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Léčivé rostliny: analýza učebnic přírodopisu a návrh projektu pro 2. stupeň ZŠ / Medicinal plants: analysis of biology textbooks and the project proposal for lower secondary schoolValčíková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis Medicinal plants: analysis of biology textbooks and the project proposal for lower secondary school is focused on project-based learning at lower secondary school on the subject of medicinal plants and on the analysis of biology textbooks in the context of the topic. The first part is devoted to the theoretical bases on the method of project-based learning and theory about medicinal plants. The theoretical part of the project-based learning involves the historical development of project-based learning and the current concept of project-based learning. The theoretical part devoted to medicinal plants presents a view of this issue, focusing on the basic active substances of plants and their harvesting, drying and storage. The following is part of the research, which includes quite an extensive analysis of biology textbooks on the subject of medicinal plants. This section presents a considerable part of the thesis and thus represents a valuable material for teachers who want to deal with medicinal plants in their classes. Another key part of this work is design and implementation of project-based learning on the subject of medicinal plants at the lower secondary school. This chapter is focused on the process of creation of the project "Plant treasures of our garden", which is designed by...
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Vlastivědný projekt: Cestování časem městem Aš / Time traveling through the town Aš : A history projectBabušíková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the history of the town Aš. The first historical part describes the history of the town since the first mentions to the present days. During the historical development of the region as well as the town itself the diploma thesis focuses mainly on the interesting or unusual events or the differences between the development of the Czech territory central region and the region of Aš. In this diploma thesis is also emphasised the historical development of the textile industry that was interwoven with this region. The didactic part depicts the topic connected with the educational area called Man and his world, specifically describes the thematic areas Place where we live and Man and Time. It also describes the connection between the historical education and project-based learning. The project Time traveling through the town Aš focuses on getting to know the region for the fourth graders. The pupils work with historical materials, meet the town's history and compare the historical and present situations. The project helps the pupils understand the particularity of the place they live in and helps them create a favourable relationship with the town. Key words: regional history, town Aš, textile industry, project-based learning
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Implementing and diffusing innovation at a Swedish construction company : The case of implementing the digital delivery containerStarradottir, Thrudur, Wullimann, Tom January 2019 (has links)
The construction industry is often perceived as conservative and slow to innovate. Previous studies have explanations for why this is the case and attempt to look further into why implementing and diffusing innovation in the construction industry is different, and somewhat more challenging than in other industries. Some point towards the fact that a construction project is somewhat a ‘temporary factory’, where the end product being produced is the factory itself. This creates challenges which other industries do not face, making it difficult to optimize construction projects. Furthermore, is the construction industry a multiorganizational industry, and activities are project based. That means that there are often multiple projects going on parallel, with multiple actors involved, making the industry complex. In this paper, we conduct a single case study on the implementation of a digital innovation at a large Swedish construction company. The company is a highly decentralized, project-based organization making the study about implementing innovation in such organizations. The results were analyzed using Rogers’ framework for the diffusion of innovation. We were able to identify four facilitating factors, along with one hindering factor, for our case of implementing an innovation at a decentralized project-based construction organization. The facilitators were: the innovation should to be somewhat simple to understand and use, the projects implementing the solution require extra resources to be willing to take the risk of implementing a new solution, the implementation needs driven individuals to keep the momentum of the solution going and push the solution through the complex organization, and finally is it helpful to use marketing internally at the organization to bring attention to the solution. Finally, the hinder identified was simply internal politics and the complicated organizational structure of the firm.
