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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koncepce cheerleadingu jako nového sportovního odvětví v ČR / Conception of cheerleading as a new sport branch in Czech Republic

Míková, Nikoleta January 2013 (has links)
6 Abstract Title: Creating a new concept of cheerleading as a sport in the Czech Republic Objectives: Creating a comprehensive overview providing a complex information about the sport discipline called cheerleading. Clarifying the character of the sport of cheerleading. Gathering and submitting a comprehensive description of the sports discipline, a set of rules, mandatory elements, and methodologies of cheerleading. Preparation of a material for Czech Cheerleading Association and Institute of Czech Cheerleading as a base of metodology of cheerleading that will be helpful for cheerleading coaches in the Czech Republic to improve their skills and expending the number of members of the association. Taking photos that will facilitate understanding of issues and eliminate incorrect understanding of theoretical bases in various methodologies. Methods: A comprehensive classification of sports cheerleading industry required a consistent and detailed approach, a through content analysis of foreign literature, including knowledge and experience from my own practice and practice of other personalities involved in cheerleading from Czech Republic and abroad. Finding analogies between sports industries with rich history and newly forming sport industry of cheerleading I have come to an analysis of Czech literature...

Srovnání organizačních forem soutěží v aerobiku / Compared organizational forms of aerobics

Fajfrlíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Title: Compared organizational forms of aerobics Objective: The aim of the work is - based on theoretical knowledge, inquiry and the analysis of competition compositions - to define the characteristics of the most appropriate organizational form of organizing movement compositions in aerobics. Methods: The method used in this work is the description of the theoretical foundations supplemented with my own commentary. I will seek consensus in the organization and evaluation of three selected movement composition competitions in aerobics. The second method will be questioning. I will create a questionnaire which will be supplemented with interviews. Respondents will be chosen from the ranks of trainers, authors of movement compositions that are part of the contest. The third method will be the analysis of three selected competition exercises. Results: The result of the work is the definition of the most appropriate organizational form of organizing competitions in aerobics movement compositions. Keywords: Movement compositions, rules, aerobics , ratings.

Označování dopravních situací na pozemních komunikacích

Vrabec, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
The name of this thesis is Labeling the traffic situations on the road and it deals with the problematic projects of labeling the road. The aim of this work is to determine the actual legislative, normative requirements for technical drawing of traffic signs in Czech Republic and its use for actual needs. They will be extended by surveys and observation from practice. The legislative and normative requirements for technical drawings are in the summary.

Aplikace jazyka OCL pro UML modelování podnikových IS

Meluzín, Petr January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Daňová konkurence v EU a možnosti eliminace jejích negativních dopadů

Dvořáková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Globalization and integration of markets gradually weaken not only the actual boundaries between states, but also tax limits. The growing interconnect-edness of national economies and markets causes tax competition, which may be advantageous for some states, but for others it may be a threat to undermine public budgets. While tax competition generally increases efficiency, it may also have undesirable consequences that may lead to a race to the bottom. Also, differences in the taxation of capital in different countries mean that there are capital shifts to the tax-favourable jurisdictions for the purpose of tax avoidance in the home country. The question therefore arises as to whether tax competition is not an obstacle to effective taxation of corporations, and whether and how governments should counter threats to undermine public finances. While some require mutual cooperation in the coordination and harmonization of direct taxation in the European Union, others argue that the most effective solution is market allocation and acceptance of tax competition. Opinion is divided over whether to maintain or remove tax competition and this leads to a discussion of whether it is really beneficial or harmful. The aim of the dissertation is to answer this question. The dissertation empirically evaluates the level of tax competition in the European Union and using panel analysis it verifies on a sample of 27 Member States over the period 1998 to 2010 that tax competition is not harmful, it does not lead to impoverished public budgets and to a race to the bottom in the EU-15. It also comes to the conclusion that the new EU-12 states do not cause harmful tax competition with the original EU-15 states. In connection with this the dissertation also focuses on the need to protect the tax bases of individual states. It deals with economic aspects of general and specific anti-abuse rules in national tax systems of the Member States and verifies why, in addition to general rules, states should implement specific measures in the form of CFC rules to defend themselves against tax evasion and tax avoidance.

