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Využití DV v průřezových tématech na základní škole praktické / USING DRAMA EDUCATION IN CROSS CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES AT PRACTICAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLLaloušková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the use of drama in cross-curricular objectives at practical elementary schools. Given the specifics of the target group of pupils the work is devoted to defining particular groups of handicaped children, their health disabilities, manifestations and possibilities.The area of special education is, in many respects, different from mainstream primary schools, which significantly affects education possibilities of these children.Via more detailed view on the subject of the students with disabilities I strive to provide opportunities for understanding the drama in special education.The work is divided into five chapters.
The aim of this work is to show that there is also possible to use methods of drama to educate students in special education. This thesis is based on my professional experience as a special education teacher and my experience of using drama with disabled children. Three projects are components of this work, they use drama as a tool to understand the problem.The projects are also linked with Art and Craft, which are significantly represented at practical elementary school.
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Téma parazité člověka ve výuce na základních školách a nižších gymnáziích. / Teaching the theme human parasites on grammar school.Houšková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Nowdays, when people travel all around the world and they can become infected with different parasites, teaching about human parasites shouldn't be neglected even in education on primary and grammar schools. In my work, I have mapped the basic knowledge of parasitology and human parasites of students from the selected primary schools and lower grades of grammar schools. For this purpose, I have created a test which examined the knowledge and attitude of the students. The work has also sought to propose a new approach to teaching of the subject in biology lessons. Two different teaching concepts were tested and compared in two paralel classes of the same grammar school. Presented representatives of human parasites, were chosen on the basis of analysis of biology textbooks for basic schools. Final suggestion of teaching at schools, which was teste dat three schools contains powerpoint presentations suitable for use in the lessons and practical exercise taken like didactical games.
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Vybrané problémy aplikace Insolvenčního zákona / Selected problems of application of the Insolvency ActKulíř, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Selected problems of application of the Insolvency Act On the 1st of January 2008, Act No. 182/2006 Coll. on Insolvency and its Resolution (Insolvency Act), which constitutes the substance of current legal regulation of bankruptcy law in the Czech Republic, came into force. There was a need to adopt new regulation emerged not only as a result of obsolescence of the original regulation, which - despite numerous direct or indirect amendments - was not able to respond adequately to economic changes, but also due to the necessity to adjust bankruptcy law to European legal regulations. The Insolvency Act together with implementing regulations form the basis of an entirely new and complex legal regulation which stands on its own principles, introduces uniform insolvency proceedings for all kinds of resolutions of insolvency and also new forms of insolvency resolutions. In addition to bankruptcy as a traditional and liquidating form of insolvency resolution, the Insolvency Act introduces a reorganisation and a discharge of debts as preservation methods of insolvency resolution which might be more profitable both for the debtor and his creditors. Reorganisation is designated for entrepreneurs, while discharge of debts was adopted as a resolution of state of insolvency of non-entrepreneurs. But this current legal...
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Badatelsky orientované vyučování fyzického zeměpisu / Inquiry based teaching/ learning in physical geographyJEŘÁBKOVÁ, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with both theoretical part of the new trend in education, it is meant inquiry based teaching/ learning, and practical part which is useful mainly for geography teachers on the 2nd stage of primary schools. Inquiry based teaching has the aim in increasing the efficiency of the science subjects education on primary schools and getting pupils interested in study and interests. In view of the fact that the physical geography has many under parts, there were chosen three main categories for this work: hydrology, meteorology and climate, cartography and geographical informational system. In the theoretical part there is dealt with a definition of a term inquiry based teaching and learning, its using in the world educational systems and its integration into Czech educational system. On the grounds of the studied materials it was made "A set of projects for inquiry based teaching in geographical lessons on the 2nd stage of primary school. This practical portfolio includes both methodical sheets for teachers and worksheets for an explorer. Chosen projects were tested in practice and they are evaluated in the final part of the whole of the diploma thesis.
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Využití technických materiálů ve výuce předmětu Praktické činnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ / Use of technical materials at primary school for the subject of Practical activitiesDŮROVÁ, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
This theses is focus on the use of interesting and suitable technicial materials for primary school. The thesis consits of two parts introducing some of the educational programs for primary school, which are the most exploited in the current educational system. Furthermore theteoretical part drala with differences in subject of Practical activities at primary school. The practical part presents several technical materials selected for 1st-5th class of primary school in the subject of Practical activities. In another component of the practical part the autor suggests topics possible to use in other subjects as well.
