilian people at the time they realize this act of communication . This research is theorelically based on the Sociolinguistic Interactional, on the Intercultural Communication and also on the Cultural Anthropology. The corpus of this work was formed from the analysis of scenes of a TV sit-com named A grande família presented by Rede Globo de Televisão during the years of 2003 and 2004. The presented scenes reproduce the common behavior of a regular family in Rio de Janeiro. The study observing the use of thanks among the characters was complemented with the analysis of three textbooks for the teaching of Portuguese as second language. Based on these two sources, we decided to investigate the main expressions of thanking used by Brazilians, as well as the factors that interfere in the choices of the speakers in this type of interaction.

Pragmatic Competence in EFL Context: Suggestions in University Office Hour Discourse

Ciftci, Hatime 19 November 2015 (has links)
Office hour interactions at universities are one type of communicative activity in which international instructors and their Turkish EFL students are involved as a form of academic or institutional discourse (Drew & Heritage, 1992). In such real world communication, both parties employ several linguistic strategies and attend to various interactional goals to address the academic concerns at hand (Chiang, 2011; Chiang & Mi, 2008; Limberg, 2007; 2010; Reindhart, 2010; Skyrme, 2010). Embracing a discourse analytic approach, this study investigated the primary functions and topics of office hour interactions; discourse organization of office hour interactions with regard to the features of participants’ contributions (e.g. turn-taking and turn length, verbosity or dominance, etc.); suggestion-response episodes; and successful and problematic aspects in office hour interactions. The study utilized the theoretical framework of relational work. Thirty-eight office hour interactions constituted the primary data source. The participants included 3 international instructors and their 34 Turkish EFL students. Post-interaction questionnaires and classroom observations served as secondary data sources in the study. The data analysis demonstrated that office hour interactions have various purposes and topics mostly related to the course content offered by the instructors, their expertise, and their experiences. Additionally, both parties co-constructed the discourse segments of equal and unequal contribution in which they achieved interactional and transactional goals using distinctive linguistic and discourse strategies. The co-constructed suggestion-response episodes included both instructor-initiated suggestions and students’ self-suggestory acts. The use of modals and semi-modals, imperatives, and interrogatives played a key role in instructor-initiated suggestions, whereas the students mostly relied on interrogatives. However, each party made their choices relying on the interactional goals they wished to accomplish through the use of suggestion forms. Finally, both the international instructors and their Turkish EFL students attended to different types of relational work that contributed to the successful and problematic aspects of office hour interactions, and that were mostly connected to suggestions.

Tázací dovětky "right" a "isn't it": socio-lingvistická studie / Question tags "right" and "isn't it": a sociolinguistic study

Maratová, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines question tags right and isn't it from pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspectives. English question tags have most frequently been analyzed from the sociolinguistic angle while at the same time completely avoiding the pragmatic aspects that represent a key factor in the sociolinguistic background. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces sociolinguistic aspects and approaches to question tags, as well as their formal aspects. This thesis is a corpus based study (British National Corpus chosen as the primary source of material) where 200 examples were extracted from the corpus and further studied (100 examples on the question tag right and 100 examples on the question tag isn't it). The study analyzes the question tags from the sociolinguistic perspective, focusing on the type of conversation (cross-gender or same-sex conversations) and relating the pragmatic functions of question tags to speakers' gender and speakers' age. Further, the analysis also inquires into what sentence types precede the two question tags. The paper also offers a revised classification of pragmatic functions of the two question tags. Key words: question tags, pragmatic functions of question tags, immediate and postponed response, speaker's gender

Les pulsations de la mobilité en entreprise : entre reconfiguration d’un marché interne et constitution d’un régime d’épreuve à la mobilité professionnelle / The beats of mobility within organizations : between reshaping the internal labour market and setting-up a testing regime for professional mobility

