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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Presidi?rios: percep??es e sentimentos acerca de sua condi??o paterna / Convicts: perceptions and feelings about their paternal conditions

Silva, M?nica Ferreira da 06 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MonicaFerreira daSilva1.pdf: 467290 bytes, checksum: ca026a06bcf5ae3c741a0ae7ba17c9d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-06 / Universidade Estadual Paulista J?lio de Mesquita Filho / The present study has got as its main goal understanding the relationship between convict parents and their children, inside the prision environment itself. The theoretical matter of the reseach has got its basis on three discussion points: the first point deals with the current social and political combination of events and the contradictions which are generated by the current economical conditions, which contribute to massive imprisionment and the prisions role in the current society ; the second point presents some theoretical basis about the human development under an ecological perspective basis of the human development; and, at last, it relates the convict's family members in the prision environment. For this study seven male parents have been interviewed, they have been aleatoricly chosen, and only their parenthood contidions have been considered. The interview, which has been previously structured, has been one of the instruments to gather the data themselves, as well as to guide the searcher to understand the working fields. In the analysing process of the collected data, the information is organized in two parts: the first one has discussed the results gotten from the interviews with the convicts' parents and the second one has dealed with the data collected along the searcher's watching over the people who took part in such a search and in the working fields. The results show, in a general way, that prision generates an impact in the relationship between parents and their children, as well as in the familiar relationship. They also show that such an institution isn't ready to deal with such a question, and that very little has been known about such a reality. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender a rela??o entre pais presidi?rios e seus filhos, no ambiente prisional. O embasamento te?rico da pesquisa est? estruturado em tr?s eixos de discuss?o: o primeiro eixo discutese a atual conjuntura s?cio-pol?tica e as contradi??es geradas pelo atual modelo econ?mico, contribuindo dessa forma para o encarceramento massivo e o papel das pris?es no modelo atual; o segundo apresenta-se alguns fundamentos te?ricos acerca do desenvolvimento humano sob a perspectiva da abordagem ecol?gica do desenvolvimento humano; e, por ?ltimo, descreve os familiares no espa?o prisional. Foram entrevistados deste estudo sete pais presidi?rios, escolhidos aleatoriamente, levando em conta somente sua condi??o de pai. A entrevista, com roteiro semi-estruturado, foi um dos instrumentos para a coleta de dados, assim como o di?rio de campo da pesquisadora. No processo de an?lise dos dados colhidos, as informa??es s?o organizadas em duas partes: a primeira discutiu os resultados obtidos por meio das entrevistas com os pais presidi?rios e a segunda, trabalhou com os dados coletados durante as observa??es participantes e dos di?rios de campo. Os resultados indicaram, de um modo geral, que a pris?o gera impactos na rela??o pai e filho e na fam?lia, e que a institui??o n?o est? preparada para lidar com essa quest?o, conhecendo muito pouco dessa realidade.

Propriedades psicom?tricas do Defensive Style Questionnaire 40 (DSQ-40) para a popula??o prisional / Psychometric properties of the Defensive Style Questionnaire 40 (DSQ-40) for the imprisoned population

