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Comportement en compression centrée des poteaux en béton à hautes performances (BHP) renforcés de fibres synthétiquesAregabi, Nidal January 2017 (has links)
Le confinement des poteaux en béton a fait l’objet de plusieurs recherches dans les années
précédentes et l’influence des différents paramètres sur l’efficacité du confinement a été aussi
soigneusement étudiée, à savoir : la limite élastique de l’acier de confinement, l’espacement
entre les barres transversales, la contrainte maximale du béton, l’inclusion des fibres dans le
béton. Plusieurs modèles de confinement ont été proposés dans la littérature et l’examen de
ces derniers a souligné le besoin de développer un modèle de confinement pour le béton à
hautes performances. Ce dernier est caractérisé par son comportement fragile surtout dans les
zones à forte sismicité ce qui réduit son utilisation. Il s’est avéré que l’utilisation des fibres, ne
serait-ce qu’en petite quantité (0,0% à 1,0% du volume de béton), dans la matrice de béton
est très bénéfique pour palier à ce problème de fragilité des BHP.
Dans le cadre de ce projet nous allons effectuer une étude expérimentale qui consiste
à effectuer des tests de compression centrée sur douze poteaux de dimensions : diamètre :
303 mm, hauteur : 1400 mm, afin d’examiner l’effet de plusieurs paramètres sur le comportement
structural des poteaux en béton armé, à savoir : la résistance en compression du béton,
l’espacement des étriers, la quantité de fibres utilisée, la présence de l’enrobage du béton, la
présence de supports servant à retenir l’enrobage du béton. Les spécimens ont été fabriqués
avec des bétons dont la résistance en compression spécifiée varie de 30MPa à 90MPa, selon
le cas. Deux pas de spirales sont utilisés, 50 mm et 100 mm. La quantité de fibres variait de
0,0% à 1,0%.
Les résultats de l’étude expérimentale montrent que la présence des fibres synthétiques
dans la matrice de béton permet de remédier au problème de fragilité des BHP et que des
gains de résistance sont observés au niveau du béton confiné et non confiné. L’ajout des
fibres a permis à l’enrobage du béton d’atteindre sa résistance théorique et de se rompre
par écrasement de matériaux et non par flambage. Des niveaux de ductilité importants sont
atteints en fournissant un confinement adéquat aux BHP. Le nombre de spécimens pour
analyser les variables : présence de l’enrobage et de supports, était insuffisant pour pouvoir
tirer des conclusions fiables à ce sujet.
Une bonne corrélation est observée lors de la comparaison des résultats expérimentaux
et de ceux obtenus avec le modèle analytique proposé par Eid et Paultre qui est dérivé du
modèle Cusson et Paultre.
1102 |
An evaluation of the local economic development strategy: the case of the Nelson Mandela Bay MunicipalityPillay, Sareesha January 2010 (has links)
The central objective of the research study was to evaluate the 2020 Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy, with reference to the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM). The Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy for the NMBM was developed in 2004 in relation to the need for Local Economic Development. The need for Local Economic Development (LED) has been mandated by the national government of South Africa as prescribed in the direction toward developmental local government post - 2000. The National Framework for Local Economic Development in South Africa serves as a strategic implementation guide for municipalities. The National Framework for Local Economic Development provides a supportive foundation to assist municipalities such as the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in improving its economic development through concentrations on suggested actions. Through support for municipal Local Economic Development strategies, the objective of Local Economic Development was to offer local government, private sectors, non - profit organisations and local communities the opportunity to work together to improve the local economy. The aim has thus been to enhance competitiveness and encourage inclusive sustainable growth. The 2020 Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy for the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality includes its strategic approach to promote sustainable growth within its specified municipal environment. Formulation of the strategy includes descriptions of sector strategies as a mechanism to promote transformation and improved economic development in a sustainable manner. Content Analysis and the case study methods were utilised to evaluate the 2020 Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy in the undertaking of the research study as a way of examining the formulation of the Local Economic Development strategy of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, in order to determine v the shortcomings in Local Economic Development as brought about by ineffective policy formulation process. Discourse Analysis was also used to understand the policy foundations as influenced by the previous apartheid regime and its accompanied injustices on the citizens of South Africa. The brief descriptions of major economic developments and sector strategies for the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality shows the detachment of policy content from clear strategic action plans has depicted an incongruence in efficiency and sustainable development. This has placed developmental policy formulation under scrutinisation and evaluation. The findings indicate that there is a need for revision and/ or reformulation of the current 2020 Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in promotion of effective sustainable development and an improved local economy. The impact of a failure to revise and rework the strategy has detrimental effects on the promotion of an effective and efficient economy in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. Therefore, the lack of detail within the 2020 Citywide Economic Growth and Development strategy must be tackled by policy formulators to ensure economic growth and an alignment with the objectives as contained in the national mandate for economic development.
