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Zhodnocení využitelnosti strukturálních fondů v malém podniku / Evaluation of the efficiency of the Structural Funds in small businessTrojanová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This essay focuses on a project funded by the EU, focusing on professional education of the staff. The project is implemented under the OP Prague - Adaptability, No.1 priority axis. The aim is to evaluate the work throughout the project, its benefits for both employees and the company itself. The work describes the whole project from the very idea of the implementation, through the selection of an appropriate subsidy program, writing the application, the supplier selection process, implementation and completion of the project, including its evaluation.
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Financování rozvoje lidských zdrojů z fondů EU / Financing of Human Resources Development from EU FundsBuljak, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is the project implementation with the help of European funds. The project is focused on supporting the education of the staff in a non-profit organization. Included in the thesis is the introduction of basic concepts of European Structure Funds, Operational Programs of Czech republic and the development of the project in a comprehensive and admissible form.
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Návrh projektu se zaměřením na financování z fondů EU / Project Design Focused on Financing from EU FundsBodorová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with project management from the perspective of financing from EU funds. In the first part there is described the theoretical background of project management and its specifics for projects financed from EU funds. In the second part there is elaborated a proposal of the project in a way that is in compliance with requirements for grant application from the EU fund.
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Vývoj aplikace s využitím agilních metod projektového managementu / Application Development Using Methods of Agile Project ManagementMatyščák, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the use of agile project management methods in the development of an application for support of recruitment process in a multinational IT company. The theoretical part contains description of agile methodology, Scrum method and description of concepts in project management. The following part contains analysis of the company and its needs. Main part contains design of project for the application development.
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Analýza projektů předložených v prioritní ose 1 Počáteční vzdělávání OP VK ve Středočeském kraji / The Analysis of projects application applied within Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region in the first priority axis - Initial educationBřezková, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of project application that may be financed from the European Social Fund for Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region. Education and educational institutions in the Czech Republic are addressed, but the paper is primarily focused on the problems in the European Policy of Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe Union. In the theoretic part the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness is also described. The main attention is on the first priority axis; initial education. The practical part concentrates on the education in Central Bohemia Region in comparison with its social, economic and demographic situation. The projects which were registered in Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in Central Bohemia Region are analyses in the first priority axis - Initial education in the period of 2007 - 2009
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Financování projektů ze Strukturálních fondů Evropské unie pro programové období 2007 - 2013 / Financcial support of the projects from the EU's Structural funds of the new programm period 2007 - 2013MALECHOVÁ, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the mapping project funding from the EU Structural Funds, particularly as funds are and what they contribute. The theoretical part is focused on the possibility of drawing funds from EU structural funds, which contribute to economic and social cohesion, reducing disparities between different regions. Diploma thesis is focused on various operational programs in particular to the Operational Program Industry and Enterprise (OPIE). The functional part of the diploma thesis contains a characteristic of G-PROJECT, Ltd., which is focused on assistance applicants submitting projects to European and other funds. Also contains a request type to help potential applicants to increase the success rate in submitting their project applications. Procedure type application was mapped on the project "Improving the competitiveness of the purchase and restructuring of production technologies" for the Operational Program Industry and Enterprise.
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Projekt na podporu cestovního ruchu financovaný z evropských fondů / Tourism Development Project Funding of EU FundsKolajová, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
The master´s thesis proposes a project financed from the EU funds. The proposal is focused on building an indoor swimming pool with wellness center in Kyjov. It analyses the current regional situation in Kyjovsko region and characterizes project´s usefulness and availability. This proposal follows the structure of formal project application. It emphasizes market, financial, economic and environmental views and assessments of the project.
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Regionální operační programy: realizace a případové studie / Regional operational programmes: realization and case studiesSvobodová, Zdena January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with evaluation of finances drawing in operational programmes, especially in regional ones, and provides also description of project documentation that is needed to get a subsidy from regional operational programme. The diploma paper comprises basic data about regional policy of the European Union and about implementation of this policy in the Czech Republic. The thesis carries on with the system of operational programmes in the Czech Republic, gives insight into regional operational programmes and analyses the state of finances drawing. Last part focuses on project preparing for getting a subsidy from structural funds, especially on feasibility study and project application.
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Analýza Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost se specifikací na vysokoškolské vzdělávání / Analysis of the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness at university educationLEJSKOVÁ, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the operational program Education for competitiveness due to its importance for high school. Show how a project application, what is the relevance and acceptability of a course project applications submitted. In conclusion, I focus on the success of university applicants and a brief assessment of whether there has been implementing projects in the area of ??support 2.2 Higher education to improve education at universities.
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Vliv fondů EU na rozvoj municipalit a venkovských oblastí ve Středočeském kraji / Influence of EU funds on the development of municipalities and rural areas in the Central Bohemian RegionSuchá, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the way in which municipalities receive funding from the European Union and assesses the impact of the funds on the municipal budget. Through the analysis of source materials, interviews with relevant officials, who process project applications and my own opinion, I have defined problems which the municipalities have to solve during the preparation and implementation of certain projects in the practical part of thesis. Small municipalities cannot effectively draw money from European funds due to the lack of human capital, low number of grant titles, red tape, small use of the principles of cooperation between the private and public sectors, and last but not least the need for pre-financing the projects. Grant recipient must participate roughly ten percent of the total cost in financing the project. Although this number may seem small, many municipalities must take the co-financing commercial loans, whose withdrawal is reflected mainly in the capital budget. Interest on loans burdens the municipal budget, the municipality debts and worsen financial health indicator of the municipality. However most projects would have not been realized without the help from European funds. Grants from the European Union significantly contribute to the development of the municipality.
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