Galv?o, Lu?s Fernando 16 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Fernando Galvao.pdf: 399706 bytes, checksum: ab7fc74b6a16a19214fcee83ce181af7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-16 / This study refers to the psychometric properties of the Defensive Style Questionnaire- 40 (DSQ-40) for the imprisoned population. It discusses the relevance in the use of precise and valid psychological measures in the prison context, according to a perspective of psychosocial reintegration. The concepts of the positive Psychology, resilience and defenses are used as an epistemic-theorical basis. Afterwards, it discusses the use of defense measuring instruments as a means to estimate the ways individuals deal with the demands come from reality. It emphasizes the use of the DSQ-40, which is not only simple to use and correct, but also shows satisfactory psychometric characteristics, according to national and international studies. The instrument is a questionnaire self-report like and it contains 40 items developed to evaluate the resulting conscious defense mechanisms; it aims to identify the typical style which people deal conscious or unconsciously- with their conflicts, according to the postulation that they are able to communicate precisely through their behaviors. The DSQ-40 evaluates 20 defenses, divided in three factors: mature, neurotic and immature. The instrument applied to a sample of 271 prisoners (208 men and 63 women), who live in three prisons located in S?o Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul States. The precision of the instrument was checked through the Pearson s co-relation coefficient; the results pointed that only the immature factor showed time stability. The internal consistence of the instrument was estimated through the Cronbach s Alpha coefficient and the average co-relation of the items, but only the immature factor showed expressive values (Alpha = 0,80). The criterion validity was estimated according to co-relation coefficient proposed by Spearman and it was used as a convergent criterion of the scores obtained by the Resilience Scale (n=46); The Symptom Evaluation Scale SES-40 (n=38) as a discriminating validity criterion. The study of the construct validity was done through the procedures of factorial analysis according to the analysis of the main components and varimax rotation method; three interpretative factors were obtained (25,98% of the variances): the immature, the mature and the neurotic factors, which correspond to the study of validation done with the clinical sample. Ten defenses showed a satisfactory factorial importance (over 0,30) in the immature factor, two in the mature factor and three in the neurotic factor. The results suggest the need of modifications and adaptations in the items that measure the mature and neurotic defenses in order to try to expand the respective reliable coefficients and the validity of the construct. / Trata-se do estudo das propriedades psicom?tricas do Defensive Style Questionnaire-40 (DSQ-40) para a popula??o prisional. Discute-se inicialmente, a relev?ncia da utiliza??o de medidas psicol?gicas v?lidas e precisas no contexto prisional, segundo uma perspectiva de reintegra??o psicossocial. Os conceitos de psicologia positiva, resili?ncia e defesas s?o utilizados como fundamenta??o te?rico-epist?mica. Discute-se, a seguir, a utiliza??o de instrumentos de medida das defesas como um meio de aferir as formas atrav?s das quais os sujeitos lidam com as demandas da realidade. Enfatiza-se a utiliza??o do DSQ-40, que al?m de ser de f?cil aplica??o e corre??o, apresenta caracter?sticas psicom?tricas satisfat?rias, segundo estudos nacionais e internacionais com diferentes amostras. O instrumento ? um question?rio de tipo self-report, com 40 itens desenvolvidos para avaliar os derivativos conscientes dos mecanismos de defesa; objetiva identificar o estilo caracter?stico de como as pessoas lidam, consciente ou inconscientemente com seus conflitos, segundo o pressuposto de que s?o capazes de comunicar com precis?o seus comportamentos. O DSQ-40 avalia 20 defesas, divididas em tr?s fatores: maduro, neur?tico e imaturo. O instrumento foi aplicado a uma amostra de 271 presidi?rios (208 homens e 63 mulheres) reclusos em tr?s unidades prisionais localizadas nos Estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e S?o Paulo. A precis?o do instrumento foi estimada atrav?s do coeficiente de correla??o de Pearson; os resultados indicaram que somente o fator imaturo apresentou estabilidade temporal. A consist?ncia interna do instrumento foi aferida atrav?s do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e da correla??o m?dia dos itens, mas somente o fator imaturo apresentou valores significativos (? = 0,80). A validade convergente foi estimada segundo o coeficiente de correla??o de postos de Spearman, tendo sido utilizado como crit?rio a Escala de Resili?ncia (n = 46). Para o estudo da validade discriminante utilizou-se a Escala de Avalia??o de Sintomas EAS-40 (n = 38). O estudo de validade de construto foi realizado atrav?s do procedimento de an?lise fatorial segundo o m?todo de an?lise dos componentes principais e rota??o varimax. Foram obtidos tr?s fatores interpret?veis (25,98% da vari?ncia): fator imaturo, fator maduro e fator neur?tico. Do ponto de vista estrutural (itens que comp?em cada fator) os resultados s?o muito semelhantes aos obtidos no estudo brasileiro com amostra cl?nica, para a adapta??o do instrumento para o portugu?s. Dez defesas apresentaram carga fatorial satisfat?ria (superior a 0,30) no fator imaturo, duas no fator maduro e tr?s no fator neur?tico. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de modifica??es e adapta??es nos itens que medem as defesas neur?ticas e maduras, no sentido de procurar ampliar os respectivos coeficientes de fidedignidade e de validade de constructo.