1103 |
A critical analysis of the South African automotive industry and government incentive policyGaskin, Sean January 2010 (has links)
The automotive industry in South Africa exists in its current state due to the developmental programmes created by the South African government. During the next three years the government’s main development policy for the automotive industry will change from the Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP) to the Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP). As a result of this change there were feelings of uncertainty experienced across the domestic automotive industry during the APDP’s design and the period leading up to its launch, more or less years 2008 to 2010. Also present is the fear that the industry would collapse when faced with global competition should this change not fully comprehend all aspects of South Africa’s automotive industry. The research problem addressed in this study was to determine the effect on the sector’s competiveness in light of the impending change in governmental development programmes. This was accurately explained and expressed clearly while sub problems were identified from areas in the main problem that required further analysis due to their criticality or lack of clarity. A comprehensive literature review was executed to understand the nature and extent of the South African automotive industry, the Motor Industry Development Programme and the Automotive Production and Development Programme. A primary research instrument was constructed, in the form of a questionnaire, to test specific themes exposed during the literature review which can influence the sector’s competitive advantage. This questionnaire was distributed with the assistance of industry representative bodies NAAMSA (National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa, the domestic de facto representative body) and NAACAM (National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers, a component manufacturers’ representative body), to an even spread of respondents representative of the senior management and executives of automotive companies in South Africa. From the results obtained from the sample group, it seemed that there was consensus on many issues regarding the current structure of the South African automotive industry. Specifically, the profitability of vehicle assemblers and component manufacturers is heavily iii influenced by the incentives offered under the MIDP and the industry is not viable without them. The respondents were virtually unanimous in indicating that there is a need for some form of incentive programme and were positive about the effect the MIDP has had thus far on the automotive industry of South Africa, particularly the effect on the structure, focus and encouraging a reduction in complexity. The research found that it is common practice for OEMs to include the import duty on vehicles imported for domestic consumption even though this duty will be paid with the use of import-duty rebate credit certificates (IRCCs), which are provided to those vehicle assemblers who are net exporters of vehicles. Looking to the future, it emerged that the APDP will have a similar, positive effect on the domestic automotive industry when compared to the MIDP, but the effect will be experienced in a more aggressive manner. Companies will be encouraged by the new development programme to more aggressively improve aspects such as restructuring, rationalising, reducing model proliferation and improving low scale economies for example. Also the APDP will encourage OEMs to increase plant production volumes and ensure that reasonable scale economies are present to develop a domestic component supply industry to a degree. However, the volumes will be insufficient to create a world-class supplier industry. As a result automotive companies will have to be more aggressive in their adoption of more automated production processes and through Automotive Investment Scheme capital investment will increase in both vehicle assemblers and component manufacturers. Component manufacturers indicated that they would invest more in the coming years under the APDP than previously while vehicle assemblers indicated that their investment levels will remain as before. While this is good for the industry, labour is somewhat left out of this: considering the APDP’s focus on increased volumes and capital investments automotive companies are not incentivised to make use of labour-absorbing production processes. The study also found that there is still a need for tariff protection and that the domestic industry would collapse in the face of global competition. The research found that the APDP was compliant with South Africa’s commitments to the World Trade Organisation. Finally, the Department of Trade and Industry’s goal of producing 1.2 million vehicles per annum by 2020 was revealed to be unrealistic and unreachable.
1104 |
Cezhraničná spolupráca ČR-SR v programovacom období 2007-2013 / Cross-border cooperation between Czech Rebulic and Slovakia during 2007-2013 programming period 2007-2013Vašák, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
As the time goes by, one former Czech-Slovak territory has separated, forming two independent republics and members of European union. Division of common territory by a border, however, cannot affect cultural and linguistic proximity, which can be clearly identified in cross-border regions. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the cooperation amongst six regions located near mutual border during 2007-2013 period. By the means of publicly available content, an analysis of allocation of financial resources from ERDF and national budgets is executed. The qualitative evaluation of cross-border cooperation projects is delivered by the proposal of matrix for territorial impact assessment. According to percentual fulfillment of given goals, impact on barrier effect reduction and selected projects analysis, the overall added value of cross-border cooperation between Czech and Slovak republic during 2007-2013 period is specified. Main findings are then a result of combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative indicators for the researched period.
1105 |
Realizace konkrétního projektu "posklizňová linka" v zemědělském podniku / Realization of concrete project "After-harvest line" in agricultural enterpriseTůma, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the possibilities how to receive a grant for renovation of agricultural enterprise from Rural development programme. The aim of this thesis was to describe and evaluate grant aided project and to point out problematic areas which could threaten grant receiving. Structure of this work is to provide not only generalized information but especially concrete information for grant receiving from Rural development programme.
1106 |
Integrovaný operační program: implementace a realizace / Integrated Operational Programme: implementation and realizationTunkrová, Věra January 2008 (has links)
This thesis offers a complex view on the Integrated Operational Programme from the point of view of its structure, focus, supported areas and also its implementation structure. Further it offers evaluation of actual situation of implementation and realization activities of this operational programme.