Fiskální pravidla a jejich efektivita ? anglofonní země a EMU / Fiscal rules and their efficiency - Anglophone countries and the EMU

Haas, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na zkoumání fiskálních pravidel - omezení fiskální politiky, která byla přijata v průběhu devadesátých let 20. století. Zkoumané země se dělí na dvě skupiny. Zaprvé se jedná o anglofonní země (Spojené království, Austrálie, Nový Zéland) s odlišným právním a politickým systémem než země druhé skupiny - Evropské měnové unie, které musely akceptovat tzv. Maastrichtská kritéria a Pakt stability a růstu. Analýza efektivnosti fiskální pravidel, která zahrnují pravidla numerická, procesní i transparentnostní, se zaměří na rizikovou prémii u úrokových sazeb finančního trhu jednotlivých zemí, na tzv. sovereign rating hodnotící kreditní riziko a samozřejmě také na konkrétní výsledky působení pravidel na fiskální agregáty jednotlivých zemí. Ačkoliv byla klíčová pravidla přijata až v devadesátých letech, reflektovala určitý vývoj veřejných financí v minulosti, proto se práce zaměří také na historické aspekty vzniku těchto pravidel, které hrály důležitou roli při jejich konstrukci. Výsledkem analýzy pak bude mezinárodní komparace efektivity fiskálních pravidel, která pomůže formulovat obecnější hospodářsko-politická doporučení pro země s rizikovým vývojem veřejných financí.

Praktické uplatnění pravidel BOZP v malém podniku - SZŠ / Safety and hygiene in a school environment

Šťastná, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
The essey is focused on an occupation safety and hygiene in a school environment. It find out a practical exercitation of the safety and hygiene roles in a professional secondary school. The goal of the essey is to identificate general principals and legal roles of a occuation safety and hygiene in the school, to find out how the students are informed about that roles and how the students keep the roles at the school practice. In a theoretical part of the essey there are general notions about occupation and hygiene safety, the low which is used in the school practice a few of them are there developed. In a practical part of the essey are discribed aducation in the secondary nursing school. All branches of studyies are described and defined. There are also described warnings about possible diversicifation which could rise during an education in the school and out of the school too. In the folowing part of the essey the questionaire is presented. Questionnaire is analysed and evaluate and the resultes are express by the grafs. In the end ot the essey proposals of solution were made up and presented.

IT prostředky pro řízení obchodních pravidel / Business Rules Management Systems

Vele, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate chosen business rules management systems. In addition, it should provide global overview of all business rules area. Crucial definitions and principles related to the Business Rules Management are introduced in the first part of the thesis. The different types ofbusiness rules description, therelation between business rules and business processes, and technology used for BRMS are specified among others. In the second section,the evaluation criteria are created based the previous theoretical analysis. The criteria are divided into groups based on a functionality that should be provided by a business rules management system. The evaluation and its results are presented in the last part of the thesis. The results are discussed and the final conclusion is provided.The thesis can be used as baseline in the decision making process when a business rules management system is to be purchased.

Empirical Essays on Monetary Policy Rules and Inflation / Empirické eseje o pravidlech měnové politiky a inflaci