Justiciabilidade das viola??es de direitos fundamentais das pessoas privadas de liberdade (uma aproxima??o Brasil e EUA)

Oliveira, Rodrigo Moraes de 27 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-09-17T11:35:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 474956 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 469346 bytes, checksum: f15ea2cde698c78bb976a96cf66f6af1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-17T11:35:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 474956 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 469346 bytes, checksum: f15ea2cde698c78bb976a96cf66f6af1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-27 / Daily violations of fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty in Brazil, emulated by a grotesque scenario of overcrowding in prisons, in spite of a solid legal framework founder of protections, associated with paralysis of successive governments and the parliament, leading to the question about whether they would be justiciable. Being clear that there is a special subjection relationship of the prisoner in the face of the State, which figure as your guarantor, and that the Constitution will be to govern the hand of the judge, the affirmation of justiciability comes naturally. Touches him checking not only the existence of formal condition to prison (i.e., a valid incarceration title), but, overcoming the traditional look, also the existence of material conditions to prison (i.e., humanitarian practicability of imprisonment, in loco, in the prison unit - in accordance with fundamental rights). In the US, the Supreme Court issued a paradigmatic judgment in the area, in Brown vs. Plata (2011), ordering the release of prisoners in California due to overcrowding and inherent violations. In Brazil, the ADPF in the collective via, and the HC in the individual via, are possible actions to search tutelage. Among the resulting statements which can not invade the sphere of action of the elected branches of government, under penalty of improper judicial activism, the temporary suspension of imprisonment is an alternative limit, also in view of the principle of unsurpassable prison capacity. / Di?rias viola??es dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas privadas de liberdade no Brasil, emuladas por um grotesco cen?rio da superlota??o dos pres?dios, a despeito de um s?lido quadro normativo instituidor de prote??es, associadas ? paralisia de governos sucessivos e do parlamento, levam ? pergunta sobre se seriam justici?veis. Estando claro que h? uma especial rela??o de sujei??o do preso em face do Estado, que figura como seu garantidor, e de que a Constitui??o Federal haver? de governar a m?o do juiz, a afirma??o da justiciabilidade surge naturalmente. Toca a ele a verifica??o n?o s? da exist?ncia de condi??o formal para a pris?o (i.e., de um t?tulo de encarceramento v?lido), mas, em supera??o do olhar tradicional, tamb?m da exist?ncia de condi??es materiais para a pris?o (i.e., da exequibilidade humanit?ria do encarceramento, in loco, na unidade prisional em conformidade com os direitos fundamentais). Nos EUA, a Suprema Corte emitiu julgamento paradigm?tico na ?rea, em Brown vs. Plata (2011), ordenando a soltura de prisioneiros no Estado da Calif?rnia devido a superlota??o e viola??es inerentes. No Brasil, a ADPF na via coletiva, e o HC na via individual, s?o a??es poss?veis para busca de tutela. Dentre os pronunciamentos resultantes, que n?o podem invadir a esfera de atua??o dos ramos eleitos do Governo, sob pena de indevido ativismo judicial, a suspens?o provis?ria do encarceramento surge como alternativa limite, tamb?m em vista do princ?pio da capacidade prisional taxativa.

Os processos de avalia??o de sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade na 4? Regi?o Penitenci?ria do Rio Grande do Sul : din?mica, contradi??es e media??es