1107 |
Perspektivy rozvoje klastrů v ČR / Cluster development perspectives in Czech republicBřezinová, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to summarize the actual theoretical knowledge about clustering and cluster development and these findings consequently apply to czech business environment. The thesis analyses czech cluster policy and creates list of functional and developing clusters and cluster initiatives in Czech republic. The thesis sumarizes practical experience with cluster development in Czech republic - its successful projects and problems it has to face. As a conclusion this thesis brings evaluation of cluster concept in Czech republic, recommendations and alternatives for its future development.
1108 |
Podpora exportu ze strukturálních fondů Evropské Unie / Export support from the EU Structural FundsHynková, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The first chapter discusses the EU Regional policy. The second chapter deals with practical implementation of Structural Funds support in the Czech Republic. Chapter 3 sums up tools used to support export from EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic. Chapter 4 concentrates on recent state export support in the Czech Republic. The last chapter summarizes the results of my own research among aid beneficiaries from the Marketing programme.
1109 |
Changement de programme scolaire : changement de paradigme éducatif ? / Changing of program : changing of French education paradigms?- Comparative analysis of primary school programs of 2002 and 2008.Delhaye, Isabelle 14 February 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s’attache à identifier les paradigmes éducatifs caractérisant les programmes de l’école primaire de 2002 et de 2008, et, à travers eux, les projets politiques qui leur sont sous-jacents. Plus particulièrement, cette étude interroge la façon dont chacun de ces programmes tente de répondre au défi de la modernité démocratique. L’analyse est organisée sous l’angle de la cohérence systémique des trois pôles constitutifs de tout projet éducatif : le pôle des finalités, le pôle des appuis scientifiques, et celui des pratiques. Cette tentative de modélisation est étayée par les données recueillies à l’issue d’une lecture thématique des programmes développée à l’intérieur de chaque domaine ou discipline. Un premier chapitre est consacré aux modalités d’élaboration de ces deux programmes. Les quatre chapitres suivants sont consacrés à l’analyse, sur le mode comparatif, des différentes disciplines regroupées par démarche curriculaire. La façon d’aborder l’enseignement de chacune d’entre elles y est en effet modélisée, mais l’intention est également d’identifier, pour chacun des programmes, différentes modalités de cohérence dans le traitement de ces disciplines, et de les illustrer à l’aide de ces regroupements, lesquels ne sont pas les seuls possibles. L’ensemble de cette étude permet d’alimenter un sixième chapitre de synthèse consacré à la détermination des deux paradigmes éducatifs véhiculés par les programmes de 2002 et de 2008, et à la caractérisation de leur cohérence systémique, à la fois horizontale et verticale. Cette synthèse tente ainsi de mettre en exergue les contrastes entre ces deux paradigmes éducatifs relativement au critère du type d’individu qu’il s’agit de former. Cette réflexion sur les programmes de l’école primaire conduit à des implications curriculaires vis-à-vis des compétences professionnelles des enseignants qui sont, en retour, examinées. / This research endeavours to identify education paradigms which characterise French primary school programs of 2002 and 2008 and, through them, to look at the politics projects standing below these programs. Particularly, this study will examine the way in which each of these programs tries to answer the challenge of democratic modernity. This analysis is organized from the angle of systemic coherence of the three constitutive points standing at the basis of an education program : purposes, scientific support and practise. This attempt at establishing a pattern is backed up by the data collected at the conclusion of a thematic reading of the programs developed inside each field or discipline. The first chapter is devoted to the methods of development of these two programs. The four following chapters are devoted to the analysis, on the comparative mode, of the various disciplines gathered by curriculum approach. The way of approaching the teaching of each one of them is indeed modelled there, but the intention is also to identify, for each of the programs, various methods of coherence in the treatment of these disciplines and to illustrate them using these gatherings, which are not the only possible ones. The whole of this study makes it possible to give birth to a sixth chapter of synthesis devoted to the determination of the two educational paradigms conveyed by the programs of 2002 and 2008 and to the characterization of their systemic coherence, at the same time horizontal, from one discipline to another for each cycle, along with vertical, i.e. relative to a possible continuity between cycles, even between degrees of teaching. This synthesis also tries to put forward contrasts between these two educational paradigms, compared to the criterion of the type of individual who has to be formed. This reflection on the programs of the elementary school leads to curriculum implications vis-à-vis to the professional competences of the teachers, who are, in return, examined.
1110 |
Vzdělávání v komunitárních programech EU / Education in EU Community ProgrammesVavroušová, Darina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with education in Community Programmes. It focuses on Education Policy in EU and Lifelong Learning Programme which was concentrated on Education and Training in 2007 - 2014. Since 2014 the programme has a new form and a new name, Erasmus+. New programme connects six existing programs into a single framework which covers Education, Training, Youth and Sport. In the final part is presented the practical example of completing funding application form to support projects in the education area. The completed form can serve as a guide for future applicants.
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