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DEVELOPING ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES IN PROJECT-BASED INTEGRATED SOLUTION : A Study of Servitization in Chinese Water Treatment IndustryShao, Hong Xiang January 2019 (has links)
Manufacturing firms seeking to create and extend competitive advantage are striving to include more services into their offerings. Meanwhile, there are research gaps such as how frontline service providers influence organizational dynamic capabilities and how organizational dynamic capabilities can be developed in servitization need to be systematically studied and explicitly explained. Although service is characterized by service providers applying own knowledge and skills for the benefits of customers, service providers are traditionally looked as pure decision takers. The influence of service providers upon organizational dynamic capabilities is habitually underestimated. Because solution is classified as the most common offering in servitization and project-based integrated solution is an essential category in solution the study launched in this thesis focuses on firms providing project-based integrated water treatment solutions. The attempt to fill identified research gaps is carried out in three steps by answering hereinafter questions: What roles the frontline service providers, project manager and team members, play in project-based integrated solution? How service providers can influence organizational dynamic capabilities in project-based integrated solution? What mechanisms service providers can leverage to develop dynamic capabilities in project-based integrated solution? This thesis builds on the intersection of dynamic capability and servitization literatures and is complemented by insights from project-based organization researches. Knowledge about the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities in project-based integrated solution is generated from literature review. Data on potential strategic roles of service providers, their influence on organizational capabilities, and mechanisms to develop capabilities are collected in semi-structured interviews. In this thesis, the strategic roles which project manager and team members play, and their respective influences upon organizational capabilities are differentiated. Meanwhile, data in relation with the service cocreators on customer side are also collected and analysed, and their influence on project performance is discussed. Overall, this study is qualitative in nature and the theory development follows a deductive in combination with inductive approach. This study generates at least four theoretical contributions: firstly, it classifies the roles frontline service providers could play; secondly, it deepens the understanding of the influence frontline service providers could have on organizational capabilities; thirdly, it explores the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities in servitization; and fourthly, it provides preliminary findings about the influence of service co-creators. This study also brings multiple managerial contributions for example providing insights for managers to reconsider firm organizational structure, decision-making processes, human resource and knowledge assets management in servitization. Additionally, this study suggests that there are applicable mechanisms for firms to develop capabilities in project-based integrated solution. Finally, this study emphasizes that, to improve project performance, managers should also put more efforts on developing service cocreators’ capabilities.
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Projetos didáticos em salas de alfabetização: desafios da transposição didática / Project based teaching in literacy grades: challenges for the didactic transpositionVidal, Elaine Cristina Rodrigues Gomes 07 April 2016 (has links)
Considerando-se os projetos didáticos propostos por Lerner como um recurso para se conciliarem propósitos didáticos e comunicativos em classes de alfabetização, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender como o trânsito entre conceber, planejar e executar subsidia os professores na construção de sua prática pedagógica de projetos didáticos. Partindo de uma concepção interacionista de aprendizagem, e dialógica de língua, sustentadas por referenciais teóricos como Piaget, Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Ferreiro e Lerner, e apoiando-se também na triangulação didática proposta por Chevallard, o estudo pautou-se em três eixos de investigação: o aluno e seus processos de aprendizagem, a língua como objeto de ensino e a didática dos professores. Cada um deles foi analisado em três instâncias: concepções, intencionalidades e práticas. Trata-se de um estudo de três casos, visando acompanhar o trabalho de professoras de 1º, 2º e 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Suas concepções, nos três eixos, foram aferidas através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. As intencionalidades foram inferidas a partir da análise documental dos planejamentos cedidos pelas docentes. A análise das práticas deu-se através de observações não participantes em sala de aula. Os dados foram analisados sob a óptica do paradigma do indiciário proposto por Ginzburg. Concluiu-se neste trabalho que o processo de construção de concepções docentes é híbrido e marcado por diferentes referências que circulam na esfera educacional, com diversos níveis de apropriação. Os dados coletados demonstraram que, além da concepção em que se fundam, diferentes elementos do contexto escolar interferem nas intencionalidades e planejamentos dos professores. A prática pedagógica, por sua vez, embora receba a influência das concepções e intencionalidades docentes, oscila em função de uma multiplicidade de fatores internos e externos. Com isso, a pesquisa demonstrou o processo de construção didática docente e trouxe novos elementos à reflexão sobre as abordagens de formação inicial e continuada dos professores. Além disso, evidenciou a necessidade de iniciativas que possam ampliar a produção de conhecimento didático e, ainda, promover a reflexão dos docentes sobre o próprio trabalho, em especial sobre as práticas de alfabetização e os projetos didáticos. / Considering Lerners concept of project-based teaching as a resource to conciliate didactic and communicative purposes in literacy grades, this research aims to understand how the transition between conceiving, planning and executing scaffolds project-based teaching and supports teachers practice. Taking a dialogic and interactionist perspective of the language, sustained by theoretical references as Piaget, Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Ferreiro and Lerner, as well as Chevallards didactic triangulation, this study explores three main paths: the student and his/her learning processes, the language as a teaching object and the teachers didactics. Each path was analysed in the following aspects: conceptualization, intentionality and praxis, aiming to consider the daily work of first, second and third grade teachers in Elementary School. Semistructured interviews were used to look into the teachers concepts. Intentionality was observed through the document analysis of the teachers planners. Non-participant class observation methods were used to analyse the teachers daily practice. All collected data was considered under the perspective of the evidential paradigm proposed by Ginzburg. This dissertation came to the conclusion that the process of building concepts performed by teachers is multiple, including various references regarding the educational environment as a whole. The material analysed has proved that different school contexts impact not only teachers planners, but also their intentionality. Hence, the pedagogical practice oscillates according to countless internal and external factors. This dissertation contributes to the reflection about these variables and brings new elements to approach initial and continuing training for teachers. Besides that, it hightlights the need for initiatives that may broaden the production of didactic knowledge and enhance the reflection on ones pedagogical practice, especially regarding literacy routines and project-based teaching.
