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Theoretical Modeling of Intra- and Inter-molecular Charge TransportLin, Lili January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on theoretical study of charge transportproperties in molecular systems. The understanding of the transportprocess and mechanism in molecular systems is essential forthe design of new functional molecular materials and molecularelectronic devices. The molecular junctions and organic molecularcrystals have been used as the model systems to highlight the usefulnessof theoretical modelling. A molecular junction is a system that consists ofone or several molecules sandwiched between two electrodes.The charge transport in molecular junctions is a very complex processthat is affected by the interaction between molecules and electrodes,the surroundings, as well as electron-electron (e-e) andelectron-phonon (e-p) couplings. When the molecule-electrode couplingis strong, the transport process can be very quick. If the e-p couplingis weak, the inelastic tunneling has only negligible contributions to thetotal current and the elastic electron tunneling plays the dominant role.Furthermore, the hopping process becomes dominant in the case of strong e-pcoupling, for which the geometric relaxation of the molecule needsto be considered. In this thesis, we have examined these three kinds oftransport processes separately. The first studied system is a molecular junction consisting of aromaticallycoupled bimolecules. Its elastic electron tunneling property is simulatedusing Green's functional theory at density functional theory level.The dependence of the conductance of bimolecular junctions on the vertical distances,horizontal distances and the tilt angles has been systematically studied. Theinelastic electron tunneling spectra (IETS) of molecular junctions have beencalculated for several systems that were experimentally measured with conflictingresults and controversial assignments. Our calculations provide the reliableassignments for the experimental spectra and revealed unprecedented detailsabout the molecular conformations within the junctions under different conditions.It demonstrates that a combined theoretical and experimental IETS study is capableof accurately determining the structure of a single molecule inside the junction.The hopping process is a dominant charge transfer process in organic molecularcrystals. We have studied the charge transport ability of four kinds of n-typeorganic semiconductor materials to find out the related structure-to-propertyrelationship. It is done by adopting the quantum charge transfer rate equationcombined with the random walk approach. / QC 20120515
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Structure and spectroscopy of bio- and nano-materials from first-principles simulationsHua, Weijie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to first-principles simulations of bio- and nano-materials,focusing on various soft x-ray spectra, ground-state energies and structures of isolated largemolecules, bulk materials, and small molecules in ambient solutions. K-edge near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra, x-ray emission spectra, andresonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of DNA duplexes have been studied by means oftheoretical calculations at the density functional theory level. By comparing a sequence of DNAduplexes with increasing length, we have found that the stacking effect of base pairs has verysmall influence on all kinds of spectra, and suggested that the spectra of a general DNA can bewell reproduced by linear combinations of composed base pairs weighted by their ratio. The NEXAFS spectra study has been extended to other realistic systems. We have used cluster modelswith increasing sizes to represent the infinite crystals of nucleobases and nucleosides, infinitegraphene sheet, as well as a short peptide in water solution. And the equivalent core holeapproximation has been extensively adopted, which provides an efficient access to these largesystems. We have investigated the influence of external perturbations on the nitrogen NEXAFSspectra of guanine, cytosine, and guanosine crystals, and clarified early discrepancies betweenexperimental and calculated spectra. The effects of size, stacking, edge, and defects to theabsorption spectra of graphene have been systematically analyzed, and the debate on theinterpretation of the new feature has been resolved. We have illustrated the influence of watersolvent to a blocked alanine molecule by using the snapshots generated from molecular dynamics. Multi-scale computational study on four short peptides in a self-assembled cage is presented. It isshown that the conformation of a peptide within the cage does not corresponds to its lowest-energyconformation in vacuum, due to the Zn-O bond formed between the peptide and the cage, and theconfinement effect of the cage. Special emphasis has been paid on a linear-scaling method, the generalized energy basedfragmentation energy (GEBF) approach. We have derived the GEBF energy equation at the Hartree-Focklevel with the Born approximation of the electrostatic potential. Numerical calculations for amodel system have explained the accuracy of the GEBF equation and provides a starting point forfurther refinements. We have also presented an automatic and efficient implementation of the GEBFapproach which is applicable for general large molecules. / QC 20110404
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