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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model za optimizaciju periodične obuke vozača u režimima sistema eko-vožnje / Model for optimizing periodical driver training in eco-driving mode

Savković Tatjana 28 May 2020 (has links)
<p>U radu su prikazani efekti teorijske i praktične obuke vozača, odnosno izvršena je analiza parametara vožnje u periodu pre obuke kao i u kratkoročnom i dugoročnom periodu nakon realizovane obuke. Na osnovu utvrđenih relacija između parametara, formiran je model za optimizaciju periodične obuke vozača. Primenom matematičke analize i statističkih testova u longitudinalnom periodu ispitivanja definisan je tačan period ponovne obuke vozača pri postizanju maksimalne dobiti za transportno preduzeće uvažavajući i proprtane troškove. Rezultati analize su pokazali da su pozitivni efekti eko-vožnje značajno izraženi u dobrim vozačkim uslovima. Loši vremenski uslovi koji uslovljavaju i loše uslove vožnje smanjuju pozitivne efekte obuke vozača sa povećanim zahtevom za bezbednijom vožnjom. Model bi mogao biti primenljiv za testiranje efekata obuke vozača u različitim transportnim kompanijma i različitim tržištima.</p> / <p>Тhis paper shows the effects of theoretical and practical eco-driving training, analysing driving parameters in the period before training, in the short-term and long-term after the training. A model was formed to optimize periodical driver training based on the established relationships between the parameters. Using the mathematical analysis and statistical tests in the longitudinal observation period, the exact period of the drivers retraining was defined in order to maximize profit for the transport company, taking into account the planned costs. The results indicate that the positive effects of eco-driving were significantly expressed in good driving conditions. With bad weather conditions that correlate with bad driving conditions, the effects of eco-driving training are suffocated with increased requirements for safer driving. The model could be applicable to test the effects of drivers training in different transportation companies and different markets.</p>

Efekti primene matematičkog modelovanja na obradu pojma izvoda funkcije u visokom strukovnom obrazovanju / Effects of application of mathematical modeling on the teaching of the derivative of function in the higher education of applied sciences