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Aprendizagem baseada em projeto ágil para educação em programação de computadores no ensino superior brasileiro / Agile project-based learning to cope with the computer programming education at Brazilian higher educationGrotta, Alexandre 17 December 2018 (has links)
Para alunos de cursos superiores de Sistemas de Informação e afins, aprender a programar computadores é fundamental. No entanto, ensinar programação por meio de métodos tradicionais tem se tornado cada vez mais desafiante devido a fatores recentes, tais como transformações na maneira de aprender das novas gerações e o surgimento de novas máquinas computacionais. Neste contexto, a aprendizagem baseada em projeto possui potencial para beneficiar a educação em programação. Há especial relevância para a abordagem Ágil de projetos, por possuir destaque no mercado de trabalho e origem atrelada ao próprio desenvolvimento de softwares. Por outro lado, foram encontrados poucos estudos de relevância internacional relatando a utilização da aprendizagem baseada em projeto ágil (APjBL) no contexto do ensino superior brasileiro. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é analisar os benefícios de um método APjBL para os alunos de programação no ensino superior brasileiro quando comparado ao método tradicional de ensino, principalmente com relação a quatro benefícios de interesse desta pesquisa: o rendimento escolar, a motivação para aprender, a comunicação verbal e a exploração vocacional dos alunos. Nesta pesquisa empírica e de natureza aplicada, foi feita a opção pelo quase-experimento em um curso superior tecnológico de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas durante o primeiro semestre de 2018. A análise foi quali-quantitativa e os critérios de comparação foram os quatro benefícios mencionados. Como intervenção educacional APjBL, foi escolhido o método Agile Model for Projects in Computing Education (AMoPCE) e adaptado ao contexto. Participaram desta pesquisa 151 alunos e cinco professores, divididos em grupos de experimento e controle. Ao final do semestre, os alunos responderam a um questionário eletrônico sobre três benefícios: motivação para aprender, comunicação verbal e exploração vocacional. Foram coletadas as notas e as frequências dos alunos, além das percepções dos professores por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas. Dados históricos das disciplinas foram coletados para ajudar a explicar os fenômenos. Conclui-se que, no contexto geral da pesquisa, para a disciplina de conteúdo predominantemente procedural (prático), AMoPCE beneficiou a motivação extrínseca, a frequência escolar e a escuta ativa na comunicação. Para a disciplina altamente procedural, AMoPCE apresentou mais dois benefícios: motivação para aprender intrínseca e exploração vocacional intrínseca. Em suma, foi verificada uma hipótese de pesquisa, AMoPCE beneficia a motivação para aprender, na disciplina altamente procedural / To learn computer programming is an essential topic to undergraduate students at Information System and related higher education courses. However, teaching programming using traditional methods have become much more challenging due to recent reasons, like changes in the manner that the new generation is now prone to learn, and the arising of new programmable devices. The Project-Based Learn may offer potential benefits to the computer programming education, especially the Agile approach, given its origin at the software development process. And yet there were found a few relevant international studies regarding the Agile Project-Based Learn (APjBL) to cope with the computer programming education at Brazilian Information System higher education. The research leading objective was to analyze the main benefits of the APjBL teaching method when compared to the traditional teaching method, mainly the following four students benefits: academic performance, motivation to learn, verbal communication and vocational inquiry aspects. As the comparison criterion, we selected these four benefits through specific instruments adapted to this research. We also chose the Agile Model for Projects in Computing Education (AMoPCE) as the APjBL teaching method, which was originated from previous researches and that we adapted to this context. This research adopted an experimental approach via a quasi-experiment at the System Development and Analysis higher education course, during the first semester of 2018. A total of 151 students and five teachers participated in this research. By the end of the experiment, the students replied to an electronic questionnaire regarding three benefits: motivation to learn, verbal communication and vocational inquiry aspects. Five professors participated in an individual interview. Students grades and frequency and their historical data were also collected. As results, we found that for procedural (practical) content, AMoPCE presented at least the following benefits: extrinsic motivation, class frequency, and verbal communication via active listening. Even further, when the class is highly procedural, AMoPCE presents two benefits more: intrinsic motivation to learn and intrinsic vocational inquiry. In summary, the hypothesis that AMoPCE benefits the motivation was confirmed at highly procedural classes