Vašíček, Bořek January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into four essays, each of them having its own structure and methodological framework. Although each of the essays making the chapters of the thesis is self-contained, their topics are very closely related. Consequently, the reader will be able to follow the thesis in its unity. Essay I is a selective survey of the extensive, mostly theoretic, literature dealing with monetary policy rules. We aim at contextualization of the monetary policy rules in the existing monetary economics literature. We explain the logic, the inspiration and the history of the rules for the monetary policy conduct. We distinguish between instrument rules and targeting rules as two basic categories. Finally, we resume specific issues related to policy rules for small open economies. Essay II studies the logic of short-term interest rate setting pursued by 15 EU countries before and after the launch of the EMU. We employ econometric estimation of the augmented Taylor rule (TR) for individual 15 EU countries and the Euro area. Although a vast empirical evidence is available for the major economies like the US, the UK or Germany, there is an important gap in our understanding of the factors behind the short-term interest rate dynamics in smaller economies. We find that in the period preceding the euro adoption, the TR is a poor representation of monetary policy setting in most EU countries and that many central banks considered decisions made by dominant economies rather than their domestic macroeconomic developments. The analysis of monetary policy rule of the ECB features additional problems related to the heterogeneity of the EMU. We argue that results based on Euro-area aggregated series, commonly presented in empirical studies, are subject to diverse econometric problems. We provide some evidence that the ECB is concerned also with national information and propose quasi-panel analysis as a viable framework. Essay III explores the relation between the existing monetary policy and domestic price stability in small open emerging economies, in particular the 12 EU new member states. This work has three principal objectives. First, it aims at revealing the logic of interest rate setting pursued by monetary authority of each country. The linear specification of the Taylor rule, applied already in the Essay II, is accompanied by an extensive analysis of nonlinearities in monetary policy rules and the inference on their possible sources. We find that the official monetary policy is sometimes inconsistent with the empirical evidence on the short term interest rate setting. The second objective consists in revealing the determinants of the inflation process. We have found that inflation rates are driven not only by backward persistency but also by the forward-looking component. Third, we employ analysis of the conditional inflation variance so as to give account on the viability of the existing monetary policy setting for price stability. We conclude that the policy of inflation targeting seems to be preferable to exchange rate peg because it allows decreasing not only inflation rate but also its conditional variance. Essay IV seeks to shed light on inflation dynamics of four CEEC (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and test when the predominant model of inflation, the New Keynesian Philips Curve (NKPC), is consistent with the data of these countries. According to the microfounded NKPC, the current inflation is related to inflation expectations and the real marginal cost. The empirical validity of this model has recently become a subject of major controversy in the monetary economics. Although we find some favorable evidence for the NKPC, it seems to be too restrictive model for small open economies. In particular, the failure of the NKPC to explain the inflation dynamics of these countries may be related to the assumption that inflation is related to forward-looking price setting of domestic monopolist firms while our evidence suggests that prices in CEEC have an important backward-looking component and the inflation is significantly driven by external factors like the exchange rate and the foreign inflation rate.

Učení business rules z výsledků dolování GUHA asociačních pravidel / Business rule learning using data mining of GUHA association rules

Vojíř, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
In the currently highly competitive environment, the information systems of the businesses should not only effectively support the existing business processes, but also have to be dynamically adaptable to the changes in the environment. There are increasing efforts at separation of the application and the business logic in the information system. One of the appropriate instruments for this separation is the business rule approach. Business rules are simple, understandable rules. They can be used for the knowledge externalization and sharing also as for the active control and decisions within the business processes. Although the business rule approach is used for almost 20 years, the various specifications and practical applications of business rules are still a goal of the active research. The disadvantage of the business rule approach is great demands on obtaining of the rules. There has to be a domain expert, who is able to manually write them. One of the problems addressed by the current research is the possibility of (semi)automatic acquisition of business rules from the different resources - unstructured documents, historical data etc. This dissertation thesis addresses the problem of acquisition (learning) of business rules from the historical data of the company. The main objective of this thesis is to design and validate a method for (semi)automatic learning of business rules using the data mining of association rules. Association rule are a known data mining method for discovering of interesting relations hidden in the data. Association rules are comprehensible and explainable. The comprehensibility of association rules is suitable for the use of them for learning of business rules. For this purpose the user can use not only simple rules discovered using the algorithm Apriori or FP-Growth, but also more complex association rules discovered using the GUHA method. Within this thesis is used the procedure 4ft-Miner implemented in the data mining system LISp Miner. The first part of this thesis contains the description of the relevant topics from the research of business rules and association rules. Business rules is not a name of one specification of standard but rather a label of the approach to modelling of business logic. As part of the work there is defined a process of selection of the most appropriate specification of business rules for the selected practical use. Consequently, the author proposed three models of involving of data mining of association rules into business rule sets. These models contain also the definition of a model for the transformation of GUHA association rules in the business rules for the system JBoss Drools. For the possibility of learning of business rules using the data mining results from more than one data set, the author proposed a knowledge base. The knowledge base is suitable for the interconnection of business rules and data mining of association rules. From the perspective of business rules the knowledge base is a term dictionary. From the perspective of data mining the knowledge base contains some background knowledge for data preprocessing and preparation of classification models. The proposed models have been validated using practical implementations in the systems EasyMiner (in conjunction with JBoss Drools) and Erian. The thesis contains also a description of two model use cases based on real data from the field of marketing and the field of health insurance.

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