Henrich, Giovana 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-30T17:28:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_GIOVANA_HENRICH_COMPLETO.pdf: 2014416 bytes, checksum: 122f0f0edee1f2255d1a0e374743347a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-30T17:28:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_GIOVANA_HENRICH_COMPLETO.pdf: 2014416 bytes, checksum: 122f0f0edee1f2255d1a0e374743347a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present study has as the central object the evaluations for granting benefits to subjects in deprivation of liberty, which purpose was configured to investigate how about the evaluations in the 4th Penitentiary Region of Rio Grande do Sul contributes to the rights effectiveness. The research that has an explanatory and qualitative nature, is based on the critical dialectical method and is conducted in the Prison System, bounded by the 4th Penitentiary Region of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. As a data source for the conduction of the study, an empirical research was made through interviews with social workers and psychologists from the prison system , in which the duty is aimed to the processes of evaluation, interviews with subjects in deprivation of liberty evaluated in 2014 and a documentary research through the evaluations made by the professionals about the same interviewed subjects in deprivation of liberty. The data analysis was done through the content analysis technique, based on Laurence Bardin?s theoretical framework. The obtained results reveal critical positioning by the professionals and by the subjects in deprivation of liberty, who were interviewed especially because such processes indicate historical characteristics relative to the prison system that guides the way the evaluations are made. Besides revealing the precarious working conditions to carry out such professional duty, the results also point to the moralizing and to the social adaptation perspective still intrinsic in the context, which is analyzed taking into consideration the contradictions of the system, as well as the reflections made by the professional categories involved in the issue. This way,it is observed that the evaluations for granting benefits to subjects in deprivation of liberty may contribute to the guarantee of rights as well as they may corroborate to the reproduction of processes that place the subjects as objects of a system socially excluding, reiterating practices of domination and discrimination once it also joins the professional practices carried out in such place. It is possible to verify through the research the professional critical understanding about that, however it is also possible to see the difficulty in translating the critique in the context of the evaluations, which shows that facing the reproduction of the violence in this object is still incipient, thus, demanding strengthening to consolidate practices less hierarchical - from the professionals to the penal system, and from the subjects in deprivation of liberty to the professionals and to the system ? through new strategies to carry out the evaluation processes. In this sense emerges the thesis that the evaluations for granting benefits to individuals in deprivation of liberty imposed the questioning about the dynamics of the place that they occupy historically defining the professional assignments related to the theme. The professional assignments determined institutionally as well as the necessary conditions for the development of this work in the light of current legislation portray and are portrayed by the prison context setting up maintenance strategy and reproduction of the contradictions of institutional and social order that was historically constructed. / estudo em evid?ncia possui como objeto central as avalia??es para concess?o de benef?cios a sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade, cujo objetivo configurou-se em investigar sobre como as avalia??es na 4? Regi?o Penitenci?ria do Rio Grande do Sul contribuem para a efetiva??o de direitos. A pesquisa, de cunho explicativo, qualitativo com base no m?todo dial?tico cr?tico, tem por lugar o Sistema Prisional, delimitado atrav?s da 4? Regi?o Penitenci?ria do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. Como fonte de dados para a produ??o do estudo realizou-se pesquisa emp?rica atrav?s de entrevistas com assistentes sociais e psic?logos do sistema prisional, cuja atribui??o est? direcionada aos processos de avalia??o, entrevistas com sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade avaliados no per?odo de 2014 e pesquisa documental atrav?s das avalia??es constru?das pelos profissionais acerca dos mesmos sujeitos privados de liberdade entrevistados. A an?lise de dados foi constru?da a partir da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do, com base no referencial te?rico de Laurence Bardin. Os resultados obtidos revelam posicionamentos cr?ticos por parte dos profissionais e sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade entrevistados especialmente porque tais processos denotam caracter?sticas hist?ricas relativas ao sistema prisional que direciona o modo como as avalia??es s?o constru?das. Al?m de revelarem as parcas condi??es de trabalho para a realiza??o desta atribui??o profissional, os resultados apontam para a perspectiva moralizadora e de adapta??o social ainda intr?nseca ao contexto, o que passa a ser analisado considerando-se as contradi??es do sistema, bem como, as reflex?es realizadas pelas categorias profissionais envolvidas acerca do tema em quest?o. Desse modo, observa-se que as avalia??es para concess?o de benef?cios aos sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade podem contribuir para a garantia de direitos, como tamb?m podem corroborar com a reprodu??o de processos que colocam os sujeitos como objetos de um sistema socialmente excludente, reiterando pr?ticas de domina??o e discrimina??o j? que este enla?a, inclusive, as pr?ticas profissionais desenvolvidas nesse espa?o. Atrav?s da pesquisa ? poss?vel verificar a compreens?o cr?tica profissional a respeito, por?m tamb?m ? vis?vel a dificuldade em traduzir a cr?tica no contexto das avalia??es, o que mostra o enfrentamento ? reprodu??o da viol?ncia nesse objeto como ainda incipiente, necessitando de fortalecimento para que se consolidem pr?ticas menos hierarquizadas - dos profissionais ao sistema penal, e dos sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade aos profissionais e ao sistema ? atrav?s de novas estrat?gias de realiza??o dos processos avaliativos. Nesse sentido, emerge a tese de que as avalia??es para concess?o de benef?cios para sujeitos em priva??o de liberdade imp?em a problematiza??o acerca da din?mica do lugar que historicamente elas ocupam definindo as atribui??es profissionais relativas ao tema. As atribui??es profissionais determinadas institucionalmente, bem como as condi??es necess?rias para o desenvolvimento desse trabalho ? luz das legisla??es vigentes retratam e s?o retratadas pelo contexto prisional, configurando-se em estrat?gia de manuten??o e reprodu??o das contradi??es de uma ordem institucional e social que foi historicamente constru?da.