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Aprendizagem ativa em um curso de Engenharia de Produção: percepções dos docentes e discentes e mudanças curricularesTurrioni, Ana Maria Silveira 10 February 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research was to identify how the use of active learning affects the students, the professors and the curriculum of a course of Industrial Engineering. The expansion of this area in Brazil, together with the evolution of digital information and communication technologies, leads to an increase in the complexity of teaching in this field, justifying the analysis of the consequences of using this approach. The proposed hypothesis is that the use of active learning affects the behavior of students and teachers generating a new curricular proposal.To analyze this phenomenon, I opted for Action Research, since I was able to observe it during the development of the research, actively participating in the actions. I collaborated in the planning of the Semester Project discipline, in the organization of internal dissemination events, in the training of professors and in the reflection on the achieved results.The data were collected through participant observations, questionnaire applied to the students, interviews with professors, personal insights and documentary analysis. The main results obtained were the strengthening of students' skills and abilities, professor training, university and business cooperation, the development of infrastructure for the use of active learning and professor participation in the construction of a curriculum for the Industrial Engineering course shaped for its social and cultural reality / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar como a utilização da aprendizagem ativa afeta os discentes, docentes e o currículo de um curso de Engenharia de Produção. A expansão desta área no Brasil, juntamente com a evolução das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, leva ao aumento da complexidade do ensino neste campo, justificando a análise das consequências do uso desta abordagem. A hipótese proposta é que o uso da aprendizagem ativa afeta o comportamento dos discentes e docentes gerando uma nova proposta curricular. Para analisar este fenômeno optei pela Pesquisa-ação, uma vez que pude observá-lo durante o desenvolvimento da pesquisa. Colaborei no planejamento da disciplina Projeto Semestral, na organização de eventos de divulgação interna, na formação dos docentes e na reflexão sobre os resultados alcançados. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário aplicado aos discentes, de entrevistas com os docentes, de observações pessoais e de análise documental. Os principais resultados obtidos foram o fortalecimento de competências e habilidades discentes, a capacitação docente, a cooperação entre a universidade e as empresas, o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura para o uso da aprendizagem ativa e a participação docente na construção de um currículo para o curso de engenharia de produção moldado para a sua realidade social e cultural
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Kunskapshantering i projektbaserade organisationer − Studie av en bransch karaktäriserad av tyst kunskap / Knowledge management in project-based organizations − A study of an industry charactarized by tacit knowledgeJarl, Amanda, Pålsson, Line January 2014 (has links)
Ur teori och empiri har det i studien framkommit att projektbaserade organisationer somerbjuder kundanpassade tjänster är karaktäriserade av tyst kunskap. Tyst kunskap innebär attkunskapen är baserad på personliga upplevelser och erfarenheter och kan förklaras som sakerman vet utan att man vet dem. Tysta kunskaper är därför svårare att hantera och ta tillvara pådå de till största del delas genom observation, imitation och informella möten. Det har ocksåframkommit att just organisationer av den angivna karaktären är i störst behov av att delakunskap och använda den som ett verktyg för att nå framgång.Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera projektorganisationer i form av serviceföretagsom specifikt säljer kundanpassade tjänster för att förstå, tolka och identifiera faktorer sommöjliggör eller försvårar kunskapshantering. För att kunna uppnå det har vi valt att undersökahur sådana organisationer arbetar med kunskapshantering idag och utifrån det dra slutsatserkring viktiga faktorer. I avsikt att göra det valde vi att använda oss utav tre styckenfallföretag. Ute på företagen intervjuade vi två stycken personer på varje företag med de olikabefattningarna VD, account manager och projektledare. Det gjorde vi för att få en bredare bildsom inte är begränsad till ett visst arbetsområde inom organisation. Eftersom att vi villeundersöka deras inställning och åsikter kring ett specifikt område valde vi att genomförasemistrukturerade intervjuer.Resultatet stämde i flera fall överens med teorin. Det bekräftades att företagen i allt för storutsträckning arbetar med en hantering av den explicita kunskapen, genom enkodifieringsstartegi, när de till största del borde satsa på att hantera den tysta via enpersonifieringsstrategi. Däremot visade resultatet till skillnad från teorin att respondenternavar positiva till kunskapshantering och hade en stor vilja att dela kunskap med varandra ochlära sig nya saker. Resultatet visade också att tiden är den faktor som till största del förhindrarett aktivt kunskapsarbete och att det därav borde ligga i organisationens intresse att tillgodosebehovet av tid.Slutsatsen blev att det finns två faktorer som är viktiga för organisationer av denna karaktär.Dessa är företagets ansträngning i form av tid och resurser och de anställdas inställning tillkunskapshantering. Det blev tydligt att dessa två faktorer är beroende av varandra och att detillsammans kan skapa goda förutsättningar för spridning av den tysta kunskapen.
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Educação Ambiental baseada em Projetos: Uma aplicação no Ensino Médio e Fundamental / Environmental Education and Project Based Learning: An Application in the High and Elementary SchoolRosa, Sandra Helena da Silva 25 October 2017 (has links)
Atualmente percebe-se que é necessário romper com os paradigmas do ensino tradicional, que muitas vezes vê o aluno como um receptor de informações. É preciso adotar novas práticas pedagógicas, que despertem o interesse de aprendizagem nos alunos. Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da (ABP) Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos, uma metodologia ativa de ensino aprendizagem, que estimula o desenvolvimento de competências e desafios, onde os alunos se envolvem com problemas reais da sociedade, buscando alternativas para o desenvolvimento de soluções. Alunos do Ensino Médio e Fundamental, de uma instituição pública de ensino, na cidade de Lorena/SP, são envolvidos na prática, buscando alternativas para o desenvolvimento de soluções. A aplicação da metodologia propôs a construção de uma solução para acabar com o desperdício de água, fazendo reuso desse recurso em ambiente escolar, integrando ao mesmo tempo em que o pesquisador, interage com os alunos. Desenvolvendo uma aprendizagem mais atraente e significativa. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o de Pesquisa- ação, que utilizou de questionários estruturados e roteiros de observação. Ao mesmo tempo em que o pesquisador, interage com os alunos. Os resultados demonstraram que, a aplicação da ABP no ensino relacionado às áreas do saber: Física, Geografia, História, Arte, Língua Portuguesa e Matemática, permitiu grande envolvimento dos alunos ao trabalharem em grupos, respeitando opiniões diversas, gerando maior estímulo à criatividade na resolução de problemas reais e demonstrando indícios de argumentação científica. Permitiu também que as sugestões dos alunos fossem recebidas pela escola como projetos reais de aplicação, colaborando na redução de desperdícios hídricos e no consumo sustentável da instituição. / Nowadays we realize that it is necessary to break with the paradigms of traditional education that see the student as a simple information receiver. It is necessary to adopt new pedagogical practices that arouse students\' interest in learning. This paper presents an application of Project-Based Learning (ABP), an active learning teaching methodology, which stimulates the development of competencies and challenges, where students engage with real problems of society, seeking alternatives for developing solutions. High School and Elementary students from a public educational institution in the city of Lorena / SP, are involved in the practice, seeking alternatives for the development of solutions. The application of the methodology proposed the construction of a solution to end the waste and the excessive consumption of water in school environment. Reusing this resource, integrating the common disciplines in the levels of education, trying to stimulate students to face challenges in different situations, developing a more attractive and meaningful learning. The research method used was the action research, which used structured questionnaires and observation scripts. At the same time the researcher interacts with the students. The results showed that the application of PBL in teaching related to the areas of knowledge: Physics, Geography, History, Art, Portuguese Language and Mathematics allowed students to be involved in working in groups, respecting diverse opinions, generating greater creativity in solving real problems and showing evidence of scientific argument. It also allowed the students\' suggestions to be received by the school as real implementation projects, collaborating in the reduction of water wastes and in the sustainable consumption of the institution.