Sekulić Tanja 24 September 2020 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; prezentovano&nbsp; pedago&scaron;ko&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; na&nbsp; teorijsko&nbsp; i eksperimentalno&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; efekata&nbsp; primene&nbsp; metodskih&nbsp; pristupa&nbsp; zasnovanih&nbsp; na&nbsp; matematičkom modelovanju u obradi izvoda funkcije i njegove primene u visokom strukovnom obrazovanju. Na osnovu teorijskih principa na kojima je zasnovan proces matematičkog modelovanja, osmi&scaron;ljen je način za implementaciju modelovanja u nastavni proces i kreirani su modeli za realizaciju obrade sadržaja iz oblasti izvoda funkcije i njegove primene. Predložen je i originalni pristup matematičkom modelovanju koji se realizuje u računarskom okruženju i istaknute su sve prednosti novog pristupa<br />koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; tiču&nbsp; realizacije&nbsp; nastavnog&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; i&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; učenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; poučavanja.&nbsp; Disertacija&nbsp; se&nbsp; bavi&nbsp; i savremenim trendovima u obrazovanju nastavnika i njegovom unapređenju. Poseban akcenat je stavljen&nbsp; na&nbsp; osmi&scaron;ljavanje&nbsp; elemenata&nbsp; obuke&nbsp; nastavnika&nbsp; za&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; matematičkog&nbsp; modelovanja&nbsp; u &scaron;kolskoj praksi.<br />Istraživanje o efektima primene matematičkog modelovanja je sprovedeno u dva ciklusa. Prvi ciklus istraživanja je realizovan u periodu od 2009-2014. godine sa četiri generacije studenata strukovnih studija. U eksperimentu je učestvovalo ukupno 555 studenata organizovanih u paralelne grupe. U prvom&nbsp; ciklusu&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; je&nbsp; praćen&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; primene&nbsp; matematičkog&nbsp; modelovanja&nbsp; na&nbsp; postignuća studenata iz oblasti izvoda funkcije i njegove primene. Od instrumenata primenjenih za ispitivanje postignuća&nbsp; studenata&nbsp; su&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćeni&nbsp; testovi&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; (kolokvijum&nbsp; i&nbsp; ispit)&nbsp; i&nbsp; anketa&nbsp; koja&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivala stavove studenata o realizaciji nastave matematike i njenoj korisnosti.<br />Drugi&nbsp; ciklus&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; je&nbsp; sproveden&nbsp; &scaron;kolske&nbsp; 2016/2017.&nbsp; godine.&nbsp; Eksperiment&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovan&nbsp; sa paralelnim grupama u kojima su učestvovala 204 studenta Visoke&nbsp; tehničke &scaron;kole&nbsp; strukovnih&nbsp; studija.U&nbsp; drugom&nbsp; ciklusu&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; ispitani&nbsp; efekti&nbsp; primene&nbsp; novog&nbsp; pristupa&nbsp; matematičkom modelovanju&nbsp; u&nbsp; računarskom&nbsp; okruženju&nbsp; na&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; studenata&nbsp; iz&nbsp; oblasti&nbsp; izvoda&nbsp; funkcije&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegovih primena (eksperimentalna grupa) i dobijeni rezultati su&nbsp; upoređeni sa rezultatima koje su studenti ostvarili&nbsp; kada&nbsp; je&nbsp; nastava&nbsp; realizovana&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; tradicionalnog&nbsp; ciklusa&nbsp; modelovanja&nbsp; (kontrolna<br />grupa).Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; oba&nbsp; pedago&scaron;ka&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; realizacija&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; matematike primenom matematičkog modelovanja, kao i matematičkog modelovanja u računarskom okruženju, na obradu pojma izvoda funkcije i njegovih primena&nbsp; ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet znanja studenata i ostvarenost optimalnih rezultata u učenju, razumevanju nastavnih sadržaja i nji hovoj primeni na re&scaron;avanje problema iz ove oblasti.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation, pedagogical research is presented, which refers to the theoretical and experimental examination of the effects of the application of methodological approaches based on mathematical modeling in the field of the&nbsp; derivative of the function and its application in college education.<br />Based on the theoretical principles on which the process of mathematical modeling is based, a way has been devised for the implementation of modeling in the teaching process and models have been created for the teaching process in the field of function &nbsp; derivative and its applications. An original approach to mathematical modeling that is realized in a computer environment is also proposed, and all the advantages of the new &nbsp; approach concerning the realization of the teaching process and the results of learning and teaching are highlighted. The dissertation also deals with modern trends in teacher education and its improvement. Special emphasis is placed on designing elements&nbsp; of&nbsp; teacher&nbsp; training&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; mathematical&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; in&nbsp; school&nbsp; practice.<br />The research on the effects of the application of mathematical modeling was conducted &nbsp; in two cycles. The first cycle of research was realized in the period from 2009-2014 with&nbsp; four generations of students. A total of 555 students organized in parallel groups participated in the experiment. In the&nbsp; first&nbsp; cycle&nbsp; of&nbsp; research,&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; mathematical&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; on&nbsp; the achievements of students in the field of function derivative and its applications was examined. Among the instruments used to examine students achievements, knowledge tests (colloquium and final&nbsp; exam)&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; survey&nbsp; that&nbsp; examined&nbsp; students&#39;&nbsp; attitudes&nbsp; toward&nbsp; the&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; process&nbsp; and usefulness of mathematics were created and used.<br />The second cycle of research was conducted in the 2016/2017 school year. The experiment was realized&nbsp; with&nbsp; parallel&nbsp; groups&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; participated&nbsp; 204&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Technical&nbsp; College&nbsp; of Applied Sciences. In the second cycle of the research, the effects of applying a new approach to mathematical&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; computer&nbsp; environment&nbsp; on&nbsp; students&#39;&nbsp; knowledge&nbsp; of&nbsp; function derivative and its applications (experimental group) were examined and the obtained results were compared&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; achieved&nbsp; by&nbsp; students&nbsp; using&nbsp; traditional&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; cycle&nbsp; (the&nbsp; control group).<br />Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; from&nbsp; both&nbsp; pedagogical&nbsp; researches,&nbsp; it&nbsp; was&nbsp; determined&nbsp; that&nbsp; the realization of teaching mathematics by applying mathematical modeling, as well as mathematical modeling&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; computer&nbsp; environment,&nbsp; has&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant&nbsp; impact&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; quality&nbsp; of&nbsp; students&#39; knowledge and the realization of optimal learning outcomes, and their application on solving the problems from this area.</p>

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