O crente e o c?rcere : estudo sociol?gico sobre evang?licos em pris?es ga?chas

Kronbauer, Jaime Luis 27 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:46:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 426259.pdf: 811060 bytes, checksum: b4634304d58c4a6e1efc5a80a9add794 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-27 / O presente trabalho consiste numa pesquisa sociol?gica sobre detentos evang?licos no Pres?dio Central de Porto Alegre e na Penitenci?ria Estadual do Jacu?, baseando-se em dados produzidos por meio de observa??o e de entrevistas com presos evang?licos e n?o evang?licos. Tem por objetivos analisar como os crentes pentecostais se adaptam, individualmente e em grupo, ?s institui??es prisionais, bem como a constru??o e manuten??o de sua identidade religiosa nas pris?es, suas estrat?gias para lidar com o estigma de preso e amenizar problemas de consci?ncia referentes ? responsabilidade por seus atos criminosos e as raz?es de sua reconvers?o ou convers?o religiosa no interior da pris?o. Para tanto, descrevo sucintamente o contexto das institui??es penais, a execu??o penal e a expans?o pentecostal nas pris?es citadas. Analiso o cotidiano dos presos evang?licos, suas pr?ticas religiosas, suas atividades proselitistas, sua rela??o com a massa carcer?ria, sua retomada de la?os afetivos familiares e suas expectativas para o futuro.

Monitoramento eletr?nico de presos no RS : uma leitura bakhtiniana do discurso do g?nero reportagem na esfera jornal?stica

Rosa, Renata Faria Amaro da Silva da 28 January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:39:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 467060.pdf: 1903972 bytes, checksum: 8e0c35fa26524451cee055d5a77e0aa2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-28 / This paper proposes an analysis of construction of meanings of speech in reportages on electronic monitoring of prisoners in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), from the analysis of speeches printed in the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH) between the months of January and May of 2013, in the perspective of Enunciation Theory by Bakhtin and his Circle. The research, based on bakhtinian dialogic theory, more specifically, seeks to identify the discursive voices that make up the speech, to recognize compositional elements of the genre reportage of the journalistic sphere, and to verify marks of the speaker of the enunciation through the evaluating accents circulating in the utterances, understanding how all these aspects interweave to form meaning. Under the focus of the theory discussed in this work, language is understood as a social phenomenon of verbal interaction. In this conception, the relationship between the subjects is constituted through interpersonal relations, because the speech is always a response to another speech, establishing an inter-relationship between dialogues that build relationships of meaning. The selected corpus consists of reportages published in ZH that address electronic monitoring of prisoners in Rio Grande do Sul, whose theme is a controversy regarding public security in the state. The analysis consists of the survey and the relationship between the linguistic elements that mark what has been said and what has been left unsaid as well as extraverbal elements, in order to identify the interweaving of voices present in the speech, in the dialogical perspective. Through this work, it is possible to recognize that the genre reportage, refuting the thesis of common sense, is a clash of socioideological voices, marked by evaluative accent of the speaker, being, by no means, a neutral speech. / Este trabalho prop?e uma an?lise de constru??o dos sentidos do discurso em reportagens sobre o monitoramento eletr?nico de presos no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a partir da an?lise de discursos impressos no Jornal Zero Hora (ZH) entre os meses de janeiro e maio do ano de 2013, na perspectiva da Teoria da Enuncia??o de Bakhtin e seu C?rculo. A pesquisa, fundamentada na teoria dial?gica bakhtiniana, de forma mais espec?fica, busca identificar vozes discursivas que comp?em o discurso, reconhecer elementos composicionais do g?nero reportagem da esfera jornal?stica e verificar marcas do locutor da enuncia??o atrav?s dos acentos de valora??o que circulam nos enunciados, compreendendo como todos esses aspectos se entrecruzam para constitu?rem sentidos. Sob o enfoque da teoria abordada neste trabalho, a linguagem ? entendida como um fen?meno social de intera??o verbal. Nessa concep??o, a rela??o entre os sujeitos se constitui por meio de rela??es intersubjetivas, pois o discurso representa sempre uma resposta a outro discurso, estabelecendo uma inter-rela??o entre di?logos que constroem rela??es de sentido. O corpus selecionado constitui-se de reportagens publicadas no ZH que tratam sobre o monitoramento eletr?nico de presos no Rio Grande do Sul, cujo tema representa uma pol?mica no que se refere ? seguran?a p?blica no Estado. A an?lise configura-se no levantamento e na rela??o entre os elementos lingu?sticos que marcam os ditos e os n?o-ditos e os elementos extraverbais, buscando identificar o entrecruzamento de vozes presentes no discurso, na perspectiva dial?gica. Por meio deste trabalho, ? poss?vel reconhecer que o g?nero reportagem, refutando a tese do senso comum, representa um embate de vozes socioideol?gicas, marcado pelo acento valorativo do locutor, sendo, de forma alguma, um discurso neutro.

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