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Vláknité mikromycety ve výuce na nižších sekundárních školách / Fibrous Micromycetes in Teaching at Lower Secondary SchoolsBábiková, Věra January 2021 (has links)
Filamentous microfungi play an important role in the environment and they can have either a positive impact on a man, e.g. in a form of medicine or food production, or a negative one, when filamentous microfungi may cause diseases or deteriorate food. Pupils usually start learning about filamentous microfungi in form 6 of a primary school, or they get some tangential information in the first year of an eight-year grammar school. In addition, in most of student's books, microfungi are incorrectly referred to as moulds, which is an unprofessional term. The objective of my thesis is to elaborate two practical tasks for the presence form of study in which pupils find out the difference between unicellular and multicellular fungal organisms, acquaint themselves with the fungal phytoparasite - mildew, take the substrate, make native and coloured mounts which are then observed under the microscope. The other two practical tasks have been elaborated for the distance form of study via exploration tasks, which can be carried out at home conditions. It means creation of a mycological garden and observation what kind of bakery products is more prone to be affected by microfungi. The other elaborated tasks relate to across-the-curriculum use of the filamentous microfungi topic in Maths and Czech, in which some...
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Důvěra a reputace v distribuovaných systémech / Trust and Reputation in Distributed SystemsMalačka, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to design and implement agent system for dealing with sportsmen. It will be possible to apply trust and reputation principles on this system. This system is implemented in Jason agent language. Agents there posing as sports club managers. The main target of these managers is to have the maximal profit. The environment of agents is changing by playing the matches between the teams. Players quality evalution follows the played matches. Based on played matches, managers can evaluate the worth of each player and trade them in order to achieve the maximal possible profit. Untrustworthy agents take a place in this system. These agents overvalue their players using inccorect behavior. The experiments will be made within this masters's thesis in order to compare gain of apllication trust and reputation principles.
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Communi-crate jako soubor komunikačních nástrojů a postupů pro práci s ohroženými dětmi a rodinami ve Velké Británii a v České republice / Community-crare as a set of communication tools and methods in working with vulnerable children and families in Great Britain and in the Czech RepublicFořtová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This thesis constitutes an analysis and instructions for use of the Communi-crate resources, the 'communication crate' which is a set of specific practical tools used in working with vulnerable children and families as used in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and are being introduced in practice in the Czech Republic. The tools contained in this thesis are designed for use by special educators and social workers in direct work with vulnerable families, children, young persons, or even adults. All of these tools have actually been tested and proven in practice and some have been adapted from their original language versions for use in the Czech Republic. In this thesis, the resources contained in the Communi-crate are divided into logical groups and each of them is described structured into chapters accordingly. Each tool is described in more or less detail, including tips for use. Most resources are also illustrated. The case studies described have been collected from practice in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This thesis has been compiled from materials gathered by the author during foreign study visits and in seminars conducted by foreign experts in the Czech Republic in 2009 through 2014. This thesis uses analytical...
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Badatelsky orientované učení ve výuce fyzického zeměpisuVACKOVÁ, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis responds to the innovative trends and the causes of these changes in the science education.. The theoretical part of the thesis deals primarily with Inquiry-Based (Science) Education. It is focused on its definition, main features and its position in the Czech educational system. The main goal of this thesis and an output of the practical part is creating a portfolio with Inquiry-Based Science Education tasks in the physical geography (geology, geomorphology, pedology and biogeography) intended for the 2nd stage of primary schools.
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Ruční obrábění kovů na základní škole / Hand metalworkingKOCH, Karel January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on hand metalworking in Technical Education, which is taught at Upper Primary School, in 6th and 7th classes. Content and range of this thesis is adapted for pupils of 6th and 7th class at Primary School. The work includes descriptions of particular training of hand metalworking supplemented by author's photographic material. There are fourteen videos as a multimedia material in the appendix. The created videos contain demonstrations of technique of hand metalworking which are mentioned in the thesis. This created multimedia material could be used not only by pupils in the lesson of Technical Education but also by uncertificated teachers, who taught this subject.
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