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Tredimensionell händelse- och kartvisualisering / Three dimensional event- and map visualisationHenriksson Björklund, Maya, Josefsson, Filip, Kouznetsov, Daniel, Lindbom, Tony, Magnusson, Simon, Norgren, Viktor, Peterberg, Gustav, Zhao, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Följande rapport beskriver implementationen av projektet Smart City, ett system som visuellt representerar händelser i realtid i Linköping. Dessa händelser hämtades från öppna datakällor som exempelvis Polisen och SMHI. Händelserna representerades på en tredimensionell karta över staden. De visuella delarna av systemet utvecklades med hjälp Unreal Engine 4 och Cesium. Som databas användes PostgreSQL och en Flask-server användes för kommunikation mellan systemets moduler. Produkten var tänkt att ge användaren en tydlig överblick av de händelser som skett för att kunna ge en tydligare helhetsbild av staden, detta kunde tänkas användas av exempelvis intresserade privatpersoner, larmoperatör eller stadsplanerare. I slutändan riktade sig produkten mer till privatpersoner. En viktig del av produkten var att enkelt kunna lägga till informationskällor som användaren kan tänkas vilja ha. För att utveckla produkten användesen kombination av Scrum och Kanban. Resultatet blev en produkt som visualiserar ett basutbud av händelser i Unreal Engine 4. Projektet utfördes under kursen TDDD96 – kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling på Linköpingsuniversitet. En grupp på åtta medlemmar utvecklade en produkt som grundar sig i en marknadsundersökning. Utöver en rapport som beskriver Smart City hittas även åtta individuella rapporter som undersöker områden kring projektet.
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End User Programming and Perceiving the EnvironmentSINGH, GARIMA, Mohammadiliyas, Mohammad Umar January 2010 (has links)
<p>The current mobile technology is growing very fast, and it has already included many excellent features on mobile phones. Current mobile technology research mainly aims at fast execution and enriching mobile phone with more and more portable features.</p><p>This thesis aims at a thorough investigation of <strong>Android </strong>enabled mobile phone’s capabilities. Mobile devices today may utilize several types of sensors. These sensors may be used to sense the environment, in which, the device is situated, directly or indirectly. The main idea is to connect sensing with end‐user programming (EUP). We enumerate some challenges that will be addressed in this thesis. This thesis is exploratory, which implies that it contains a survey of available techniques, tools, and approaches particularly in the mobile device domain. In addition the thesis will also explore and identify the limits with focus on the Android platform.</p><p>Thesis Implementation languages are mainly Core Java, Android 2.1 programming language and XML. We have developed Sensors framework using Android API, which gives latest value of all possible sensors used in mobile phones, and notify end user programming about sensor value change. We have also developed ECA (Event Condition Action) framework, for end user programming to handle end user configuration changes.</p><p>The thesis research and implementation results helped us to find answers for various challenges on mobile phone domain. Few of them to mention are, gathering information about different kinds of sensors, how they can be used for sensing real time environment, how we can combine different sensing results to identify particular action, identifying framework and domain language for end user programming.</p>
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Web based sales management systemTarar, Shahid Iqbal January 2010 (has links)
<p>Paramount Salt Handicraft A wholesale Himalayan salt company was previously doing business in traditional way and was limited only to the local market. However from the start day management was planning to expand the business to more locations and to attract more customers. So to expand the business and to attract the international customers and customers from other cities of Sweden it was necessary to make it available over the internet so that customers can easily get knowledge about the company’s products and purchase them. So the need of an online web shop was realized to bring the company’s plan into reality. The online shop will be act as a medium of interaction between the customers and the company and it will enable the customers to buy products online and make payments electronically and after that the products will delivered to them. Throughout the process the customers can easily track the overall status of their orders.</p>
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A ticket to blockchainsIsaksson, Conny, Elmgren, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparing Scaling Benefits of Monolithic and Microservice Architectures Implemented in Java and GoWahlström, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Load time optimization of JavaScript web applicationsHuang, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Background. Websites are getting larger in size each year, the median size increased from 1479.6 kilobytes to 1699.0 kilobytes on the desktop and 1334.3 kilobytes to 1524.1 kilobytes on the mobile. There are several methods that can be used to decrease the size. In my experiment I use the methods tree shaking, code splitting, gzip, bundling, and minification. Objectives. I will investigate how using the methods separately affect the loading time and con- duct a survey targeted at participants that works as JavaScript developers in the field. Methods. I have used Vue for creating a website and ran Lighthouse tests against the website. All this within two Docker containers to make the reproducibility easier. Interviews with JavaScript developers were made to find out if they use these methods in their work. Results. The best result would be to use all of the methods; gzip, minification, tree shaking, code splitting, and bundling in a combination. If gzip is the only option available for the developer to use, we can see around 60% decrease in loading time. The inter- views showed that most developers did not use or did not know of tree shaking and code splitting. Some frameworks have these methods built in to work automatically, therefor the developers does not know that it is being utilized. Conclusions. Since tree shaking and code splitting are two relatively new techniques, there is not much scientific measured values available. From the results, we can give the conclusion that using all of the mentioned methods will give the best result in loading time. All of the methods will affect the loading time, and only using gzip will affect it with a 60% decrease.
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Web applications as a common tool : Template applications and guidelines for none software developersHolmersson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Personality traits and preference for media richness in the software engineering professionWinqvist, Mikael, Jolhammar, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Economics of Test Automation : Test case selection for automationLindholm, David January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis a method for selecting test cases for test automation is developed and evaluated. Existing methods from the literature has been reviewed and modified resulting in the proposed method, a decision tree containing 23 factors grouped into 8 decision points. The decision tree has been used and evaluated in an industrial setting. The economic benefits were calculated with return on investment and the organisational benefits were measured in a survey at a software producing company. The result was that automated tests, selected with the decision tree, provided economic benefits after 0.5 to 4 years, these tests were also found leading to 3 organisational benefits: less human effort when testing, reduction in cost and allowing for shorter release cycles.
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Requirements specification documents are one of the main sources of guidance in software engineering projects and they contribute to the definition of the final product and its attributes. They can often contain text, graphs, figures and diagrams. However, they are still mostly written in Natural Language (NL) in industry, which is also a convenient way of representing them. With the increase in the size of software projects in industrial systems, the requirements specification documents are often growing in size and complexity, that could result in requirements documents being not easy to analyze. There is a need to provide the stakeholders with a way of analyzing requirements in order to develop software projects more efficiently. In this thesis we investigate how the complexity of textual requirements can be measured in industrial systems. A set of requirements complexity measures was selected from the literature. These measures are adapted for application on real-world requirements specification documents. These measures are implemented in a tool called RCM and evaluated on requirements documentation provided by Bombardier Transportation AB. The statistical correlation between the selected measures was investigated based on a sample of data from the provided documentation. The statistical analysis has shown a significant correlation between a couple of selected measures. In addition, a focus group was performed with a goal of exploring the potential use of these metrics and the RCM tool in industrial systems as well as what different areas of potential improvement future research can investigate.
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