Claisse, Christophe 27 March 2017 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l’étude d’un dispositif d’accompagnement à la mobilité professionnelle au sein d’une ancienne administration d’État devenue société anonyme. Réalisée dans les centres financiers de la Banque Postale, l’enquête ethnographique combine entretiens et observations pour analyser conjointement la mobilité en cours de carrière comme l’agencement subjectif des séquences d’une vie, et la mobilité comme modalité de gestion du personnel d’une entreprise en transformation. Dans un contexte où l’individualisation des politiques de l’emploi se joint à celle des dispositifs de gestion des ressources humaines (Gazier, 2010), la thèse propose une analyse de la mobilité en contexte organisé, qui met en évidence le caractère normatif d’une injonction à la réalisation de soi par le travail. Elle met en avant le caractère multidimensionnel des transactions qui se jouent dans une épreuve de mobilité (sur le plan biographique, sur celui des usages – et détournements – des dispositifs de gestion, sur le rôle joué par les managers ou encore le cadre collectif négocié par les organisations syndicales). Ainsi, la thèse dissout les catégories dichotomiques utilisées pour décrire les parcours professionnels (mobilité subie ou choisie) en montrant que des mobilités dites subies peuvent être l’expression de véritables choix de carrière au service d’un projet de vie et que des mobilités dites choisies peuvent s’avérer foncièrement contraignantes. Au final, la thèse montre que le rapport entretenu par les individus avec leur carrière et l’usage qu’ils font de la mobilité comme outil au service de celle-ci, s’avère bien plus déterminant. / The focus of the thesis is the study of a support mechanism for employee mobility in a former state owned public administration that became a limited company. Carried out in the financial centres of La Banque Postale, the ethnographic inquiry combines qualitative interviews with workplace observations in order to analyse both career mobility as a subjective combination of life sequences, and professional mobility as a way of managing people in a firm in a state of transformation. In a context where both employment policies and human resources management systems tend towards individualized actions (Gazier, 2010), the thesis offers an analysis of professional mobility within an organized and structured context that highlights the normative nature of an injunction to self-realization through work. It emphasizes the multidimensional nature of bargainings involved in the course of mobility (on a biographical level, on the use - and misuse - of management tools, on the role played by managers or the collective framework negotiated by Trade Unions). Thus, the thesis dissolves the dichotomous categories used to describe professional careers (imposed or chosen mobility) by showing that so-called imposed mobility can be the expression of true career choices to serve a life project and that so-called chosen mobility may be fundamentally constraining. Finally, the thesis shows that the relationship maintained by individuals with their career and the use they make of professional mobility as a tool in order to achieve it, is far more decisive.


BRUNO COSTA LARRUBIA 06 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] A noção de consciência pode se apoiar em duas diferentes visões de realidade e de linguagem: a visão objetivista e a construtivista de realidade que adotam, respectivamente, uma visão representacional e pragmática de linguagem. Os projetos filosóficos de Descartes e de Wittgenstein representam exemplos emblemáticos desse debate. No presente trabalho serão expostas as raízes históricas e conceituais que fomentaram o surgimento de duas noções opostas de consciência. Serão examinadas as teorias de Crick, Searle e Edelman, estudiosos que tentaram definir objetivamente a consciência. As críticas propostas por Wittgenstein serão aplicadas às teorias dos autores selecionados na tentativa de extrair implicações desta discussão para o campo da Psicologia. / [en] The notion of consciousness can rely on two different views of reality and language: the objectivist and constructivist views of reality that adopt, respectively, a representational and a pragmatic view of language. The philosophical projects of Descartes and Wittgenstein represent key examples of this debate. The present work will present the historical and conceptual roots that encouraged the emergence of two opposing concepts of consciousness. The theories of Crick, and Edelman Searle, scholars who attempted to objectively define consciousness will be examined. And criticisms put forward by Wittgenstein will be applied to these theories in an attempt to draw implications of this discussion to the field of Psychology.

Analyse sociale et rationalité épistémique / Social Analysis And Epistemic Rationality

Ouzilou, Olivier 08 November 2013 (has links)
Notre travail s'attache à examiner la spécificité ainsi que la pertinence du mode d'explication cognitiviste des croyances, tel qu'il est défini par Raymond Boudon, à travers, tout d'abord, une analyse de la notion de "rationalité épistémique" et un examen de certaines des objections qui peuvent lui être faites. Nous interrogeons ensuite la compatibilité de ce type d'explication avec l'idée, propre à un certain nombre de travaux en sciences sociales, selon laquelle les intérêts sociaux et/ou les mécanismes fonctionnels sont aptes à expliquer la formation des croyances. Enfin, nous réfléchirons à la question de savoir si la présence éventuelle de facteurs explicatifs mixtes doit nous inciter à repenser la question de la rationalité des croyances, c'est-à-dire ici de la contribution explicative des raisons au sein de leurs modes de formation. Cette interrogation nous mènera alors à une tentative d'élucidation de la notion de "contexte épistémique" ainsi qu'à un examen de sa pertinence explicative. / My work aims at examining the specificity and the relevance of what Raymond Boudon calls 'the cognitivist model of belief explanation', through an analysis of the notion of 'epistemic rationality' and an examination of some objections against it. Then I ask the compatibility between this kind of explanation with the common idea in social science that social interests and functional mechanisms are relevant to explain the belief formation process. Finally, I will study the question of the influence of the plurality of explanative factors on the rationality of social agent's beliefs. This interrogation will lead us to an elucidation of the notion of 'epistemic context' and its explanative relevance.