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Contribuições da metodologia aprendizagem baseada em projetos para ensino de meteorologia no ensino fundamental / Contributions of the methodology project based learning for teaching meteorology in elementary educationAlmeida, Patrícia Gonçalves de 25 January 2018 (has links)
O profissional educador deve superar a exclusividade do uso do método tradicional de ensino, pois essa prática torna as aulas monótonas e os processos de ensino e aprendizagem desmotivantes e cansativos. Nessa premissa, o professor deve valerse de estratégias de ensino interativas e dinâmicas, que possibilitem uma aprendizagem mais prazerosa, despertando o interesse do aluno na busca pelo conhecimento. A metodologia de ensino Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos é uma alternativa que pode auxiliar o docente no alcance dos objetivos de aprendizagem, devido à motivação e envolvimento pessoal que propicia, por colocar o aluno como sujeito ativo no processo de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa analisou a eficácia do uso da metodologia Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos para ensino e aprendizagem de meteorologia em Ciências no ensino fundamental. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa teve abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Foi realizada coleta e análise de dados verbais, escritos e observados a partir das concepções de Lankshear e Knobel (2008) e Ludke e André (2015). Conjuntamente, foi usado o método da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011) para análise de testes realizados por meio de questionários. A coleta de dados foi embasada nas seguintes atividades elaboradas de acordo o método Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos, seguindo as orientações de Buck (2008): elaboração e apresentação de seminário, construção e operação de uma estação meteorológica com materiais alternativos, visita ao Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, exposição de equipamentos numa mostra de Ciências, criação de jogos de tabuleiro e elaboração de uma peça teatral. Tais atividades foram realizadas por alunos de uma turma do sétimo ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal no estado de São Paulo. Os resultados mostraram que o uso da metodologia Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos contribuiu para motivar os alunos, auxiliá-los na compreensão do conteúdo estudado e desenvolver competências transversais. / The professional educator must overcome the exclusivity of the use of the traditional method of teaching, since this practice makes the lessons monotonous and the processes of teaching and learning demotivating and tiring. In this premise, the teacher must use interactive and dynamic teaching strategies that allow a more pleasurable learning, arousing the student\'s interest in the search for knowledge. The methodology of teaching Project-Based Learning is an alternative that can help the teacher in the achievement of the learning objectives, due to the motivation and personal involvement that propitiates, by placing the student as an active subject in the learning process. This research analyzed the effectiveness of the use of the methodology Project-based Learning for teaching and learning of meteorology in Sciences in elementar education. The methodology used in the research had a qualitative and quantitative approach. We collected and analyzed verbal data, written and observed from the conceptions of Lankshear and Knobel (2008) and Ludke and André (2015). Together, the Bardin (2011) content analysis method was used to analyze tests performed through questionnaires. Data collection was based on the following activities developed according to the Project-Based Learning method, following the guidelines of Buck (2008): preparation and presentation of a seminar, construction and operation of a meteorological station with alternative materials, visit to the National Institute of Space Research, exhibition of equipment in a science show, creation of board games and elaboration of a play. These activities were carried out by students of a seventh grade class from a municipal school in the state of São Paulo. The results showed that the use of the Project-Based Learning methodology helped to motivate students, assist them in understanding the content studied and develop transversal competences.
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