Ospravedlnění a kritika v Evropské unii: studie legitimity v praxi / Ospravedlnění a kritika v Evropské unii: studie legitimity v praxi

Gheorghiev, Olga January 2021 (has links)
Justifications and critique in the European Union: a study of legitimacy in practice Mgr. Ing. Olga Gheorghiev ABSTRACT Inspired by the pragmatic sociology of critique developed by Luc Boltanski and his collaborators, this thesis examines how legitimacy is produced in public debates at the EU level through the craft of justification and critique among competent actors. In doing so, this research takes aim at three specific episodes in the history of the European integration that share in common the qualities of uncertainty of outcome, controversy in public debate and the urgency to reach a form of consensus and thus to resolve the created uncertainty. The examined events are the following: the Eastern enlargement of the European Union, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, and the adoption of specific measures in reaction to the European sovereign debt crisis. The theoretical part of this thesis situates the potential of the sociology of critical capacities for the study of the EU among other theoretical traditions, pointing out directions in which this particular theoretical framework could cover some of the limitations of other approaches. This is followed by the empirical part, which is divided in three chapters for each of the examined historical episodes. While structured somewhat symmetrically, each...

Les savoir-agir langagiers professionnels des enseignants débutants / Beginning teachers’ professional language know-hows

Deret, Lydia 18 November 2019 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la lignée des recherches portant sur la professionnalité des enseignants. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à l’activité langagière des débutants. L’hypothèse centrale est qu’il est possible d’identifier, au sein du discours des enseignants en interaction avec leurs élèves, des indices de leur développement professionnel. Le cadre théorique croise les apports de la didactique professionnelle avec ceux de la pragmatique du langage et de la théorie interactionniste linguistique. Replacé dans un contexte didactique, nous envisageons le langage comme premier instrument stratégique pour enseigner et nous nous situons dans une approche instrumentée de l’activité enseignante. Nous avons mené une enquête ergonomique auprès de trois néo-titulaires, à partir de vidéos réalisées au cours de séances de mathématiques et d’entretiens d’auto-confrontation. Les interactions langagières entre les enseignantes et leurs élèves ont été analysées quantitativement et qualitativement, en relation avec l’identification de fonctions pédago-didactiques. Les résultats caractérisent des savoir-agir-langagiers-professionnels, révélateurs de la professionnalité et du développement professionnel de chacune des enseignantes enquêtées. / This work takes place within a line of research regarding teachers’ professionalism. We are looking particularly at the language activity of beginners. The central hypothesis is that it is possible to identify, within teachers’ conversations as they interact with pupils, clues regarding their professional development. The theoretical framework links the contributions made by professional didactics with those of language pragmatic and interactional linguistic theory. Set within a didactical context, we consider language as the first strategical tool to teach and we are placed within an approach orchestrated by teacher activity. We lead an ergonomic investigation alongside three newly qualified teachers, from videos shot during mathematics lessons and from self- confrontation interviews. Language interactions between teachers and their students have been analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, in relation with the identification of pedago-didactic functions. Results highlight professional language know-hows, revealing of the professionalism and the professional development of each of the teachers investigated.

Die semantische Entwicklung von Intensivierern / Semantic development of intensifiers

Laitenberger, Olga 29 January 2016 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена прилагательным и наречиям с семантикой интенсивности – признаковым лексемам, выражающим высокую степень обозначаемого ими объекта. В фокусе исследования находятся прилагательные и наречия, выступающие в современном немецком языке в усилительной функции и исходная семантика которых имеет негативные коннотации, например furchtbar: Tier vs. nett ‘ужасный: животное vs. милый’, wahnsinnig: Patient vs. interessant ‘безумный: пациент vs. интересный’. В рамках диссертации проведен анализ данного языкового феномена и исследованы характерные для него ступени развития. В качестве доказательной базы приведены многочисленные примеры из словарей, немецкоязычных корпусов, баз данных и интернета. Основу исследования составляет немецкий материал, релевантность затронутой проблематики проверена и на материале русского языка. Исследуемые прилагательные и наречия были распределены в группы, объединенные исходной семантикой. Было установлено, что внутри выделенных групп происходят похожие семантические процессы, ведущие к образованию значения интенсивности. К этим процессам относится, в частности, обогащение исходного семантического наполнения лексемы и появление импликатуры, связанной со значением интенсивности. Усилительное значение возникает, как правило, в определенных контекстах: например, при дублировании семантики прилагательного / наречия и семантики слова-референта (например, ужасно испугаться) или при сочетании лексемы со словами-референтами, семантика которых также предполагает высокую степень выраженности того или иного признака (сражаться, кричать, реветь и т.д.). Как следствие, лексема появляется в многозначных контекстах, которые имеют двойную интерпретацию, то есть указывают на употребление как в исходном, так и значении интенсивности. После конвенционализации импликатуры исходная семантика постепенно уходит на задний план и стирается. В результате лексема теряет исходные негативные коннотации и может употребляться в положительных контекстах (например, ужасно рад).

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